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Bersamin Cases 2009 -2015

#1 Hence, this petition for certiorari under
Re: Good Shepherd Rule 65.
596 SCRA 401
Facts: Whether or not COMELEC committed
The administrator of Good Shepherd grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or
Foundation, Inc. (GSFI) sent a letter to the in excess of jurisdiction in the dismissal of the
Supreme Court asking that GSFI be exempted appeal and denial of the motion.
from paying docket fees and legal fees. GSFI
stated that since they are catering helping Held:
indigent persons, they should also be exempted No. The SC held in previous cases that
from paying the legal fees. “any claim of good faith, excusable negligence
or mistake in any failure to pay the
Issue: amount of filing fees in ELECTION CASES
Whether or not GSFI should be which may be filed after the promulgation of its
exempted. decisions is barred from being asserted.
Procedural rules are not to be
Held: belittled simply because their non-
No. The Constitution premised the observance may have resulted in the
free access clause on persons suffering prejudice to a party’s substantive rights.
poverty, a condition that may only be The payment of the full amount of docket
experienced by a natural person. fees within the period to appeal is a sine qua
non requirement for the perfection of an
Furthermore, the Rules of Court (Sec 21, appeal.
Rule 3 and Sec 19, Rule 141) is clear and The court may relax on its procedural
precise on its intent that only natural party rules only for the most persuasive reasons
litigant may be regarded as an indigent when the negligence is not commensurate to
litigant. the injustice suffered by the litigant.

x---------------------x NB:
#2 Motions for Reconsideration can only be
Duco vs Comelec acted upon by the COMELEC while sitting en
596 SCRA 572 banc, not on its Divisions.
Consequently, the en banc cannot decide
Facts: on matters brought before the commission. It
Duco won as a barangay chairman in the should be on its divisions.
barangay elections. His victory was challenged
by his opponent before the MCTC who ruled x--------------------------- x
against Duco. #3
Duco filed a notice of appeal and paid Suhuri vs Comelec
P1400 for the appeal fee. However, the First 602 SCRA 633
Division of COMELEC resolved to dismiss the
appeal due to non-perfection of the same as the Facts:
appeal fee was short of that prescribed the Petitioner was the losing mayoralty
COMELEC Rules of Procedure. candidate in the election in Patikul, Sulu. He
Duco filed an MR before the same body filed before the Municipal Board of Canvassers
but was denied due to his failure to pay the an election protest, praying for the exclusion of
necessary motion fees as required the 25 election returns asserting that the returns
(1) obviously manufactured;
Law Students Help Group Philippines
J. Bersamin Cases 2009 -2015
(2) tampered with or falsified; by the petitioner therein did not necessarily
(3) prepared under duress; and affect the authenticity and genuineness of the
(4) characterized by statistical subject election returns as to warrant their
improbability. exclusion from the canvassing, being but
The MBC, however, ruled to dismiss the defects in form insufficient to support the
petition and declared petitioner’s opponent as conclusion that these had been tampered with
the winning candidate. or spurious.
Petitioner filed a petition-appeal before The Doctrine of Statistical
the Comelec, praying that the proclamation of Improbability exists when the results
the winning candidate be declared null and showing the election returns are
void due to existence of a pre-proclamation “contrary to all statistical probabilities”
controversy. The petition was assigned to 2nd and is applied only where the unique
Division who ruled in his favor, and overturned uniformity of tally of all the votes cast in favor
the decision of the MBC. of all the candidates belonging to one party
His opponent moved to reconsider the and the systematic blanking of all the
decision, but since the required majority vote candidates of all the opposing parties appear
was not attained, it was forwarded to the in the election returns.
Comelec en banc. The latter resolved to
overturn the decision of the 2nd Division and x------------------------------------------x
reinstated the earlier pronouncement of the #4
MBC. Apo Fruits vs CA
Hence, the petition. 607 SCRA 200

Issue: Facts:
Whether or not the Comelec committed Petitioners are registered owners of 5
GAD for holding that there exists no pre- parcels of land which they voluntarily offered
proclamation controversy. to sell to the government. After initial
processing at the Department of Agrarian
Held: Reform, it was referred to Land Bank for
No. A pre-proclamation controversy initial valuation.
according to Sec 1, Art XX of the Omnibus The petitioners considered the
Election Code, refers to: valuation, as per notice received from the DAR
“xxx any question pertaining to or Provincial Agrarian Reform Officer (PARO), to
affecting the proceedings of the board be unreasonably low and inadequate as just
of canvassers with may be raised by compensation for the properties. However, the
any candidate or by any registered DAR requested LBP to deposit the amount of
political party or coalition of parties their valuation in the names of the petitioners.
before the board or directly with the Thereafter, the petitioners withdrew parts of
Commission [on elections], or any the deposits in cash. Subsequently, the DAR
matter raised under Secs 233 – 236 in PARO directed the Register of Deeds to cancel
relation to the preparation, the titles of the properties and issue a new one
transmission, receipt, custody and in the name of the Republic of the Philippines.
appreciation of the election returns.” The petitioners filed separate
complaints before the DAR Adjudication Board
The defects cited by the petitioner were (DARAB) for the determination of just
mere irregularities or formal defects that did compensation. However, due to inaction of the
not warrant the exclusion of the affected DARAB for more than three years, the
election returns. The court, citing Baterina vs petitioners elevated the matters to the RTC
Comelec, held that the grounds for exclusion of sitting as Special Agrarian Court, which were
election returns from the canvassing as raised then consolidated.
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J. Bersamin Cases 2009 -2015
The trial court appointed, as 4. There must be between the first and
Commissioners, persons it considered fit for second action identity of the parties,
the proper valuation of the properties. After subject matter, and cause of action.
the Commissioners conducted ocular The appeal filed by DAR was dismissed,
inspection on the properties, the RTC rendered not on the merits but, due to technicalities as it
its decision. LBP moved to reconsider which is not the proper mode of appeal. It must be by
was given due course. way of petition for review, not by way of
Unsatisfied with the modifications on ordinary appeal.
the judgment of the RTC after the MR, LBP
filed before the CA a petition for review on 2. Just Compensation
certiorari. The CA ruled to nullify and set No. The concept of just compensation
aside the decision of the RTC. embraces not only the correct determination of
Prior to the petition, however, DAR filed the amount to be paid to the owners of the land,
its own separate appeal before the CA but was but also the payment of the land within
dismissed on the ground that it was not the reasonable time from its taking.
proper mode of appeal. Furthermore, the Without prompt payment, compensation
material dates were not included in the appeal cannot be considered "just" inasmuch as the
and so with the material portions of the record property owner is being made to suffer the
which would support the allegations in the consequences of being immediately deprived of
petition. This decision reached its finality and his land while being made to wait for a decade
entry of judgment was entered. or more before actually receiving the amount
In this petition for certiorari, the necessary to cope with his loss.
petitioners assail the decision of the CA in the Just compensation is defined as the full
petition filed by the LBP, to wit: and fair equivalent of the property taken from
1. That LBP is bound by the decision of its owner by the expropriator. It has been
the CA in the appeal filed by the repeatedly stressed by the Court that the
DAR; measure is not the taker's gain but the owner's
2. That the LBP is barred by res loss. The word "just" is used to intensify the
judicata after the decision of the CA meaning of the word "compensation" to convey
reached its finality the idea that the equivalent to be rendered for
the property to be taken shall be real,
Issues: substantial, full, and ample.
Whether or not the LBP is barred by res
judicata x-------------------------------------------x
Whether or not the petitioners were #5
afforded just compensation De Castro vs JBC
615 SCRA 666
1. Res Judicata Facts:
No. For the doctrine of res judicata to CJ Puno will reach the compulsory age of
apply, the following elements must be present: retirement on May 17, 2010. As a result, the
1. The former judgment must be final; JBC opened the position of CJ for application or
2. The court which rendered the recommendation, and published for that
judgment must have jurisdiction purpose its announcement dated January 20,
over the parties and the subject 2010.
matter; The petitioners assail the
3. It must be a judgment based on constitutionality of the shortlisting as it runs
merits. counter to the constitutional prohibition on
midnight appointments (Sec 15 of Art VII).

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J. Bersamin Cases 2009 -2015
The JBC in their comment said that they sufficient to afford a basis for bringing a
have yet to submit the shortlist to the President challenge, provided that the Court has
in light of the provisions of Art VIII, Sec 4 (1), sufficient facts before it to enable it to
which provides that vacancies in the Supreme intelligently adjudicate the issues.
Court shall be filled within 90 days from the
occurrence thereof and the provision on 3. Prohibition on midnight
midnight appointments earlier mentioned. appointments.
The OSG contends that the incumbent No. The prohibition against presidential
President may appoint the next CJ, because the appointments under Sec 15, Article VII does not
prohibition under Art VII, Sec 15 does not apply extend to appointments in the judiciary.
to appointments in the Supreme Court. Had the framers (of the Constitution)
Some intervenors further contend that intended to include the members of the
the petitions do not have justiciable judiciary in the prohibition, they could have
controversy. explicitly done so. They could not have ignored
Hence, the consolidated petitions. the meticulous ordering of the provisions.

Issues: Additional doctrine:

1. Whether or not the petitioners have locus Mandamus – Mandamus shall issue
standi. when any tribunal, corporation, board, officer,
2. Whether or not there is justiciable or person unlawfully neglects the performance
controversy. of an act that the law specifically enjoins as a
3. Whether or not the prohibition on midnight duty resulting from an office, trust, or station.
appointments covers appointments in the Requisites: (MNLDR)
Supreme Court or other appointments to 1. The plaintiff has a clear legal
the Judiciary. right to the act demanded;
2. It must be the duty of the
Held: defendant to perform the act,
1. Locus Standi because it is mandated by the law;
Yes. Locus Standi is defined as a 3. The defendant unlawfully
right of appearance in a court of justice on neglects the performance of the
a given question. A person who would assail duty enjoined by law;
the validity of a statute must have a personal 4. The act to be performed is
and substantial interest in the case such that ministerial, not discretionary;
he has sustained, or will sustain direct injury and
as a result. 5. There is no appeal or any other
The Court has held, however, that the plain, speedy and adequate
requirement of locus standi, being a mere remedy in the ordinary course of
procedural technicality, can be waived the the law.
Court in the exercise of its discretion. The
Court may liberalize the approach on x------------------------------------------------x
when the cases had transcendental #7
importance. DE CASTRO vs JBC
618 SCRA 639
2. Justiciability
Yes. There is no need to wait for the
occurrence of the vacancy in order for the Facts:
principal issue to ripe for judicial This is a Motion for
determination by the Court. A reasonable Reconsideration on the March 17, 2010
certainty of occurrence of the perceived decision of the Court. The said decision
threat to a constitutional interest is
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J. Bersamin Cases 2009 -2015
directs the Judicial and Bar Council to next presidential elections and up to the
resume its proceedings for the end of the term of the outgoing president
nomination of candidates to fill the does not apply to vacancies in the
vacancy created by the compulsory Supreme Court.
retirement of Chief Justice Reynato S.
Puno by May 17, 2010, and to prepare x----------------------------------------x
the short list of nominees and submit it
Gomez-Castillo v. Comelec
to the incumbent President. Movants
621 SCRA 499
argue that the disputed constitutional
provision, Art. VII, Sec. 15 and Art. VIII,
The Rules of Court does not define
Sec. 4(1), clearly intended the ban on
jurisdictional boundaries of the courts.
midnight appointments to cover the
In promulgating the Rules of Court, the
members of the Judiciary, and they
Supreme Court is circumscribed by the
contended that the principle of stare
zone properly denominated as the
decisis is controlling, and insisted that
promulgation of rules concerning
the Court erred in disobeying or
pleading, practice, and procedure in all
abandoning the Valenzuela ruling.
courts; consequently, the Rules of Court
can only determine the means, ways or
manner in which said jurisdiction, as
Did the Constitutional
fixed by the Constitution and acts of
Commission extend to the Judiciary the
Congress, shall be exercised. The Rules
ban on presidential appointments
of Court yields to the substantive law in
during the period stated in Sec. 15,
determining jurisdiction. The
Article VII?
jurisdiction over election contests
involving elective municipal officials has
been vested in the RTC by Section 251,
The Constitutional Commission
Batas Pambansa Blg. 881 (Omnibus
did not extend to the Judiciary the ban
Election Code). On the other hand, A.M.
on presidential appointments during the
No. 07-4-15-SC, by specifying the proper
period stated in Sec. 15, Art. VII. The
venue where such cases may be filed and
deliberations that the dissent of Justice
heard, only spelled out the manner by
Carpio Morales quoted from the records
which an RTC with jurisdiction
of the Constitutional Commission did
exercises such jurisdiction. Like other
not concern either Sec. 15, Art. VII or
rules on venue, A.M. No. 07-4-15-SC was
Sec. 4(1), Art. VIII, but only Sec. 13, Art.
designed to ensure a just and orderly
VII, a provision on nepotism.
administration of justice, and is
Election ban on appointments does
permissive, because it was enacted to
not extend to the Supreme Court. The
ensure the exclusive and speedy
Court upheld its March 17, 2010
disposition of election protests and
decision ruling that the prohibition
petitions for quo warranto involving
under Art. VII, Sec. 15 of the
elective municipal officials.
Constitution against presidential
appointments immediately before the
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J. Bersamin Cases 2009 -2015
Castillo’s filing her protest in the Did the court of appeals err in dismissing
RTC in Bacoor, Cavite amounted only to the petition based on alleged technicality?

a wrong choice of venue. Hence, the

dismissal of the protest by Branch 19 YES. A permanent appointment
constituted plain error, considering that implies the holding of a civil service
her wrong choice did not affect the eligibility on the part of the appointee,
jurisdiction of the RTC. What Branch 19 unless the position involved requires no
should have done under the such eligibility. Where the appointee does
not possess a civil service eligibility, the
circumstances was to transfer the
appointment is considered temporary. The
protest to Branch 22 of the RTC in Imus, subsequent acquisition of the required
Cavite, which was the proper venue. eligibility will not make the temporary
Such transfer was proper, whether she appointment regular or permanent; a new
as the protestant sought it or not, given appointment is needed. Accordingly, any
that the determination of the will of the temporary employee who has served for the
required duration of seven years must first be
electorate of Bacoor, Cavite according to
found by the CSC to continuously possess the
the process set forth by law was of the minimum qualifications for holding the
highest concern of our institutions, position, except the required eligibility, before
particularly of the courts. he or she may be granted civil service
eligibility. Among the minimum qualifications
x------------------------------------------------x is the continuous observance of the Code of
Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public
#10 Officials and Employees
Maniebo vs CA The petitioner failed to comply with this
627 SCRA 569 necessary minimum qualification. She thrived
on her having misled the Government into
FACTS: believing that she had possessed the requisite
Justina M. Maniebo was issued a civil service eligibility for the various positions
promotional appointment as Cashier III in the she had successively held in her 20 years of
Office of the Municipal Treasurer, Municipality service. In the first place, she would not have
of Puerto Galera, Oriental Mindoro because she been appointed in a permanent or temporary
appeared to possess the qualifications for the capacity, had the CSC sooner discovered her
position. But when the CSC Regional Office No. dishonesty. R.A. No. 6850 was never meant to
IV verified her name against the Master list cure an appointment void from the very
Eligibles, she was found out to have actually beginning for being based on a false
failed in the examination for obtaining a rating representation of eligibility, like that of the
of only 60%. She was then charged with petitioner. A contrary construction of the
possessing of spurious report of rating, statute will, in effect, reward dishonesty.
falsification, grave misconduct and dishonesty
after having indicated in her Personal Data 2. NO. The CA did not commit any error,
Sheet that she had passed the CSC least of all a reversible one. Its dismissal was
(professional) examination with a rating of founded on the correct application of the
74.01%. applicable rule. Indeed, Section 6, Rule 43 of
the Rules of Court clearly requires the petition
ISSUES: for review to be accompanied by a clearly legible
Was the CSC correct in imposing the duplicate original or a certified true copy of the
penalty of dismissal in view of the award, judgment, final order or resolution
circumstances obtaining in the case appealed from, together with certified true
Law Students Help Group Philippines
J. Bersamin Cases 2009 -2015
copies of such material portions of the record Ponferrada), who composed the Fourth Division
referred to therein and other supporting of the Sandiganbayan (Fourth Division), with
papers. The requirement is intended to Justice Ong as Chairman, at the time material
immediately enable the CA to determine to the complaint, with (1) grave misconduct,
whether to give due course to the appeal or not conduct unbecoming a Justice, and conduct
by having all the material necessary to make grossly prejudicial to the interest of the service;
such determination before it. This is because an (2) falsification of public documents; (3)
appeal under Rule 43 is a discretionary mode of improprieties in the hearing of cases; and (4)
appeal, which the manifest partiality and gross ignorance of the
CA may either dismiss if it finds the law.[1]
petition to be patently without merit, or This decision is limited to the
prosecuted manifestly for delay, or that the determination of the administrative culpability
questions raised therein are too unsubstantial of the respondent Justices, and does not extend
to require consideration; or may process by to the ascertainment of whatever might be the
requiring the respondent to file a comment on effects of any irregularity they committed as
the petition, not a motion to dismiss, within members of the Fourth Division on the trial
10days from notice. proceedings. This clarification stresses that the
The petitioner was not entitled to a proceedings, if procedurally infirm, resulted
liberal construction of the rules of procedure. from the acts of the Sandiganbayan as a
The petitioner repeatedly disregarded the rules collegial body, not from their acts as individual
too many times to merit any tolerance by the Justices. The remedy against any procedural
Court, thereby exhibiting a deplorable infirmity is not administrative but judicial.
tendency to trivialize the rules of procedure.
Yet, such rules were not to be belittled or Details of the Charges
dismissed simply because their non-observance A. Grave Misconduct, Conduct Grossly
might have resulted in prejudicing a party’s Prejudicial to the Interest of the Service, and
substantive rights. The bare invocation of Falsification of Public Documents
substantial justice was not a magic wand that Under Section 1, Rule IV of the Revised
would compel the suspension of the rules of Internal Rules of the Sandiganbayan, cases
procedure. Of necessity, the reviewing court originating from Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao
had also to assess whether the appeal was shall be heard in the region of origin, except
substantially meritorious on its face, or not, for only when the greater convenience of the
only after such finding could the review court parties and of the witnesses or other compelling
ease the often stringent rules of procedure. considerations require the contrary.[2] Thus,
Otherwise, the rules of procedure would be for the period from April 24 to April 28, 2006,
reduced to mere trifles. the Fourth Division scheduled sessions for the
x--------------------------------------x trial of several cases in the Hall of Justice in
#11 Davao City.
Jamsani - Rodriguez vs Ong Prior to the scheduled sessions, or on
628 SCRA 626 April 17, 2006, the complainant sent a
memorandum to Special Prosecutor Dennis M.
Facts: Villa-Ignacio (Special Prosecutor Villa-Ignacio)
Rohermia J. Jamsani-Rodriguez, an to invite his attention to the irregular
Assistant Special Prosecutor III in the Office of arrangement being adopted by the Fourth
the Special Prosecutor, Office of the Division in conducting its provincial hearings.
Ombudsman initiated this administrative The Fourth Division did not sit as a collegial
matter by filing an affidavit-complaint to body. Instead, Justice Ong heard cases by
charge Sandiganbayan Justices Gregory S. Ong himself, while Justice Hernandez and Justice
(Justice Ong); Jose R. Hernandez (Justice Ponferrada heard the other cases together.
Hernandez); and Rodolfo A. Ponferrada (Justice Complying with Special Prosecutor Villa-
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J. Bersamin Cases 2009 -2015
Ignacios instructions, the complainant objected Section 3 of PD 1606,[21] the law establishing
to the arrangement, but her objections were the Sandiganbayan, provides:
brushed aside.[5]
Section 3. Division of the Courts; Quorum. - The
B. Improprieties During Hearings Sandiganbayan shall sit in three divisions of
Amounting to Gross Abuse of Judicial three Justices each. The three divisions may sit
Authority and Grave Misconduct at the same time.
Allegedly, Justice Ong and Justice
Hernandez made the following intemperate Implementing rule is Section 3, Rule II of the
and discriminatory utterances during hearings. Revised Internal Rules of the Sandiganbayan,
C. Justices Ong, Hernandez, and
Ponferradas Gross Ignorance of the Law Section 3. Constitution of the Divisions. - The
Amounting to Manifest Partiality for Sandiganbayan shall sit in five (5) Divisions of
Dismissing Criminal Case No. 25801, Entitled three (3) Justices each, including the Presiding
People v. Puno, upon a Demurrer to Evidence Justice. The five (5) Divisions may sit
In imputing manifest partiality to separately at the same time. Each of the five (5)
respondent Justices, the complainant cited the most senior Associate Justices including the
Fourth Divisions resolution granting accused Presiding Justice, shall be the Chairman of a
Ronaldo V. Punos demurrer to evidence in Division; each of the five (5) Associate Justices
Criminal Case No. 25801, and dismissing the next in rank shall be the Senior Member of a
case upon a finding that the assailed contracts Division; and each of the last five (5) Associate
had never been perfected,[14] which finding Justices shall be the Junior Member of a
was contrary to the evidence of the Prosecution. Division.
The complainant insisted that the
conclusion that the assailed contracts had B. Unbecoming Conduct of Justice Ong and
never been perfected was based on a National Justice Hernandez
Police Commission (NAPOLCOM) resolution,
which the Fourth Division appreciated in the no evidence supported the complainants charge
guise of taking judicial notice. She contended that Justice Ong and Justice Hernandez had
that taking judicial notice of the NAPOLCOM uttered the improper and intemperate
resolution upon a demurrer to evidence was statements attributed to them.
highly erroneous, and constituted gross
ignorance of the law. A review of the transcripts of the stenographic
notes for the hearings in which the offensive
The Court partly adopts the findings and statements were supposedly uttered by them
recommendations of the Court Administrator. has failed to substantiate the complainants
charge. In the absence of a clear showing to the
A. Respondents Violation of the provisions contrary, the Court must accept such
of PD 1606 and Revised Internal Rules of the transcripts as the faithful and true record of the
Sandiganbayan proceedings, because they bear the certification
Respondent Justices contend that they of correctness executed by the stenographers
preserved the collegiality of the Fourth Division who had prepared them.
despite their having separately conducted
hearings, considering that the three of them Indeed, Section 6, Canon 6 of the New Code of
were in the same venue and were acting within Judicial Conduct for the Philippine Judiciary
hearing and communicating distance of one clearly enjoins that:
The contention is not well-taken. Section 6. Judges shall maintain order and
decorum in all proceedings before the court and
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J. Bersamin Cases 2009 -2015
be patient, dignified and courteous in relation B. If the respondent is guilty of a less serious
to litigants, witnesses, lawyers and others with charge, any of the following sanctions shall be
whom the judge deals in an official capacity. imposed:
Judges shall require similar conduct of legal
representatives, court staff and others subject 1. Suspension from office without salary and
to their influence, direction or control. other benefits for not less than one (1) nor more
than three (3) months; or
C. Respondent Justices Not Guilty of
Manifest Partiality 2. A fine of more than P10,000.00 but not
The charge of manifest partiality for issuing the exceeding P 20,000.00.
resolution granting the demurrer to evidence of xxx xxx xxx
the accused in Criminal Case No. 25801 is
dismissed. As already mentioned, this Court On the other hand, unbecoming conduct is a
upheld the assailed resolution on June 5, 2006 light charge under Section 10, Rule 140 of the
in G. R. No. 171116 by declaring the petition of Rules of Court, thus:
the Office of the Special Prosecutor assailing
such dismissal to have failed to sufficiently Section 10. Light Charges. Light charges
show that the Sandiganbayan had committed include:
any reversible error in the questioned judgment
to warrant the exercise by this Court of its 1. Vulgar and unbecoming conduct;
discretionary appellate jurisdiction. xxx xxx xxx

At any rate, it is worth stressing that a judge and is punishable under Section 11(C), Rule
will be held administratively liable for 140 of the Rules of Court by a fine of not less
rendering an unjust judgment only if he acts than P1,000.00, but not exceeding P10,000.00;
with bad faith, malice, revenge, or some other and/or censure, reprimand, or admonition with
similar motive.[32] warning.

