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Troy Preschool: Schroeder 3’s, 4’s, & 5’s – Weekly Happenings: May 28th – May 31st

Description KDI’s
Greeting Tuesday: Approaches to Learning – initiative,
1. Toy Area and Book Area card with photograph of books, Sand and Water Table Area card with drawing of water, Sand and Water Table Area card engagement, reflection
with drawing of Velcro board, discussed what would be out for the week
2. Mystery sentences written, students read the mystery sentences from the week prior Social/Emotional – sense of competence,
3. Memorial Day written, photographs of veterans, photograph of students thinking, explained how we celebrate those who dies fighting for our community, building relationships
country, students shared what they did over Memorial Day weekend
Physical/Health – fine-motor skills, body
Wednesday: awareness
1. New letter links written, Victoria’s name, students came up with other words that begin with v, they came up with vacuum, van, and volcano
2. Diversity written, photographs of two boys that look different, photographs of someone who is deaf and of someone who is blind, photographs of Language/Literacy/Communication –
someone who is using crutches and of someone who is using a wheel chair, discussed how people are all born different and it’s okay, explained comprehension, speaking, vocabulary,
how we can be friends with everyone phonological awareness, alphabetic
3. Photograph of a horse, of a heart, of oatmeal, and of an owl, students sorted them by beginning sounds knowledge, reading, concepts about print,
book knowledge, writing
1. Classroom observer written, drawing of Ms. Robin, drawing of an eye and of an ear, explained how Ms. Robin would be observing us for the day Mathematics – number words and symbols,
2. New letter links written, Stella’s name, students came up with words that begin with s, came up with sun, spider, sock, and snake counting, data analysis
3. What if you had 8 arms written, drawing of child with 8 arms, picture of students thinking, students shared what they would do if they had 8 arms
Creative Arts – N/A
1. Mystery sentences written, students read the sentences from this past week Science/Technology – observing, classifying,
2. Have you been to the Detroit Zoo written, picture of the zoo, students stated if they have been there or not, a chart with tally marks was made, drawing conclusions, communicating ideas
student compared the amounts and learned that 11 people have been there and 3 people have not
3. Fairy tale/fantasy written, Isaac’s name and his drawing of a caterpillar, students looked at the drawing and created a story (Once upon a time there Social Studies – diversity, community roles,
was a very hungry caterpillar, he ate a lot of food and turned into a butterfly, he flew to the zoo and played with the monkeys) decision making, geography, history

*What did each morning: wrote their names, read/looked at books, sang Time to Put Books Away song, stated day of week, stated the weather, wrote numbers
25 – 27 on board stating number poems, stated who had jobs each day (identifying those by their letter links, the first letter in their name, and the beginning
sound of their name, and their last name), did countdown chain*
Small • During writer’s workshop, students reviewed how to write fantasies. They listened to a make-believe story. We discussed how we use our Approaches to Learning – initiative,
imagination when we write these kinds of stories. We reviewed different types of lists (grocery list, to do list, phone list, birthday list, etc.). We engagement, use of resources, reflection
reviewed how authors use pictures and words to tell stories. Students had the option of creating a personal narrative, a list, or a fantasy.
Time Social/Emotional – community, building
• Students measured a piece of yarn using counting bears as the unit of measurement. Students counted the amount of bears using 1:1 relationships, cooperative play
correspondence. After measuring the piece of yarn with the counting bears, students measured the piece of yarn using wooden blocks as the unit of
measurement. Students counted the amount of blocks using 1:1 correspondence. Students learned that it took more counting bears than blocks Physical/Health – fine-motor skills, body
because they are smaller. awareness

• Students created a graph using bear counters or unifix cubes. Students sorted their items by color. They placed the items on a graph keeping them Language/Literacy/Communication –
sorted by color. Students counted how many of each color they had and how many they had altogether. Students compared the a mounts. They comprehension, speaking, vocabulary,
spoke about which one they had the most of and which one they had the least of. Students stated how many they would need in order to make the phonological awareness, alphabetic
amounts equal. knowledge, reading, concepts about print,
book knowledge, writing
• Students chose items from the classroom and brought them back to the table to sort. Students sorted them by color, size, sha pe, type, etc. Students
explained how they sorted them. After sorting their items one-way, some students sorted their items another way. Mathematics – number words and symbols,
counting, part-whole relationships, measuring,
unit, data analysis

