Selling Price and Sales Forcast:: Sales Year 1 Year2 Year 3

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selling price and sales forcast:

since the electronic repair industry and ICT solution center are
operationally,ajobshop environmemnt ,it is some what diffucult to
estimate sales for jobshop.

each individual product or service is tailored or unique to that job

and is only intiated once an order is made.

nowadays the price of electronic materials is rapidly increasing

due to increasing of quality of the materials and updated version
of the materials.selling amount of a product this year might be
doubled after one year or after two years,and the maintainance is
also parallely increases with price of the products.

but now we can do a sample of products selling price

maintainance and software and hardware problem solutions.

sales year 1 year2 year 3

hard disk 1800B 2000b 2500B
tv repair 200-1000B 500-1500b >800B

mobile apps 50-200 200 >200

network repair

for offices 5000 8000 >8000


sales forcast is based on estimated number of electronics the

company could service that are currently emplaced in the homes.
promotional measures
promoting of your product is important to know the customers
about your company .

these are the best methods of promotion to our project

1)promotion through governmental and non governmental

medias like tvs and radio stations

2)Explain the communication process that applies to advertising

and promotion
3)promotion through social medias sinnce social medias are best
communication medias nowadays
eg, faceboog
Social media isn’t an option any more, it’s a necessity. If your
brand doesn’t maintain a strong social media presence, you’re
already behind. Identify appropriate platforms like Facebook,
Twitter and LinkedIn to connect with customers and weigh in on
relevant conversations. Social media is also a good place for brand
content because it can be easily shared by others. But don’t be
fooled. Social media is no easy task. A successful social media
strategy relies on an experienced team that can devote the time
represent your brand.

4)by preparing newspaper,leaflet

5)promoting by posting on bilboards where alotof people of the
city can see it
marketing strategy
Marketing strategy is a long-term, forward-looking approach to
planning with the fundamental goal of achieving a sustainable
competitive advantage.
marketing strategy is to determine the marketing methods that you
plan on using to help promote your business to potential
customers. This is the area where you can unleash the marketing
genius buried inside you. If there's any time to get creative

we have devided the strategies in to three segments

1. for organisations and institutions:this is done through
agreements and farewalls between us and the
organisations.we are going to supply what the customers
demands. most of the time our employees go to the
organisations.either they fix if there is aproblem or they made
sellings .
2. for individual customers:individual customers should come
to our centers to be served.
3. for rural area societies:our center establishes temporary sites
on the rural areas because rural area societies have not as
much electronic components as city societies
those strategies are done by
a)manuall workers
-markets that does not need technical activities
-simple marketing
b)regular employees who have proffesions
-markets that needs proffessional skills
c)by adminstrators of the project(by us)
-markets that are done on secured system
marketing budget
A marketing budget is an estimate of projected costs to market
your products or services. A typical marketing budget will take
into account all marketing costs e.g. marketing communications,
salaries for marketing managers, cost of office space
Typical marketing communications costs that needs
marketing budget:
·1 personal selling
·2 public relations
·3 Printing
·4 Mailing
·5 Website Development & Hosting
·6 Brochure Design
·7 advertising
·8 Television Advertising
·9 Radio Advertising
·10 direct marketing
·11 Newspaper Advertising
·12 Proposal Development/bid submittal
·13 Networking
·14 Event Attendance
·15 sales promotion
·16 Many other marketing communications tools.
those listed above needs budget which is marketing budget to be
at the intial stages ie,with in ayear or two years
marketing might needs from 25-30 percent of
our total budget.why the reason is that it
consumes too much money in order to
promote the centers.
after two years and above only 7-8 percent of
our total budget is needed for marketing since it
is already promoted.

section 2
production plan
production process
Production is a process of combining various material
inputs and immaterial inputs (plans, know-how) in order to
make something for consumption (the output). It is the act
of creating an output, a good or service which has value
and contributes to the utilityof individuals.The area of
economics that focuses on production is referred to as
production theory, which in many respects is similar to the
consumption (or consumer) theory in economics.
production process for electronic repair and for ICT
solution center are seen separately.and these two examples
below does not represent the whole production it is only
sample of the production
a)production process for ICT solutions
·17 steps in developing softwares and websites of an
1)identify and understand the problem
2) understand the needs of the customers clearlly
3)specify the requirements that helps us to develop the
desired product
4)developing the software or website
5)validating if the product meets the customers need
6)testing for errors infront of the organisations
7)evolution--evolve the software to changing needs of the

b)production process for electronic repair

·18 steps for checking hard ware and software problems of
PCs,desktops etc
there are few steps to follow on this section
4. investigating and identifying where the problem is
5. checking whether it is software problem or hard ware
6. fix the problems carefully
7. test whether the problem is fixed
fixed capital and life of fixed capital
-The term includes all the capital investments and assets
that we need to start up a business. It also includes all the
capital investments and assets we need to conduct business
at any stage.
-We invest the money in assets that we cannot consume or
destroy during the production of a product. We cannot
consume or destroy them in the delivery of a service either.
Hence, they are ‘fixed assets.’ However, they have a
reusable value.
-Durable goods whose useful life is more than one
accounting period..
- our fixed capital is any kind of real, physical asset that is
used in the production of a product but is not used up in the
·19 we as adminstrators of the centers the big issue that
challengs us is that the fixed capital and budget siwe
are students right now.
·20 but we have tried as much as possible to earn many for
fixed capital and budgetsby different mechanisms to
start up our bussiness eg, throgh loan from
govrnment,individual investors etc...
·21 the fixed capital for the first two years is around
50,000 ethiopian birr
·22 after two years and above (our centers are get
promoted) the fixed capital could increase up to
hunderd thousands

