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[A.C. No. 6486.

September 22, 2004] From the evidence presented by the complainant, it was established that
EMMA T. DANTES, complainant, vs. ATTY. CRISPIN G. on January 19, 1979, complainant and respondent were married [7] and lived
DANTES, respondent. with the latters mother in Balintawak. At that time, respondent was just a fourth
DECISION year law student. To make ends meet, complainant engaged in the buy and sell
PER CURIAM: business and relied on dole-outs from the respondents mother.
Despite variations in the specific standards and provisions, one Three children were born to the couple, namely, Dandelo, Dante and
requirement remains constant in all the jurisdictions where the practice of law is Daisy, who were born on February 20, 1980,[8] October 14, 1981[9] and August
regulated: the candidate must demonstrate that he or she has good moral 11, 1983,[10] respectively. Complainant narrated that their relationship was
character, and once he becomes a lawyer he should always behave in marred by frequent quarrels because of respondents extra-marital
accordance with the standard. In this jurisdiction too, good moral character is affairs.[11] Sometime in 1983, she brought their children to her mother in
not only a condition precedent[1] to the practice of law, but an unending Pampanga to enable her to work because respondent had failed to provide
requirement for all the members of the bar. Hence, when a lawyer is found adequate support. From 1986 to 2001, complainant worked abroad as a
guilty of grossly immoral conduct, he may be suspended or disbarred.[2] domestic helper.
In an Affidavit-Complaint[3] dated June 6, 2001, filed with the Integrated Bar Denying that there was a mutual agreement between her and respondent
of the Philippines (IBP), Emma T. Dantes, sought the disbarment of her to live separately, complainant asseverated that she was just compelled to work
husband, Atty. Crispin G. Dantes on the ground of immorality, abandonment, abroad to support their children. When she returned to the Philippines, she
and violation of professional ethics and law. The case was docketed as CBD learned that respondent was living with another woman. Respondent, then
Case No. 01-851. bluntly told her, that he did not want to live with her anymore and that he
Complainant alleged that respondent is a philanderer. Respondent preferred his mistresses.
purportedly engaged in illicit relationships with two women, one after the other, Complainant presented documentary evidence consisting of the birth
and had illegitimate children with them. From the time respondents illicit affairs certificates of Ray Darwin, Darling, and Christian Dave,[12] all surnamed Dantes,
started, he failed to give regular support to complainant and their children, thus and the affidavits of respondent and his paramour [13] to prove the fact that
forcing complainant to work abroad to provide for their childrens respondent sired three illegitimate children out of his illicit affairs with two
needs. Complainant pointed out that these acts of respondent constitute a different women. Letters of complainants legitimate children likewise support
violation of his lawyers oath and his moral and legal obligation to be a role the allegation that respondent is a womanizer.[14]
model to the community. In an Order dated April 17, 2002, respondent was deemed to have waived
On July 4, 2001, the IBP Commission on Bar Discipline issued his right to cross-examine complainant, after he failed to appear during the
an Order[4] requiring respondent to submit his answer to the Affidavit-Complaint. scheduled hearings despite due notice. He, however, submitted
Respondent submitted his Answer[5] on November 19, 2001. Though his Comment/Opposition to the Complainants Formal Offer of Evidence with
admitting the fact of marriage with the complainant and the birth of their Motion to Exclude the Evidence from the Records of the
children, respondent alleged that they have mutually agreed to separate Proceedings[15] on August 1, 2002.
eighteen (18) years before after complainant had abandoned him in their Subsequently, on May 29, 2003, respondent submitted a Motion to Adopt
Balintawak residence and fled to San Fernando, Pampanga. Respondent Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanism. Respondents motion was denied
claimed that when complainant returned after eighteen years, she insisted that because it was filed after the complainant had already presented her
she be accommodated in the place where he and their children were evidence.[16] Respondent was given a final chance to present his evidence
residing. Thus, he was forced to live alone in a rented apartment. on July 11, 2003. Instead of presenting evidence, respondent filed a Motion for
Respondent further alleged that he sent their children to the best school he Reconsideration with Motion to Dismiss, which was likewise denied for being a
could afford and provided for their needs. He even bought two lots in prohibited pleading under the Rules of Procedure of the Commission on Bar
Pampanga for his sons, Dandelo and Dante, and gave complainant adequate Discipline.Respondent submitted his Position Paper on August 4, 2003.
financial support even after she had abandoned him in 1983. In respondents Position Paper,[17] he reiterated the allegations in
Respondent asserted that complainant filed this case in order to force him his Answer except that this time, he argued that in view of the resolution of the
to remit seventy percent (70%) of his monthly salary to her. complaint for support with alimonypendente lite[18] filed against him by the
Subsequently, the IBP conducted its investigation and hearings on the complainant before the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Quezon City,[19] the
complaint. Complainant presented her evidence, both oral and instant administrative case should be dismissed for lack of merit.
documentary,[6] to support the allegations in her Affidavit-Complaint. On July 7, 2004, the IBP submitted to us through the Office of the Bar
Confidant its Report[20] and Resolution No. XVI-2004-230 involving CBD Case
No. 01-851.[21] The IBP recommended that the respondent be suspended evidence, sufficiently established respondents commission of marital infidelity
indefinitely from the practice of law. and immorality. Evidently, respondent had breached the high and exacting
Except for the penalty, we find the above recommendation well-taken. moral standards set for members of the law profession. He has made a
The Code of Professional Responsibility provides: mockery of marriage which is a sacred institution demanding respect and
Rule 1.01- A lawyer shall not engage in unlawful, dishonest, immoral or dignity.[29]
deceitful conduct. In Toledo vs. Toledo,[30] we disbarred respondent for abandoning his lawful
Canon 7- A lawyer shall at all times uphold the integrity and dignity of the legal wife and cohabiting with another woman who had borne him a child. Likewise,
profession, and support the activities of the Integrated Bar. in Obusan vs. Obusan,[31] we ruled that abandoning ones wife and resuming
Rule 7.03- A lawyer shall not engage in conduct that adversely reflects on his carnal relations with a paramour fall within that conduct which is willful, flagrant,
fitness to practice law, nor should he, whether in public or private life, behave in or shameless, and which shows moral indifference to the opinion of the good
a scandalous manner to the discredit of the legal profession. and respectable members of the community.
The Code of Professional Responsibility forbids lawyers from engaging in We reiterate our ruling in Cordova vs. Cordova,[32] that moral delinquency
unlawful, dishonest, immoral or deceitful conduct. Immoral conduct has been which affects the fitness of a member of the bar to continue as such, includes
defined as that conduct which is so willful, flagrant, or shameless as to show conduct that outrages the generally accepted moral standards of the community
indifference to the opinion of good and respectable members of the as exemplified by behavior which makes a mockery of the inviolable social
community.[22] To be the basis of disciplinary action, the lawyers conduct must institution of marriage.
not only be immoral, but grossly immoral. That is, it must be so corrupt as to The power to disbar must be exercised with great caution, and only in a
constitute a criminal act or so unprincipled as to be reprehensible to a high clear case of misconduct that seriously affects the standing and character of the
degree[23] or committed under such scandalous or revolting circumstances as to lawyer as an officer of the Court and as a member of the bar. [33] Where a lesser
shock the common sense of decency.[24] penalty, such as temporary suspension, could accomplish the end desired,
In Barrientos vs. Daarol,[25] we ruled that as officers of the court, lawyers disbarment should never be decreed.[34] However, in the present case, the
must not only in fact be of good moral character but must also be seen to be of seriousness of the offense compels the Court to wield its power to disbar as it
good moral character and leading lives in accordance with the highest moral appears to be the most appropriate penalty.
standards of the community. More specifically, a member of the Bar and officer WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing Atty. Crispin G. Dantes is hereby
of the court is not only required to refrain from adulterous relationships or DISBARRED and his name is ORDERED STRICKEN from the Roll of
keeping mistresses but must also so behave himself as to avoid scandalizing Attorneys. Let a copy of this Decision be entered in the respondents record as a
the public by creating the belief that he is flouting those moral standards. If the member of the Bar, and notice of the same be served on the Integrated Bar of
practice of law is to remain an honorable profession and attain its basic ideals, the Philippines, and on the Office of the Court Administrator for circulation to all
those enrolled in its ranks should not only master its tenets and principles but courts in the country.
should also, in their lives, accord continuing fidelity to them. The requirement of SO ORDERED.
good moral character is of much greater import, as far as the general public is
concerned, than the possession of legal learning. A.C. No. 376 April 30, 1963
It should be noted that the requirement of good moral character has three JOSEFINA ROYONG, complainant,
ostensible purposes, namely: (i) to protect the public; (ii) to protect the public vs.
image of lawyers; and (iii) to protect prospective clients. A writer added a fourth: ATTY. ARISTON OBLENA, respondent.
to protect errant lawyers from themselves.[26] BARRERA, J.:
Lawyers are expected to abide by the tenets of morality, not only upon In a verified complaint filed with this Court on January 14, 1959, complainant
admission to the Bar but also throughout their legal career, in order to maintain Josefina Royong charged the respondent Ariston J. Oblena, a member of the
their good standing in this exclusive and honored fraternity. [27] They may be Philippine Bar, with rape allegedly committed on her person in the manner
suspended from the practice of law or disbarred for any misconduct, even if it described therein. Upon requirement of this Court, the respondent filed his
pertains to his private activities, as long as it shows him to be wanting in moral answer denying all the allegations in the complaint and praying that he be not
character, honesty, probity or good demeanor.[28] disbarred. On February 3, 1959, this Court referred the case to the Solicitor
Undoubtedly, respondents acts of engaging in illicit relationships with two General for investigation, report and recommendation.
different women during the subsistence of his marriage to the complainant On July 10, 1961, the Solicitor General submitted his report on the case with
constitutes grossly immoral conduct warranting the imposition appropriate the recommendation that the respondent "be permanently removed from his
sanctions. Complainants testimony, taken in conjunction with the documentary
office lawyer and his name be stricken from the roll of attorneys". The pertinent house whenever they had the opportunity. He intended to marry her
part of the report reads as follows: when she could legally contract marriage without her foster parents'
The complainant testified that after lunch on August 5, 1958, Cecilia intervention, 'in case occasion will permit ... because we cannot ask
Angeles, her foster mother, left her alone in their house and went down permission to marry, for her foster parents will object and even my
to the pig sty to feed the pigs. At about 1:00 p.m., while she" common-law wife, will object.' After the discovery of their relationship by
(complainant) was ironing clothes on the second floor of the house the the complainant's foster parents, he confessed the affair to Briccia,
respondent entered and read a newspaper at her back. Suddenly he explaining that he wanted to have a child, something she (Briccia) could
covered her mouth with one hand and with the other hand dragged her not give him. (pp. 14-16, 19-25, t.s.n., hearing of March 25, 1960).