D. Penalties x------------------------------x
Section 9, Rule 140 of the Rules of Court, as People vs Bunay
amended by A.M. No. 01-8-10 SC, classifies the 630 SCRA 445,
offense of simple misconduct as a less serious
charge, viz: Facts:
The Regional Trial Court (RTC), Branch
26, in Luna, Apayao tried and found the
Section 9. Less Serious Charges. Less serious accused guilty of qualified rape. the accused
charges include: was committed to the New Bilibid Prison in
xxx xxx xxx Muntinlupa City. The conviction was brought
7. Simple Misconduct. for automatic review, but the Court transferred
the case to the CA for intermediate review.
Section 11, Rule 140 of the Rules of Court The Court of Appeals (CA) affirmed the
alternatively prescribes the sanctions on judges conviction of the accused for qualified rape in
and justices guilty of a less serious charge, as Following the CAs denial of his motion for
follows: reconsideration, the accused now appeals to the
Court. The Court received the letter advising
Section 11. Sanctions. xxx that the accused had died on March 25, 2010 at
xxx xxx xxx the New Bilibid Prison Hospital in Muntinlupa

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J. Bersamin Cases 2009 -2015
Issue: In the Decision dated November 18,
Whether or not the death of the accused 2008, the Court En Banc, by a 6-5 vote, granted
extinguishes his criminal liability. the petitions and struck down the Cityhood
Laws as unconstitutional for violating Sections
Held: 10 and 6, Article X, and the equal protection
Under the foregoing circumstances, the clause.
death of the accused during the pendency of his In another Decision dated December 21,
appeal in this Court totally extinguished his 2009, the Court En Banc, by a vote of 6-4,
criminal liability. Such extinction is based on declared the Cityhood Laws as constitutional.
Article 89 of the Revised Penal Code, which On August 24, 2010, the Court En Banc,
pertinently provides: through a Resolution, by a vote of 7-6, resolved
the Ad Cautelam Motion for Reconsideration
Article 89. How criminal liability is and Motion to Annul the Decision of December
totally extinguished. Criminal liability is 21, 2009.
totally extinguished:
1. By the death of the convict, as to the 1 Whether or not the Cityhood Bills violate
personal penalties; and as to pecuniary Article X, Section 10 of the Constitution.
penalties, liability therefor is extinguished only 2 Whether or not the Cityhood Bills violate
when the death of the offender occurs before Article X, Section 6 and the equal protection
final judgment. xxx clause of the Constitution.

The death of the accused likewise HELD:

extinguished the civil liability that was based
exclusively on the crime for which the accused The petition is meritorious.
was convicted (i.e., ex delicto), because no final CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: Cityhood Laws
judgment of conviction was yet rendered by the
time of his death. Only civil liability predicated First issue:
on a source of obligation other than the delict The enactment of the Cityhood Laws is
survived the death of the accused, which the an exercise by Congress of its legislative power.
offended party can recover by means of a Legislative power is the authority, under the
separate civil action. Constitution, to make laws, and to alter and
repeal them. The Constitution, as the
x--------------------------------------x expression of the will of the people in their
#13 original, sovereign, and unlimited capacity, has
LCP vs. COMELEC, vested this power in the Congress of the
643 SCRA 150 Philippines.
The LGC is a creation of Congress
FACTS: through its law-making powers. Congress has
These cases were initiated by the the power to alter or modify it as it did when it
consolidated petitions for prohibition filed by enacted R.A. No. 9009. Such power of
the League of Cities of the Philippines (LCP), amendment of laws was again exercised when
City of Iloilo, City of Calbayog, and Jerry P. Congress enacted the Cityhood Laws. When
Treñas, assailing the constitutionality of the Congress enacted the LGC in 1991, it provided
sixteen (16) laws, each converting the for quantifiable indicators of economic viability
municipality covered thereby into a component for the creation of local government units—
city (Cityhood Laws), and seeking to enjoin the income, population, and land area.
Commission on Elections (COMELEC) from However, Congress deemed it wiser to
conducting plebiscites pursuant to the subject exempt respondent municipalities from such a
laws. belatedly imposed modified income
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J. Bersamin Cases 2009 -2015
requirement in order to uphold its higher Held:
calling of putting flesh and blood to the very It is a canon under the Constitution that
intent and thrust of the LGC, which is a public office is a public trust. This canon
countryside development and autonomy, includes the mandate for the observance of
especially accounting for these municipalities prescribed office hours and the efficient use of
as engines for economic growth in their every moment of such hours for the public
respective provinces. service, because only thereby may the public
R.A. No. 9009 amended the LGC. But servants recompense the Government and the
the Cityhood Laws amended R.A. No. 9009 people for shouldering the costs of maintaining
through the exemption clauses found therein. the Judiciary. Accordingly, court officials and
Since the Cityhood Laws explicitly exempted employees must at all times strictly observe
the concerned municipalities from the official hours to inspire the public’s respect for
amendatory R.A. No. 9009, such Cityhood Laws the justice system.
are, therefore, also amendments to the LGC The exacting standards of ethics and
itself. morality imposed upon court officials and
employees reflect the premium placed on the
Second Issue: image of the courts of justice. That image is
Substantial distinction lies in the necessarily mirrored in the conduct, official or
capacity and viability of respondent otherwise, of the men and women who work in
municipalities to become component cities of the Judiciary. It thus becomes the imperative
their respective provinces. Congress, by duty of everyone involved in the dispensation of
enacting the Cityhood Laws, recognized this justice, from the judge to the lowliest clerk, to
capacity and viability of respondent maintain the courts’ good name and standing as
municipalities to become the State’s partners in true temples of justice.
accelerating economic growth and development Worthy of stress is that the nature and
in the provincial regions, which is the very functions of the employment of the officials and
thrust of the LGC, manifested by the pendency employees of the Judiciary require them to be
of their cityhood bills during the 11th Congress role models in the faithful observance of the
and their relentless pursuit for cityhood up to constitutional canon that public office is a
the present. public trust. They are always accountable to the
people, whom they must serve with utmost
X-----------------------------------------X responsibility, integrity, loyalty, and efficiency.
#14 They can surely inspire public respect for the
RE: HABITUAL TARDINESS justice system by strictly observing official
645 SCRA 309 time, among others. Absenteeism and tardiness
Facts: are, therefore, impermissible.
This administrative matter emanated
from the reports dated June 16, 2010 and June x--------------------------------------------------x
17, 2010 made by the Leave Division under the #15
Office of Administrative Services (OAS) to the Jamsani - Rodriguez vs Ong
Complaints and Investigation Division, also 648 SCRA 1
under the OAS, to the effect that the concerned
employees had been habitually tardy in the FACTS:
second semester of 2009,
The complainant, filed a complaint
Issue: charging Justice Ong, Justice Hernandez and
Whether or not the concerned employees Justice Ponferrada with; (a) grave misconduct,
had incurred habitual tardiness and that their conduct unbecoming a Justice, and conduct
justifications were unacceptable. grossly prejudicial to the interest of the service
(grounded on their failing to hear cases as a
Law Students Help Group Philippines
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collegial body during the scheduled hearing of Obviously, the rule cannot be complied with
the Fourth Division, with Justice Ong hearing because Justice Ong, the Chairman, did not sit
cases by himself and Justice Hernandez and in the hearing of the cases heard by the other
Justice Ponferrada hearing other cases respondents. Neither could the other
together); (b) falsification of public documents respondents properly and promptly contribute
(grounded on their issuance of orders relative to to the rulings of Justice Ong in the hearings
the hearings, signed by all three of them, that before him.
made it appear as if all of them had been Relevantly, the Court do not consider the
present during the particular hearing acting as respondent Justices signing of the orders
a collegial body, when in truth they were not); during the flawed proceedings as a form of
(c) improprieties in the hearing of cases that falsification or dishonesty, in that they thereby
amounted to gross abuse of judicial authority made it appear that they had all been
and grave misconduct (grounded on Justice physically present when the truth was
Ong and Justice Hernandez’s making different. Such act merely ensued from the
intemperate and discriminatory utterances flawed proceedings and cannot be treated as a
during the hearing); (d) manifest partiality and separate offense.
gross ignorance of the law (grounded on the fact
that Criminal Case No. 25801, was dismissed 2. The Court approves that no evidence
upon a demurrer to evidence upon a finding supported the complainant’s charge that
that the assailed contracts subject of the respondent Justices uttered the improper and
criminal case had never been perfected intemperate statements attributed.
contrary to the evidence of the prosecution, the Even so, Justice Ong and Justice
dismissal order being signed by all three Hernandez admitted randomly asking the
respondents) counsels appearing before them from which law
schools they had graduated, and their engaging
ISSUE: during the hearings in casual conversation
1. w/n respondent Justices violated the about their respective law schools. They
Provisions of PD 1606 and Revised Internal thereby publicized their professional
Rules of the Sandiganbayan? qualifications and manifested a lack of the
2. w/n Justice Ong and Hernandez were requisite humility demanded of public
guilty of unbecoming conduct provided in the magistrates. The Court view their act as
New Code of Judicial Conduct? bespeaking their lack of judicial temperament
3. w/n Respondent Justices guilty of and decorum. Judicial decorum demand that
manifest partiality? they behave with dignity and act with courtesy
towards all who appear before their court.
RULING: Section 6, Canon 6 of the New Code of
1. The Supreme Court finds the procedure Judicial Conduct for the Philippine Judiciary
adopted by respondent Justices for their states that:
provincial hearings was in blatant disregard of “Judges shall maintain order and
PD 1606, as amended, the Rules of Court, and decorum in all proceedings before the
the Revised Rules of Sandiganbayan. court and be patient, dignified and
The ability of the Fourth Division to courteous in relation to litigants,
witnesses, lawyers and others with
function as a collegial body became impossible
whom the judge deals in an official
when not all of the members sat together
capacity, Judges shall require similar
during the trial proceedings. Section 2, Rule VII conduct of legal representatives, court
of the Revised Internal Rules of the staff and others subject to their
Sandiganbayan expressly requires that rulings influence, direction or control.”
on oral motions made or objections raised in the
course of the trial proceedings or hearings are Consequently, Section 3, Canon 4 of the
be made by the Chairman of the Division. New Code of Judicial Conduct for the
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Philippine Judiciary, demands that judges shares of SMC stock shall be referred to as the
avoid situations that they may reasonably give CIIF block of shares.
rise suspicion or appearance of favoritism or Defendant Eduardo Cojuangco, Jr.,
partially in their personal relations with served as a public officer during the Marcos
individual members of the legal profession who administration. During the period of his
practice regularly in their courts. incumbency as a public officer, he acquired
Justice Ong and Justice Hernandez were assets, funds, and other property grossly and
guilty of unbecoming conduct, which is defined manifestly disproportionate to his salaries,
as improper performance. lawful income and income from legitimately
acquired property.
3. The charge of manifest partiality for Defendant Eduardo Cojuangco, Jr.
issuing the resolution granting the demurrer to taking undue advantage of his association,
evidence of the accused in Criminal Case No. influence and connection, acting in unlawful
25801 is dismissed. As already mentioned, this concert with Defendants Ferdinand E. Marcos
Court upheld the assailed resolution on June 5, and Imelda R. Marcos, and the individual
2006 in G.R. No. 171116 by declaring the defendants, embarked upon devices, schemes
petition of the Office of the Special Prosecutor and stratagems, including the use of defendant
assailing such dismissal to have “failed to corporations as fronts, to unjustly enrich
sufficiently show that the Sandiganbayan had themselves at the expense of Plaintiff and the
committed any reversible error in the Filipino people.
questioned judgment to warrant the exercise by Defendant Corporations are but "shell"
this Court of its discretionary appellate corporations owned by interlocking
jurisdiction”. shareholders who have previously admitted
G.R. No. 171116 (PEOPLE OF THE that they are just "nominee stockholders" who
PHILIPPINES VS. REYNALDO PUNO). do not have any proprietary interest over the
shares in their names.
xx xx On the basis thereof, the Court resolves The other respondent Corporations are
to DENY the petition for review on certiorari owned by interlocking shareholders who are
dated 2 March 2006 assailing the resolutions of likewise lawyers in the ACCRA Law Offices
the Sandiganbayan for petitioner’s failure to and had admitted their status as "nominee
submit a valid affidavit of service of copies of stockholders" only.
the petition on respondent and the These companies, which ACCRA Law
Sandiganbayan in accordance with Sections 3 Offices organized for Defendant Cojuangco to
and 5, Rule 45 and Section 5(d), Rule 56 in be able to control more than 60% of SMC
relation to Section 13, Rule 13 of the Rules, shares, were funded by institutions which
there being no jurat and signature of the affiant depended upon the coconut levy.
in the attached affidavit of service of the The acts of Defendants, singly or
petition. collectively, and/or in unlawful concert with one
another, constitute gross abuse of official
X-----------------------------------------------------X position and authority, flagrant breach of
#16 public trust and fiduciary obligations, brazen
Republic vs Sandiganbayan abuse of right and power, unjust enrichment,
648 SCRA 47 violation of the constitution and laws of the
Republic of the Philippines, to the grave and
Facts: irreparable damage of Plaintiff and the Filipino
Allegedly, Cojuangco purchased a block people.
of 33,000,000 shares of SMC stock through the
14 holding companies owned by the CIIF Oil ISSUES:
Mills. For this reason, the block of 33,133,266 Whether or not the block of shares in San
Miguel Corporation in the names of the
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respondents should be reconveyed to the of or the conversion of funds belonging to the
Republic of the Philippines. Government or any of its branches,
instrumentalities, enterprises, banks or
Held: financial institutions, or by taking undue
The petition is unmeritorious. advantage of official position, authority,
The Court declares that the block of relationship, connection or influence, resulting
shares in San Miguel Corporation in the names in unjust enrichment of the ostensible owner
of respondents Cojuangco, et al. subject of Civil and grave damage and prejudice to the State."
Case No. 0033F is the exclusive property of All these judicial pronouncements
Cojuangco, et al. as registered owners. demand two concurring elements to be present
before assets or properties were considered as
The Concept and Genesis of Ill Gotten ill-gotten wealth, namely: (a) they must have
Wealth in the Philippine Setting "originated from the government itself," and (b)
Paragraph (4) of E.O. No. 288 further they must have been taken by former President
required that the wealth, to be ill-gotten, must Marcos, his immediate family, relatives, and
be: close associates by illegal means.
"acquired by them through or as a result It does not suffice, as in this case, that
of improper or illegal use of or the the respondent is or was a government official
conversion of funds belonging to the or employee during the administration of
Government of the Philippines or any of former Pres. Marcos. There must be a prima
its branches, instrumentalities, facie showing that the respondent unlawfully
enterprises, banks or financial
accumulated wealth by virtue of his close
institutions, or by taking undue
association or relation with former Pres.
advantage of their official position,
authority, relationship, connection or
Marcos and/or his wife. This is so because
influence to unjustly enrich themselves otherwise the respondent’s case will fall under
at the expense and to the grave damage existing general laws and procedures on the
and prejudice of the Filipino people and matter. Xxx
the Republic of the Philippines." The Republic should have adduced
Although E.O. No. 1 and the other evidence to substantiate its allegations against
issuances dealing with ill-gotten wealth (i.e., the Respondents.
E.O. No. 2, E.O. No. 14, and E.O. No. 14A) only It is basic in remedial law that a
identified the subject matter of ill-gotten defendant in a civil case must apprise the trial
wealth and the persons who could amass ill- court and the adverse party of the facts alleged
gotten wealth and did not include an explicit by the complaint that he admits and of the facts
definition of ill-gotten wealth, we can still alleged by the complaint that he wishes to place
discern the meaning and concept of ill-gotten into contention. The defendant does the former
wealth from the WHEREAS Clauses either by stating in his answer that they are
themselves of E.O. No. 1, in that ill-gotten true or by failing to properly deny them. There
wealth consisted of the "vast resources of the are two ways of denying alleged facts: one is by
government" amassed by "former President general denial, and the other, by specific denial.
Ferdinand E. Marcos, his immediate family, In this jurisdiction, only a specific denial
relatives and close associates both here and shall be sufficient to place into contention an
abroad." It is clear, therefore, that ill-gotten alleged fact. Under Section 10, Rule 8 of the
wealth would not include all the properties of Rules of Court, a specific denial of an allegation
President Marcos, his immediate family, of the complaint may be made in any of three
relatives, and close associates but only the part ways, namely: (a) a defendant specifies each
that originated from the "vast resources of the material allegation of fact the truth of which he
government." does not admit and, whenever practicable, sets
"Ill-gotten wealth is that acquired forth the substance of the matters upon which
through or as a result of improper or illegal use he relies to support his denial; (b) a defendant
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who desires to deny only a part of an averment With the Republic nonetheless choosing
specifies so much of it as is true and material not to adduce evidence proving the factual
and denies only the remainder; and (c) a allegations, particularly the aforementioned
defendant who is without knowledge or matters, and instead opting to pursue its claims
information sufficient to form a belief as to the by Motion for Summary Judgment, the
truth of a material averment made in the Sandiganbayan became completely deprived of
complaint states so, which has the effect of a the means to know the necessary but crucial
denial. details of the transactions on the acquisition of
When taken in its totality, the Amended the contested block of shares. The Republic’s
Answer to the Amended Petition, or even the failure to adduce evidence shifted no burden to
Answer to the Amended Petition alone, clearly the respondents to establish anything, for it
raises an issue as to the legal personality of was basic that the party who asserts, not the
petitioner to file the complaint. Every alleged party who denies, must prove. Indeed, in a civil
admission is taken as an entirety of the fact action, the plaintiff has the burden of pleading
which makes for the one side with the every essential fact and element of the cause of
qualifications which limit, modify or destroy its action and proving them by preponderance of
effect on the other side. The reason for this is, evidence. This means that if the defendant
where part of a statement of a party is used merely denies each of the plaintiff’s allegations
against him as an admission, the court should and neither side produces evidence on any such
weigh any other portion connected with the element, the plaintiff must necessarily fail in
statement, which tends to neutralize or explain the action. Thus, the Sandiganbayan correctly
the portion which is against interest. dismissed Civil Case No. 0033F for failure of
In other words, while the admission is the Republic to prove its case by preponderant
admissible in evidence, its probative value is to evidence.
be determined from the whole statement and A summary judgment under Rule 35 of
others intimately related or connected the Rules of Court is a procedural technique
therewith as an integrated unit. Although acts that is proper only when there is no genuine
or facts admitted do not require proof and issue as to the existence of a material fact and
cannot be contradicted, however, evidence the moving party is entitled to a judgment as a
aliunde can be presented to show that the matter of law. It is a method intended to
admission was made through palpable mistake. expedite or promptly dispose of cases where the
The rule is always in favor of liberality in facts appear undisputed and certain from the
construction of pleadings so that the real pleadings, depositions, admissions, and
matter in dispute may be submitted to the affidavits on record. Upon a motion for
judgment of the court. summary judgment the court’s sole function is
Based on the complaint and the answer, to determine whether there is an issue of fact to
the acquisition of the San Miguel shares by, and be tried, and all doubts as to the existence of an
their registration in the names of, the issue of fact must be resolved against the
companies listed in Annexes "A" and "B" may moving party. In other words, a party who
be deemed undisputed. moves for summary judgment has the burden
All other allegations in the complaint are of demonstrating clearly the absence of any
disputed. genuine issue of fact, and any doubt as to the
The burden of proof, according to Section existence of such an issue is resolved against
1, Rule 131 of the Rules of Court, is "the duty of the movant. Thus, in ruling on a motion for
a party to present evidence on the facts in issue summary judgment, the court should take that
necessary to establish his claim or defense by view of the evidence most favorable to the party
the amount of evidence required by law." Here, against whom it is directed, giving that party
the Republic, being the plaintiff, was the party the benefit of all favorable inferences.
that carried the burden of proof. The term genuine issue has been defined
as an issue of fact that calls for the presentation
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of evidence as distinguished from an issue that The petitioners posit that the controversy on
is sham, fictitious, contrived, set up in bad the Cityhood Laws ended with the April 28,
faith, and patently unsubstantial so as not to 2009 Resolution denying the respondents
constitute a genuine issue for trial. The court second motion for reconsideration vis-a-vis the
can determine this on the basis of the November 18, 2008 Decision for being a
pleadings, admissions, documents, affidavits, prohibited pleading, and in view of the issuance
and counter-affidavits submitted by the parties of the entry of judgment on May 21, 2009.
to the court. Where the facts pleaded by the
parties are disputed or contested, proceedings ISSUES:
for a summary judgment cannot take the place
of a trial. Well settled is the rule that a party w/n the Court violated rules of procedure, and
who moves for summary judgment has the the principles of res judicata and immutability
burden of demonstrating clearly the absence of of final judgment?
any genuine issue of fact. Upon that party’s
shoulders rests the burden to prove the cause of RULING:
action, and to show that the defense is
interposed solely for the purpose of delay. After As a rule, a second motion for reconsideration
the burden has been discharged, the defendant is a prohibited pleading pursuant to Section 2,
has the burden to show facts sufficient to entitle Rule 52 of the Rules of Civil Procedure which
him to defend. Any doubt as to the propriety of provides that: No second motion for
a summary judgment shall be resolved against reconsideration of a judgment or final
the moving party. resolution by the same party shall be
We need not stress that the trial courts entertained. Thus, a decision becomes final and
have limited authority to render summary executory after 15 days from receipt of the
judgments and may do so only in cases where denial of the first motion for reconsideration.
no genuine issue as to any material fact clearly
exists between the parties. The rule on However, when a motion for leave to file and
summary judgment does not invest the trial admit a second motion for reconsideration is
courts with jurisdiction to try summarily the granted by the Court, the Court therefore
factual issues upon affidavits, but authorizes allows the filing of the second motion for
summary judgment only when it appears clear reconsideration. In such a case, the second
that there is no genuine issue as to any motion for reconsideration is no longer a
material fact. prohibited pleading.

