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Operation and

Maintenance Support
Service Proposal
O&M Support Service Proposal

O&M Support Service Proposal

About the Document

Version Date Author Approved By Remarks
V1.00 11/6/2010 Not open to the Third Party

© 2007 ZTE Corporation. All rights reserved.

ZTE CONFIDENTIAL: This document contains proprietary information of ZTE and is
not to be disclosed or used without the prior written permission of ZTE.
Due to update and improvement of ZTE products and technologies, information of the
document is subjected to change without notice.

ZTE Confidential Proprietary I

O&M Support Service Proposal

Table of Contents

1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................2
2 Details of Services ...................................................................................................................3
2.1 Help Desk Service ..........................................................................................................3
2.2 Technical Support Service..............................................................................................3
2.3 Hardware Support Service..............................................................................................5
2.4 Software Support Service ...............................................................................................5
2.5 Technical Correction Service .........................................................................................5
2.6 Knowledge Database Service .........................................................................................6
3 Service Level Agreement........................................................................................................7
3.1 Problem Severity ............................................................................................................7
3.2 Service Level Commitment............................................................................................7
4 Responsibility Matrix .............................................................................................................9
5 Service Organization ............................................................................................................12
5.1 Organization Structure Diagram...................................................................................12
5.2 Responsibilities ............................................................................................................12
6 Service Flow ..........................................................................................................................14
6.1 Technical Support Service Flow ..................................................................................14
6.2 Emergency Troubleshooting Service Flow ..................................................................18
6.3 Hardware Support Service Flow ..................................................................................21
6.4 Software Support Service Flow....................................................................................23
6.5 Technical Correction Service Flow ..............................................................................26
7 Service Quality Guarantee Plan ..........................................................................................28
7.1 Service Competence .....................................................................................................28
7.2 Alarming Escalation Rule ............................................................................................28
7.3 Real-time Telephone Callback .....................................................................................29
7.4 Customer Complaint Handling.....................................................................................29
7.5 On-site Service Quality Inspection...............................................................................29
7.6 Service Quality Assessment .........................................................................................29
7.7 Service Quality Control................................................................................................29
8 Glossary .................................................................................................................................30
8.1 Definitions ....................................................................................................................30
8.2 Abbreviations and Acronyms .......................................................................................31

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O&M Support Service Proposal

Figures and Tables

Figure 1 ZTE Customer Service Organization...................................... 12
Figure 2 Technical Support Services Flow ........................................... 15
Figure 3 Emergency Troubleshooting Service Flow............................. 18
Figure 4 Hardware Support Service Flow............................................. 21
Figure 5 Software Support Service Flow .............................................. 23
Figure 6 Technical Correction Service Flow ........................................ 26
Figure 7 Preventive Inspection Service Flow ...... Error! Bookmark not
Figure 8 ZTE Customer Service Competence....................................... 28

Table 1 Technical Support SLA ............................................................ 7
Table 2 Hardware Support Service Commitment.................................. 8
Table 3 Other Requests Commitment.................................................... 8
Table 4 Responsibility Matrix ............................................................... 9
Table 5 Description of Technical Support Services Flow ................... 16
Table 6 Description of Emergency Troubleshooting Service Flow..... 19
Table 7 Description of Hardware Support Service Flow..................... 22
Table 8 Description of Software Support Service Flow ...................... 24
Table 9 Description of Technical Correction Service Flow ................ 27
Table 10 Description of Preventive Inspection Service Flow ........Error!
Bookmark not defined.
Table 11 Escalation Rules for Emergency Cases Reporting ................. 28

ZTE Confidential Proprietary I

O&M Support Service Proposal

1 Introduction
To guarantee stable and efficient running of ZTE communication equipment in
the PTC network, and satisfy PTC’s high-level, all-round and individualized
service demands, ZTE presents this Proposal for Operation and Maintenance
Support Service (abbreviated as Proposal in the following) according to practical
conditions and demands of PTC’s network. The proposal stipulates service
content and quality standard supplied by ZTE, service operation process that both
parties should comply with, and contact methods of both parties.
As an integral part of the O&M support service contract signed by ZTE and
Purchaser, the proposal has the same legal force as the service contract.
The contents of this Proposal is proprietary confidential for both parties and shall
not be disclosed to other party without agreement of ZTE and Purchaser.

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O&M Support Service Proposal

2 Details of Services
ZTE is able to offer a series of Support Services to ensure you can benefit from
them. These services are:
1. Help Desk Service
2. Technical Support Service
♦ Telephone Support Service
♦ Remote Access Service
♦ On-site Troubleshooting Service
♦ Emergency Troubleshooting Service
3. Hardware Support Service
4. Software Support Service
5. Technical Correction Service
6. Knowledge Database Service

2.1 Help Desk Service

Help Desk is a way to provide single point of contact to PTC about System
operation and/or maintenance. ZTE will handle questions and queries on a
priority basis, and will answer them within the time committed in SLA. Help
Desk services can be done through telephone, fax or mails. Help Desk mainly
provides the services on the following items:
• Advice, Consultation and Guidance
• Trouble ticket collecting
• Responsible to coordinate engineers or experts for consultation or problem.
• Responsible to escalate