to one of the bedrooms of the house and forced her to lie down on the xxx xxx xxx
floor. She did not shout for help because he threatened her and her FINDINGS AND COMMENT
family with death. He next undressed as she lay on the floor, then had There is no controversy that the respondent had carnal knowledge of
sexual intercourse with her after he removed her panties and gave her the complainant. The complainant claims she surrendered to him under
hard blows on the thigh with his fist to subdue her resistance. After the circumstances of violence and intimidation, but the undersigned are
sexual intercourse, he warned her not to report him to her foster convinced that the sexual intercourse was performed not once but
parents, otherwise, he would kill her and all the members of her family. repeatedly and with her consent. From her behaviour before and after
She resumed ironing clothes after he left until 5:00 o'clock that the alleged rape, she appears to have been more a sweetheart than of
afternoon when she joined her foster mother on the first floor of the the victim of an outrage involving her honor ....
house. As a result of the sexual intercourse she became pregnant and But the foregoing observations notwithstanding, the undersigned
gave birth to a baby on June 2, 1959 (pp. 4-8, 21, 23, 26, 27, t.s.n., cannot in conscience recommend respondent's exoneration. The
hearing of Aug. 5, 1959). respondent tempted Briccia Angeles to live maritally with him not long
She admitted that had she shouted for help she would have been heard after she and her husband parted, and it is not improbable that the
by the neighbors that she did not report the outrage to anyone because spouses never reconciled because of him. His own evidence shows
of the threat made by the respondent; that she still frequented the that, tiring of her after more than fifteen years of adulterous relationship
respondent's house after August 5, 1959, sometimes when he was with her and on the convenient excuse that she, Briccia Angeles, could
alone, ran errands for him, cooked his coffee, and received his mail for not bear a child, he seduced Josefina Andalis, then 17 or 18 years of
him. Once, on November 14, 1958, when respondent was sick of age, resulting in her pregnancy and the birth of a child, on June 2,
influenza, she was left alone with him in his house while her aunt 1959. The seduction was accomplished with grave abuse of confidence
Briccia Angeles left for Manila to buy medicine (pp. 11, 14-18, 24, t.s.n., and by means of promises of marriage which he knew he could not
hearing of August 5, 1959). fulfill without grievous injury to the woman who forsook her husband so
The respondent on the witness stand denied that he raped the that he, respondent, could have all of her. He also took advantage of
complainant (p. 3, t.s.n., hearing of March 25 1960). He testified that his moral influence over her. From childhood, Josefina Andalis, treated
after lunch on August 5, 1958, he went to the Commission Of Civil him as an uncle and called him 'tata' (uncle), undoubtedly because he
Service to follow up his appointment as technical assistant in the office is the paramour of a sister of her mother. Considering her age (she was
of the mayor of Makati, Rizal, and read the record of the administrative 17 or 18 years old then), it is not difficult to see why she could not resist
case against Buenaventura Perez (pp. 23, 24, 34, t.s.n., hearing of him.
March 25, 1960, Exhs. 1 and 2). The evidence further shows that on July 22, 1954, the respondent filed
The respondent, however, admitted that he had illicit relations with the a sworn petition dated May 22, 1954 alleging "that he is a person of
complainant from January, 1957 to December, 1958, when their good moral character" (Par. 3) and praying that the Supreme Court
clandestine affair was discovered by the complainant's foster parents, permit him "to take the bar examinations to be given on the first
but to avoid criminal liability for seduction, according to him, he limited Saturday of August, 1954, or at any time as the Court may fix.."
himself to kissing and embracing her and sucking her tongue before But he was not then the person of good moral character he represented
she completed her eighteenth birthday. They had their first sexual himself to be. From 1942 to the present, he has continuously lived an
intercourse on May 11, 1958, after she had reached eighteen, and the adulterous life with Briccia Angeles whose husband is still alive,
second one week later, on May 18. The last intercourse took place knowing that his concubine is a married woman and that her marriage
before Christmas in December, 1958. In all, they had sexual still subsists. This fact permanently disqualified him from taking the bar
intercourse about fifty times, mostly in her house and sometimes in his examinations, and had it been known to the Supreme Court in 1954, he
would not have been permitted to take the bar examinations that year ... Respondent is her common-law husband (t.s.n. 23). She first met
or thereafter, or to take his oath of office as a lawyer. As he was then respondent on December 16, 1941 at Cavinti, Laguna (t.s.n. 23). She
permanently disqualified from admission to the Philippine Bar by reason and her sister Cecilia Angeles-Royong were evacuated to Cavinti by
of his adulterous relations with a married woman, it is submitted that the the Red Cross (t.s.n. 23). She was already married (to Teodoro Arines)
same misconduct should be sufficient ground for his permanent at the time (t.s.n. 24). She and Arines are from Iriga, Camarines Sur
disbarment, unless we recognize a double standard of morality, one for (t.s.n. 24). Respondent and one Mr. Flores registered them (t.s.n. 24)
membership to the Philippine Bar and another for disbarment from the as evacuees. When Mr. Flores asked her about her status she told him
office of a lawyer. she was 'single' (t.s.n. 25). She and her sister, Cecilia, were then told to
xxx xxx xxx stay at respondent's house, respondent courted her (t.s.n. 26).
RECOMMENDATION Respondent asked her if she was married and she told him 'we will talk
Wherefore, the undersigned respectfully recommend that after due about that later on' (t.s.n. 26). She told respondent she was married (to
hearing, respondent Ariston J. Oblena be permanently removed from Arines) when she and respondent were already living together as
his office as a lawyer and his name be stricken from the roll of 'husband and wife', in 1942( t.s.n. 26). Respondent asked her to marry
attorneys. him, when they were living as husband and wife (t.s.n. 27). Her sister
In view of his own findings as a result of his investigation, that even if Cecilia left Cavinti 2 months after their arrival thereat, but she did not go
respondent did not commit the alleged rape nevertheless he was guilty of other with her because she and respondent 'had already a good
misconduct, the Solicitor General formulated another complaint which he understanding'(sexual relations) [t.s.n. 27]. Later, she left Cavinti and
appended to his report, charging the respondent of falsely and deliberately went to her hometown in Iriga, Camarines Sur, because respondent
alleging in his application for admission to the bar that he is a person of good was already reluctant to live with her and he told her it was better for
moral character; of living adulterously with Briccia Angeles at the same time her to go home to Iriga (t.s.n. 25). Arriving at Iriga, she met her
maintaining illicit relations with the complainant Josefina Royong, niece of legitimate husband (Arines), who told her he had already a wife, named
Briccia, thus rendering him unworthy of public confidence and unfit and unsafe Conching Guevara (t.s.n. 28-29). She then went back to Cavinti (in
to manage the legal business of others, and praying that this Court render 1943), with her father, and lived with respondent (t.s.n. 29).
judgment ordering "the permanent removal of the respondent ... from his office Respondent eventually agreed that she live with him (t.s.n. 35); in fact,
as a lawyer and the cancellation of his name from the roll of attorneys." she is still presently living with respondent (t.s.n. 35) [Report of Court
In his answer to this formal complaint, respondent alleged the special defense Investigators, March 6, 1962, pp. 5-6]."
that "the complaint does not merit action", since the causes of action in the said Thereafter, respondent requested permission to submit an affidavit at a later
complaint are different and foreign from the original cause of action for rape and date, which request was also granted. The affidavit was filed on December 16,
that "the complaint lacks the necessary formalities called for in Sec. 1, Rule 128 1961, the respondent averring, among others, the following:.
of the Rules of Court." Respondent prayed that after due notice and hearing for ... That he never committed any act or crime of seduction against the
additional evidence, the complaint be dismissed. complainant, because the latter was born on February 19, 1940, and
On September 13, 1961, this Court designated the Court Investigators to his first sexual intercourse with her took place on May 11, 1958, when
receive the additional evidence. Accordingly the case was set for hearing of she was already above 18 years of age; that he had been living with his
which the parties were duly notified. On September 29, 1961, respondent asked common-law wife, Briccia Angeles, for almost 20 years, but from the
leave to submit a memorandum which was granted, and on October 9, 1961 the time he began courting her, he 'had no intention to alienate' her love for
same was filed, alleging the following: 1) That the charge of rape has not been her husband, Arines, or to commit the crime of adultery; that he courted
proven; 2) That no act of seduction was committed by the respondent; 3) That Briccia on October 16, 1941, and was shortly thereafter accepted by
no act of perjury or fraudulent concealment was committed by the respondent her; that on February 21, 1942, he found Briccia alone in his house,
when he filed his petition for admission to the bar; and 4) That the respondent is who told him that her sister, Cecilia, had gone to Pagsanjan with the
not morally unfit to be a member of the bar. other evacuees; that from said date (February 21), to the present, he
Wherefore, the parties respectfully pray that the foregoing stipulation of facts be and Briccia had been living together as common-law husband and wife;
admitted and approved by this Honorable Court, without prejudice to the parties that 2 or 3 weeks thereafter, he asked Briccia to marry him, but she
adducing other evidence to prove their case not covered by this stipulation of confessed she was already married, and maybe her husband (Arines)
facts. 1äwphï1.ñët was still living in Iriga; that he could not then drive Briccia away,
At the hearing on November 16, 1961, respondent presented his common-law because she was a stranger in the place, nor could he urge her to join
wife, Briccia Angeles, who testified as follows: her sister Cecilia, as the latter had left Pagsanjan; that in 1943 she told
Briccia to separate from him and to return to Iriga, and urged her never the grounds upon which the disbarment proceedings is based are not among
to see him again; that contrary to his expectations, Briccia returned to those enumerated by Section 25, Rule 127 of the Rules of Court for which a
Cavinti 3 months thereafter; that Briccia strongly insisted to live with lawyer may be disbarred. But it has already been held that this enumeration is
him again, telling him that she cannot separate from him anymore, as not exclusive and that the power of the courts to exclude unfit and unworthy
he was ashamed; that Briccia's father told him that Briccia's husband members of the profession is inherent; it is a necessary incident to the proper
(Arines) had agreed not to molest them as in fact he (Arines) was administration of justice; it may be exercised without any special statutory
already living with another woman; that he had 'no choice but to live authority, and in all proper cases unless positively prohibited by statute; and the
with her' (Briccia) again; that when he filed his petition to take the bar power may be exercised in any manner that will give the party be disbarred a
examinations in 1954, he 'did not have the slightest intention to hide' fair trial and a fair opportunity to be heard. (1 Francisco, Rules of Court [1958
from this Court the fact of his 'open cohabitation with a married woman' ed.] 698, citing In Re Pelaez, 44 Phil. 567). Although it is a well settled rule that
(Briccia Angeles); that he did not state said fact in his petition, because the legislature (or the Supreme Court by virtue of its rule-making power) may
he did not see in the form of the petition being used in 1954 that the provide that certain acts or conduct shall require disbarment, the accepted
fact must be stated; and that since his birth, he thought and believed he doctrine is that statutes and rules merely regulate the power to disbar instead of
was a man of good moral character, and it was only from the Solicitor creating it, and that such statutes (or rules) do not restrict the general powers of
General that he first learned he was not so; and that he did not commit the court over attorneys, who are its officers, and that they may be removed for
perjury or fraudulent concealment when he filed his petition to take the other than statutory grounds (7 C.J.S. 734). In the United States, where from
bar examinations in 1954." (Report of the Court Investigators, pp. 6-8, our system of legal ethics is derived, "the continued possession of a fair private
March 6, 1962). and professional character or a good moral character is a requisite condition for
After hearing, the investigators submitted a report with the finding that: 1) the rightful continuance in the practice of law for one who has been admitted,
Respondent used his knowledge of the law to take advantage by having illicit and its loss requires suspension or disbarment even though the statutes do not
relations with complainant, knowing as he did, that by committing immoral acts specify that as a ground of disbarment". The moral turpitude for which an
on her, he was free from any criminal liability; and 2) Respondent committed attorney may be disbarred may consist of misconduct in either his professional
gross immorality by continuously cohabiting with a married woman even after or non-professional activities (5 Am. Jur. 417). The tendency of the decisions of
he became a lawyer in 1955 to the present; and 3) That respondent falsified the this Court has been toward the conclusion that a member of the bar may be
truth as to his moral character in his petition to take the 1954 bar examinations, removed or suspended from office as a lawyer for other than statutory grounds.
