A Domestic Porcine Model For Studying The Effects of Radiation On Head and Neck Cancers

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Vol. 123 No.

5 May 2017

A domestic porcine model for studying the effects of radiation

on head and neck cancers
Christoph R. Arnold, MD, PhD,a Frank Kloss, MD, DMD, PhD,b Sarvpreet Singh, MD,c Danijela Vasiljevic, MD,a
Robert Stigler, MD, DMD,b Thomas Auberger, MD,d Volker Wenzel, MD, PhD,e Günter Klima, MD, PhD,f
Peter Lukas, MD, PhD,a Günter Lepperdinger, PhD,c,g and Robert Gassner, MD, DMD, PhDb

Background. Radiation therapy (RT) of the head and neck region is often accompanied by serious side effects. Research in this
area is needed to improve treatment outcomes and ameliorate therapy tolerance. Laboratory rodents are barely matching
today’s clinical standards in RT research. Yet domestic swine (Sus scrofa domestica) have previously proved suitable for various
advanced tests in clinical research and training. We therefore investigated whether S. scrofa domestica is also appropriate for
irradiation of the mandible.
Study Design. A common scheme for irradiation treatment of S. scrofa domestica mandibles in a split-mouth design was
acquired by applying computed tomography (CT) scanning under sedation. Basing on close anatomic resemblance, a standard
treatment plan comprising 2 opposed irradiation fields could be accomplished.
Results. RT was carried out in a clinical environment with 2  9 Gy. The resulting operating procedure facilitated
complication-free sedation, transport, positioning, CT scanning, and effective irradiation.
Conclusion. Based on common standards applied for RT in humans, domestic pigs can be employed to progress RT clinical
research. Due to their human-like anatomy, physiology, size, and weight, the swine model is expedient for advancing
experimental RT of the head and neck area. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol 2017;123:536-543)

Most tumors of the head and neck region develop from surgical and chemotherapeutic approaches, RT effec-
within the mucosa and are hence termed head and tively allows for addressing microscopic tumor exten-
neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCCs).1 HNSCC sions or draining lymphatic vessels. Commonly, RT is
is the sixth leading cancer by incidence worldwide, applied in an adjuvant or neoadjuvant setting, but is
accounting for approximately 3% of adult malignancies also often employed as a primary treatment with or
in North America and Europe.2 The choice of without simultaneous chemotherapy. Around half of
therapeutic modality depends primarily on localization patients diagnosed with various types of cancer undergo
and disease progression. Early-stage HNSCC, to date, RT, either with or without surgery or chemo-
has most often been surgically treated,3,4 but radiation therapy.11,12 Recent technical innovations, such as
therapy (RT) has become increasingly important. 3-dimensional conformal RT (3-DeCRT) and
Currently, RT is the primary treatment for locally intensity-modulated RT (IMRT), have resulted in
advanced HNSCC.5-7 improved clinical outcomes, in particular regarding
In general, RT plays an important role in locore- locoregional disease control and survival rates. Owing
gional therapy for malignant diseases, not only of the to enhanced precision, these modern techniques yield
head and neck region.8-10 Being positioned between the reduced adverse effects, in particular by leaving sur-
rounding healthy tissue untouched as much as
This work was presented as a poster at the DEGRO-ÖGRO annual
conference in Mannheim, Germany, in June 2016. This work was
supported by the Jubilee Fund of the Austrian National Bank, 2006 Although RT has been widely applied in treating
(project number 12246) and Synthes Austria. malignant diseases for many years, its outcomes are
Department of Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology, Innsbruck considered far from satisfactory, often resulting in
Medical University, Innsbruck, Austria. serious and impairing adverse effects. Especially
Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, Innsbruck Medical University,
complicating in the head and neck area are numbers,
Innsbruck, Austria.
Institute for Biomedical Aging Research, Innsbruck, Austria. spatial location, radiosensitivity, and individual size of
Department of Radiotherapy-Radiooncology, Hospital Traunstein,
Traunstein, Germany.
Department of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, Inns-
bruck Medical University, Innsbruck, Austria.
Statement of Clinical Relevance
Division of Histology and Embryology, Innsbruck Medical Univer-
sity, Innsbruck, Austria.
g Domestic pigs can be easily employed as an exper-
Department of Cell Biology, University Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria.
Received for publication Aug 1, 2016; returned for revision Oct 11, imental animal model to mimic therapeutic irradia-
2016; accepted for publication Nov 25, 2016. tion in the head and neck region to gain information
Ó 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. about radiation-induced pathologies and improve
2212-4403/$ - see front matter existing or advance new radiotherapeutic strategies.

