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1 Introduction
Python Data Products
Course 1: Basics

Meet your instructors and about this course

Dr. Julian McAuley
• Assistant professor at UC San Diego since 2014
• Research on Machine Learning, Recommender Systems, and predictive models of human behavior (or so-called
"computational social science")
• Lab website:
Academic Teaching and Workforce Development
• I teach undergraduate and graduate courses on Mining Web Data, and Recommender Systems at UCSD, and on
current trends in recommender systems and behavioral modeling
Interdisciplinary Research
• I frequently collaborate with industry, and have conducted research and written papers with Microsoft, Etsy,
Adobe, Pinterest, and Flipkart, among others
Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…
Research interests...
I also work on: Question-Answering Systems
Q: “I want to use this with my iPad
air while taking a jacuzzi bath. Will
the volume be loud enough over
the bath jets?”

“The sound quality is great,

“If you are looking for a “However if you are looking
especially for the size, and if you
water resistant blue tooth for something to throw a small
place the speaker on a hard surface
speaker you will be very party this just doesn’t have the
it acts as a sound board, and the
pleased with this product.” sound output.”
bass really kicks up.”

Yes Yes No
Modeling ambiguity, subjectivity, and diverging viewpoints in opinion question answering systems, Mengting Wan, Julian McAuley, ICDM 2016
Addressing complex and subjective product-related queries with customer reviews, Julian McAuley, Alex Yang, WWW 2016

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Research interests...
I also work on: Combining Economic Models
with Recommender Systems

Modeling consumer preferences and price sensitivities from large-scale grocery shopping transaction logs, Wan, Wang, Goldman, Taddy, Rao, Liu, Lymberopoulos, McAuley,
WWW 2017
Representing and recommending shopping baskets with complementarity, compatibility, and loyalty, Wan, Wang, Liu, Bennett, McAuley, CIKM 2018

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Research interests...
I also work on: Systems for Personalized Fashion
Recommendation and Design

Modeling the visual evolution of fashion

trends with one-class collaborative filtering,
He, McAuley, WWW 2016
Visually-aware fashion recommendation and
design with generative image models,
Kang, Fang, Wang, McAuley, ICDM 2017
existing synthetic
items items
Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…
Research interests...
I also work on: Systems for natural language generation

12 oz. bottle, excited to see a new Victory product around, A: Pours a very dark brown with a nice finger of tan
A: Pours a dark brown, much darker than I thought it would head that produces a small bubble and leaves
be, rich creamy head, with light lace. S: Dark cedar/pine nose decent lacing on the glass. S: Smells like a nut
with some dark bread/pumpernickel. T: This ale certainly has brown ale. It has a slight sweetness and a bit of a
a lot of malt, bordering on Barleywine. Molasses, sweet woody note and a little cocoa. The nose is rather
maple with a clear bitter melon/white grapefruit hop flavour. malty with some chocolate and coffee. The taste is
Not a lot of complexity in the hops here for me. Booze is strong but not overwhelmingly sweet. The
noticable. M: Full-bodied, creamy, resinous, nicely done. D: A sweetness is overpowering, but not overwhelming
good beer, it isn't exactly what I was expecting. In the end and is a pretty strong bitter finish. M: Medium
above average, though I found it monotonous at times, bodied with a slightly thin feel. D: A good tasting
hence the 3. A sipper for sure. beer. Not bad.

Actual review Synthetically generated review

Personalized review generation by expanding phrases and attending on aspect-aware representations, Ni, McAuley, ACL 2018
Estimating reactions and recommending products with generative models of reviews, Ni, Lipton, Vikram, McAuley, IJCNLP 2017

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Research interests...
I also work on: Music and Audio

Adversarial audio synthesis, Chris Donahue, Julian McAuley, Miller Puckette, ICLR 2019
Dance Dance Convolution, Chris Donahue, Zachary Lipton, Julian McAuley, ICML 2017

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Research, Development and Management
• Chief Data Science Officer, San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) —
• Division Director, Cyberinfrastructure Research, Education, and Development @ SDSC —
• Director, Workflows for Data Science (WorDS) Center of Excellence @ SDSC —
• Fellow — Halicioglu Data Science Institute (HDSI) @ UC San Diego —
Academic Teaching and Workforce Development
• Faculty Co-Director and Lecturer, UC San Diego Master of Advanced Study Program in Data Science and Engineering
• Lecturer, Computer Science and Engineering at UC San Diego
• Faculty on Coursera UC San Diego Big Data Specialization
• Faculty on edX UC San Diego MicroMasters in Data Science
Interdisciplinary Research

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

How can I get smart people to
collaborate and communicate
to analyze data and computing to


generate insight and

solve a question?
Data Science

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Building Data Products for
Wildfire Prediction
and Emergency Response
Wildfire Command Centers of the Future

In this specialization we will...

• Learn how to read and process complex, real-world
datasets (Course 1)
• Learn how to design predictive pipelines in order to build
predictive models from data (Course 2)
• Learn how to validate and evaluate our predictions and gain
insights from our models (Course 3)
• Learn how to deploy working systems that implement these
models (Course 4)

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Course overview

Course 1 will cover...

• Background on data products (Week 1)
• What is the Data-to-Product pipeline?
• Data ingestion and processing (Week 2)
• Reading data from CSV/TSV and JSON files
• Exploratory data analysis (Week 3)
• Manipulating semi-structured data such as time and
date, and string processing in Python
• Data processing and visualization (Week 4)
• Data collection & data visualization
Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…
Course overview

Course 2 will cover...

• Regression
• Supervised vs. unsupervised learning, autoregression
• Feature engineering
• Dealing with temporal and categorical data
• Classification
• Nearest neighbor and logistic regression
• Libraries and tools for regression and classification

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Course overview

Course 3 will cover...

• Regression and classification diagnostics
• Training and validating regressors and classifiers
• Model evaluation

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Course overview

Course 4 will cover...

• Recommender Systems
• Our Capstone Project!
• Deployment of data products in practice, and
Python libraries for deploying data driven systems

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

How will you succeed?

• Participating in course activities

• Lecture videos
• Discussion prompts
• Reading materials
• Working through Jupyter Notebooks

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

We value your feedback!

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Python Data Products
Course 1: Basics

Lecture: What is a Data Product?

Learning objectives

In this lecture we will...

• Explain many interpretations of “data product”

• Describe what we focus on as a data product in the

Data to Product Specialization

• Illustrate a typical process to go from data to a

predictive insight towards an end goal

• Motivate why Python is a good choice for data product

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…
Data Products
“… a product that facilitates an end goal
through the use of data”

-- DJ Patil, Former U.S. Chief Data



in Data Jujitsu

Data Science

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

What are data products?

Data Products are

systems models
that help us to
understand data
in order to
gain insights and
make predictions
Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…
Going from raw data to a model using data science…

• Visual Dashboards
• Web Interfaces
Get Data Prepare • Programming Interfaces
Data • Robotics platforms
Raw Data Derived Data

Build Product


Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…
Summary of concepts

• Introduced the concept of data product and how data

science is a means to generating data products
• Explained how visual dashboard, web interfaces and APIs
are used to deploy data products

• “Data Jujitsu: The Art of Turning Data into Product“, by DJ Patil, 2012.
• “What is data science? : The future belongs to the companies and people
that turn data into products”, by Mike Loukides, June 2, 2010
• “The evolution of data products: The data that drives products is shifting
from overt to covert”, by Mike Loukides, September 15, 2011
Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…
Python Data Products
Course 1: Basics

Lecture: Data Product examples in the real world

Learning objectives

In this lecture we will...

• Review three specific examples of recommender data
products in the enterprise world

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

What are data products?
Data Products arise whenever we want to
build systems that depend on predictive
models. For example:
• Predict users' future actions based on their
past activities​
• Recommend content to users that they are
likely to consume​
• Estimate demand for a product​

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Examples of Data Products on the Web

(to name a few)

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Examples – Recommender Systems
Modeling task: predict what rating a person will give to an item
e.g. rating(julian, Pitch Black) = ?