being then immorally (adulterously) in cohabitation with his common-law wife, Indeed, the rule is so phrased as to be broad enough to cover practically any
Briccia Angeles, a married woman. The investigators also recommended that misconduct of a lawyer (In Re Pelaez, 44 Phil. 567). In the case at bar, the
the respondent be disbarred or alternatively, be suspended from the practice of moral depravity of the respondent is most apparent. His pretension that before
law for a period of one year. complainant completed her eighteenth birthday, he refrained from having sexual
Upon the submission of this report, a copy of which was served on respondent, intercourse with her, so as not to incur criminal liability, as he himself declared
through his counsel of record, the case was set for hearing before the Court on — and that he limited himself merely to kissing and embracing her and sucking
April 30, 1962. Respondent asked leave to file his memorandum in lieu of oral her tongue, indicates a scheming mind, which together with his knowledge of
argument. This was granted and the corresponding memorandum was duly the law, he took advantage of, for his lurid purpose.
filed. Moreover, his act becomes more despicable considering that the complainant
It is an admitted and uncontroverted fact that the respondent had sexual was the niece of his common-law wife and that he enjoyed a moral ascendancy
relations with the complainant several times, and as a consequence she bore over her who looked up to him as her uncle. As the Solicitor General observed:
him a child on June 2, 1959; and that he likewise continuously cohabited with "He also took advantage of his moral influence over her. From childhood,
Briccia Angeles, in an adulterous manner, from 1942 up to the present. Josefina Andalis (Royong), treated him as an uncle and called him 'tata' (uncle),
The main point in issue is thus limited illicit relations with the complainant undoubtedly because he is the paramour of a sister of her mother. Considering
Josefina Royong the and the open cohabitation with Briccia Angeles, a married her age (she was 17 or 18 years old then), her inexperience and his moral
woman, are sufficient grounds to cause the respondent's disbarment. ascendency over her, it is not difficult to see why she could not resist him."
It is argued by the respondent that he is not liable for disbarment Furthermore, the blunt admission of his illicit relations with the complainant
notwithstanding his illicit relations with the complainant and his open reveals the respondent to be a person who would suffer no moral compunction
cohabitation with Briccia Angeles, a married woman, because he has not been for his acts if the same could be done without fear of criminal liability. He has,
convicted of any crime involving moral turpitude. It is true that the respondent by these acts, proven himself to be devoid of the moral integrity expected of a
has not been convicted of rape, seduction, or adultery on this count, and that member of the bar.
The respondent's misconduct, although unrelated to his office, may constitute therefore renders him unfit and unworthy for the privileges of the legal
sufficient grounds for disbarment. This is a principle we have followed since the profession. As good character is an essential qualification for admission of an
ruling in In Re Pelaez, 44 Phil. 567, where this Court quoted with approval the attorney to practice, he may be removed therefrom whenever he ceases to
following portion of the decision of the Supreme Court of Kansas in the case of possess such character (7 C.J.S. 735).
Peyton's Appeal (12 Kan. 398, 404), to wit:. The respondent further maintains that the Solicitor General exceeded his
The nature of the office, the trust relation which exists between attorney authority in filing the present complaint against him for seduction, adultery and
and client, as well as between court and attorney, and the statutory rule perjury, as it charges an offense or offenses different from those originally
prescribing the qualifications of attorneys, uniformly require that an charged in the complaint of January 14, 1959 for rape, and cites as authority
attorney be a person of good moral character. If that qualification is a Sections 4 and 5 of Rule 128 of the Rules of Court, which state:.
condition precedent to a license or privilege to enter upon the practice SEC. 4. Report of the Solicitor General.— Based upon the evidence
of the law, it would seem to be equally essential during the continuance adduced at the hearing, if the Solicitor General finds no sufficient
of the practice and the exercise of the privilege. So it is held that an ground to proceed against the respondent, he shall submit a report to
attorney will be removed not only for malpractice and dishonesty in his the Supreme Court containing his findings of fact and conclusion,
profession, but also for gross misconduct not connected with his whereupon the respondent shall be exonerated unless the court orders
professional duties, which shows him to be unfit for the office and differently.
unworthy of the privileges which his license and the law confer upon SEC. 5. Complaint of the Solicitor General. Answer of the respondent.
him. (Emphasis supplied). — If the Solicitor General finds sufficient ground to proceed against the
Respondent's conduct though unrelated to his office and in no way directly respondent, he shall file the corresponding complaint, accompanied
bearing on his profession, has nevertheless rendered him unfit and unworthy of with all the evidence introduced in his investigation, with the Supreme
the privileges of a lawyer. We cannot give sanction to his acts. For us to do so Court, and the respondent shall be served by the clerk of the Supreme
would be — as the Solicitor General puts it — recognizing "a double standard of Court with a copy of the complaint with direction to answer the same
morality, one for membership to the Philippine Bar, and another for disbarment within fifteen days.
from the office of the lawyer." If we concede that respondent's adulterous The contention is devoid of merit. Nothing in the language of the foregoing rules
relations and his simultaneous seduction of his paramour's niece did not and do requires the Solicitor General to charge in his complaint the same offense
not disqualify him from continuing with his office of lawyer, this Court would in charged in the complaint originally filed by the complainant for disbarment.
effect be requiring moral integrity as an essential prerequisite for admission to Precisely, the law provides that should the Solicitor General find sufficient
the bar, only to later on tolerate and close its eyes to the moral depravity and grounds to proceed against the respondent, he shall file the corresponding
character degeneration of the members of the bar. complaint, accompanied by the evidence introduced in his investigation. The
The decisions relied upon by the respondent in justifying his stand that even if Solicitor General therefore is at liberty to file any case against the respondent
he admittedly committed fornication, this is no ground for disbarment, are not he may be justified by the evidence adduced during the investigation..
controlling. Fornication, if committed under such scandalous or revolting The respondent also maintains that he did not falsify his petition to take the bar
circumstances as have proven in this case, as to shock common sense of examinations in 1954 since according to his own opinion and estimation of
decency, certainly may justify positive action by the Court in protecting the himself at that time, he was a person of good moral character. This contention
prestige of the noble profession of the law. The reasons advanced by the is clearly erroneous. One's own approximation of himself is not a gauge to his
respondent why he continued his adulterous relations with Briccia Angeles, in moral character. Moral character is not a subjective term, but one which
that she helped him in some way finish his law studies, and that his "sense of corresponds to objective reality. Moral character is what a person really is, and
propriety and Christian charity" did not allow him to abandon her after his not what he or other people think he is. As former Chief Justice Moran
admission to the bar after almost 13 years of cohabitation, are hardly an excuse observed: An applicant for license to practice law is required to show good
for his moral dereliction. The means he employed, as he stated, in order to moral character, or what he really is, as distinguished from good reputation, or
extricate himself from the predicament he found himself in, by courting the from the opinion generally entertained of him, the estimate in which he is held
complainant and maintaining sexual relations with her makes his conduct more by the public in the place where he is known. As has been said, ante the
revolting. An immoral act cannot justify another immoral act. The noblest means standard of personal and professional integrity which should be applied to
he could have employed was to have married the complainant as he was then persons admitted to practice law is not satisfied by such conduct as merely
free to do so. But to continue maintaining adulterous relations with a married enables them to escape the penalties of criminal law. Good moral character
woman and simultaneously maintaining promiscuous relations with the latter's includes at least common honesty (3 Moran, Comments on the Rules of Court,
niece is moral perversion that can not be condoned. Respondent's conduct [1957 ed.] 626, citing In Re Weinstein, 42 P. [2d] 744 B.L.D., Cooper v.
Greeley. 1 Den. [N.Y.] 3447; In Re Del Rosario, 52 Phil. 399; and People v. At 5:33:46 pm
Macauley, 82 N.E. 612). Respondent, therefore, did not possess a good moral
character at the time he applied for admission to the bar. He lived an adulterous replied by respondent - "does this mean I can not c u anymore"
life with Briccia Angeles, and the fact that people who knew him seemed to at 6:16:11 pm (Does this mean I cannot see you
have acquiesced to his status, did not render him a person of good moral anymore)
character. It is of no moment that his immoral state was discovered then or now
as he is clearly not fit to remain a member of the bar. sent by complainant - I feel bad. I can’t expect that u will take advan
WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby entered striking the name of herein at 6:17:59 pm the situation.
respondent, Ariston J. Oblena, from the roll of attorneys. Follow-up message - wrong to kiss a girl especially in the lips if you
A.C. No. 7204 March 7, 2007 Sent by complainant have relationship with her.
CYNTHIA ADVINCULA, Complainant, At 6:29:30 pm
ATTY. ERNESTO M. MACABATA, Respondent. Replied by respondent - "I’m veri sri. It’s not tking advantage of the sit
RESOLUTION At 6:32:43 pm put it rightly it s an expression of feeling. S sri"
CHICO-NAZARIO, J.: sorry. Its not taking advantage of the situation,
Before Us is a complaint1 for disbarment filed by Cynthia Advincula against rightly it is an expression of feeling)
respondent Atty. Ernesto M. Macabata, charging the latter with Gross
Immorality. Follow up message - I’m s sri. Il not do it again. Wil u stil c me s I c
Complainant alleged the following: by respondent my sincerity" (I’m so sorry. I’ll not do it again. W
Sometime on 1st week of December 2004 complainant [Cynthia Advincula] at 6:42:25 pm see me so I can show you my sincerity)
seek the legal advice of the respondent [Atty. Macabata], regarding her On the following day, March 7, 2005 respondent sent another message to
collectibles from Queensway Travel and Tours. As promised, he sent Demand complainant at 3:55:32 pm saying "I don’t know wat 2 do s u may 4give me. "Im
Letter dated December 11, 2004 (copy attached as Annex "I") to the concerned realy sri. Puede bati na tyo." (I don’t know what to do so you may forgive me.
parties. I’m really sorry. Puede bati na tayo).