Volume 123, Number 5 Arnold et al. 537

tissues. Complications in the oral region after head and RT research in many aspects. Distinguished protocols
neck RT can be manifold and include mucositis, have been established for RT procedures on skin, lung,
hyposalivation, xerostomia, excess mucous and secre- and kidneys.30-33 The previously established experi-
tions, radiation-induced caries and periodontitis, oral mental procedures, employing radiation technology,
infections, trismus, taste and smell disorders, pathologic date back 2 to 3 decades and have been further devel-
fractures, radiation-induced stenosis of the carotid ar- oped by introducing more sophisticated techniques and
teries with severe neurologic consequences, and powerful machines. We here provide an operation
osteoradionecrosis (ORN).19 ORN emerges as a procedure for irradiation of the mandible employing
delayed radiation injury emanating from defective domestic pigs, describing all procedures and technical
bone healing for longer than 3 months. This occurs in refinements, which should ease future large animal
approximately 2-8% of cases, most commonly studies for the advancement of RT, especially for the
affecting the body of the mandible, supposedly treatment of malignancies of the head and neck region.
because of compromised vascularization.19-23 Typi-
cally, ORN develops 2 to 4 years after RT completion. MATERIAL AND METHODS
In severe cases it can lead to facial deformities, barely Permission to perform experimentation on S. scrofa
manageable pain, pathologic fractures, sequestration of domestica (domestic pigs, weight w60 kg) was granted
devitalized bone, and oral-extraoral or oroantral by the Austrian Government and National Ethics Com-
fistulae. Suffice it to say, therapeutic strategies need to mittee (permission no. BMBWK-66.011/0143-BrGT/
be improved considerably in order to reduce side effects 2006). All experimental and analytical work concerning
and ameliorate clinical outcomes. animal experimentation was conducted in accordance to
Research concerned with advancing RT is addressing the European Union directive 86/609/EEC.
cellular mechanisms, physical principles, technical in- CT scanning for planning of the irradiation was
novations, and clinical routines. Basic research in performed on a Philips Brilliance Big Bore CT scanner
medicine often relies on animal models. They provide (Philips, Hamburg, Germany). The irradiation plan was
insight into disease mechanisms, allow determination of created using the PrecisePLAN treatment planning
efficacy and safety of therapies, and represent unprec- system, release 2.12-477.08 (Elekta, Stockholm, Swe-
edented options for testing novel therapies. For obvious den). Irradiations were exclusively performed with a
reasons, small rodents are most commonly used. The 6 MV Elekta SLi Precise linear accelerator.
advantages are availability, handling and effort in The biologically effective dose (BED) was deter-
housing, maintenance costs, low ethical concerns, ease mined using the modified linear quadratic model (LQ-
of genetic modifications, and reproductive traits.24 On L), which can be used to elicit biological responses to
the other hand, limitations of these model organisms different irradiation fractionation regimes, also when
compared to humans are enhanced metabolic rates, employing high single doses.34 The formula for the
disparate genetic backgrounds due to inbreeding, little BED is as follows:
immunologic challenge due to sterile housing, and BEDn ¼ DT þ DT2/(a/b) þ [(g/a)(D  DT)], where g
relatively short lifespans. Therefore, studies involving is the proportion of killed cells per Gy in the final linear
large animals, which are more closely related to portion of the survival curve, DT is the dose at which the
humans, are being pursued. Apparently, nonhuman survival curve becomes linear, and D is the dose applied
primates would be an optimal match. However, these per fraction. g/a was calculated according the formula
do not reach sexual maturity before the age of 3 years g/a ¼ 1 þ (2 DT/(a/b)). DT was estimated to be 2 a/b.
and give birth at best once a year, with only few The a/b ratio was assumed to be 3.85, a value that is
offspring per litter. Furthermore, they require very typically used for late-reacting tissues such as bone.35-37
sophisticated maintenance and handling, and, for Electronic portal images were taken via the Elekta
political reasons, experimentation on primates is often portal imaging system.
banned. In contrast, domestic pigs (Sus scrofa For sedation, the following drugs were used: aza-
domestica) can produce up to 30 offspring per year perone (Eli Lilly, Indianapolis, IN, USA), atropine
and are widely available, easily maintained, and (Braun, Melsungen, Germany), ketamine (Intervet,
relatively inexpensive. Moreover, many aspects of Vienna, Austria), and propofol (Fresenius, Bad Hom-
their physiology and anatomy greatly resemble the burg, Germany).
human situation.25-29 Also, due to technical con- For histologic analysis, biopsies from 16 irradiated
straints, large animal models are found to be better and 8 nonirradiated animals were taken from equivalent
suited for testing new RT approaches, in particular regions of the mandible 8 weeks after irradiation. After
because rodents are too small for defined irradiation of embedding in poly-methacrylate, blocks were crude
specific anatomic regions, especially the head and neck sawed, grounded, polished, and stained with toluidine
region. Domestic swine have already been applied in blue.
538 Arnold et al. May 2017

