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Case 1:09-cv-02648 Document 1 Filed 04/30/09 Page 1 of 16


FILED: APRIL 30, 2009
corporation, )
Plaintiff, ) BR
) Case No.
v. )
MORTGAGE, a Delaware corporation, )
Defendant. )




(“Draper and Kramer” or “Defendant”), doing business as 1ST ADVANTAGE MORTGAGE,

hereby states as follows:


1. This is an action by NAMC arising out of Defendant’s breach of multiple terms of

a mortgage loan purchase agreement between the parties. NAMC seeks monetary damages for

all losses it has incurred as a result of Defendant’s breaches, as well as equitable relief in the

form of an order requiring specific performance of Defendant’s contractual obligation to

repurchase the mortgages and properties that are at issue in this action and to refund all

consideration paid by NAMC for the mortgages.

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The Parties

2. NAMC is a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Iowa with its

principal place of business in West Des Moines, Iowa. NAMC is in the business of originating

and servicing mortgages for residential home buyers throughout the country. As part of its

business, NAMC also purchases and services loans that have been originated by other lenders.

3. NAMC sells some of the loans that it purchases into loan pools that then form the

basis for mortgage-backed securities guaranteed by the Government National Mortgage

Association (“GNMA”). As part of the securitization transaction, NAMC assigns the mortgages

to GNMA. Only loans insured by the Federal Housing Administration (“FHA”), the Department

of Veterans’ Affairs (“VA”), or Rural Development (“RD”) can be sold into GNMA Mortgage-

Backed Security loan pools, and GNMA requires NAMC to repurchase any loans that do not

have this insurance out of the loan pool.

4. Upon information and belief, Draper and Kramer is a Delaware corporation with

its principal places of business in Chicago, Illinois, and Lombard, Illinois. Draper and Kramer is

a mortgage lender that arranges and originates commercial and residential mortgages. Draper

and Kramer then re-sells its loans to lenders such as NAMC.

Jurisdiction and Venue

5. The Court has subject-matter jurisdiction over this action pursuant to 28 U.S.C.

§§ 1332(a)(1) and (c)(1) because the amount in controversy exceeds $75,000, exclusive of costs

and interest, and there is complete diversity of citizenship between the parties.

6. Venue is proper in this District pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1391(a)(1) and (c)

because Defendant’s principal place of business is located within the Northern District of

Illinois. Venue is also proper pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1391(a)(2) because a substantial part of

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the actions or omissions that placed Defendant in default of its contractual obligations to NAMC

took place in the Northern District of Illinois.

Factual Background: The Correspondent Lender Purchase Agreement

A. General Provisions

7. On or about January 5, 2007, NAMC and Defendant entered into a Correspondent

Lender Purchase Agreement (the “Purchase Agreement”), in which NAMC and Defendant

agreed that NAMC would purchase, and Defendant would sell, certain residential mortgages

originated by Defendant. (A copy of the Purchase Agreement is attached hereto as Exhibit A.)

8. The Purchase Agreement specified that NAMC was interested in purchasing loans

that were guaranteed by the VA or RD, or insured by the FHA. (Ex. A.) NAMC was

specifically interested in purchasing these types of loans because they offered NAMC protection

in the form of insurance or a guaranty in the event of a default by the borrower, and also because

only VA-, RD-, or FHA-insured loans are eligible for inclusion in GNMA Mortgage-Backed

Security loan pools.

9. Section 17(h) of the Purchase Agreement specified that the substantive law of

Iowa, determined without reference to Iowa’s choice of law rules, would govern the contract.

(Ex. A.)

B. The Repurchase Requirement

10. Under Section 8(a) of the Purchase Agreement, Defendant was required to

repurchase a mortgage loan, or the underlying property if title was held by NAMC, if any of the

following events occurred:

• Defendant failed to provide all documentation required by NAMC within 120 days of

the sale date;

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• Defendant failed to provide an FHA Mortgage Insurance Certificate or VA Loan

Guaranty Certificate within 120 days of the sale date;

• NAMC determined, in its sole discretion, that the required FHA or VA insurance

certificate could not be obtained, or any private mortgage insurance or guaranty

lapsed, was rescinded, or a claim thereon was denied or not paid; or

• NAMC was legally obligated to repurchase any of the loans that it sold or assigned to

a third party (such as GNMA) due to a defect in the underlying mortgage that existed

as of the date the mortgage was sold by Defendant to NAMC. (Ex. A.)

