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Hannah Mancill


Comprehensive Classroom Management Plan

Class Rules Rationale Consequences Rewards

1. Follow directions 1. Directions are meant to keep you safe and help 1. verbal warning 1. fist bump
immediately. you understand what is being asked of you. 2. name on board 2. sticker
2. Be on time with your Following them immediately helps us make the 3. talk with 3. soda/snack
materials ready. best use of our time. teacher 4. positive call home
3. Actively participate in class 2. We want to make the best use of our time to 4. call home 5. eat with a friend in the
activities. make sure we learn as much as possible. 5. principal’s classroom
4. Treat others with respect by 3.You learn more when you’re engaged. office
giving your attention and using 4. Giving attention ensures you hear what
kind language. someone else is saying. Kind words make people
5. Pay attention and work feel good. If you provide respect, others will return
carefully during lab. the favor.
5. Students can get seriously injured if they don’t
read instructions, SDS’, and warning labels and
work carefully during lab.

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