Sepsis Neonatal Precoz

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CLINICAL REPORT Guidance for the Clinician in Rendering Pediatric Care

Management of Neonates Born at ≥35

0/7 Weeks’ Gestation With Suspected
or Proven Early-Onset Bacterial Sepsis
Karen M. Puopolo, MD, PhD, FAAP,​a,​b William E. Benitz, MD, FAAP,​c Theoklis E. Zaoutis, MD, MSCE, FAAP,​a,​d

The incidence of neonatal early-onset sepsis (EOS) has declined substantially abstract
over the last 2 decades, primarily because of the implementation of
evidence-based intrapartum antimicrobial therapy. However, EOS remains
a serious and potentially fatal illness. Laboratory tests alone are neither
aDepartment of Pediatrics, Perelman School of Medicine, University
sensitive nor specific enough to guide EOS management decisions. Maternal of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; bChildren’s Hospital of
and infant clinical characteristics can help identify newborn infants who Philadelphia, and dRoberts Center for Pediatric Research, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania; and cDivision of Neonatal and Developmental Medicine,
are at risk and guide the administration of empirical antibiotic therapy. Department of Pediatrics, School of Medicine, Stanford University, Palo
Alto, California
The incidence of EOS, the prevalence and implications of established risk
factors, the predictive value of commonly used laboratory tests, and the This document is copyrighted and is property of the American
Academy of Pediatrics and its Board of Directors. All authors have
uncertainties in the risk/benefit balance of antibiotic exposures all vary filed conflict of interest statements with the American Academy
of Pediatrics. Any conflicts have been resolved through a process
significantly with gestational age at birth. Our purpose in this clinical report approved by the Board of Directors. The American Academy of
is to provide a summary of the current epidemiology of neonatal sepsis Pediatrics has neither solicited nor accepted any commercial
involvement in the development of the content of this publication.
among infants born at ≥35 0/7 weeks’ gestation and a framework for the
Clinical reports from the American Academy of Pediatrics benefit from
development of evidence-based approaches to sepsis risk assessment expertise and resources of liaisons and internal (AAP) and external
among these infants. reviewers. However, clinical reports from the American Academy of
Pediatrics may not reflect the views of the liaisons or the organizations
or government agencies that they represent.

The guidance in this report does not indicate an exclusive course of

treatment or serve as a standard of medical care. Variations, taking
into account individual circumstances, may be appropriate.
Early-onset sepsis (EOS) is a serious and potentially fatal complication of
birth. Assessing term and late-preterm newborn infants for risk of EOS is All clinical reports from the American Academy of Pediatrics
automatically expire 5 years after publication unless reaffirmed,
one of the most common clinical tasks conducted by pediatric providers.‍1 revised, or retired at or before that time.
As the use of preventive intrapartum antibiotic therapies has increased
DOI: https://​doi.​org/​10.​1542/​peds.​2018-​2894
and the incidence of EOS has decreased, physicians are challenged to
identify those newborn infants who are at the highest risk of infection. Address correspondence to Karen M. Puopolo, MD, PhD, FAAP. E-mail:
Pediatric providers are particularly concerned about initially well-
PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online, 1098-4275).
appearing infants with identified risk factors for EOS for fear of missing
the opportunity to intervene before infants become critically ill. The need
to (1) assess a newborn infant’s risk of EOS, (2) determine which steps To cite: Puopolo KM, Benitz WE, Zaoutis TE, AAP COMMITTEE
should be taken at particular levels of risk (including the administration ON FETUS AND NEWBORN, AAP COMMITTEE ON INFECTIOUS
of empirical, broad-spectrum antibiotic therapies), and (3) decide when DISEASES. Management of Neonates Born at ≥35 0/7 Weeks’
Gestation With Suspected or Proven Early-Onset Bacterial
to discontinue empirical antibiotic therapies are critically important
Sepsis. Pediatrics. 2018;142(6):e20182894
decisions that are made daily by physicians caring for neonates.