11. Under Section 8(b) of the Purchase Agreement, upon the occurrence of any of the

above-listed events, Defendant was required not only to repurchase the loan or property for the

price specified in Section 8(b), but also to pay all of NAMC’s costs and expenses incurred in

enforcing Defendant’s repurchase obligation, including attorneys’ fees, plus the costs of repairs,

sale and advertising fees, service release premiums, premium pricing, and advances. (Ex. A.)

12. Section 8(e) of the Purchase Agreement specified that, aside from the repurchase

requirement, NAMC reserved all rights and remedies it might have at law or equity, including

specific performance, against Defendant. (Ex. A.)

13. Under Section 17(d) of the Purchase Agreement, Defendant’s repurchase

obligation survives the termination of the Purchase Agreement. (Ex. A.)

C. Indemnification

14. Under Section 12 of the Purchase Agreement, Defendant was required to

indemnify and hold NAMC harmless for all claims, losses, costs, and expenses, including

attorneys’ fees, incurred as a result of any breach of the Purchase Agreement by Defendant.

(Ex. A.)

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15. Under Sections 12 and 17(d) of the Purchase Agreement, Defendant’s obligation

to indemnify NAMC survives the termination of the Purchase Agreement. (Ex. A.)

D. Termination of the Purchase Agreement

16. As will be set forth in greater detail below, during the life of the Purchase

Agreement, Defendant repeatedly failed to perform its contractual duties, including its duty to

obtain and provide appropriate mortgage insurance certificates, and refused to perform its duty to

repurchase loans upon the occurrence of any of the events listed in Section 8(a) of the Purchase

Agreement. These breaches persisted despite NAMC’s repeated demands that Defendant

perform its contractually-mandated obligations.

17. As a result of Defendant’s multiple failures to adhere to the terms of its agreement

with NAMC, NAMC terminated the Purchase Agreement with Defendant by written notice

pursuant to Section 16(b) of the Purchase Agreement on June 16, 2008. (A copy of this

correspondence is attached hereto as Exhibit B.)


18. NAMC re-alleges and incorporates Paragraphs 1-17 above.

19. Pursuant to the Purchase Agreement between the parties, Defendant sold NAMC

residential mortgage loan # 2172597, secured by real property located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin,

on or about November 21, 2007 (“the Milwaukee loan”). NAMC paid Defendant $203,693.09

for the loan.

20. Pursuant to the terms of the Purchase Agreement, Defendant received payment in

full from NAMC for the Milwaukee loan on the November 21, 2007, sale date. (see Ex. A, Sec.

1 Throughout this Complaint, the loans are identified only by loan number and the geographic
location of the underlying property in order to protect the privacy of the borrowers.

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1(h) (defining “sale date” as the date on which the correspondent lender receives payment in full

for the loan).) NAMC subsequently sold the Milwaukee loan into a mortgage-backed security

pool guaranteed by GNMA. As part of the securitization transaction, NAMC assigned the

mortgage to GNMA.

21. Defendant represented that the Milwaukee loan would be an FHA-insured loan.

22. Despite this representation, Defendant failed to deliver an FHA Mortgage

Insurance Certificate (“MIC”) on the Milwaukee loan within 120 days of the November 21,

2007, sale date. In fact, the loan was never insured by the FHA and could not be insured because

the borrower defaulted on his first payment.

23. Defendant’s failure to deliver an MIC triggered Defendant’s obligation to

repurchase the loan under Part (ii) of Section 8(a) of the Purchase Agreement.

24. Defendant’s duty to repurchase the loan was also triggered under Part (iii) of

Section 8(a) when NAMC, relying on information provided by the FHA, determined that the

loan could not be insured as the Purchase Agreement required.

25. Defendant’s duty to repurchase the loan was again triggered under Part (iv) of

Section 8(a) when NAMC was required to repurchase the Milwaukee loan from the GNMA loan

pool because the loan was defective.

26. On April 17, 2008, NAMC informed Defendant that the loan could not be insured

and that the loan was delinquent. NAMC provided Defendant with a statement of the repurchase

price of the loan and demanded that Defendant repurchase the loan as required by the Purchase

Agreement. On May 14, 2008, NAMC again demanded that Defendant comply with its

repurchase obligation.

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27. Defendant has refused to repurchase the Milwaukee loan. This constitutes a

breach of its contractual obligation under Section 8(a) of the Purchase Agreement. NAMC has

been harmed by Defendant’s breach because it now holds title to an uninsured loan that is in

default. NAMC has been forced to incur the cost and expense of instituting foreclosure

proceedings in order to obtain title to the underlying property. NAMC is likely to incur further

losses when the property is sold.

28. Specific performance of the repurchase agreement is necessary to force Defendant

to take title to the defaulted loan and relieve NAMC of the ongoing costs, expenses, and

uncertainty of foreclosure proceedings and the possibility of further losses.