x------------------------------------x In the present case, the Court voted on the

#17 second motion for reconsideration filed by
LCP vs. COMELEC respondent cities. In effect, the Court allowed
648 SCRA 344 the filing of the second motion for
reconsideration. Thus, the second motion for
FACTS: reconsideration was no longer a prohibited
pleading. However, for lack of the required
The petitioners anchor their Ad Cautelam number of votes to overturn the 18 November
Motion for Reconsideration upon the primordial 2008 Decision and 31 March 2009 Resolution,
ground that the Court could no longer modify, the Court denied the second motion for
alter, or amend its judgment declaring the reconsideration in its 28 April 2009 Resolution.
Cityhood Laws unconstitutional due to such
judgment having long become final and On whether the principle of immutability of
executory. judgments and bar by res judicata apply herein,
suffice it to state that the succession of the
events recounted herein indicates that the
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controversy about the 16 Cityhood Laws has The canons are appropriate considering
not yet been resolved with finality. As such, the that the relationship between a lawyer and her
operation of the principle of immutability of client is highly fiduciary, and prescribes on a
judgments did not yet come into play. For the lawyer a great degree of fidelity and good faith.
same reason is an adherence to the doctrine of There is no question that the money or property
res judicata not yet warranted, especially received by a lawyer for her client properly
considering that the precedential ruling for this belongs to the latter. Conformably with these
case needed to be revisited and set with canons of professional responsibility, we have
certainty and finality. held that a lawyer is obliged to render an
x------------------------------------------------------x accounting of all the property and money she
#18 has collected for her client. This obligation
LCP vc COMELEC includes the prompt reporting and accounting
652 SCRA 798 of the money collected by the lawyer by reason
of a favorable judgment to his client.
The Court has firmly held that a
second motion for reconsideration is a 2.
prohibited pleading, and only for It is indisputable that the pendency of
extraordinarily persuasive reasons and any criminal charges between the lawyer and
only after an express leave has been first her client does not negate the administrative
obtained may a second motion for proceedings against the lawyer. xxx
reconsideration be entertained. The "The settled rule is that criminal and
restrictive policy against a second motion for civil cases are different from administrative
reconsideration has been re-emphasized in the matters, such that the disposition in the first
recently promulgated Internal Rules of the two will not inevitably govern the third and vice
Supreme Court, whose Section 3, Rule 15 versa. xxx"
states: "Disciplinary proceedings against
"Section 3. Second motion for lawyers are sui generis. Neither purely civil nor
reconsideration. – The Court shall not purely criminal, they do not involve a trial of an
entertain a second motion for action or a suit, but rather investigations by the
reconsideration, and any exception to Court into the conduct of one of its officers. Not
this rule can only be granted in the
being intended to inflict punishment, [they are]
higher interest of justice by the Court en
in no sense a criminal prosecution. Accordingly,
banc upon a vote of at least two-thirds of
its actual membership. There is
there is neither a plaintiff nor a prosecutor
reconsideration "in the higher interest of therein. [They] may be initiated by the Court
justice" when the assailed decision is not motu proprio. Public interest is [their] primary
only legally erroneous, but is likewise objective, and the real question for
patently unjust and potentially capable determination is whether or not the attorney is
of causing unwarranted and still a fit person to be allowed the privileges as
irremediable injury or damage to the such. Hence, in the exercise of its disciplinary
parties. A second motion for powers, the Court merely calls upon a member
reconsideration can only be entertained of the Bar to account for his actuations as an
before the ruling sought to be
officer of the Court with the end in view of
reconsidered becomes final by operation
preserving the purity of the legal profession
of law or by the Court’s declaration."
and the proper and honest administration of
justice by purging the profession of members
who by their misconduct have proven
themselves no longer worthy to be entrusted
Bayonla vs Reyes
with the duties and responsibilities pertaining
660 SCRA 490
to the office of an attorney."

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"xxx a finding of guilt in the criminal observance is cured by the filing of a motion for
case will not necessarily result in a finding of reconsideration. Denial of due process cannot
liability in the administrative case. Conversely, be successfully invoked by a party who has had
respondent’s acquittal does not necessarily the opportunity to be heard on his motion for
exculpate him administratively. In the same reconsideration.
vein, the trial court’s finding of civil liability
against the respondent will not inexorably lead x--------------------------------------x
to a similar finding in the administrative action #20
before this Court. Neither will a favorable Concepcion v. Minex Import Corp
disposition in the civil action absolve the 663 SCRA 497
administrative liability of the lawyer." LABOR
It serves well to mention, lastly, that the
simultaneous pendency of an administrative Case Doctrine:
case and a judicial proceeding related to the The employer may validly dismiss
cause of the administrative case, even if the for loss of trust and confidence an
charges and the evidence to be adduced in such employee who commits an act of fraud
cases are similar, does not result into or prejudicial to the interest of the employer.
occasion any unfairness, or prejudice, or Neither a criminal prosecution nor a
deprivation of due process to the parties in conviction beyond reasonable doubt for
either of the cases. the crime is a requisite for the validity of
the dismissal. Nonetheless, the dismissal
3. for a just or lawful cause must still be
Due process in an administrative made upon compliance with the
context does not require trial-type requirements of due process under the
proceedings similar to those in courts of Labor Code; otherwise, the employer is
justice. Where opportunity to be heard liable to pay nominal damages as
either through oral arguments or through indemnity to the dismissed employee.
pleadings is accorded, there is no denial of
procedural due process. A formal or trial- Facts:
type hearing is not at all times and in all Respondent Minex Import-Export
instances essential. The requirements are Corporation (Minex) employed the petitioner
satisfied where the parties are afforded fair and initially as a salesgirl, rotating her assignment
reasonable opportunity to explain their side of among nearly all its outlets. She was assigned
the controversy at hand. The standard of due at SM Harrison Plaza kiosk with the
process that must be met in administrative instruction to hold the keys of the kiosk. On
tribunals allows a certain degree of latitude as November 9, 1997, the petitioner and her
long as fairness is not ignored. In other words, salesgirls had sales of crystal items totaling
it is not legally objectionable for being violative P39,194.50. At the close of business that day,
of due process for an administrative agency to they conducted a cash-count of their sales
resolve a case based solely on position papers, proceeds, including those from the preceding
affidavits or documentary evidence submitted Friday and Saturday, and determined their
by the parties as affidavits of witnesses may total for the three days to be P50,912.00. The
take the place of their direct testimony. petitioner wrapped the amount in a plastic bag
We have consistently held that the and deposited it in the drawer of the locked
essence of due process is simply the opportunity wooden cabinet of the kiosk. At about 9:30 am
to be heard or, as applied to administrative of November 10, 1997, the petitioner phoned
proceedings, the opportunity to explain one’s Vina Mariano to report that the P50,912.00 was
side or the opportunity to seek a missing, explaining how she and her salesgirls
reconsideration of the action or ruling had placed the wrapped amount at the bottom
complained of. And any seeming defect in its of the cabinet the night before, and how she had
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found upon reporting to work that morning that Indeed, the employer is not expected to
the contents of the cabinet were in disarray and be as strict and rigorous as a judge in a criminal
the money already missing. trial in weighing all the probabilities of guilt
Later, while the petitioner was giving a before terminating the employee. Unlike a
detailed statement on the theft to the security criminal case, which necessitates a moral
investigator of Harrison Plaza, Vina and Sylvia certainty of guilt due to the loss of the personal
Mariano, her superiors, arrived with a liberty of the accused being the issue, a case
policeman who immediately placed the concerning an employee suspected of
petitioner under arrest and brought her to wrongdoing leads only to his termination as a
Precinct 9 of the Malate Police Station. There, consequence. The quantum of proof required for
the police investigated her. She was detained convicting an accused is thus higher – proof of
for a day, from 11:30 am of November 10, 1997 guilt beyond reasonable doubt – than the
until 11:30 am of November 11, 1997, being quantum prescribed for dismissing an
released only because the inquest prosecutor employee – substantial evidence. In so stating,
instructed so. On November 12, 1997, the we are not diminishing the value of
petitioner complained against the respondents employment, but only noting that the loss of
for illegal dismissal in the Department of Labor employment occasions a consequence lesser
and Employment. On November 14, 1997, than the loss of personal liberty, and may thus
Minex, through Vina, filed a complaint for call for a lower degree of proof.
qualified theft against the petitioner in the Yet, even as we now say that the
Office of the City Prosecutor in Manila. respondents had a just or valid cause for
terminating the petitioner, it becomes
Issue: unavoidable to ask whether or not they
Whether or not the employer denied the complied with the requirements of due process.
employee dismissed with due process and thus The petitioner plainly demonstrated how
liable for damages? quickly and summarily her dismissal was
carried out without first requiring her to
Ruling: explain anything in her defense as demanded
Yes. To dismiss an employee, the law under Section 2 (d) of Rule I of the
requires the existence of a just and valid cause. Implementing Rules of Book VI of the Labor
Article 282 of the Labor Code enumerates the Code. Instead, the respondents forthwith had
just causes for termination by the employer: her arrested and investigated by the police
a. serious misconduct or willful authorities for qualified theft. This, we think,
disobedience by the employee of the was a denial of her right to due process of law,
lawful orders of his employer or the consisting in the opportunity to be heard and to
latter’s representative in connection defend herself. In fact, their decision to dismiss
with the employee’s work; her was already final even before the police
b. gross and habitual neglect by the authority commenced an investigation of the
employee of his duties; theft, the finality being confirmed by no less
c. fraud or willful breach by the than Sylvia Mariano herself telling the
employee of the trust reposed in him petitioner during their phone conversation
by his employer or his duly following the latter’s release from police
authorized representative; custody on November 11, 1997 that she (Sylvia)
d. commission of a crime or offense by “no longer wanted to see” her.
the employee against the person of The fair and reasonable opportunity
his employer or any immediate required to be given to the employee before
member of his family or his duly dismissal encompassed not only the giving to
authorized representative; and the employee of notice of the cause and the
e. other causes analogous to the ability of the employee to explain, but also the
foregoing. chance to defend against the accusation. This
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was our- thrust in Philippine Pizza, Inc. v. the very least, it provides a vindication or
Bungabong, where we held that the employee recognition of this fundamental right granted
was not afforded due process despite the to the latter under the Labor Code and its
dismissal being upon a just cause, considering Implementing Rules.
that he was not given a fair and reasonable
opportunity to confront his accusers and to x------------------------------------------x
defend himself against the charge of theft #21
notwithstanding his having submitted his Cagas vs. COMELEC
explanation denying that he had stolen beer 663 SCRA 645
from the company dispenser. The termination (political law)
letter was issued a day before the employee FACTS:
could go to the HRD Office for the investigation,
which made it clear to him that the decision to The petitioner and respondent Claude P.
terminate was already final even before he Bautista (Bautista) contested the position of
could submit his side and refute the charges Governor of the Province of Davao del Sur in
against him. Nothing that he could say or do at the May 10, 2010 automated national and local
that point would have changed the decision to elections. Results led to the completion by May
dismiss him. Such omission to give the 14, 2010 of the canvassing of votes cast for
employee the benefit of a hearing and Governor of Davao del Sur, and the petitioner
investigation before his termination was proclaimed the winner.
constituted an infringement of his Alleging fraud, anomalies, irregularities,
constitutional right to due process by the vote-buying and violations of election laws,
employer. rules and resolutions, Bautista filed an
Where the dismissal is for a just cause, electoral protest on May 24, 2010 (EPC No.
as in the instant case, the lack of statutory due 2010-42).
process should not nullify the dismissal, or In his answer submitted on June 22,
render it illegal, or ineffectual. However, the 2010, the petitioner averred as his special
employer should indemnify the employee for affirmative defenses that Bautista did not
the violation of his statutory rights, as ruled in make the requisite cash deposit on time; and
Reta v. National Labor Relations Commission. that Bautista did not render a detailed
The indemnity to be imposed should be stiffer specification of the acts or omissions
to discourage the abhorrent practice of “dismiss complained of. COMELEC First Division issued
now, pay later,” which we sought to deter in the the first assailed order denying the special
Serrano ruling. The sanction should be in the affirmative defenses of the petitioner.
nature of indemnification or penalty and should The petitioner moved to reconsider on
depend on the facts of each case, taking into the ground that the order did not discuss
special consideration the gravity of the due whether the protest specified the alleged
process violation of the employer. irregularities in the conduct of the elections. He
The violation of the petitioners’ right to prayed that the matter be certified to the
statutory due process by the private respondent COMELEC en banc. Bautista countered that
warrants the payment of indemnity in the form the assailed orders, being merely interlocutory,
of nominal damages. The amount of such could not be elevated to the COMELEC en banc
damages is addressed to the sound discretion of pursuant to the ruling in Panlilio v.
the court, taking into account the relevant COMELEC.
circumstances. Considering the prevailing COMELEC First Division issued its
circumstances in the case at bar, we deem it second assailed order, denying the petitioners
proper to fix it at P30,000.00. We believe this motion for reconsideration for failing to show
form of damages would serve to deter that the first order was contrary to law. Not
employers from future violations of the satisfied, the petitioner commenced this special
statutory due process rights of employees. At civil action directly in this Court.
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for reconsideration is a plain and adequate
ISSUE: remedy provided by law. Failure to abide by
Whether or not COMELEC gravely this procedural requirement constitutes a
abused its discretion in refusing to dismiss the ground for dismissal of the petition.
protest for insufficiency in form and content? In like manner, a decision, order or
resolution of a division of the Comelec must be
HELD: reviewed by the Comelec en banc via a motion
No. Petition Denied. for reconsideration before the final en banc
SC cannot review a decision of a decision may be brought to the Supreme Court
COMELEC Division on certiorari. The pre-requisite filing of a
The governing provision is Section 7, motion for reconsideration is mandatory.
Article IX of the 1987 Constitution, which There is no question, therefore, that the
provides: Court has no jurisdiction to take cognizance of
“Section 7. Each Commission shall the petition for certiorari assailing the denial
decide by a majority vote of all its by the COMELEC First Division of the special
Members any case or matter brought affirmative defenses of the petitioner. The
before it within sixty days from the date proper remedy is for the petitioner to wait for
of its submission for decision or
the COMELEC First Division to first decide the
resolution. A case or matter is deemed
protest on its merits, and if the result should
submitted for decision or resolution upon
the filing of the last pleading, brief, or
aggrieve him, to appeal the denial of his special
memorandum required by the rules of affirmative defenses to the COMELEC en banc
the Commission or by the Commission along with the other errors committed by the
itself. Unless otherwise provided by this Division upon the merits.
Constitution or by law, any decision, Political Law- no final decision,
order, or ruling of each Commission may resolution or order has yet been made which
be brought to the Supreme Court on will necessitate the elevation of the case and its
certiorari by the aggrieved party within records to the Commission en banc.
thirty days from receipt of a copy In the instant case, it does not appear
that the subject controversy is one of the cases
This provision, although it confers on the
specifically provided under the COMELEC
Court the power to review any decision, order
Rules of Procedure in which the Commission
or ruling of the COMELEC, limits such power
may sit en banc. Neither is it shown that the
to a final decision or resolution of the
present controversy a case where a division is
COMELEC en banc, and does not extend to an
not authorized to act nor a situation wherein
interlocutory order issued by a Division of the
the members of the First Division unanimously
COMELEC. Otherwise stated, the Court has no
voted to refer the subject case to the
power to review on certiorari an interlocutory
Commission en banc. Clearly, the Commission
order or even a final resolution issued by a
en banc, under the circumstances shown above,
Division of the COMELEC.
cannot be the proper forum which the matter
The mode by which a decision, order or
concerning the assailed interlocutory orders
ruling of the Comelec en banc may be elevated
can be referred to.
to the Supreme Court is by the special civil
In a situation such as this where the
action of certiorari under Rule 65 of the 1964
Commission in division committed grave abuse
Revised Rules of Court, now expressly provided
of discretion or acted without or in excess of
in Rule 64, 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure, as
jurisdiction in issuing interlocutory orders
relative to an action pending before it and the
Rule 65, Section 1, 1997 Rules of Civil
controversy did not fall under any of the
Procedure, as amended, requires that there be
instances mentioned in Section 2, Rule 3 of the
no appeal, or any plain, speedy and adequate
COMELEC Rules of Procedure, the remedy of
remedy in the ordinary course of law. A motion
the aggrieved party is not to refer the
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controversy to the Commission en banc as this the facts and the law on which it is
is not permissible under its present rules but to based.
elevate it to this Court via a petition for No petition for review or motion
certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court. for reconsideration of a decision of the
court shall be refused due course or
denied without starting the legal basis
The insistence of Ongjoco is unfounded.
The essential purpose of the constitutional
RE: Verified Complaint of Ongioco
provision is to require that a judicial decision be
664 SCRA 465
clear on why a party has prevailed under the
law as applied to the facts as proved; the
provision nowhere demands that a point-by-
Ongjoco is the CEO of FH-GYMN, who
point consideration and resolution of the issues
requested an amendment to a municipal
raised by the parties are necessary.
ordinance. The request was denied by the
This constitutional provision deals with
Sangguniang Panlungsod, acting upon the
the disposition of petitions for review and of
recommendation of the proper committee.
motions for reconsideration. In appellate
Allegedly, the SP members uttered statements
courts, the rule does not require any
exibiting bias against Ongjoco. For this reason,
comprehensive statement of facts or mention of
Ongjoco filed a complaint before the Office of
the applicable law, but merely a statement of
the Deputy Ombudsman against the SP
the legal basis for denying due course.
members and 2 private indiviuals. Eventually,
Thus, there is sufficient compliance
the complaint was dismissed. A subsequent MR
with the constitutional requirement when
was denied.
a collegiate appellate court, after
FH-GYMN filed a petition for review
deliberation, decides to deny a motion;
before the Court of Appeals. The CA denied the
states that the questions raised are factual
petition for review. FH-GYMN, through Onjoco,
or have already been passed upon; or cites
moved to reconsider for the denial of the
some other legal basis. There is no need to
petition, with prayer for inhibition, but the CA
explain fully the court’s denial, since the
denied the motion.
facts and the law have already been laid
Hence, this present administrative case
out in the assailed Decision.
against the members of the CA's sixth division.
Its decision shows that the CAs Sixth
The complainant contends that the CA violated
Division complied with the requirements of the
Sec. 14, Art VIII of the Constitution by not
constitutional provision.
specifically stating the facts and the law on
Indeed, the definitive pronouncement of
which the denial of the petition was based.
the CAs Sixth Division that the Deputy
Ombudsman found no substantial evidence to
prove that there was interference in the
1. Whether or not the member justices of
internal affairs of FH-GYMN nor was there a
the CA violated the Constitution.
violation of the law by the respondents met the
2. Whether or not an administrative case is
constitutional demand for a clear and distinct
statement of the facts and the law on which the
decision was based. The CAs Sixth Division did
not have to point out and discuss the flaws of
1. No. Sec 14, Art VIII of the Constitution
FH-GYMNs petition considering that the
decision of the Deputy Ombudsman sufficiently
"Section 14. No decision shall be
detailed the factual and legal bases for the
rendered by any court without
expressing therein clearly and distinctly
denial of the petition.