2.2 Technical Support Service

The purpose of the Technical Support is to identify the cause of a problem and to
provide a solution which recovers the system back into a normal operational and
commercial condition. The service provides PTC with telephone, remote and on
site technical support within the framework of the performance level specified in
There are the following technical support services:
• Telephone Support Service
• Remote Access Service
• On-site Troubleshooting service
• Emergency Troubleshooting Service

2.2.1 Telephone Support Service

When PTC have any difficulty or any technical problem that cannot be solved in
maintaining the equipment of ZTE, they can make service requests to the LCSC

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or the GCSC of ZTE through telephone or fax. After receiving the PTC request,
The LCSC or the GCSC of ZTE creates a Service Request record in the
Information System and transfers the request to the FSO. The FSO will appoint
professional maintenance engineers to perform telephone support, guiding the
customer in ultimately eliminating the problem. All service requests are
monitored until closure.
If the telephone support service cannot solve the PTC’s problems, the FSO or
TAC will further provide the remote access or on-site troubleshooting service.

2.2.2 Remote Access Service

When equipment problems cannot be solved through telephone support, The FSO
or TAC can log into the system remotely with the permission of PTC, to
diagnose the problem, find out the cause, and guide the personnel of PTC to
handle it appropriately.
By a mean agreed by both parties, which is convenient and technically realizable,
remote access service will benefit PTC with
• Utilizing the existing network bandwidth
• Enhanced security by means of VPN connection
• Flexible access on demand of PTC

2.2.3 On-site Troubleshooting Service

For equipment problems that cannot be solved through telephone support and
remote access, The FSO will promptly provide on-site troubleshooting service
according to SLA, and arrange experienced maintenance engineers to analyze,
work out the solution, and finally eliminate the problem on site.
At the end of each task performed on site, an intervention report will be drawn up
by ZTE and signed by the representatives of both parties. This report will
conclude the operations performed, the time spent, the solutions,
recommendations and so on.

2.2.4 Emergency Troubleshooting Service

Emergency incident refers to equipment troubles that influence the business of
customer seriously. When an emergency incident occurs, ZTE will organize an
expert team of FSO, TAC and TEC personnel to provide phone support, remote
support and field support.
The main objective of this service is to keep the system running or, in case of
failures, to restore the system as soon as possible. Even some operational
restrictions are acceptable in order to prevent a loss of profit for the PTC.
The urgent problem includes:
• Critical problem
• Other urgent problems confirmed by both ZTE and PTC
In the process of emergency troubleshooting, both parties shall provide two
dedicated phone lines to guarantee communication between field and TEC or
For Critical Problem of system, ZTE support engineers will observe for one or
two days on site to ensure that the system works stably after the problem is fixed.

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2.3 Hardware Support Service

Hardware support service refers to repairing or replacement of ordinarily
damaged parts in purchased equipments of PTC. It aims to keep PTC’s
equipment operating enduringly.
In order to satisfy the needs and benefits of Purchaser, ZTE offers two service
options to PTC:
• Repair and Return Service
The Purchaser sends the faulty FRU to the repair address – ZTE RRC in
Hong Kong. ZTE repairs and returns the unit, with being responsible for
customs clearance in Hong Kong.
• Swap Service
The Purchaser sends faulty FRU to ZTE designated premise in China. ZTE
delivers same functional spare units to Purchaser. ZTE will carry the
responsibility for all necessary export/import of parts, customs clearance etc.

2.4 Software Support Service

The purpose of the Software Support Service is to correct software defects
detected in PTC’s system or in other similar systems.
Software updating comes from the following two sources:
• After the PTC reports problems to ZTE, the TEC of ZTE analyzes the
problem. And when software defects are determined as the causes, the TEC
will report the situation to the R&D Department, which will develop
appropriate software. After strict test, such software will be distributed by
the software management department of ZTE.
• During the system maintenance development of the R&D Department of
ZTE, software defects are detected. To eliminate such defects, the R&D
Department will develop appropriate software. After strict test, such
software will be distributed by the software management department of
This Service includes the following details:
• Provision of software update;
• Telephone support or on-site support for implementation;
• Operation procedure manual;
• Hardware or spare-parts upgrade if necessary;
In some cases, the implementation of a maintenance release may be mandatory to
avoid a system performance decrease. Both Parties should agree upon the date of

2.5 Technical Correction Service

To eliminate common problems or potential problems of equipments, or provide
the methods to prevent the latest network viruses, the TEC will issue technical
correction notifications to the LCSC and customers. There are two types of

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O&M Support Service Proposal

• Implementation Type requires implementation and feedback on effects. It is to

solve a common problem or hidden trouble existing in the in-service equipment
or to provide the latest network virus prevention and treatment measures.
• Announcement Type includes technical descriptions, precautions and
solutions. It also includes the countermeasure when problem occurs. It is aiming
to enable the receivers to gain a consistent understanding of the technical
specifications, operation methods, precautions, and so on.
If a correction is necessary to be done in the PTC system, ZTE will inform and
discuss with the relevant personnel of PTC. After each correction is
implemented, a technical service report will be submitted to PTC for review.

