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J BYcISVCOMS) @0 Neate TOEFL a a raig Ma ae ray Kayang Gagia x= Publishing Basic Skills for the TOEFL* iBT 2 Reading Moraig Macgillivray . Kayang Gagiano © 2008 Compass Publishing All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or athenwise, ‘without prior permission in writing from the publisher. Project Editor: Liana Robinson Acquisitions Editor: Emily Page Content Editor: Michael Jones Copy Editor: Alice Wrigalesworth Contributing Writers: Edaan Getzel Consultants: Lucy Han, Chanhee Park Coversinterior Design: Dammora Inc. ‘email: ISBN: 978-1-59966-157-5 10987654 10 09 Contents Introduction to the TOEFL® iBT Introduction to Basic Skills for the TOEFL? iBT —-—--—- Basic Skills for the TOEFL® iBT Reading Lesson Plan Unit1 — History Unit 2 — Architecture Unit 3 Botany Unit4 — Chemistry Unit5 Business Unit 6 Geology Review 1 Unit 7 Literature Unit 8 — Environment Unit9 Health Unit 10 Technology Unit 11 Civics and Government Unit 12 Communication Review 2 21 29 37 45 53 61 67 75 83 91 99 107 115

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