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2. No. It is evident to us that Ongjocos Demigillo assailed her preventive
objective in filing the administrative complaint suspension in the Civil Service Commission
was to take respondent Justices to task for the (CSC). The CSC ruled that her suspension was
regular performance of their sworn duty of not proper because under Section 19(2), Rule II,
upholding the rule of law. He would thereby lay of the Uniform Rules on Administrative Cases
the groundwork for getting back at them for not in the Civil Service (Uniform Rules), a civil
favoring his unworthy cause. Such actuations service officer like Demigillo might be
cannot be tolerated at all, for even a mere preventively suspended by the disciplining
threat of administrative investigation and authority only if any of the two grounds were
prosecution made against a judge to influence present, to wit: (1) there was a possibility that
or intimidate him in his regular performance of the civil service employee might unduly
the judicial office always subverts and influence or intimidate potential witnesses
undermines the independence of the Judiciary. against him; or (2) there was a possibility that
Disciplinary proceedings and the civil service employee might tamper the
criminal actions brought against any documentary evidence on file in her office. On
judge in relation to the performance of his appeal, the CA affirmed the CSC.
official functions are neither
complementary to nor suppletory of ISSUE:
appropriate judicial remedies, nor a Whether or not Demigillo’s 90- day
substitute for such remedies. Any party who preventive suspension is proper?
may feel aggrieved should resort to these
remedies, and exhaust them, instead of HELD:
resorting to disciplinary proceedings and The 90-day preventive suspension order
criminal actions. issued against Demigillo was valid.
x------------------------------------------------x Under Section 51 of the Revised
#23 Administrative Code, the imposition of
TIDCORP vs Manalang-Demigillo preventive suspension by the proper
681 SCRA 27 disciplining authority is authorized provided
(POLITICAL LAW) the charge involves dishonesty, oppression, or
grave misconduct, or neglect in the
FACTS: performance of duty, or if there are reasons to
The Board of Directors of Trade and believe that the respondent is guilty of charges
Investment Development Corporation of the which would warrant his removal from the
Philippines (TIDCORP), a wholly owned service. Section 51 nowhere states or implies
government corporation, formally charged that before a preventive suspension may issue
Maria Rosario Manalang-Demigillo there must be proof that the subordinate may
(Demigillo), then a Senior Vice-President in unduly influence the witnesses against him or
TIDCORP, with grave misconduct, conduct may tamper the documentary evidence on file
prejudicial to the best interest of the service, in her office.
insubordination, and gross discourtesy in the Pursuant to its rule-making authority,
course of official duties. the CSC promulgated the Uniform Rules on
TIDCORP alleged that Demigillo August 31, 1999. Section 19 and Section 20 of
engaged in a verbal tussle with Mr. Joel Valdes Rule II of the Uniform Rules defined the
(Valdes), President and CEO of TIDCORP. guidelines in the issuance of an order of
Allegedly, Demigillo also sent a memorandum preventive suspension and the duration of the
addressed to Valdes which contained suspension It is clear from Section 19, supra,
discourteous and arrogant words. that before an order of preventive suspension
Pending the investigation, TIDCORP pending an investigation may validly issue,
placed Demigillo under preventive suspension only two prerequisites need be shown, namely:
for 90 days.
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(1) that the proper disciplining Regional Trial Court (RTC) in Hilongos, Leyte.
authority has served a formal charge to In his answer with special and affirmative
the affected officer or employee; and defenses and counterclaim, Pua alleged that
(2) that the charge involves the election protest stated no cause of action,
either dishonesty, oppression, grave
was insufficient in form and content, and
misconduct, neglect in the performance
should be dismissed for failure of petitioner to
of duty, or if there are reasons to believe
that the respondent is guilty of the
pay the required cash deposit.
charges which would warrant her
removal from the service. Issues:
Proof showing that the subordinate Whether or not appeal was perfected.
officer or employee may unduly influence the Whether or not there was a valid election
witnesses against her or may tamper the contest.
documentary evidence on file in her office is not
among the prerequisites. Held:
In Gloria v. Court of Appeals, we stated Yes. The rules on the timely perfection of
that preventive suspension pending an appeal in an election case requires two
investigation “is a measure intended to different appeal fees, one to be paid in the trial
enable the disciplining authority to court together with the filing of the notice of
investigate charges against respondent by appeal within five days from notice of the
preventing the latter from intimidating or decision, and the other to be paid in the
in any way influencing witnesses against COMELEC Cash Division within the 15-day
him.” As such, preventing the subordinate period from the filing of the notice of appeal.
officer or employee from intimidating the In A.M. No. 07-4-15-SC, the Court
witnesses during investigation or from promulgated the Rules of Procedure in Election
tampering the documentary evidence in her Contests Before the Courts Involving Elective
office is a purpose, not a condition, for imposing Municipal and Barangay Officials (hereafter,
preventive suspension, as shown in the use of the Rules in A.M. No. 07-4-15-SC), effective on
the word “intended.” May 15, 2007, to set down the procedure for
GRANTED. election contests and quo warranto cases
CA REVERSED AND SET ASIDE. involving municipal and barangay officials that
are commenced in the trial courts. The Rules in
x--------------------------------------------------x A.M. No. 07-4-15-SC superseded Rule 35
#24 (“Election Contests Before Courts of General
Lloren vs COMELEC (Political Law) Jurisdiction”) and Rule 36 (“Quo Warranto
681 SCRA 167 Case Before Courts of General Jurisdiction”) of
the 1993 COMELEC Rules of Procedure.
Facts: Under Section 8, of Rule 14 of the Rules
Petitioner and respondent Rogelio Pua, in A.M. No. 07-4-15-SC, an aggrieved party
Jr. (Pua) were the candidates for Vice Mayor of may appeal the decision of the trial court to the
the Municipality of Inopacan, Leyte in the May COMELEC within five days after promulgation
10, 2010 Automated National and Local by filing a notice of appeal in the trial court that
Elections. The Municipal Board of Canvassers rendered the decision, serving a copy of the
proclaimed Pua as the winning candidate with notice of appeal on the adverse counsel or on the
a plurality of 752 votes for garnering 5,682 adverse party if the party is not represented by
votes as against petitioner’s 4,930 votes. counsel. Section 9, of Rule 14 of the Rules in
Alleging massive vote-buying, intimidation, A.M. No. 07-4-15-SC prescribes for that
defective PCOS machines in all the clustered purpose an appeal fee of P 1,000.00 to be paid
precincts, election fraud, and other election- to the trial court rendering the decision
related manipulations, petitioner commenced simultaneously with the filing of the notice of
Election Protest Case (EPC) No. H-026 in the appeal.
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It should be stressed, however, that the the electoral frauds, anomalies or
Rules in A.M. No. 07-4-15-SC did not supersede irregularities in the protested precincts.
the appeal fee prescribed by the COMELEC As the findings of the RTC show,
under its own rules of procedure. As a result, petitioner did not indicate the total number of
“the requirement of two appeal fees by two precincts in the municipality in his election
different jurisdictions caused a confusion in the protest. The omission rendered the election
implementation by the COMELEC of its protest insufficient in form and content, and
procedural rules on the payment of appeal fees warranted its summary dismissal, in
necessary for the perfection of appeals.” To accordance with Section 12, Rule 2 of the Rules
remove the confusion, the COMELEC issued in A.M. No. 10-4-1-SC.
Resolution No. 8486, effective on July 24, 2008,
whereby the COMELEC clarified the rules on x----------------------------------------------------x
the payment of the two appeal fees by allowing #25
the appellant to pay the COMELEC’s appeal TALAGA V COMELEC (Political Law)
fee of P 3,200.00 at the COMELEC’s Cash 683 SCRA 197
Division through the ECAD or by postal money
order payable to the COMELEC within a period FACTS:
of 15 days from the time of the filing of the In focus are the disqualification of a
notice of appeal in the trial court. substitute who was proclaimed the winner of a
The non-payment of the motion fee of P 300.00 mayoralty election and the ascertainment of
at the time of the filing of the motion for who should assume the office following the
reconsideration did not warrant the outright substitute’s disqualification.
denial of the motion for reconsideration, but Ramon Talaga and Philip Castillo filed
might only justify the COMELEC to refuse to their certificates of candidacy (COC) for the
take action on the motion for reconsideration position of Mayor of Lucena City for the 2010
until the fees were paid, or to dismiss the action elections.
or proceeding when no full payment of the fees Castillo filed with the COMELEC a
is ultimately made. The authority to dismiss is petition to cancel the COC of Talaga on the
discretionary and permissive, not mandatory ground that he has already served as mayor of
and exclusive, as expressly provided in Section Lucena for three consecutive terms (2001, 2004,
18, Rule 40 of the 1993 Rules of Procedure. 2007) without interruption.
Yes. Section 10(c), Rule 2 of the Rules in Talaga countered by saying that the
A.M. No. 10-4-1-SC pertinently provides as Sandiganbayan had preventively suspended
follows: Section 10. Contents of the protest or him from office during his second and third
petition.— terms, which he claims to have amounted to an
xxx interruption.
c. An election protest shall also state: Thereafter, Talaga withdrew his
(i) that the protestant was a candidacy. On May 4, 2010, Barbara Ruby filed
candidate who had duly filed a her own COC to substitute Talaga. Talaga’s
certificate of candidacy and had been name remained printed on the ballots and votes
voted for the same office; in his favor were counted for Barbara Ruby,
(ii) the total number of precincts in
who won against Castillo.
the municipality;
But it was only on May 13, 2010 when
(iii) the protested precincts and
votes of the parties in the protested
the Comelec gave due course to Ruby’s COC to
precincts per the Statement of Votes by include her in the official list of candidates.
Precinct or, if the votes of the parties are Ruby was proclaimed newly elected mayor.
not specified, an explanation why the
votes are not specified; and ISSUES:
(iv) a detailed specification of the The core issue involves the validity of the
acts or omissions complained of showing substitution by Barbara Ruby as candidate for

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the position of Mayor of Lucena City in lieu of The accused was his own sole
Ramon, her husband. witness. He denied raping his two
Ancillary to the core issue is the daughters and shifted the blame on his
determination of who among the contending drug addict son. He assailed the credibility
parties should assume the contested elective
of the two daughters’ testimonies were
replete with incredulous statements, and
insisting that they were motivated by anger
1. Considering that a cancelled CoC does and revenge than by a sincere call for
not give rise to a valid candidacy, there can be justice.
no valid substitution of the candidate under He elevated the case to the Court of
Section 77 of the Omnibus Election Code. It Appeals (April 27, 2005). The CA affirmed
should be clear, too, that a candidate who does the conviction, but reduced the death
not file a valid CoC may not be validly penalty to reclusion perpetua. Hence, the
substituted, because a person without a valid appeal.
CoC is not considered a candidate in much the
same way as any person who has not filed a CoC ISSUE/S:
is not at all a candidate.
1. Whether or not the trial court erred
All told, a disqualified candidate may
in convicting the accused-appelant of the
only be substituted if he had a valid certificate
crime charged despite the fact that his guilt
of candidacy in the first place because, if the
disqualified candidate did not have a valid and was not proven beyond reasonable doubt;
seasonably filed certificate of candidacy, he is and
and was not a candidate at all. 2. Whether or not the trial court gravely
2. A permanent vacancy in the office of erred in imposing the Death Penalty upon
Mayor of Lucena City thus resulted, and such the accused-appelant despite the
vacancy should be filled pursuant to the law on prosecution’s failure to prove the Special
succession defined in Section 44 of the LGC, to Qualifying Circumstances of Relationship
wit: and Minority.
x x x Section 44. Permanent Vacancies in
the Offices of the Governor, Vice-
Governor, Mayor, and Vice-Mayor. – If a
permanent vacancy occurs in the office of The appeal has no merit.
the governor or mayor, the vice-governor 1. The trial records entirely supported
or vice-mayor concerned shall become the the lower court’s findings in favor of the
governor or mayor. x x x credibility of the two daughters’
recollections. On the other hand, the
accused did not bring to the Court’s
attention any facts and circumstances of
People vs Buado
weight that, if properly considered, would
688 SCRA 82
change the result into one favorable to him.
He did not even submit to the court any
argument that would lead the court to
Pedro Buado y Cipriano Jr. was found
doubt the findings of the RTC and the CA
guilty by the RTC of Valenzuela (May 5,
on the credibility of the two daughters.
2003) of two counts of rape committed
Moreover, long silence and delay in
against his two minor daughters- 10 yrs old
reporting the crime of rape to the proper
and 8 yrs old. He was sentenced to suffer in
authorities have not always been
each case the death penalty.

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considered as an indication of a false Accordingly, the CA correctly affirmed the
accusation. penalty of death.
The Court discussed that, the essence But, with the intervening passage on
of rape is the carnal knowledge of a female June 24, 2006 of R.A. No. 9346, the
either against her will (through force or imposition of the death penalty has become
intimidation) or without her consent (where prohibited. Thus, the retroactive
the female is deprived of reason or application of the prohibition against the
otherwise unconscious, or is under 12 years death penalty must be made here because
of age, or is demented). it is favorable to the accused. Nonetheless,
Thus, the presence or absence of he shall not be eligible for parole, because
injury or lacerations in the genitalia of the Sec 3 of R.A. No. 9346 expressly provides
victim is not decisive of whether rape has that persons “whose sentences will be
been committed or not. Such injury or reduced to reclusion perpetua by reason of
laceration is material only if force or this Act” shall not be eligible for parole
intimidation is an element of the rape under Act No. 4103, as amended.
The accused may then be convicted x-------------------------------x
solely on the basis of the victim’s credible, #27
natural and convincing testimony. Dacudao vs Gonzales
688 SCRA 109
2. Under Article 266-B of the Revised
Penal Code, the death penalty is imposed if FACTS:
the rape is committed with the attendance Spouses Augusto and Ofelia Dacudao
of any “aggravating/qualifying were among the investors whom Celso G.
circumstances.” One of such is “when the Delos Angeles, Jr. and his associates in the
victim is under 18 years of age and offender Legacy Group of Companies (Legacy Group)
is a parent, ascendant, step-parent, allegedly defrauded through the Legacy
guardian, relative by consanguinity or Group “buy back agreement” that earned
affinity within the third civil degree, or the them check payments that were
common-law spouse of the parent of the dishonored.
victim.” Both minority and actual Thus, they filed a case of syndicated
relationship must be alleged and proved. estafa against Celso Delos Angeles and his
During the trial, the Prosecution associates after the Spouses were
adduced no evidence to establish the defrauded in a business venture.
minority of one of the raped daughters in The DOJ Secretary issued
Crim. Case No. 912-V-99. Hence, the court Department Order 182 which directs all
concurs with the CA’s conclusion that the prosecutors in the country to forward all
accused could not be properly found guilty cases already filed against Celso Delos
of qualified rape. Accordingly, the CA Angeles, Jr. and his associates to the
correctly prescribed Reclusion Perpetua as secretariat of DOJ in Manila for
the penalty. appropriate action. However, in a separate
On the other hand, in Crim. Case No. order which is Memorandum dated March
974-V-99, it sufficiently stated the minority 2009, it was said that cases already filed
of the other daughter and her being a against Celso Delos Angeles et. al of the
legitimate daughter of the accused. Legacy Group of Companies in Cagayan De

