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A Three-Paradigm Treatment Model Using Soft

Tissue Mobilization and Guided Movement-

Awareness Techniques for a Patient With
Chronic low Back Pain: A Case Study
)ohn T. Cottingham, MS, PT’
)effrey Maitland, PhD 2

JOSPT l Volume 26 l Number 3 l September 1997

A Three-Paradigm Treatment Model Using Soft
Tissue Mobilization and Guided Movement-
Awareness Techniques for a Patient With
Chronic Low Back Pain: A Case Study
john T. Cottingham, MS, PT’
leffrey Maitland, PhD 2

ver the last two de- It is not uncommon for physical therapists to report difficulty in treating certain subjects with
cades, interest in soft chronic idiopathic low back pain. The purpose of this case study is to present a three-paradigm
tissue mobilization model of intervention that may be adapted to the treatment of such cases. The model consists of:
(7,19,22,36,41) and I) relaxation paradigm, consisting of pain modulation procedures; 2) corrective paradigm,
movement reeduca- involving manual techniques and exercise to correct specific faulty biomechanical alignment(s)
tion procedures (4,50,54) for the (eg., pelvic asymmetry); and 3) integrative paradigm, utilizing guided movement/mobilization
treatment of idiopathic low back pain techniques for improving the subject’s overall pattern of posture and movement. The case study of
has dramatically increased. One rea- a young adult with chronic low back pain correlated with unilateral innominate bone rotation is
son for this interest may relate to the presented to illustrate the three-paradigm approach. Over six sessions, the subject received a
number of cases attributed to idio- corrective (sessions J-3) and an integrative treatment protocol (sessions 4-6) consisting of Rolf’s
pathic low back pain. It has been esti- method of soft tissue mobilization and Alexander’s system of guided movement-awareness
mated that as high as 80% of all pa- techniques. Before and after each session and after a 4-week follow-up, the subject was assessed
tients with low back dysfunction for sacroiliac joint pain using a compression technique, anterior rotation of the innominate bones,
exhibit no other known pathological pelvic angle in the standing position, and vagal tone as determined from heart rate variability. The
antecedents (eg., disc problems or therapist’s visual analysis of sit-to-stand movement and the subject’s self-reports of pain were
degenerative joint disease) (60). An- noted. A corrective paradigm protocol of soft tissue mobilization and exercise was unsuccessful in
other factor may relate to the eliminating the subject’s assessed anterior rotation of the innominate bone and associated low back
chronic and recurrent nature of pain for more than J-2 days posttreatment. Only after the implementarion of a third paradigm
many of these low back cases and, in movement/mobilization protocol did the subject begin to exhibit sustained improvement through a
turn, the frustration they provide 4-week follow-up. Interpretations of the results, appropriate selection of corrective and integrative
physical therapists and other manual protocols, and physiological mechanisms are discussed.
therapy practitioners in designing Key Words: guided movement-awareness techniques, sacroiliac joint dysfunction, soft
successful treatment protocols (33). tissue mobilization
From a historical perspective,
’ Physical Therapist, Christie Clinic Association, Department of Sports Medicine and Physical Therapy,
many of the current soft tissue ap Rantoul Office, 209 West Borman Drive, Rantoul, IL 61866
proaches utilized by physical therapists * Director of Academic Affairs, Rolf Institute, Boulder, CO; Co-Director, Valley Therapy Inter-disciplinary
have been adapted from the traditional Clinic, Scottsdale, AZ
osteopathic manipulations founded by
Still (12) and other early osteopaths
(12,21) and the techniques developed Underlying Assumptions of faulty biomechanical alignment and
by Rolf (47,48). Similarly, some of the Traditional Soft Tissue Mobilization myofascial imbalance in one region
popular movement-awareness ap will create compensations in distant
and Movement Systems
proaches now being studied have been anatomical segments (7,26,48). The
influenced by and derived from the An underlying assumption of net effect of these compensations
earlier work of Alexander ( 1,11,23) these soft tissue manual and move- will, in turn, be manifested by dys-
and his student, Feldenkrais (15,50). ment-awareness techniques is that functional movement patterns in sit-