Fig. 1. Positioning and safety fixation of the swine on the linear accelerator table. A and B, left-lateral view; C and D, ventrocranial
view. The putative field of irradiation was marked with blue ink. A and B, The sedated animals mounted on a stretcher were placed
in a supine position with a plastic tube between the jaws and mouth slightly open, allowing the animal to breathe. Large support
pads wedged underneath the entire length of the animal laterally on both sides increased positional stability. C and D, Propofol was
administered through a cannulized ear vein.

RESULTS sedation. Sedated animals were then brought to the

Preparing for animal experimentation radiation oncology department on standard animal
The method and experimental regimen presented here carriers attached with stretcher-like handle bars. During
were designed and tested on 16 female pigs of the same sedation, the animals received oxygen via nose cone,
age weighing w60 kg. Eight animals served as nonir- and oxygen saturation was measured at the tail. Seda-
radiated controls. Prior to and during the time of tion in this way actually proved sufficient to pursue
experimentation, the animals were in good condition, subsequent procedures, thus sparing the animals from
without displaying obvious medical indications. The general anesthesia. Working along this line, CT scan-
experimental animals were housed at a registered farm, ning as well as irradiation and backhauling could be
where they were accommodated in a specially adapted performed exclusively under sedation.
facility equipped with a CCT system with uninterrupted
24-hour video observation. Irradiations were performed Radiation treatment planning and irradiation
at the Department of Radiotherapy-Radiooncology of The animals were positioned on a linear accelerator
Innsbruck Medical University. In order to preclude table in the supine position. A polyamide bite block was
impinging on clinical routines, irradiation and accom- inserted to preclude occlusion of the teeth (Figure 1).
panying treatments were pursued only on weekends. To prevent inadvertent rolling, immobilization was
The animals were transported from the farm to the accomplished by pushing wedge-shaped support pads
animal facility of the university, where sedation was underneath the trunk. After irradiation and before
induced. For this purpose, animals received a simulta- backhauling to their original housing, the animals were
neous intramuscular injection of azaperone (2 mg/kg), allowed to recover from sedation in a quiet area within
atropine (0.01 mg/kg), and ketamine S (20 mg/kg) into the animal facility.
the shoulder or buttock muscles. After 5-10 minutes, an Planning of the irradiation procedure was pursued
ear vein was cannulized. Propofol (6-8 mg/kg/h) was by employing CT imaging of the first animal. Based
administered via an infusion pump in order to maintain on the acquired CT data, a standardized 3-D model
Volume 123, Number 5 Arnold et al. 539