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PEDIATRICS Volume 142, number 6, December 2018:e20182894 FROM THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS
Depending on the local structure of infants, the pathogenesis of EOS is The clinical diagnosis of
pediatric care, these decisions are most commonly that of ascending chorioamnionitis has been used as
made by community pediatricians, colonization and infection of the a primary risk factor for identifying
family physicians, emergency uterine compartment with maternal infants who are at risk for EOS,
department physicians, newborn gastrointestinal and genitourinary presenting multiple difficulties for
hospitalists, and/or neonatal flora during labor with subsequent obstetric and neonatal providers.
intensive care specialists. colonization and invasive infection Although most infants with EOS are
of the fetus and/or fetal aspiration born to women with this clinical
of infected amniotic fluid. Rarely, diagnosis, specificity is poor;
PATHOGENESIS AND CURRENT EOS may develop at or near term only a small proportion of infants
EPIDEMIOLOGY OF NEONATAL EOS before the onset of labor. Whether who are born in the setting of
acquired hematogenously across the chorioamnionitis develop EOS.‍16–‍‍ 19
‍ In
EOS is defined as a blood or
placenta or via an ascending route, a review of nearly 400 000 newborn
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) culture
bacterial infection can be a cause of infants, researchers confirmed
obtained within 72 hours after birth
stillbirth in the third trimester.‍11,​12
‍ the high rate of chorioamnionitis
growing a pathogenic bacterial
Listeria monocytogenes, which is diagnosis among the mothers of
species. This microbiologic definition
usually transmitted from the mother infants with EOS but estimated that
stands in contrast to the functional
to the fetus by the transplacental approximately 450 term infants who
definitions of sepsis that are used
hematogenous spread of infection were exposed to chorioamnionitis
in pediatric and adult patients,
before the onset of labor, is an would have to be treated per case
for whom the definition is used to
infrequent but notable cause of of confirmed EOS.20 These data are
specify a series of time-sensitive
EOS.13 used to provide a strong argument
interventions. Before the first
against using the clinical diagnosis of
national guidelines were published
chorioamnionitis as a sole indicator
in which researchers recommended
RISK FACTORS FOR EOS of risk for EOS in term infants. The
intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis
identification of chorioamnionitis
(IAP) to prevent perinatal group B
The occurrence, severity, and itself is challenging, particularly
Streptococcus (GBS) disease,​‍2 the
duration of specific clinical risk among women who are laboring at
overall incidence of EOS in the United
factors can be used to assess the risk or near term. The American College
States was 3 to 4 cases per 1000 live
of EOS among term and late-preterm of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
births.‍3 Currently, the incidence of
infants. Evidence has supported the (ACOG) has recently opted to
EOS among infants who are born at
predictive value of gestational age, transition away from the use of the
term has declined to approximately
maternal intraamniotic infection term chorioamnionitis to the use
0.5 in 1000 live births.‍4,​5‍ The EOS
(represented either by intrapartum of intraamniotic infection and has
incidence is higher (approximately
fever or the obstetric clinical published guidance for its diagnosis
1 in 1000 live births) among late-
diagnosis of chorioamnionitis), the and management.‍21 The ACOG
preterm infants but still an order of
duration of rupture of membranes aligned with the recommendations
magnitude lower than the incidence
(ROM), maternal GBS colonization, of a multispecialty workshop
among preterm, very low birth
the administration of appropriate sponsored by the Eunice Kennedy
weight infants.4–‍‍ 7‍ Culture-confirmed
intrapartum antibiotic therapy, and Shriver National Institute of Child
meningitis among term infants is
‍ –‍ 16
the newborn clinical condition.‍2,​14 ‍ Health and Human Development in
even more rare, with an incidence
Surveillance studies in the United defining a confirmed diagnosis of
of 0.01 to 0.02 cases per 1000 live
States reveal higher rates of EOS intraamniotic infection as 1 made by
births.‍4,​8 Morbidity and mortality
among infants who are born to using positive amniotic fluid Gram-
from EOS remain substantial;
mothers of African American race stain and/or culture results or by
approximately 60% of term infants
compared with those who are not using placental histopathology.‍21,​22