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Oro City need not be sent anymore to the special, important or compelling reason to
Secretariat of DOJ in Manila. justify the direct filing of the petition.
Because of such DOJ orders, the The court emphasized that the
complaint of the Spouses was forwarded to concurrence of jurisdiction among the
the secretariat of the Special Panel of the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals and the
DOJ in Manila. Regional Trial Courts to issue the writs of
Aggrieved, Spouses Dacudao filed certiorari, prohibition, mandamus, quo
this petition for certiorari, prohibition and warrant, habeas corpus and injunction did
mandamus assailing to the respondent not give petitioners the unrestricted
Secretary of Justice grave abuse of freedom of choice of court forum. An undue
discretion in issuing the Department Order disregard of this policy against direct resort
and the Memorandum, which according to to the Court will cause the dismissal of the
the Spouses violated their right to due recourse.
process, right to equal protection of the law Accordingly, every litigant must
and right to speedy disposition of the cases. remember that the Court is not the only
The petitioners opined that orders judicial forum from which to seek and
were unconstitutional or exempting from obtain effective redress of their grievances.
coverage cases already filed and pending at As a rule, the Court is a court of last resort,
the Prosecutor’s Office of Cagayan De Oro not a court of the first instance. Hence,
City. They contended that the assailed every litigant who brings the petitions for
issuances should cover only future cases the extraordinary writs of certiorari,
against Delos Angeles, Jr., et al, not those prohibition and mandamus should ever be
already being investigated. They mindful of the policy on the hierarchy of
maintained that D.O. No. 182 was issued in courts, x x x x.
violation of the prohibition against passing
laws with retroactive effect. 2. No. The equal protection clause of the
Constitution does not require the universal
ISSUE/S: application of the laws to all persons or
1. Whether or not the petitioners things without distinction; what it requires
violated the hierarchy of courts. is simply equality among equals as
2. Whether or not the questioned determined according to a valid
Department Order and Memorandum classification. Hence, the Court has
violate the spouses’ equal protection of the affirmed that if a law neither burdens a
laws. fundamental right nor targets a suspect
3. Whether or not it violated their right class, the classification stands as long as it
to the speedy disposition of cases. bears a rational relationship to some
4. Whether or not the assailed issuances legitimate government end.
can be given retroactive effect. In issuing the assailed DOJ
Memorandum dated March 2, 2009, the
RULING: Secretary of Justice took into account the
1. Yes. The petitioners have unduly relative distance between Cagayan de Oro,
disregarded the hierarchy of courts by where many complainants against the
coming directly to the Court with their Legacy Group resided, and Manila, where
petition for certiorari, prohibition and the preliminary investigations would be
mandamus without tendering therein any conducted by the special panel. He also took
into account that the cases had already
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been filed in the City Prosecutor’s Office of adversely affected, for, verily, no vested
Cagayan de Oro at the time he issued DO right generally attaches to or arises from
No. 182. Given the considerable number of procedural laws.
complainants residing in Cagayan de Oro
City, the Secretary of Justice was fully x---------------------------------------------x
justified in excluding the cases commenced #28
in Cagayan de Oro from the ambit of DO Nazareth vs Villar
No. 182. 689 SCRA 385
3. No. The Court has clarified that On December 22, 1997, Congress
although the Constitution guarantees the enacted R.A. No. 8439 to address the policy
right to the speedy disposition of cases, of the State to provide a program for human
such speedy disposition is a flexible resources development in science and
concept. technology in order to achieve and maintain
The consolidation of the cases against the necessary reservoir of talent and
Delos Angeles, Jr., et al. was ordered manpower that would sustain the drive for
obviously to obtain expeditious justice for total science and technology mastery.
the parties with the least cost and vexation Under R.A. No. 8439, the funds for
to them. Inasmuch as the cases filed the payment of the Magna Carta benefits
involved similar or related questions to be are to be appropriated by the General
dealt with during the preliminary Appropriations Act (GAA) of the year
investigation, the Secretary of Justice following the enactment of R.A. No. 8439.
rightly found the consolidation of the cases Thereafter, Brenda Nazareth, DOST
to be the most feasible means of promoting Regional Office No. IX released the Magna
the efficient use of public resources and of Carta benefits to the covered officials and
having a comprehensive investigation of employees commencing in CY 1998 despite
the cases. the absence of specific appropriation for the
purpose in the GAA.
4. Yes. Subsequently, following the post-
As a general rule, laws shall have no audit conducted by COA State Auditor
retroactive effect. However, exceptions Ramon E. Vargas, several Notices of
exist, and one such exception concerns a Disallowance were issued disapproving the
law that is procedural in nature. The reason payment of the Magna Carta benefits.
is that a remedial statute or a statute Provision for use of saving of GAA was
relating to remedies or modes of procedure vetoed by the President.
does not create new rights or take away The disallowance by the COA
vested rights but only operates in prompted then DOST Secretary Dr.
furtherance of the remedy or the Filemon Uriarte, Jr. to request the Office of
confirmation of already existing rights. A the President (OP) through his
statute or rule regulating the procedure of Memorandum a Request for Authority to
the courts will be construed as applicable to Use Savings for the Payment of Magna
actions pending and undetermined at the Carta Benefits as provided for in R.A. 8439,
time of its passage. All procedural laws are for the authority to utilize the DOST’s
retroactive in that sense and to that extent. savings to pay the Magna Carta benefits.
The retroactive application is not violative Then Executive Secretary Ronaldo
of any right of a person who may feel Zamora, acting by authority of the
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President, approved the request of Representatives, the Chief Justice of the
Secretary Uriarte, Jr. Supreme Court, and the heads of
Hence, the petitioner lodged an Constitutional Commissions are authorized
appeal with COA Regional Cluster Director to transfer appropriations to augment any
Ellen Sescon, urging the lifting of the item in the GAA for their respective offices
disallowance of the Magna Carta benefits. from the savings in other items of their
The appeal was referred to the respective appropriations.
Regional Legal and Adjudication Director It bears emphasizing that the
(RLAD) which denied the appeal and exception in favor of the high officials
affirmed the NDs. Thus, the petitioner named in Section 25(5), Article VI of the
elevated the matter to the COA Legal and Constitution limiting the authority to
Adjudication Office. transfer savings only to augment another
Director Khem N. Inok of the COA item in the GAA is strictly but reasonably
Legal and Adjudication Office rendered a construed as exclusive.
decision denying the petitioner’s appeal The prohibition to transfer an
with the modification that only the NDs appropriation for one item to another was
covering the Magna Carta benefits for CY explicit and categorical under the 1973
2000 were to be set aside in view of the Constitution. The prohibition against the
authorization issued by Executive transfer of appropriations is the general
Secretary Zamora as the alter ego of the rule. Consequently, the payment of the
President. Magna Carta benefits for CY 2001 without
Hence, the appellant filed the instant a specific item or provision in the GAA and
petition for review with the main argument without due authority from the President to
that the payment of Magna Carta benefits utilize the DOST’s savings in other items
to qualified DOST Regional Office No. IX for the purpose was repugnant to R.A. No.
employees are allowed pursuant to RA No. 8439, the Constitution, and the re-enacted
8439. GAA for 2001.
Nonetheless, the Court opines that
ISSUE: the DOST officials who caused the payment
Whether or not the payment of of the Magna Carta benefits to the covered
Magna Carta benefits for CYs 1998, 1999 officials and employees acted in good faith
and 2001 is valid and legal. in the honest belief that there was a firm
legal basis for the payment of the benefits.
RULING: The Court declares and holds that the
No. In the funding of current disallowed benefits received in good faith
activities, projects, and programs, the need not be reimbursed to the Government.
general rule should still be that the
budgetary amount contained in the x-------------------------------x
appropriations bill is the extent Congress #29
will determine as sufficient for the Funa vs Agra
budgetary allocation for the proponent 691 SCRA 196
The only exception is found in Section FACTS:
25 (5), Article VI of the Constitution, by Agra was then the Government
which the President, the President of the Corporate Counsel when Pres Arroyo
Senate, the Speaker of the House of designated him as the Acting Solicitor
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General in place of former Sol Gen or in GOCCs is concerned. The prohibition
Devanadera, who has been appointed as the against dual or multiple offices being held
Secretary of Justice. Again, Agra was by one official must be construed as to apply
designated as the Acting Secretary in place to all appointments or designations,
of Secretary Devanadera when the latter whether permanent or temporary, because
resigned. Agra then relinquished his the objective of Section 13 is to prevent the
position as Corporate Counsel and concentration of powers in the Executive
continued to perform the duties of an Acting Department officials, specifically the
Solicitor General. President, the Vice-President, the Cabinet
Funa, a concerned citizen, questioned Members and their deputies and assistants.
his appointment. Agra argued that his
concurrent designations were merely in a 2. No. Agra’s designation as the Acting
temporary capacity. Even assuming that he Secretary of Justice was not in an ex officio
was holding multiple offices at the same capacity, by which he would have been
time, his designation as an Acting Sol Gen validly authorized to concurrently hold the
is merely akin to a hold-over, so that he two positions due to the holding of one office
never received salaries and emoluments for being the consequence of holding the other.
being the Acting Sol Gen when he was Being included in the stricter
appointed as the Acting Secretary of prohibition embodied in Section 13, Agra
Justice. cannot liberally apply in his favor the broad
exceptions provided in Article IX-B, Sec 7
ISSUE/S: (2) of the Constitution to justify his
1. Whether or not Agra’s designation as designation as Acting Secretary of Justice
Acting Secretary of Justice is valid. concurrently with his designation as Acting
2. Whether or not Agra may Solicitor General, or vice versa. It is not
concurrently hold the positions by virtue of sufficient for Agra to show that his holding
the “hold-over principle”. of the other office was “allowed by law or
3. Whether or not the offices of the the primary functions of his position.” To
Solicitor General and Secretary of Justice is claim the exemption of his concurrent
in an ex officio capacity in relation to the designations from the coverage of the
other. stricter prohibition under Section 13, he
needed to establish that his concurrent
RULING: designation was expressly allowed by the
1. No. The designation of Agra as Acting Constitution.
Secretary of Justice concurrently with his
position of Acting Solicitor General violates 3. No. The powers and functions of the
the constitutional prohibition under Article Solicitor General are neither required by
VII, Section 13 of the 1987 Constitution. the primary functions nor included in the
It is immaterial that Agra’s powers of the DOJ, and vice versa. The
designation was in an acting or temporary OSG, while attached to the DOJ, is not a
capacity. Section 13 plainly indicates that constituent of the latter, as in fact, the
the intent of the Framers of the Administrative Code of 1987 decrees that
Constitution is to impose a stricter the OSG is independent and autonomous.
prohibition on the President and the With the enactment of RA 9417, the
Cabinet Members in so far as holding other Solicitor General is now vested with a
offices or employments in the Government cabinet rank, and has the same
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qualifications for appointment, rank, during the reorganization of July 1998. She
prerogatives, allowances, benefits and insisted the Board of Directors had not been
privileges as those of Presiding Judges of authorized to undertake the reorganization
the Court of Appeals. and corporate restructuring.

x-------------------------------x Demigillo appealed to the Civil Service

#30 Commission (CSC), raising the same issues.
Manalang-Demigillo vs TIDCORP The CSC ruled through Resolution
G.R. No. 168613 No. 041092 that the 2002 Organizational
March 5, 2013 Refinements or Restructuring Plan of
TIDCORP had been valid for being
FACTS: authorized by Republic Act. No. 6656; that
Republic Act No. 8494 reorganized Section 7 of Republic Act No. 8498 granted
the structure of TIDCORP. The issuance of a continuing power to TIDCORP’s Board of
appointments in accordance with the Directors to prescribe the agency’s
reorganization ensued. Petitioner Rosario organizational structure, staffing pattern
Manalang-Demigillo (Demigillo) was and compensation packages; and that such
appointed as Senior Vice President (PG 15) grant continued until declared invalid by a
with permanent status, and was assigned court of competent jurisdiction or revoked
to the Legal and Corporate Services by Congress.
Department (LCSD) of TIDCORP. The CSC held, however, that
Thereafter, the Board of Directors TIDCORP’s implementation of its
passed Resolution No. 1365, Series of 2002, reorganization did not comply with Section
on October 22, 2002 to approve a so-called 6 of Republic Act No. 6656, that although
Organizational Refinement/Restructuring there was no diminution in Demigillo’s
Plan to implement a new organizational rank, salary and status, there was
structure and staffing pattern, a position nonetheless a demotion in her functions
classification system, and a new set of and authority.
qualification standards. The CSC further held that the
LCSD was abolished. Ma. Rosario dropping from the rolls of Demigillo did not
Manalang- Demigillo, albeit retaining her comply with the mandatory requirement
position as a Senior Vice President, was under Section 2, particularly 2.2 Rule XII of
assigned to head the Remedial and Credit the Revised Omnibus Rules on
Management Support Sector (RCMSS). On Appointments and Other Personnel Actions
the same date, President Valdes issued her Memorandum Circular No. 40, Series of
appointment as head of RCMSS, such 1998.
appointment being in nature a The CA ruled that being the alter ego
reappointment under the reorganization of the President of the Philippines, the
plan. Board of Directors of the TIDCORP is
Demigillo challenged before the authorized by law to have a continuous
Board of Directors the validity of Resolution power to reorganize its agency.
No. 1365 and of her assignment to the It further ruled that, reorganizations
RCMSS. She averred that she had been have been regarded as valid provided they
thereby illegally removed from her position are pursued in good faith. Reorganization
of Senior Vice President in the LCSD to Moreover, it ruled that in utter
which she had been previously assigned disregard of respondent Demigillo’s right to
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security of tenure, petitioner TIDCORP Board by the President. Evidently, it was
demoted her in the guise of the law, not the President that sat them in
"reorganization." the Board.
When the members of the Board of
Hence, this petition for review on Directors effected the assailed 2002
certiorari. reorganization, they were acting as the
responsible members of the Board of
ISSUE: Directors of TIDCORP constituted
1. Whether or not the Board of Directors pursuant to Presidential Decree No. 1080,
of TIDCORP was an alter ego of the as amended by Republic Act No. 8494, not
President who had the continuing authority as the alter egos of the President.
to reorganize TIDCORP.
2. Whether or not the reorganization of 2. Yes. The court upholds the 2002
TIDCORP effected in 2002 was valid. reorganization and declares it valid for
3. Whether or not Demigillo had been being done in accordance with the exclusive
legally dropped from the rolls. and final authority expressly granted under
Republic Act No. 8494, further amending
RULING: Presidential Decree No. 1080, and the law
1. No. The doctrine of qualified political creating TIDCORP itself.
agency could not be extended to the acts of Section 7. The Board of Directors
the Board of Directors of TIDCORP despite shall provide for an organizational
some of its members being themselves the structure and staffing pattern for officers
appointees of the President to the Cabinet. and employees of the Trade and Investment
Under Section 10 of Presidential Development Corporation of the
Decree No. 1080, as further amended by Philippines (TIDCORP) and upon
Section 6 of Republic Act No. 8494, the five recommendation of its President, appoint
ex officio members were the Secretary of and fix their remuneration, emoluments
Finance, the Secretary of Trade and and fringe benefits: Provided, That the
Industry, the Governor of the Bangko Board shall have exclusive and final
Sentral ng Pilipinas, the Director-General authority to appoint, promote, transfer,
of the National Economic and Development assign and re-assign personnel of the
Authority, and the Chairman of the TIDCORP, any provision of existing law to
Philippine Overseas Construction Board, the contrary notwithstanding.
while the four other members of the Board
were the three from the private sector (at 3. No. Having found the 2002
least one of whom should come from the reorganization to be valid and made
export community), who were elected by the pursuant to Republic Act No. 8494, we
ex officio members of the Board for a term declare that there are no legal and practical
of not more than two consecutive years, and bases for reinstating Demigillo to her
the President of TIDCORP who was former position as Senior Vice President in
concurrently the Vice-Chairman of the the LCSD. To be sure, the reorganization
Board. plan abolished the LCSD, and put in place
Such Cabinet members sat on the a set-up completely different from the
Board of Directors of TIDCORP ex officio, or previous one, including a new staffing
by reason of their office or function, not pattern in which Demigillo would be
because of their direct appointment to the
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heading the RCMSS, still as a Senior Vice autonomous regions) provincial and city
President of TIDCORP. official.

Hence, Demigillo was not demoted 2. Yes. Due process of law does not
only require notice of the decryption
because she did not suffer any diminution
printing and record proceedings to the
in her rank, status and salary under the
parties but also demand an opportunity to
reorganization. Her reassignment to the
be present at such proceedings or to be
RCMSS, a smaller unit compared to the represented therein.
LCSD, maintained for her the same rank of
Senior Vice-President with a corresponding Rule 15, Sec. 6 of COMELEC Resolution
increase in pay grade. The reassignment No. 8804, as amended by COMELEC
resulted from the valid reorganization. Resolution No. 9164 require the parties’
presence during the printing of images of the
x---------------------------------x ballots.
Maliksi vs. COMELEC & SAQUILAVAN x----------------------------------x
G.R. NO. 203302 #32
APRIL 11, 2013 Re: Complaint of Fabiana
700 SCRA 348
Due to the election protest filed by FACTS:
Maliksi in RTC, Mayor Saquilavan was Merlita Fabiana claimed death benefits
removed from his office and Maliksi replaced against Magsaysay Maritime Corporation
him. On Appeal, COMELEC Division decided (MMC) and its principal Air Sea Holiday.
to recount the ballots using the printouts ballot When the NLRC reduced the moral damages
images from CF cards without notice to the and exemplary damages awarded by Labor
parties. CA rendered its decision nullifying the Arbiter, Fabiana appealed before CA seeking
decision of the RTC. the reinstatement of moral and exemplary
damages awarded by Labor Arbiter. On the
ISSUES: other hand, MMC likewise appealed before the
1. Whether or not COMELEC Division CA, challenging the propriety of the monetary
exercising appellate jurisdiction has a right to awards granted to heirs of Fabiana. Fabiana’s
conduct recount of the ballots. appeal was partly granted and achieved
2. Whether or not Maliksi was denied of finality. In view of the decision made on the
due process. first appeal, Fabiana moved to dismiss the
second petition as according to her the first
HELD: petition rendered the second petition moot and
1. No. COMELEC Division should not have academic.
conducted the recount proceedings because it
was exercising appellate jurisdiction as to ISSUE:
which no existing rules of procedure allowed it Whether or not CA Justices willfully
to conduct a recount. disobeyed the decision in the first petition.

Sec. 6, Rule 15 of COMELEC Resolution HELD:

No. 8804, as amended, provides that recount The complaint lacks merit. In
proceedings are to be conducted by the administrative proceedings, the burden of
COMELEC Division only in the exercise of substantiating the charges falls on the
original jurisdiction over all election complainant who must prove her allegations in
protests involving elective regional (the the complaint by substantial evidence. The
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allegations of willful disobedience against of the period to do so, whichever is earlier.
respondent CA Justices was unsubstantiated Lack of transcript of stenographic notes shall
and baseless. not be a valid reason to interrupt or suspend
The issues raised in the first petition the period of deciding the case unless the case
were limited to the NLRC’s jurisdiction over was previously heard by another judge not the
the appeal by MMC and its principal and the deciding judge in which case the later shall
reduction of amounts awarded as moral and have the full period of 90 days from the
exemplary damages. The second petition completion of the transcripts within which to
concerned the propriety of awarding the decide the case.
monetary benefits.
Under the circumstances, the x-------------------------------x
promulgation by the Court of the resolution in #34
the first petition did not dives the respondent Samson vs Era
as members of First Division of CA of the 701 SCRA 241
jurisdiction to entertain and pass upon the
second petition. Something that they sought to FACTS:
explain through their resolution, the Atty. Era represented Samson in a
explanation whether correct or not, was issued criminal case against Sison for estafa. Samson
in the exercise of judicial discretion. executed an affidavit of desistance and in
turned they received a deed of assignment
x-------------------------------x covering the land which was executed by Sison.
#33 Samson later on found out that the title of the
In Re: Judge Carbonell land was already in the name of a bank. Atty.
August 9, 2013 A.M. 08-5-305 Era did not appear for the group of Samson
during the hearing. Atty. Era represented
FACTS: Sison in her other criminal cases involving the
RTC Br. 27 San Fernando, La Union was same pyramiding scam.
subjected to a judicial audit by the Office of the
Court Administrator (OCA). The audit report ISSUE:
revealed that Judge Carbonell failed to decide Whether or not Atty. Era violated the
63 cases and to resolve 16 pending motions or trust and confidence of a client by representing
incidents within the reglementary period. conflicting interest.
Judge Carbonell argued that the undecided
cases were inherited by him and that said cases HELD:
had no transcript of stenographic notes. Yes. Rule 15.03 of the Code of
Professional Responsibility provides that “A
ISSUE: lawyer shall not represent conflicting interest
Whether or not the period of deciding except by written consent of all concerned given
cases is interrupted or suspended due to lack of after a full disclosure of the facts.”
stenographic notes.
Atty. Era thus owed to Samson and his
HELD: group entire devotion to their genuine interest
No. Administrative Circular No. 8 and warm zeal in the maintenance and defense
provides that a case is submitted for decision of their rights. He was expected to exert his
upon the admission of the evidence of the best efforts and ability to preserve the clients’
parties at the termination of the trial. The 90- cause for the unwavering loyalty displayed to
day period for deciding the case shall his clients likewise served the ends of justice.
commence to run from the submission of the
case for decision without memoranda or upon x---------------------------------------x
filing of the last memoranda or the expiration #35
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705 SCRA 255 RULING:
There are two ways how Malabanan can
FACTS: acquire the property:(A) Under SEC 14(1) of
Cartena was a Court Stenographer III of PD1529, which states that those who by
RTC. She was being accused that another themselves or through ²heirpredecessors-in-
person took the CSC eligibility examination in interest have been in open, continuous,
her stead. While the investigation was still exclusive and notorious possession and
ongoing, Cartena resigned. occupation of alienable and disposable lands of
public domain under a bona fide claim of
ISSUE: acquisition of ownership since June 12, 1945.
Whether or not the Court has Under this, the land need not to be
jurisdiction on the administrative case against alienable and disposable during the entire
Cartena. period of possession. One can secure judicial
confirmation as soon as it is declared alienable
HELD: and disposable. (B) Under SEC 14(2) of
The resignation of Cartena did not cause PD1529, which pertains to prescription as a
the Court to lose its jurisdiction to proceed mode of acquiring ownership over
against her in her administrative case. Her “PATRIMONIAL PROPERTY” of the state but
cessation from office by virtue of her there must be an express declaration that such
intervening resignation did not warrant the property is already patrimonial. The
dismissal of the administrative complaint prescriptive period is 10 years if with just title
against her, for the act complained of had been and 30 years if no just title. Petton was denied
committed when she was still in the service. because Malabanan is not qualified under ²he
Nor did such cessation from office render the two circumstances. In the first, there is no
administrative case moot and academic. evidence of possession since June 12, 1945
Otherwise, exacting responsibility for since his tax declaration is only since 1948.
administrative liabilities incurred would be While under the second circumstance, the
easily avoided or evaded. property becomes patrimonial only since 1982
and the 30-year period of prescription is not yet
Case year/s: 2013 x---------------------------------------------------------x
x-------------------------------x Embido vs Pe, Jr.
#36 708 SCRA 1
Heirs of Malabanan vs Republic Facts:
704 SCRA 561, A complaint for disbarment against
FACTS: respondent Pe was instituted by the NBI,
On Feb 20, 1998 Malabanan fled an represented by Regional Director Embido, after
applicaton for land registraton, covering a Pe allegedly falsified a court document for a
parcel of land inSilang Cavite. He bought the proceeding in a foreign jurisdiction.
land from one Velasco and had been in open, The Clerk of Court of the RTC, received
notorious, continuous and adverse and peaceful 2 letters from Mr. Ballam Delaney Hunt, a
possession for more than 30 years. He also Solicitor in the United Kingdom, requesting for
presented tax declaration since 1948. a copy of the decision in Special Proceedings
Case No.084 rendered by Judge Rafael O.
ISSUE: Penuela entitled “In the Matter of the
Whether Malabanan’s possession of the Declaration of Presumptive Death of Rey
land had already ripened to ownership. Laserna,” whose petitioner was one Shirley
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Quioyo. They found, however, that the RTC the administration of justice in this country,
had no record, as Special Proceedings No. 084 given the purpose of the falsification, which
was docketed as “In the Matter of the was to mislead a foreign tribunal on the
Declaration of Presumptive Death of Rolando personal status of a person. He thereby became
Austria,” whose petitioner was one Serena unworthy of continuing as a member of the Bar.
Catin Austria.
The NBI recommended that respondent x---------------------------------------x
be prosecuted for falsification of public #38
document under Article 171, 1 and 2, of the DE LEON vs PEDREÑA
Revised Penal Code, and for violation of Section 708 SCRA 13
3(a) of Republic Act3019, as well as for the
Office of the Court Administrator to commence Facts:
disbarment proceedings against him. Atty. Tyrone Pedreña, a Public Attorney
The IBP found respondent guilty of of Parañaque City. Jocelyn De Leon is a single
serious misconduct and violations of the mother of two minor children. Atty. Pedreña is
Attorney’s Oath and Code of Professional the counsel of Jocelyn De Leon on the case for
Responsibility, and recommended his support for the two minor children.
suspension from the practice of law for one Records show, as established by the IBP
year. Investigating Commissioner, on January 30,
2006 after asking about the status of the case
ISSUE: Atty. Pedreña told Jocelyn De Leon then to ride
Whether or not Pe is guilty of serious with him and he would just drop Jocelyn by the
misconduct. jeepney station, she refused to ride with him
but Atty. Pedreña persistently told her to get in
RULING: the car, and so she acceded to his request so as
The respondent was guilty of grave not to offend him. Inside the car Atty. Pedreña
misconduct for having authored the rubbed the Jocelyn’s right leg with his hand;
falsification of the decision in a non-existent tried to insert his finger into her firmly closed
court proceeding. Canon 7 of the Code of hand; grabbed her hand and forcibly placed it
Professional Responsibility demands that all on his crotch area; and pressed his finger
lawyers should uphold at all times the dignity against her private part. Jocelyn thereafter
and integrity of the Legal Profession. Rule 7.03 tried at all cost to unlock the car’s door and told
of the Code of Professional Responsibility him categorically that she was getting off the
states that “a lawyer shall not engage in car. Instead he accelerated a bit more but
conduct that adversely reflects on his fitness to sensing her insistence to get off, he stopped the
practice law, nor shall he whether in public or car, and allowed her to get off.
private life, behave in a scandalous manner to Jocelyn de Leon then filed with the
the discredit of the legal profession.” Lawyers Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) a
are further required by Rule 1.01 of the Code of complaint for disbarment or suspension from
Professional Responsibility not to engage in the practice of law against Atty. Tyrone
any unlawful, dishonest and immoral or Pedreña.
deceitful conduct. IBP Investigating Commissioner
Gross immorality, conviction of a crime recommended for his disbarment, the IBP
involving moral turpitude, or fraudulent Board of Governors however modified the
transactions can justify a lawyer’s disbarment penalty to three-month suspension from
or suspension from the practice of law.25 practice of law. Upon Motion for
Specifically, the deliberate falsification of the Reconsideration by Atty. Pedreña which the
court decision by the respondent was an act Board denied, they increased the penalty to six
that reflected a high degree of moral turpitude months. Thereafter transmitted records and
on his part. Worse, the act made a mockery of resolution to the Court for approval.
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Issue: Petitioner Rolando Ganzon, an employee
Whether or not Atty. Pedreña is guilty of of the Department of Interior and Local
violating Rule 1.01 of Canon 1 of the Code of Government (DILG), seeks the reversal of his
Professional Responsibility. dismissal from the service and the accessory
penalties on the ground of grave misconduct.
Ruling: Antecedents
Yes, Atty. Pedreña is guilty. The During the Christmas party held by the
Supreme Court adopted the findings and Iloilo DILG, respondent Arlos left the said
conclusions of the Investigating Commissioner. party and went to the second floor of the
Yet, the Court consider the recommended building to get some documents.
penalty of suspension for six months not While Arlos was making his way to the
commensurate with the gravity of the offensive stairs, Ganzon suddenly approached and pulled
acts committed. out a short firearm of unknown caliber from his
Given the circumstances in which Atty. waist and with no provocation pointed the
Pedreña committed them, his acts were not firearm at Arlos, angrily shouting at him.
merely offensive and undesirable but repulsive, Sensing that Ganzon would shoot him then,
disgraceful and grossly immoral. In this Arlos quickly warded off Ganzon’s firearm-
regard, it bears stressing that immoral conduct wielding hand. Ganzon again aimed the
is gross when it is so corrupt as to constitute a firearm at Arlos, prompting the latter to run
criminal act, or so unprincipled as to be away as fast as he could. Ganzon followed
reprehensible to a high degree, or when Arlos, and when they got to the gate of the
committed under such scandalous or revolting building, Ganzon once more pushed him back
circumstances as to shock the community’s and pointed the firearm at him.
sense of decency. The incidents impelled Arlos to
Therefore, the Court took into administratively charge Ganzon with grave
consideration judicial precedents on gross misconduct.
immoral conduct bearing on sexual matters. On his part, Ganzon denied the charge
The Court consider the acts committed by Atty. and elected to undergo a formal investigation.
Pedreña to be not of the same degree as the acts During the formal investigation conducted by
committed by the respondent lawyer in Calub CSC Regional Office, the parties agreed that in
v. Suller, among other cases whereby the order to dispense with the presentation of
respondent lawyer was disbarred for raping his witnesses and other evidence, they would just
neighbor’s wife. Unlike in Barrientos where adopt the evidence presented in the pending
there was deceit and in Delos Reyes where criminal prosecution for attempted homicide
there were threats and taking advantage of a entitled People v. Ganzon.
lawyer’s position, Atty. Pedreña did not employ The witnesses for the Prosecution
any scheme to satiate his lust, but, instead, he attested that Ganzon had threatened and
desisted upon the first signs of the De Leon’s aimed a firearm at Arlos.
firm refusal to give in to his advances. In his turn, Ganzon presented himself
In view of these considerations, and two others, who described a different
according to the Court penalty of suspension version of the incident.
from the practice of law for two years is fitting The CSC found Ganzon guilty of grave
and just. misconduct.

