Fy18 Fundraiser Selling Tips

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Fundraising Tips

Before you begin:

Make this a family project. Brainstorm a list of close family and friends.
Have a well-rehearsed sales pitch. Use a notecard to highlight the important information
about why you’re fundraising for MYS. Tell the potential customer your name, what instrument
you play and why fundraising for MYS is important to you. (Need help with what to say? Check
out the back of this info sheet for some ideas!)
Set a goal and plan your time.

During the fundraiser:

Contact your list in whatever way you are comfortable. You may be most comfortable
approaching friends, family and neighbors in person. You may want to send a letter, or you may want
to call an out of town friend or relative. It all works!
Use social media to your advantage. Reach out to friends and family via Facebook, and
Twitter. Send or post a message to family and friends and tell them why MYS is important to you, and
let them know how they can support your music education. Then, ask your contacts to share the
information with their circle of friends and family! Or, make a one-minute video sales pitch and post it
on Facebook!
Approach local businesses. MYS will offer advertising benefits and recognition to any
business that participates in the Play-a-thon. Please see the back of this page.
Keep accurate records of all your donations. Get the full name, address, phone number
and email (if possible) for each donor.
Invite everyone you approach to join us on December 9th for the concert. This is our gift
to the community.

After the fundraiser:

Thank your donors for their help. For those that attended the concert, thank them and
invite them to join us for our mid-winter concert on February 11th at Orchestra Hall.
Ask your donors how they’d like to stay connected. Would they like to be on our mailing
list and hear about upcoming MYS events and news? Let us know.

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