Data Product: build a system to recommend products that

people are interested in

Modeling challenges: how are opinions influenced by factors

like time, gender, age, and location?

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Examples – Social Networks
Modeling task: predict whether two users of a social
network are likely to be friends

Data Product: “people

you may know” and
friend recommendation

Modeling challenges: what

are the features around
which friendships form?

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Examples – Advertising
Modeling task: predict whether I will click on an advertisement

Data product: Ad recommendation systems



Modeling challenges: what products tend to be purchased

together, how do purchases change over time, etc.
Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…
A Data Product for predictive wildfire modeling

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Summary of concepts

• Overviewed recommender systems as a type of data

product deployed as a part of most web-based systems
• Summarized a decision-support data product that builds
on predictive wildfire behavior modeling

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Python Data Products
Course 1: Basics

Lecture: Our Case Study (Recommender Systems)

Learning objectives

In this lecture we will...

• Introduce the concept of Recommender Systems, which
we'll use as an ongoing case-study throughout the
• Describe some of the main datasets we will use to study
recommender systems and their main characteristics
• Motivate the use of these datasets for various problems
throughout the Specialization

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Recommender Systems
As a running example throughout this
course, we will build recommender
systems that model interactions between
users and items
• In particular, we will focus on two publicly-available
datasets from Amazon and Yelp:

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Recommender Systems
We are particularly interested in tasks
• How can we read and process these large datasets,
containing complex, structured fields (Course 1)?​
• How can we make simple predictions from these
datasets, such as the sentiment of a review or the
category of a business (Course 2)?​
• How can we validate these predictions, and compare
different modeling approaches (Course 3)?​
• How can we build and deploy a working system using
these predictive models (Course 4)?​
Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…
What do recommender systems do?

(preference modeling)


Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…
What do recommender systems do?
In essence, Recommender Systems work by trying to model the
relationships between people and the items they’re evaluating:

preference my (user’s) HP’s (item)

is the movie
Toward “preferences” “properties”
“action” action-


preference toward
are the special effects good?
“special effects”
Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…
Recommender Systems
• In Course 4 we'll look at some of the state-of-the-art (but reasonably common) approaches
that are used to implement recommender systems on the web, e.g. rating prediction:

• And "people who bought X also bought Y" etc.:

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Recommender Systems
Other than building such systems in Course 4, in
the meantime we're also interested in
"standard" tasks that can approached using the
same type of data, e.g.
• Regression and classification tasks
• Time series modeling
• Text analysis
• Visualization
• (Etc.)
Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…
Summary of concepts

• Introduced the concept of Recommender Systems, which

we'll use as an ongoing case-study throughout the

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Python Data Products
Course 1: Basics

Lecture: Python and Jupyter basics

Learning objectives

In this lecture we will...

• Explain why we chose Python as the programming
environment for this course
• Talk about some useful Python modules you will be seeing
throughout this specialization
• Describe the features of Python-based Jupyter notebooks

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

What is Python?

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Why Python for Data Science?
• Easy-to-read and learn

• Vibrant community

• Growing and evolving set of libraries

• Data management

• Analytical processing

• Visaualization

• Applicable to each step in the data science process

• Notebooks

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Python libraries we will be learning…

• Jupyter notebooks

• scipy

• numpy

• pandas

• matplotlib

• sklearn

• nltk

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Why Jupyter notebooks?

Key features

• Documented Data Science

• Reproducible Science

• Presentation of Results

• Support for Julia, Python, and R

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Summary of concepts

• Introduced Python and the Jupyter notebook environment


• “Advantages and Disadvantages of Python Programming Language”, by

Mindfire Solutions, Apr 23, 2017.

• “Why I’m Learning Python in 2018”, by Alexus Strong, January 12, 2018.

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Week 2 Data Ingestion
Python Data Products
Course 1: Basics

Lecture: Python Recap

Scripting Languages

Python scripting is similar to a number

of other languages

• Interpreted, not compiled

• Prompt/Shell, Scripts and Notebooks

• Easier to learn and code in

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Hello World!
C Python
#include "stdio.h"
int main() {
Notice: no ;

public class Hi {
public static void main (String [] args) {

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Python uses Indentations

for i in range(0,10):
Python uses indentation
rather than brackets.

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Dynamic Typing
C Python
#include "stdio.h" x = 3
y = 4
int main() {
int x = 3;
int y = 4;
Notice: no types

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Dynamic Typing
C Python
#include "stdio.h" x = 3
x = 4.5
int main() {
int x = 3;
x = 4.5; Notice: no types

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Python is Object-Oriented

>>> x = "Hello"
>>> x.lower() <var_name>.<method_name>(params)

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Lists, Dictionaries, and more…

>>> list = [11,22,33] More info:

>>> list
[11, 22, 33]

>>> dict = {('Ghostbusters', 2016): 5.4,

('Ghostbusters', 1984): 7.8, ('Cars', 2006):7.1}
>>> x = dict[('Cars',2006)]
>>> x


Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Summary of concepts

• Reminders on the basic Python features

• Pointers to beginners resources for Python


• “Python Beginners Guide”,

• “Python Overview”,

• “Simple Programs”,

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Python Data Products
Course 1: Basics

Lecture: CSV and JSON files

Learning objectives

In this lecture we will...

• Demonstrate the CSV/TSV and JSON formats
• Compare the main advantages and disadvantages of both

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…


CSV and JSON are two formats that are easy

to read and manipulate in Python

• We'll work through two examples for much of this

pds/tsv/index.txt (TSV)​
• (JSON)​

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…


First let's look at the Amazon dataset:

• We'll look at data from the "Gift Card" category

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Concept: CSV

• CSV is a simple format that allows us to store tabular data

• It is a human-readable format, meaning it can easily be read or written
via a text-editor or spreadsheet application
E.g. CSV (or rather TSV) from
marketplace customer_id review_id product_id product_parent product_title product_category star_rating help
US 24371595 R27ZP1F1CD0C3Y B004LLIL5A 346014806 Amazon eGift Card - Celebrate Gift Card 5 0 0 N Y
US 42489718 RJ7RSBCHUDNNE B004LLIKVU 473048287 eGift Cards Gift Card 5 0 0 N Y Gift
US 861463 R1HVYBSKLQJI5S B00IX1I3G6 926539283 Gift Card Balance Reload Gift Card 5 0 0 N
US 25283295 R2HAXF0IIYQBIR B00IX1I3G6 926539283 Gift Card Balance Reload Gift Card 1 0 0 N
US 397970 RNYLPX611NB7Q B005ESMGV4 379368939 Gift Cards, Pack of 3 (Various Designs) Gift Card 5
US 18513645 R3ALA9XXMBEDZR B004KNWWU4 326384774 Amazon Gift Card - Print - Happy Birthday (Birds) Gift Card 5
US 22484620 R3R8PHAVJFTPDF B004LLIKVU 473048287 eGift Cards Gift Card 5 0 0 N Y Five
US 14765851 R18WWEK8OIXE30 BT00CTP2EE 775486538 Gift Card in a Greeting Card (Various Designs) Gift Ca
US 18751931 R1EGUNQON2J277 B004LLIKVU 473048287 eGift Cards Gift Card 1 0 0 N Y One
US 15100528 R21Z4M4L98CPU2 B004W8D102 595099956 Amazon Gift Card - Print - Amazon Boxes Gift Card 5 0 0
US 3559726 R6JH7A117FHFA B004LLIKVU 473048287 eGift Cards Gift Card 5 0 0 N Y Five S
US 23413911 R1XZHS8M1GCGI7 B004KNWWU4 326384774 Amazon Gift Card - Print - Happy Birthday (Birds) Gift Card 5
US 2026222 R1DAI0N03SKRJN B004LLIKVU 473048287 eGift Cards Gift Card 5 1 1 N Y Five
US 32956435 R2F6SKZOEYQRU3 B004LLIKVU 473048287 eGift Cards Gift Card 5 0 0 N N Five
US 20241560 RIBOP6OEAZA47 B00H5BNLUS 637715957 Amazon eGift Card - Hoops and Yoyo Thank You Very Much (Animated) [Ha
US 10670435 R15H8E7WD6XD29 B004KNWX6C 763371347 Amazon Gift Card - Print - Celebrate Gift Card 5 0 0
US 48872127 RVN4P3RU4F8IE BT00CTOYC0 506740729 $15 Gift Card in a Greeting Card (Amazon Surprise Box Desi
US 460630 RCS8F9JCAAXC7 B004LLIKVU 473048287 eGift Cards Gift Card 4 0 0 N Y Four St
US 41238378 R6811C4E7UYL2 B00H5BMH44 81025991 Amazon eGift Card - Hoops and Yoyo Cake Face (Animated) [Hallmark]

