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AN Ene ie MILLENNIUM APPROACHE: Za | TONY KUSHNER Cogigh © Angin Aric Part Oe Milian Appa pibibed by “Thea Corutctons Gay Ine, 35 Linton Ae New York NY soy 1995 by Tony Katee Alleighe reseed, cee er epg quota ewan, agin, alo ot orion ews ao prof ibook ma be epee in ny frm rbyany nim ecto or meta nelagpecopying or ecn= ing oy anna torege aed eee ten, wea pemison in ving om the blir ‘Prfecioal an ansters abey ware tha hi materi xing fly ote nde te Copyright Lae ofthe Unie Sates of Ars all, ‘er costs ofthe ero and Unie Copyright Comes ject, {ovo All ight icing, bu ot Boke, profeion, ams, reuning, notion pss seca, lesrsing, perdi, ei and ‘Soran beading andthe gh of earl io fgn guage oenly eed, Parcar enlace plc on the gunn figs hu al ef te ple byectona inion, permis oe wich tute eae nm tnt age pe P Ket, Won 9th St 4, ew Yok NY sons (9-358, Kashser Too. ‘lenin spose Tny Kishaee—ist (Agel Aaces e ISBN rssye-ofo-7 ISBN i-soyhro6rs (8) 1 Tide H See Kathnes, Tony. Angele im Amerie: Passe yAAds 95 sw'gedeo oie cr Bos design aod companion by The Sarhnde Press Calo separsine poe by EME Sytem Commaniaon Fant Boe, Apel 9 ith Pring ‘The actors directors and designers who have worked on the play transformed it. What fllows ie alist ofthe plays profes sonal productions to date Millennium Approaches was Sst performed in a workshop production presented by Center Theatre Group/Mark Taper Forum, May 1990. Ie was directed by Oskar Eustis. Sets were designed by Mark Wendleng, costumes by Lydia Tani, fights by Casey Cowan and Brian Gale, and music by Nathan Bimbaum. The east was a follows: oy coun Richard Fronk sor errr efrey King Manren orrt Lorri Holt seuize Harry Waters J LOUIS 1RoNSoN Jon Matthews PRIOR WALTER Stephen Spinella MANNAM PETE Kathleen Chalfont sie aNors len MeLaughlin ‘The World Premiere of Millenniom Approaches was presented bby The Puceka Theatre Company, Mayr. Iewas directed by David Esbjomnson, Sets were designed by Tom Kamm, cos- tumes by Sanda Waodal, nd lights by Jack Carpenter and Jim Cave. The east was as follows: Roy con Job Bellet yor mrs Michel Sort Ryon AREER piv Anne Darragh peuize Harry Waters J LoU18 1RONSON Michael Orstein Prion WALTER Stephen Spinlla HANNA PITT Kathleen Chalfant {THE ANGEL Ellen McLaughlin ‘The play opened in London, January 1992, in a production at the Royal National Theate of Great Britain, directed by Dec Donellan, designed by Nick Ormerod, with msc by Paddy Cuncen and lights by Mick Hughes, The cast was as fallow: nor coms Henry Gosden yor vist "Nic Reding veanean woe Polity Montague seize Joe Mel! tous Marcus D'Amico raion watzen Seen Chapman ANDAs er Recemary Martin THE ANGEL Nancy Crane PRIOR I Jeffrey Chiswick ‘The fest production of Angels in America, Parts One and Two, was presented at che Mark Taper Forum in Los Angeles, directed by Oskar Eustis and Tony Taccone. The set were designed by John Conklin, lights by Pat Collins, costumes by Gabriel Berry, nd music by Mel Marvin, The cast was a8 fellows: nov conn Ron Leibman jor rrr afey King MaRPER bit Gynthia Mace aeuize K Todd Freeman 1ovI8 moNsow Joe Mantilo PRIOR WaLTER Stephen Spinella Mannan errr Kathleen Chalfent THE ANGEL Ellen McLaughlin Angel: in America is scheduled to open in New York at the Walter Kere Theatre in April 195, ina production directed by Geonge C. Wolfe. The sets are by Robin Wagner, the lights by Jes Fisher and costumes by Toni-Leslie James. The casi a3 follows: oy cous Ron Leibman yor rrr David Marsball Grant MARDER PITT ‘Marcia Gay Harden anuze Teffey Wright 10018 tmoNsow oe Martello. PRIOR WALTER Sepben Spinella MANNAt rE Karhleen Chalfant THE ANGRL Ellen McLaughin

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