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adorn decorate

lethal deadly

constituent/constitute component/make up, compose

adept skillful

harsh severe extreme/severity

involved complicated

startle surprise

Undoubtedly certainly

consist of comprise

adhere/adhesive stick/sticky

mundane ordinary

define identify

colossal enormous

champion support

critical fault-finding

sphere area, side

speculate hypothesize, guess, puts forward as a possibility

exhausted used up

dweller inhabitant

pronouncement statement

subtle not obvious

innumerable countless

afford offer/provide

respectively separately

detectable apparent measurable

account for explain

apparent in clearly seen in

faithful loyal exact

optimal the most favorable, ideal

be exposed to be subjected to

tremendous enormous, huge

radically fundamentally

reveal show

discard abandon

abundance/abundant plenty/plentiful;sufficient;profuse

discount disregard

demonstrate show

aggregation accumulation group/collection

strengthen reinforce

convert change

embrace welcome, adopt

conceivable imaginable

compression crushing

specified typical

reflect indicate, show

key important, significant essential

considerable significant, substantial enormous, large, extensive

retrieve recover

infrequent uncommon, rare

constant unchanging

cluster group

explicit clearly expressed

shoot photograph

compensate for make up for

exotic foreign

valuable important

interplay interaction

rigor difficulty

radical extreme

no wonder unsurprising

counterpart equivalent

imaginative creative

tiny minuscule, minute

refine improve

disguise conceal, camouflage, hide

postulate hypothesize

interpret understand

preoccupation concern

sever cut off

locale, location place

compelling persuasive

determinant cause

recovery return to normal

core center

monotonous unchanging

exert put forth

engrave carve

provided if

Deflect deviate

excessive too much

analogous to similar to

sensitive to affected by

deteriorate get worse

experimental trial

struggle try hard

little short of miraculous amazing because almost impossible

retarded slowed down

approximate estimate

outline summarize, outside of the center

integrate synthesize, combine

reluctant unwilling

sustain maintain, support, continue, uninterrupt

tactic strategy

Viability be able to survive

baffle puzzle

intact undamaged, whole

with no warning without any indication beforehand

discrepancy inconsistency

spectacular remarkable

manifestation expression

pursue chase, engage in, practice

might strength

irreversible permanent

tangible physical

intermittent start and stop often, occasional

precede occur before

flexible adaptable, bendable

prevailing/prevail most frequent, generally accepted/dominate

facilitate make easier ease

simultaneously at the same time

sparse thinly distributed

scattered irregularly distributed, widely separated,

spread apart, distributed

mean/means average/mechanism

conversely on the contrary

invoke call upon

vulnerable open to attack, easily damaged, easy to attack

impediment,barrier obstruction

constituent component

extreme great

undisputed acknowledged

compact compress/press together

dispute argument

dramatically greatly, significantly

justify support, provide a rational basis for

sacred holy

exploit use

generally usually

wrought created

straightforward simple

supplement extension, add to

prerequisite requirement

apply to use for

advocate Proponent

abandoned No longer occupied

deplete use up

predominate are in the majority

doctrine principle

consumption utilization

periodically regularly/at regular intervals

consensus agreement

manipulate skillfully use

fringe border

concentrations dense groupings

compile put together

launch start

enhance improve increase

scurry rush

stamina endurance

conflicting contradictory, opposing

Keep in check limit

irritate annoy

seldom rare

feat remarkable achievement

static unchanging

fragment piece

associate connect

penchant inclination

scanty few

suppress stop by force

supplementary extra

albeit though

control manage

foul pollute

make consensus of agree on

deliberation discussion

magnify intensify, increase

maintenance support

mimic reproduce

unprecedented unlike anything in the past

couple with combine with

imply suggest

synthesize combine

project show

devastate destroy, ruin

henceforth from this time on

doubtless certainly

tolerant of able to withstand

perplexed puzzled

scarcity lack

decorate adorn

durable/duration strong lasting for an extremely long time/length

deceiving misleading

replicate copy, reproduce

motif design

seek attempt

meager very low, thin

thrill excitement

moral lesson

termed called, known as

circumstance condition

illuminate clarify, light

distortion irregularity

obligation responsibility

indiscriminate random

heterogeneous varied

