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Brian: Welcome, family, friends, and loved ones.

We are gathered here today to

celebrate the marriage of Aaron and Niki. We’ve traveled here today to witness
and share in this lifelong commitment they make to one another, to offer our love
and support to this union, and to let Aaron and Niki start their life together
surrounded by the people most important to them. Thank you for being here.
Let's take a moment to be present, appreciate the people we're here to celebrate,
and consider our roll in supporting their union.

It’s been my privilege and joy to know Niki for as long as almost anyone else on
this earth. We were fast friends at age two, and have had the chance to
rediscover and renew our friendship at each stage of our lives thus far. In my
mind, the thought of her bright hair and face always means easy laughter, sharp
wit, and deep compassion. She is a great story-teller, which reflects how fully she
lives her life. It was once hard for me to imagine her, my oldest best friend,
finding someone who can rise to the task of being her equal, much less her
partner. So, when I met Aaron for the first time a few years ago, I was amazed to
see that here was someone just as smart, just as free-spirited, just as caring, and
that, miraculously, they fit together like hand and glove.

You can all read their story posted around the boardwalk of the saloon, but I'd
like to take a few moments to tell how I heard it from them.

Niki and Aaron met in their senior year at the University of Utah at a rock
climbing class down in Moab. They hadn't spoken yet, but each had caught the
others' eye. Aaron planned on staying up late to take pictures of the stars, with
the secret hope that the cute blonde might notice and strike up a conversation;
Niki, for her part, finally saw her angle of approach. She planned to ask some
questions and let him teach her a little bit about the stars, but it soon became
apparent that Aaron was more of an authority on cameras than stars, and Niki
showed him the constellations that night. Thanks to the timely presence of their
friend Stephen, nothing further transpired that night, but Niki was the subject of
more than her share of Aaron's photos as they climbed over the next few days.

Despite not exchanging numbers, they eventually reconnected for a 'group' rock
climbing excursion that turned out to only be the two of them. They climbed for
just ten minutes, then spent hours sitting on top of the rock talking, not mindful of
the passing time. It took until Aaron leaned in and kissed her for Niki to realize
that this was their first date.
Aaron and Niki have always said that they did everything in their relationship
backward: they moved in together before they first said 'I love you', and did both
of these before they were officially dating. And, of course they had their first 'kid',
Gibbs, well before they were married.
Aaron, by all accounts, was incredibly patient in letting Niki come to terms with
their relationship, not pushing things any quicker than she was willing to, even
putting up with the wall of pillows she erected each night as a more-than-
symbolic barrier until she was sure he was top-quality.

Niki and Aaron have made traveling together important, from their first meeting in
Moab to Aaron's first trip out of the country. On a trip to Kalispell, Montana, in
July of 2014, Niki had resolved to tell Aaron that she loved him. When the
moment came, the pressure turned 'I love you' into 'I kinda think I might love you
a little bit', to which he responded 'I'm so in love with you.'
At this point, still doing everything backwards, they hadn't officially decided that
they were 'dating'. Aaron's friends had been asking when the inevitable would
happen; now, up in the mountains, Brian texted again, asking if they were dating
yet, and Niki took the phone out of his hands to reply 'Yes'.
From then on, there was no stopping them.

Now, anyone who knows Niki will understand what a steep challenge it is to
orchestrate a proposal worthy of her exacting standards. She would want
documentation, proper lighting and backdrop, and attire to match the occasion.
Hard, then, to make any of this happen without her suspecting in advance.
Aaron's eloquent solution, I think, perfectly demonstrates his suitability. Under the
pretense of a birthday photo-shoot with his cousin Rachael, he took her up to
Willow Lake, one of her favorite hiking destinations. He asked her whether she
was having as much fun as her last birthday, which had been spent in South
Africa playing with cheetahs. Of course, he meant for her to say 'no', so while she
struggled not to disappoint him, he said the words 'You want to kick it up a
notch?' and went down on his knee. According to Niki, the next hour or so was a
blur of tears and hugs, during which she, at some point, said 'yes'.
Even more amazingly, Aaron had managed to corral many friends and family
members in a restaurant down the canyon, without letting on to them why they
were there, and Niki had the fairytale moment of sharing the happy news.

Aaron and Niki have chosen to write their own vows. Aaron, if you would like to

Aaron: Vows
Niki: Vows, ending in 'I might have kinda love you'

Brian: Aaron and Niki, please join hands and look at one another. Remember
this moment; never forget the vows and the promise that you make this day.

Do you, Aaron and Niki, in the sight of those you love, present yourselves
willingly and joyfully to be joined in marriage?

Aaron + Niki: We do.

Will you promise to care for each other in the joys and sorrows of life, come what
may, and to share in the enrichment of your life together?

Aaron + Niki: We will.

May we please have the rings?

(Eryn + Robless hand Niki + Aaron the rings)

Aaron, please place this ring on Niki’s finger, and repeat after me:
“You are my my partner, my best friend, my love -
And with this ring, I bind my life to yours.
I promise to honor you, respect you, and love you
Till death do us part.”

Niki, please place this ring on Aaron’s finger, and repeat after me:
“You are my my partner, my best friend, my love -
And with this ring, I bind my life to yours.
I promise to honor you, respect you, and love you
Till death do us part.”

Brian: No one but you can truly declare yourselves married. Today you begin to
affirm that declaration by speaking your vows in front of your loved ones;
remember what you have created here, this union greater and more perfect that
its separate parts, and seek to nourish it in your years together.

In accordance with the laws of the state of Wyoming,

It is my honour to declare you husband and wife.
You may seal your vows with a kiss.

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