On February 10, 2005, met (sic) at Zensho Restaurant in Tomas Morato, Respondent replied "talk to my lawyer in due time." Then another message was
Quezon City to discuss the possibility of filing the complaint against Queensway received by her at 4:06:33 pm saying "Ano k ba. I’m really sri. Pls. Nxt ime
Travel and Tours because they did not settle their accounts as demanded. After bhave n me." (Ano ka ba. I’m really sorry. Please next time behave na ko),
the dinner, respondent sent complainant home and while she is about to step which is a clear manifestation of admission of guilt.2
out of the car, respondent hold (sic) her arm and kissed her on the cheek and In his answer,3 respondent admitted that he agreed to provide legal services to
embraced her very tightly. the complainant; that he met with complainant on 10 February 2005 and 6
Again, on March 6, 2005, at about past 10:00 in the morning, she met March 2005, to discuss the relevant matters relative to the case which
respondent at Starbucks coffee shop in West Avenue, Quezon City to finalize complainant was intending to file against the owners of Queensway Travel and
the draft of the complaint to be filed in Court. After the meeting, respondent Tours for collection of a sum of money; that on both occasions, complainant
offered again a ride, which he usually did every time they met. Along the way, rode with him in his car where he held and kissed complainant on the lips as the
complainant was wandering (sic) why she felt so sleepy where in fact she just former offered her lips to him; and, that the corner of Cooper Street and
got up from bed a few hours ago. At along Roosevelt Avenue immediately after Roosevelt Avenue, where he dropped off the complainant, was a busy street
corner of Felipe St., in San Francisco Del Monte, Quezon City when she was teeming with people, thus, it would have been impossible to commit the acts
almost restless respondent stopped his car and forcefully hold (sic) her face imputed to him.
and kissed her lips while the other hand was holding her breast. Complainant By way of defense, respondent further elucidated that: 1) there was a criminal
even in a state of shocked (sic) succeeded in resisting his criminal attempt and case for Acts of Lasciviousness filed by complainant against respondent
immediately manage (sic) to go (sic) out of the car. pending before the Office of the City Prosecutor in Quezon City; 2) the legal
In the late afternoon, complainant sent a text message to respondent informing name of complainant is Cynthia Advincula Toriana since she remains married to
him that she decided to refer the case with another lawyer and needs (sic) to a certain Jinky Toriana because the civil case for the nullification of their
get back the case folder from him. The communications transpired was marriage was archived pursuant to the Order dated 6 December 2000 issued by
recorded in her cellular phone and read as follows: the Regional Trial Court of Maburao, Occidental Mindoro; 3) the complainant
Sent by complainant - forget the case. I decided to refer it withwas living
other with a man not her husband; and 4) the complainant never bothered
to discuss respondent’s fees and it was respondent who always paid for their condition for remaining in the practice of law.6 In Aldovino v. Pujalte, Jr.,7 we
bills every time they met and ate at a restaurant. emphasized that:
A hearing was conducted by the Commission on Bar Discipline of the Integrated This Court has been exacting in its demand for integrity and good moral
Bar of the Philippines (IBP) at the IBP Building, Ortigas Center, Pasig City, on character of members of the Bar. They are expected at all times to uphold the
26 July 2005. integrity and dignity of the legal profession and refrain from any act or omission
On 30 September 2005, Investigating Commissioner Dennis A. B. Funa which might lessen the trust and confidence reposed by the public in the fidelity,
submitted his Report and Recommendation,4 recommending the imposition of honesty, and integrity of the legal profession. Membership in the legal
the penalty of one (1) month suspension on respondent for violation of the Code profession is a privilege. And whenever it is made to appear that an attorney is
of Professional Responsibility. no longer worthy of the trust and confidence of the public, it becomes not only
Thereafter, the IBP passed Resolution No. XVII-2006-117 dated 20 March the right but also the duty of this Court, which made him one of its officers and
2006, approving and adopting, with modification, the recommendation of the gave him the privilege of ministering within its Bar, to withdraw the privilege.
Investigating Commissioner, thus: It is the bounden duty of lawyers to adhere unwaveringly to the highest
RESOLVED to ADOPT and APPROVE, as it is hereby ADOPTED and standards of morality. The legal profession exacts from its members nothing
APPROVED, with modification, the Report and Recommendation of the less. Lawyers are called upon to safeguard the integrity of the Bar, free from
Investigating Commissioner of the above-entitled case, herein made part of this misdeeds and acts constitutive of malpractice. Their exalted positions as
Resolution as Annex "A"; and, finding the recommendation fully supported by officers of the court demand no less than the highest degree of morality. 8 We
the evidence on record and the applicable laws and rules, and considering the explained in Barrientos v. Daarol9 that, "as officers of the court, lawyers must
behavior of Respondent went beyond the norms of conduct required of a lawyer not only in fact be of good moral character but must also be seen to be of good
when dealing with or relating with a client, Atty. Ernesto A. Macabata is moral character and leading lives in accordance with the highest moral
SUSPENDED from the practice of law for three (3) months.5 standards of the community."
The issue to be resolved in this case is: whether respondent committed acts Lawyers are expected to abide by the tenets of morality, not only upon
that are grossly immoral or which constitute serious moral depravity that would admission to the Bar but also throughout their legal career, in order to maintain
warrant his disbarment or suspension from the practice of law. their good standing in this exclusive and honored fraternity. They may be
Simple as the facts of the case may be, the manner by which we deal with suspended from the practice of law or disbarred for any misconduct, even if it
respondent’s actuations shall have a rippling effect on how the standard norms pertains to his private activities, as long as it shows him to be wanting in moral
of our legal practitioners should be defined. Perhaps morality in our liberal character, honesty, probity or good demeanor.10
society today is a far cry from what it used to be. This permissiveness In Bar Matter No. 1154,11 good moral character was defined as what a person
notwithstanding, lawyers, as keepers of public faith, are burdened with a high really is, as distinguished from good reputation, or from the opinion generally
degree of social responsibility and, hence, must handle their personal affairs entertained of him, or the estimate in which he is held by the public in the place
with greater caution. where he is known. Moral character is not a subjective term but one which
The Code of Professional Responsibility provides: corresponds to objective reality.
CANON I – x x x It should be noted that the requirement of good moral character has four
Rule 1.01-- A lawyer shall not engage in unlawful, dishonest, immoral or ostensible purposes, namely: (1) to protect the public; (2) to protect the public
deceitful conduct. image of lawyers; (3) to protect prospective clients; and (4) to protect errant
CANON 7-- A lawyer shall at all times uphold the integrity and dignity of the lawyers from themselves.12
legal profession and support the activities of the Integrated Bar. In the case at bar, respondent admitted kissing complainant on the lips.
xxxx In his Answer,13 respondent confessed, thus:
Rule 7.03-- A lawyer shall not engage in conduct that adversely reflects on his 27. When she was about to get off the car, I said can I kiss you goodnight. She
fitness to practice law, nor shall he, whether in public or private life, behave in a offered her left cheek and I kissed it and with my left hand slightly pulled her
scandalous manner to the discredit of the legal profession. right face towards me and kissed her gently on the lips. We said goodnight and
As may be gleaned from above, the Code of Professional Responsibility forbids she got off the car.
lawyers from engaging in unlawful, dishonest, immoral or deceitful conduct. xxxx
Lawyers have been repeatedly reminded that their possession of good moral 35. When I stopped my car I said okay. I saw her offered (sic) her left cheek
character is a continuing condition to preserve their membership in the Bar in and I lightly kissed it and with my right hand slightly pulled her right cheek
good standing. The continued possession of good moral character is a requisite towards me and plant (sic) a light kiss on her lips. There was no force used. No
intimidation made, no lewd designs displayed. No breast holding was done.
Everything happened very spontaneously with no reaction from her except In Zaguirre v. Castillo,16 we reiterated the definition of immoral conduct, as such
saying "sexual harassment." conduct which is so willful, flagrant, or shameless as to show indifference to the
During the hearing held on 26 July 2005 at the 3rd floor, IBP Building, Dona opinion of good and respectable members of the community. Furthermore, for
Julia Vargas Avenue, Ortigas City, respondent candidly recalled the following such conduct to warrant disciplinary action, the same must not simply be
events: immoral, but grossly immoral. It must be so corrupt as to constitute a criminal
ATTY. MACABATA: act, or so unprincipled as to be reprehensible to a high degree or committed
That time in February, we met … I fetched her I should say, somewhere along under such scandalous or revolting circumstances as to shock the common
the corner of Edsa and Kamuning because it was then raining so we are texting sense of decency.
each other. So I parked my car somewhere along the corner of Edsa and The following cases were considered by this Court as constitutive of grossly
Kamuning and I was there about ten to fifteen minutes then she arrived. And so immoral conduct:
I said … she opened my car and then she went inside so I said, would you like In Toledo v. Toledo,17 a lawyer was disbarred from the practice of law, when he
that we have a Japanese dinner? And she said yes, okay. So I brought her to abandoned his lawful wife and cohabited with another woman who had borne
Zensho which is along Tomas Morato. When we were there, we discussed him a child.
about her case, we ordered food and then a little while I told her, would it be In Obusan v. Obusan, Jr.,18 a lawyer was disbarred after complainant proved
okay for you of I (sic) order wine? She said yes so I ordered two glasses of red that he had abandoned her and maintained an adulterous relationship with a
wine. After that, after discussing matters about her case, so I said … it’s about married woman. This court declared that respondent failed to maintain the
9:00 or beyond that time already, so I said okay, let’s go. So when I said let’s go highest degree of morality expected and required of a member of the bar.
so I stood up and then I went to the car. I went ahead of my car and she In Dantes v. Dantes,19 respondent’s act of engaging in illicit relationships with
followed me then she rode on (sic) it. So I told her where to? She told me just two different women during the subsistence of his marriage to the complainant
drop me at the same place where you have been dropping me for the last constitutes grossly immoral conduct warranting the imposition of appropriate
meetings that we had and that was at the corner of Morato and Roosevelt sanctions. Complainant’s testimony, taken in conjunction with the documentary
Avenue. So, before she went down, I told her can I kiss you goodnight? She evidence, sufficiently established that respondent breached the high and
offered her left cheek and I kissed it and with the slight use of my right hand, I ... exacting moral standards set for members of the law profession.
should I say tilted her face towards me and when she’s already facing me I In Delos Reyes v. Aznar,20 it was ruled that it was highly immoral of respondent,
lightly kissed her on the lips. And then I said good night. She went down the a married man with children, to have taken advantage of his position as
car, that’s it. chairman of the college of medicine in asking complainant, a student in said
COMM. FUNA: college, to go with him to Manila where he had carnal knowledge of her under
February 10 iyan. the threat that she would flank in all her subjects in case she refused.
xxxx In Cojuangco, Jr. v. Palma,21 respondent lawyer was disbarred when he
ATTY. MACABATA: abandoned his lawful wife and three children, lured an innocent woman into
Okay. After that were through so I said let’s go because I have an appointment. marrying him and misrepresented himself as a "bachelor" so he could contract
So we went out, we went inside my car and I said where to? Same place, she marriage in a foreign land.
said, so then at the same corner. So before she went down , before she opened In Macarrubo v. Macarrubo,22 respondent entered into multiple marriages and
the door of the car, I saw her offered her left cheek. So I kissed her again. then resorted to legal remedies to sever them. There, we ruled that "[s]uch
COMM. FUNA: pattern of misconduct by respondent undermines the institutions of marriage
Pardon? and family, institutions that this society looks to for the rearing of our children,
ATTY. MACABATA: for the development of values essential to the survival and well-being of our
I saw her offered her left cheek like that, so I kissed her again and then with the communities, and for the strengthening of our nation as a whole." As such,
use of my left hand, pushed a little bit her face and then kissed her again softly "there can be no other fate that awaits respondent than to be disbarred."
on the lips and that’s it. x x x.14 (Emphases supplied.) In Tucay v. Tucay,23 respondent contracted marriage with another married
It is difficult to state with precision and to fix an inflexible standard as to what is woman and left complainant with whom he has been married for thirty years.