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

TSV example
From Amazon's public dataset ("Gift Card" category – amazon_reviews_us_Gift_Card_v1_00.tsv.gz):

marketplace customer_id review_id product_id product_parent product_title product_category star_rating h

US 24371595 R27ZP1F1CD0C3Y B004LLIL5A 346014806 Amazon eGift Card - Celebrate Gift Card 5 0 0 N
US 42489718 RJ7RSBCHUDNNE B004LLIKVU 473048287 eGift Cards Gift Card 5 0 0 N Y Gi
US 861463 R1HVYBSKLQJI5S B00IX1I3G6 926539283 Gift Card Balance Reload Gift Card 5 0 0
US 25283295 R2HAXF0IIYQBIR B00IX1I3G6 926539283 Gift Card Balance Reload Gift Card 1 0 0
US 397970 RNYLPX611NB7Q B005ESMGV4 379368939 Gift Cards, Pack of 3 (Various Designs) Gift Card 5
US 18513645 R3ALA9XXMBEDZR B004KNWWU4 326384774 Amazon Gift Card - Print - Happy Birthday (Birds) Gift Card
US 22484620 R3R8PHAVJFTPDF B004LLIKVU 473048287 eGift Cards Gift Card 5 0 0 N Y F
US 14765851 R18WWEK8OIXE30 BT00CTP2EE 775486538 Gift Card in a Greeting Card (Various Designs) Gift
US 18751931 R1EGUNQON2J277 B004LLIKVU 473048287 eGift Cards Gift Card 1 0 0 N Y O
US 15100528 R21Z4M4L98CPU2 B004W8D102 595099956 Amazon Gift Card - Print - Amazon Boxes Gift Card 5 0
US 3559726 R6JH7A117FHFA B004LLIKVU 473048287 eGift Cards Gift Card 5 0 0 N Y Fiv
US 23413911 R1XZHS8M1GCGI7 B004KNWWU4 326384774 Amazon Gift Card - Print - Happy Birthday (Birds) Gift Card
US 2026222 R1DAI0N03SKRJN B004LLIKVU 473048287 eGift Cards Gift Card 5 1 1 N Y Fi
US 32956435 R2F6SKZOEYQRU3 B004LLIKVU 473048287 eGift Cards Gift Card 5 0 0 N N F
Data are separated by 637715957 Amazon eGift Card - Hoops and Yoyo Thank You Very Much (Animated)
US 10670435 R15H8E7WD6XD29 B004KNWX6C 763371347 Amazon Gift Card - Print - Celebrate Gift Card 5 0 0
tabs (tsv) or commas
US 48872127 RVN4P3RU4F8IE BT00CTOYC0 506740729 $15 Gift Card in a Greeting Card (Amazon Surprise Box D
US 460630 RCS8F9JCAAXC7 (csv)
B004LLIKVU 473048287 eGift Cards Gift Card 4 0 0 N Y Four
US 41238378 R6811C4E7UYL2 B00H5BMH44 81025991 Amazon eGift Card - Hoops and Yoyo Cake Face (Animated) [Hallmark]

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

TSV example
From Amazon's public dataset ("Gift Card" category – amazon_reviews_us_Gift_Card_v1_00.tsv.gz):

marketplace customer_id review_id product_id product_parent product_title product_category star_rating h

US 24371595 R27ZP1F1CD0C3Y B004LLIL5A 346014806 Amazon eGift Card - Celebrate Gift Card 5 0 0 N
US 42489718 RJ7RSBCHUDNNE B004LLIKVU 473048287 eGift Cards Gift Card 5 0 0 N Y Gi
US 861463 R1HVYBSKLQJI5S B00IX1I3G6 926539283 Gift Card Balance Reload Gift Card 5 0 0
US 25283295 R2HAXF0IIYQBIR B00IX1I3G6 926539283 Gift Card Balance Reload Gift Card 1 0 0
US 397970 RNYLPX611NB7Q B005ESMGV4 379368939 Gift Cards, Pack of 3 (Various Designs) Gift Card 5
US 18513645 R3ALA9XXMBEDZR B004KNWWU4 326384774 Amazon Gift Card - Print - Happy Birthday (Birds) Gift Card
US 22484620 R3R8PHAVJFTPDF B004LLIKVU 473048287 eGift Cards Gift Card 5 0 0 N Y F
US 14765851 R18WWEK8OIXE30 The first row is the
BT00CTP2EE header, which
775486538 Gift Card in a Greeting Card (Various Designs) Gift
US 18751931 R1EGUNQON2J277 indicates what value each field
B004LLIKVU 473048287 eGift Cards Gift Card 1 0 0 N Y O
US 15100528 R21Z4M4L98CPU2 B004W8D102 represents
595099956 Amazon Gift Card - Print - Amazon Boxes Gift Card 5 0
US 3559726 R6JH7A117FHFA B004LLIKVU 473048287 eGift Cards Gift Card 5 0 0 N Y Fiv
US 23413911 R1XZHS8M1GCGI7 B004KNWWU4 326384774 Amazon Gift Card - Print - Happy Birthday (Birds) Gift Card
US 2026222 R1DAI0N03SKRJN B004LLIKVU 473048287 eGift Cards Gift Card 5 1 1 N Y Fi
US 32956435 R2F6SKZOEYQRU3 B004LLIKVU 473048287 eGift Cards Gift Card 5 0 0 N N F
US 20241560 RIBOP6OEAZA47 B00H5BNLUS 637715957 Amazon eGift Card - Hoops and Yoyo Thank You Very Much (Animated)
US 10670435 R15H8E7WD6XD29 B004KNWX6C 763371347 Amazon Gift Card - Print - Celebrate Gift Card 5 0 0
US 48872127 RVN4P3RU4F8IE BT00CTOYC0 506740729 $15 Gift Card in a Greeting Card (Amazon Surprise Box D
US 460630 RCS8F9JCAAXC7 B004LLIKVU 473048287 eGift Cards Gift Card 4 0 0 N Y Four
US 41238378 R6811C4E7UYL2 B00H5BMH44 81025991 Amazon eGift Card - Hoops and Yoyo Cake Face (Animated) [Hallmark]

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

TSV example
From Amazon's public dataset ("Gift Card" category – amazon_reviews_us_Gift_Card_v1_00.tsv.gz):

marketplace customer_id review_id product_id product_parent product_title product_category star_rating h