JOSPT . Volume 26 l Number 3. September 1997 155


to-stand, walking, squatting, and other branch is inhibited to maxi- for shortened or excessively length-
other gravity-dependent activities (4, mize the response of the stimulated ened muscle groups as well as for
25,41,48). Faulty biomechanical align- branch (8,31,32). To date, this pro- altering resting muscle tone. Exer-
ment is defined as a biomechanical posed link between autonomic out- cise, joint mobilization, movement
deviation that is presumed to be a put and pelvic asymmetry associated reeducation, and stretching may also
major factor in producing the pa- with low back pain lacks scientific be introduced in the second, correc-
tient’s physical condition and pain substantiation. However, Cottingham tive paradigm approach.
(47,48). Myofascial imbalance refers et al (8) found some support for this At the third level, the integrative
to inappropriate length and/or ten- position in a study of healthy sub- paradigm, the practitioner attempts
sion in muscles and their fascial/ten- jects. A control and mobilization to assess and treat faulty positional
dinous attachments that is hypothe- group was preselected for exhibiting alignment and dysfunctional move-
sized to be responsible for the excessive standing pelvic tilt (>9O in ment as a unified pattern. The goal
biomechanical deviation in question the sagittal plane) as determined by of the integrative paradigm is to de-
(28,48,51,55). Dysfunctional move- an inclinometer (6,59). Parasympa- velop postural and movement pat-
ment is defined as a faulty pattern of thetic cardiac vagal tone was assessed terns that are more neuromuscularly
alignment and neuromuscular activity from respiratory sinus arrhythmia, a and functionally efficient. The third
that is functionally and energetically variability in the heart rate pattern paradigm is typically implemented
inefficient (26,48). that is defined as the periodic in- when the relaxation and corrective
Rolf (47) and Gordon (19) have crease and decrease in heart rate
proposed the use of soft tissue mobi- approaches have not been successful
normally associated with respiration
lization and guided movement tech- in eliminating the subject’s signs and
(3). Those in the mobilization group,
niques for treating low back pain symptoms. Note that protocols utiliz-
who received a soft tissue mobiliza-
conditions that have been correlated ing the integrative paradigm are not
tion session based on Rolfs method,
with pelvic asymmetry in the sagittal mutually exclusive or in opposition to
demonstrated a decrease in standing
plane. They assume that sacroiliac protocols that use the first and sec-
pelvic angle and an increase in vagal
joint dysfunction, including unilateral ond paradigms. For example, a third
tone immediately following the treat-
and bilateral rotations of the innomi- paradigm approach may incorporate
ment and in a 24hour follow-up as-
nate bones, is a major contributing pain management methods and cor-
factor to biomechanically induced rective strategies from the first two
low back pain (5,9). However, critics levels into the initial stages of treat-
doubt the role that sacroiliac joint Three-Paradigm Model of Treatment ment.
dysfunction and correlated innomi- Intervention The purpose of presenting this
nate bone asymmetry plays in pro- case study is to illustrate how a three-
ducing low back symptoms. They be- To better account for the above-
paradigm model of therapeutic inter-
lieve that so-called sacroiliac mentioned assumptions that seem
vention can be adapted for the treat-
symptoms are discogenic in origin inherent in integrative manual and
ment of a young adult with chronic
(21,38) or the result of back extensor movement systems, Maitland (33)
low back pain correlated with pelvic
muscles transmitting stress to the sac- and Maitland and Sultan (34) have
recently developed a three-paradigm asymmetry. The case, selected from
roiliac joint (35,38,58).
model for treatment protocols. At the the author’s physical therapy practice
Rolf (47) and Sultan (55) have
first level, the relaxation paradigm, (JTC), utilizes Rolf s method of soft
further proposed that anterior rota-
the therapist attends to the allevia- tissue manipulation and Alexander’s
tions of the innominate bones are
tion of pain and other symptoms that system of guided movement in the
associated with increased sympathetic
might interfere with the administra- protocol. These nonconventional
activity and a concurrent reduction
tion of manual therapy techniques treatment methods were chosen for
of parasympathetic tone. They main-
tain that an increase in parasympa- and other procedures. their emphasis on an integrative ap-
thetic tone is associated with a re- At the second level, the correc- proach to treatment of low back con-
laxed, nurturing physiological state, tive paradigm, the practitioner at- ditions as well as for their historical
whereas increased sympathetic tone is tempts to restore regional faulty bio- influence on current manual therapy
correlated with a heightened arousal mechanical alignment, myofascial techniques (4,19,48). The relative
“fight-flight” condition (31,32). They imbalance, and restricted joint mo- efficacy of these methods when com-
also maintain that a reciprocal rela- tions that have been assessed as con- pared with more conventional tech-
tion exists between the parasympa- tributing factors in producing the niques of exercise, mobilization, and
thetic and sympathetic divisions: subject’s signs and symptoms. Soft postural correction are beyond the
when one branch is activated, the tissue mobilization may be applied scope of this case study.

156 Volume 26 l Number 3 l September 1997 l JOSPT


HISTORY prior to sidebending, the patient’s

left shoulder was observed to be
A 19-year-old, female college stu- slightly lower than the right shoulder.
dent was referred to physical therapy With the subject standing, palpa-
by her primary physician for recur- tion of the posterior superior iliac
rent left-sided low back pain. Her spines revealed the left to be superior
chief complaint was a dull aching to the right, and this difference in-
pain in the left low back and buttock creased when she bent forward. She
region. She also reported intermit- also reported left-sided buttock pain
tent radiating symptoms in the poste- at the end range of this movement.
rior aspect of her left thigh (ie., two This finding is indicative of a positive
or three times a week with each epi- standing flexion test, where there is
sode, 12-24 hours in duration). She A B purportedly limited sacroiliac joint
did not believe that her symptoms FIGURE 1. A schematic representation of the subject’s motion on the elevated and painful
varied with the time of day. Her axial alignment during unsupported and unguided side (5,46). The standing flexion test,
symptoms increased during forward movement from an erect sitting to an erect standing however, has shown poor intertester
bending and prolonged sitting or position. A) Subject’s alignment pattern during the
initial evaluation. B) Subject’s alignment after treat-
reliability (38,46).
standing. When the subject bent for- While the subject was sitting in a
ment session 5. Note in (A) the increased extension at
ward with knees straight to tie her the adanto-occipital joint and the enhanced cervical straight back chair with feet on the
shoe, she stated that the buttock pain and lumbar lordosis. In (Bj, this pattern of excessive floor, palpation revealed the left pos-
increased immediately. The sitting extension is dramatically reduced, and the torso’s an-
terior superior iliac spine to be
and standing pain took about 30 gle of ascension in relation to the vertical plane is also
decreased. [From Cottingham (7), reprinted with per-
higher than the right. This relation-
minutes for onset, with occasional ship between the right and left poste-
radiating, aching pain down the lat- rior superior iliac spines remained
eral aspect of her left thigh to the unchanged during forward bending.
knee. The subject’s symptoms were sis in the cervical and lumbar spine Visual assessment of the subject’s
previously relieved for short periods regions and anterior rotation of the trunk rotation while she was sitting
of time (l-5 days) with rest, full body pelvis similar to that noted during appeared to be symmetrical, right to
massage, and chiropractic adjust- her movement from a sitting to a left, and pain free. Palpation of the
ments. The subject first remembered standing position. Below the pelvis, medial border of the left posterior
experiencing low back pain about 2 the patient’s base of support ap- superior iliac spine in sitting and
years ago and that it was gradual in peared relatively symmetrical with no standing provocated a localized ach-
onset. She reported her left low back rotations or misalignments observed ing pain; this pain had greater inten-
pain as being constant for the last in the lower extremities. Also in sity in standing. With the patient in a
year. standing, a moderate functional lum- supine position, an active straight leg
bar scoliosis, concave to the left, was raise was visually observed to be over
PHYSICAL EXAMINATION noted. Active lumbar motions were 90” of hip flexion in both lower ex-
then visually assessed in standing. tremities and did not provocate pain.
The subject was observed as she Forward bending appeared full with During the straight leg raise, the pel-
moved from sitting in a straight chair the subject able to touch her toes vis was observed to rotate posteriorly
to a standing position. As the subject with both knees fully extended and and the lumbar lordosis flattened.
prepared and initiated this move- without pain. During forward bend- Further, straight leg raises with ankle
ment, the head moved backward and ing, the internal curvature disap- dorsiflexion at the end of the range
down into excessive hyperextension peared and normal lumbar flattening did not reproduce the patient’s pain
with movement appearing to be pri- occurred before the pelvic rotation in either leg.
marily in the upper cervical area; the was observed. Backward bending ap- The subject’s respiration pattern
cervical and lumbar lordotic curva- peared to be within normal limits was assessed while she was in a su-
tures increased slightly; and the ante- and pain free. In side bending left, pine position. Her breathing ap-
rior tilt of the pelvis in the sagittal the patient could reach her fingertips peared to be dominated by diaphrag-
plane increased (Figure 1A). Concur- 3 cm below the lateral joint line of matic movement with minimal chest
rently, her scapulae appeared pro- the knee. In side bending right, her expansion during inspiration and
tracted and elevated. fingertips could only reach the lateral minimal contraction of chest muscles
Observation of the subject’s static aspect of the thigh 1 cm above the during expiration (2,48).
standing posture from the lateral and joint line of the knee. Both sidebend- The sacroiliac compression/dis-
frontal views revealed excessive lordo- ing motions were pain free. Note that traction test was administered to the