"grossly immoral conduct" or to specify the moral delinquency and obliquity We ruled that such acts constitute "a grossly immoral conduct and only
which render a lawyer unworthy of continuing as a member of the bar. The rule indicative of an extremely low regard for the fundamental ethics of his
implies that what appears to be unconventional behavior to the straight-laced profession," warranting respondent’s disbarment.
may not be the immoral conduct that warrants disbarment.15 In Villasanta v. Peralta,24 respondent married complainant while his first wife
was still alive, their marriage still valid and subsisting. We held that "the act of
respondent of contracting the second marriage is contrary to honesty, justice, factors.33 When deciding upon the appropriate sanction, the Court must
decency and morality." Thus, lacking the good moral character required by the consider that the primary purposes of disciplinary proceedings are to protect the
Rules of Court, respondent was disqualified from being admitted to the bar. public; to foster public confidence in the Bar; to preserve the integrity of the
In Cabrera v. Agustin,25 respondent lured an innocent woman into a simulated profession; and to deter other lawyers from similar misconduct.34 Disciplinary
marriage and thereafter satisfied his lust. We held that respondent failed to proceedings are means of protecting the administration of justice by requiring
maintain that degree of morality and integrity which, at all times, is expected of those who carry out this important function to be competent, honorable and
members of the bar. He is, therefore, disbarred from the practice of law. reliable men in whom courts and clients may repose confidence. 35 While it is
Immorality has not been confined to sexual matters, but includes conduct discretionary upon the Court to impose a particular sanction that it may deem
inconsistent with rectitude, or indicative of corruption, indecency, depravity and proper against an erring lawyer, it should neither be arbitrary and despotic nor
dissoluteness; or is willful, flagrant, or shameless conduct showing moral motivated by personal animosity or prejudice, but should ever be controlled by
indifference to opinions of respectable members of the community, and an the imperative need to scrupulously guard the purity and independence of the
inconsiderate attitude toward good order and public welfare.26 bar and to exact from the lawyer strict compliance with his duties to the court, to
Guided by the definitions above, we perceived acts of kissing or beso-beso on his client, to his brethren in the profession and to the public.
the cheeks as mere gestures of friendship and camaraderie,27 forms of The power to disbar or suspend ought always to be exercised on the
greetings, casual and customary. The acts of respondent, though, in turning the preservative and not on the vindictive principle, with great caution and only for
head of complainant towards him and kissing her on the lips are distasteful. the most weighty reasons and only on clear cases of misconduct which
However, such act, even if considered offensive and undesirable, cannot be seriously affect the standing and character of the lawyer as an officer of the
considered grossly immoral. court and member of the Bar. Only those acts which cause loss of moral
Complainant’s bare allegation that respondent made use and took advantage of character should merit disbarment or suspension, while those acts which
his position as a lawyer to lure her to agree to have sexual relations with him, neither affect nor erode the moral character of the lawyer should only justify a
deserves no credit. The burden of proof rests on the complainant, and she must lesser sanction unless they are of such nature and to such extent as to clearly
establish the case against the respondent by clear, convincing and satisfactory show the lawyer’s unfitness to continue in the practice of law. The dubious
proof,28 disclosing a case that is free from doubt as to compel the exercise by character of the act charged as well as the motivation which induced the lawyer
the Court of its disciplinary power.29 Thus, the adage that "he who asserts not to commit it must be clearly demonstrated before suspension or disbarment is
he who denies, must prove."30 As a basic rule in evidence, the burden of proof meted out. The mitigating or aggravating circumstances that attended the
lies on the party who makes the allegations—ei incumbit probation, qui decit, commission of the offense should also be considered. 36
non qui negat; cum per rerum naturam factum negantis probation nulla sit.31 In Censure or reprimand is usually meted out for an isolated act of misconduct of
the case at bar, complainant miserably failed to comply with the burden of proof a lesser nature. It is also imposed for some minor infraction of the lawyer’s duty
required of her. A mere charge or allegation of wrongdoing does not suffice. to the court or the client.37 In the Matter of Darell Adams,38 a lawyer was
Accusation is not synonymous with guilt.32 publicly reprimanded for grabbing a female client, kissing her, and raising her
Moreover, while respondent admitted having kissed complainant on the lips, the blouse which constituted illegal conduct involving moral turpitude and conduct
same was not motivated by malice. We come to this conclusion because right which adversely reflected on his fitness to practice law.
after the complainant expressed her annoyance at being kissed by the Based on the circumstances of the case as discussed and considering that this
respondent through a cellular phone text message, respondent immediately is respondent’s first offense, reprimand would suffice.
extended an apology to complainant also via cellular phone text message. The We laud complainant’s effort to seek redress for what she honestly believed to
exchange of text messages between complainant and respondent bears this be an affront to her honor. Surely, it was difficult and agonizing on her part to
out. come out in the open and accuse her lawyer of gross immoral conduct.
Be it noted also that the incident happened in a place where there were several However, her own assessment of the incidents is highly subjective and partial,
people in the vicinity considering that Roosevelt Avenue is a major jeepney and surely needs to be corroborated or supported by more objective evidence.
route for 24 hours. If respondent truly had malicious designs on complainant, he WHEREFORE, the complaint for disbarment against respondent Atty. Ernesto
could have brought her to a private place or a more remote place where he Macabata, for alleged immorality, is hereby DISMISSED. However, respondent
could freely accomplish the same. is hereby REPRIMANDED to be more prudent and cautious in his dealing with
All told, as shown by the above circumstances, respondent’s acts are not his clients with a STERN WARNING that a more severe sanction will be
grossly immoral nor highly reprehensible to warrant disbarment or suspension. imposed on him for any repetition of the same or similar offense in the future.
The question as to what disciplinary sanction should be imposed against a SO ORDERED.
lawyer found guilty of misconduct requires consideration of a number of
imprisonment and fine.[5] Subsequently, on 26 July 1994, the Court of Appeals
affirmed the decision of the trial court, with the modification that instead of
EPIFANIA Q. BANTOLO, Adm. Case No. 6589 imprisonment, defendants were ordered to pay a fine of P1,000.00 each.[6]
Complainant, versus - AUSTRIA-MARTINEZ,
TINGA, and CHICO-NAZARIO, JJ. In his Answer to Complaint dated 02 March 1998, respondent denied
complainants allegations and claimed that said complaint was a form of
Promulgated: harassment.[7] Hearings were thereafter scheduled but were cancelled and
December 19, 2005 reset due to the unavailability of the complainant. Finally, on 09 December
DECISION 1998, a hearing for the reception of complainants evidence was
conducted.[8] While notices were subsequently sent to respondent setting the
case for reception of his evidence, no such hearing pushed through due to
respondents failure to inform the IBP of his new office address. Thus,
In a letter-complaint to the Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) dated 02 respondent was deemed to have waived his right to present evidence.[9]
October 1997,[1] Epifania Q. Bantolo charged Atty. Egmedio B. Castillon, Sr. of
violating the lawyers oath and Section 20 of Rule 138 of the Rules of Court for In the Report and Recommendation (Report) dated 17 March 2004, the
having (i) wittingly or willingly performed, promoted, or sued any groundless, investigating commissioner, Atty. Rafael Antonio M. Santos, found that
false or unlawful suit, and or giving aid or consent to the same; (ii) delayed the complainant failed to prove that respondents actions, with respect to his
just execution of the suit without legal or justifiable cause and employing illegal unsuccessful defense of the case were not within the bounds of the law.
means and unlawful force to do so; (iii) blatantly showed disrespect to the Moreover, that respondent lost his case in the trial court does not necessarily
Regional Trial Court by disobeying its lawful orders; and (iv) for employing support the charge of willingly promoting or ruing any groundless, false or
unlawful and illegal means to attain his ends. unlawful suit or giving aid, or consenting to the same, [10] he added. Thus,
according to the IBP, the only remaining issue to be resolved is respondents
According to complainant, respondent is the lawyer and one of the defendants liability, if any, for his contumacious acts, as found by the trial court and the
in a case involving a parcel of land in Valderrama, Antique. [2] The case was Court of Appeals.[11]
decided in favor of the complainant and her co-plaintiffs, and thereafter, a writ of
execution was issued, by virtue of which, defendants were ejected from the Recognizing that the findings of the trial court and the appellate court with
property. However, respondents, with his co-defendants subsequently entered respect to respondents contumacious acts as final and conclusive, it was found
the disputed property and harvested the palay planted therein. [3] Plaintiffs were that respondent committed an act which constitutes a breach of his sworn
prompted to move for defendants to be declared in contempt of court because promise to obey the laws as well as the legal orders of the duly constituted
of their open defiance and willful disobedience to the lawful orders of the court, authorities. Furthermore, the Report noted respondents attempts to thwart the
which were abetted by the acts of Atty. Egmedio Castillon who is an officer of instant disbarment proceedings, to wit: i) attempt to mislead the Commission on
the court.[4]On 25 January 1991, the trial court declared Atty. Castillon and his Bar Discipline by representing that the proceedings relative to the contempt
co-defendants guilty of indirect contempt of court, with the penalty of one month charges against him are still pending when in fact they had already been
terminated; ii) placing too much emphasis on the alleged lack of personality of
the complainant to file the disbarment complaint; and iii) failure to notify the The findings and recommendation of the IBP are well-taken.