2.6 Knowledge Database Service

ZTE established a database of knowledge, manuals, experience and skills of
Equipment features, operations, routine maintenance, troubleshooting and etc.
PTC can obtain useful technical knowledge and reference from the database.
ZTE will update the database contents at regular intervals.
As the internet portal of knowledge database, ZTE Technical Support Website is
The following columns are open to PTC:
• Maintenance experience: The maintenance experience provided by ZTE
maintenance engineers and customers is released on the website of ZTE, to
offer the customers much more reference. Every month, the experts of ZTE
will compile the good items as Maintenance Communication Manual, which
will be distributed to customers.
• Documentation center: ZTE timely updates the documents and materials on-
line, to help maintenance personnel to improve their maintenance
competence. Presently, the following items are open to customers on the
technical support website of ZTE: technical manuals, installation manuals,
maintenance manuals, operation manuals, user manuals, training materials,
promotion materials, and maintenance communication of all products.
• Technical forum: Customers can post questions there, and the administrators
will answer them.

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3 Service Level Agreement

3.1 Problem Severity
ZTE categorizes problems into the following three severities:
• Critical
• Major
• Minor

3.1.1 Critical
Critical incidents are problems which severely affect service, capacity/traffic, billing,
and data process capabilities. Critical problems require immediate corrective action,
regardless of time of the day or day of the week.
For example:
- A total system failure
- 10% or more reduction in traffic capacity or data process capability
- Any loss of safety or emergency capability (e.g., 911 calls)
- Any harm to person due to the use of the equipment

3.1.2 Major
Major incidents are problems which seriously affect system operation, maintenance and
administration. Major problems require immediate attention and succeeding planned
corrective action. The urgency of major severity is less than of critical severity because
of a less immediate or impending impact on system performance, end-users, operation
and revenue.
For example:
- 5% to 10% reduction in traffic, capacity or data process capability
- Reduction in measurement function for capacity/traffic
- Any loss of diagnostic capability and/or visibility of management or maintenance
- Degradation of the system’s ability to raise critical or major alarm
- Billing error rate exceeds acceptable value
- Performance reduction of billing or system databases

3.1.3 Minor
Minor incidents are problems that are not viewed as critical or major. A minor problem
may have impact on one or limited number of users. Minor problems neither
significantly impair the functioning of the system nor significantly affect service to end-
users. These problems are tolerable during system use.

3.2 Service Level Commitment

3.2.1 Technical Support
Table 1 Technical Support SLA

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Technical Support Service Level

Service Available Time 7x24
Severity Level Critical Major Minor
Response Time Immediately ≤30 minutes ≤30 minutes
Recovery Time 4 Hr. 24 Hr. 7 CD
Time to Answer to CR ≤18 Hr. 5 CD 10 CD
Official Fix Time Delivery Time 1 CD 8 CD 17 CD
Official Fix Time 3 CD 15 CD 30 CD
Time to Answer to CR 3 CD 15 CD 30 CD
Official Fix Time
Delivery Time 27 CD 80 CD <165 CD
(Escalated to R&D)
Official Fix Time 30 CD 90 CD <180 CD
Service Available Language English/Chinese
OTD 90%
Notes: the SLA related to the third party software will be compliant with the
specifications of original suppliers.

3.2.2 Hardware Support

Table 2 Hardware Support Service Commitment
Items Repair&Return SWAP
TAT 44WD As agreed
OTD 90% As agreed

Notes: the SLA related to the third party hardware will be compliant with the
specifications of original suppliers.

3.2.3 Other Requests

Table 3 Other Requests Commitment
Technical Information Feature Assistance
Consultation Request Request Request
Service Available Time 5*8 5*8 5*8 5*8
Response Time 1WD 3WD 3WD 1WD
Official Fix Time 5WD 15WD 30WD 7WD
Service Available Language English/Chinese
OTD 90%

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4 Responsibility Matrix
Table 4 Responsibility Matrix

SN Work Content Responsibility Assistant

1 Help Desk

1.1 5×8 hotline response ZTE

1.2 Describe the service demands PTC

1.3 Responds within the time committed ZTE

2 Technical support service

2.1 Network operation including first diagnosis PTC

2.2 Collection of problem messages PTC

2.3 Investigation and diagnosis through product self tests PTC

2.4 Detecting the faulty FRU PTC

2.5 Periodical software and data backup PTC

2.6 System failure and alarm information backup PTC

2.7 Telephone support

2.7.1 7×24-hour hotline response ZTE

2.7.2 Describe the equipment problem PTC

Provide initial diagnosis and troubleshooting
2.7.3 PTC
2.7.4 Investigation and diagnosis ZTE PTC

2.7.5 Diagnosis and analysis of problem ZTE PTC

2.7.6 Supply of workaround solution ZTE PTC

2.8 Remote Access

2.8.1 Forward the remote access request to the customer ZTE

Provide the connection and authentication
2.8.2 PTC
information of the relevant remote access
2.8.3 Connect, investigation and diagnosis ZTE PTC

