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The McGurk Effect and the Reverse McGurk Effect on Audio and Visual Interpretation

This experiment investigated if the McGurk Effect
still worked if reversed. The McGurk effect is when
our Nate
an audio is played but suddenly the lips change but subject recording
not the audio. This triggers your brain to override the reverse
the audio and hyperfocus on the visual.The Reverse McGurk
McGurk is if the audio changes but the lips stay
constant. This assignment was a supplement to our Effect Effect
studies on the brain specifically when dealing with Figure video
how the parts of our brain work together. #1 Figure #2
Future Directions:
-play both videos at the same volume
Research Question - We want to control for the location and how it may effect
What is the effect of changing the audio instead of the person's perception of the audio
the video on the strength of the McGurk effect? - We want to control for device as it may affect what the
Figure #3
person perceives due to sound quality.
-play the original McGurk effect first and record results Figure #1
-then play the reverse McGurk and Record results. Figure #2
Research Objective -We tested twenty people and made them watch two videos. The
To determine the effect of changing the audio on McGurk effect video and our own video
how the person perceives the McGurk effect. -We then asked them what they heard and quantified the data. Figure

Hypothesis Conclusion Acknowledgements

The effectiveness McGurk effect will change when -Our hypothesis was not accepted because when we tested the reverse We would like to thank Alice for providing us the tools to
played in the reverse. Mcgurk effect it didn’t work. We accept because our notes tell us that succeed (like the original video) and we would also like to
most people heard the audio over lip for reverse McGurk effect, while thank all of our test subjects who made our project
Null: The reverse McGurk will have no effect on possible. Finally we would like to thank the BBC for the
for the regular McGurk effect people heard lips over audio
the way the original McGurk effect works video on the original McGurk effect and Professor
- Our reverse McGurk effect standard deviation was more reliable
because it was less than Mcgurk Lawrence Rosenblum for demonstrating and explaining
-.Out of 20 people there was only one outlier who heard only “Ba, Ba, how the McGurk effect works.

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