in retrospect looking back

ponder think about

terrestrial land

rebound recover

inadvertently unintentionally

formidable difficult impressive

vast great, huge, large

inventive creative

exposed uncovered, unprotected

prior to preceding, before

prefer favor

adjoining bordering

regime government

induce causing the formation of stimulate, bring about

inevitably necessarily, unavoidably

pit hole

founding establishment

catastrophe disaster

more robust/ robust stronger/ healthy

devour eat

remarkable extraordinary

prohibit restrict, prevent

grumble complain

prolonged extended, lengthy

excrete release

virtually nearly

intercourse exchange

trapped caught

heighten elevate/raise

clue information, hint

severely very seriously, greatly, seriously

mandate require

exhibit show display

impressive striking

compel require

sum amount

persuasively convincingly

Exceed beyond, surpass

marked pronounced, distinct, noticeable, considerable

unique among different from all other

terminate end

Perishable easy to decay, decaying

rule out exclude /keep out

momentous very important

justification good reason

Besides in addition to, moreover, furthermore, apart from

boost raise

trigger initiate, start, cause

more permeable had more places where crossings could occur

yield produce

cramped confined

contention debate

commonplace ordinary

legitimately properly

pale lose significance

counter act against

transition change

indicator sign

outweigh exceed

designate/Designation identify/identification

shatter break apart, separate

implication consequence

indicative suggesting

sloping inclining

in some degree to a certain extent

promote encourage

proponent supporter

depict describe, picture/portray

endeavor effort

obligate require

capacity ability, potential, available storage space

damage mutilate

envelop surround

cite mention

upon reflection after consideration

inhospitable not suitable

wipe out kill off

constrain limitation

quest search

outlying far

emanating from originating from

lucrative profitable

proportion size

apparent/apparently noticeable/seemingly

enable help, allow

size up evaluate

indefinitely unlimited time, without limit, endlessly

confine to limit to

drastic/drastically severe, radical, very significant /dramatically

alter/alteration change/modification

attribute characteristic ascribe credited

frigid cold

presumably probably, supposedly, It is reasonable to assume,

most likely, it is reasonable that

effort attempt

vary change, differ

diminish sever

dictate determine

current present

rot decay

now and then occasionally

overall generally

perceive see

grow accustomed to become used to

course through run through

inconclusive not decisive

employ use

perspective point of view, viewpoint

occasionally once in a while

turbulent violent

effect influence

spawn create

coexist live together

culmination/culminated in end/reached a high point with

proper appropriate

keep pace with match the increase in

Inhibit restrict, slow down ,hinder

assault on attack on

criteria standards

norm rule

adopt start to use

ample plentiful

autonomous/autonomy independent/independence self-rule

despite even though

subdue defeat

provoke bring about

tend care for, take care of

evade escape

delicately finely

Renowned Famous

assume take on

emit discharge, release, produce

free release

dismiss reject remove

duplicate copy

consumed destroyed

settle clarify

basic fundamental, rudimentary

impede restrict, hamper

ongoing continuing

accumulation build up, deposits

cultivate encourage the growth of

margin edge, limit

practical usable

highlight emphasize

gradual/gradually slow/by degrees

relative to compared to

monumental enormous, great and significant

rival competing/ competitor

verify establish the truth of

related connected

assured guaranteed

accidental unintentional

ingenuity cleverness

remote isolated, distant

insure guarantee

adjacent nearby neighboring

property characteristic

demand require

splendid magnificent

integrity unity

assess evaluate, judge

conform to match

in preference to to like A more than B

crude rough primitive

erode wear down

detect discover the presence of sense observe, notice, find

vocation occupation

alter Change, transform

prospect possibility

methodically systematically

mortality death

comparable similar

incredible impossible to believe unbelievable

optimize make the best use of

traumatic highly stressful, upsetting

surpass be higher than, exceed

recurs repeats itself

rice-deficient portions the parts that do not have enough rice

notable well-known

enduring durable, persistent, long-lasting

surplus excess quantity, excess, extra

embody incorporate

graphic vivid

enjoy experience

initiate/initial/initially introduce/at first, first, begin, start

detach separate

fracture crack

annual yearly