2.8.4 Diagnosis and analysis of problem ZTE PTC

2.8.5 Supply of workaround solution ZTE PTC

2.9 On-site Troubleshooting

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SN Work Content Responsibility Assistant

2.9.1 Transportation to the customer office ZTE

2.9.2 Transportation from the office to the equipment site PTC

Authorize the access to the related site, spare parts,
2.9.3 PTC
and all relevant information
2.9.4 Diagnosis and analysis of problem ZTE PTC

2.9.5 Provide workaround and fix solution ZTE

Approve the workaround and fix solution, prepare
2.9.6 PTC ZTE
necessary resources
2.9.7 Carry out workaround and fix action ZTE PTC

2.9.8 Onsite service report ZTE

2.10 Emergency troubleshooting

2.10.1 Establish the emergency support team ZTE

2.10.2 Transportation to the customer office ZTE

2.10.3 Transportation from the office to the equipment site PTC

Authorize the access to the related site, spare parts,
2.10.4 PTC
and all relevant information
2.10.5 Diagnosis and analysis of problem ZTE PTC

2.10.6 Provide workaround and fix solution ZTE

Approve the workaround and fix solution, prepare
2.10.7 PTC ZTE
necessary resources
2.10.8 Carry out workaround and fix action ZTE PTC

2.10.9 On-site observation for critical problem ZTE PTC

2.10.10 Service report ZTE

3. Hardware support service

3.1 Filling up of the Repair request form PTC

Apply for repair and send the faulty devices to the
3.2 PTC
Apply for swap and deliver the faulty parts to the
3.3 PTC
designated premise of ZTE
Repair or Swap the faulty FRU, and return it to
3.4 ZTE
4. Software Support Service

4.1 Prepare the update implementation plan ZTE

4.2 Approve and prepare for the implementation PTC ZTE

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SN Work Content Responsibility Assistant

4.2 Implement the software update ZTE PTC

4.4 Function test after update PTC ZTE

4.5 Spare part upgrades if necessary ZTE PTC

5. Knowledge Database Service

5.1 Maintain the knowledge database with web portal ZTE

5.2 Open the authorized accounts to access the website ZTE

5.3 Login ZTE technical support website PTC

5.4 Update contents of database regularly ZTE

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5 Service Organization
5.1 Organization Structure Diagram
In order to deliver services to global customers, ZTE has set up over 70 branch offices
worldwide. The global customer service organization contains three-level structure
shown in Figure 1.



RCSC Second Level TAC
E Spare parts Center

LCSC Third Level FSO

Spare parts Local Country


Figure 1 ZTE Customer Service Organization

5.2 Responsibilities
5.2.1 GCSC
The GCSC is established in ZTE headquarter to provide problem-solving services to
global customers. When PTC has any difficulty or any technical problem that cannot be
solved in the equipment of ZTE, they can make service requests to the GCSC through
telephone, fax, e-mail or website. After receiving a customer’s request, the GCSC
creates a Service Request record in the Information System and transfer the request to
the Technical Assistance Center (TAC). All service requests are monitored until closure.

5.2.2 RCSC
The RCSC is a medium organization of GCSC, and located in the ZTE oversea
administrative region. The RCSC can offer the senior technical support and
implementation support for the whole region, and also there are some maturity spare
part warehouses for the customer service.

5.2.3 LCSC
The LCSC is a branch organization of GCSC, and established in the ZTE
Representative Office in Manama/Bahrain Manama to provide problem-solving
services to all customers in Bahrain. When PTC could not solve any difficulty or
technical problem of ZTE equipment, they can make service requests to the LCSC
through telephone, fax, or e-mail. After receiving the PTC request, the LCSC creates a
service request record in the Information System and transfer the request to the
Technical Assistance Center (TAC). All service requests are monitored until closure.

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5.2.4 RRC
Established in ZTE headquarter, the Repair & Return Center (RRC) is responsible for
repairing the faulty parts delivered by Second Level Spare-parts Center, processing the
requirement of spare-parts submitted by it, as well as the management of all Second
Level Spare-parts Center and Third Level Spare-parts Center globally. If necessary, the
RRC coordinates the global resources of spare parts to satisfy customers’ demand.

5.2.5 Second Level Spare-parts Center

Established in ShenZhen China, the Second Level Spare-parts Center is responsible for
managing all the affiliated Third Level Spare-parts Centers, processing the
requirements of spare-parts and repairing the faulty parts raised from them. If
necessary, the Second Level Spare-parts Center coordinates the resources of spare parts
in its region to satisfy customers’ demand.

5.2.6 Third Level Spare-parts Center

Established in Manama, the Third Level Spare-parts Center can rapidly respond to the
local repair and swap request from PTC.

5.2.7 FSO
Established in Manama, the Field Service Organization is responsible for rapidly
response to local customers’ support service request.

5.2.8 TAC
Established in Manama, TAC receives the equipment problem escalated from Field
Service Organization, and provides technical support to Field Service Organization via
telephone, remote support or onsite support.