with EOS require neonatal intensive
of African American race, but race Suspected intraamniotic infection
care for respiratory distress and/or
is not an independent predictor is defined as maternal intrapartum
blood pressure support.‍8 Mortality
in multivariable analyses.4,​5,​
‍ 7‍ fever (either a single maternal
is approximately 2% to 3% among
Multiple other factors associated intrapartum temperature ≥39.0°C
infants with EOS born at ≥35 weeks’
with an increased risk of EOS (eg, or a temperature of 38.0°C–38.9°C
‍ 8‍
twin gestation, fetal tachycardia, that persists for >30 minutes) and 1
EOS primarily begins in utero and meconium-stained amniotic fluid) or more of the following: maternal
was originally described as amniotic also are not independent predictors leukocytosis, purulent cervical
infection syndrome.‍9,​10
‍ Among term of infection. drainage, and fetal tachycardia. The

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ACOG recommends that intrapartum breastfeeding and increase formula newborn infant who is ill appearing;
antibiotic therapy be administered supplementation.‍36 Although the (2) a mother with a clinical diagnosis
whenever intraamniotic infection is relationship between early neonatal of chorioamnionitis; (3) a mother
diagnosed or suspected and when antibiotic exposure and subsequent who is colonized with GBS and who
otherwise unexplained maternal childhood health remains to be received inadequate IAP, with a
fever occurs in isolation. These defined, current evidence reveals that duration of ROM being >18 hours
recommendations are based on such exposures do affect newborn or birth before 37 weeks’ gestation;
data revealing the protective effect infants in the short-term; therefore, or (4) a mother who is colonized
of intrapartum antibiotic therapy physicians should consider the risk/ with GBS who received inadequate
for both the mother and fetus benefit balance of initiating antibiotic IAP but with no additional risk
when infection is present while therapy for the risk of EOS as well as factors. Recommendations in these
acknowledging frequent uncertainty for continuing empirical antibiotic algorithms include the following:
about the presence of intraamniotic therapy in the absence of a culture- laboratory testing and empirical
infection. confirmed infection. antibiotic therapy for infants in
categories 1 and 2, laboratory testing
for category 3, and observation in the
Different versions of this approach
Newborn infants may be exposed to Three approaches currently exist
have been published since 1996
antibiotic drugs before birth in the for the use of risk factors to identify
and have been incorporated by
form of GBS IAP, maternal surgical infants who are at increased risk
physicians into local algorithms.
prophylaxis in cesarean deliveries, of EOS, as detailed in the following
An advantage of using categorical
or intrapartum antibiotic therapy sections. Each approach has
risk factors is that substantial data
administered because of suspected merits and limitations, and each
have been reported that are used to
or confirmed intraamniotic infection is a reasonable approach to risk
address the effects on GBS-specific
or other maternal infections. assessment among infants who are
disease and on the frequency of
Combined, these indications result born at ≥35 weeks’ gestation. No
‍ –‍‍‍‍ 45
neonatal EOS evaluation.‍3,​39 ‍
in an antibiotic exposure of 32% strategy can be used to immediately
Limitations of this approach include
to 45% of all newborn infants.‍23–‍ 25
‍ identify all infants who will develop
a lack of clear definitions for
Administered to protect mothers EOS or avoid the treatment of a
newborn clinical illness, difficulties
and newborn infants, such early substantial number of infants who
in establishing the clinical diagnosis
antibiotic exposures may also have are uninfected. Therefore, each
of maternal chorioamnionitis,
negative consequences for term and strategy must include measures to
an inconsistent consideration of
late-preterm infants. Researchers monitor infants who are not initially
intrapartum antibiotics, and the
in retrospective studies conducted identified and to minimize the
absence of guidance on what is used
primarily among term infants have duration of antibiotic administration
to define abnormal laboratory test
associated antibiotic administration to infants who are uninfected. Those
results in the newborn infant.
in infancy with increased risks of at birth centers should develop
later childhood health problems, such institutional approaches that are best
Multivariate Risk Assessment
as wheezing, asthma, food allergy, suited to their local resources and
inflammatory bowel disease, and structures. Optimally, the effect of the A multivariate risk assessment
childhood obesity.‍26–32
‍‍‍‍ Although the chosen approach should be measured includes an individualized synthesis
biologic basis of such associations is to identify low-frequency adverse of established risk factors and
not firmly established, researchers events and to affirm efficacy. the newborn clinical condition to
suggest that neonatal antibiotic estimate each infant’s risk of EOS.
administration alters the developing Categorical Risk Factor Assessment A cohort of 608 000 newborn infants
gut microbiome.‍33–‍ 35
‍ Intrapartum A categorical risk factor assessment was used to develop predictive
antibiotic administration has been includes risk factor threshold models for culture-confirmed EOS
associated with changes in stool values to identify infants who are at based on objective data that are
bacterial composition at 1 week, 3 increased risk for EOS. Algorithms known at the moment of birth‍7 and
months, and 12 months of age.‍34,​35 for the management of GBS-specific the evolving newborn condition
The impact of breastfeeding on gut EOS have been used as a general during the first 6 to 12 hours after
dysbiosis may be important given framework for the prevention of birth.‍46 The objective data include
that mother-infant separation for EOS all EOS.‍3,​37,​
‍ 38‍ Risk factors used in gestational age, the highest maternal
evaluation can delay the initiation of such algorithms included (1) any intrapartum temperature, the