JOSPT l Volume 26 l Number 3 l September 1997 157


right and left anterior iliac spines passive range of motion for external
while the patient was in side-lying hip rotation showed the left to be 9”
positions (57). This test is one of the less than the right (37). With the
few assessments of sacroiliac joint dys- subject in a supine position and the
function that has demonstrated high pelvis stabilized by the therapist to
intertester reliability (46). The sacro- prevent lateral tilting and rotation, a
iliac compression test reproduced the single goniometric measurement for
patient’s left low back pain (dull passive range of hip abduction indi-
ache) in the area of the left posterior cated the left to be 8” less than the
superior iliac spine. The sacroiliac right (37).
distraction test did not reproduce any
low back pain. With the subject in a TABLE 1. Summary of passive range of motion for
hip extension, external rotation, and abduction Measurement of Pelvic Angle
supine position, the same aching assessed during the initial evaluation and the d-week
pain in the area of the left posterior follow-up. Pelvic angle in the standing posi-
superior iliac spine was provoked tion was then measured with an incli-
with the Patrick test by flexing the nometer consisting of a universal pro-
subject’s left hip to 90” and then ex- medial malleoli were equal. The va- tractor and bar clamp caliper (6,8,
ternally rotating and abducting the lidity and intertester reliability of 59). This technique for assessing
hip. The Patrick test, however, has these tests has been questioned by pelvic angle has demonstrated high
not shown high intertester reliability investigators (5,38,46). intertester (16-18) and intratester
(38,46). The patellar and calcaneal deep (17,18) reliability, although the valid-
With the subject in a right side- tendon reflexes were brisk and bilat- ity of this method compared with
lying position, an innominate bone erally symmetrical. Manual muscle radiographs was poor (18). The sub-
rotary test for anterior rotation was tests, as described by Kendall and ject was told to assume an erect
performed with the therapist’s palms McCreary (28)) revealed normal mus- standing posture with weight distrib-
on the left posterior iliac crest and cle grades for hip flexors, hip exten- uted evenly, feet parallel, and the
ischial tuberosity. This test produced sors, hip adductors, lower abdomi- medial malleoli approximately 10 -18
a dull aching pain around the left nals, quadriceps femoris, ankle cm apart. The arms of the caliper
posterior superior iliac spine. When dorsiflexors/plantar flexors, and ex- were placed on the marked anterior
this test was administered to the right tensor hallucis longus muscles. With superior iliac spine and posterior su-
innominate bone with the subject in the subject in a prone position, pos- perior iliac spine. A single measure-
a left side-lying position, no low back terior-anterior pressure was applied ment of pelvic angle was read from
pain was reproduced. Also, with the to each spinous process of the lum- the inclinometer to the nearest half
subject in a side-lying position and bar vertebra and no pain was pro- degree. This procedure revealed a
with the therapist placing one hand duced. standing pelvic angle of 11.5” on the
over the anterior superior iliac spine With the subject in a prone posi- right and 14.5” on the left. Note that
and one hand over the ischial tuber- tion with the tested lower extremity the greater pelvic angle assessed for
osity, an innominate bone rotary test in knee extension and the pelvis sta- the left innominate bone by 3” ap-
for posterior rotation was adminis- bilized by the therapist to prevent pears substantial compared with a
tered. This test was negative bilater- anterior pelvic tilt, a single goniomet- group of 32 healthy young adult sub-
ally for the subject’s low back pain. ric measurement of passive range of jects assessed for standing pelvic an-
Wadsworth (57) has proposed that motion for hip extension revealed gle, bilaterally (8). The healthy sub-
manually rotating the innominate left hip extension to be limited by jects demonstrated a mean pelvic
bone further into its rotation will 10” compared with the right (Table angle of 12.1” with a standard error
produce a subject’s symptoms. The 1) (37). This 10” difference between of 0.47.
reliability and validity of these two right and left hip extension was also
innominate bone rotary tests has not found when the-tested lower extrem- Measurement of Vagal Tone
been demonstrated. ity was placed in full knee flexion,
Leg length was assessed by com- suggesting a shortened left iliopsoas Parasympathetic activity was then
paring the positions of the medial rather than rectus femoris muscle assessed from a measure of beat-to-
malleoli in supine and long sitting (49). With the subject in a sitting po- beat variability in the heart rate, re-
positions. In a supine position, the sition and the distal end of the femur spiratory sinus arrhythmia, with a Va-
left medial malleolus was extended stabilized by the practitioner to pre- gal Tone Monitor (Delta Biometrics,
2 cm distal to the right, whereas in a vent hip abduction and hip flexion, a Inc., Bethesda, MD) (3,8,44). Experi-
long sitting position, the levels of the single goniometric assessment for mental investigations have demon-