29. Under Section 12 of the Purchase Agreement, Defendant is obligated to

indemnify and hold NAMC harmless for all claims, losses, costs, and expenses, including

attorneys’ fees, incurred as a result of any breach of the Purchase Agreement by Defendant.

30. To date, Defendant has failed to indemnify NAMC for any of the claims, losses,

costs, and expenses NAMC has incurred because of Defendant’s failure to obtain FHA insurance

on the Milwaukee loan.

31. NAMC has been harmed by Defendant’s breach of its duty to indemnify because

NAMC has been forced to absorb costs and losses associated with the Milwaukee loan for which

it should have been indemnified by Defendant.

32. In addition to the damages alleged above, NAMC has incurred additional costs

and expenses, including attorneys’ fees, in enforcing Defendant’s obligations under the Purchase


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WHEREFORE, NAMC respectfully requests the following relief:

(A) An order requiring Defendant to specifically perform its contractual obligation to

repurchase the Milwaukee loan from NAMC for the May 14, 2008, repurchase

price of $209,709.19, and ordering Defendant to pay interest on the May 14,

2008, repurchase price at the maximum allowable rate for the period beginning

May 14, 2008, and ending on the date that Defendant complies with the Court’s

order by repurchasing the loan;

(B) A judgment in NAMC’s favor and against Defendant in the amount of:

(1) All costs, expenses, and attorneys’ fees that NAMC has incurred in

enforcing Defendant’s repurchase obligation;

(2) All damages that NAMC has incurred as a result of Defendant’s failure to

comply with its obligation to obtain FHA insurance on the Milwaukee

loan, including costs, expenses, and attorneys’ fees associated with the

foreclosure proceedings and sale and all other damages arising out of the

default of the uninsured Milwaukee loan; and

(C) Any other relief that the Court deems just and appropriate.


33. NAMC re-alleges and incorporates Paragraphs 1-17 above.

34. Pursuant to the Purchase Agreement between the parties, Defendant sold NAMC

residential mortgage loan # 2157444, secured by property located in Faribault, Minnesota, on or

about October 26, 2007 (“the Faribault loan”). NAMC paid Defendant $131,395.64 for the loan.

35. Pursuant to the terms of the Purchase Agreement, Defendant received payment in

full from NAMC for the Faribault loan on the October 26, 2007, sale date. (see Ex. A, Sec. 1(h)

(defining “sale date” as the date on which the correspondent lender receives payment in full for

Case 1:09-cv-02648 Document 1 Filed 04/30/09 Page 9 of 16

the loan).) NAMC subsequently sold the Faribault loan into a mortgage-backed security pool

guaranteed by GNMA. As part of the securitization transaction, NAMC assigned the mortgage

to GNMA.

36. Defendant represented that the Faribault loan would be an FHA-insured loan.

37. Defendant failed to provide an MIC within 120 days of the October 26, 2007, sale

date. An MIC was eventually issued with a date of July 22, 2008. However, NAMC learned

from the FHA that the MIC was issued in error because the borrower was delinquent on his loan

payments prior to the time that the MIC was issued. Therefore, the Faribault loan was never

validly insured by the FHA, and could not be insured due to the borrower’s default.

38. Defendant’s failure to provide an MIC within 120 days of the October 26, 2007,

sale date triggered its duty to repurchase the loan under Part (ii) of Section 8(a) of the Purchase


39. Defendant’s duty to repurchase the loan was also triggered under Part (iii) of

Section 8(a) of the Purchase Agreement when NAMC, relying on information from the FHA,

determined that the Faribault loan was never validly insured and could not be insured as required

due to the borrower’s default.

40. Defendant’s duty to repurchase the loan was again triggered under Part (iv) of

Section 8(a) of the Purchase Agreement when NAMC was required to repurchase the Faribault

loan from the GNMA loan pool because the loan was defective.

41. On May 14, 2008, NAMC informed Defendant that the Faribault loan could not

be insured. NAMC provided Defendant with a statement of the repurchase amount and

demanded that Defendant repurchase the loan as required by the Purchase Agreement.

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42. Defendant has refused to repurchase the Faribault loan. This constitutes a breach

of Defendant’s contractual obligation under Section 8(a) of the Purchase Agreement. NAMC

has been harmed by Defendant’s breach because it was forced to institute foreclosure

proceedings on the Faribault loan. The foreclosure process has been completed and NAMC now

holds title to the Faribault property. As a result, NAMC has incurred costs and expenses related

to the foreclosure proceeding and is likely to incur further additional losses.

