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Republic of the Philippines

Katipunan, Zamboanga del Norte


First Quarter Examination
Name: __________________________________________ Date: ____________________
Grade & Section: ________________________________ Score: ___________________
Directions: Read and understand the questions. Choose the correct/best answer from the choices. In a separate sheet (ANSWER
SHEET), shade the circle corresponding to the letter of your answer in each item.
1. What is being referred to as the ability to access, analyze, and respond to a range of media including print, moving
images, and other hybrid forms such as multimedia texts.
A. media literacy C. technology literacy
B. information literacy D. internet literacy
2. What is called as the set of abilities requiring individuals to recognize when information is needed, and how to
locate, evaluate, and use it effectively?
A. media literacy C. technology literacy
B. information literacy D. internet literacy
3. Which of the following terms is being referred to as the set of skills, attitudes and knowledge necessary to
understand and operate the basic functions of information and communications technologies?
A. media literacy C. technology literacy
B. information literacy D. internet literacy
4. Which of the following URLs is an example of a non-profit organization?
5. Which of the following materials are examples of digital formats?
A. books, newspapers, manuscripts, correspondence C. back issues of magazines, newspapers
B. television, video recordings, radio, audio recordings D. electronic books, databases, websites
6. What is the name of the first book printed in the Philippines described as a treatise on the teachings of the Roman
Catholic Church?
A. Doctrina Cristiana C. La Solidaridad
B. La Esperanza D. Ang Kalayaan
7. What was the first daily newspaper published in the Philippines?
A. Doctrina Cristiana C. La Solidaridad
B. La Esperanza D. Ang Kalayaan
8. Who wrote Doctrina Cristiana?
A. George Eastman C. Fray Juan Plasencia
B. McQuail D. Turow
9. What was the name of the official revolutionary newspapers of the KKK?
A. Doctrina Cristiana C. La Solidaridad
B. La Esperanza D. Ang Kalayaan
10. When was the exact and complete date that the free and open World Wide Web was launched in the Philippines?
A. January 18, 1896 C. October 23, 1953
B. March 29, 1994 D. December 1, 1846
11. Traditional media has become synonymous with the seven most common forms of media, which among the
following is NOT an example of traditional media?
A. Doctrina Cristiana C. IBM 701
B. Time magazine D. Philippine Daily Inquirer
12. Which of the following is an example of what is considered as new media?
A. internet websites C. newspapers
B. sound recording D. magazine
13. Which of the following is a good example of traditional media?
A. Doctrina Cristiana C. computer games
B. computer multimedia D. CD-ROMs
14. Which of the following terms denotes the knowledge of where to find different forms of media?
A. media literacy C. analysis
B. access D. response
15. What term is being referred to as including thinking reflectively and critically on what has been read, seen, or
experienced, and its implications to oneself and to one’s community?
A. media literacy C. analysis
B. access D. response
16. Which of the following includes the ability to experience and explore the pleasures of the media text, and how
these are realized through the language of the media?
A. media literacy C. analysis
B. access D. response
17. The question “What creative techniques were used to attract attention?” is used to best test what literacy?
A. functional literacy C. technology literacy
B. information literacy D. media literacy
18. Which among the following is an example of popular publications?
A. journalistic articles C. motoring publications
B. research papers D. construction publications
19. Which of the following is an example of scholarly publications?
A. journalistic articles C. motoring publications
B. research papers D. construction publications
20. Which of the following are materials collected using analog technology in video and audio tools?
A. print C. audio and video
B. digital formats D. microform
21. Which of the following domains have the equivalent – educational institution?
A. .edu C. .org
B. .com D. .gov
22. Which of the following formats includes materials that have been photographed and their images developed in
reduced-size film strips and which are viewed using machines with magnifying lenses?
A. print C. audio and video
B. digital formats D. microform
23. What is called by the highly specialized materials meant for the players and specialists of a specific industry?
A. popular publications C. trade publications
B. scholarly publications D. social publications
24. Which of the following is an example of print publications?
A. magazines C. audios
B. videos D. databases
25. Which of the following is NOT an example of print publications?
A. electronic books C. newspapers
B. books D. brochures
26. What is referred to as a vast chain of computer networks in which anyone who has access to a computer with
Internet connection can publish their documents?
A. information C. internet
B. knowledge D. publication
27. Which source of information serve to both inform and entertain the general public?
A. popular publications C. trade publications
B. scholarly publications D. social publications
28. Which source of information uses very technical language geared toward the consumption of specialists?
A. popular publications C. trade publications
B. scholarly publications D. social publications
29. What does the acronym URL mean?
A. Uniform Research Locator C. Unique Resource Locator
B. Unknown Resource Location D. Uniform Resource Locator
30. Which of the following is an example of internet site that shows the address of an internet service provider?
A. C.
B. D.
31. Which is an example of commercial entity which is profit-oriented?
A. C.
B. D.
32. What is referred to as systems of signs that when put together create meaning?
A. genre C. codes
B. format D. conventions
33. Which term in media called as the styles and approaches that have been standardized into the content?
A. genre C. codes
B. format D. conventions
34. Which shot is described as a view of a situation or setting from a distance?
A. long shot C. full shot
B. medium long shot D. extreme long shot