focus concentrate

allusion reference

commonly usually

discrete separate

advent arrival

scrutiny close observation,examination

ultimately finally

anxiety worry

rotate alternate

intricate complex

end purpose

authenticity genuineness

master sovereign, becoming skillful at solving

remnant remainders, remains

consult ask

hasten rush

artificial not real man-made, synthetic

confine/confined restrict/limited

ingenious clever, inventive

virtually almost, almost completely, almost totally, nearly

implement put into effect conduct, carry out/tool

lavishly richly

allow/allow for make possible

emerge appear

signify indicate

context environment

devise create

instigate cause

onset beginning

bulk mass

divert shift

compensating for making up for

detrimental harmful

ambiguous unclear

constraint limitation

vital essential, crucial

carry on continue

redundancy duplication

exquisitely perfectly

engage participate

stagnation lack of growth

repetitive happening many times

scarce limited, rare, short in supply, insufficient

antagonize anger

pave the way for make possible

sophisticated highly developed

overlie cover

needless to say obviously

major principal

dominate/dominated control/were prevalent in

regulate control

eventually In the end over time finally ultimately

domestic household

cease stop

come close approach

propose suggest, offer the theory

recompense payment

oversee supervise

accordingly correspondingly consequently therefore

dormant inactive

suspend hang, float

contribute provide

ardent enthusiastic

ambitious impressive but difficult to achieve

gifted talented

Repulse drive back

compilation collection

Strenuous put more energy

be susceptible to be vulnerable to, likely to be affected by

paradox/paradoxically contradiction/surprisingly

commodity product

task job

swift fast, quick

overwhelm/overwhelming be too larger than/powerful, without doubt

conventional standard, usual, traditional

annihilate conquer/destroy

collection group

proliferation growth, increase

vitality energy

rekindle renew

interval period

compulsory/compulsorily required/by requirement

inspect examine

invariably always

unaltered unchanged

attribute to responsible for

pertinent relevant

furnish equip

converge/convergence move closer/gathering

shift change

exceptionally unusually

allied related

substantial large, considerable, significant

component part, piece

ornament decoration

indigenous native

unanticipated not expected

observe notice, note

appreciably significantly

on balance overall

lateral side

erratic unpredictable

signal communicate

gigantic very big

potent powerful

compounded added to

cast off get rid of

perfect complete, improve

coincide/coincidence at the same time/at the same time and by chance

hierarchy/hierarchical system of ranking/having several levels of authority

distinguished differentiated, eminent

obtain digest

cope adapt, adjust

pioneer/pioneering introduce/original/leader

surpluses extra goods

justifiably rightly

peculiar/peculiar to unusual/unique to

a glimpse into a brief view of

ratio proportion

augment add to

diffusion spread

mechanisms of natural selection ways natural selection works

embed encase

conspicuous easy to notice noticeable

slight /slightly small /by very small amounts

abandoned left, no longer occupied

integrate coordinate

impractical unrealistic

amass accumulate

status importance/prestige

ambiguity can be interpreted in more than one way

enormous extremely large huge massive

obscure little known, hide

excavate dig from the ground

oblige force, require

in the same breath immediately

extensive large widespread

virtue good quality desirable quality

repudiate reject

empirical based on observation

fuel provide energy

roughly approximately

hebivorous animals who eat grass

thus hence, therefore

quantifiable measurable

inviting attractive, encouraging

retract pull back

continuous uninterrupted, unceasing/nonstop

barren infertile

guarantee ensure

option choice

chaotic disorganized

inflate enlarge

recall remember

pore hole

mutually beneficial helpful to one another

rudimentary simple, basic, primitive, undeveloped

era period

advantageous beneficial, favorable

pointless of no use

unique singular

plausible Believable, reasonable

elusive hard to identify

be deficient in not have enough

extend stretch, increase, prolong,lengthen

unfavorable disadvantageous, negative

correspond to equal match

diffuse spread

Moreover furthermore, in addition

extract/extract from remove/take out of

mundane ordinary

pose present

deficiency shortage

ignore pay no attention

continually unceasing/constant/regularly

still motionless

segregate separate

ties connections

altogether fully

case in point good example

function/functional purpose/useful

authoritative official

mount grow

document record

