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1 . Introduction
Reference is made to your request regarding power supply to University of Tourism,
Technology and Business Studies.

EUCL responsibility:
Construction of the overhead line
Installation of transformer
Installation of low voltage distribution bord
Test and commissioning
Client responsility:
Supplying materials complying with EUCL requirements
Client is reponsible for all properties to be affected in the line corridor
2. Project basic data
Voltage level: 15KV
Line length: 250m MV line
Transformer size: 30/0.4KV, 200KVA
Conductor/cable size: ACSR overhead conductor 70/12mm2
Type of Poles: Steel,Concrete and wooden

3. Cost Calculation references

Installation cost : 18% of cost materials to be provided by EUCL
Installation cost : 15% of cost materials provided by the Client
VAT : 18 % of materials to be supplied by EUCL and installation cost

4. List of materials to be provided by the Client

Unit Total
Pos Designation Unity Qty price(Rwf) price(Rwf)
30kv air break switch disonnector
1 with fuse holder (outdoor type) piece 1 5,000,000 5,000,000
2 15KV fuses 8A piece 3 55,000 165,000
5 Galvanized earh rod piece 10 15,000 150,000
6 Garvanised earthing tape piece 1 188,000 188,000
7 Cable lug 25 piece 10 500 5,000
8 Cable lug 70 piece 20 1,000 20,000
Sub total 1 5,528,000

5. List of materials to be provided by EUCL

Unit Total
Pos Designation Unity Qty price(Rwf) price(Rwf)
1 15/0.4KV Transformer 200KVA piece 1 8,000,000 8,000,000
2 Steel poles 14m piece 2 1,200,000 2,400,000
3 Concrete poles 12m piece 2 472,000 944,000
4 Wooden poles 12m piece 2 270,000 540,000
ACSR overhead Conductor
5 70/12mm2 m 900 2,100 1,890,000
L shaped galvanized steel cross arms
6 2.5m piece 13 188,000 2,444,000
L shaped galvanized steel cross arms
7 (50x50mm), long 0.36m piece 12 10,000 120,000
8 Parallel grooves piece 10 3,500 35,000
9 15KV Surge arrestors piece 3 120,000 360,000
15KV Polymer tension insulators
10 with all accessories piece 18 85,000 1,530,000
11 15KV post line insulator piece 6 45,000 270,000
12 Equipped LV distribution board piece 1 2,500,000 2,500,000
4x70mm2 low voltage underground
13 cable m 15 47,000 705,000
14 Stainless steel strips roll 1 45,000 45,000
15 Earth wire 25mm2 m 40 3,500 140,000
16 Bolt and Nut M16x350 piece 30 4,000 120,000
17 Bolt and Nut M12X50 piece 30 1,000 30,000
18 Cement sac 10 10,000 100,000
19 Sand truck 1 90,000 90,000
20 Gravels truck 1 120,000 120,000
21 Stones truck 1 90,000 90,000
Sub-Total 2 14,043,000

Cost of materials to be supplied by
1 EUCL 14,043,000
Cost of materials to be supplied by
2 client 5,528,000
1 Potographic works 300,000
Installation cost of material to be
2 provided by EUCL 2,527,740
Installation cost of material to be
3 provided by client 829,200
TOTAL (Supply and installation) 17,699,940
VAT (18% OF TOTAL) 3,185,989
GRAND TOTAL 20,885,929

Amount in words to be paid: Tweenty Million Eight Hundred Eighty Five

Thousand Nine Hundred Twenty Nine Rwandan Francs only

Amount in Figures : 20,885,929 Rwf

7 Quotation validity: 3 months starting from the date of

quotation signature

8 Execution time: Two months upon availability of materials under

the resposnibility of the client
and against payment of quotation amount

Prepared by: Verified by :


Substation Engineer Projects Ag.Senior Engineer Projects

Pre-approved by: Approved by:


Ag. Chief Engineer Standards and Projects Ag.Director of Planning

KN82 ST 3, Nyarugenge District, Kigali City, PO Box 5634 Kigali, Rwanda.

Tel: + (250) (0)788181294,,

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