158 Volume 26 l Number 3 l September 1997 l JOSPT


strated that respiratory sinus arrhyth- right while in the supine position, The limited passive range of mo-
mia is mediated by the vagal 3) the apparently equal lower extrem- tion found with goniometric mea-
innervation to the heart (3,29,42). ity length in long sitting, 4) the re- surements of left hip extension sug-
Studies involving pharmacological production of low back pain using gests shortening of the left iliopsoas
and electrophysiological manipula- the innominate bone rotary test for muscle (28,51). The limited passive
tions have demonstrated that the am- anterior rotation, and 5) the in- range of motion observed in abduc-
plitude of respiratory sinus arrhyth- creased elevation of the left posterior tion and external rotation of the left
mia is a reliable and valid estimate of superior iliac spine in standing and hip indicate possible shortening of
cardiac parasympathetic activity or sitting positions suggests the presence the left hip adductor musculature.
vagal tone (3,8,43,44). The subject of an anterior rotation of the left in- The restricted trunk motion identi-
was positioned in supine with elec- nominate bone (6,14,57). The alter- fied in side bending to the right as
trodes placed on the ventral surface native interpretation of a posterior well as the visually observed lumbar
of the wrists. Her electrocardiogram rotation of the right innominate scoliosis, concave to the left, have
activity was monitored for a 2- to bone was dismissed based on the ab- been proposed to be correlated with
4minute period by an electrocardio- sence of pain during the bilateral shortened lateral trunk and hip mus-
gram amplifier (Scope Service, Inc., innominate bone rotary test for pos- cles (28,47). Specifically, a shortened
Urbana, IL). The output of the am- terior rotation (57) and the bilateral quadratus lumborum and the thigh
plifier was input to the Vagal Tone negative straight leg raise (5). The adductors on the left side (28,47)
Monitor for on-line analysis of heart provocation of the subject’s low back and a shortened gluteus medius on
rate and vagal tone (3,8). Respiratory symptoms in the region of the left the right have been implicated as
sinus arrhythmia amplitude or vagal posterior superior iliac spine in re- possible components for this configu-
tone is expressed in natural logarith- sponse to the sacroiliac compression ration of restricted sidebending and
mic units on a scale of l-10 and was test, the Patrick test, the positive lumbar scoliosis (28).
determined to be 3.9 units at this standing flexion test, and palpation
testing. Note that this value is rela- of the medial aspect of the posterior Third Paradigm Assessment
tively low compared with vagal tone superior iliac spine also suggests a
values found in a study of 32 healthy problem at the sacroiliac joint (6,14, In terms of the integrative third
young adults who exhibited a mean 46,5’7). paradigm, the alignment of the
vagal tone of 5.8 with a standard er- However, due to the questionable body’s major anatomical segments
ror of 0.2 (8). reliability (6,38,46) and validity (38, during static postures and movement
46,58) found by investigators for is the primary component. Heavy em-
ASSESSMENT most individual sacroiliac tests, actual phasis was placed on visual observa-
sacroiliac joint dysfunction was still tions of the subject as she moved
First Paradigm Assessment uncertain. Oldreive (38) believes from a sitting to a standing position,
these poor reliability and validity out- since this activity is frequently modi-
Regarding the first paradigm, the comes may be attributed to the lack fied in individuals who have ortho-
subject’s low back pain did not ap- of precise definitions for what consti- paedic dysfunctions (4,10,15,54). Un-
pear to interfere with the projected tutes a positive test result. One ap- fortunately, the reliability and validity
manual or movement treatments. proach that has yielded good inter- of these visual assessments are, as yet,
Thus, first paradigm pain/relaxation tester reliability is to employ a unknown. The compensatory shifts
modalities were not used. However, combination of sacroiliac tests in noted in sit-to-stand movements, in-
the subject’s pain symptoms did which three of the four tests produce cluding the increase in head exten-
change during the corrective and positive results (6). sion at the atlanto-occipital joints and
integrative treatment protocols. In the subject’s pre- and post- the spinal secondary curves, were in-
These changes are described in the treatment assessments that follow, terpreted as a habitual, dysfunctional
treatment and results section. two tests of sacroiliac joint dysfunc- movement pattern that was function-
tion were chosen that produced the ally and energetically inefficient (Fig-
Second Paradigm Assessment subject’s low back pain in the initial ure 1) (26,47). This dysfunctional
evaluation: sacroiliac compression motion was considered as a possible
Regarding the corrective second test and innominate bone rotary test limitation to the efficacy of the cor-
paradigm, the combined findings of: for anterior rotation. A third mea- rective manual protocol in treating
1) a greater standing pelvic angle of surement, pelvic angle, was selected the assessed anterior rotation of the
the left innominate bone compared as an index of the relative anterior left innominate bone. Overall, her
with the right, 2) the left lower ex- rotation of the innominate bones lower extremity base of support ap-
tremity appearing longer than the (6,8). peared adequate to maintain any po-

JOSPT l Volume 26 l Number 3 l September 1997 159


TABLE 2. Summary of results for sacroiliac compression test, pelvic angle in the standing position, innominate bone anterior rotary test, and vagal tone as assessed in
the initial evaluation, pretreatments, posttreatments, and 4-week follow-up.