US 24371595 R27ZP1F1CD0C3Y B004LLIL5A 346014806 Amazon eGift Card - Celebrate Gift Card 5 0 0 N
US 42489718 RJ7RSBCHUDNNE B004LLIKVU 473048287 eGift Cards Gift Card 5 0 0 N Y Gi
US 861463 R1HVYBSKLQJI5S B00IX1I3G6 926539283 Gift Card Balance Reload Gift Card 5 0 0
US 25283295 R2HAXF0IIYQBIR B00IX1I3G6 926539283 Gift Card Balance Reload Gift Card 1 0 0
US 397970 RNYLPX611NB7Q B005ESMGV4 379368939 Gift Cards, Pack of 3 (Various Designs) Gift Card 5
US 18513645 R3ALA9XXMBEDZR B004KNWWU4 326384774 Amazon Gift Card - Print - Happy Birthday (Birds) Gift Card
US 22484620 R3R8PHAVJFTPDF B004LLIKVU 473048287 eGift Cards Gift Card 5 0 0 N Y F
US 14765851 R18WWEK8OIXE30 BT00CTP2EE 775486538 Gift Card in a Greeting Card (Various Designs) Gift
US 18751931 R1EGUNQON2J277 B004LLIKVU 473048287 eGift Cards Gift Card 1 0 0 N Y O
US 15100528 R21Z4M4L98CPU2 B004W8D102
Each other row corresponds to
595099956 Amazon Gift Card - Print - Amazon Boxes Gift Card 5 0
US 3559726 R6JH7A117FHFA B004LLIKVU a single product review from
473048287 eGift Cards Gift Card 5 0 0 N Y Fiv
US 23413911 R1XZHS8M1GCGI7 B004KNWWU4 Amazon Amazon Gift Card - Print - Happy Birthday (Birds)
326384774 Gift Card
US 2026222 R1DAI0N03SKRJN B004LLIKVU 473048287 eGift Cards Gift Card 5 1 1 N Y Fi
US 32956435 R2F6SKZOEYQRU3 B004LLIKVU 473048287 eGift Cards Gift Card 5 0 0 N N F
US 20241560 RIBOP6OEAZA47 B00H5BNLUS 637715957 Amazon eGift Card - Hoops and Yoyo Thank You Very Much (Animated)
US 10670435 R15H8E7WD6XD29 B004KNWX6C 763371347 Amazon Gift Card - Print - Celebrate Gift Card 5 0 0
US 48872127 RVN4P3RU4F8IE BT00CTOYC0 506740729 $15 Gift Card in a Greeting Card (Amazon Surprise Box D
US 460630 RCS8F9JCAAXC7 B004LLIKVU 473048287 eGift Cards Gift Card 4 0 0 N Y Four
US 41238378 R6811C4E7UYL2 B00H5BMH44 81025991 Amazon eGift Card - Hoops and Yoyo Cake Face (Animated) [Hallmark]

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

TSV example
Can be a little easier to visualize if we align the columns vertically:
Note that the data is essentially tabular and is much like an Excel (or similar) spreadsheet
marketplace customer_id review_id product_id product_parent product_title
US 24371595 R27ZP1F1CD0C3Y B004LLIL5A 346014806 Amazon eGift Card - Celebrate
US 42489718 RJ7RSBCHUDNNE B004LLIKVU 473048287 eGift Cards
US 861463 R1HVYBSKLQJI5S B00IX1I3G6 926539283 Gift Card Balance Reload
US 25283295 R2HAXF0IIYQBIR B00IX1I3G6 926539283 Gift Card Balance Reload
US 397970 RNYLPX611NB7Q B005ESMGV4 379368939 Gift Cards, Pack of 3 (Various Designs)
US 18513645 R3ALA9XXMBEDZR B004KNWWU4 326384774 Amazon Gift Card - Print - Happy Birthday (Birds)
US 22484620 R3R8PHAVJFTPDF B004LLIKVU 473048287 eGift Cards
US 14765851 R18WWEK8OIXE30 BT00CTP2EE 775486538 Gift Card in a Greeting Card (Various D
US 18751931 R1EGUNQON2J277 B004LLIKVU 473048287 eGift Cards
US 15100528 R21Z4M4L98CPU2 B004W8D102 595099956 Amazon Gift Card - Print - Amazon Boxes
US 3559726 R6JH7A117FHFA B004LLIKVU 473048287 eGift Cards
US 23413911 R1XZHS8M1GCGI7 B004KNWWU4 326384774 Amazon Gift Card - Print - Happy Birthday (Birds)
US 2026222 R1DAI0N03SKRJN B004LLIKVU 473048287 eGift Cards
US 32956435 R2F6SKZOEYQRU3 B004LLIKVU 473048287 eGift Cards
US 20241560 RIBOP6OEAZA47 B00H5BNLUS 637715957 Amazon eGift Card - Hoops and Yoyo Thank You Very
US 10670435 R15H8E7WD6XD29 B004KNWX6C 763371347 Amazon Gift Card - Print - Celebrate
US 48872127 RVN4P3RU4F8IE BT00CTOYC0 506740729 $15 Gift Card in a Greeting Card (Amazo
US 460630 RCS8F9JCAAXC7 B004LLIKVU 473048287 eGift Cards
US 41238378 R6811C4E7UYL2 B00H5BMH44 81025991 Amazon eGift Card - Hoops and Yoyo Cake Face (Anim

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

TSV example

Let's look at some more columns of the data:

product_category star_rating helpful_votes total_votes vine verified_purchase review_headline review_body rev

Gift Card 5 0 0 N Y Five Stars Great birthday gif
Gift Card 5 0 0 N Y Gift card for the greatest selection of item
Gift Card 5 0 0 N Y Five Stars Good 2015-08-31
Gift Card 1 0 0 N Y One Star Fair 2015-08-31
Gift Card 5 0 0 N Y Five Stars I can't believe ho
Gift Card What was the rating, how many helpful votes were received (out of how many), was the purchase verified, etc.
5 0 0 N Y Perfect for most every occasion! Perfect!
Gift Card 5 0 0 N Y Five Stars excelent 2015-0
Gift Card 5 0 0 N Y Five Stars Great and Safe Gif
Gift Card 1 0 0 N Y One Star What????????? 2
Gift Card 5 0 0 N Y Five Stars This was just too
Gift Card 5 0 0 N Y Five Stars Bien 2015-08-31
Gift Card 5 1 1 N Y Always good Easy to print from
Gift Card 5 1 1 N Y Five Stars Amazing with 10 do
Gift Card 5 0 0 N N Five Stars Remember Matthew 7
k] Gift Card 5 1 1 N Y Five Stars good 2015-08-31
Gift Card 5 0 0 N Y Five Stars Awesome way to sen
Gift Card 5 0 0 N Y Quick Solution for Forgotten Occasion I l
Gift Card 4 0 0 N Y Four Stars Good gift. Easy to
Gift Card 5 0 0 N Y Satisfied customer Satisfied as usual

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Concept: JSON
• CSV/TSV format is simple and effective, but limited in the types
of data that can be stored
• I.e., it is limited to tabular data
• For example, how would you store
• A business's opening hours (e.g. in Yelp's data)?
• A set of categories for a product?
• Playlist entries in the "million playlist
dataset"? (

• Fields best represented as lists or sets are inconvenient to

store as CSV/TSV entries
• JSON attempts to address this by allowing for more general
structured data to be represented
Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…
Concept: JSON

• See e.g. yelp's dataset:

• Let's look at the first line of the "business.json" file:

{'business_id': 'FYWN1wneV18bWNgQjJ2GNg', 'attributes':

{'BusinessAcceptsCreditCards': True, 'AcceptsInsurance': True,
'ByAppointmentOnly': True}, 'longitude': -111.9785992,
'state': 'AZ', 'address': '4855 E Warner Rd, Ste B9',
'neighborhood': '', 'city': 'Ahwatukee', 'hours': {'Tuesday':
'7:30-17:00', 'Wednesday': '7:30-17:00', 'Thursday': '7:30-
17:00', 'Friday': '7:30-17:00', 'Monday': '7:30-17:00'},
'postal_code': '85044', 'review_count': 22, 'stars': 4.0,
'categories': ['Dentists', 'General Dentistry', 'Health &
Medical', 'Oral Surgeons', 'Cosmetic Dentists',
'Orthodontists'], 'is_open': 1, 'name': 'Dental by Design',
'latitude': 33.3306902}