x-------------------------------------------x ISSUES:
#39 I. Whether or not attending a Christmas
GANZON vs ARLOS party as required by the office is an official
708 SCRA 115 function and that any untoward incident
committed during such Christmas party is
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automatically considered service related and office of the offender if it is committed as the
that the offender could be liable for grave consequence of the performance of the office by
misconduct? him, or if it cannot exist without the office even
II. Whether or not the alleged act if public office is not an element of the crime in
committed by the petitioner was intimately the abstract.
related to his office in order to consider it as Considering that Ganzon resented the
grave misconduct in the contemplation of the poor performance rating he had received, and
law. his resentment caused his aggressive
III. Whether or not the penalty of dismissal confrontation of Arlos, it definitely appears
is unjust and excessive.15 that Ganzon’s offense could not be separated
from his performance of duty. Indeed, under
RULING: Alarilla v. Sandiganbayan and its progenitor
The appeal has no merit. rulings, an act that is the consequence of the
Misconduct is intentional wrongdoing or discharge of the employee’s official functions or
deliberate violation of a rule of law or standard the performance of his duties, or that is
of behavior. To constitute an administrative relevant to his office or to the discharge of his
offense, misconduct should relate to or be official functions is justly considered as service-
connected with the performance of the official related.
functions and duties of a public officer. In grave Even if the incident occurred outside
misconduct, as distinguished from simple regular work hours, Ganzon’s menacing
misconduct, the elements of corruption, clear attitude towards Arlos still had no excuse,
intent to violate the law, or flagrant disregard particularly as Arlos was his superior in the
of an established rule must be manifest. office hierarchy. Section 4(c) of RA 6713 (Code
Drawing and pointing the loaded of Conduct Standards for Public Officials and
firearm at Arlos evinced the intent on the part Employees) fittingly provides:
of Ganzon to cause some harm upon Arlos on (c) Justness and sincerity. – Public
whom he vented his resentment of the poor officials and employees shall remain true to the
performance rating he received. people at all times. They must act with justness
Nonetheless, Ganzon projects that his and sincerity and shall not discriminate
acts did not constitute grave misconduct in the against anyone, especially the poor and the
contemplation of the law because they were not underprivileged. They shall at all times respect
committed in relation to his performance of the rights of others, and shall refrain from
duty; and that the Christmas party was not an doing acts contrary to law, good morals, good
official function as to render any untoward customs, public policy, public order, public
incident committed on the occasion thereof a safety and public interest. (Emphasis supplied)
misconduct. He posits that his offense could It is almost superfluous to remind all public
exist without the office; and that the holding of employees like Ganzon that the law of good
the office was not a constituent element of his manners and proper decorum was law during
offense. as well as outside office hours.
We disagree. Finally, Ganzon’s insistence that the
To begin with, he was not acting in a penalty of dismissal from the service imposed
private capacity when he acted menacingly on him was unjustified and excessive is
towards Arlos, it being clear that his unwarranted.
resentment of his poor performance rating, After being duly found guilty of grave
surely a matter that concerned his performance misconduct, Ganzon was rightly meted the
of duty, motivated his confronting the latter. penalty of dismissal from the service for his
Moreover, it did not matter that his acts were first offense conformably with the Revised
committed outside of office hours, because they Uniform Rules on Administrative Cases in the
were intimately connected to the office of the Civil Service,27 to wit:
offender. An act is intimately connected to the RULE IV
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Penalties Petitioner’s counsel assailed the
Section 52. Classification of Offenses. – propriety of the show-cause memorandum as
Administrative offenses with corresponding well as the basis for placing the petitioner
penalties are classified into grave, less grave or under preventive suspension.
light, depending on their gravity or depravity Petitioner received the summons to
and effects on the government service. attend an administrative inquiry, requiring
A The following are grave offenses with him to appear before PAGCOR’s Corporate
their corresponding penalties: Investigation Unit (CIU).8 At the petitioner’s
1. Dishonesty; request, however, the inquiry was conducted at
xxxx his residence. He was furnished the
3. Grave Misconduct; memorandum of charges that recited the
1st offense – Dismissal (Emphasis supplied) accusations against him and indicated the acts
In this regard, Section 56 and Section 58 and omissions constituting his alleged offenses.
of the Revised Uniform Rules on The memorandum of charges was based on the
Administrative Cases in the Civil Service statements of PAGCOR personnel who had
respectively state that the penalty of dismissal personal knowledge of the accusations against
shall result in the permanent separation of the him. However, when his counsel requested to
respondent from the service, with or without be furnished copies of the statements,
prejudice to criminal or civil liability, and shall PAGCOR rejected the request on the ground
carry with it cancellation of eligibility, that he had already been afforded the sufficient
forfeiture of retirement benefits and the opportunity to confront, hear, and answer the
perpetual disqualification from re-employment charges against him during the administrative
in the government inquiry.
The Adjudication Committee summoned
x---------------------------------------x the petitioner to appear in order to address
#40 questions regarding his case. His counsel
Vivo vs PAGCOR moved for the re-scheduling of the meeting
709 SCRA 276 because he would not be available on said date,
but the Adjudication Committee denied the
By petition for review on certiorari the request upon the reason that the presence of
petitioner seeks the review and reversal of the counsel was not necessary in the proceedings.
decision, whereby the Court of Appeals CA) PAGCOR dismissed the petitioner from the
reversed and set aside the resolutions of the service.11A motion for reconsideration was
Civil Service Commission (CSC) filed, however, denied. Petitioner appealed his
The petitioner was employed by dismissal to the CSC which ruled that
respondent Philippine Amusement and PAGCOR had violated the petitioner’s right to
Gaming Corporation (PAGCOR), and was due process, and accordingly set aside his
PAGCOR’s Managing Head of its Gaming dismissal from the service. In fine, the
Department at the time of his dismissal from Commission finds that the right of Vivo to due
office.5 .He received a letter from the Senior process was violated when he was ousted from
Managing Head of PAGCOR’s Human his office without the corresponding Board
Resources Department, advising that he was Resolution that should have set out the
being administratively charged with gross collegial decision of the PAGCOR Board of
misconduct, rumor-mongering, conduct Directors.
prejudicial to the interest of the company, and PAGCOR elevated the case to the CA.
loss of trust and confidence;6 that he should CA promulgated its decision reversing and
submit a written explanation of the charges; setting aside the decision of the CSC upon its
and that he was at the same time being placed finding that the petitioner had been accorded
under preventive suspension.7 procedural due process. The CA remanded the
case to the CSC for the determination of the
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appeal of the petitioner on the merits, with competent jurisdiction and so constituted
specifically the issue of whether the dismissal as to afford a person charged administratively
had been for cause. a reasonable guarantee of honesty as well as
impartiality; and (4) a finding by said tribunal
ISSUE: which is supported by substantial evidence
1. WON the petitioner’s right to due process submitted for consideration during the hearing
was violated. or contained in the records or made known to
2. WON CA’s decision was contrary to the the parties affected.
Uniform Rules on Administrative Cases in the In fine, the CA committed no reversible
Civil Service and settled jurisprudence. error in holding that P AGCOR had properly
observed the requirements of due process in its
HELD: administrative proceedings against the
1. No. The Court ruled that the petitioner petitioner.
was not denied due process of law, for he was Therefore, the petition for review on
afforded the fair and reasonable opportunity to certiorari was denied.
explain his side. That was sufficient to meet the
requirements of due process. In Casimiro v. x-----------------------x
Tandog, the Court pronounced: #43
The essence of procedural due process is Ong vs Delos Santos
embodied in the basic requirement of notice 717 SCRA 663
and a real opportunity to be heard. In Facts:
administrative proceedings, such as in the case In January 2008, complainant Benjamin
at bar, procedural due process simply means Ong was introduced to respondent Atty.
the opportunity to explain one’s side or the William F. Delos Santos by Sheriff Fernando
opportunity to seek a reconsideration of the Mercado of the Metropolitan Trial Court of
action or ruling complained of. "To be heard" Manila. After several calls and personal
does not mean only verbal arguments in court; interactions between them, Ong and Atty.
one may be heard also thru pleadings. Where Delos Santos became friends.
opportunity to be heard, either through oral In time, according to Ong, Atty. Delos
arguments or pleadings, is accorded, there is no Santos asked him to encash his postdated
denial of procedural due process. check inasmuch as he was in dire need of cash.
The petitioner actively participated in To reassure Ong that the check would be
the entire course of the investigation and funded upon maturity, Atty. Delos Santos
hearings conducted by PAGCOR. In contrast, bragged about his lucrative practice and his
the petitioner could not dispute the observance good paying clients. Convinced of Atty. Delos
of his right to due process by PAGCOR as set Santos’ financial stability, Ong handed to Atty.
forth herein. It is settled that there is no denial Delos Santos on January 29, 2008 the amount
of procedural due process where the of P100,000.00 in exchange for the latter’s
opportunity to be heard either through oral Metrobank Check No. 0110268 postdated
arguments or through pleadings is accorded.19 February 29, 2008.
However, the check was dishonored
2. No. In administrative proceedings, upon presentment for the reason that the
procedural due process has been recognized to account was closed. Ong relayed the matter of
include the following: (1) the right to actual or the dishonor to Atty. Delos Santos, and
constructive notice of the institution of demanded immediate payment, but the latter
proceedings which may affect a respondent’s just ignored him. When efforts to collect
legal rights; (2) a real opportunity to be heard remained futile, Ong brought a criminal
personally or with the assistance of counsel, to complaint for estafa and for violation of Batas
present witnesses and evidence in one’s favor, Pambansa Blg. 22 against Atty. Delos Santos.
and to defend one’s rights; (3) a tribunal vested Ong also brought this disbarment complaint
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against Atty. Delos Santos in the Integrated also for any misconduct committed outside of
Bar of the Philippines (IBP), which docketed his professional capacity. His being a lawyer
the complaint as CBD Case No. 11-2985. demanded that he conduct himself as a person
of the highest moral and professional integrity
Issue: and probity in his dealings with others.
By issuing the worthless check, did Atty.
Delos Santos violate Canon 1, Rule 1.01 and x---------------x
Canon 7, Rule 7.03 of the Code of Professional #44
Responsibility? Re: Disbarment against CA Justices
718 SCRA 335
Every lawyer is an officer of the Court. FACTS:
He has the duty and responsibility to maintain Usita disclosed by name the members of
his good moral character. In this regard, good the AMALI Board of Directors who had
moral character is not only a condition authorized him to file the present complaint, as
precedent relating to his admission into the follows: (a) Atty. Vicente Acsay; (b) Felizardo R.
practice of law, but is a continuing imposition Colambo; (c), Arnel F. Hibo; (d) Darwin V.
in order for him to maintain his membership in Dominguez; and (e) Alberto L. Buenviaje.
the Philippine Bar. The Court unwaveringly On September 30, 2014, the Court
demands of him to remain a competent, directed the abovenamed officers of AMALI to
honorable, and reliable individual in whom the show cause in writing why they should not be
public may repose confidence. Any gross held liable for indirect contempt for degrading
misconduct that puts his moral character in the judicial office of respondent Associate
serious doubt renders him unfit to continue in Justices of the CA, and for interfering with the
the practice of law. due performance of their work for the Judicial.
The effects of the issuance of a worthless The aforenamed members of the AMALI
check transcends the private interests of the Board, with the exception of Atty. Acsay who
parties directly involved in the transaction and had meanwhile passed away on March 29,
touches the interests of the community at 2014, uniformly manifested that only Atty.
large. The mischief it creates is not only a Acsay, Hibo and Dominguez had taken part in
wrong to the payee or holder, but also an injury the meeting of the Board of Directors at which
to the public. The harmful practice of putting the resolution to file the present complaint had
valueless commercial papers in circulation, been adopted; that it was Atty. Acsay who had
multiplied a thousand fold, can very well moved for the approval of the resolution; and
pollute the channels of trade and commerce, that they had caused the filing of the
injure the banking system and eventually hurt administrative complaint in their belief that
the welfare of society and the public interest. they were thereby raising a valid legal issue,
Lawyers may be disciplined for any without any intention of offending or
conduct, whether in their professional or in disrespecting respondent Associate Justices of
their private capacity, if such conduct renders the CA.It was further manifested that Colambo
them unfit to continue to be officers of the and Buenviaje had been absent from the
court. meeting when the resolution to file the
That his act involved a private dealing complaint had been tackled.
with Ong did not matter. His being a lawyer
invested him – whether he was acting as such ISSUE:
or in a non-professional capacity – with the Whether or not members of AMALI's
obligation to exhibit good faith, fairness and Board of Directors are hereby found and
candor in his relationship with others. There is pronounced guilty of indirect contempt of court
no question that a lawyer could be disciplined
not only for a malpractice in his profession, but RULING:
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The above named members of AMALI's 1. Violation of Administrative Circular No.
Board of Directors are hereby found and 28-2008, in authorizing the detail of locally-
pronounced guilty of indirect contempt of court funded employees to his court without
for thereby causing the bringing of the obtaining permission from the Supreme Court,
unfounded and unwarranted administrative and in allowing them to take custody of court
charges against respondent Associate Justices records and to draft court orders and decisions
of the CA in order to intimidate or harass them, for him;
thereby directly or indirectly impeding, 2. Knowingly allowing detailed employees
obstructing or degrading the administration of Jason Marticio, Larry Laggui and Napoleon
justice. Cabanizas to demand commissions from
Any sanction, to be proper, should be bonding companies in exchange for the
commensurate to the contumacious conduct of issuance of release orders;
Usita and the abovenamed members of 3. Extorting money from detained accused
AMALI's Board of Directors. The sanction Raymund Wang, with the help of Jason
should be meaningful and condign; otherwise, Marticio and Larry Laggui;
it would be mocked and derided, rendering it 4. Defying the directive of the Supreme
inutile for the purpose. It must also be within Court in Administrative Order No. 132-2008,
the bounds of Rule 71 of the Rules of Court, dated 15 September 2008, to stop from trying
whose Section 7 relevantly provides: and hearing cases and to instead, decide cases
“SEC. 7. Punishment for indirect already submitted for decision;
contempt. - If the respondent is 5. Releasing the accused on bail in
adjudged guilty of indirect contempt Criminal Case No. TG-4382-03 for Violation of
committed against a Regional Trial Section 8, Article II, RA 9165 (Manufacturing
Court or a court of equivalent or higher
or Engaging in the Manufacture of, in a
rank, he may be punished by a fine not
Clandestine Laboratory, Large Quantity of
exceeding thirty thousand pesos or
imprisonment not exceeding six (6)
Metamphetamine Hydrochloride, Commonly
months, or both. Considering that Known as Shabu) despite their positive
Colambo and Bucnviaje did not take identification as the perpetrators of the crime;
part in the meeting of the Board of 6. Granting a motion to quash the
Directors of AMALI, they are absolved of information in Criminal Case No. TG-5307-06
liability for indirect contempt of court. without a case record and without requiring a
Likewise, Garry de Vera is absolved of comment from the prosecutor; and
any liability because he was a mere 7. Granting a petition for the issuance of
messenger of AMALI.” owner's duplicate copies of various titles in
LRC case No. TG-06-1183 under questionable
x---------------------------x circumstances.
45 8. That the respondent judge is held liable
OCA vs Larida, Jr. for the fire that occurred in the records room of
718 SCRA 359 RTC, Branch 18, Tagaytay City.
An investigation was led by Court Issue:
Administrator Jose Portugal Perez, upon the Whether or not the respondent is
instruction of Chief Justice Reynato S. Puno, in administratively liable of the anomalies, as
light of the report filed by Atty. Stanlee D.C. charged?
Calma, Branch Clerk of Court of RTC, Branch
18, Tagaytay City, about the fire which gutted Held:
the records room of the aforementioned branch. 1. Yes. Firstly, Judge Larida committed
The investigative team discovered the lapses and laxity by allowing his staff, Jayson
following anomalies against Presiding Judge Marticio, to do legal research and to draft court