During transportation, sedation, positioning, and

irradiation, no unusual incidents were reported.
Although handling large animals is tedious, all pro-
cedures and treatment of the animals in the clinical
surroundings turned out to be completely uncompli-
cated. Neither sedation-induced incidents, damage to
clinical equipment and installations, nor any unex-
pected incidents were reported during the stay at the
hospital, the latter owing to the fact that irradiation
treatment was conducted on weekends, thus avoiding
any interference with patients.
Following this regimen, 16 pigs were irradiated. For
all cases, no contingent events or critical circumstances
occurred. In stark contrast to our initial experimental
design, we were able to irradiate the pigs without using
general anesthesia. This was advantageous, as endo-
tracheal intubation is very difficult in pigs, considered
Fig. 2. Compilation of images derived from computer to-
much more difficult than intubation in humans. Around
mography scanning yielding a 3-dimensional model of a the porcine larynx, deep blind-ending pouches exist that
swine’s head (x and z directions are highlighted in green pose an increased risk of unintentional misplacement of
letters, beam paths are depicted by yellow lines). an endotracheal tube.29 Sedation using azaperone,
atropine, ketamine, and propofol was sufficient to
enable safe transportation, accurate positioning,
was compiled using a clinical treatment planning
reproducible irradiation, and uncomplicated return
system (Figure 2). Based on that model, 2 opposed
transport of the animals. After irradiating a few
irradiation fields of 7  3 cm were chosen to
animals, preparing an animal, transporting it to the
irradiate both rami of the mandible. This way,
irradiation room, positioning, and irradiating lasted no
comprehensible and reproducible conditions for
longer than w30 minutes. Staff involved were a
homogenous dose distribution of irradiation could
radiation oncologist, a physicist, a radiation therapist,
be modeled (Figure 3). Working along this line, a
an animal care attendant, and an anesthesiologist. For
set of preliminary default specifications was
positioning, no special equipment was required. The
developed. The procedure was refined by reiterating
animals were positioned on the regular linear
the same workflow on the remaining animals. This
accelerator table and stabilized with standard support
first model actually proved sufficient later on,
pads. The only extra demand was stringent cleaning
because clinical measurements using a pelvimeter
of all facilities in order to meet the hygienic
revealed stable jaw width and length. Primarily due
requirements of a hospital.
to the interanimal anatomic similarities of the head
region, subsequent CT imaging of each individual
animal became obsolete. A standardized treatment Biomedical implication
plan was thus developed. Taking an electronic The biological effectiveness of the treatment was inves-
portal image of the irradiation field shortly before tigated 8 weeks after irradiation. Animals were sacrificed,
each irradiation was sufficient to first confirm and irradiated mandibular bone was inspected by histo-
anatomic resemblances and eventually place each logic means. Notably, within irradiated bone, osteocytes
animal in a correct position. This greatly exhibited apparent swelling of the cell bodies, indicative
accelerated the individual sequences, in particular of intracellular edema (Figure 4). This is a known early
because CT scanning as well as implementing and response to irradiation.38 This animal model has been
finalizing treatment planning is time-consuming. In applied to investigate osseous healing and fracture
conclusion, we were able to establish a standardized closure in the context of potential ORN.39 As published
procedure that was generally applicable to preparing previously, mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have been
all cases by simply confirming correct positioning isolated from irradiated pig mandibles. Unlike MSCs
within the irradiation fields by taking an electronic irradiated in culture, MSCs explanted from bone
portal image of the irradiation fields before irradia- several days and weeks after irradiation provided
tion. Then the total dose applied was 18 Gy in 2 experimental evidence of enhanced radioresistance,
fractions one week apart with 9 Gy per fraction, since they exhibited no obvious deficiencies regarding
resulting in a BED of 59.2 Gy. proliferation or differentiation capacity.40
540 Arnold et al. May 2017

Fig. 3. Treatment plan for the irradiation of the mandible. A and D, transverse section; B, coronal section; C, sagittal section. The
95% isodose areas are presented in magenta. The inlying green lines represent the 100% isodoses. Rectilinear green lines depict
field boundaries.