Commission of his change of address.[12] Lawyers are particularly called upon to obey court orders and processes, and
this deference is underscored by the fact that willful disregard thereof may

Finding however, that the penalty of disbarment would be reasonable under the subject the lawyer not only to punishment for contempt but to disciplinary

circumstances, the Commission recommended instead the penalty of sanctions as well.[15] Such is the situation in the instant case. We need not delve

suspension for one month.[13] As explained in the Report: into the factual findings of the trial court and the Court of Appeals on the
contempt case against respondents. Suffice it to say that respondent lawyers
A close examination of the facts of this case reveals that the commission of the contumacious acts have been shown and proven, and
basis of the act for which the court found to be contumacious is eventually punished by the lower courts.
a claim of ownership over the subject property, and thus arose
from an emotional attachment to the property which they had
possessed prior to their dispossession as a consequence of the A lawyer is first and foremost an officer of the court. Thus, while he
decision in Civil Case No. 1345. Respondents subsequent acts,
however, including those which were found to be owes his entire devotion to the interest and causes of his client he must ensure
contumacious, as well as his actuations in the instant case, that he acts within the bounds of reason and common sense, always aware that
merit disciplinary sanctions, for which is recommended that
he is an instrument of truth and justice. More importantly, as an officer of the
respondent be suspended for one (1) month.[14]
court and its indispensable partner in the sacred task of administering justice,
On 30 July 2004, the IBP passed a resolution adopting the Report and graver responsibility is imposed upon a lawyer than any other to uphold the
Recommendation, to wit: integrity of the courts[16] and to show respect to its processes. Thus, any act on
his part which tends visibly to obstruct, pervert or impede and degrade the
RESOLUTION NO, XVI-2004-376 administration of justice constitutes professional misconduct calling for the
CBD Case No. 510
Epifania Q. Bantolo vs. exercise of disciplinary action against him.[17]
Atty. Egmedio B. Castillon

RESOLVED to ADOPT and APPROVE, as it is hereby Respondents defiance of the writ of execution is a brazen display of
ADOPTED and APPROVED, the Report and Recommendation disrespect of the very system which he has sworn to support. Likewise, his
of the Investigating Commissioner of the above-entitled case, various attempts to delay and address issues inconsequential to the disbarment
herein made part of this Resolution as Annex A; and finding the
recommendation fully supported by the evidence on record and proceedings had necessarily caused delay, and even threatened to obstruct the
the applicable laws and rules, and considering that respondent investigation being conducted by the IBP.
has been found by both the Trial Court and the Court of
Appeals guilty of indirect contempt for disobeying the writ of
execution and for attempting to mislead the Commission into Nevertheless, the supreme penalty of disbarment is not proper in the
believing that the contempt charge is still pending by submitting
instant case. The rule is that disbarment is meted out only in clear cases of
an Order of the trial court which pertains to a second contempt
charge, Atty. Egmedio B. Castillon, Sr. is hereby SUSPENDED misconduct that seriously affect the standing and character of the lawyer as an
from the practice of law for one (1) month. officer of the court. While the Court will not hesitate to remove an erring lawyer
from the esteemed brotherhood of lawyers when the evidence calls for it, it will
also not disbar him where a lesser penalty will suffice to accomplish the desired b) Lot 1603 of the San Francisco de Malabon Estate, containing an
area of 16,073 square meters, more or less, and covered at that time
end.[18] In the case of respondent, the Court finds that a months suspension by TCT No. (T-6425) RT-7688 of the Registry of Deeds of Cavite;
from the practice of law will provide him with enough time to purge himself of his c) Lot 1605 of the San Francisco de Malabon Estate, containing an
area of 22,131 square meters, more or less and covered at that time by
misconduct and will give him the opportunity to retrace his steps back to the TCT No. T- 1869 of the Registry of Deeds of Cavite.
virtuous path of the legal profession. According to the complainant, the respondent took advantage of his relationship
with her and her brothers and used his profession to deprive them of what was
lawfully due them even if it involved the commission of an illegal, unlawful, or
WHEREFORE, respondent Atty. Egmedio B. Castillon is found GUILTY of immoral act. She attributes to the respondent the following acts or omissions:
gross misconduct and is SUSPENDED from the practice of law for a period of 1. The respondent participated in, consented to, and failed to advise
against, the perjury committed by his wife Felicisima and his sister-in-
one (1) month with a warning that a repetition of the same or similar act will be law Miriam when they executed a Deed of Extrajudicial Settlement of
dealt with more severely. Respondents suspension is effective upon notice of Estate dated 11 November 1986, wherein the two made it appear that
they were the sole heirs of the late spouses Julita Reynante and
this decision. Let notice of this decision be spread in respondents record as an Vicente Ting, knowing fully well that the same was false. He presented
attorney in this Court, and notice of the same served on the Integrated Bar of that document to the Register of Deeds of Cavite for the transfer of the
the Philippines and on the Office of the Court Administrator for circulation to all title over Lot No. 1586 in the names of his wife and Miriam. The lot was
later sold to Antel Holdings Inc. for P1,195,400. Payment was already
the courts concerned. made to, and received by, Felicisima and Miriam.
2. The respondent participated in, consented to, and failed to advise
against, the forgery of complainant’s signature in a purported Deed of
SO ORDERED. Extrajudicial Settlement dated 17 March 1995 involving Lot 1603 when
he knew that she was in Italy at that time working as an overseas
A.C. No. 5161 April 14, 2004 contract worker. He even presented the falsified document to the
ISIDRA TING-DUMALI, complainant, Register of Deeds of Cavite to transfer the title over the property in
vs. favor of his wife Felicisima and sister-in-law Marcelina. The forgery or
ATTY. ROLANDO S. TORRES, respondent. falsification was made to enable them to sell Lot 1603 to Antel
RESOLUTION Holdings, Inc. Payment was received and misappropriated by
Felicisima and Marcelina.
PER CURIAM: 3. In LRC Rec. No. 5964 entitled In Re:Petition for Judicial
In a Complaint-Affidavit1 filed on 22 October 1999 with this Court, complainant Reconstitution of the Original Copy and Owner’s Duplicate Copy of TCT
Isidra Ting-Dumali charges respondent Atty. Rolando S. Torres with No. T-1869 Covering Lot No. 1605 of the Registry of Deeds for the
presentation of false testimony; participation in, consent to, and failure to advise Province of Cavite, filed by complainant’s sisters Marcelina and
against, the forgery of complainant’s signature in a purported Deed of Felicisima on 24 October 1995, the respondent made gross
Extrajudicial Settlement; and gross misrepresentation in court for the purpose of misrepresentation and offered false testimony to the effect that
profiting from such forgery, thereby violating his oath as a lawyer and the Marcelina and Felicisima are the only children and legal heirs of the late
canons of legal and judicial ethics. spouses Vicente Ting and Julita Reynante for the purpose of obtaining
The complainant is one of the six children of the late spouses Julita Reynante a new title in their names. With the reconstituted title, and with the
and Vicente Ting. Her siblings are Marcelina T. Rivera; Miriam T. Saria; express conformity of the respondent, Felicisima and Marcelina were
Felicisima T. Torres, who is married to herein respondent; Vicente Ting, Jr.; and able to sell Lot 1605 to Antel Holdings, Inc., for P2,213,100 and profited
Eliseo Ting. Their parents died intestate and left several parcels of land, to wit: from the sale to the exclusion of their other siblings. Partial payment
a) One half of Lot 1586 of the San Francisco de Malabon Estate, was even received pending the reconstitution proceedings.
containing an area of 43,908 square meters more or less, and covered 4. On 20 November 1996, the respondent made gross and false
at that time by TCT No. (T-6203) RT-19151 of the Registry of Deeds of misrepresentations for the purpose of profiting therefrom when he
Cavite; requested the buyer through a certain Mrs. Ong to release the full
payment for Lot 1605 under the pretense that the order of reconstitution On 9 January 2003, after due hearing and consideration of the issues
would be released within a month when he knew that it would be presented by both parties, Investigating Commissioner Milagros V. San Juan of
impossible because he presented evidence in the reconstitution case the Commission on Bar Discipline of the IBP found the actuations of the
only on 12 August 1997. To facilitate the release of the money, he even respondent to be violative of Rules 1.01 and 1.02 of Canon 1 and Rule 10.01 of
used the stationery of the Philippine National Bank, of which he was an Canon 10 of the Code of Professional Responsibility. Thus she recommended
employee. that the respondent be disbarred from the practice of law.4
In his Comment,2 the respondent denies the allegations of the complaint and In its Resolution No. XV-2003-3335 of 21 June 2003, the Board of Governors of
asserts that he did not take advantage of his profession to deprive any of the the IBP approved and adopted Commissioner San Juan’s report, but reduced
co-heirs of his wife of the estate left by his parents-in-law. the penalty to suspension from the practice of law for six years.
Insofar as Lot 1586 is concerned, the respondent affirms that Felicisima and We fully agree with the Investigating Commissioner in her findings of facts and
Miriam were not motivated by any desire to solely profit from the sale. Neither conclusion of culpability. The respondent has sufficiently demonstrated that he
can he be faulted by the execution of the Deed of Extrajudicial Settlement dated is morally and legally unfit to remain in the exclusive and honorable fraternity of
17 March 1995 involving Lot 1603 because he had no part in the execution of the legal profession. In his long years as a lawyer, he must have forgotten his
the document. All the while he believed in good faith that the Ting sisters had sworn pledge as a lawyer. It is time once again that the Court inculcate in the
already agreed on how to dispose of the said lot. If ever complainant’s signature hearts of all lawyers that pledge; thus:
was affixed on that document, it was done in good faith. LAWYER'S OATH
The respondent admits that he was the counsel of Marcelina Ting Rivera, et. I, ……………… , do solemnly swear that I will maintain allegiance to the
al., in LRC Case No. 5964 for the reconstitution of TCT No. T-1869. The false Republic of the Philippines; I will support its Constitution and obey the
testimony of Marcelina in that case that she and Felicisima were the only laws as well as the legal orders of the duly constituted authorities
children of spouses Vicente Ting and Julita Reynante could not be faulted on therein; I will do no falsehood, nor consent to its commission; I will not
him because such was a clear oversight. Moreover, the sale of Lot 1605 to wittingly or willingly promote or sue any groundless, false or unlawful
Antel Holdings, Inc., was the decision of Marcelina and his wife. His conformity suit nor give aid nor consent to the same; I will delay no man for money
through his signature was pro-forma because the property was a paraphernal or malice, and will conduct myself as a lawyer according to the best of
property of Marcelina and his wife. Anent his alleged gross and false my knowledge and discretion with all good fidelity as well to the courts
misrepresentation that the order of reconstitution would be released by the end as to my clients; and I impose upon myself this voluntary obligation
of November 1996, suffice it to say that the assurance was made by the Clerk without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion.
of Court, Mr. Rosauro Morabe. Besides, petitions for reconstitution are usually SO HELP ME GOD.
uncontested and granted by courts. This oath to which all lawyers have subscribed in solemn agreement to dedicate
Finally, the respondent believes that complainant intended to harass him in themselves to the pursuit of justice is not a mere ceremony or formality for
bombarding him with numerous lawsuits, i.e., this administrative case; Civil practicing law to be forgotten afterwards; nor is it mere words, drift and hollow,
Case No. TM-855 for "Annulment of Documents, Titles, and Reconveyance plus but a sacred trust that lawyers must uphold and keep inviolable at all times. By
Damages"; and a criminal case for Estafa and Falsification of Public swearing the lawyer’s oath, they become guardians of truth and the rule of law,
Documents. as well as instruments in the fair and impartial dispensation of justice. 6 This oath
In her reply, the complainant denies the presence of toka or verbal will allegedly is firmly echoed and reflected in the Code of Professional Responsibility, which
made by her mother and allegedly implemented by their eldest brother Eliseo in provides:
view of the following circumstances: (1) her mother met a sudden death in CANON 1 — A lawyer shall uphold the constitution, obey the laws of
1967; and partition of the properties in total disregard of their father was morally the land and promote respect for law and for legal processes.
reprehensible, since the latter was still alive; (2) when their mother died, four of Rule 1.01 — A lawyer shall not engage in unlawful, dishonest, immoral
the siblings were still minors including respondent’s wife herself; (3) on 5 or deceitful conduct.
February 2000, Eliseo wrote his siblings, in response to the previous letter of Rule 1.02 — A lawyer shall not counsel or abet activities aimed at
Felicisima, Marcelina, and Miriam, denying the existence of a toka. She further defiance of the law or at lessening confidence in the legal system.
states that the respondent was not merely a passive onlooker but, as he ...
admitted, the administrator of the properties of the Ting spouses. CANON 7 — A lawyer shall at all times uphold the integrity and dignity
On 14 June 2000, this Court referred the case to the Integrated Bar of the of the legal profession, and support the activities of the Integrated Bar.