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Might look a little cleaner if we format it more carefully:
'business_id': 'FYWN1wneV18bWNgQjJ2GNg',
'BusinessAcceptsCreditCards': True,
'AcceptsInsurance': True,
'ByAppointmentOnly': True
'longitude': -111.9785992,
'latitude': 33.3306902,
'state': 'AZ',
'address': '4855 E Warner Rd, Ste B9',
'neighborhood': '',
'city': 'Ahwatukee',
'Tuesday': '7:30-17:00',
'Wednesday': '7:30-17:00',
'Thursday': '7:30-17:00',
'Friday': '7:30-17:00',
'Monday': '7:30-17:00'
'postal_code': '85044',
'review_count': 22,
'stars': 4.0,
['Dentists', 'General Dentistry', 'Health & Medical', 'Oral Surgeons', 'Cosmetic Dentists', 'Orthodontists'],
'is_open': 1,
'name': 'Dental by Design'
Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…
Might look a little cleaner if we format it more carefully:
'business_id': 'FYWN1wneV18bWNgQjJ2GNg',
'BusinessAcceptsCreditCards': True,
'AcceptsInsurance': True, Note that (unlike TSV), whitespace,
'ByAppointmentOnly': True
}, newlines, or the ordering of entries
'longitude': -111.9785992, don't change the meaning of the
'latitude': 33.3306902,
'state': 'AZ',
JSON string
'address': '4855 E Warner Rd, Ste B9',
'neighborhood': '',
'city': 'Ahwatukee',
'Tuesday': '7:30-17:00',
'Wednesday': '7:30-17:00',
'Thursday': '7:30-17:00',
'Friday': '7:30-17:00',
'Monday': '7:30-17:00'
'postal_code': '85044',
'review_count': 22,
'stars': 4.0,
['Dentists', 'General Dentistry', 'Health & Medical', 'Oral Surgeons', 'Cosmetic Dentists', 'Orthodontists'],
'is_open': 1,
'name': 'Dental by Design'
Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…
Might look a little cleaner if we format it more carefully:
'business_id': 'FYWN1wneV18bWNgQjJ2GNg',
'BusinessAcceptsCreditCards': True,
'AcceptsInsurance': True,
'ByAppointmentOnly': True Each value is either a
}, • String
'longitude': -111.9785992,
'latitude': 33.3306902,
• Boolean
'state': 'AZ', • Number
'address': '4855 E Warner Rd, Ste B9', • A list
'neighborhood': '',
'city': 'Ahwatukee', • Another JSON object!
'Tuesday': '7:30-17:00',
'Wednesday': '7:30-17:00',
'Thursday': '7:30-17:00',
'Friday': '7:30-17:00',
'Monday': '7:30-17:00'
'postal_code': '85044',
'review_count': 22,
'stars': 4.0,
['Dentists', 'General Dentistry', 'Health & Medical', 'Oral Surgeons', 'Cosmetic Dentists', 'Orthodontists'],
'is_open': 1,
'name': 'Dental by Design'
Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Advantages: Advantages:
+ Simple, human-readable format + Allows for manipulation of complex,
+ Can be easily manipulated in "tabular" form semi-structured data
– e.g can be read & modified using Excel or
similar tools

Disadvantages: Disadvantages:
- Cannot represent complex, flexible (I.e., - More difficult to explore and
non-tabular) data manipulate using "GUI" tools

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Summary of concepts

• You should understand the format of json and csv files

• Understand the relative merits of both formats

On your own...

• Download the Amazon and Yelp

• Try opening the (smaller) files in a
text editor

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Python Data Products
Course 1: Basics

Lecture: Reading CSV and JSON into Python

Learning objectives

In this lecture we will...

• Demonstrate the main methods to read CSV/TSV and
JSON files in Python
• Understand some of the edge cases that make reading
these formats difficult

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

CSV/TSV in Python

In this lecture we'll look through a few

functions to read CSV/TSV and JSON data in

• string.split()
• csv.reader (library)
• eval() and ast.eval()
• json.loads (library)
Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…
Code: String.split()

Note: preserves whitespace!

• Converts a string to a list, given a separator

• By default, any whitespace separator is used (tab, space,
• But different separators can be provided via an optional
Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…
Code: String.split()
What happens when the delimiter appears in the column?

Note: splits into three

columns rather than two!

• This could be addressed by using a different delimiter (e.g.

';'), though this doesn't generalize for fields containing
arbitrary text
• Normally, the field will be escaped by quotes

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Code: CSV.reader

Note: specify what delimiter

to use (tab)

first line is the


Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Code: CSV.reader

next line is the first review

in the dataset

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Code: eval()
Reading json files is even easier as they're very similar to Python's built-in dictionaries:

Note: first line of

Yelp's review data

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Code: eval()
Reading json files is even easier as they're very similar to Python's built-in dictionaries:

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Code: eval()
Note that the "eval" function just treats an arbitrary string as if it were python code:

• While convenient, this could be dangerous to run on

untrusted datasets since it could execute arbitrary code​
• We can use some library functions to make sure that only
valid json data gets executed​
• We'll look at the ast (abstract syntax tree) and json libraries

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Code: ast and json libraries

• Note that the outputs are identical, the code is merely

"safer" to execute
Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…
Code: ast and json libraries

• Note that the outputs are identical, the code is merely

"safer" to execute
Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…
Summary of concepts

• Understand the methods .split() and eval()

• Understand the libraries ast and json
• Be able to read JSON and CSV data in Python

On your own...

• Try reading the Amazon dataset (or the

first few lines) using csv.reader
• Try reading the Yelp dataset using

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Week 3 Exploratory Data Analysis
Python Data Products
Course 1: Basics

Lecture: Processing Structured Data in Python

Learning objectives

In this lecture we will...

• Demonstrate how to read JSON/CSV files into python
• Introduce the "gzip" library

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Reading data into data structures
• In a previous lecture we saw the basics of how to use the
CSV/JSON libraries to read structured data
• What comes next? I.e., how to we read the data into
appropriate data structures?

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Reading data into data structures
• In a previous lecture we saw the basics of how to use the
CSV/JSON libraries to read structured data
• What comes next? I.e., how to we read the data into
appropriate data structures?

1. How do we read larger csv/json files without

having to unzip them?​
2. How do we extract relevant parts of the data
for performing analysis?
3. What structures make access to the data
more convenient?​

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Code: The gzip library

Even this small file is 12mb

"rt" indicates that the file is zipped and 39mb unzipped
a text file (default is to read
as bytes)

Otherwise, the file can be

treated like a regular file

• Often we'll want to manipulate files that

are cumbersome to fit on disk if we extract
• The gzip library allows us to read zipped
files (.gz) without unzipping them
Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…
Code: Reading and filtering files line by line

File is read one line at a time

Drop the text fields

Discard unverified reviews

Two ideas:
1. Read the file one line at a time (rather
than reading the whole thing and then
processing it)
2. Perform filtering as we read the data, so
that it is never stored in memory

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Code: Reading CSV files into key-value pairs
dict(zip(header,line)) makes the
line into a dictionary

Convert numeric and boolean

fields to Python types

Two ideas:
1. The "dict" operator makes the line into a
dictionary, allowing us to index fields by
keys (rather than numbers)
2. Convert strings to numbers/booleans
where possible
Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…
Summary of concepts

• Introduced the gzip library

• Saw some techniques for preprocessing datasets
as we read them
On your own...

• Try reading some of the larger Amazon

datasets (or the Yelp review data) and
compiling statistics from them
• Experiment with the dict() and zip()

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Python Data Products
Course 1: Basics

Lecture: Extracting simple statistics from datasets

Learning objectives

In this lecture we will...

• Introduce data structures that help us to compile statistics
(like "defaultdict")
• Compute simple statistics like counts, sums, and averages
from data

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Simple statistics from data
Let's try to compute the following from the Amazon data:

• What is the average star rating?

• What is the distribution of star ratings?
• What fraction of purchases are verified?
• Which products are the most popular (purchases)?
• Which products have the highest average ratings?

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Reading the data
First let's read the Amazon data into a list, exactly as we did in the previous lecture:

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Code: Average rating and rating distribution

• Average rating can be computed straightforwardly with a list comprehension:

• Rating distribution can be computed by using a dictionary to store counts:

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Code: defaultdict
• Note that we counted ratings by initializing a dictionary with all zero counts:

• The "defaultdict" structure from the "collections" library allows us to automate this
functionality, which is useful for counting different types of object
• Let's compute the rating distribution using defaultdict:

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Code: verified purchases
• Similarly we can use the defaultdict function to count verified vs. non-verified purchases

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Code: most popular products
• Again we can use defaultdict to determine product popularity (here we just want to
count which products appear most in the dataset)

• Following this, we build a list of

counts followed by product IDs,
which we can sort to get the
most popular

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Code: top rated products
• Here we need to compute the average rating for each product, which requires that we
first construct the list of ratings for each product
• This can also be done using defaultdict, with the "list" subclass:

• We now have two data structures: one which stores the list of ratings for each product,
and one which stores the average rating for each product

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Code: top rated products
• Now we can sort by ratings, and also filter to only include reasonably popular products:

Only products with more

than 50 reviews

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Summary of concepts

• Saw how to compute simple statistics from

• Introduced the "defaultdict" structure
On your own...

