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“Mana”, a Filipino horror movie talks about the “aswang folklore” that is believed by

most of the citizens here in the Philippines. The story focuses on the Villareal family in

Negros who is the most influential family in terms of politics and history in their time. It also

focuses on matriarch of the family who lies in her death bed. The children of Doña Concha

decide to go back to their ancestral house to choose who will take the inheritance of their

family and how to deal the issues within the family. In the end, Sandra is chosen to be the

heir of their family’s darkest secret. The story ‘’Mana’’ has a lot of social and cultural

implications as reflected in the main characters and in the conflict in the movie.

It happens in Negros where people give respect to the family. The said family is the most

influential in their time in terms of politics and history in their community. They are part of

its history. The community shows a belief of aswang folklore, cult and demonic rituals

through some scenes of veiled women practicing occultism. The movie also differentiates the

level of people in the society like the upper class, middle class and lower class. The Villarreal

family as the upper class the laborers, farmers and the common tao as the lower class.

One morning, Bombo Radio broadcasts that the well-known first lady of Negros is very

ill. Most of the people were bothering by the news and because of that they want to visit

Doña Concha to give their sympathy. The children of Doña Concha decided to go back to

their ancestral house so that they can talk to each other about their family’s darkest secret.

The characters in the movie also portray different roles and have different conflicts with

their family and the community. At first, no one wants to take the inheritance. Roly as the

eldest son and the farm manager of the family is obliged to take the inheritance but in the

movie he says that continuing their family tradition is pointless. And in the first place, when

his dad was alive, he clearly said to his father that he did not want to take the inheritance.

Mike is running for the position of mayor in their community and is currently busy in the
campaign and because of that he does not want to take the inheritance. He says that he must

not be the one because he’s carrying their family name in politics. He is so greedy for wealth

and power. He is portrayed in the movie as an arrogant and boastful man. Ces who is their

half sister in Don Manuel’s child to their secretary. She is not able to take the inheritance

because she gives enough contribution in terms of taking care of their mother and in some

scenes in the movie she says that she is tied and she gave all his life to their house. She is not

able to take the inheritance because she is only a half-blooded Villareal. Lino, the drunkard

and the twin brother of Sandra. He is not able to take the inheritance because he is an

alcoholic and gambler. Thus, he is irresponsible and a vagabond. He is also short-tempered.

In some scenes in the movie he is bother of his conscience about his promise to his dad that

he will not let her mother suffer and he will be the one to take the inheritance but he has no

courage to do so. Sandra is the twin sister of Lino. She knows how to deal with people

because in one scene in the movie, she approaches the people and accommodates them to

keep them calm about their worries regarding Doña Concha’s situation. She is also portrayed

as a strong woman. She can speak her mind and confront her siblings head-on. She is capable

to take the inheritance but in some scenes in the movie she does not want to take it because of

her comfortable life in London. Bernie is the youngest child of Doña Concha. He abandons

their ancestral house due to their family secret. In some scenes, he confronts his mother about

the inheritance and it is revealed that his refusal to take the inheritance is the reason why he

abandoned their family. His older brothers and sisters also promised their mom that they will

protect Bernie from the curse. Nando is the surviving brother of Don Manuel. He is also an

aswang. He does not want any of the children of Doña Concha to take the inheritance. In the

movie he says that Villareal family are all traitors because they killed his child.

The movie features the aswang lore but actually in reality it symbolizes power. The

movie shows the struggle of the family passing their power and wealth to maintain their
status in the community. The “MANA” symbolizes the reigning legacy of the Villareal

Family. On other hand, it symbolizes the passing of family’s wealth from generation to

generation through the inheritance. The family wants to maintain their popularity through


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