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1 First Aid

Name: Topic: First aid Lesson No: 3.1

Subject: Outdoor Education School: Duration: 75 Minutes

Date: Year level: 9

Learning Purpose/Learning Intention/Rationale:

1. Students to develop a greater understanding of DRSABCD and the process
2. Students to develop a greater understand how to preform CPR
3. Students to put their skill into practice through scenario-based problems

Victorian Curriculum- F-10 or VCE focus (if VCE applicable)

Heath and Physical Education

 Plan, rehearse and evaluate options (including CPR and first aid) for managing situations
where their own or others’ health, safety and wellbeing may be at risk(VCHPEP144)

Ethical Capability
 Distinguish between the ethical and non-ethical dimensions of complex issues, including the
distinction between ethical and legal issues (VCECU021)

Personal and Social Capabilities

 Evaluate own and others contribution to group tasks, critiquing roles including leadership
and provide useful feedback to peers, evaluate task achievement and make
recommendations for improvements in relation to team goals (VCPSCSO050)
 Evaluate emotional responses and the management of emotions in a range of
contexts (VCPSCSE043)

Success Criteria / Learning outcomes: (Detail what the students will be able to do as a result of this
lesson. Learning outcomes should be numbered or coded so that they can be identified in the procedure
of the lesson)
 Students will be able to correctly perform DRSABCD when faced with a first aid scenario.
 Students will be able to perform CPR when faced with a first aid scenario.
(Each activity is colour coded to each assessment style and how it will support the
teacher in understanding what the students know)
1. Diagnostic
2. Formative
Time for Teacher activities: Learner activities:
each step
0-5 min Roll, overview of lesson and lesson outcomes.

5-10min Activity 1
What do you remember about DRSABCD Students will write DRSABCD in their
exercise book and mind map what
they remember about DRSABCD

10-25min Activity 2
Go over DRSABCD in detail via PowerPoint with Students to engage with class
visuals and class interaction through questioning material and answer questions and
 Teacher to also give a visual expand on discussion
demonstration of DRSABCD through the
use of a scenario.
(Teacher will put it in perspective of the students,
e.g. where can you find a Defib within the school,
in the community, what are the likely scenarios
we might face throughout our Journey)

25-35min Activity 3
CPR will be discussed in greater detail
C= CPR Students to engage with class
2 breaths 30 compressions material and answer questions,
Or 100-120 compressions a minute expand on discussion and participate
Pinch nose head back when doing breaths in demonstrations.
For an adult 2 hands over the top of each other
push 2/3 chest deep
For child one hand
For infant 2 fingers

35-45min Activity 4
CPR dolls
Put the students into 4 groups and each group has
an Annie doll, Students will take turns performing
Give each student 2minutes to practice CPR then CPR on the Annie dolls and the
do it as a group. other students in the group
observing will provide feedback

45-60min Activity 5
You tube video
Discussion - Students will have the questions on
*In this episode what was some of the dangers? the board, so they can refer to them
*what are some of the points that you can see and take notes throughout the clip
relating to DRSABCD and engage with discussion

60-70min Activity 6
Group scenarios

In the Annie doll groups one group will go Students will be told the scenario
outside and be brief and asked to set it up using the
And the other two groups will play the scenario of table and chairs.
a few large trees falling during a camp trip
Students will have a mix of potential injuries.

Students to be in groups of 4 and

each student will be assigned a
Each group will be given a sheet with 5 scenarios task
on it, this will be used as practical progression 1. person performing DRSABCD
Each student will be given 5 minutes to complete 2. bystander to send for help
the scenario they have chosen and 1 minute for 3. victim
feedback 4. feedback person
Return classroom back to its original state and
recap over what the students have learnt today
and encourage them to practice.
Teacher’s resources:
 Laptop
 Projector
 Annie dolls
 Table
 chairs
 Whiteboard markers

Catering for inclusion:

 Visual materials
 Additional break down of the activity
 Practical examples

Students’ resources:
 Laptop
 Exercise book
 Pens

Extension activities:
 Additional Annie doll practice with individual scenarios.

Learning space set-up:

 Room to be set in a way where everyone can be seen and can see the white board,
PowerPoint, and any demonstrations performed, the classroom will preferably be in a U
 Annie dolls will be placed at the front of the room

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