La Purisima National High School: Republic of The Philippines

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Republic of the Philippines

Region V
Division of Camarines Sur
Nabua, Camarines Sur


(Monday, March 13, 2017, Grade 10 – EAGLE, 8:30 – 9:30 A.M.)

At the end of the session, the learners should be able to:
A. Arrange the given data into ascending order.
B. Find the Q1, Q2, and Q3 of the given data.
C. Cite the importance of studying quartiles in real – life situation.


A. Topic: Quartiles for Ungrouped Data
B. References:
Callanta, Melvin M. et al., Mathematics Learners Module for Grade 10,
pages 364 – 371.
Esller, Beda H. et al., Basic Statistics, pages 55 – 57.
C. Materials: manila paper, cartolina, pentel pen, colored paper (traffic light
cups), activity sheets, improvised train
D. Skills to be developed: critical thinking, brainstorming, analysis
E. Mathematical Concept:
When the given data is odd number, get the middle value or used the
formula 2 .
When the given data is even number, get the sum of the two middle
values divided by two.
F. Values to be Integrated: active participation, cooperation and teamwork
G. Methodology/Teaching Strategy: 7Es (Elicit, Engage, Explore, Explain,
Elaborate, Evaluate, Extend) , Carousel Feedback

Teacher’s Activity Students Activity Im’s used
10 A. Preliminary Activities
mins. 1. Greetings
Good morning class! Good morning ma’am!

2. Opening Prayer
Please stand for a prayer.
(Teacher will call a student (Student will lead the prayer.)
to lead the prayer.)

3. Classroom Management
Before you take your seats,
kindly pick – up the pieces
of papers and plastics that
you may see on the floor,
and then arrange your
chairs properly. (Students will follow.)

4. Checking of Attendance
Class secretary, who are
absent today? (Class secretary will give the names
of the student who are absent.)
Thank you!

5. Checking of Assignment
Last meeting, I told you to
study all about the
measures of position of
ungrouped data, right?
Yes, ma’am.
Let see if you really study
the measures of position of
ungrouped data.

6. Objectives
Before we start with our Cartolina,
lesson, let me first give to powerpoint
you, our learning objectives. presentation
Please read.
(Teacher will call a student
to read the learning Learning Objectives:
objectives.) A. Arrange the given data into
ascending order.
B. Find the Q1, Q2, and Q3 of the
given data.
C. Cite the importance of
studying quartiles in real –
life situation.
Thank You!
Can we attain our learning
objectives? Yes, ma’am.

7. Unlocking of Difficulties
Now, I want you to be Cartolina,
familiar with the terms that powerpoint
I will show to you. We will presentation,
do this through an activity, pentel pen
entitled “Fill me and You
will See..”

You will just fill – in the

missing letters on each item

I need a volunteer to fill – in

the missing letters for
number 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
Since nobody volunteer, I
will call you to fill – in the
missing letters.
(Teacher will call a 5
student to fill – in the
missing letters.)
1. The middle value in a set
of data.
2. The value of the variable
below which 25% of the
cases lie.
3. The value of the variable
below which 50% of the
cases lie.
4. The value of the variable
below which 75% of the
cases lie.
5. The score points which
divide a distribution into
four equal parts.
Q_A_T_L_ Unlocking Terms:

Median – The middle value in a set of

Lower Quartile – The value of the
variable below which 25% of the
cases lie.
Middle Quartile – The value of the
variable below which 50% of the
cases lie.
Upper Quartile – The value of the
variable below which 75% of the
cases lie.
Quartile – The score points which
divide a distribution into four equal
Please read the meaning of the parts.
following words in chorus.
(Students will read the unlocking
Thank You! terms.)

5 mins. ELICIT Cut – out

I need 5 students to stand in (Colored
front of the class. paper)

(Teacher will ask a question to

the remaining class.)
(Students who will volunteer will
When my questions are stand in front of the class.)
answerable by ‘yes’ you will
‘stand up’ and when it is ‘no’
you will ‘sit down’.

(person A, B, C, D, E)
Is person B the ‘median’ from A
to E? No. (Students will sit down.)

Is person C the ‘median’ from A

to E? Yes. (Students will stand up.)

Very good. What is the reason

that person C is the ‘median’
from A to E? Because he/she is the one who are in
the middle among the rest.
Very well said.

(Teacher will add one student

and they will hold the six
different numbers to those
volunteer students.)

5, 8, 4, 9, 7, 10

From those numbers that they

are holding, what will you do to
find the median? We need to arrange them from
lowest to highest. Then, the median
will be equal to the sum of the two
middle numbers divided by two.
Precisely! Now, what is the
value of the median from those
six numbers? Expected answer:
Very good!

Thank you! You can take your (Volunteer students will now go
seats now. back to their seats.)

The concept of median will help

us on our discussion about

5 mins. ENGAGE
Class, I will give you a short presentation,
story. So, listen carefully. (Students will listen.) Improvised
Awra has a project in Statistics:
The estimated population of
Brgy. La Purisima. He went
from Zone 1 to Zone 7 to gather
the estimated population and
place it on the train. But Awra
has a problem, the train will not
move if he will not find the
upper, middle, and lower

Can we help him to find the

quartile for him to travel back
going to his home?

Estimated Population of Brgy. La Yes, Ma’am.

