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1) Helicopter coning angle

a) net effect of lift and centrifugal*
[When the blades are rotating, they are producing lift, which
makes them move upwards and centrifugal force is also
attempting to make them fly outwards. The combination of
these two forces creates what is known as coning angle. This
will vary with rotor speed, amount of lift produced, and several
other minor factors.]

2) Coning
a) too high angle of attack
b) centrifugal force and lift*

3) Helicopter rotor disc

a) Area of rotating blade tip*

4) Helicopter yaw stability can be achieved by.

a) pitch of main rotor [adjust lift]
b) flapping hinge angle [balance lift on the left and right of main rotor]
c) pitch of tail rotor*

5) Cyclic control
a) vertical + lateral
b) forward + after, vertical
c) forward + after, lateral*
[Collective: Change blade angle at the same time. Cyclic: Change blade angle cyclically]

6) When helicopter is zero roll demand ( Roll channel speed demand signal)
a) Transition
b) Doppler hover
c) Both*

7) Roll (demand signal is zero) in helicopter when

a) Transition
b) Hovering
c) Both*

8) Helicopter hover transition signal

a) Radio altimeter and heading
b) Radio altimeter and Doppler
c) Radio altimeter and ground speed*

9) SAS of helicopter
a) Simple system control to prevent pitch and roll rate development
b) Maintain trim datum*
[Stability augmentation systems (SAS) provide corrective control inputs proportional not only to the rate
of change of attitude, but also to the deviation from a datum attitude.]
[The system will try to maintain the datum to which the helicopter is trimmed, and it will attempt to return to
this datum if it is disturbed.]

10) Stability Augmentation System (SAS) of helicopter

a) damp excess rate only
b) correction signal proportional to deviation from a datum attitude only
c) Maintain at trimmed attitude (true)

11) Control of helicopter SAS (stability augmentation system)

a) Prevent excess rate* (true)
b) Prevent deviation from datum (true)
[Stability Augmentation System in helicopter prevents excessive rate build up causing deviations from

12) In flight Stability Augmentation System (SAS) is a primarily a function of

a) signal from roll computer (may be)
b) signal from yaw computer
c) mechanical voting system of aileron

13) Tail rotor lower than main rotor, cause torque about.
a) longitudinal axis
b) Lateral axis* [against the direction of spin]
c) Vertical axis

14) Helicopter main rotor counteract by

a) Stabilizer
b) Tail rotor*

15) Helicopter tail rotor:

a) Move forward
b) Secondary means of propulsion
c) Counteract main rotor*

16) Main rotor disc becomes asymmetric

a) Because the main rotor advanced into air and at the same time retrieve from the air.

17) Ground effect of helicopter

a) effective until height exceed twice the diameter of rotor* [correct if half diameter]
b) left behind if it moves horizontally of 1 knot
c) is due to build up of pressure under helicopter
When the helicopter hovers near the ground the downwash from the rotor forms a high pressure ‘cushion’
beneath the rotor disc. The cushion helps to support the aircraft and reduces the power required to hover. The
maximum hover height in-ground effect is approximately equal to three-quarters the helicopter’s disc
diameter. [The maximum hover height in-ground effect is approximately equal to three-quarters the
helicopter’s disc diameter.] --HX p.31 - JTL

18) When the pilot increase the collective pitch

a) Decrease all blade pitch evenly
b) Increase all blade pitch evenly*
c) Increase blade pitch sequentially
[The main rotor controls in a helicopter are called the collective and the cyclic: Collective control changes
the pitch of all the main rotor blades by the same amount (or collectively) with respect to the main
rotor shaft. In a general sense this controls the magnitude of the thrust vector. Lift (and thrust) are produced
by the pitch (and RPM) of the rotating blades and controlled by use of the collective pitch lever and the
speed of the output of the engine. Raising the lever increases the pitch of the blades and the lift, and
lowering the lever reduces the blade pitch and lift.]

19) Cyclic pitch

a) Cyclic only
b) Both*

20) Collective control

a) Raises star and lower star
b) Lower star and tilt star
c) Tilt and raise the rotating star

21) Flapping for helicopter means

a) Up & down*
b) Forward & backward
c) Faster & slower
[Since the blades are free to move on their flapping hinges the blades will automatically flap up or down
until there is a balance of lift, weight and centrifugal force. Since the weight and centrifugal force are the
same on each blade the lift on each blade becomes equal. This is known as flapping to equality of lift.]

22) Altitude of the helicopter is

a) not affected by helicopter pitch*
b) affected by helicopter pitch
[Collective control changes the pitch of all the main rotor blades by the same amount (or collectively) with
respect to the main rotor shaft. Cyclic control changes the pitch of the rotor blades individually with respect
to azimuth as they move around the rotor disk.]

23) In helicopter aerodynamics, the term "Tennis racket effects":

a) the tendency of blade to feather
b) the tendency of blade to go to flat pitch*
c) the blade strike to the helicopter structure
[There is a centrifugal-pitching-couple from the rotation of the rotor tending to force everything into flat
pitch. ‘Tennis racket effect’ that causes the blades to exert a force that tends to return them to zero pitch]

24) Helicopter forward movement

a) by rotor tilt (may be)
b) by CG of helicopter
c) by fuselage tilt
[A helicopter moves forward by tilting the thrust vector in the direction of desired movement, and this is
accomplished by use of cyclic control system. The exact mechanism which tilts the disc is complex, requiring
the blade pitch to be changed in advance of the location where the blade position should be. In steady
forward flight, the tip path plane (disc) will be tilted forward with respect to the fuselage.]

25) When helicopter is going rearwards,

a) rotor star is going to tilt rearwards [if]
b) fuselage is going to tilt rearwards [will]
[A helicopter can move in any horizontal direction while maintaining a fixed heading, merely by tilting the
rotor disc in the required direction.]
26) The helicopter of the rearward, the direction of control
a) Mach trim [helicopters fly in low subsonic regime]
b) CG rearward

27) Dissymmetry of lift when does it occur

a) Hover
b) forward flight*

28) In hovering, change blade angle to balance the lift on blade, this is known as?
a) Gyro precession
b) Coriolis effect
c) Feathering (may be)
[Feathering is the action of twisting a rotor blade along its length, changing its pitch and hence the amount
of lift it generates. Main rotor blades feather when carrying out collective pitch and cyclic pitch commands.]

29) safe-life example

a) stressed skin
b) helicopter main rotor*
c) floor beam
[Safe-life refers to critical system that are difficult to repair or vital to safety. They are replaced within a
determined design life]

30) Blade sailing

a) Low rotor r.p.m. *(not enough centrifugal force at start up or shut down)

31) Helicopter “rotor H-force” is

a) induced drag in rotor blade*
b) parasitic drag of fuselage
c) thrust in longitude/latitude direction
[The rotor drag force. The horizontal force perpendicular to the rotor shaft. H-force due to flapping.]

32) Hover tip vortices what effects

a) Disturbance in that area*
b) No effect

33) Vortex ring state (VRS)

a) helicopter rotor disc
b) area of rotating blade tip*
[Vortex ring state (VRS) is a hazardous condition encountered in helicopter flight.]

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