maintenance and repair

a)for ict solution materials
·23 the best way of maintenance is holding backups and
copies of the softwares and websites
if websites that are sold to the organisation is
damaged we must have copies of the websites with us
this reduces time and effort of development
·24 storing files and documents in secured system
files and documents which are important in ict
solution activities should be stored in secured system where
no one can access them and destroy them with out
permission of the adminstrator.
b)for electronic repair materials
·25 if electronic devices and electronic repairing
materials are damaged they will get fixed by our
technicans and employees.

planned capacity
The capacity used in evaluating requirements for a given
material planning period, which may differ from
demonstrated capacity due to temporary additions or
downtime for scheduled maintenance
row materials needed
the core materials for our centers are desktops,personal
computers,mobiles ,internet connection,printers

some examples of raw materials which are applied for

testing and repairng of network ,computers hard wre and
softwares,and another electronic devices are listed below
·26 Simple hand tools for basic disassembly and
reassembly procedures
·27 electronic equipment cleaning tools

·28 A multimeter

·29 Plastics and Other Petroleum-Based Materials

·30 Electronics Tech Kits - Featuring the SPC185 Series
·31 Kits, which include fastening tools

·32 hard disks ,floppy disk,CPU,RAM etc for desktops

and PCs
·33 Memory module tester

·34 A USB testing plug to test USB ports

·35 A network cable scanner (if you work with networked

·36 A POST card

·37 logic probes ,outlet testors

some examples of raw materials which are applied for

repairing another electronic devices and the repairing
·38 hacksaws

·39 chisels

·40 wrenches

·41 taps and dies

·42 power tools

cost of row materials

Volatile and unstable global markets have widespread
implications for manufacturing organisations. From rising
energy costs to unexpected fluctuations in raw material
price levels, unforeseen obstacles are destabilising supply
chains and making it difficult for manufacturers to remain
in the black. With supplies of many raw materials
becoming harder to secure, commodity price volatility may
not be just a temporary phenomenon, and it is up to
manufacturers to either absorb additional costs, find new
ways to mitigate the expenses, or pass price increases along
to customers who are already reluctant to spend.
cost of row materials is increasing due to increasing
so,we have decided to buy the row materials which are
important to our center by considering thier present costs.
if there is increase in cost of the row materials we are
going to be enforced to buy them since our income gets
larger .

rowmaterials availablity
almost all row materials which are important to our
bussiness centers are available in large towns like
the only that matters is that the cost of rowmaterials and
cost of transportation
Labour is a measure of the work done by human beings. It
is conventionally contrasted with such other factors of
production as land and capital.

·43 Workers, especially manual workers, considered

·44 labours are not permanent workers .they are
annual,monthly or daily manual workers
labours are important to our centers
·45 do transportation of row materials

·46 do transportation of products

The role of labour

1. Basis of Consumption:Labour is a human factor and
the main source of consumption. Utility is created
(Production) for the satisfaction of his needs
When investment increases, income increases which leads
to increase in consumption. The basis of this consumption
is labour.
2. Basis of Production:
Producers produce the commodities when they are assured
by consumers that their products would be consumed.
Labour is the basis or the compulsory factor of production.
It is a mobile factor and brings in use the other factors of
production like land and capital
3. Basis of Exchange:
Labour is a basis of not only consumption and production,
but also it serves as a basis of exchange. A man needs so
many commodities to fulfill his daily needs. He cannot
produce all of them. He has to satisfy his needs by
exchanging his surplus production with others. So labour
serves as a basis of exchange.
4. Basis of Distribution:
National income is the result of the contribution of all the
factors of production. So labour becomes the basis of this
distribution of national income among all factors. The
contribution of each factor depends on its marginal
productivity. If labour is efficient, its share in national
income would go up.
5. Basis of Economic Growth:
Technically sound and intelligent labour serves as a spinal
cord of our center. Efficient labour force makes proper use
of the scarce natural resources of the country. Sincere,
dedicated, devoted, hardworking and intelligent labour
force helps the country to march on the path of
cost of labour
we have seen that as labour is spinal cord of our center.but
when we compare the payment of labours with technical
employees and website developers it is smallest payment.
so,our company gets large service by small paying them
relatively small amount of money.
labour availablity
in our city there are many unemployed youths.
so we can get alotof labour workers.
our company solves problem of unemployment of the city
labour productivity
Labor productivity is a measure of economic performance
that compares the amount of goods and services produced
(output) with the number of hours worked to produce those
goods and services.
Labor productivity is the rate of output per worker in your
business per unit of time -- usually per hour. Basically,
productivity is how much each worker produces per hour
compared to what each worker is earning to perform the
job. Comparing your company's labor productivity rate
with an established standard or expected rate of output can
help you determine where your company is operating in
terms of your competition and the market as a whole.
when we see in our center the transportations,distribution
and exchange activities are done through labour hence it is

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