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Pros and cons about studying and working in computer science

There are a lot of academic fields, but one academic field that is gaining prominence

around the world is computer science. Computer science involves programming and systems.

People who study computer science can be software developers, database administrators and

even information security analysts. Every technology tool or advice needs a computer

scientist, and there are technology tools everywhere. In the computer science field, there are

a lot advantages, but also disadvantages.

First, an advantage of working in computer science is that it is easy to get a job,

because the world is advancing technologically, and nowadays it is pretty hard to find a place

without computers, laptops and other technology tools, so, for a computer scientist it is pretty

easy to find a company or a place which needs then. For example, according to the Bureau of

Labor Statistic (BLS 2018), which is a unit of the United States Department of Labor,

employment of software developers were expected to grow by 24% from 2016 to 2026 much

faster than average for all occupations.

Secondly, there a financial advantages. The technology market is so rich and very

broad which brings a lot of profitability to the computer companies and, consequently, to the

employees. Usually, people who work with computer science make a lot of money, according

to the Bureau of Labor Statistic (BLS 2018), software developers earned a median income of

$103,560 in May 2017. Rich famous people that the world knows like Mark Zuckerberg and

Bill Gates are programmers and started their careers studying computer science. And another

advantage is that the people don’t need to invest significant capital to start their own

Task 2 EAP 1 Joao Guilherme

business, just a few computers. For example, Mark Zuckerberg started Facebook with just one

partner and two computers.

On the other hand, a disadvantage of studying computer science is that the students

need to learn computer language, and sometimes it is frustrating and boring. Computer

language, like JAVA, Python, PHP and HTML (HTML is the basic language that browsers, like

Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox read) are the language that the software reads. They are

totally different from the spoken languages, and the students need to learn how to “speak”

these languages, making a lot of mental effort and persistence, and sometimes it gets

irritating and stressful. For example, there are more than 700 computer languages that exist.

The students of computer science just learn a few languages but it is still a little difficult.

In conclusion, computer science is an academic field with good thing s and bad things.

It is easy to get a job, so the people can find a job everywhere around the world. The salary

of the people that work in this academic field is so satisfactory as well and allow them to have

a good life. Sometimes, it is stressful and boring learn and study science computer, but every

single course have their pros and cons, positive and negative aspects. Is for this reason that

the people must do what they like to do.

Task 2 EAP 1 Joao Guilherme


- Bureau of Labor Statistics. U.S. Department of Labor. 2018. Occupational Outlook Handbook,

Software Developers. On the internet at:


Task 2 EAP 1 Joao Guilherme

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