35. Which of the following is an example of camera movement under the grammar of the camera?
A. insert C. reaction
B. tilt D. hand-held
36. One of the elements that constitute the creation of a message is source – where the message came from; would
this be applied if you had a conversation with your classmate?
A. Yes. When I talk to my classmate to tell him/her something, I am the source of the message.
B. No. Talking with my classmate has nothing to do with considering myself as a source.
C. Yes. When I share something to my classmate, he/she becomes the source.
D. No. It is not a good example of showing source of message.
37. Which of the following elements that constituting the creation of message is referred to as the response generated
by the message that was sent to the receiver?
A. noise interference C. receiver
B. feedback D. decoding
38. In analyzing the communication process, what is the first question to be asked?
A. Who is the receiver?
B. How is the message sent?
C. Where is the message coming from?
D. What form did the sender use so that the message can be transmitted?
39. What do you think is the main problem encountered by the first people before the invention of the use of papyrus
and paper?
A. They can’t immediately reach the person they want to contact.
B. They have a short time formulating the message.
C. They are not so good in writing.
D. They are dull.
40. How will you demonstrate the ethical use of information in the media and information industry?
A. by producing own concepts about the issue
B. by analyzing carefully the media and information
C. by marking the errors and mistakes of the producers
D. by changing the ways on how the media and information are delivered
41. What factors or sources of information would you use if you are to write a research paper?
A. scholarly publications only C. scholarly, trade, and popular publications
B. trade publications only D. popular publications only
42. Which statement shows the best contrasting of print and broadcast media?
A. Print media is that kind of media which refer to the production of press while broadcast media is used by the
help of electronic devices.
B. Print media are stored in an electronic format while broadcast media is produced from print resources.
C. Print media are journalistic while broadcast media are research based.
D. Print media show information while broadcast media show nothing.
43. What best question could be asked if you are to research from an indigenous resource?
A. What makes you say that?
B. What is the importance of this information to the community?
C. Why would you continue pursuing information in cases like this?
D. If you were a reporter, would you like to report about your community?
44. Which is the best comparison between library source and internet source?
A. Library and internet both produce videos and audios for concrete examples.
B. Library and internet both use print publications.
C. Library and internet both give information.
D. Library and internet both provide facts.
45. What is the best explanation when there is no grammar of the camera used in films or movies or videos?
A. The shots or the media as a whole would be boring. C. The characters will be static.
B. The messages will not be clear to the audience. D. The media will be bad.
46. How can we say that a speaker is effective?
A. When he speaks well.
B. When he knows just what he’s doing.
C. When he understands well his responsibility as a speaker.
D. When he does not take the responsibility for granted that might lead to failure.
47. What would happen if media is not carefully studied before presenting it to the audience?
A. The audience might misinterpret the message that will lead to ineffective communication.
B. The message will be clear to the audience and will lead to progress.
C. The audience will be inspired to talk about it to everyone.
D. The audience will feel bored.
48. Why is it important to demonstrate ethical use of information?
A. To process the information thoroughly without any bias. C. To make sense in life
B. To give light to the minds of the audience. D. None of the choices.
49. Which of the following is the best solution in case problems occur during the retrieval of information in the
A. Find another type of media.
B. Interrogate the media based on the media’s five key questions.
C. Never mind whether the media is effective or not, continue watching it.
D. Ask another person to explain the media based on his/her own understanding.
50. If you had access to all resources how would you deal with evaluating everyday media and information with
regard to codes, conventions, and messages?
A. I will use my knowledge in interrogating media at the same time evaluating whether it is worth sharing.
B. I will ask other people to look at the media with me and we will together evaluate it.
C. I will formulate a group that will focus on evaluating media every day.
D. I will do nothing for I believe it is not my concern at all.

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