tential shifts in biomechanical align- ual system (8,47,53) and guided dressed in the first session. Because a
ment to the head, neck, torso, and movement-awareness derived from substantial portion of the iliacus’ ori-
pelvis that might result from an inte- Alexander’s method (1,4,26). The gin is from the iliac fossa and its in-
grative manual protocol. patient returned for a voluntary, fol- sertion is on the lesser trochanter, a
Interpreting the possible clinical low-up assessment 4 weeks after com- shortened iliacus has been proposed
significance of the subject’s vagal pleting her sixth and final session. to be a major factor in certain ante-
tone assessment is speculative at this During the initial evaluation, be- rior rotations of the innominate bone
time. However, the subject’s relatively fore and after each subsequent ses- (27,47). With the subject lying in a
low level of assessed vagal tone sup- sion, and at the 4week follow-up, the supine position with her hips and
ports Rolf s (47) and Sultan’s (55) patient was assessed on the following knees flexed and feet flat on the
contention that decreased parasympa- four indices: sacroiliac compression plinth, the left iliacus muscle was pal-
thetic activity is clinically correlated test, rotary test for anterior rotation pated with the therapist’s right fin-
with pelvic asymmetry involving ante- of the innominate bone, pelvic angle gertips just superior to the inguinal
rior rotation of the innominate in the standing position, and vagal ligament and medial to the iliac
bone(s) and low back pain. They fur- tone. Goniometric measurements of crest. The subject was instructed to
ther hypothesized that the depressed passive range of motion for abduc- tilt her pelvis in a posterior direction
levels of parasympathetic tone will tion, external rotation, and extension while the therapist gradually in-
increase only after anterior rotation of the hip were made only during the creased the fingertip pressure on the
of the innominate bone(s) is cor- initial evaluation and the 4week fol- iliacus. The pelvis was stabilized in
rected and the associated low back low-up. Tables 1 and 2 summarize this position of posterior tilt with the
pain is diminished (8,417). To explore the results of these assessments. The practitioner’s free left hand, while
these purported relationships be- patient’s self-reports of low back pain the subject slowly extended the left
tween autonomic activity and pelvic and the therapist’s visual observations hip and left knee into isometric ex-
asymmetry correlated with low back of sit-to-stand motion were also noted tension and held for 10 seconds (Fig-
pain, vagal tone was chosen as a during all the above-cited assess- ure 2).
fourth measurement for the pre- and ments. With the goal of reducing the
post-treatment testings. anterior rotation of the left innomi-
Second Paradigm Treatment nate as well as the associated pain,
TREATMENT AND RESULTS the therapist instructed the subject in
Session I The goals of the sec- the following home exercise program
The subject was seen once every ond paradigm intervention focused (14,57). The subject was instructed to
7 days for six sessions, approximately on correcting the myofascial imbal- stand with the left foot flat on a ta-
50 minutes for each treatment, ex- ances that seemed directly related to ble, the left hip and knee fully
cept for the first session in which a the anterior rotation of the left in- flexed, and the pelvis positioned in a
30-minute treatment followed the nominate bone and the associated posterior tilt. She then shifted her
initial evaluation. The treatment pro- pain in the left buttock. weight forward onto the left leg while
tocol consisted of soft tissue mobiliza- The shortened iliacus portion of pulling the left knee forward to her
tion based on Rolf s soft tissue man- the left iliopsoas muscle was ad- chest with her hands. The stretch was

160 Volume 26 l Number 3 l September 1997 l JOSPT


FIGURE 2. Mobilization ofthe leti i/iopsoas myofascia

above the inguinal ligament.
FIGURE 3. Mobilization of the left gracifis myofascia FIGURE 4. Mobihzation of the left quadratus lumbo-
below its origins on the ischiopubic ramus. rum myofascia above its attachments on the posterior
held for 30 seconds and slowly re- iliac crest.
leased and repeated five times. She
tias instructed to perform this exer- arguably assist in internal rotation, a quadratus lumborum muscle (28,47).
cise three times daily or as needed to shortness in the length of the adduc- To mobilize and stretch the left
reduce pain. No objective posttreat- tor musculature might, correspond- quadratus lumborum, the subject was
ment assessments were made in ses- ingly, be estimated from the limita- placed in a right side-lying position
sion 1. The subject’s low back pain tion of motion in ipsilateral hip with a pillow between the extended
was unchanged from that reported abduction and external rotation. A knees. The olecranon process of the
during the initial evaluation portion limitation in hip abduction and ex- therapist’s left elbow was placed at
of the session. ternal rotation was identified during the attachments of the left quadratus
Session 2 When the subject re- the initial evaluation of the subject on the posterior part of the iliac crest
turned for her second treatment 1 (Table 1). To mobilize the left ad- (Figure 4). The subject was then in-
week later, she described no change ductor muscles, the subject was posi- structed to tilt the pelvis in a poste-
in her left-sided buttock pain. Her tioned in a left side-lying position rior direction, extend the left hip
pretreatment assessments were com- with the right hip and knee flexed to and knee, and dorsiflex the ankle
parable with the initial evaluation 90” and supported by a pillow. The and to hold this position for 30 sec-
results (Table 2). The therapist’s vi- fingertips of the therapist’s right onds.
sual observation of the sit-to-stand hand were placed just below the left Posttreatment assessments re-
movement was unchanged from the superior ramus of the pubic bone vealed the following changes from
initial evaluation. The therapist and along the origins of the pectineus the initial evaluation and second ses-
subject reviewed the home exercise and the left hand positioned on the sion pretreatment testing: 1) sacroil-
that was recommended in session 1. right iliac crest to stabilize the pelvis. iac compression test was negative for
The iliopsoas mobilizations were re- The subject was asked to tilt the pel- pain, 2) left innominate bone rotary
peated as outlined in session 1. Fol- vis in a posterior direction and hold test for anterior rotation was negative
lowing these maneuvers, the patient that position for 15 seconds and then for pain, 3) standing pelvic angles
reported less aching pain over the release. This procedure was repeated were almost equal (right = 11.0” and
left posterior superior iliac spine. for the adductor brevis, longus, mag- left = ll.SO), and 4) vagal tone had
Shortness of the ipsilateral hip nus, and gracilis muscles, consecu- increased substantially to 6.2 (Table
adductor musculature has been hy- tively (Figure 3). 2). The subject stated that the dull
pothesized to contribute to increased The visually observed lumbar sco- ache in her left buttock region was
anterior rotation of the innominate liosis, concave to the left, and the nearly gone. Observations of her sit-
bones (28,47). In addition, since all assessed restricted right side-bending to-stand motion were still unchanged
of these muscles adduct the hip and implicate a possible shortened left from the initial evaluation.

