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SANDE Gounry MANAC | = ibs OLEOPOLD IMlustrated by Charles W. Schwarte BALLANTINE BOOKS» NEW YORK The Land Ethic Wun coo-icr Odysseus returned from the jus in Troy, he hanged all on one rope a doven Havegicls of his household whom he suspected of nctchavior during hisabsence, This hanging involved no question of propriety. ft girs were property. ‘The dispoatl of property onlin Peep hand wong ee tang om bean Cnet wince Be Ecy ke Beige Togo bce oe hh fore ploy cet wick eB nace fic ut coc of ar any ence ser ba sty bern nls hata Ges Do eS ond yrs ich hv tee eck ic! csr en cx sy Se inc wih coping slags os ey peo 27 ‘The Ethical Sequence This extension of ethics, so far stdied only by hiloopher, i actualy process in ecological el ion. is sequences may be described in eclogal ell sin pilowopbial terms An ethic clea ia limit on redo of acon in he sea g exence An ets, plop, a dike tion of sci rom antisocial end Those a dknitins of one thing. The thing bas ranger the tendency of interdependent nda oe Ree {2 evhe modes of coupention The ealope a these sme. Polics and econamis are hace symbises in which the eign fe fal ape tion as been replaced, in pare by cooper mahanimeethetchialemene 7 “The complexity of cooperative mechanis ha increased with population density, nd wih theo ciency of tol Te wat simpler, for cumple to dae the antes wer of sk ind sms the of the masons than of bls and blond ose mete The fist etics dealt with the relation bei individuals the Mosse Deloge is an eagle {ater scins det withthe elton Icey individual end sociey. The Golden Ble te tle ‘atthe individual to society; democracy to inten ‘social organization to the individual. a ‘There 5 yet mo thc dealing wih mans ae tion to land and 1 the animals ‘nd plans whl sow upon tc Land ike Oca ave gi a Proper). ‘The linden sl sec conn Ewing pegs bat nt ligons ‘The Land Ethie 239 The extension of cis to this hind element in junan coven if Trend the rides eet ps evluanary pony and eclgeal ecs fy. the thd epi sequence: The it wo foe aleady teen taken, Inca think sce the diy of Enki and sh have asened thet fh depot of land is no only inenpeien but trong Soy, Hower, has nett affaed thle felt T regal the present cmsecraton movement pte embryo of schon afermton Ao ec may be rege a mle of guidance resting eclopclstutons so new ot fete inray st seemed cna, thet he uk socal expelleny ie ot dacelew the arage fda Sina ntnets ae modes of gustan or Beinn in meting sch cents Es a priya Kind of cmmontyinsint in teaking The Community Concept All ethics so far evolved est upon a single premise thee the individual is member of a cammmunity of Gerdependent pans, Hi instincts prompt him 10 fompete for his place in the community, but his this pompt him ako to cooperate (perhaps in order the there may bea place compete for). The land ethic simply enlarges the boundaries of fhe community ro include soil, water, plans, and tninals, or clletvely: the land. This sounds simple: do we not already sing our love loca obligation to the land ofthe free andthe home ‘the brave? Yes, but just what and whom do we

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