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Scientific Name Common Name Family Name City Country State Habitat Date collected id book Page # Collector

Lamium hybridumCut leaved henbitMint family Sandy spring Montgomery Maryland Lots of plants around 10 April Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide 87 Nate
Ranunculus ficariaLessercelandine Buttercup Sandy spring Montgomery Maryland Lots of plants around April 14 Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide 365 Nate
Erythronium americanum
Trout Lily Lily Sandy spring Montgomery Maryland Lots of plants around April 14 Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide 340 Nate
Claytonia caroliniana
Carolina Spring Beauty
Purslane family Sandy spring Montgomery Maryland Lots of plants around April 10 Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide 270 Nate
Anemonella thalictroides
Rue Anemone Buttercup Sandy spring Montgomery Maryland Lots of plants around April 14 Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide 392 Nate
Barbarea verna Early winter cressMustard Sandy spring Montgomery Maryland Lots of plants around April 13 Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide 144 Nate
Alliaria officinalis Garlic mustard Mustard Frederick Frederick county Maryland Lots of plants around April 15 Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide 138 Meghan

Glechoma hederacea
Ground ivy Mint Rockiville Montgomery Maryland Lots of plants around April 20 Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide 86 Nate
Ranunculus bulbosus
Bulbous ButtercupButtercup Rockville Montgomery Maryland Lots of plants around April 20 Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide 242 Nate

Stellaria media Common chickweed

Pink Sandy spring Montgomery Maryland Lots of plants around April 22 Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide 274 Nate
Duchesnea indicaIndian StrawberryRose Sandy spring Montgomery Maryland Few plants around April 23 Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide 240 Nate
Veronica serpyllifolia
Thyme-leaved Speedwell
Figwort Sandy spring Montgomery Maryland Few plants around April 23 Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide 74 Nate
Cardamine pensylvanica
Pennsylvania Bitter
cress Rockville Montgomery Maryland Few plants around April 23 Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide 148 Nate
Teucrium canadense
American germander
Mint Rockville Montgomery Maryland Many plants around April 23 Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide 84 Nate
Phlox drummondiiRed phlox Phlox Rockville Montgomery Maryland Few plants around April 23 Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide
Goodyera tesselata
Checkered rattlesnake
Orchisplaintain Rockville Montgomery Maryland Many plants around April 30 Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide 24 Nate
Geum macrophyllum
Large leaved avens
Rose Sandy spring Montgomery Maryland Few plants around 5/1/2019 Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide 238 Nate
Vicia sativa angustifolia
Narrow-leaved vetch
Pea Sandy spring Montgomery Maryland Few plants around May 3 Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide 114 Nate
Taraxacum oficinale
Common dandelion
Composite Sandy spring Montgomery Maryland Few plants around May 3 Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide 362 Nate
Dentaria laciniataCut leaved toothwort
Mustard Sandy Spring Montgomery Maryland Many plants around April 10 Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide 162 Nate
Oxalis corniculataCreeping wood sorrel
Wood sorrel family
Sandy spring Montgomery Maryland Few plants around May 1 Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide 246 Nate
Veronica anagallisWater
Speedwell Figwort
blue Sandy spring Montgomery Maryland Few plants around May 1 Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide 96 Nate
Nasturtium officinale
Water cress Mustard Sandy Spring Montgomery Maryland Few plants around May 7 Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide 148 Nate
Oxalis europaea Yellow wood sorrel
Wood sorrel family
Sandy spring Montgomery Maryland Few plants around May 7 Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide 246 Nate
Vicia cracca Cow vetch Pea Sandy Spring Montgomery Maryland Few plants around May 7 Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide 112 Nate
Arabis hirsuta Hairy rock cress Mustard Sandy spring Montgomery Maryland Few plants around May 7 Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide 136 Nate
Erigeron philadelphicus
Common fleabaneComposite Sandy spring Montgomery Maryland Many plants around May 9 Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide 382 Nate
Ornithogalum umbellatum
Star of bethelem Lily Sandy spring Montgomery Maryland Many plants around May 9 Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide 334 Nate
Viola pallens Northern white violet
Violet Sandy spring Montgomery Maryland Many plants around May 9 Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide 28 Nate
Rubus allegheniensis
Common blackberry
Rose Sandy spring Montgomery Maryland Many plants around May 9 Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide 232 Nate
Stellaria gramineaLesser stichwort Pink Sandy spring Montgomery Maryland Many plants around May 9 Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide 274 Nate
Trifolium pratenseRed clover Pea Sandy spring Montgomery Maryland Many plants around May 9 Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide 60 Nate
Trifolium repens White clover Pea Sandy spring Montgomery Maryland Many plants around May 9 Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide 36 Nate
Barbarea vulgarisCommon wintercress
Mustard Sandy Spring Montgomery Maryland Many plants around May 9 Newcomb's Wildflower Guide 144 Nate
Ranunculus repens
Creeping buttercup
Buttercup Sandy Spring Montgomery Maryand Many plants around May 9 Newcomb's Wildflower Guide 242 Nate

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