Philippines (IBP) for investigation, report, and recommendation or decision. 3 …
Rule 7.03 — A lawyer shall not engage in conduct that adversely promote respect for law and legal processes.17 For a lawyer is the servant of the
reflects on his fitness to practice law, nor should he, whether in public law and belongs to a profession to which society has entrusted the
or private life, behave in a scandalous manner to the discredit of the administration of law and the dispensation of justice.18 As such, he should make
legal profession. himself more an exemplar for others to emulate.19 He should not, therefore,
... engage in unlawful, dishonest, immoral, or deceitful conduct.20 He makes
CANON 10 — A lawyer owes candor, fairness and good faith to the himself unfit to remain in the profession who commits any such unbecoming act
court. or conduct.21
Rule 10.01 — A lawyer shall not do any falsehood, nor consent to the Respondent’s argument that the non-declaration by his wife and his sister- in-
doing of any in court; nor shall he mislead or allow the court to be law Marcelina of the other siblings in LRC Rec. No. 5964 for the reconstitution
misled by any artifice. of title involving Lot 1605 was a mere oversight does not deserve credence in
All of these underscore the role of a lawyer as the vanguard of our legal system. view of the following circumstances: First, the petition clearly names only
When the respondent took the oath as a member of the legal profession, he Felicisima and Marcelina as the petitioners when there were six siblings who
made a solemn promise to so stand by his pledge. In this covenant, respondent were heirs of the unpartitioned lot.22 Second, during the hearing of said case
miserably failed. when the respondent asked Marcelina whether she has brothers and sisters
The records show that Felicisima and Miriam stated in the Extrajudicial other than Felicisima, the latter said none. The transcript of that hearing reads:
Settlement of Estate dated 11 November 1986 that they are the children of ATTY. TORRES:
Julita Reynante and thus adjudicated only between them Lot No. 1586 to the Q Madame Witness, are you the only child or daughter of the deceased
exclusion of their other siblings.7 There was concealment of the fact that there Sps. Vicente Ting, Jr. and Julita Reynante?
were other compulsory heirs to the estate of the deceased. Significantly, the WITNESS:
respondent is the brother-in-law of complainant. Being married to complainant’s A No, sir. We are two, Felicisima Torres and I.
sister, he knew of his wife’s siblings. In fact, he declared that the complainant Q Do you have other brothers and sisters?
stayed with them while she was in the Philippines.8 Yet, the respondent A None, sir.23
presented that document to the Register of Deeds of General Trias, Cavite, to The respondent allowed Marcelina to commit a crime by giving false
effect the transfer of the title of the lot in question in the name of his wife and his testimony24 in court, and he never corrected the same despite full knowledge of
sister-in-law Miriam. the true facts and circumstances of the case. 25 Moreover, in knowingly offering
It also bears noting that the respondent was consulted 9 regarding the in evidence such false testimony, he himself may be punished as guilty of false
falsification of complainant’s signature in the Extrajudicial Settlement10 dated 17 testimony.26
March 1995 involving Lot 1603, which contains a purported waiver by the Moreover, under Canon 10 of the Code of Professional Responsibility, a lawyer
complainant of her right over the property. Marcelina admitted that she signed owes candor, fairness, and good faith to the court. He shall "not do any
complainant’s name in that document.11 Such act of counterfeiting the falsehood, nor consent to the doing of any in court; nor shall he mislead or allow
complainant’s signature to make it appear that the complainant had participated the court to be misled by any artifice."27 This Rule was clearly and openly
in the execution of that document is tantamount to falsification of a public violated by the respondent when he permitted Marcelina to falsely testify that
document.12 she had no siblings aside from Felicisima and when he offered such testimony
Instead of advising Marcelina to secure a written special power of attorney and in the petition for reconstitution of the title involving Lot 1605.
against committing falsification, he presented13 such document to the Registry The respondent must have forgotten that as an attorney he is an officer of the
of Deeds to secure a new title for the lot in favor of Marcelina and his wife. 14 He court called upon to assist in the administration of justice. Like the court itself,
himself, therefore, may also be held liable for knowingly using a falsified he is an instrument to advance its cause. For this reason, any act on his part
document to the damage of the complainant and her other co-heirs.15 Notably, that obstructs and impedes the administration of justice constitutes misconduct
he also admitted in an affidavit dated 22 May 1995 that he prepared the legal and justifies disciplinary action against him.28
documents for the transfer of Lot 1603.16 It may not be amiss to mention that to further support the reconstitution, he
Respondent did not advise his wife and his sisters-in-law from doing acts which offered in evidence an Affidavit of Loss, which was executed by Marcelina and
are contrary to law. He must have kept in mind the first and foremost duty of a notarized by him. During the hearing of this administrative case, Marcelina
lawyer, which is to maintain allegiance to the Republic of the Philippines, uphold admitted that her statement in that affidavit that the title was in her possession
the Constitution, and obey the laws of the land. The Code of Professional was false, as she was never in possession of the title 29 and would not,
Responsibility underscores the primacy of such duty by providing as its canon therefore, know that the same was lost.
that a lawyer shall uphold the Constitution, obey the laws of the land, and
Moreover, in a letter dated 20 November 1996 addressed to a certain Mrs. Ong, ordered DISBARRED from the practice of law, and his name is ordered stricken
the respondent requested the release of 50% of the remaining balance for the off the Roll of Attorneys, effective immediately.
sale of Lot 1605, relaying to Antel Holdings, Inc., through Mrs. Ong that he was Let copies of this Resolution be furnished the Office of the Bar Confidant, which
assured by the Clerk of Court that the order directing the reconstitution of title shall forthwith record it in the personal files of the respondent; all the courts of
for Lot 1605 would be released within the month.30 Respondent’s information the Philippines; the Integrated Bar of the Philippines, which shall disseminate
was misleading because he presented evidence only on 12 August 1997, or copies thereof to all its Chapters; and all administrative and quasi-judicial
almost a year after he sent the letter.31 Such act, therefore, shows lack of agencies of the Republic of the Philippines.
candor and honesty on the part of the respondent. SO ORDERED.
Respondent’s acts or omissions reveal his moral flaws and doubtless bring
intolerable dishonor to the legal profession. They constitute gross misconduct A.C. No. 932 June 21, 1940
for which he may be disbarred or suspended pursuant to Section 27, Rule 138 In re ATTY. ROQUE SANTIAGO, respondent,
of the Rules of Court, which provides: Office of the Solicitor-General Ozaeta as petitioner-complainant.
Sec. 27. Disbarment or suspension of attorneys by Supreme Court; LAUREL, J.:
grounds therefor. -- A member of the bar may be disbarred or This is an administrative case initiated upon complaint of the Solicitor-General
suspended from his office as attorney by the Supreme Court for any against the respondent Roque Santiago, charging the latter with malpractice
deceit, malpractice, or other gross misconduct in such office, grossly and praying that disciplinary action be taken against him.
immoral conduct, or by reason of his conviction of a crime involving It appears that one Ernesto Baniquit, who was living then separately from his
moral turpitude, or for any violation of the oath which he is required to wife Soledad Colares for some nine consecutive years and who was bent on
take before the admission to practice, or for a willful disobedience of contracting a second marriage, sought the legal advice of the respondent, who
any lawful order of a superior court, or for corruptly or willfully appearing was at the time a practicing and notary public in the Province of Occidental
as an attorney for a party to a case without authority to do so. The Negros. The respondent, after hearing Baniquit's side of the case, assured the
practice of soliciting cases at law for the purpose of gain, either latter that he could secure a separation from his wife and marry again, and
personally or through paid agents or brokers, constitutes malpractice. asked him to bring his wife on the afternoon of the same day, May 29, 1939.
In the determination of the imposable disciplinary sanction against an erring This was done and the respondent right then and there prepared the document
lawyer, we take into account the primary purpose of disciplinary proceedings, Exhibit A in which it was stipulated, among other things, that the contracting
which is to protect the administration of justice by requiring that those who parties, who are husband and wife authorized each other to marry again, at the
exercise this important function shall be competent, honorable, and reliable same time renouncing or waiving whatever right of action one might have
men in whom courts and clients may repose confidence.32 While the against the party so marrying. After the execution and acknowledgment of
assessment of what sanction may be imposed is primarily addressed to our Exhibit A by the parties, the respondent asked the spouses to shake hands and
sound discretion, the sanction should neither be arbitrary or despotic, nor assured them that they were single and as such could contract another and
motivated by personal animosity or prejudice. Rather, it should ever be subsequent marriage. Baniquit then remarked, "Would there be no trouble?"
controlled by the imperative need to scrupulously guard the purity and Upon hearing it the respondent stood up and, pointing to his diploma hanging
independence of the bar.33 on the wall, said: "I would tear that off if this document turns out not to be valid."
Thus, the supreme penalty of disbarment is meted out only in clear cases of Relying on the validity of Exhibit A, Ernesto Baniquit, on June 11, 1939,
misconduct that seriously affect the standing and character of the lawyer as an contracted a second marriage with Trinidad Aurelio. There is also evidence to
officer of the court and member of the bar. We will not hesitate to remove an show that the respondent tried to collect for this service the sum of P50, but as
erring attorney from the esteemed brotherhood of lawyers where the evidence the evidence on this point is not clear and the same is not material in the
calls for it.34 Verily, given the peculiar factual circumstances prevailing in this resolution of the present case, we do not find it necessary to make any express
case, we find that respondent’s gross misconduct calls for the severance of his finding as to whether the full amount or any portion thereof was paid or, as
privilege to practice law for life, and we therefore adopt the penalty contended by the respondent, the service were rendered free of charge.
recommended by the Investigating Commissioner. The respondent did not deny the preparation of Exhibit A, put up the defense
IN VIEW OF ALL THE FOREGOING, we find respondent Atty. Rolando S. that he had the idea that seven years separation of husband and wife would
Torres guilty of gross misconduct and violation of the lawyer’s oath, as well as entitle either of them to contract a second marriage and for that reason
Canons 1 and 10 of the Code of Professional Responsibility, thereby rendering prepared Exhibit A, but immediately after the execution of said document he
him unworthy of continuing membership in the legal profession. He is thus realized that he had made a mistake and for that reason immediately sent for
the contracting parties who, on June 30, 1939, came to his office and signed Municipal Tax Ordinance No. 1 of said municipality for the period from 1979 to
the deed of cancellation Exhibit A. 1983, inclusive, plus such amount of tax as may accrue until final determination
There is no doubt that the contract Exhibit A executed by and between the of the case; (2) storage permit fee in the amount of P3,321,730.00 due from the
spouses Ernesto Baniquit and Soledad Colares upon the advice of the defendant under Section 10, paragraph Z(13)
respondent and prepared by the latter as a lawyer and acknowledged by him as (b-1-c) of the same municipal tax ordinance for the period from 1975 to 1986,
a notary public is contrary to law, moral, and tends to subvert the vital inclusive, plus the amount of said fee that may accrue until final determination
foundation of the family. The advice given by the respondent, the preparation of the case; (3) mayor's permit fee due from the defendant under Section 10,
and acknowledgment by him of the contract constitute malpractice which paragraph (P) (2) of said municipal tax ordinance from 1975 to 1984, inclusive,
justifies disbarment from the practice of law. The admission of a lawyer to the in the amount of P12,120.00, plus such amount of the same fee as may accrue
practice of law is upon the implied condition that his continued enjoyment of the until final determination of the case; (4) sanitary inspection fee in the amount of
privilege conferred is dependent upon his remaining a fit and safe person to P1,010.00 for the period from 1975 to 1984, plus the amount of this fee that
society. When it appears that he, by recklessness or sheer ignorance of the may accrue until final determination of the case; and (5) the costs of suit. 2
law, is unfit or unsafe to be entrusted with the responsibilities and obligations of On June 3, 1991, in G.R. No. 90776 this Court affirmed the aforesaid judgment,
a lawyer, his right to continue in the enjoyment of this professional privilege with the modification that business taxes accruing prior to 1976 are not to be
should be declared terminated. In the present case, respondent was either paid by PPC because the same have prescribed, and that storage fees are not
ignorant of the applicable provision of the law or carelessly negligent in giving also to be paid by PPC since the storage tanks are owned by PPC and not by
the complainant legal advice. Drastic action should lead to his disbarment and the municipality and, therefore, cannot be the bases of a charge for service by
this is the opinion of some members of the court. The majority, however, have the municipality.3 This judgment became final and executory on July 13, 1991
inclined to follow the recommendation of the investigator, the Honorable Sotero and the records were remanded to the trial court for execution.