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PEDIATRICS Volume 142, number 6, December 2018 3
maternal GBS colonization status, the infants in the well nursery and/ and serial examinations of at-risk
duration of ROM, and the type and or postpartum care unit. The newborn infants.‍42,​49–‍‍‍ 53
‍ Researchers
duration of intrapartum antibiotic classification of infants as clinically at 1 center in Italy reported a cohort
therapies. The predictive models ill, equivocal, or well appearing of 7628 term infants who were
were used to develop a Web-based requires ongoing clinical assessment managed with a categorical approach
Neonatal Early-Onset Sepsis Risk over the first 12 hours after to risk identification and compared
Calculator with recommended birth.‍44,​46,​
‍ 48‍ Workflow changes could the outcomes with a cohort of 7611
clinical algorithms that are based be needed to accommodate changes infants who were managed with
on the final risk estimate.‍47 Blood in the frequency of vital signs and serial physical examinations every
culture and enhanced clinical other clinical assessments for 4 to 6 hours through 48 hours of
observation are recommended for infants who are identified as being age. Significant decreases in the use
infants with an EOS risk estimated at moderate risk of EOS. Those at of laboratory tests, blood cultures,
at ≥1 per 1000 live births, and blood institutions opting for this approach and empirical antibiotic agents were
culture and empirical antibiotic may set different risk thresholds for observed in the second cohort. Two
therapy are recommended for specific actions other than those that infants who developed EOS in the
infants with an EOS risk estimated are validated‍44,​48 but should also second cohort were identified as they
at ≥3 per 1000 live births. A consider quantifying the effect of developed signs of illness.42
prospective validation in 204 685 the chosen risk thresholds to affirm
infants revealed that blood culture safety and efficacy. The primary advantage of this
testing declined by 66%, and approach is a significant reduction
empirical antibiotic administration Risk Assessment Primarily Based on in the rate of antibiotic use. Those
declined by 48% with this approach Newborn Clinical Condition at institutions adopting such an
compared with the previous use of A third strategy consists of the approach will need to decide
a categorical risk algorithm based reliance on clinical signs of illness whether to adopt a categorical
on recommendations by the Centers to identify infants with EOS. Under or multivariate approach for the
for Disease Control and Prevention this approach, regardless of any identification of infants who are at
(CDC).‍44 No adverse effects of the estimation of neonatal or maternal risk. Alternatively, providers can
multivariate risk approach were risk factors for EOS, infants who decide to conduct serial clinical
noted during birth hospitalization. appear ill at birth and those who evaluations on all newborn infants
Readmissions for culture-confirmed develop signs of illness over the first without regard to risk of EOS. The
infection during the week after 48 hours after birth are either treated latter approach would provide a
discharge from the birth hospital empirically with antibiotic agents means of identifying infants who
were rare (approximately 5 in or further evaluated by laboratory develop EOS despite a low estimate
100 000 births) and did not differ by screening. Among term and late- of risk and initially reassuring clinical
the approach (sepsis risk calculator preterm infants, good clinical condition. Such cases occur at rate
versus CDC risk algorithm) used at condition at birth is associated of approximately 1 in 10 000 live
birth. with a reduction in risk for EOS of births among term and late-preterm
approximately 60% to 70%.‍44,​46 ‍ A infants.‍46 Potential disadvantages of
The advantages of the multivariate multidisciplinary panel sponsored by this approach are that it can require
approach are that it (1) is used to the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National significant changes to newborn
provide differential information on Institute of Child Health and Human care at birth hospitals, including
an individual infant’s risk rather Development advocated that infants the establishment of processes to
than place infants in categories be flagged for risk of EOS on the ensure universal serial, structured,
with a wide range of risk, (2) basis of the obstetric diagnosis of documented examinations and
includes only objective data and suspected intraamniotic infection the development of clear criteria
not a clinical diagnosis of maternal but that those conducting newborn for additional evaluation and
chorioamnionitis, and (3) results evaluation primarily rely on clinical empirical antibiotic administration.
in relatively few well-appearing observation alone for well-appearing Frequent medical examinations of
newborn infants being treated term and late-preterm infants.‍22 all newborn infants may be variably
empirically with antibiotic agents. Those at several centers have acceptable to families and may
Potential concerns are derived reported experience with strategies add significantly to the cost of well
from the anticipated effect on birth based on the identification of at-risk nursery care. Importantly, physicians
hospitals because this multivariate newborn infants using categorical and families must understand that
approach necessitates increased or multivariate approaches to risk the identification of initially well-
clinical surveillance for some accompanied by laboratory tests appearing infants who develop