Edwin G. Larida (Judge Larida), to wit: orders in Branch 18, which is beyond his
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clerical functions. Thus, a violation of
Administrative Circular No. 28-2008. 3. No. The court rejects any imputation of
Furthermore, the respondent judge judicial misconduct.
cannot entirely be at fault for having failed to A sole affidavit attesting that a judge
comply with the submission of an inventory of demanded bribe in exchange for the
locally-funded personnel detailed to his office, exoneration of an accused being tried before
pursuant to Administrative Circular No. 28- him is not sufficient. There must be competent
2008. Such preparation is tasked to the Branch and sufficient evidence to render an
Clerk of Court, Atty. Calma, upon his administrative complaint against a judge for
knowledge of such Circular from the misconduct to prosper.
newspaper, to be signed by the respondent Hence, the charge against the respondent of
judge. The records lack any clear evidence bribery shall be dismissed.
showing the respondent’s wilful refusal to sign
and submit the inventory to the Court. 4. No. The cease and desist order was
Moreover, Trial judges have usually delegated given only as a remedial measure to ensure
various reporting tasks to their clerks of court that he will be able to write decisions of the
or other members of their staff in order to gain long-pending 139 undecided cases.
more time for their adjudications and other The judge’s issuance of the 2 orders 2 or
important written work. The court, thus, 3 days after the effectivity of AO No. No. 132-
presumes that his non-compliance with the 2008 lacks any intent to violate or circumvent
Circular was not motivated with malice, and the aforementioned AO. There was no showing
therefore entitled to a mitigating circumstance of the exact date as to when the respondent
in his favor. judge was notified as such administrative
Lastly, the physical carrying of court circulars and issuances take time to reach the
records to and from the court chambers and lower courts.
staff room is a mere messengerial activity
which the said Circular allows. 5. No. In a petition for bail, the
Hence, the court finds the respondent determination as to whether or not the
liable for a less serious charge under Section 11 evidence of guilt is strong is a matter left to the
of Rule 140, Rules of Court, as amended. sound discretion of a judge. The investigating
justice finds that the respondent judge
2. Yes. A Judge is imposed with the duty exercised a sound and reasonable discretion by
to take or initiate appropriate disciplinary having given a lot of thought to the petition for
measures against court personnel for bail before its grant. The respondent Judge
unprofessional conduct of which he would have found that there was lack or improper
become aware, pursuant to Rule 3.10A of the identification of the accused in the case before
Code of Judicial Conduct. him; as such, was one of the grounds for the
The respondent was not unaware of the grant of the petition.
solicitations done by the employees from the Atty. Calma alleged that the resolution
complaining bonding company. What he did was released under suspicious circumstances
was a mere confrontation in the presence of the considering that Atty. Albert T. Villanueva,
representative of such company, telling them to counsel for the defense, had already gone to the
stop such solicitations. He should have RTC ready to post cash bail of Php 200,000.00
conducted a firmer action, and immediately for each of the accused prior to the release of
caused for an investigation and have the resolution grating their bail.
employees be dealt with accordingly. In Atty. Villanueva’s testimony, he
Therefore, Judge Larida is hereby found mentioned that upon his knowledge that their
guilty of unbecoming conduct, a light charge petition for bail had been granted, he then
under Section 10, Rule 140 of the Rules of proceeded to take care of the Order of Release
Court, as amended. of his clients, and other court requirements for
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the posting of the cash bail bond as he was told Larida was hospitalized for kidney injury
by court personnel that there are no cases to be which he sustained in October 9, 2008.
heard that afternoon, they have a lot of time to His alleged lack of interest in the
take care of the Order of Release. Upon his investigation of the arson incident was in fact,
submission of the necessary documents which due to the OCA’s order that he be barred from
were found to be in order by the personnel in reporting for work; he was not summoned for
charge, the counsel was able to secure the any interview, and that he leaned from the NBI
Order of Release. that they had been ordered to cease from
Anent the foregoing circumstances, Atty. further investigating the fire incident upon the
Calma’s bare allegations cannot overcome Atty OCA’s entry in the investigation.
Villanueva’s testimony of his presence in Brach
18. The court, thus, finds for the dismissal of x-----------------------------x
the charge of improper grant of bail by the #46
respondent Judge. Heck vs Gamotin, Jr.
719 SCRA 339
6. No. The accused, Jayson Espiritu, in the
criminal case was a minor of 15 years and 11 Facts:
months, which is proven by a copy of his birth Heinz Heck, the petitioner filed a
certificate attached to his motion to quash. complaint for disbarment against then City
Hence he is entitled to the quashal for being Prosecutor Casiano A. Gamotin of Cagayan de
exempt from criminal liability in accordance Oro City, for "faulty, highly improper,
with Republic Act No. 9344 (Juvenile Justice suspicious anomalous and unlawful practice"
and Welfare Act of 2006). by the respondent, who had obstructed justice
However, the public prosecutor must by delaying cases and disregarding proper
have been given the opportunity to comment on court procedures, and displayed favor towards
the motion. Nonetheless, in absence of any Atty. Adaza his business partners and friends.
proof of fraud, dishonesty, or corruption in the Petitioner claimed that when he went to
exercise of his judicial capacity, he cannot be the respondent’s office, the respondent
sanctioned therefor, albeit an erroneous one. furiously KICKED the chair which was holding
Furthermore, the court ruled that the the door to his office open and then SLAMMED
accusations of bribery against the respondent the door. He also claimed that the respondent
judge in the given issue cannot be given merit was entertaining Atty. Adaza despite his
on the basis of innuendo and hearsay, hence, having been already suspended from the
dismissed. practice of law by the Supreme Court.
Respondent claims that he has no
7. No. The judicial affidavit as presented knowledge of the suspension of Atty Adaza
as evidence against the respondent judge, was because such information had not been
bereft of any showing of irregularities in the disseminated to the public offices. Respondent
disposition of the case. also asserts that he did not display any act of
The administrative charges against the violence, particularly the kicking of the chair
respondent must be viewed with utmost care, and slamming of the door.
and must be proven beyond reasonable doubt
for being highly penal in character. Issue:
Since, no other witnesses were presented Whether or not respondent breached any
to substantiate such charges, the court canon on professional conduct or legal ethics.
recommended for its dismissal for lack of
evidence and substantiation. Ruling:
The Supreme Court ruled that the
8. No. there was no evidence directly complaint should be dismissed for failure to
linking him to the arson incident since Judge prove the charges filed. The evidence adduced
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by the complainant insufficient to warrant the Treasury except in pursuance of an
disbarment of the respondent. The power to appropriation made by law.”
disbar, being the most severe form of
disciplinary action, must be exercised with Issues:
caution. It must be exercised only for the most I. Whether or not the DAP violates the
imperative reasons and in cases of clear principle “no money shall be paid out of the
misconduct affecting the standing and moral Treasury except in pursuance of an
character of the lawyer as an officer of the court appropriation made by law” (Sec. 29(1), Art. VI,
and member of the bar. Constitution).
II. Whether or not the DAP realignments
x----------------------------x can be considered as impoundments by the
#47 executive.
Araullo vs Aquino III III. Whether or not the DAP
728 SCRA 1 realignments/transfers are constitutional.
Facts: IV. Whether or not the Doctrine of Operative
Budget Secretary Florencio “Butch” Fact is applicable.
Abad came up with a program called the
Disbursement Acceleration Program (DAP) HELD:
which was seen as a remedy to speed up the I. No, the DAP did not violate Section
funding of government projects and enabled 29(1), Art. VI of the Constitution. DAP was
the Executive to realign funds from slow merely a program by the Executive and is not a
moving projects to priority projects instead of fund nor is it an appropriation. It is a program
waiting for next year’s appropriation. for prioritizing government spending. As such,
Senator Jinggoy Estrada made an it did not violate the Constitutional provision
exposé claiming that he, and other Senators, cited in Section 29(1), Art. VI of the
received Php50M from the President as an Constitution. In DAP no additional funds were
incentive for voting in favor of the withdrawn from the Treasury otherwise, an
impeachment of then Chief Justice Renato appropriation made by law would have been
Corona. Secretary Abad claimed that the required. Funds, which were already
money was taken from the DAP but was appropriated for by the GAA, were merely
disbursed upon the request of the Senators. being realigned via the DAP.
This apparently opened a can of worms as it
turns out that the DAP does not only realign II. No, there is no executive impoundment
funds within the Executive. It turns out that in the DAP. Impoundment of funds refers to the
some non-Executive projects were also funded; President’s power to refuse to spend
to name a few: Php1.5B for the CPLA appropriations or to retain or deduct
(Cordillera People’s Liberation Army), Php1.8B appropriations for whatever reason.
for the MNLF (Moro National Liberation Impoundment is actually prohibited by the
Front), P700M for the Quezon Province, P50- GAA unless there will be an unmanageable
P100M for certain Senators each, P10B for national government budget deficit (which did
Relocation Projects, etc. not happen). Nevertheless, there’s no
This prompted Maria Carolina Araullo, impoundment in the case at bar because what’s
Chairperson of the Bagong Alyansang involved in the DAP was the transfer of funds.
Makabayan, and several other concerned
citizens to file various petitions with the III. No, the transfers made through the DAP
Supreme Court questioning the validity of the were unconstitutional. It is true that the
DAP. Among their contentions was: President (and even the heads of the other
“DAP is unconstitutional because it branches of the government) are allowed by the
violates the constitutional rule which provides Constitution to make realignment of funds,
that “no money shall be paid out of the however, such transfer or realignment should
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only be made “within their respective offices”. a Motion for Reconsideration and a
Thus, no cross-border transfers/augmentations Supplemental Motion for Reconsideration
may be allowed. But under the DAP, this was praying that the Court reverse its decision on
violated because funds appropriated by the April 28, 2010 and grant their petition for
GAA for the Executive were being transferred certiorari. In a previous case, petitioners claim
to the Legislative and other non-Executive that since 1998, they have approached the
agencies. Executive Department through the DOJ, DFA
Further, transfers “within their and OSG, requesting assistance in filing a
respective offices” also contemplate claim against the Japanese officials and
realignment of funds to an existing project in military officers who ordered the establishment
the GAA. Under the DAP, even though some of the “comfort women” stations in the
projects were within the Executive, these Philippines. However, officials of the Executive
projects are non-existent insofar as the GAA is Department declined to assist them and took
concerned because no funds were appropriated the position that the individual claims of the
to them in the GAA. Although some of these comfort women for compensation had already
projects may be legitimate, they are still non- been fully satisfied by Japan’s compliance with
existent under the GAA because they were not the Peace Treaty between the Philippines and
provided for by the GAA. As such, transfer to Japan.
such projects is unconstitutional and is without
legal basis. Ruling:
The Court denied the Motion for
IV. Yes. The Doctrine of Operative Fact, Reconsideration and Supplemental Motion for
which recognizes the legal effects of an act prior Reconsideration for the following reason:
to it being declared as unconstitutional by the
Supreme Court, is applicable. The DAP has 1. Petitioners did not show that their resort
definitely helped stimulate the economy. It has was timely under the Rules of Court
funded numerous projects. If the Executive is
ordered to reverse all actions under the DAP, Petitioners did not show that their
then it may cause more harm than good. The bringing of the special civil action for certiorari
DAP effects can no longer be undone. The was timely, i.e. within the 60-day period.
beneficiaries of the DAP cannot be asked to Petitioners mentioned the year 1998 only as
return what they received especially so that the time when they approached DFA, DOJ and
they relied on the validity of the DAP. OSG to file their claim against the responsible
However, the Doctrine of Operative Fact may Japanese officials and military officers but filed
not be applicable to the authors, implementers, the petition only on March 8, 2004, which was
and proponents of the DAP if it is so found in way beyond the 60-day period.
the appropriate tribunals (civil, criminal, or As we have stressed, the right to file a
administrative) that they have not acted in special civil action of certiorari is neither a
good faith. natural right nor an essential element of due
process; a writ of certiorari is a prerogative
x-----------------------------------------------x writ, never demandable as a matter of right,
#48 and never issued except in the exercise of
Vinuya vs Romulo judicial discretion. Hence, who seeks a writ of
732 SCRA 595 certiorari must apply for it only in the manner
Facts: and strictly in accordance with the provisions
The Petitioners who are all members of of the law and the Rules.
MALAYA LOLAS, an organization established
for the purpose of providing aid to the victims 2. Petitioners did not show that the
of rape by Japanese military forces in the assailed as was either judicial or quasi-judicial
Philippines during the Second World War filed on the part of respondents.
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The petition shall be accompanied by a Several cases were filed by Atty. Dealca,
certified true copy of the judgment, order, or as one of the complainants and counsel for the
resolution subject thereof, copies of all complainants against court officers, judges and
pleadings and documents relevant and personnel.
pertinent thereto, and a sworn certification of
non-forum shopping. However, petitioners did Issue:
not make such a showing. 1. Did Atty. Dealca file frivolous
administrative and criminal complaints
3. Petitioners were no entitled to the against judges and court personnel in violation
injunction of the Lawyer’s Oath and the Code of
The Constitution has entrusted the Professional Responsibility?
Executive Department the conduct of foreign 2. Was Atty. Dealca guilty of unethical
relations for the Philippines. Whether or not to practice in seeking the inhibition of Judge
espouse petitioners’ claim against the Madrid in Criminal Case No. 2006-6795?
Government of Japan is left to the exclusive
determination and judgment of the Executive Ruling:
Department. The Court cannot interfere with 1. Yes. Although the Court always admires
or question the wisdom of the conduct of foreign members of the Bar who are imbued with a
relations by the Executive Department. high sense of vigilance to weed out from the
Accordingly, we cannot direct the Executive Judiciary the undesirable judges and
Department, either by writ of certiorari or inefficient or undeserving court personnel, any
injunction, to conduct our foreign relations acts taken in that direction should be unsullied
with Japan in a certain manner. by any taint of insincerity or self-interest. Atty.
Dealca should be reminded that the aim of
x----------------------------------x every lawsuit should be to render justice to the
#49 parties according to law, not to harass them.
Madrid vs Dealca The Lawyers Oath exhorts upon the members
734 SCRA 468 of the Bar not to “wittingly or willingly promote
or sue any groundless, false or unlawful suit.”
Facts: Atty. Dealca was aware of his duty under his
Complainant, Presiding Judge Jose L. Lawyer’s Oath not to initiate groundless, false
Madrid is an RTC Judge in Sorsogon. He filed or unlawful suits. The duty has also been
an administrative case for disbarment against expressly embodied in Rule 1.03, Canon 1 of the
Atty. Juan S. Dealca, a lawyer, who had Code of Professional Responsibility, which
engaged in an unethical practice of filing provides that “A lawyer shall not, for any
frivolous administrative cases against judges corrupt motive or interest, encourage any suit
and personnel of courts. or proceeding or delay any man’s cause.”
Atty. Dealca entered his appearance in
Criminal Case Criminal Case No. 2006-6795 2. YES. Lawyers are licensed officers of the
which is pending in RTC of the complainant, to courts empowered to appear, prosecute and
replace Atty. Judar who filed a motion to defend the legal causes for their clients. As a
withdraw as counsel of the case. But aside from consequence, peculiar duties, responsibilities
entering his appearance, he also moved that his and liabilities are devolved upon them by law.
Criminal Case be raffled to another Branch of Verily, their membership in the Bar imposes
the RTC. Judge Madrid denied the said motion, certain obligations upon them. In this regard,
contending that it is the lawyer’s duty to Canon 11 and Rule 11.04 of the Code of
appear on behalf of a client in a case but not to Professional Responsibility pertinently state:
appear for a client to remove a case from the
Court. Canon 11 — A lawyer shall observe and
maintain the respect due to the courts and to
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the judicial officers and should insist on similar movement constituted reassignment, the same
conduct by others. was not covered by the provisions of
Rule 11.04 — A lawyer shall not attribute to a COMELEC Resolution No. 8737, which
Judge motives not supported by the record or expressly limited the prohibition to either
have no materiality to the case. transfer or detail only.