43. Specific performance of the repurchase agreement is necessary to force Defendant

to take title to the Faribault property and relieve NAMC of the ongoing costs, expenses, and

uncertainty associated with holding title to the property and the possibility of further losses.

44. Under Section 12 of the Purchase Agreement, Defendant is obligated to

indemnify and hold NAMC harmless for all claims, losses, costs, and expenses, including

attorneys’ fees, incurred as a result of any breach of the Purchase Agreement by Defendant.

45. To date, Defendant has failed to indemnify NAMC for any of the claims, losses,

costs, and expenses NAMC has incurred because of Defendant’s failure to obtain FHA insurance

on the Faribault loan.

46. NAMC has been harmed by Defendant’s breach of its duty to indemnify because

NAMC has been forced to absorb costs and losses associated with the Faribault loan for which it

should have been indemnified by Defendant.

47. In addition to the damages alleged above, NAMC has incurred additional costs

and expenses, including attorneys’ fees, in enforcing Defendant’s obligations under the Purchase


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WHEREFORE, NAMC respectfully requests the following relief:

(A) An order requiring Defendant to specifically perform its contractual obligation to

repurchase the Faribault property from NAMC for the May 14, 2008, repurchase

price of $132,205.97, and ordering Defendant to pay interest on the May 14,

2008, repurchase price at the maximum allowable rate for the period beginning

May 14, 2008, and ending on the date that Defendant complies with the Court’s

order by repurchasing the property;

(B) A judgment in NAMC’s favor and against Defendant in the amount of:

(1) All costs, expenses, and attorneys’ fees that NAMC has incurred in

enforcing Defendant’s repurchase obligation;

(2) All damages that NAMC has incurred as a result of Defendant’s failure to

comply with its obligation to obtain FHA insurance on the Faribault loan,

including costs, expenses, and attorneys’ fees associated with the

foreclosure proceedings and sale and all other damages arising out of the

default of the uninsured Faribault loan; and

(C) Any other relief that the Court deems just and appropriate.


48. NAMC re-alleges and incorporates Paragraphs 1-17 above.

49. Pursuant to the Purchase Agreement between the parties, Defendant sold NAMC

residential mortgage loan # 2048676, secured by property located in Kyle, Texas, on or about

April 6, 2007 (“the Kyle loan”). NAMC paid Defendant $92,110.37 for the loan.

50. Pursuant to the terms of the Purchase Agreement, Defendant received payment in

full from NAMC for the Kyle loan on the April 6, 2007, sale date. (see Ex. A, Sec. 1(h)

(defining “sale date” as the date on which the correspondent lender receives payment in full for

Case 1:09-cv-02648 Document 1 Filed 04/30/09 Page 12 of 16

the loan).) NAMC subsequently sold the Kyle loan into a mortgage-backed security pool

guaranteed by GNMA. As part of the securitization transaction, NAMC assigned the mortgage

to GNMA.

51. Defendant represented that the Kyle loan would be an FHA-insured loan.

52. Defendant failed to provide an MIC within 120 days of the April 6, 2007, sale

date. In fact, the loan was never insured by the FHA and could not be insured because the

borrowers were delinquent in their payments before insurance could be obtained.

53. Defendant’s failure to provide an MIC triggered its duty to repurchase the loan

under Part (ii) of Section 8(a) of the Purchase Agreement.

54. Defendant’s duty to repurchase the loan was also triggered under Part (iii) of

Section 8(a) of the Purchase Agreement when NAMC, relying on information from the FHA,

determined that the Kyle loan could not be insured as required due to the borrowers’ default.

55. Defendant’s duty to repurchase the loan was again triggered under Part (iv) of

Section 8(a) of the Purchase Agreement when NAMC was required to repurchase the Kyle loan

from the GNMA pool because the loan was defective.

56. On February 25, 2008, NAMC informed Defendant that the Kyle loan was

delinquent and could not be insured. NAMC provided Defendant with a statement of the

repurchase amount and demanded that Defendant repurchase the loan as required by the

Purchase Agreement. On May 14, 2008, NAMC again demanded that Defendant comply with

its repurchase obligation.

57. Defendant has refused to repurchase the Kyle loan. This constitutes a breach of

Defendant’s contractual obligation under Section 8(a) of the Purchase Agreement. NAMC has

been harmed by Defendant’s breach because it was forced to institute foreclosure proceedings on

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the Kyle loan. The foreclosure process has been completed and NAMC now holds title to the

Kyle property. As a result, NAMC has incurred costs and expenses related to the foreclosure

proceeding and is likely to incur further additional losses.