JOSPT l Volume 26 l Number 3. September 1997 161


Session 3 When the subject re- findings (Table 2). Visual observation
turned for session 3, she reported of her sit-to-stand motion and stand-
being free of low back pain for 2 ing and sitting postures was similar to
days after the second treatment. Two the initial evaluation and previous
days after her second treatment, the pre- and post-treatment tests. Based
subject’s pain returned in the area of on the findings obtained through the
the left buttock with intensity levels fourth pretreatment assessment, the
similar to those experienced during therapist concluded that the correc-
the initial evaluation and second ses- tional soft tissue mobilization strate-
sion pretreatment assessment. The gies and home exercise alone did not
objective measures taken at this pre- appear to be sufficient to correct the
treatment assessment were similar to anterior rotation of the innominate
those taken during the initial evalua- bone and relieve the patient’s low
tion and second session pretest (Ta- back symptoms for a sustained time
ble 2). Observations of the subject’s period (ie., more than 2-3 days). At
sit-to-stand movement and posture this point, the therapist decided to
revealed no changes from the initial implement an integrative interven-
evaluation, second session pretest, or tion course of treatment, with priori-
second session posttest. ties shifting to address the total pat-
FIGURE 5. Mobilization of the bilateralattachments of
The iliopsoas, the hip adductor tern of segmental alignment in static
the rectus abdominis myofascia on the costal carti-
muscles, and the quadratus lumbo- positions and movement. This treat- /ages of the fifth, sixth, and seventh ribs.
rum soft tissue techniques were ad- ment focused on two aspects of the
ministered as described in the first subject’s pattern of segmental align-
and second sessions. The subject’s ment: her respiratory motion (47,53) ration and greater chest contraction
home exercise was reviewed. and her sit-to-stand movement (1,2, in expiration.
In the posttreatment assessment, 25). As noted in the prior assessments
the subject stated that her left low Visual observations of the sub- of the preparation and initiation
back pain had now disappeared, simi- ject’s breathing made during the ini- phases of her sit-to-stand movement,
lar to the self-report given after the tial evaluation and during this session the subject was observed to hyperex-
second posttreatment testing. The found her respiration pattern to be tend her head at the atlanto-occipital
objective measures were also compa- limited primarily to the diaphragm. joints. The subject’s atlanto-occipital
rable with the results obtained in the To modify the patient’s restricted hyperextension was first addressed by
second session posttreatment testing: breathing pattern, soft tissue mobili- applying integrative soft tissue mobili-
sacroiliac compression test and in- zation was administered to the cra- zation to the cervical extensor myo-
nominate bone rotary test for ante- nial attachments of the rectus abdo- fascia (47,53). With the subject in a
rior rotation were negative, right and minis muscle on the costal cartilages supine position, fingertip pressure
left pelvic angles were nearly equal of the fifth, sixth, and seventh ribs was applied along the cranial attach-
(right = 11.5” and left = 12.0”), and (47,53). With the patient in a supine ments of the splenuis capitus and
vagal tone was at 5.9 (Table 2). Vi- position and her knees flexed and trapezius just inferior to the occiput
sual observation of the sit-to-stand feet flat on the plinth, the therapist’s as the subject nodded “yes.” The
movement revealed no changes from fingertips were placed along these muscles of the suboccipital group
the initial evaluation or the previous attachments. Pressure through the were mobilized in a similar manner
pre- or post-treatment assessments. fingertips was directed in a superior/ (ie., the rectus capitus major/minor
posterior direction while the subject and superior capitus oblique attach-
Third Paradigm Treatment inhaled from diaphragm to chest (ie., ments on the occiput).
by first starting inspiration in the ab- Following the cervical extensor/
Session 4 During the fourth ses- dominal area, then the epigastrium, suboccipital mobilizations, the subject
sion, the subject again reported be- and finally the chest). The pressure was again observed in the sitting and
ing free of her low back pain for 2 was then slightly increased as the sub- standing positions and during her
days after the third treatment, with ject reversed this sequence during sit-to-stand movement. For the first
her left aching buttock pain return- expiration from chest to diaphragm time during her treatment, an overall
ing on the morning of the third day. (Figure 5). Following these mobiliza- improvement was noted in the sub-
The objective findings had also ap- tions, visual observation revealed a ject’s static alignment in the sitting
proximated the initial evaluation and more expansive breathing pattern and standing positions. There ap-
previous pretreatment assessment with greater chest expansion in inspi- peared to be a reduction in cervical