Rodas, in view of the circumstances stated in the report of said investigator and On October 14, 1991, in connection with the execution of said judgment, Atty.
the fact that immediately after discovering his mistakes, respondent endeavored Felix E. Mendiola filed a motion in behalf of plaintiff municipality with the
to correct it by making the parties sign another document cancelling the Regional Trial Court, Branch 78, Morong, Rizal* for the examination of
previous one. defendant corporation's gross sales for the years 1976 to 1978 and 1984 to
The respondent Roque Santiago is found guilty of malpractice and is hereby 1991 for the purpose of computing the tax on business imposed under the Local
suspended from the practice of law for a period of one year. So ordered. Tax Code, as amended. On October 21, 1991, defendant corporation filed a
G.R. No. 105909 June 28, 1994 manifestation to the effect that on October 18, 1991, Pililla Mayor Nicomedes
MUNICIPALITY OF PILILLA, RIZAL, petitioner, Patenia received from it the sum of P11,457,907.00 as full satisfaction of the
vs. above-mentioned judgment of the Supreme Court, as evidence by the release
HON. COURT OF APPEALS, HON. ARTURO A. MARAVE, as Presiding and quitclaim documents executed by said mayor. Accordingly, on October 31,
Judge, Regional Trial Court, Branch 78, Morong, Rizal, and PHILIPPINE 1991 the court below issued an order denying plaintiff municipality's motion for
PETROLEUM CORPORATION, respondents. examination and execution of judgment on the ground that the judgment in
Felix E. Mendiola for petitioner. question had already been satisfied.4
Makalintal, Barot, Torres & Ibarra for respondent Philippine Petroleum Thereafter, on November 21, 1991 Atty. Mendiola filed a motion for
Corporation. reconsideration of the court's aforesaid order of October 31, 1991, claiming that
the total liability of defendant corporation to plaintiff municipality amounted to
REGALADO, J.: P24,176,599.00, while the amount involved in the release and quitclaim
Petitioner questions and seeks the nullification of the resolution of respondent executed by Mayor Patenia was only P12,718,692; and that the said mayor
Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP. No. 27504 dated March 31, 1992, dismissing could not waive the balance which represents the taxes due under the judgment
the petition for having been filed by a private counsel, as well as its succeeding to the municipality and over which judgment the law firm of Atty. Mendiola had
resolution dated June 9, 1992, denying petitioner's motion for reconsideration. 1 registered two liens for alleged consultancy services of 25% and attorneys' fees
The records show that on March 17, 1989, the Regional Trial Court of Tanay, of 25% which, when quantified and added, amount to more than P12 million.
Rizal, Branch 80, rendered judgment in Civil Case No. 057-T in favor of plaintiff, On January 28,1992, the trial court denied the aforesaid motion for
now herein petitioner Municipality of Pililla, Rizal, against defendant, now herein reconsideration.5
private respondent Philippine Petroleum Corporation (PPC, for short), ordering On February 18, 1992, Atty. Mendiola, again ostensibly in behalf of herein
therein defendant to pay said plaintiff (1) the amount of P5,301,385.00 petitioner municipality, filed a petition for certiorari with us, which petition we
representing the tax on business due from the defendant under Section 9(A) of referred to the Court of Appeals for proper disposition and was docketed therein
as CA-G.R. SP No. 27504.6 On March 2, 1992, respondent PPC filed a motion limited only to situations where the provincial fiscal is disqualified to represent
questioning Atty. Mendiola's authority to represent petitioner it.15
municipality.7 Consequently, on March 31, 1992 respondent Court of Appeals For the aforementioned exception to apply, the fact that the provincial fiscal was
dismissed the petition for having been filed by a private counsel in violation of disqualified to handle the municipality's case must appear on
law and jurisprudence, but without prejudice to the filing of a similar petition by record.16 In the instant case, there is nothing in the records to show that the
the Municipality of Pililla through the proper provincial or municipal legal provincial fiscal is disqualified to act as counsel for the Municipality of Pililla on
officer.8Petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration which was denied by the appeal, hence the appearance of herein private counsel is without authority of
Court of Appeals in its resolution of June 9, 1992.9 law.
Petitioner is once again before us with the following assignment of errors: The submission of Atty. Mendiola that the exception is broad enough to include
1. It is an error for the Court of Appeals to consider private situations wherein the provincial fiscal refuses to handle the case cannot be
respondent's new issue raised for the first time on appeal, as it sustained. The fiscal's refusal to represent the municipality is not a legal
could no longer be considered on appeal, because it was never justification for employing the services of private counsel. Unlike a practicing
been (sic) raised in the court below. lawyer who has the right to decline employment, a fiscal cannot refuse to
2. It is an error for the Court of Appeals in dismissing (sic) the perform his functions on grounds not provided for by law without violating his
instant petition with alternative remedy of filing similar petition oath of office. Instead of engaging the services of a special attorney, the
as it is a departure from established jurisprudence. municipal council should request the Secretary of Justice to appoint an acting
3. It is an error for the Court of Appeals to rule that the filing of provincial fiscal in place of the provincial fiscal who has declined to handle and
the instant petition by the private counsel is in violation of law prosecute its case in court, pursuant to Section 1679 of the Revised
and jurisprudence.10 Administrative Code.17
We find the present petition devoid of merit. It is also significant that the lack of authority of herein counsel,
The Court of Appeals is correct in holding that Atty. Mendiola has no authority Atty. Mendiola, was even raised by the municipality itself in its comment and
to file a petition in behalf of and in the name of the Municipality of Pililla. The opposition to said counsel's motion for execution of his lien, which was filed with
matter of representation of a municipality by a private attorney has been settled the court a quo by the office of the Provincial Prosecutor of Rizal in behalf of
in Ramos vs. Court of Appeals, et al.,11 and reiterated in Province of Cebu said municipality.18
vs. Intermediate Appellate Court, et al.,12 where we ruled that private attorneys The contention of Atty. Mendiola that private respondent cannot raise for the
cannot represent a province or municipality in lawsuits. first time on appeal his lack of authority to represent the municipality is
Section 1683 of the Revised Administrative Code provides: untenable. The legality of his representation can be questioned at any stage of
Section 1683. Duty of fiscal to represent provinces and the proceedings. In the cases hereinbefore cited, 19 the issue of lack of authority
provincial subdivisions in litigation. — The provincial fiscal shall of private counsel to represent a municipality was only raised for the first time in
represent the province and any municipality or municipal district the proceedings for the collection of attorney's fees for services rendered in the
thereof in any court, except in cases whereof original particular case, after the decision in that case had become final and executory
jurisdiction is vested in the Supreme Court or in cases where and/or had been duly executed.
the municipality or municipal district in question is a party Furthermore, even assuming that the representation of the municipality by Atty.
adverse to the provincial government or to some other Mendiola was duly authorized, said authority is deemed to have been revoked
municipality or municipal district in the same province. When by the municipality when the latter, through the municipal mayor and without
the interests of a provincial government and of any political said counsel's participation, entered into a compromise agreement with herein
division thereof are opposed, the provincial fiscal shall act on private respondent with regard to the execution of the judgment in its favor and
behalf of the province. thereafter filed personally with the court below two pleadings
When the provincial fiscal is disqualified to serve any entitled and constitutive of a "Satisfaction of Judgment" and a "Release and
municipality or other political subdivision of a province, a Quitclaim".20
special attorney may be employed by its council.13 A client, by appearing personally and presenting a motion by himself, is
Under the above provision, complemented by Section 3, Republic Act No. 2264, considered to have impliedly dismissed his lawyer. Herein counsel cannot
the Local Autonomy Law,14 only the provincial fiscal and the municipal attorney pretend to be authorized to continue representing the municipality since the
can represent a province or municipality in their lawsuits. The provision is latter is entitled to dispense with his services at any time. Both at common law
mandatory. The municipality's authority to employ a private lawyer is expressly and under Section 26, Rule 138 of the Rules of Court, a client may dismiss his
lawyer at any time or at any stage of the proceedings, and there is nothing
to prevent a litigant from appearing before the court to conduct his own
The client has also an undoubted right to compromise a suit without the
intervention of his lawyer.22 Even the lawyers' right to fees from their clients may
not be invoked by the lawyers themselves as a ground for disapproving or
holding in abeyance the approval of a compromise agreement. The lawyers
concerned can enforce their rights in the proper court in an appropriate
proceeding in accordance with the Rules of Court, but said rights may not be
used to prevent the approval of the compromise agreement.23
The apprehension of herein counsel that it is impossible that the municipality
will file a similar petition, considering that the mayor who controls its legislative
body will not take the initiative, is not only conjectural but without factual basis.
Contrary to his pretensions, there is presently a manifestation and motion
pending with the trial court filed by the aforesaid municipal mayor for the
withdrawal of the "Satisfaction of Judgment" and the "Release and
Quitclaim"24 previously filed in the case therein as earlier mentioned.
WHEREFORE, the petition at bar is DENIED for lack of merit and the judgment
of respondent Court of Appeals is hereby AFFIRMED.

Section 3. Signature and address. — Every pleading must be signed by the

party or counsel representing him, stating in either case his address which
should not be a post office box.

The signature of counsel constitutes a certificate by him that he has read the
pleading; that to the best of his knowledge, information, and belief there is good
ground to support it; and that it is not interposed for delay.

An unsigned pleading produces no legal effect. However, the court may, in its
discretion, allow such deficiency to be remedied if it shall appear that the same
was due to mere inadvertence and not intended for delay. Counsel who
deliberately files an unsigned pleading, or signs a pleading in violation of this
Rule, or alleges scandalous or indecent matter therein, or fails promptly report
to the court a change of his address, shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary
action. (5a)

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