58. Specific performance of the repurchase agreement is necessary to force Defendant

to take title to the Kyle property and relieve NAMC of the ongoing costs, expenses, and

uncertainty of holding title to the property and the possibility of further losses.

59. Under Section 12 of the Purchase Agreement, Defendant is obligated to

indemnify and hold NAMC harmless for all claims, losses, costs, and expenses, including

attorneys’ fees, incurred as a result of any breach of the Purchase Agreement by Defendant.

60. To date, Defendant has failed to indemnify NAMC for any of the claims, losses,

costs, and expenses NAMC has incurred because of Defendant’s failure to obtain FHA insurance

on the Kyle loan.

61. NAMC has been harmed by Defendant’s breach of its duty to indemnify because

NAMC has been forced to absorb costs and losses associated with the Kyle loan for which it

should have been indemnified by Defendant.

62. In addition to the damages alleged above, NAMC has incurred additional costs

and expenses, including attorneys’ fees, in enforcing Defendant’s obligations under the Purchase


WHEREFORE, NAMC respectfully requests the following relief:

(A) An order requiring Defendant to specifically perform its contractual obligation to

repurchase the Kyle property from NAMC for the May 14, 2008, repurchase price

of $93,797.11, and ordering Defendant to pay interest on the May 14, 2008,

repurchase price at the maximum allowable rate for the period beginning May 14,

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2008, and ending on the date that Defendant complies with the Court’s order by

repurchasing the property;

(B) A judgment in NAMC’s favor and against Defendant in the amount of:

(1) All costs, expenses, and attorneys’ fees NAMC has incurred in enforcing

Defendant’s repurchase obligation;

(2) All damages that NAMC has incurred as a result of Defendant’s failure to

comply with its obligation to obtain FHA insurance on the Kyle loan,

including costs, expenses, and attorneys’ fees associated with the

foreclosure proceedings and sale and all other damages arising out of the

default of the uninsured Kyle loan; and

(C) Any other relief that the Court deems just and appropriate.


63. NAMC re-alleges and incorporates Paragraphs 1-17 above.

64. Pursuant to the Purchase Agreement between the parties, Defendant sold NAMC

the following loans: residential mortgage loan # 2048676 (“the Kyle loan”) on April 6, 2007;

residential mortgage loan # 2157444 (“the Faribault loan”) on October 26, 2007; and residential

mortgage loan # 2172597 (“the Milwaukee loan”) on November 21, 2007.

65. Under the terms of the Purchase Agreement, NAMC paid Defendant in full for

each loan on the sale date. Defendant received $92,110.37 for the Kyle loan, $131,395.64 for the

Faribault loan, and $203,693.09 for the Milwaukee loan. Defendant was therefore enriched by

its sale of the loans to NAMC.

66. Defendant represented that each loan would be an FHA-insured loan.

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67. Defendant failed to obtain FHA insurance on any of the three loans. In fact, none

of the loans was insurable. Defendant also failed to indemnify NAMC for the losses, costs, and

expenses NAMC incurred as a result of Defendant’s breach of its duties under the Purchase

Agreement, which Defendant was required to do under Section 12 of the Purchase Agreement.

68. Each of the borrowers defaulted. Foreclosure proceedings are under way on the

Milwaukee property, while NAMC has completed foreclosure proceedings and holds title to the

Faribault and Kyle properties. NAMC has incurred, and is likely to incur in the future,

significant losses and costs in connection with the three defaulted loans. By failing to perform

its duties under the Purchase Agreement, Defendant has been enriched at NAMC’s expense.

69. It is unjust to allow Defendant to retain the benefit of these transactions with

NAMC under the circumstances, as NAMC is currently bearing costs, expenses, and losses that

would have been avoided had Defendant performed its obligations under the Purchase

Agreement. Defendant has been paid handsomely and has given NAMC nothing of value in


70. Under the circumstances, the consideration paid by NAMC to Defendant for each

of the three loans has been inequitably retained by Defendant.

WHEREFORE, NAMC respectfully asks this Court for an order requiring Defendant to

refund the full purchase price, including service release premiums, premium pricing, and

advances, that was paid by NAMC for the Kyle, Faribault, and Milwaukee loans.

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Dated: April 30, 2009 Respectfully submitted,



By: /s/ Marla Tun Conneely

James H. Mutchnik, P.C. (ARDC # 66201681)

Marla Tun Conneely (ARDC # 6276076)
Jonathan Lahn (ARDC # 6293184)
300 N. LaSalle St.
Chicago, IL 60654
Phone: 312-862-2000
Facsimile: 312-862-2200

Counsel for Plaintiff


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