Creative Arts – art

Science/Technology – observing, classifying,

drawing conclusions, communicating ideas

Social Studies – diversity, decision making

Large Tuesday: Approaches to Learning – initiative,
• Easy to Join Activity – sang Come on Over and Sit Right Down song engagement
Group • Song Book taken out, Victoria got to choose the song, sang I Wonder What Song She’ll Pick Today, chose the song Little Miss Muffet, students
acted it out Social/Emotional – community, building
Time relationships, cooperative play
• Easy to Join Activity – sang Come on Over and Sit Right Down song Physical/Health – gross-motor skills, body
• Song Book taken out, Mrs. Chowdhury got to choose the song, sand I Wonder What Song She’ll Pick Today, chose the song The Wheels on the Bus, awareness
students chose what happened on the bus and how to do the movements
Language/Literacy/Communication –
Thursday: comprehension, speaking, vocabulary,
• Easy to Join Activity – sang Come on Over and Sit Right Down song phonological awareness
• Song Book taken out, Mrs. Campbell got to choose the song, sand I Wonder What Song She’ll Pick Today, chose the song One Little Elephant,
students acted it out, adding was discussed Mathematics – number words and symbols,
• Easy to Join Activity – sang Come on Over and Sit Right Down song Creative Arts – music, movement, pretend
• Song Book taken out, Mrs. Akther got to choose the song, sand I Wonder What Song She’ll Pick Today, chose the song Old McDonald Had a
Farm, students chose the animals and pretended to be them
Science/Technology – observing, drawing
conclusions, communicating ideas

Social Studies – decision making

Planning Mornings: Approaches to Learning – initiative, planning,
Time • Laid out area card chart, placed paper towel tube over areas, placed shapes down tube on areas where wanted to go play engagement
• Laid out area card chart, wrote first letter of first name underneath areas where wanted to go play
• Passed around square bean bag while saying poem Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Moe, when done student holding beanbag stated where wanted to go play Social/Emotional – building relationships
• Took turns lacing 3 dimensional shapes onto string to make a pattern, after lacing shape on stated where wanted to go play
Physical/Health – fine-motor skills
• Planning chart on back of door everyday, place area cards where want to go play behind own letter link Language/Literacy/Communication –
comprehension, speaking, vocabulary,
concepts about print, writing

Mathematics – shapes, patterns

Creative Arts – pretend play

Science/Technology – communicating ideas

Social Studies – decision making, geography

Recall Mornings: Approaches to Learning –engagement,
Time • Letter links placed into container, teacher pulled letter link, students stated whose it was, that student spoke about where went and played reflection
• Laid out area card chart, looked at initials, discussed if went to the areas that planned on going to
• Teacher described a person at the table, the person described shared what did Social/Emotional – building relationships
• Took turns taking 3 dimensional shapes off string, after taking shape off shared what did
Physical/Health – fine-motor skills
• Scarves placed into container, teacher hid eyes as students pulled out and hid them, teacher stated a color, that student spoke about what did Language/Literacy/Communication –
• Laid out area card chart, chose a doll and placed it on areas where went and played comprehension, speaking, vocabulary
• Students sat in a circle, rolled ball to one another, person that received ball shared what did
Mathematics – shapes
• Students drew a picture of what they did during work time
Creative Arts – art, pretend play

Science/Technology – drawing conclusions,

communicating ideas

Social Studies – geography, history

Other Literature: Approaches to Learning – initiative,
• Students spent time looking at books. They did this at greeting time, snack time, work time, rest time, outside time, afternoon snack time, and engagement, use of resources
afternoon work time.
Social/Emotional – sense of competence,
Sensory Table: community, building relationships,
• Inside the sensory table was water. cooperative play, moral development, conflict
• While outside, students observed and explored the world. Students played on the swings, on the jungle gyms, on the slides, on the merry-go-round, Physical/Health – gross-motor skills, fine-
and in the sandbox. Some students played chase and catch. Some played hide and seek. Students are pretending to be villains and superheroes and motor skills, body awareness
are catching one another. Teachers are helping students to learn to swing by themselves by pumping their legs. Teachers are modeling how to do
this. Also, teachers are helping students go across the monkey bars. Language/Literacy/Communication –
• Students had to go to the gym due to the weather. While in the gym students played with hockey sticks, balls, jump ropes, and hula hoops. Also, a comprehension, speaking, vocabulary,
mat was set out for students to do tricks across. phonological awareness, alphabetic
knowledge, reading, concepts about print,
Work Time: book knowledge
• Students are deciding who they want to play with and what they want to play with, with more detail.
• Students are problem solving on their own. Mathematics – N/A
• Students are independent during their play and ask teachers to participate in their play with them.
Creative Arts – art, pretend play
• Students are engaging in a lot of pretend play scenarios. Many are playing house and pretending to go camping, to be teachers, etc.
• Students are respecting one another by listening to each others thoughts and ideas.
Science/Technology – observing, drawing
conclusions, communicating ideas, natural and
physical world

Social Studies – community roles, decision

making, geography

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