162 Volume 26 l Number 3 l September 1997 l JOSPT


ing into slight flexion at the atlanto- and sitting postures were observed to
occipital joint without excessively in- exhibit less extension at the atlanto-
creasing the tension in her neck occipital joints and less severe cervi-
flexor muscles. As the therapist cal and lumbar lordotic curves.
guided the subject to an erect stand- The entire fifth session was de-
ing position, the patient’s head was voted to guided movement instruc-
directed in an anterior and superior tion as outlined in session 4. By the
direction while the pelvis was concur- end of the fifth session, with the ther-
rently guided posteriorly and inferi- apist’s tactile and verbal cues, the
orly. From visual observation, the patient was able to execute a head-
head appeared to go into further at- neck-torso balance involving dimin-
lanto-occipital extension as the cervi- ished extension at the atlanto-occipi-
cal lordosis increased, even though tal joint and reduced lordotic
she reported that her neck felt as if it curvature at the cervical and lumbar
was lengthening. We believe it is spine for the movements of sit-to-
common for a subject to exhibit such stand, stand-to-sit, and squatting. The
a faulty kinesthetic sense of body po- subject was also instructed in home
sition during the early stages of movement sequences for sit-to-stand,
guided movement training, where the stand-to-sit, and squatting motions,
FIGURE 6. Guided movement-awareness technique
for the sit-to-stand movement with the therapist’s right subject initially exaggerates further with emphasis placed on maintaining
thumb and fingers just distal to the attachments of the into a faulty posture or movement in the same dynamic head-neck-torso
right and left sternocleidomastoid myofascia on the an attempt to correct it (1,11,23,26). balance that she exhibited during the
mastoid processes.
Again, in the fourth posttreat- guided movements.
ment assessment, the subject re- Objective assessments following
ported a disappearance of her left the fifth session indicated that sacro-
extension at the atlanto-occipital
low back pain. Likewise, right and iliac compression and the innominate
joints and diminished cervical and
left pelvic angles were symmetrical at bone rotary test for anterior rotation
lumbar curvatures. However, when
1 l.O”, sacroiliac compression test was were once again negative for low
the subject initiated her sit-to-stand
negative for pain, and vagal tone in- back pain on the left, standing pelvic
movement pattern, the previous con-
creased to 6.4 (Table 2). Visual ob- angles were equal at 11 .O”, and vagal
figuration of exaggerated spinal ex-
servations of the sit-to-stand move- tone was at 6.1 (Table 2). The sub-
tension returned.
ment remained unchanged from the ject’s comments were also consistent
To alter this persistent maladap-
previous assessments. with these findings, reporting an ab-
tive movement sequence, guided
Session 5 On the subject’s ar- sence of left aching buttock pain. For
movement-awareness techniques, as
rival for the fifth session, she stated the first time since the initial evalua-
described by Jones (25)) were intro-
that her low back pain had once tion, the therapist’s visual analysis of
duced in the latter part of this ses-
again returned to the left buttock the sit-to-stand movement indicated a
sion. The subject sat in a straight
chair, assuming a comfortable erect area on the third day following her substantial shift in the subject’s spinal
posture. She was then assisted in po- last treatment. She expressed con- alignment (Figure 1B). A marked
sitioning her pelvis in such a way that cern about the lack of consistent im- reduction was observed in extension
she could feel her ischial tuberosities provement and compared her magni- at the atlanto-occipital joints and lor-
make contact with the chair’s surface tude of pain to that reported in the dosis at the secondary spinal curves.
while remaining in an erect sitting initial evaluation and previous preses- Session 6 For the first time dur-
position. The therapist’s right thumb sion measurements. The objective ing a pretreatment assessment, the
and ring finger were placed just dis- pretreatment measurements again subject reported that her left buttock
tal to the attachment of the left and supported her self-report and were pain did not return during the week
right sternocleidomastoid muscles to comparable with the initial evaluation following treatment. Also for the first
the mastoid processes, respectively. and previous pretreatment assess- time, the objective measures approxi-
The left hand was positioned on the ments (Table 2). The visual observa- mated their previous posttreatment
patient’s left anterior superior iliac tions of the sit-to-stand motion were levels: standing pelvic angle of 11.5”
spine (Figure 6). Just prior to initiat- also unchanged from prior assess- on the left and 11.0” on the right,
ing the sit-to-stand motion, the pa- ments. However, as was first noted in negative sacroiliac compression test,
tient was instructed to equalize the the fourth session posttreatment as- negative innominate bone anterior
practitioner’s hand pressure by com- sessment, the patient’s static standing rotary test, and a vagal tone level of

JOSPT . Volume 26 l Number 3 l September 1997 163


6.3 (Table 2). Likewise, the altered tion of the sit-to-stand movement was home exercise may have required
alignment pattern of decreased lor- comparable with that noted in the this much time to correct and main-
dosis through the cervical and lum- fifth posttreatment, sixth pretreat- tain the anterior derotation of the
bar segments, first observed after the ment, and sixth posttreatment assess- left innominate bone (14,19). Thus,
fifth session, was also evident from ments, with diminished atlanto-occipi- the noted movement changes at the
the therapist’s observations of the tal extension and decreased cervical end of the fifth session are only coin-
subject’s sit-to-stand movement. and lumbar lordotic curvatures. Go- cidental to her long-term improve-
This session, like the fifth, con- niometric passive motion measure- ment. Second, the subject’s low back
centrated on the preparation and ments for left hip extension, abduc- pain spontaneously improved and
initiation stages of the sit-to-stand, tion, and external rotation all showed neither the corrective mobilizations
increases in the 4week follow-up c
stand-to-sit, and squatting move- and exercise nor the integrative mo- ‘I
ments. Emphasis was placed on thera- compared with left hip motions bilization and guided-movement pro-
pist-guided movement of the head noted in the initial evaluation tocols are responsible for the sub-
and neck. Specifically, the therapist (Table 1). ject’s recovery (10,49). Both of these
attempted to facilitate movements explanations are possible and cannot
that encouraged the patient to in- be completely dismissed.
hibit excessive extension at the atlan- DISCUSSION A third interpretation that we
to-occipital joints and the joints of believe best supports the data is that
the middle cervical vertebrae. The The combined results from the the guided movement produced a
subject then practiced these move- assessments taken through the fourth sustained shift in the preparation,
pretreatment testing suggest that the initiation, and execution of the sub-
ments without the therapist’s guid-
corrective paradigm treatment, con-
ance. At the completion of the sixth ject’s sit-to-stand movement pattern
sisting of soft tissue mobilizations to
and final treatment, the subject con- and other voluntary motions. This
the iliopsoas, hip adductors, and
tinued to execute sit-to-stand and shift toward more optimal movement,
quadratus lumborum and a home
other movements without reverting in turn, permitted the sustained im-
exercise, was only temporarily effec-
to the habitual pattern of exagger- provements assessed through the
tive in derotating the left innominate
ated extension at the atlanto-occipital 4week follow-up. Whether the soft
bone, increasing parasympathetic
joint and at the cervical and lumbar tissue procedures and the home exer-
tone, and relieving the subject’s low
curves that was first observed after cise of the corrective protocol were
back symptoms. This cyclic pattern of
session 5. The posttreatment findings necessary prerequisite steps for the
improvements found in the posttreat-
for the sacroiliac compression test, subsequent effectiveness of the inte-
ment measurements followed by a
standing pelvic angle, innominate grative mobilization and guided-
return to their initial evaluation lev-
bone rotary test for anterior rotation, movement protocol cannot be deter-
els in the next pretreatment assess-
and vagal tone were also comparable mined from the data of this case
ment continued up to the sixth pre-
with the fifth session posttreatment study.
treatment measurement (Table 1).
and sixth session pretreatment assess-
What important change, then,
ments (Table 2). did the subject undergo after the Vagal Tone and Clinical Assessment
4-week followup assessment The fifth session? Of the posttreatment
subject returned for a voluntary fol- assessments taken after the fifth ses- It should be noted that the sub-
low-up assessment 4 weeks after the sion, only the shift observed in sit-to- ject’s level of parasympathetic activity,
sixth session (ie., 10 weeks after the stand alignment was a delineating as assessed from vagal tone, consis-
initial evaluation) and reported no indicator of when the subject began tently increased from the initial eval-
return of the left aching buttock pain to exhibit a sustained reduction in uation level when, correspondingly,
during this period. The objective as- anterior rotation of the innominate the standing pelvic angle on the left
sessments were essentially unchanged bone and associated low back pain as side decreased and the two tests of
from those reported in the fifth post- well as increased vagal tone. sacroiliac joint dysfunction were neg-
treatment, sixth pretreatment, and There are at least three interpre- ative for the production of left-sided *
sixth posttreatment testings. Sacroil- tations that could explain why this low back pain (Table 2). Likewise,
iac compression test and innominate sudden shift in the subject’s move- vagal tone measurements consistently
bone anterior rotary test were nega- ment pattern is correlated with a pro- decreased when the standing pelvic
tive for low back pain, standing pelvic longed improvement (4 weeks) in angle on the left side approximated
angle was 11.0” on the right and the subject’s low back condition. the initial evaluation level and the
11.5” on the left, and vagal tone was First, the corrective protocol of the two sacroiliac dysfunction tests were
at 6.0 (Table 2). Also, visual observa- soft tissue manipulations and the positive for the production of the low

