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Jeff Du

IM 6- 11AP

Final Oral Presentation Reflection

On May 31st, I presented my final presentation towards Mr. Childress’ third period class. Overall, I

thought I did a decent job, finishing in about 10 minutes. I had around 10 slides and had prepared in the

days leading up to the presentation. The contents of my powerpoint included a lot of pre-requisite

background information on my topic, the results of my research and data collection, and a final reflection

on my personal thoughts about the issue at hand. However, there were still aspects of it that I could have

worked on.

As I projected the powerpoint onto the screen, I realize that many of my charts, graphs, and

pictures were a bit small and hard to read. I should have anticipated that though, giving that I had

previously completed my marketing and countywide presentations with similar material. I also think that I

talked a bit too fast at times, which resulted in my articulation being slightly off at times. Lastly, I believe

that I put a bit too much information in my powerpoint, which resulted in a bit of confusion among my

audience members. Although I eventually clarified the complicated information in my powerpoint, I

should have cut down on the number of words on the slides to ensure that everyone could follow my


However, I do believe that I spoke with confidence and prose, and effectively delivered my

information to the audience. I tried to go in depth with the information I was presenting, citing examples

and statistics to support my research. Afterwards, I was able to answer a few questions and just talked

with the audience about the policies of our current administration. I genuinely believe that all the

presentations that we had to this year, from countywide to marketing to thesis board, has strengthened my

public speaking and communication skills, allowing me to succeed in this presentation.

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