American Dream Expository Essay-6

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Kamila Rivera

Ms. Amanda Price

English 1 Honors

March 18, 2019

The American Dream

Friendships can definitely be hard. One’s friend can talk bad about someone and tell

everyone information about the person that is personal. They can be mean and rude without

knowing how much it can affect someone’s life and other friendships. This is one of the topics

that are talked about when asked about a person’s opinion on what the American Dream is.

People’s idea of what the American Dream is has changed overtime. The American Dream is

loving each other, peace between people, spreading kindness and happiness in this world.

One of the main things that is needed in this world is a friendly type of love.

Platonic love is kind is basically an old way of saying that. According to ReGain, “The

modern definition of platonic love still has some of Plato's ideas, such as the idea of a

bond that brings the best out of the two of you, but platonic love now centers around the

idea of two people "being just friends”. Plato is the person who came up with the concept

of platonic love, and his definition of it was a love that would bring you closer to the

divine, and brought out the best traits. This is the type of love the world needs.​ ​ReGain

states that “This usually applies to two heterosexual people of the opposite sexes, but it

can apply to same-sex as well. In other words, the two of you are good friends, but there

is no sexual activity involved.”​ ​This quote is saying that even if there is a guy and a girl
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who are very good friends, this does not mean that they like each other, this just means

that they have a good bond, those two people get along with each other, they relate in

some way like having the same opinions in things, and all they have is a non-sexual

friendship. Those two people love each other in a friendly way. My proof connects to my

statement by these sexualities having to do with platonic love and romantic love. Platonic

and romantic love can lead to arguments that are not necessary and not very good

relationships between people.

There has been many problems between countries mostly because of agreements.​ ​In an

article, ​The Economist​ says, “President Donald Trump's enthusiasm for building a wall along the

border and his talk of "rapists" arriving from Mexico fire up his supporters at home but appal his

neighbours.” President Donald Trump is the current president of the United States of America,

him and López Obrador, who was the president of Mexico and still is,were having a difficult

time with Mexico and the border, and he wanted to build a wall along the border so that people

from Mexico or Central America would not pass the border, and this caused many fights and

arguments between people. Another thing that was said by The Economist was that “Trade has

helped Mexico modernise, with big implications for a third area of the relationship: migration.

Illegal migrants crossing the border are no longer mainly Mexicans. In 2000, of the 1.6m

migrants apprehended, 90% were Mexican. There were just 311,000 apprehensions in the year

ending in September 2017; and well under half involved Mexicans.”This means that in just a few

more years, most of the migrants will not be Mexicans. This will make the United States have

more hispanics and migrants that Americans, which is not good. This can be prevented by the
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presidents of the countries getting along with each other so that they can make their country

better by helping each other.

Kindness can have different meanings like doing something for someone, helping them,

and saying nice things. When someone is sympathetic and acts like they want to know more

about someone, they can make the person happy and that can be a start of a friendship. In the

article, Edyth Wheeler writes,"What is kindness?," a Head Start teacher mentor says that "it is

seeing the world as others see it so that you can do things that will really help. I call this

'other-empathy.'" This teacher mentor understands what kindness is and seems to want to be kind

by helping people.When a person helps other people, they can give a person advice on how to be

happy and do things that make that person happy. That person can tell other people advice on

how to be happy and start spreading ways to be happy and also bring happiness to others. In the

article ‘The Kindness of Strangers’, Raven Clabough wrote “An unidentified stranger at

Chandler Eye-care in Chandler, Arizona, was more than happy to help a veteran in need when he

or she learned that the veteran could not afford a new pair of glasses.”​ ​The stranger shows

kindness by buying a veteran a pair of glasses he could not afford. Being kind can lead to good

things like making new friendships where the person is talkative and amiable and can change

you in a good way.

Loving one another can allow you take have new friendships and good bonds that are

good for someone. It can make you realize how a person can act and think someone has done

that are not right. Having peace makes a person’s life so much better because the person would

not have to worry about seeing someone they don’t like or what happens to their friends or the
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outcomes of not having peace with others.The last thing that is very important is being kind

because someone does not know how much it can affect a person when someone is being mean

and rude to the person, and if you are not rude or mean, you have have friendships with people.

The American Dream is making friendships that can he that are beneficial to your life and can

have a good impact on a person and have better opportunities in life, which is something that

everyone should be able to do and can make people happy.

In the paragraphs written in this essay, it was talked about things that have happened in

this world that were about peace between people, which is what there should be between Donald

Trump and migrants, and a type of love called platonic love, which is love between friends. All

of these topics that were talked about can have a big impact in this world. These topics can make

the world better or worse, and everyone wants to make it better, which anybody can do by doing

all of the things that were said throughout this essay. People can be nice or tell them something

that makes them happy. A person can bring peace by not telling them mean words and being

kind. The reader can be kind and bring happiness, which can make people love each other, or

have a platonic love.

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Works Cited

Amadeo, Kimberly. “5 Ways Our Founding Fathers Protect The American Dream.” ​The


Clabough, Raven. "The Kindness of Strangers." ​The New American​, 21 Jan. 2019, p. 37. ​Student


"Not-so-distant neighbours; Mexico and the United States." ​The Economist,​ 24 Nov. 2018, p.

28(US). ​General OneFile​,

“The Definition Of A Platonic Relationship And What The Opposite Is.” ​Regain​,


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