Atty. Dealca’s averment that Judge Issue:

Madrid did not hear cases being handled by Whether or not relocation of Causing by
him directly insinuated that judges could Mayor Biron during the election period from
choose the cases they heard, and could refuse her office as the Municipal Civil Registrar to
to hear the cases in which hostility existed the Office of the Mayor constitute a prohibited
between the judges and the litigants or their act under the Omnibus Election Code and the
counsel. Such averment, if true at all, should relevant Resolution of the COMELEC
have been substantiated by him because it put
in bad light not only Judge Madrid but all Ruling:
judges in general. This he failed to do. The right No. Mayor Biron’s acts did not violate
of a party to seek the inhibition or the Omnibus Election Code and the COMELEC
disqualification of a judge who does not appear Resolution. The only personnel movements
to be wholly free, disinterested, impartial and prohibited by COMELEC Resolution No. 8737
independent in handling the case must be were transfer and detail. Transfer is defined in
balanced with the latter’s sacred duty to decide the Resolution as "any personnel movement
cases without fear of repression. from one government agency to another or from
one department, division, geographical unit or
x----------------------------------x subdivision of a government agency to another
#50 with or without the issuance of an
Causing vs Comelec appointment;" while detailas defined in the
734 SCRA 495 Administrative Code of 1987is the movement of
an employee from one agency to another
Facts: without the issuance of an appointment.
Elsie Causing assumed office as the Obviously, the movement involving Causing
Municipal Civil Registrar of Barotac, Nuevo, did not equate to either a transfer or a detail
Iloilo. Mayor Hernan D. Biron issued a within the contemplation of the law if Mayor
Memorandum No. 12, Series of 2010, Biron only thereby physically transferred her
commanding for the detailing of the petitioner office area from its old location to the Office of
at the Office of the City Mayor. the Mayor "some little steps" away.
Petitioner filed the complaint claiming Equally material is that Mayor Biron’s
that the issuance made by Mayor Biron, being act of transferring the office space of Causing
made within the election period and without was rooted in his power of supervision and
prior authority from the COMELEC, was control over the officials and employees serving
illegal which violated Section 1, Paragraph A, in his local government unit, in order to ensure
No. 1, in connection with Section 6 (B) of the faithful discharge of their duties and
COMELC Resolution No. 8737. Mayor Biron functions. His explanation that he transferred
reiterates his counter-affidavit, namely: (a) Causing’s work station from her original office
that there was no transfer or detail involved, to his office in order to closely supervise her
and any movement of Causing, if at all, was a after his office received complaints against her
purely physical transfer, that is, only a few could not be justly ignored. Verily, she
steps from her office to the Office of the Mayor, thereafter continued to perform her tasks, and
without any change in the present work, uninterruptedly received her salaries as the
agency, position, rank and compensation; and Municipal Civil Registrar even after the
(b) that granting without admitting that the transfer to the Office of the Mayor.
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and Glor; and that the theft had resulted in the
x-----------------------------------x loss of approximately P27,000.00 by the Court.
Alleged loss of Boxes of OAS of PJA Ruling:
737 SCRA 176 There is grave misconduct when the
elements of corruption, clear intent to violate
Before us is the administrative matter the law, or flagrant disregard of established
inquiring into the loss of 140 reams of long copy rule are present. Dishonesty is defined as a
paper, and 40 reams of short copy paper, valued disposition to lie, cheat, deceive or defraud;
at P27,000.00, delivered to the Philippine untrustworthiness; lack of integrity; lack of
Judicial Academy (PHILJA). The loss was honesty, probity or integrity in principle; lack
criminal theft by all means. of fairness and straight forwardness. Both
Also for our consideration now is the gross misconduct and dishonesty are grave
application for the release of his retirement offenses that are punishable by dismissal even
benefits due to his intervening compulsory for the first offense. Conduct prejudicial to the
retirement from the service on his 65th best interest of the service is also classified as
birthday on August 17, 2012 of one of the a grave offense under Section 22(t) of the
employees under investigation. Omnibus Rules Implementing Book V of
Boc’s Trading Co., Inc. delivered 1,300 Executive Order No. 292 and other pertinent
reams of short copy paper and 1,100 reams of Civil Service laws, with the penalty for the first
long copy paper to the Supreme Court intended offense being suspension for six (6) months and
for the Philippine Judicial Academy (PHILJA). one (1) day to one (1) year, and for the second
Ryan Orcullo, the Property Custodian of the offense being dismissal. The Civil Service laws
PHILJA, because Supply Officer II Isidro and rules contain no description of what
Austria and Store Keeper IV Lenin Mario specific acts constitute the grave offense of
Ordoñez, were then not around. With the help conduct prejudicial to the best interest of the
of Judicial Staff Employee II Elizalde S. service. However, jurisprudence has been
Carmona, Ordoñez then initiated the transfer instructive, with the Court having considered
of the copy paper to the stockroom and the the following acts or omissions as constitutive
Reproduction Room (Repro Room) of the Office of conduct prejudicial to the best interest of the
of the Court Administrator (OCA) in the service, namely: (a) misappropriation of public
Supreme Court Multipurpose Building located funds; (b) abandonment of office; (c) failure to
in the SC New Building. Orcullo informed report back to work without prior notice; (d)
Administrative Officer Recio that 400 reams of failure to keep public records and property safe;
short copy paper and 40 reams of long copy (e) making false entries in public documents;
paper were missing. and (f) falsification of court orders.
OAS concluded that Ordoñez had failed The fact that Austria meanwhile
to exercise the required diligence in the reached the compulsory retirement age did not
performance of his task in overseeing the render A.M. No. 2008-23-SC moot, let alone
delivery of the copy paper by not seeing to the release him from whatever liability he had
safe storage of the copy paper, and by not incurred while in the active service. The
properly endorsing the copy paper to his office jurisdiction acquired by the Court continues
or to the security guard assigned in the area despite his compulsory retirement. Indeed, the
where he had left the reams of copy paper. The Court retains its jurisdiction to declare a
OAS pointed out that the loss of the copy paper respondent either innocent or guilty of the
from the OCA stockroom had been Ordoñez’s charge even in the extreme case of the
fault, because he was the person in charge of respondent’s supervening death. If innocent,
the stockroom; that Ordoñez’s negligence had the respondent receives the vindication of his
facilitated the theft of the 50 reams by Austria name and integrity by declaring his service in
the Government to be well and faithful; if guilty
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in anyway, he deserves the sanction just and professionalism and responsibility. Their
appropriate for his administrative sin. conduct must not only be characterized by
Austria is now being held guilty of the grave propriety and decorum, but must also be in
offenses of gross dishonesty and grave accordance with the law and court regulations.
misconduct, (either of which is punishable by To maintain the people’s respect and faith in
dismissal for the first offense), as well as of the Judiciary, they should be upright, fair and
conduct prejudicial to the best interest of the honest. They should avoid any act or conduct
service, but since the penalty of dismissal could that tends to diminish public trust and
no longer be imposed on him, the Court forfeits confidence in the courts.
all benefits to which he could be entitled, except x--------------x
accrued leave credits, with prejudice to re- #52
employment in any branch or instrumentality Re: Lopez and Montalvo
of the Government and fines him in the amount 737 SCRA 195
equivalent to his salary for his last six (6)
months in the service to be deducted from We hereby resolve the anonymous
whatever accrued leave benefits remained for complaint denouncing the moonlighting
him. Hence, his request in A.M. No. 2014-025- activities of the respondents by engaging in
Ret. for the release of his compulsory onerous money lending activities targeting the
retirement benefits under R.A. No. 8291 is low-income workers of the Court.
denied. An undated letter-complaint stated that
Ordoñez is guilty of gross neglect of duty. the respondents had been involved in the
Even if he did not have a direct hand in the money-lending activities targeting the low-
theft of the copy paper, his negligence salaried employees of the Court like the drivers
facilitated the theft. As correctly found by the and employees of the janitorial services; that
OAS, he failed to safely store and to endorse the such money-lending had been going on with the
copy paper to the assigned security personnel; help of the personnel of the Checks
and that he did not also conduct an actual count Disbursement Division of FMBO by enticing
and make a record of all the reams of copy employees of the Court to pledge forthcoming
paper delivered to his safekeeping. Had he benefits at a discounted rate; and that around
been diligent in performing his tasks and 300 Automated Teller Machine (ATM) cards
responsibilities as a Storekeeper IV, Austria were surrendered by the borrowers to the
and Glor would not have managed to take out respondents as collateral for the individual
the reams of copy paper out of the stockroom, borrowings.
of which he was then in charge. Indeed, he so Report & Recommendation of the OAS
admitted this during the investigation. OAS submitted its report and
Neglect of duty is the failure to give one’s recommendations, whereby it recommended
attention to a task expected of him. Gross the dismissal of the letter complaint against
neglect is such neglect that, from the gravity of Montalvo for lack of merit; but endorsed
the case or the frequency of instances, becomes Lopez’s suspension "for thirty (30) days for
so serious in its character as to endanger or lending money with interest to a number of
threaten the public welfare. The term does not economically challenged employees and
necessarily include willful neglect or janitors; and directed her to immediately cease
intentional official wrongdoing. Those and desist from engaging in any form of
responsible for such act or omission cannot personal business and other financial
escape the disciplinary power of this Court. The transactions, with a warning that a repetition
imposable penalty for gross neglect of duty is of the same or similar act in the future will be
dismissal from the service. dealt with more severely."
We emphasize that all court employees,
being public servants in the Judiciary, must Ruling of the Court
always act with a high degree of
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An anonymous complaint is always Did Lopez’s money-lending activities
received with great caution, originating as it render her administratively liable?
does from a source unwilling to identify himself Administrative Circular No. 5 (Re:
or herself. It is suspect for that reason. But the Prohibition for All Officials and Employees of
mere anonymity of the source should not call the Judiciary to Work as Insurance Agents),
for the outright dismissal of the complaint on dated October 4, 1988, has prohibited all
the ground of its being baseless or unfounded officials and employees of the Judiciary from
provided its allegations can be reliably verified engaging directly in any private business,
and properly substantiated by competent vocation or profession, even outside their office
evidence, like public records of indubitable hours. The prohibition has been at ensuring
integrity, "thus needing no corroboration by that full-time officers and employees of the
evidence to be offered by the complainant, courts render full-time service, for only thereby
whose identity and integrity could hardly be could any undue delays in the administration
material where the matter involved is of public of justice and in the disposition of court cases
interest,"30 or the declarations by the be avoided. The nature of the work of court
respondents themselves in reaction to the employees and officials demanded their highest
allegations, where such declarations are, degree of efficiency and responsibility, but they
properly speaking, admissions worthy of would not ably meet the demand except by
consideration for not being self-serving. devoting their undivided time to the
The Code of Conduct for Court government service. This explains why court
Employees specifically Canon I, Section 5 employees have been enjoined to strictly
provides that "Court personnel shall use the observe official time and to devote every second
resources, property and funds under their or moment of such time to serving the public.
official custody in judicious manner and solely Although many "moonlighting"
in accordance with the prescribed statutory activities were themselves legal acts that
and regulatory guidelines or procedures." would be permitted or tolerated had the actors
The Court agrees with the observations not been employed in the public sector,
and findings of the OAS about Lopez having moonlighting, albeit not usually treated as a
engaged in money-lending activities. Her serious misconduct, can amount to a
various admissions entirely belied her malfeasance in office by the very nature of the
insistence that her activities did not constitute position held. In the case of Lopez, her being
money lending. Her claim that the amounts the Chief of the Checks Disbursement Division
voluntarily given to her by the recipients had of the FMBO, a major office of the Court itself,
not been interests on the loans extended to surely put the integrity of the Checks
them was plainly insincere. The fact of her Disbursement Division and the entire FMBO
parting with her money in favor of another under so much undeserved suspicion. She
upon the condition that the same amount ought to have refrained from engaging in
would be paid back was exactly what money lending, particularly to the employees of
constituted a loan under the law. In a contract the Court. We do not need to stress that she
of loan, according to Article 1933 of the Civil was expected to be circumspect about her acts
Code, "one of the parties delivers to another, and actuations, knowing that the impression of
either something not consumable so that the her having taken advantage of her position and
latter may use the same for a certain time and her having abused the confidence reposed in
return it, in which case the contract is called a her office and functions as such would thereby
commodatum; or money or other consumable become unavoidable. There is no doubt about
thing, upon the condition that the same her onerous lending activities greatly
amount of the same kind and quality shall be diminishing the reputation of her office and of
paid, in which case the contract is simply called the Court itself in the esteem of the public.
a loan or mutuum." Based on the foregoing, Lopez committed
simple misconduct, a less grave offense that is
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punishable under Rule IV, Section 52 of the citizen and lawyer, filed the instant petition
Revised Uniform Rules on Administrative challenging the constitutionality of EO 864, as
Cases in the Civil Service by suspension from well as Section 14, Chapter 3, Title I-A, Book V
one month and one day to six months for the of Executive Order No. 292 (EO 292), otherwise
first offense, and dismissal for the second known as The Administrative Code of 1987,
offense. Yet, although a first-time offender, she and the designation of Duque as a member of
could not be punished with the minimum of the the Board of Directors or Trustees of the GSIS,
imposable penalty because she clearly abused PHIC, ECC and HDMF for being clear
her being a high-ranking officer in the FMBO violations of Section 1 and Section 2, Article IX-
in conducting her private transactions within A of the 1987 Constitution.
court premises during office hours, thereby
putting the image of the Judiciary in a bad Issue
light. Hence, her appropriate penalty is Does the designation of Duque as
suspension from office for three months member of the Board of Directors or Trustees
without pay. of the GSIS, PHILHEALTH, ECC and HDMF,
in an ex officio capacity, impair the
x-------------------x independence of the CSC and violate the
#53 constitutional prohibition against the holding
Funa vs Duque III of dual or multiple offices for the Members of
742 SCRA 166 the Constitutional Commissions?

Facts: Ruling
The independence of the Civil Service The Court partially grants the petition.
Commission (CSC) is explicitly mandated The Court upholds the constitutionality of
under Section 1, Article IX-A of the 1987 Section 14, Chapter 3, Title I-A, Book V of EO
Constitution. Additionally, Section 2, Article 292, but declares unconstitutional EO 864 and
IX-A of the 1987 Constitution prohibits its the designation of Duque in an ex officio
Members, during their tenure, from holding capacity as a member of the Board of Directors
any other office or employment. or Trustees of the GSIS, PHILHEALTH, ECC
These constitutional provisions are and HDMF.
central to this special civil action for certiorari Unconstitutionality of Duque’s designation as
and prohibition brought to assail the member of the governing boards of the GSIS,
designation of Hon. Francisco T. Duque III, PHIC, ECC and HDMF
Chairman of the CSC, as a member of the Nonetheless, this Court has exercised its
Board of Directors or Trustees in an ex officio power of judicial review in cases otherwise
capacity of the (a) Government Service rendered moot and academic by supervening
Insurance System (GSIS); (b) Philippine events on the basis of certain recognized
Health Insurance Corporation exceptions, namely: (1) there is a grave
(PHILHEALTH), (c) the Employees violation of the Constitution; (2) the case
Compensation Commission (ECC), and (d) the involves a situation of exceptional character
Home Development Mutual Fund (HDMF). and is of paramount public interest; (3) the
On January 11, 2010, then President constitutional issue raised requires the
Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo appointed Duque as formulation of controlling principles to guide
Chairman of the CSC. The Commission on the Bench, the Bar and the public; and (4) the
Appointments confirmed Duque’s appointment case is capable of repetition yet evading review.
on February 3, 2010. The situation now obtaining definitely
On February 22, 2010, President Arroyo falls under the requirements for the review of a
issued Executive Order No. 864 (EO 864). moot and academic case. For the guidance of
On April 8, 2010, petitioner Dennis A.B. and as a restraint upon the future, the Court
Funa, in his capacity as taxpayer, concerned will not abstain from exercising its power of
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judicial review, the cessation of the controversy
notwithstanding. We proceed to resolve the x---------------------------x
substantive issue concerning the #54.
constitutionality of Duque’s ex officio FLICI vs COA
designation as member of the Board of 748 SCRA 286
Directors or Trustees of the GSIS,
PHILHEALTH, ECC and HDMF. Remedial Law
The underlying principle for the I. The petitioner claims that the affidavit
resolution of the present controversy rests on of service attached to the petition for certiorari
the correct application of Section 1 and Section complied with the requirement on proof of
2, Article IX-A of the 1987 Constitution, which service.
provide: The claim is unwarranted. The
“Section 1. The Constitutional Commissions, petitioner obviously ignores that Section 13,
which shall be independent, are the Civil Rule 13 of the Rules of Court concerns two
Service Commission, the Commission on types of proof of service, namely: the affidavit
Elections, and the Commission on Audit.” and the registry receipt xxx
The Court also notes that Duque’s Section 13 thus requires that if the
designation as member of the governing Boards service is done by registered mail, proof of
of the GSIS, PHILHEALTH, ECC and HDMF service shall consist of the affidavit of the
entitles him to receive per diem, a form of person effecting the mailing and the registry
additional compensation that is disallowed by receipt, both of which must be appended to the
the concept of an ex officio position by virtue of paper being served. A compliance with the rule
its clear contravention of the proscription set is mandatory, such that there is no proof of
by Section 2, Article IX-A of the 1987 service if either or both are not submitted.
Constitution. This situation goes against the Here, the petition only bore, however,
principle behind an ex officio position, and the cut print-outs of what appeared to be the
must, therefore, be held unconstitutional. registry receipt numbers of the registered
Apart from violating the prohibition matters, not the registry receipts themselves.
against holding multiple offices, Duque’s The rule requires to be appended the registry
designation as member of the governing Boards receipts, not their reproductions. Hence, the
of the GSIS, PHILHEALTH, ECC and HDMF cut print-outs did not substantially comply
impairs the independence of the CSC. Under with the rule.
Section 17,42 Article VII of the Constitution,
the President exercises control over all II. There is no parity between the petition
government offices in the Executive Branch. An for review under Rule 42 and the petition for
office that is legally not under the control of the certiorari under Rule 64.
President is not part of the Executive Branch. As to the nature of the procedures, Rule
The corporate powers of the GSIS, 42 governs an appeal from the judgment or
PHILHEALTH, ECC and HDMF are exercised final order rendered by the Regional Trial
through their governing Boards, members of Court in the exercise of its appellate
which are all appointed by the President of the jurisdiction. Such appeal is on a question of
Philippines. Undoubtedly, the GSIS, fact, or of law, or of mixed question of fact and
PHILHEALTH, ECC and HDMF and the law, and is given due course only upon a prima
members of their respective governing Boards facie showing that the Regional Trial Court
are under the control of the President. As such, committed an error of fact or law warranting
the CSC Chairman cannot be a member of a the reversal or modification of the challenged
government entity that is under the control of judgment or final order. In contrast, the
the President without impairing the petition for certiorari under Rule 64 is similar
independence vested in the CSC by the 1987 to the petition for certiorari under Rule 65, and
Constitution. assails a judgment or final order of the
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Commission on Elections (COMELEC), or the the COA committed grave abuse of its
Commission on Audit (COA). The petition is discretion. For sure, the bases cited by the
not designed to correct only errors of petitioner did not approximate grave abuse of
jurisdiction, not errors of judgment. Questions discretion.
of fact cannot be raised except to determine
whether the COMELEC or the COA were x---------------------x
guilty of grave abuse of discretion amounting to #55
lack or excess of jurisdiction. Araullo vs Aquino III
The reglementary periods under Rule42 749 SCRA 284
and Rule 64 are different. In the former, the
aggrieved party is allowed 15 days to file the The Constitution must ever remain
petition for review from receipt of the assailed supreme. All must bow to the mandate of this
decision or final order, or from receipt of the law. Expediency must not be allowed to sap its
denial of a motion for new trial or strength nor greed for power debase its
reconsideration. In the latter, the petition is rectitude.
filed within 30 days from notice of the judgment PROCEDURAL: TO DETERMINE THE
or final order or resolution sought to be CONSTITUTIONALITY OF THE DAP AND
reviewed. The filing of a motion for new trial or NBC NO. 541
reconsideration, if allowed under the SUBSTANTIVE: THE PRESIDENT HAS
procedural rules of the Commission concerned, AUTHORITY TO TRANSFER SAVINGS TO
interrupts the period; hence, should the motion OTHER DEPARTMENTS PURSUANT TO
be denied, the aggrieved party may file the HIS CONSTITUTIONAL POWERS
petition within the remaining period, which
shall not be less than five days in any event, Ruling of the Court.
reckoned from the notice of denial. The procedural challenges raised by the
The belated filing of the petition for respondents, being a mere rehash of their
certiorari under Rule 64 on the belief that the earlier arguments herein, are dismissed for
fresh period rule should apply was fatal to the being already passed upon in the assailed
recourse. As such, the petitioner herein should decision.
suffer the same fate for having wrongly As to the substantive challenges, the
assumed that the fresh period rule under Court discerns that the grounds are also
Neypes applied. Rules of procedure may be reiterations of the arguments that were
relaxed only to relieve a litigant of an injustice already thoroughly discussed and passed upon
that is not commensurate with the degree of his in the assailed decision.
thoughtlessness in not complying with the DECLARES the following acts and
prescribed procedure. Absent this reason for practices under the Disbursement Acceleration
liberality, the petition cannot be allowed to Program, National Budget Circular No. 541
prosper. and related executive issuances
III. Grave abuse of discretion implies such UNCONSTITUTIONAL for being in violation
capricious and whimsical exercise of judgment of Section 25(5), Article VI of the 1987
as to be equivalent to lack or excess of Constitution and the doctrine of separation of
jurisdiction; in other words, power is exercised powers, namely:
in an arbitrary or despotic manner by reason of (a) The withdrawal of unobligated
passion, prejudice, or personal hostility; and allotments from the implementing
such exercise is so patent or so gross as to agencies, and the declaration of the
amount to an evasion of a positive duty or to a withdrawn unobligated allotments and
virtual refusal either to perform the duty unreleased appropriations as savings
enjoined or to act at all in contemplation of law. prior to the end of the fiscal year without
A close look indicates that the petition complying with the statutory definition
for certiorari did not sufficiently disclose how
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of savings contained in the General criminal, civil, administrative and other
Appropriations Acts; and liabilities.
(b) The cross-border transfers of
the savings of the Executive to augment x--------------------x
the appropriations of other offices 56
outside the Executive. TESDA vs COA
The Court further DECLARES VOID 750 SCRA 247
the use of unprogrammed funds despite the
absence of a certification by the National The TESDA, an instrumentality of the
Treasurer that the revenue collections Government an attached agency of the
exceeded the revenue targets for non- Department of Labor and Employment
compliance with the conditions provided in the (DOLE). In view of the inadequate policy on
relevant General Appropriations Acts. basic health and safety conditions of work
At the outset, we allay the respondents’ experienced by government personnel, then
apprehension regarding the validity of the DAP DOLE Secretary Patricia Sto. Tomas issued AO
funded projects. It is to be emphatically No. 430, series of 2003, authorizing the
indicated that the Decision did not declare the payment of healthcare maintenance allowance
en masse invalidation of the 116 DAP-funded of P5,000.00 to all officials and employees of the
projects. To be sure, the Court recognized the DOLE, including its bureaus and attached
encouraging effects of the DAP on the country’s agencies. AO No. 430 was purportedly based on
economy, and acknowledged its laudable Civil Service Commission (CSC) Memorandum
purposes, most especially those directed Circular (MC) No. 33, series of 1997, and
towards infrastructure development and Section 34 of the General Provisions of the 2003
efficient delivery of basic social services. It General Appropriations Act.
bears repeating that the DAP is a policy Upon post-audit, COA State Auditor IV
instrument that the Executive, by its own Rosemarie A. Valenzuela issued AOM No. 04-
prerogative, may utilize to spur economic 005 and later endorsed the matter to the COA
growth and development. Director of the LAO-National for appropriate
legal action. DOLE Administrative Order No.
Application of the operative fact doctrine. 430, series of 2003 is clearly without legal
Nonetheless, as Justice Brion has basis. The TESDA filed an appeal before the
pointed out during the deliberations, the COA Commission Proper, assailing the
doctrine of operative fact does not always disallowance by the LAO-National.
apply, and is not always the consequence of
every declaration of constitutional invalidity. It ISSUE:
can be invoked only in situations where the Did the COA commit grave abuse of
nullification of the effects of what used to be a discretion in issuing ND No. 2006-015
valid law would result in inequity and injustice; pursuant to AOM No. 04-005?
but where no such result would ensue, the
general rule that an unconstitutional law is Ruling of the Court
totally ineffective should apply. The petition has no merit.
In that context, as Justice Brion has The Court agrees with the COA decision
clarified, the doctrine of operative fact can in holding that the recipients of the healthcare
apply only to the PAPs that can no longer be maintenance allowance benefits who received
undone, and whose beneficiaries relied in good the allowance of P5,000.00 in good faith need
faith on the validity of the DAP, but cannot not refund the sum received. The recipients
apply to the authors, proponents and accepted the benefits honestly believing that
implementors of the DAP, unless there are they were receiving what they were entitled to
concrete findings of good faith in their favor by under the law. Similarly, the Court holds that
the proper tribunals determining their the TESDA officials who granted the allowance
Law Students Help Group Philippines
J. Bersamin Cases 2009 -2015
to the covered personnel acted in good faith in bonuses they received but disallowed by the
the honest belief that there was lawful basis for COA.
such grant. In view of these considerations, the
Court declares that the disallowed benefits
approved and received in good faith need not be Contributors:
reimbursed to the Government. This finds Jake Bryson Dancel for cases 1-5; 22
support in the consistent pronouncements of Jay Ar Quilaton for cases 7; 9-10
the Court, such as that issued in De Jesus v. Rosanna Tamayo for cases 6; 8; 11-12
Commission on Audit, to wit: Princess Kristine Torres Lerias for cases
“Nevertheless, our 13-17; 41-42
pronouncement in Blaquera v. Alcala Darlene Alejandro Baquing for cases 18-19;
supports petitioners’ position on the 54
refund of the benefits they received. Peter Daniel Bugtas for cases 20-21; 23-25
In Blaquera, the officials and
Remi Karissima Galves for cases 26-30
employees of several government
Maricel Montecillo for cases 31-35
departments and agencies were paid
incentive benefits which the COA
Cara Bello Pedreablba for cases 36-40
disallowed on the ground that Joan Pablo for cases 46-50
Administrative Order No. 29 dated 19
January 1993 prohibited payment of
these benefits. While the Court
sustained the COA on the
disallowance, it nevertheless declared
Considering, however, that all
the parties here acted in good faith,
we cannot countenance the refund of
subject incentive benefits for the year
1992, which amounts the petitioners
have already received. Indeed, no
indicia of bad faith can be detected
under the attendant facts and
circumstances. The officials and
chiefs of offices concerned disbursed
such incentive benefits in the honest
belief that the amounts given were
due to the recipients and the latter
accepted the same with gratitude,
confident that they richly deserve
such benefits.”
This ruling in Blaquera applies to the
instant case. Petitioners here received the
additional allowances and bonuses in good
faith under the honest belief that LWUA Board
Resolution No. 313 authorized such payment.
At the time petitioners received the additional
allowances and bonuses, the Court had not yet
decided Baybay Water District, Petitioners had
no knowledge that such payment was without
legal basis. Thus, being in good faith,
petitioners need not refund the allowances and

Law Students Help Group Philippines

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