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clinical illness is not a failure of optimal recovery of organisms.‍64,​65
‍ of term infants for whom blood
care but rather an anticipated The use of 2 separate culture bottles cultures are sterile. The incidence
outcome of this approach to EOS risk may provide the opportunity to of culture-confirmed meningitis in
management. determine if commensal species are the absence of culture-confirmed
true infections by comparing growth bacteremia is approximately 1 to
in the 2 cultures.‍66,​67
‍ The use of 1 2 cases per 100 000 live births.‍4,​8
LABORATORY TESTING aerobic and 1 anaerobic culture Physicians may, therefore, use their
Blood Culture bottle may be done to optimize the best judgment to determine when
organism recovery of rare strict CSF analysis should be performed
In the absence of validated, clinically anaerobic species,​68 and most in the absence of documented
available molecular diagnostics, neonatal pathogens, including GBS, bacteremia.
blood culture remains the diagnostic Escherichia coli, and Staphylococcus
standard for EOS. Newborn surface aureus, will grow under anaerobic White Blood Cell Count
cultures and gastric aspirate analysis conditions. Anaerobic blood culture
cannot be used to diagnose EOS, is routinely performed as part of The white blood cell (WBC) count,
and urine culture is not indicated sepsis evaluation among obstetric immature/total neutrophil ratio
in sepsis evaluations performed at and other adult patients. Those at (I/T), and absolute neutrophil
<72 hours of age. In modern blood individual centers may benefit from count (ANC) are commonly used
culture systems, optimized enriched collaborative discussion with those to assess the risk of EOS. Multiple
culture media with antimicrobial at the laboratory where cultures clinical factors can affect the WBC
neutralization properties, are processed to optimize local count and differential, including
continuous-read detection systems, processes. gestational age at birth, sex, and
and specialized pediatric culture mode of delivery.‍71–‍‍ 74
‍ Fetal bone
bottles are used. Concerns have marrow depression attributable to
CSF Culture
been raised about the incomplete maternal preeclampsia or placental
detection of low-level bacteremia CSF culture should ideally be insufficiency and prolonged exposure
and the effect of intrapartum performed along with blood culture to inflammatory signals, such as
antibiotic administration.‍22,​54‍ and before the initiation of empirical those associated with the premature
However, these systems are used antibiotic therapy for infants who ROM, frequently result in abnormal
to reliably detect bacteremia at are at the highest risk of EOS. Among values in the absence of infection.
a level of 1 to 10 colony-forming infants born at ≥35 weeks’ gestation, As the incidence of EOS declines,
units per mL if a minimum blood those at the highest risk include the clinical utility of the WBC count
volume of 1 mL is inoculated. those with critical illness. CSF cell also declines. Researchers in 2 large,
Furthermore, researchers in several counts obtained after the initiation of multicenter studies applied the
studies have reported no effect empirical antibiotic therapy may be likelihood ratio, a test characteristic
of intrapartum antibiotic therapy difficult to interpret.‍69,​70
‍ However, that is independent of disease
on time to positivity.‍55–‍‍ 59
‍ Culture physicians must balance the incidence, to assess the relationship
media containing antimicrobial challenges of CSF interpretation with between WBC count and culture-
neutralization elements efficiently the realities of care: lumbar puncture confirmed EOS among term and
neutralize β-lactam antibiotic agents should not be performed if the late-preterm infants and found
and gentamicin.‍55 A median blood newborn infant’s clinical condition that none of the components (WBC
culture time to positivity of <24 would be compromised or antibiotic count, I/T, nor ANC) performed well.
hours is reported among term infants initiation would be delayed by the Extreme values (total WBC count
when using contemporary blood procedure. Meningitis was diagnosed <5000/μL [I/T >0.3; ANC <2000/
culture techniques.‍60–‍ 63
‍ Despite clinically in 4% of EOS cases in μL] in one study73 and WBC count
the performance characteristics of CDC surveillance, but only half of <1000/μL [ANC <100/μL; and I/T
modern blood cultures, a prolonged the diagnoses were made by using >0.5] in the other‍75) were associated
empirical antibiotic treatment of CSF culture, reflecting the practical with the highest likelihood ratios but
term newborn infants who are difficulties in performing lumbar very low sensitivities. WBC count
critically ill may occasionally be puncture.‍4 CSF culture and analysis >20 000/μL and platelet counts were
appropriate despite negative culture should be performed if blood cultures not associated with EOS in either
results. grow a pathogen to optimize the type study. The I/T squared (I/T divided
Pediatric blood culture bottles and duration of antibiotic therapy. by the ANC) performed better than
generally require a minimum CSF culture and analysis do not need any of the more traditional tests and
inoculum of 1 mL of blood for to be performed in the vast majority was independent of age in hours