5.2.9 TEC
Established in ZTE headquarter as the final organization for problem elimination, TEC
receives the equipment problem escalated from TAC, and provides technical support to
TAC and Field Service Organization via telephone, remote support or onsite support.
And TEC is also responsible for analyzing the major problems and providing the final

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6 Service Flow
In order to deliver professional services to customers, ZTE designs a set of service
flows. With these service flows, ZTE satisfies the demands of not only rapid restoration
and fixing problem, but also tracing, reporting and management. We present the
following service flows to PTC:
• Technical support service flow
• Emergency troubleshooting flow
• Hardware support service flow
• Software support service flow
• Technical correction service flow
• Preventive inspection service flow

6.1 Technical Support Service Flow

The technical support service flow describes how ZTE delivers technical support to
PTC, and the cooperation process of both parties.

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6.1.1 Service Flowchart

Figure 2 Technical Support Services Flow

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6.1.2 Description of Service Flow

Table 5 Description of Technical Support Services Flow
NO. Activity Name Roles Description of Activity

1 Start None The start node of this process

If a problem occurs, the personnel of PTC make the situation clear and diagnose
2 Problem occurrs Customers

If the problem could not be fixed, PTC can ask ZTE LCSC or GCSC for technical
support. And PTC shall provide the following information:
• Customer Name
• Contact Person
3 Make service request Customers
• Phone Number
• Product name
• Address of problem site
• Problem description

ZTE LCSC and GCSC will generate a CALL LOG record after receiving request from
4 Accept the request CSR
PTC, and transfer it to FSO through IT system.

For an emergency problem, FSO should deal with it according to emergency

5 Is it emergency problem? CSR
troubleshooting flow (see emergency troubleshooting flow)

Emergency problem trouble

6 LCSC/GCSC See emergency troubleshooting flow

ZTE will assign skilled support engineers to provide technical support by telephone or
remote access. And PTC should assign related personnel to assist the engineer to deal
7 Telephone/Remote support FSO
with the problem. ZTE will provide workaround or fix solution and guide PTC to
solve the problem.

8 Is it solved? FSO If the problem is solved, go to Step 17. Otherwise, go to Step 9.

If the problem could not be fixed remotely, ZTE will assign support engineer to go to
9 Onsite support FSO
field and provide onsite support and troubleshooting.
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NO. Activity Name Roles Description of Activity

10 Is it solved? FSO If the problem is solved, go to Step 17. Otherwise, go to step 11.

11 Ask for escalation FSO If the problem is still not solved, FSO will escalate the case to TAC.

12 Troubleshoot and instruct TAC TAC in the region will instruct FSO to continue troubleshooting.

13 Is it solved? TAC If the problem is solved, go to Step 17. Otherwise, go to step 14.

TEC collects the problem information from TAC and FSO, access into the system and
14 Remote access and diagnosis TEC
instruct FSO to make onsite operations.
Onsite troubleshoot with
15 FSO FSO assists TEC to make onsite operations, field test and etc.

16 Is it solved? FSO If the problem is solved, go to Step 17. Otherwise, go to step 14.

Submit technical service

17 FSO After the problem is fixed, ZTE will submit Technical Service Report.

18 Call back CSR ZTE CSR will call back customer to make sure that the problem has been removed.

Customers give the comments or suggestions, and ZTE will record and collect them to
19 Customer feedback Customer
improve future services.
20 End End

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6.2 Emergency Troubleshooting Service Flow

Emergency troubleshooting flow refers to operation process that both parties should observe in order to solve emergency incident of equipment
after ZTE receive emergency troubleshooting request from PTC.

6.2.1 Service Flowchart

Figure 3 Emergency Troubleshooting Service Flow

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6.2.2 Description of Service Flow

Table 6 Description of Emergency Troubleshooting Service Flow
NO. Activity Name Roles Description of Activity

1 Start None Emergency incident happens.

Emergency problem Customer can make a request to LCSC/GCSC or any engineers of ZTE by all
2 Customer
request means.

Once receiving the emergency request, CSR will notify CSM to deploy support
3 Accept request CSR of LCSC resource immediately, and then log the request to IT system, and inform GCSC
to coordinate TEC to provide support at once.

Once receiving the emergency request, any TSE/CSM of LCSC will notify CSM
to deploy support resource at once, and then inform CSR to log the request to IT
4 Accept request CSM or TSE of LCSC
system, and CSR will inform GCSC to coordinate TEC providing support at

After ZTE receives an emergency troubleshooting request from customer, ZTE

LCSC will take the following action:
• Notify LCSC, FSO and TEC to establish an emergency group.
• TAC provides telephone support and remote support
• FSO provides onsite support
• TEC makes remote access or goes to the laboratory to make problem
simulation, and directly provides field engineer with technical support.
5 Emergency support CSM or TSE of LCSC
At the same time, customer should take the following action to coordinate ZTE
to diagnose and solve the problem.
• Assign skilled maintenance person to co-ordinate technical support activities
with ZTE maintenance engineers
• Provide remote access information to ZTE.
• To provide a DDD telephone line to ensure that ZTE can communicate freely
with maintenance personnel on site.