refinement improvement

engaged in practiced

disrupt/disruption destroy/disturbance

miniature small

relics remains

escalate intensify

merely only, simply

diverse different, varied

magnitude extent, size

Uniform same, consistent

notably especially, particular, noticeably, markedly, strikingly

tangle twist together

denser more crowded

abolish end

haste/hasty speed up, rush, hurry/hurried

consequent/consequently resulting/as a result therefore, thereby

exclusive sole, only

preservative something that keeps food fresh

scores large numbers

further additional

bustling busy

widespread common

entity object

approach near/come nearer

domain field of expertise

collaborate work together

obsession with fixation on

Secure get

equivalent comparable

sculpt shape

Nevertheless however, even so

construct create

precise/precisely exact/exactly

aggregate combined

retain preserve, keep, maintain

characteristic typical

derive gain obtain

aptitude ability

compound mix

profound far-reaching, intense, significant

sabotage intentionally destroy

restrict/restricted to limit/limited in

hence therefore

ideally perfectly

interlocked linked

outdated old-fashioned

evolve develop

to have been accidental to have occurred by chance

strain stress

resistance opposition

distinctive characteristic

plague cause trouble for

isolated separated

so much for that is enough about

modify change

surge increase suddenly

discern identify

astonishing/astonishment incredible/surprise

counter combat, argue back

trappings decoration

resurgence comeback

compose/compose of create/make up of

foster encourage

decipher figure out

cope with manage

assist in help with

rapport bond

exceedingly highly, extremely

flaw fault

trend tendency

adverse/adversely harmful,unfavorable/negatively

configuration shape arrangement

ethic set of moral principles

in response to as a result of

retention keeping

temporarily briefly

coupled with combined with

sole only

decisive critical, crucial determining

pristine pure

cite quote

entitled to given the right to

distinct/distinction different separate/difference

a wealth of abundance

temporary short-term

contribute to cause

oversee supervise

integral essential

Abrupt sudden

segment part

switch on activate

elevate raise, high

pessimistic negative

cushion protect

tentatively identified identified without certainty

instructive informative

viable able to survive, capable of succeeding

gain increase

comprise consist of

complex/complexity elaborate/sophistication, system

acquire obtain

unintentional unplanned, accidental

vicinity nearby, adjacent, neighboring, surrounding area

intensive concentrated, strong

indispensable essential

innumerable countless

convey transmit

acute intense severe

combination mix

devoid of lacking corresponds lack of

potential/potentially possible/possibly

consistent unvaring

sufficient adequate, enough, rich

premise assumption

shattered separated

integrity unity

spark bring about

recognize/recognition accept, appreciate

persistent enduring

suitable/suitably appropriate/appropriately

alliances partnerships

accelerate speed up increase rapidly

particular/particularly specific/especially

massive very large, extensive

highlight emphasize

stimulate motivate, encourage, incite, prompt

accessible available, reachable

incentive motivation

pervasive widespread

obsolete out of date

curious strange

investigate examine

retard slow

flourish succeed prosper, thrive

out of sight hidden

vigorous / vigorously energetic / strong and healthy

In essence Basically/Actually

ultimate in the end

steadily at an unvarying rate

subsequent later, following in time, in turn

notion idea

sponsor support

duty responsibility

prolific productive

attest to provide evidence of

controversial debatable producing disagreement

objective purpose, unbiased

impose on place on

immobile motionless

troublesome difficult

modest relatively small, less ambitious, humble not large

advocate promote, support

regard/regardless of consider/no matter what

striking noticeable, noteworthy

fluctuation vibration

legendary famous

vitality energy

endow provide

restore renew, replenish

barring excluding

progressive increasing, forward-looking

draw/draw to attract/attract toward

catastrophic extremely harmful

immense enormous

preposterous unbelievable

divergence/divergent difference/different

pinpoint identify precisely, locate exactly

a surge of, spurt sudden occurrence or increase

insight into an understanding of

suffice be enough

valid well-founded

replace supersede, supplant

overtake surpass, heavily burden

sparser at a thinner distribution

Dependable reliable

hazardous dangerous

instance case

compatible consistent, harmonious

accurate correct

critical/critically essential/fundamentally

expelled from left by