Zone Estimated
1 56
2 54
3 65
4 67
5 50
6 78
7 49

Let’s find a way how to help



(Pre – Activity)
15 Let’s have a group activity. This Activity
mins. activity will support us to help sheets,
Awra on his project. pentel pen,
I will divide the class into 4 paper
groups. (traffic light
Every group must have a; cups),
- Leader manila
- Presenter paper,
- Secretary scientific
- Timekeeper calculator
- Problem solver
- Research runner
All the materials and activity
sheet are inside the brown
I will give you this Traffic Light
Cups where;
- Green Cup (Go) – means
you know how to perform
the task.
- Yellow (wait for a while) –
means you know something
but you need assistance.
- Red Cup (stop) – means you
don’t know how to perform
the task, thus you really
need assistance.
After you finish the given
activity, you will post your
output in your designated area.
Then, you will do the Carousel

Procedure of Carousel
1. Teams stand in front of
their assigned projects. The
presenter of the team will
stay on their assigned
projects to present it on the
other groups.
2. Teams will rotate clockwise
to the next project.
3. For a specified time (1 min.
to present and 1 min.
feedback), team discuss
their reactions to the other
teams project in the
comment box.
4. Students are encouraged to
include positive comments.
5. Teacher will call time. The
teams will rotate, observe,
discuss, and give feedback
on next project.
6. Teams continue until each
team rotate back to its own
project. Teams review the
feedback they received from
other teams.

After the carousel feedback, the

presenter will now discuss
their output in the whole class.

Is that clear?
Yes, Ma’am.
Remember: You will be graded
based on the rubric that is
given in the activity sheet.

You will do your activity in just

5 minutes. Are you ready?
Time starts now. Yes, ma’am.

(Activity Proper)
(Teacher will facilitate the Group Activity
activity.) Direction: Arrange the given data in
ascending order. Then, find the Q1,
Q2, and Q3 of the given data.

Group 1:
14, 1, 10, 17, 5, 11, 8, 13, 4, 9, 12

Group 2:
9, 7, 24, 20, 18, 2, 6, 3, 4, 13, 5, 23

Group 3:
17, 21, 6, 18, 11, 9, 10, 14, 5
Group 4:
7, 16, 15, 4, 9, 5, 3, 27 , 9, 19

Complete the statement below:

1. The first quartile ___ is
obtained by _______________.
2. The second quartile ___ is
obtained by _______________.
3. The third quartile ___ is
obtained by _______________.

(Post Activity)
Okay! You may now post your
output on your designated area.

We will do now the Carousel

Feedback, where teams will
rotate from project to leave
feedback for other teams.
(Students will do the Carousel

Expected answer:
Group 1:
1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17
Q1 – 5
Q2 – 10
Q3 – 13

Group 2:
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 13, 18, 20, 23, 24
Q1 – 4.5
Q2 – 8
Q3 – 19

Group 3:
5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 14, 17, 18, 21
Q1 – 7.5
Q2 – 11
Q3 – 17.5

Group 4:
3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 9, 15, 16, 19, 27
Q1 – 5
Q2 – 9
Q3 – 16

(Students answer may vary on the

given statement.)


mins. (The presenter will now discuss
their work in the whole class.)
(The teacher will evaluate and
rate the activity of each group
based on the criteria)
How did you find the activity
class? (Students answers vary.)

In the given activity, what did

you do first before you find the
Q1, Q2, and Q3 of the given data? We arrange first the given data in
Very good. ascending order.

What if it is not arrange in

ascending order? Can we get
the Quartile? Why? No, ma’am.
Because, by definition Q1 < Q2 < Q3.
If we didn’t arrange the given data,
we will come up a wrong answer.
Precisely! So you need to
arrange the given data into
ascending order.

What did you used to find the

position of the Q1, Q2, and Q3 in
the given data/value? We used the concept of getting the
value of median, when the given data
is odd number, you will just get the
middle value or you will used the
formula 2 and when the given data
is even number you will get the sum
of the two middle values divided by
Very well said.

(Teacher will give the Exit


Let us reflect…

You will just complete the

following statement in 2 mins.
A. I learned that …
B. I noticed that …
C. The importance of studying this
topic in real – life situation is/
are …
(Students answer may vary.)
Who can help Awra on his
project? Anyone?
Expected answer:
49, 50, 54, 56, 65, 67, 78
Q1 – 50
Q2 – 56
Q3 – 67

(Student will explain the answers)

Perfect! So, Awra can travel now going
back to his home. He is really thankful
for the ideas that you shared to him.
Everyone, say goodbye now to Awra.
Do you have any questions? Goodbye Awra!!!
None Ma’am.

IV. EVALUATE (5mins.)

Arrange the given data in ascending order, then find the Q1, Q2, Q3. (5 pts. each)

1. Given the scores of 10 students in their Mathematics activity.

35, 42, 40, 28, 15, 23, 33, 20, 18, 28

V. EXTEND (2mins.)

1. Answer Activity 6: Find Me and Activity 7: How old are you?

Reference: Callanta, Melvin M. et al., Mathematics Learners Module for
Grade 10, page 371.
2. Study about the Mendenhall and Sincich Method.
Reference: Callanta, Melvin M. et al., Mathematics Learners Module for
Grade 10, page 368 – 372.

Prepared by:


Student Teacher, CBSUA

Checked by:

Cooperating Teacher, LPNHS

Noted by:

Mathematics Coordinator, LPNHS

Approved by:

Principal 1, LPNHS

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