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NO. Activity Name Roles Description of Activity

Once received call from LCSC, GCSC will inform TEC to start up emergency
6 GCSC coordinate CSR of GCSC support immediately and GCSC will trace the emergency issue tightly and output
processing report.
TEC makes remote access or goes to the laboratory to make problem
7 Expert Support Expert of TEC
simulation, and directly support field engineer.
If service recovered, then ZTE will inform customer and further dispose will be
8 Is it recovered? Expert of TEC
done next; if service is not recovered, then go to step 9.
Emergency response expert team includes expert in TEC, R&D engineers and
Start up emergency
Expert team for emergency system testing engineers and product manager of TEC, they together make a
9 response expert
problem support solution in emergency troubleshooting room with simulating onsite problem and
remote access until service restored.
Is it critical If the emergency problem is also a critical problem, further solution for official fix
problem? will be carried out.
For critical problem, TSE/FE should return problem information to TEC to
analyze it and make sure whether the problem is eliminated permanently.
11 Permanent fix TEC
If the equipment still has hidden problem after analysis by TEC, ZTE will
cooperate with customer and solve it permanently.
Engineers will carry out the troubleshooting according to the solution from TEC.
Submit analysis
12 FE/TSE And after the problem is fixed at last, they will submit analysis report to
Observe equipment
After the problem is fixed, ZTE maintenance engineers should observe on site
13 running state onsite FE of LCSC
for one to two days to make sure that the equipment runs stably,
Submit onsite After the problem is solved, ZTE will provide customer with Technical Service
14 FE of LCSC
service report Report.

After the problem is fixed at last, LCSC/GCSC should call back customer to
15 Call back customer CSR
ensure that the problem have been solved.

16 Customer feedback Customer Customers confirm the report from ZTE and give their comments or suggestions.

17 End End

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6.3 Hardware Support Service Flow

Hardware support service refers to repairing or replacement of ordinarily damaged parts of purchased equipments from ZTE. It aims to keep
equipments operating enduringly.

6.3.1 Service Flowchart

Figure 4 Hardware Support Service Flow

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6.3.2 Description of Service Flow

Table 7 Description of Hardware Support Service Flow
NO. Activity Name Roles Description of Activity

1 Start Customer Some FRU is faulty.

Write down problem Describe and write down the phenomenon and situation of hardware problem.
2 Customer
description Fill in the Registration Form for Repair&Return Equipment..
According to agreed responsibility, send the repair or swap service request to
ZTE RRC ( or third level spare-parts center. The
3 Service request Customer Registration Form for Repair&Return Equipment should be sent by e-mail. And
the package information of faulty device is also important and needed, such as
package size, weight and goods description.
ZTE RRC or Third level After receiving repair request and necessary documents, ZTE staff in charge will
4 Acknowledge
spare-parts center acknowledge and confirm with customer to send faulty device.
After getting acknowledgement of ZTE, customer can send the faulty device to
5 Send faulty device Customer ZTE RRC or third level spare-parts center with respect to the agreed

Confirm receipt of ZTE RRC or Third level Once receiving the faulty device, ZTE RRC or third level spare-parts center will
devices spare-parts center check the device status and confirm to customer.

Repair or Swap
ZTE RRC or Third level ZTE RRC or Third level spare-parts center checks the faulty device, and repair
7 devices according
spare-parts center or swap it.
to SLA
Deliver repaired or
ZTE RRC or Third level After the faulty device was repaired, ZTE will send it to customer. If the swap
8 swapped devices to
spare-parts center service is activated, the swapped part will be sent.
Once receiving the returned device, customer should confirm with and give
Confirm receipt and
9 Customer feedback to ZTE RRC or third level spare-parts center. Customer should fill in
give feedback
the Customer Receiving Feedback Form.
10 End End

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6.4 Software Support Service Flow

Software support service flow refers to operation process observed by both parties when necessary software update is implemented.

6.4.1 Service Flowchart

Figure 5 Software Support Service Flow

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6.4.2 Description of Service Flow

Table 8 Description of Software Support Service Flow
NO. Activity Name Roles Description of Activity

1 Start TSE Software update is necessary to implement in relevant equipment.

2 Software update application TSE Technical engineers make a request for update implementation to CSM of LCSC.

Communication with
3 TSE and Customers Before software update implementation, ZTE will inform customer about details.

4 Does customer agree? Customer If PTC doesn’t agree the update solution to fix problem, go to Step 22. Otherwise go to Step 5.

Work out implementation

5 TSE The in-charge TSE of this update will work out the implementation plan.
Does the customer agree the The in-charge TSE of this update will communicate with customers about the plan and steps. Both parties
6 Customer
plan? should agree with the implementation plan.
View the implementation
7 TEC Experts in TEC will review the plan and feedback to in-charge TSE.
Designate an instructor to To ensure the update successful, TEC organization will assign a special expert to instruct the
this update implementation. And the expert will provide related documents to in-charge TSE in advance.
Before update implementation, both parties will cooperate and prepare according to the update
implementation plan.
• Human resource preparation of both parties
9 Prepare with customer TSE and Customers • Preparation of spare parts
• Preparation of testing environment
• Preparation of testing instruments and meters
• Preparation of software versions
After the preparation is ready, both parties should test the equipment to ensure that the running condition
of the equipment satisfies requirements of software update. And the personnel of both parties should solve
10 Implementing update TSE
any problem found at first. Then with the implementation plan and update instructions, the in-charge TSE
will carry out the update step by step.
After update is done, both parties should test function and performance of the system to confirm the update
11 Testing after update TSE
After functional test, the in-charge TSE will confirm whether this update is successful. If so, go to Step 16.
12 Does this update succeed? TSE
If not, then go to Step 13 and start up fallback plan immediately.