164 Volume 26 l Number 3. September 1997 l JOSP’I


back pain. Caution, however, should Possible Physiological Mechanisms tions and movement. Jones (25,26)
be exercised concerning the conclu- provides support for this mechanism
siveness and sensitivity of these re- The precise mechanism that in a series of studies with healthy
might account for the apparent eff- adult subjects who were assessed for
sults. Unlike the prospective orienta-
cacy of the soft tissue mobilization differences in head-neck-torso align-
tion of a single-case subject design,
and guided movement-awareness ment with multiple image photogra-
where extraneous variables are better
techniques is not known. Tradition- phy, radiographs, and electromyogra-
controlled, this case study was se-
ally, speculations have focused on two phy. He demonstrated that the
lected from the author’s physical
mechanisms. First, connective tissue’s subjects’ sit-to-stand motion and
therapy practice, retrospectively (13).
ground substance has the ability to other activities became better aligned
Because of slight discrepancies in the
undergo plastic changes in response and neuromuscularly more economi-
assessment procedures and the re-
to heat produced by mechanical pres- cal following the administration of
cording of the data that naturally oc- sure and stretch (10,40,61). Oschman experimenter-guided movement tech-
curred in the clinical setting, the use (39,40) has proposed that the result- niques to the head and neck.
of statistical procedures to better de- ing heat generated from the stretch
termine the sensitivity of vagal tone and pressure of mobilization and
and standing pelvic tilt were not con- Clinical Implications
guided movement alters connective
sidered appropriate. tissue’s molecular structure. This hy- We are not proposing, from the
The possible role that vagal tone pothesis receives some support from results of this case study, that all low
might play in clinical motor and sen- studies involving mechanical tissue back problems correlated with pelvic
sory assessment must await further testing and connective tissue remod- asymmetry must be approached
research. Recently, Sanko and Spal- eling (41,56,61). through an extensive, integrative mo-
leta (52) have proposed that compar- The second mechanism involves bilization/movement protocol. As has
ing normal to abnormal vagal tone the generation and modification of been demonstrated, certain sacroiliac
responses, determined from heart afferent information into the central dysfunctions, with posterior or ante-
rate variability, may be a valuable ad- nervous system through manual inter- rior rotations of the innominate
junct to sensory and motor system vention (8,lO). Proponents of this bones, can be successfully treated
assessments. The assessment of vagal mechanism maintain that tactile pres- with regional manual techniques,
tone for musculoskeletal problems, sure created by soft tissue mobiliza- stretches, and exercise (5,14). How-
especially those purportedly associ- tion and guided movement provides ever, the following two criteria ap-
ated with autonomic dysfunction afferent input to the central nervous pear useful in determining when a
(eg., primary fibromyalgia and other system that, in turn, alters efferent third paradigm manual/movement
chronic myofascial pain syndromes), outflow to both the neuromuscular approach may be appropriate: 1) if
and the autonomic nervous systems the correction of the assessed biome-
may be useful areas of study (8,12,
(8,15,31). Stevens (54) and Jones chanical dysfunctions and relief of
19). Recent neuroanatomical investi-
(25) have speculated on such a associated pain are not sustained over
gations have indicated that respira-
mechanism that may account for the time (ie., l-2 weeks), and 2) if the
tory sinus arrhythmia (vagal tone) is
apparent efficacy of the guided move- assessed movement and postural dys-
under the primary control of the
ment techniques adapted for this functions appear to interfere with the
right vagus nerve through the nu-
subject’s integrative treatment proto- implementation of the second para-
cleus ambiguus and, that through
col. They proposed that optimal digm corrective or first paradigm re-
this nucleus, the right or “smart” va-
head-neck-torso balance (primary laxation treatments.
gus nerve has numerous higher corti- Further, other more conventional
control) acts as an afferent stimulus
cal connections involved in the ex- to the central nervous system that systems of manual therapy, exercise,
pression of human mobility, emotion, inhibits habitual, inefficient motor and postural education may also be
and communication (43). In light of responses (eg., elevation of the scap- effectively applied through this
these anatomical findings, we would ulae and excessive hyperextension of model. For example, James (24) has
note that vagal tone has been success- the cervical vertebrae during the ini- combined neural tension mobiliza-
fully used to assess central and pe- tiation of the sit-to-stand movement). tions (30) with progressive exercise
ripheral nervous system function in This inhibition of habitual motor re- training (10,24) in corrective and
several areas: a newborn’s neurologi- sponses assists the subject in con- integrative protocols with favorable
cal status (44), autonomic stress (20), sciously learning to facilitate antigrav- results. DonTigny (14) has discussed
asthma (43)) attention disorders (42)) ity and support reflexes, which then the use of mobilizations and correc-
cognitive discrimination (42)) and allows for more energetically efficient tive exercises as well as modifying
pain levels in infants (45). options of alignment in static posi- overall faulty postures and movement

JOSPT l Volume 26 Number 3 September 1997

l l 165
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