Questions and Leekims Marriage

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Once up on a time there lived a young man called Leekim in a little town in South Korea.
His father was not living and his family consisted of his mother, grandmother and teenage sister.

When Leekim reached the age when he is eligible to marry, according to tradition his
mother undertook the task of finding a suitable bride for him. After many inquires she was

Both the parties agreed for the marriage. The date of marriage was fixed two months
forward from the date on which they agreed. Each member of the family in his or her own way
started attending to various matters associated to marriage

The days passed by in this manner and just two days before the wedding day, Leekim
realized that he had completely forgotten to order his wedding suit. When the gravity of the
situation dawned on him he rushed to the nearest tailor and explained him and pleaded with him
to make a suit for him. The tailor agreed.

The next evening after having attended to various other urgent matters connected with the
wedding, Leekim rushed to the tailor late in the night to collect his suit. Although the tailor
requested to have a fit on, Leekim stated that he had confidence in the tailor and take the suit
straight away to home

After the dinner that night Leekim thought he should try on his new suit. The jacket was
alright, however, he was shocked to note that the pair of trousers was 3’’ longer than the required
size. Unfortunately none of the family members could assist him as they too were busy attending
to various other matters connected with the wedding.

The mother was fully occupied with getting the house ready and attending to food,
beverage .the grandmother was as busy as a bee moving around checking other point’s relation to
the cultural and religious aspects of the wedding. His sister was rushing around attending to
matters connected with the bride’s maids. Poor Leekim now face a crisis situation. However, as
nothing could be done they returned to bed late in the night
Around 11:30 in the night his sister who had gone to bed was restless as she was worried
about the embarrassment that her brother would face the next day when he had wear the suit.
Even though she was tired through shear sympathy she got up look out her sewing kit clipped 3’’
from the pair of trousers and sewed the trouser. With a smile of satisfaction she went back to bed.

The mother was tossing and turning in the bed in the adjuring room she thought, “oh my
poor son! He look a fool tomorrow at the wedding in that new suit of his “ when motherly love
got the better of her she got up around midnight took out her sewing kit , clipped 3” from the pair
of trousers and sewed them . With a great satisfaction she returned to bed

The grandmother was restless thinking of the embarrassment that her only grandson
would have face in the presence of distinguished visitors. To avoid the situation she got up
around 1 am took out her sewing kit, clipped 3’’ from the trousers and sewed them and went back
to bed.

The next morning Leekim started to dress; there was a look of horror on his face when he
realized that his pair of trousers is now in a worse situation 6’’ short!

Leekim was the most embarrassed man on his wedding day!

The title folk story can teach us many lessons including vital management disciplines.

Examine the various and events of this title folk story and identify the various
shortcomings, which individually or collectively were instrumental in creating trouble.


It was in the spring of the second year of his insurrection against the High Sheriff of Nottingham
that Robin Hood took a walk in Sherwood Forest. As he walked he pondered the progress of the
campaign, the disposition of his forces, the Sheriff’s recent moves, and the options that
confronted him.

The revolt against the Sheriff had begun as a personal crusade. It erupted out of Robin’s conflict
with the Sheriff and his administration. However, alone Robin Hood could do little. He therefore
sought allies, men with grievances and a deep sense of justice. Later he welcomed all who came,
asking few questions, demanding only a willingness to serve. Strength, he believed, lay in

He spent the first year forging the group into a disciplined band, united in enmity against the
sheriff, and willing to live outside the law. The band’s organization was simple. Robin ruled
supreme, making all important decisions. He delegated specific tasks to lieutenants. Will Scarlet
was in charge of intelligence and scouting. His main job was to shadow the Sheriff and his men,
always alert to their next move. He also collected information on the travel plans of rich
merchants and tax collectors. Little John kept discipline among the men, and saw to it that
archery was at the high peak that their profession demanded. Scarlock took care of finances,
converting loot to cash, paying shares of the take, and finding suitable hiding places for the
surplus. Finally, much the Miller’s son had the difficult task of provisioning the ever- increasing
band of Merrymen.

The increasing size of the band was a source of satisfaction for Robin, but also a source of
concern. The fame of his Merrymen was spreading, and new recruits poured in from every corner
of England. As the band grew larger, their small bivouac became a major encampment. Between
raids the men milled about, talking and playing games. Vigilance was in decline, and discipline
was becoming harder to enforce. “Why,” Robin reflected.”I don’t know half the men I run into
these days.”

The growing band was also beginning to exceed the food capacity of the forest. Game was
becoming scarce, and supplies had to be obtained from outlying villages. The cost of buying food
was beginning to drain the band’s financial reserves at the very moment when revenues were in
decline. Travelers, especially those with the most to lose, were now giving the forest a wide
berth. This was costly and inconvenient to them, but it was preferable to having all their goods

Robin believed that the time had come for the Merrymen to change their policy of outright
confiscation of goods to one of a fixed transit tax. His lieutenants strongly resisted this idea.
They were proud of the Memens’ famous motto: “Rob from rich and give to the poor.” The
farmers and towns people,” they argued, “are our most important allies. How can we tax them,
and still hope for their help in our fight against the sheriff?”
Robin wondered how long the Merrymen aould keep to the ways and methods of their early
days. The Sheriff was growing stronger and becoming better organized. He now had the money
and the emn, and was beginning to harass the band, probing for its weaknesses. The ride of
events was beginning to turn against the Merrymen. Robin felt that the campaign must be
decisively concluded befro the Sheriff had a chance to deliver a mortal blow. “But how,” he
wondered, “could this be done?”