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NO. Activity Name Roles Description of Activity

If update implementation failed, both parties should restore the system to the pre-update backup status
13 fallback to old version TSE
according to the fallback plan as soon as possible.

If the fallback succeeds, go to Step 17. Otherwise, go to Step 15 and start up emergency troubleshooting
14 Does fallback succeed? TSE
procedure immediately.
Emergency Troubleshooting
15 TSE Refer to Emergency Troubleshooting Flow
Organizing spare parts
16 TSE If necessary after the update succeeded, ZTE will upgrade related spare part.

Does this update introduce The in-charge TSE will confirm whether there is new problem introduced? If so, go to step 18. Otherwise,
17 TSE
new problem? go to Step 19.

Technical Support Service

18 TSE If this update introduces a new problem, start up technical support service flow.

After successful update, the in-charge TSE arranges shift observation on the equipment status and report to
19 Following arrangement TSE

Submit summary report and At the same time with Step 19, TSE will draft summary report of this update and submit to customers. And
20 TSE
customer training TSE will make necessary training about the update.

Customer will review the report and give the comments. And the related personnel shall attend the training
21 Review the report Customer
if necessary.
22 End End

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6.5 Technical Correction Service Flow

6.5.1 Service Flowchart

Figure 6 Technical Correction Service Flow

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6.5.2 Description of Service Flow

Table 9 Description of Technical Correction Service Flow
NO. Activity Name Roles Description of Activity
1 Start TEC A technical correction is needed.
TEC inform GCSC with the details of technical correction, and ask to deploy the correction
2 Inform GCSC with details TEC
GCSC studies the correction to confirm the type is implementation or announcement. If it is
3 Is it implementation type GCSC
implementation type, go to Step 7. If it is announcement type, go to Step 4.
4 Issue the notification GCSC GCSC issues the announcement notification to global RCSC/LCSC.
5 Inform customer LCSC LCSC informs PTC about the details of technical correction.
6 Confirm and feedback Customer PTC should confirm the announcement details and give feedback. Then go to Step 16.
Review the implementation
GCSC reviews the details of implementation plan. Then issue the implementation notification to
7 plan and issue the GCSC
global RCSC/LCSC.
Assign an engineer to
8 LCSC A ZTE engineer will be assigned to implement the correction.
The in-charge engineer will inform PTC about the correction. Both parties shall discuss and
9 Discuss and approve Customer
agree with the implementation.
Confirm the details and The in-charge engineer will confirm all details of implementation are planned and necessary
resources resources are ready.
After preparation, the in-charge engineer will cooperate with PTC to organize related resourced
11 Organize and implement LCSC
and implement the correction.
TEC will provide instruction and remote support to the in-charge engineer for the
12 Instruct and remote support TEC
implementation of correction.
After the correction is done, the in-charge engineer shall submit a service report, which is
13 Submit service report LCSC
recording the process and result of the implementation, to both TEC and PTC.
Evaluate on the
14 TEC TEC will evaluate the implementation on the basis of service report.
15 Feedback Customer PTC shall confirm and give the comment about the implementation of correction.
16 End None The flow is ended.

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7 Service Quality Guarantee Plan

In addition to the procedures above for the services delivery, ZTE also have internal
management mechanism to guarantee service quality.

7.1 Service Competence

Professional Human Resource, Standard Operation Procedure, and Powerful
Information Management Platform enable ZTE to present competent Sincere Services
to global customers.

Figure 7 ZTE Customer Service Competence

7.2 Alarming Escalation Rule

Management escalation consists in escalating a problem to appropriate managers to aid
in its resolution.
Table 10 Escalation Rules for Emergency Cases Reporting
Escalation Rules for Emergency Case Reporting
Case Reported by Report to
Receive an emergency request CSR of LCSC CSM of LCSC
(in 15 minutes) PSM of TEC
Acknowledge the emergency request CSM of LCSC Representative of local office
/Critical problem PSM of TEC Manager of PSD
(in 30 minutes)
Impacted business is not recovered CSR of LCSC Vice Regional Director and
within 1 hours persons in above cells
Impacted business is not recovered CSR of LCSC Vice Division Director and
within 2 hours person in above cells
Impacted business is not recovered CSR of LCSC Division Director, Aftersales
within 4 hours VP and persons in above cells
Impacted business is not recovered CSR of LCSC SVP and persons in above
within 6 hours cells

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7.3 Real-time Telephone Callback

To make sure that each customer is satisfied with ZTE service, ZTE has set up a perfect
callback system. ZTE GCSC or LCSC assigns full-time personnel to draw samples of
the solved problems and call back the customers, in order to find out whether the
customers were satisfied with the service and which aspects need improvement through
telephone, fax or e-mail. ZTE will do statistic analysis on evaluation and suggestion of
customer and take measures to improve our service and customer satisfaction.