DISCUSSION very precise irradiation routines, particularly due to

RT is an effective therapeutic approach in the treatment technical limitations of the currently available irradia-
of HNSCC and other malignant diseases. By now, tion devices, anatomic structures are unintentionally
standards have been distinguished and widely agreed, harmed, resulting in unwanted side effects. Although
leading to an increasing use of RT in many therapeutic complications can partly be reduced by careful planning
routines.8-10 Technological advances, accumulated and implementing individualized RT schemes together
detailed knowledge regarding cellular and organismic with effective post-RT treatment, the prime demand of
responses after irradiation, and a sound understanding research in this field is to minimize damage while
of biological repair and regeneration mechanisms are maximizing therapeutic outcome.
continuously improving clinical outcomes and reducing In this context, much of the basic scientific research
radiation-induced side effects. Still, unresolved adverse is commonly performed in cell cultures or with small
effects persist. Prime topics in this respect are impair- rodent models, such as mouse or rat. Together these
ment of patients and pain directly related to RT, which approaches have limitations, in particular when
in due course and often in the long run negatively attempting to extrapolate the experimental results in
impact quality of life. The head and neck region is order to identify new avenues for human therapies.
particularly vulnerable to radiation-induced damage, as Also due to the spatial constraints of radiation tech-
there are many small, sensitive tissues and organs nology, rodents and other small animals are simply too
located in intimate proximity to one another. In lieu of small to allow accurate irradiation of specific anatomic
Volume 123, Number 5 Arnold et al. 541

Fig. 4. Bone histology 8 weeks after irradiation. A and C, Biopsies from nonirradiated controls and B and D, irradiated (2  9 Gy)
animals taken from equivalent regions of the mandible. Cells in irradiated bone display edema (red arrows pointing at enlarged and
brightly stained nuclear regions), indicating an early reaction to the radiation. Scale and respective measures are indicated.

regions, such as distinct increments of the mandible. the increasing numbers of patients in less time. This
While nonhuman primates are apparently the animals greatly restricts time available for research, regarding
most closely related to humans in terms of size, anat- both available staff and technical equipment. In this
omy, and physiology, they have unfavorable repro- context, distinct RT research addressing the head and
ductive traits, are costly, and require sophisticated neck region employing the domestic pig model has not
maintenance and handling. In general, studies in been reported. Particularly regarding ORN, which is
nonhuman primates have become scarce due to rigorous considered one of the most devastating late side effects
legislation. Last, and most important, the public fully of HNSCC radiotherapy, experimental studies have not
refuses to acknowledge experiments on primates. In been performed in extenso. Taking these issues into
contrast, research on pigs has many advantages. They consideration and appreciating the fact that many as-
reproduce frequently and are relatively cheap and easily pects of domestic pigs, particularly regarding anatomy,
housed, which raises less ethical and legal concerns. physiology, and cell biology, are comparable to
Domestic pigs have been employed previously in RT humans, we established a swine model for irradiation of
research to study the effects of radiation, e.g., on skin, the mandible.
lung, and kidneys.30-33 Seminal work to establish To gain insight into the pathogenesis of ORN, non-
standardized procedures was done decades ago. To rodent experimental models have been established.
date, these procedures may only partially suit present Minipigs have been studied previously, which,
clinical routines. First, irradiation machines and tech- although much smaller, greatly resemble domestic
niques employed in those studies hardly compare to pigs.41,42 Not only because of obvious factors such as
current devices and methods, particularly concerning size and anatomy, but more importantly due to the
irradiation accuracy and computer-assisted techniques. rationale of exhibiting comparable physiologic param-
Second, as irradiation is becoming increasingly eters, the domestic pig is closer to the human situation.
important in the treatment of various malignancies, The model described here was initially developed for
patient numbers have greatly increased in recent years investigating ORN and potential underlying mecha-
and radiation oncology departments have had to nisms. Particularly addressed was the role of mesen-
establish more efficient therapeutic schemes to handle chymal progenitor cells, which are potentially capable
542 Arnold et al. May 2017

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