Robin had often entertained the possibility of killing the Sheriff, but the chances for this seemed
increasingly remote. Besides, killing the Sheriff might satisfy his personal thirst for revenge, but
it would not improve the situation. Robin had hoped that the perpetual state of unrest, and the
Sheriff’s failure to collect taxes, would lead to his removal from office. Instead, the sheriff used
his political connections to obtain reinforcement. He had powerful friends at court, and was well
regarded by the regent, Prince John.

Prince John was vicious and volatile. He was consumed by his unpopularity among the people,
who wanted the imprisoned King Richard back. He also lived in constant fear of the barons, who
had first given him the regency, but were now beginning to dispute his claim to the throne.
Several of these barons had set out to collect the ransom that would release King Richard the
Lionheart from his jai in Austria. Robin was invited to join the conspiracy in return for future
amnesty. It was a dangerous proposition. Provincial banditry was one thing, court intrigue
another. Prince John had spies everywhere and he was known for his vindictiveness. If the
conspirators’’ plan failed, the pursuit would be relentless, and retribution swift.

The second of the supper horn started Robin from his thoughts. There was the smell of roasting
venison in the air. Nothing was resolved or settled. Robin headed for camp promising himself
that he would give these problems his utmost attention after tomorrow’s raid.


1. What problems does Robin Hood have? What issues does Robin need to be address?
Which are most urgent? Why?
2. How should Robin implement the recommended course of action? What action steps
wil Robin need to take to improve the chances of success?
3. What are the pros and cons of expanding the bands’ operations to geographic areas to the
North, south, east& west of Sherwood forest as a way of rejuvenating revenues and
captured loot?
4. Do a SWOT analysis to help sort out the situation facing Robin Hood..
3. .The Drill Master

We always liked working with our Drillmaster because he was so humorous so much of a sport
man and so close to us, students. It was because he was the in charge of the NCC and was one of
the best in the distinct. Every alternate Sunday we did some social work in the neighboring
villages. Our Drillmaster would be with us and we used to go singing and having a good time as
we went.

One Saturday, the Drillmaster announced that next day’s social work would be to widen nearby
village road and so everyone was to bring a shovel, garden pick, or basket. We would assemble at
the college from where we would go the work spot in procession. The students lie the idea of
going to the village to widen the road but did not like to carry shovels or garden picks on their
shoulders, especially since they had to cross the marketplace to reach the colleges. Each of us
thought that the other students would bring the tools and that it would make little difference if
one person did not. Thus nobody took the trouble of carrying a tool through the market.

The next day when we assembled in the college, we found that none of the students brought the
shovel or pick. The Drillmaster haven’t you brought a shovel? I want to know why? How did
you expect to widen a road without a shovel or pick? Didn’t I give you instructions to bring one?
I know you are taking advantage of my leniency. I made a mistake by getting close to you. There
won’t be any social work today. All of you go home.

At that movement the Principal of the college showed up. He asked the Drillmaster what had
happened. The Principal tried to calm him. He narrated angrily what had happened. The Principal
tried to calm him again. He said “New forget about it ,We have some shoves and picks in the

Borrow a few from the neighboring houses and take the students to work. “I won’t “said the
Drillmaster.”I won’t take them anywhere today. And I am going to fine them 25 paisa each for
disobedience.” With this the Drillmaster walked away.
Some moments passed in absolute silence. We were all standing with our heads down. After a
minute the Principal also walked away. In a minute he returned, accompanied by another teacher.
He told the teacher to lead us to the neighboring village and went away.



To identify the root cause of the case, whether Leekim fail to take
responsibilityAnd authority


Failure to practice “AUTHORITY AND RESPONSIBILITY” is the

main problem of this case.


A young man called Leekim was lived in a little town in South Korea. His father was not

living and his family consists of his mother, grandmother and sister. Leekim reached the age of

marriage and decide to marry. His mother find girl and fix their marriage. The Date of marriage

was fixed two months forward from the date on which they agreed. Each member of the family

in his or her own way started attending to various matters associated to marriage. Just two days

before the wedding day he realise that he forgotten to order his wedding suit. Then he goes to the

nearest tailor shop and gives the duty to make the wedding suit. On the next day evening after
having attended to various other matters related to the marriage he rushed to the tailor late in the

night to collect the suit. The tailor requested to have fit on, but Leekim had confident in the tailor

and take the suit straight away to home. After the dinner Leekim try his new suit. The jacket was

all right but the

trouser was three inches longer than the required size. He meets his family members and assists
him to altering the suit. Unfortunately they are fully occupied with attending various other
matters connected with the marriage.

Around 11.30 in the night his sister who gone to bed was restless as she was
worried about the embarrassment that her brother would face the next day when he had wear the
suit. Even though she was tired through shear sympathy she got up look out her sewing kit
clipped three inches from the pair of trousers and sewed the trouser. With a smile of satisfaction
she went to bed.His mother and grandmother doing the same things.

The next morning Leekim stared to dress there was a look of horror on his face when
he realised that his pair of trousers is now in a worse situation six inches short


There are so many problems identified in this case. It is difficult task to specify who is
defaulter. It is a clean case of lack of effective communication and coordination. Lack of
effective communication is the key factor for all the troubles, if the things are
communicated in a correct order and in a good manner the problems can be limit to an
extent. The communication channel or mode used in this incident was not an
appropriate one and also unfit for a successful communication. Effective communication
leads to coordination, if things are placed in correct order and are communicated in right
time to the right person then there is no space for misunderstandings.

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