Try computing other statistics, e.g.

• Who are the most active users?
• What are the most commonly used words?
• What is the different in average rating
between verified versus non-verified

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Python Data Products
Course 1: Basics

Lecture: Data filtering and cleaning

Learning objectives

In this lecture we will...

• Introduce basic protocols for filtering datasets
• Provide Python code to extract subsets of our data

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Why preprocessing?
Although the datasets we're working with have already been
"cleaned" to some extent, in general there may be many reasons we'd
want to further clean or pre-process datasets, e.g.:
• Certain fields may be missing from some entries
• Certain entries may be garbled / poorly formatted
• Parts of a dataset may be "stale" or otherwise unusable
• Parts of the dataset may contain statistical outliers (which we may or
may not want to keep)
• We may want to remove data pertaining to rare or inactive users
• May want to restrict our dataset to a certain demographic or region
• Etc.

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Data preprocessing in Python
In this lecture we'll look at a few such examples in Python

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Data preprocessing in Python
Recall that our data looks something like this:

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Code: Filtering by date
First let's try to filter reviews by date. We'll see more on processing time/date data later,
but for the moment we'll just filter based on the review's year. We first need to convert
this to an integer:
Year portion of date

That threw an error! Why?

• The 'review_date' field must be missing from some reviews

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Code: Filtering by date
So, we'll first have to preprocess our dataset to exatract only those entries containing a
'review_date' field:

• Looks like it was just one reivew!

• Now we can try again:

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Code: Filtering by date
Finally let's filter out old reviews, e.g. those written before 2010:

• Note that we did this preprocessing (and will do most preprocessing) using a fairly
simple list comprehension

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Code: Filtering by review quality
Similarly, we might filter reviews based on their "helpfulness". Let's write another list
comprehension to exclude reviews with low helpful rates:

Keep reviews that haven't

received many votes yet Otherwise, delete any with
less than 50% helpfulness

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Code: Filtering by user activity
Next, let's filter our dataset to discard inactive users (in this case, users who have written
only a single review in this category)

First we'll use the "defaultdict" class, as we did in the "simple statistics" lecture:

Then we can filter to keep only users with 2 or more reviews:

Note: this cuts the dataset

down a lot
Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…
Code: Filtering by review length
Finally, let's filter very short reviews, which may be uninformative

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Data preprocessing
These are just a few of the possible ways that we could filter our
dataset, for instance we could extend this by:

• Filtering products that have few reviews

• Filtering users who have only given '5-star' ratings
• Filtering reviews that aren't part of the "vine" program
• Filter users who haven't written a review for more than a year
• Etc.

But note that this type of filtering quickly and drastically decreases the
amount of data we have to work with!
Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…
Summary of concepts

• Gave examples of protocols we may use to filter data

• Developed Python code to apply simple preprocessing
• Saw the effect of preprocessing on real data

On your own...

• Try applying the same preprocessing

protocols to the Yelp data (or a small
subset of it) and see what effect it has
on the amount of workable data

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Python Data Products
Course 1: Basics

Lecture: text and string processing in Python

Learning objectives

In this lecture we will...

• Perform simple manipulations of string data in Python
• Discover a few useful library functions for string

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Strings in Python

In this lecture me'll look through a few

functions to manipulate string data in

• string.split() and string.join()

• List operations on strings
• index() and find()
• The "string" library
Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…
Strings in Python
First let's read in a review from the Yelp dataset:

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Code: String.split()

• We saw string.split() previously when reading CSV/TSV files

• Here, .split() can be used to convert a string to a list of words (or we
could split it based on another character)
• This process is known as tokenization

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Code: String.join()

• String.join() is like .split() in reverse: it takes a list (here the list of

words in the review), and converts them to a string, by placing the
same token (here a space character) in between each one

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Code: String.lower()

• String.lower() converts a string to lower case

• This operation can be useful before we compute statistics on strings
– it allows for easier comparison between different variants of the
same word
• Similarly string.upper() converts a string to upper case

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Code: List operations on strings
• Regular python list operations will work on strings

Note: # characters Note: word position

Note: # words Note: # characters into review

that the word appears

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Code: removing punctuation characters

• We can remove punctuation by performing a list

comprehension on the string
• The "string" library contains utility functions that we can
use (for e.g.) to get the list of punctuation tokens
• Finally, we have to use join to convert the output back to
a string

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Strings in Python

These are just a few of the most basic

operations, see also:

• string.startswith() (etc.)
• string.isalpha() (etc.)
• string.strip()
• Other operations in the string library
• (later) the NLTK library
Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…
Summary of concepts
• Understand a few of the basic Python string operations
• Apply list operations to strings
• "Tokenize" strings into lists and vice versa

On your own...

• Try computing simple statistics from

string data, e.g. how often does a
particular word appear among Yelp
reviews, and which words are the most

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Python Data Products
Course 1: Basics

Lecture: Time and date data

Learning objectives

In this lecture we will...

• Consider various formats and structures to represent time
and date data
• Demonstrate the main methods to manipulate time data
in python
• Convert time and date data between various formats

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Time and date data

Dealing with time and date data can be

difficult as string-formatted data doesn't
admit easy comparison or feature

• Which date occurs first, 4/7/2003 or 3/8/2003?​
• How many days between 4/5/2003 - 7/15/2018?​
• e.g. how many hours between 2/6/2013 23:02:38 -
2/7/2013 08:32:35?

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Time and date data

Most of the data we've seen so far include plain-text time

data, that we need to carefully manipulate:

{'business_id': 'FYWN1wneV18bWNgQjJ2GNg', 'attributes':

{'BusinessAcceptsCreditCards': True, 'AcceptsInsurance': True,
'ByAppointmentOnly': True}, 'longitude': -111.9785992,
'state': 'AZ', 'address': '4855 E Warner Rd, Ste B9',
'neighborhood': '', 'city': 'Ahwatukee', 'hours': {'Tuesday':
'7:30-17:00', 'Wednesday': '7:30-17:00', 'Thursday': '7:30-
17:00', 'Friday': '7:30-17:00', 'Monday': '7:30-17:00'},
'postal_code': '85044', 'review_count': 22, 'stars': 4.0,
'categories': ['Dentists', 'General Dentistry', 'Health &
Medical', 'Oral Surgeons', 'Cosmetic Dentists',
'Orthodontists'], 'is_open': 1, 'name': 'Dental by Design',
'latitude': 33.3306902}

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Time and date data

In this lecture we'll cover a few


• Time.strptime: convert a time string to a structured

time object​
• Time.strftime: convert a time object to a string​
• Time.mktime / calendar.timegm: convert a
time object to a number
• Time.gmtime: convert a number to a time object

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Time and date data

In this lecture we'll cover a few

mktime /t
strptime imegm
Time string Structured time Number
strftime object gmtime

21:36:18, 28/5/2019 tm_mon=5, tm_mday=28,
tm_hour=21, tm_min=36,
tm_sec=18, tm_wday=1,
tm_yday=148, tm_isdst=-1)

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Concept: Unix time

Internally, time is often represented as a number, which

allows for easy manipulation and arithmetic
• The value (Unix time) is the number of seconds since Jan
1, 1970 in the UTC timezone ​
• so I made this slide at 1532568962 = 2018-07-26
01:36:02 UTC (or 18:36:02 in my timezone)​
• But real datasets generally have time as a "human
readable" string​
• Our goal here is to convert between these two formats

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

First, let's look at converting a string to a
structured object (strptime)

Time string Structured time


21:36:18, 28/5/2019 tm_mon=5, tm_mday=28,
tm_hour=21, tm_min=36,
tm_sec=18, tm_wday=1,
tm_yday=148, tm_isdst=-1)

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Code: time.strptime()
String-formatted time data

Note: this day is a Wednesday!