associated/associated with consorted/connected to

justifiable rightful

deviate depart

friction conflict

entirely completely

prosperity wealth

resume restart

match equal

likewise similarly

declining weakening

at random without a definite pattern

inevitable certain unavoidable necessary

posterity future generation

stationary fixed, unmoving, immobile, not moving

portable moveable

congregate gather

impetus incentive stimulus

ingest eat

whereas although, while

episode occurrence

counteract negate

sequences orders, series

imminent about to happen

the norm common

ensure guarantee

admit accept the truth of

transform change

assorted/assortment various/variety

confirm prove

subsistence survival

alternative option

therefore as a result

congestion overcrowding

the application of waterpower the uses to which waterpower was put

relentless unceasing

insignificant unimportant

accumulate build up collect gradually increase in number

phenomenon occurrence

indefinite period whose end has not been determined

collective group

dispersal/disperse spread/scatter

endure survive withstand

revise change

deposit put

skeptical/skepticism doubtful/doubt

reinforce strengthen, make stronger support

habit behavior

supposedly seemingly

prone likely

lament complain about

permeate spread through

beneficial helpful

prediction expectation

merge combine

scale size

arduous difficult

comparatively relatively

intrinsically fundamentally

ritual ceremonial

comprehensive thorough

alternate take turns at take turns to

fade from disappear from

impervious couldn't pass through

diversification emergence of many varieties

quantify calculate

plug fill up

just fair

deliberate/deliberately careful/intentionally

authority expert

erect construct

witness experience

imitate/imitation copy

exploit/exploitation take advantage of, use to advantage,

use, utilize, make use of

maintain preserve, keep, claim

install put in place

allege assert claim

peak maximum, the high point

formulate develop

severity harshness

unpromising unfavorable

impressive remarkable

contend argue

edible fit to be eaten

random unpredictable

attain achieve

propagate multiply, spread

pragmatic practical

readily easily

support hold

coalesce join

at interval periodic

coating layer

desolate deserted

predominant principal, major, main

elaborate/elaborately/elaboration complex,developed/done in great detail/development

breakthrough development

superficially on first impression

conjunction combination

complex complicated

take precedence over have greater importance than, important than

enigmatic/inexplicable mysterious

legible recognizable

encompass include

net final

twenty or so roughly twenty

harness utilize

fortunately luckily

substantiate confirm

shrinkage reduction

flee run away from

drawback problem, disadvantage

specified typical

conducive to favorable to

trace evidence

agency force

momentum push

principal/principally major/mainly

jointly together

feasible achievable practical

concept idea

neglect fail

obvious apparent/visible/evident

traditionally typically

constant continual

emerge/emergence appear/raise

widespread among found throughout the bodies of

alleged supposed

erase eliminate

bombard strike

resemble be similar to

accustomed to used to

cumulative/cumulatively combined/altogether

generate produce

resolve find a solution for, settle

suspicion distrust

is usually accompanied by usually occurs together with

exceptional extraordinary

dramatic powerful striking

parallel happen at the same time and rate

encounter meet

relatively comparatively

appeal/appealing attraction/attractive

contend argue

random unpredictable

install put in place

maintain preserve, keep, claim

phenomenon occurrence

supposedly seemingly

indefinite period whose end has not been determined

prediction expectation

therefore as a result

the norm common

diversification emergence of many varieties

declining weakening

lament complain about

relentless unceasing

edible fit to be eaten

arduous difficult

at random without a definite pattern

pragmatic practical

skeptical/skepticism doubtful/doubt

deviate depart

authority expert

posterity future generation

assorted/assortment various/variety

congestion overcrowding

comprehensive thorough

resume restart

diversification emergence of many varieties

readily easily

admit accept the truth of

the application of waterpower the uses to which waterpower was put

quantify calculate

deliberate/deliberately careful/intentionally

congregate gather

formulate develop

plug fill up

at random without a definite pattern

congestion overcrowding

sequences orders, series

the application of waterpower the uses to which waterpower was put

edible fit to be eaten

posterity future generation

entirely completely

contend argue


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