7.4 Customer Complaint Handling

To improve the service quality and strengthen communication with the customers, ZTE
sets up customer complaint hot lines, fax, e-mail and on-line complaint, for accepting
customer complaint in 24 hours. And ZTE will return the disposal opinion for each
complaint in two working days.

7.5 On-site Service Quality Inspection

To improve the service quality, ZTE performs on-site service quality inspections to
check the running status of local office about the customer support regulations, rules,
and implementation procedures, in order to ensure the maintenance engineers provide
customers high-quality services.

7.6 Service Quality Assessment

To provide customers high-quality service timely, ZTE will regularly issue the
Customer Satisfaction Survey Report to summarize customers’ evaluation about ZTE
services, including how tasks are done, employees’ behavior, technical expertise,
manners, and customer requirements, and evaluate the service quality to find out the
gap and improve it.

7.7 Service Quality Control

ZTE Quality System of Customer Support is based on TL9000. It ensures that O&M
Support Service can be exactly measured with standard KPIs. ZTE will measure our
service quality weekly, monthly and quarterly. If any measurement result is out of
normal acceptable range, the study and investigation will start immediately to find out
the cause and problem. And ZTE will solve the problem soon and keep the service
quality always on satisfying level.

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8 Glossary
8.1 Definitions
Consumables: shall mean the items which fail due to fair wear and tear, such as fuses,
lamps, and etc.
Critical Part: shall mean the part whose failure shall result in system downtime.
Critical Spare Part: shall mean the spare component for the Critical Part.
Equipment: shall mean the system hardware and software supplied by ZTE under the
terms of the contract signed by both parties.
Field Engineer: shall mean the qualified ZTE engineers who provide onsite support
and services.
Field Replaceable Unit: shall mean any element of Hardware which may be made
available as a separate part in order to remedy a Problem on the Hardware or which
may be exchanged against other parts.
Hardware: shall mean the physical elements of equipment supplied by ZTE excluding
Non-critical Part: shall mean the part whose failure might affect part of system
availability and/or performance somewhat, but shall not result in system downtime.
On-Time Delivery: shall mean the percentage of order/items accepted on the customer
requests. It measures timeliness of delivery of services to customers.
On-Site Response Time: shall mean the interval from ZTE confirming onsite support
to the time when ZTE support engineers arrive on site.
Problem Severity Level: shall mean the classification of a problem according to the
predetermined criteria of impact.
Purchaser: shall mean PTC.
Response Time: shall mean the interval from receiving the call from customer to the
time of the first telephone reply from ZTE personnel.
Service: shall mean the activities performed by ZTE according to the SLA defined in
Section 5.
Service Available Time: shall mean the hours and days during which Purchaser may
call ZTE depending on the SLA agreed by both parties.
Service Level Agreement: shall mean a written agreement between ZTE and Purchaser,
defining the key service targets and guarantees of both parties.
Site: shall mean any premise in Bahrain where any Equipment is in commercial
running or where any related Service may be ordered to be performed.
Software: The set of computer programs, procedures, and possibly associated
documentation and data, but excluding source code.
Software Update: shall mean a revision to an already approved and released Software
version to introduce defect and/or improvement to already approved Software features.
Source Code: shall mean all the instructions made in the programming language(s)
(assembly and/or any higher-level) which the Software is based on (as opposed to the
object code).

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Spare Part: shall mean a component or sub-assembly of a Contractual Product and is

also referred to as Field Replaceable Unit.
System: shall mean telecommunication network, Equipment Hardware and Software
supplied by ZTE under the terms of the contract signed by both parties.
Technical Support Engineer: shall mean the qualified ZTE engineers who provide
technical support and services to customers.
Turn Around Time: shall mean the lead time which ZTE takes to repair the faulty
FRU and ship it to the purchaser starting from the date of receipt of each faulty unit at
agreed place.
Workaround: shall mean a corrective action to restore the functionality or part of the
functionality back into operation.
Working Days: shall mean Monday through Friday of any Week of any Year,
excluding the day(s) which is/are legal holiday in where the Service shall be performed.

8.2 Abbreviations and Acronyms

CD Calendar Day
CSC Customer Support Center
CSM Customer Support Manager
CSR Customer Support Representatives
FE Field Engineer
FRU Field Replaceable Unit
FSO Field Service Organization
GCSC Global Customer Support Center
Hr Hour
KPI Key Performance Indicator
LCSC Local Customer Support Center
OTD On-Time Delivery
PSD Product Support Department
PSM Product Support Manager
RCSC Regional Customer Support Center
RRC Repair and Return Center
SLA Service Level Agreement
SVP Senior Vice President
TAC Technical Assistance Center
TAT Turn Around Time
TSE Technical Support Engineer
TEC Technical Expert Center
VP Vice President
WD Working Day

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