Note: different time formatting

options in the help page

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Strptime is convenient when we want to
extract features from data

• E.g. does a date correspond to a weekday or a weekend?

• Converting month names or abbreviations (e.g. "Jan") to
month numbers
• Dealing with mixed-format data by converting it to a
common format
• But if we want to perform arithmetic on timestamps,
converting to a number may be easier

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

time.mktime and calendar.timegm

For this we'll use mktime to convert our

structured time object to a number:

Structured time mktime / Number

object timegm

tm_mon=5, tm_mday=28,
tm_hour=21, tm_min=36,
tm_sec=18, tm_wday=1,
tm_yday=148, tm_isdst=-1)

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Code: time.mktime() and calendar.timegm()
Structured time data from previous slide

Five days later

• time.mktime() allows us to convert our structured time

object to a number
• NOTE: mktime assumes the structure is a local time
whereas timegm assumes the structure is a UTC time
• This allows for easy manipulation, arithmetic, and
comparison (e.g. sorting) of time data
Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…
time.strftime and time.gmtime
Finally, both of these operations can be
reversed, should we wish to format time
data as a string or structure

Time string Structured time Number

strftime object gmtime

21:36:18, 28/5/2019 tm_mon=5, tm_mday=28,
tm_hour=21, tm_min=36,
tm_sec=18, tm_wday=1,
tm_yday=148, tm_isdst=-1)

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Code: time.strftime() and time.gmtime()
Five days later than the previous time

• These methods can be used to put adjusted times back

into string format

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Summary of concepts
• Understand the idea and motivation behind unix time
• Understand the methods strptime, strftime, mktime, and
• Be able to convert between various time formats
• Be able to read and manipulate string-formatted time
data from real datasets

On your own...

• Try converting the dates in Yelp or

Amazon reviews to unix time, and
sorting the reviews by their date

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Tools for data processing
Week 4
and visualization
Python Data Products
Course 1: Basics

Lecture: Data Frames and Pandas

Learning objectives

In this lecture we will...

• Describe the efficient and easy to use methods that
pandas provides for importing data into memory
• Identify functions such as ‘read_csv’ for reading a CSV file
into a DataFrame
• Describe the capabilities of Pandas for performing
statistical analysis on data
• Leverage frequently used functions such as describe()
• Identify key plotting functions of Pandas

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

pandas Benefits

Support for time-series data

Image Source:
http://www.kdnug Visualizations

• Data variety support

• Data integration
• Data transformation
Descriptive statistics
Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…
pandas Data Structures

pandas DataFrame

pandas Series
Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…
pandas Series
• A 1-dimensional labeled array

• Supports many data types

• Axis labels à index

• get and set values by index label

• Valid argument to most NumPy


Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

pandas DataFrame

• A 2-dimensional labeled data structure

• A dictionary of Series objects

• Columns can be of potentially different types

• Optionally parameters for fine-tuning:

• index (row labels)

• columns (column labels)

Pandas provides many constructors to create DataFrames!

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Data Ingestion

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

• Input : Path to a Comma
Separated File
• Output: Pandas DataFrame object
containing contents of the file

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

• Input : Path to a JSON file or a
valid JSON String
• Output: Pandas DataFrame or a
Series object containing the

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Image Source:



Image Source:


Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

• Syntax : data_frame.describe()
• Output: Shows summary statistics
of the dataframe

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

func = min(), max(), mode(), median(), mean(), std()
• The general syntax for calling
these functions is
• data_frame.func()
• Frequently used optional
• axis = 0 (rows) or 1 (columns)

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Real-world data is messy!
• Missing values • Replace the value

• Outliers in the data • Fill gaps forward / backward

• Invalid data (e.g. negative • Drop fields

values for age)
• Interpolation
• NaN value (np.nan)

• None value

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

any() and dropna()

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…




Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Fill missing data gaps forward and backward

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing… AND df.plot.hist() AND df.plot()

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Slice Out Columns

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Filter Out Rows

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Group By and Aggregate

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Delete a Column

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Summary of concepts
• Understand the pandas library and the basic data structures in pandas
• List a few common data ingestion methods in pandas
• Describe a pandas DataFrame
• Clean and explore a DataFrame
On your own...
• Use Yelp review to try and ingest JSON files
• There are many other methods available in Pandas to ingest data:
• Some other functions that are worth exploring:
• There are many other ways to transform missing data:
• Explore graphs here:
• Explore transformations here :

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Python Data Products
Course 1: Basics

Lecture: Matrix processing and numpy

Learning objectives

In this lecture we will...

• Briefly introduce the numpy library
• Perform simple matrix operations on datasets

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Loading data

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Code: Extracting basic statistics from the data
• First let's extract a few simple numerical features from the dataset:

• These are just lists, but we can convert them to numpy arrays:

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Code: Statistical operations
• For the most part, numpy arrays can be treated much like regular python arrays,
though they support a variety of additional operations, such as statistical operations:

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Code: array type
• We can also compose vectors to build ND-arrays, e.g.:

• Once we have an array, we can perform other matrix operations like computing the
transpose, e.g. to get a feature matrix (X) we might do the following:

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Code: matrix type
• Note that with an array, most operations (in particulary multiplication) are
overloaded to "elementwise" operations. For many linear algebra routines, it is
more convenient to use the "matrix" type instead:

• This supports operations like standard matrix multiplication:

• Or matrix inverse, etc.

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Code: matrix type
• Finally, numpy overloads primitive operations on matrices, allowing matrices to be
used within complex mathematical expressions, in order to perform transformations
of our data:

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Other features...
• ndarray.shape: Get the shape of an array
• reshape: change the dimensions of an array/matrix
• arange: Create an array containing a range of numbers
• numpy.random: generate (arrays of) random numbers
• sum, min, max, etc.: reduction operations on matrices
• eye: identity matrix
• trace, eig, etc.: linear algebra operations
• See for more

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Summary of concepts

• Introduced the numpy library

• Demonstrated basic operations for data manipulation in

On your own...

• Try reading the numerical features from

the Amazon data into a numpy array,
and compiling basic statistics about
them (max, min, avg values, etc.)

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Python Data Products
Course 1: Basics

Lecture: Data Visualization

Learning objectives

In this lecture we will...

• Motivate the need for exploratory data analysis
• Explain the common terms that refer to data
• Discuss how plots can be useful in exploring data
• Describe common plotting styles

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Exploratory Data Analysis

Goal: To understand your data

Two categories:

• Data visualization

• Summary statistics

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

How to refer to data?
Variable • Feature
• Field
Sample Column

• …

• Instance Quantitative
• Record Qualitative
• Row Nominal
• Observation
• …

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Graphing data
• Line plot

• Histogram

• Scatter plot

• Bar plot

• Box plot

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Line Plot
Shows change in data over time
Line Plot


0 50 100 150 200


Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

What a Line Plot Shows

Cyclical pattern


Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…


Shows distribution of numeric variable




2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

What a Histogram Shows

Central Tendency

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…
Scatter Plot
Shows relationship between two variables
Scatter Plot


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

What a Scatter Plot Shows
Positive Negative
Correlation Correlation

Linear No Correlation

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Bar Plot

Shows distribution of categorical variable

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

What a Bar Plot Shows
Grouped Bar Chart

Stacked Bar Chart

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Box Plot
Compares distributions of variables

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Components of a Box Plot

The middle 50% of

data are in this

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

What a Box Plot Shows

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

What a Box Plot Shows

Negative Skew Symmetric Positive Skew

Image source:

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Summary of concepts

• Provides intuitive way to look at data

• Should be used with summary statistics for data exploration
• Are also useful for communicating results

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Python Data Products
Course 1: Basics

Lecture: Introduction to Matplotlib

Learning objectives
In this lecture we will...
• Demonstrate the basics of the matplotlib and pyplot
Examples from
• Illustrate the use of matplotlib to generate simple plots in

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…


Matplotlib is a powerful library that can be

used to generate both quick visualizations,
as well as publication-quality graphics

• This lecture will introduce some of its most basic
functionality (via pyplot), such as bar and line plots
• Examples (with code!) of the types of plots that can be
generated are available on

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Code: generating some simple statistics
First, let's quickly compile some statistics
from our Yelp data
(see the lecture on Time and Date data)

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Code: generating some simple statistics

Average ratings per day of week

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Code: drawing a simple plot

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Code: bar plots

• Looks right, but need to zoom in more to see the detail

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Code: bar plots

• Next let's add some details

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Code: bar plots




Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Summary of concepts
• Matplotlib is an easy-to-use library to generate plots in
Examples from
• Can be used for both quick visualizations, or to generate
publication-quality plots
• Has a lot more functionality than what's covered in this

On your own...

• Try adding other features to our plot,

such as multiple bars, colors, or a
• Try generating other types of plots, such
as scatterplots

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Python Data Products
Course 1: Basics

Lecture: Collecting and parsing Web data with urllib

and BeautifulSoup
Learning objectives

In this lecture we will...

• Introduce libraries that can be used to collect data from
the Web
• Demonstrate libraries and simple string processing
routines that can be used to parse and organize this data

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Collecting our own datasets

Suppose that we wanted to collect data from a

website, but didn't yet have CSV or JSON
formatted data

• How could we collect new datasets in machine-

readable format?
• What Python libraries could we use to collect data
from webpages?
• Once we'd collected (e.g.) raw html data, how could
we extract structured information from it?

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Collecting our own datasets
E.g. suppose we wanted to collect reviews of "The Great Gatsby"

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Collecting our own datasets
How could we extract fields including
• The ID of the user,
• The date of the review
• The star rating
• The text of the review itself?
• The shelves the book belongs to

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Code: urllib
Our first step is to extract the html code of the webpage into a
python string. This can be done using urllib:

Note: url of "The Great

Note: acts like a file Gatsby" reviews
object once opened

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Reading the html data
This isn't very nice to look at, it can be easier to read in a browser
or a text editor (which preserves formatting):

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Reading the html data
To extract review data, we'll need to look for the part of the html
code which contains the reviews:

Here it is (over 1000 lines into the page!)

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Reading the html data
To extract review data, we'll need to look for the part of the html
code which contains the reviews:

• Note that each individual review

starts with a block containing the text
"<div id="review_…"
• We can collect all reviews by looking
for instances of this text

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Code: string.split()
To split the page into individual reviews, we can use the
string.split() operator. Recall that we saw this earlier when
reading csv files:

Note: Ignore the first block, which

contains everything before the
Note: the page contains 30
first review
reviews total

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Code: parsing the review contents
Next we have to write a method to parse individual reviews (i.e.,
given the text of one review, extract formatted fields into a

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Code: parsing the review contents
Let's look at it line-by-line:

• We start by building an empty dictionary

• We'll use this to build a structured version of the review

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Code: parsing the review contents
Let's look at it line-by-line:
Note: Two splits: everything after the first
quote, and before the second quote

• The next line is more complex:

• We made this line by noticing that the stars appear in the html inside a span with
class " staticStars":

• Our "split" command then extracts everything inside the "title" quotes

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Code: parsing the review contents
Let's look at it line-by-line:

Note: Everything between the two

• The following two lines operate in the same way: brackets of this "<a" element

• Again we did this by noting that the "date" and "user" fields appear inside certain
html elements:

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Code: parsing the review contents
Let's look at it line-by-line:

• Next we extract the "shelves" the book belongs to

• This follows the same idea, but in a "for" loop since there can be many shelves per

Note: Everything inside a particular

• Here we use a try/except block since this text will be missing for users who didn't add
the book to any shelves
Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…
Code: parsing the review contents
Next let’s extract the review contents:

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Code: parsing the review contents
Now let’s look at the results:

• Looks okay, but the review

block itself still contains
embedded html (e.g. images
• How can we extract just the
text part of the review?

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

The BeautifulSoup library
Extracting the text contents from the html review block would be
extremely difficult, as we'd essentially have to write a html parser
to capture all of the edge cases

Instead, we can use an existing library to parse the html contents:


Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Code: parsing with BeautifulSoup
BeautifulSoup will build an element tree from the html passed to
it. For the moment, we'll just use it to extract the text from a
html block

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

The BeautifulSoup library
In principle we could have used BeautifulSoup to extract all of
the elements from the webpage

However, for simple page structures, navigating the html

elements is not (necessarily) easier than using primitive string

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Summary of concepts

• Introduced approaches that can be used to collect data

from the web, and convert it to a structured format
• Introduced the urllib and BeautifulSoup libraries

On your own...

• Try using the same techniques to extract a page of

reviews from another review website
• But, if you want to collect a large number of
reviews, make sure to check the website's terms
of service first!
Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…
Python Data Products
Course 1: Basics

Lecture: Developing a Data Product Strategy

Learning objectives

In this lecture we will...

• Describe main steps to iteratively define a data product
strategy that is relevant to you or your organization

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

What is a strategy?

“a plan of action
or policy designed to
achieve an overall
Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…
Parts of a Strategy

• Aim

• Policy

• Plan

• Action

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Understand business objectives

• Start with the business objectives

• Educate yourself
• Identify the opportunity
• Analyze gaps
• Prioritize actions

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Set Short-term and Long-term Objectives

• Short-term

• Start with limited data, a small team, and prioritize

• Get organizational buy-in
• Commitment
• Sponsorship
• Communication

• Long-term

• Create a roadmap of product features

• Build your data science team

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Open a mini Idea Lab

Come up with ideas

Did it work ? Deploy analytics

Deploy full Include customers in

scale your experiments

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Create a data-oriented culture

• Remove barriers to data access

• No data silos
• Data sharing mindset
• Foster collaborations

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Define the data policies related to your product

• Privacy and lifetime

• Curation and quality

• Interoperability and regulation

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Adopt and align through iterations

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Summary of concepts

Adopt for new situations

Integrate analytics

Share data
goals Build teams
Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…
Python Data Products
Course 1: Basics

Lecture: Course Summary

Course summary: Week 1

In this course we covered...

• Introductions
• What are data products and where do they appear in our
everyday lives?

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Course summary: Week 2

In this course we covered...

• Basics of Python and Data Ingestion: JSON and CSV
• Described some datasets (Amazon and Yelp) to be used
throughout this Specialization
{'business_id': 'FYWN1wneV18bWNgQjJ2GNg', 'attributes':
{'BusinessAcceptsCreditCards': True, 'AcceptsInsurance': True,
'ByAppointmentOnly': True}, 'longitude': -111.9785992, 'state':
'AZ', 'address': '4855 E Warner Rd, Ste B9', 'neighborhood': '',
'city': 'Ahwatukee', 'hours': {'Tuesday': '7:30-17:00',
'Wednesday': '7:30-17:00', 'Thursday': '7:30-17:00', 'Friday':
'7:30-17:00', 'Monday': '7:30-17:00'}, 'postal_code': '85044',
'review_count': 22, 'stars': 4.0, 'categories': ['Dentists',
'General Dentistry', 'Health & Medical', 'Oral Surgeons',
'Cosmetic Dentists', 'Orthodontists'], 'is_open': 1, 'name':
'Dental by Design', 'latitude': 33.3306902}

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Course summary: Week 3

In this course we covered...

• Basics of exploratory data analysis
• Data filtering and cleaning
• Extracting statistics from datasets
• Dealing with structured and semi-structured data: text and
strings, time and date processing

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Course summary: Week 4

In this course we covered...

• Data visualization: Plotting in matplotlib
• Data crawling and collection
• Developing data product strategies

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Course summary

By now you should be able to...

• Collect and ingest structured datasets (CSV and JSON) in Python
• Extract simple statistics from those datasets, including processing
text time/date data
• Explore and visualize the data, and create simple plots from it

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

Course summary

In the next course we will...

• Show how to apply machine learning to model the data we have
• Introduce regression and classification techniques for different
prediction tasks
• Show how to extract meaningful features from our dataset in
order to make predictions effectively

Python Data Products Specialization: Course 1: Basic Data Processing…

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