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PEDIATRICS Volume 142, number 6, December 2018 5
but also had modest sensitivity and organisms. S aureus (approximately cases that are caused by resistant
specificity.‍76 3%–4%) and L monocytogenes or atypical organisms. Among
(approximately 1%–2%) are less term infants with unexplained
Other Inflammatory Markers common causes of EOS among term critical cardiorespiratory illness, an
infants.‍4,​5‍ empirical course of antibiotic therapy
Researchers in multiple studies
may be justified even in the absence
address other markers of Ampicillin and gentamicin, in
of culture-confirmed infection. Most
inflammation, including C-reactive combination, is the first choice for
often, however, antibiotic therapy
protein (CRP), procalcitonin, empirical therapy for EOS. This
should be discontinued when blood
interleukins (ILs) (soluble IL-2 combination will be effective against
cultures are sterile at 36 to 48
receptor, IL-6, and IL-8), tumor GBS, most other streptococcal
hours of incubation unless there is
necrosis factor α, and CD64.‍77–‍‍ 80
‍ Both and enterococcal species, and L
evidence of site-specific infection.
CRP and procalcitonin concentrations monocytogenes. Although two-thirds
Continuing empirical antibiotic
increase in newborn infants in of E coli EOS isolates and most other
therapy in response to laboratory
response to a variety of inflammatory Gram-negative EOS isolates are
test abnormalities alone is rarely
stimuli, including infection, asphyxia, resistant to ampicillin, the majority
justified, particularly among well-
and pneumothorax. Procalcitonin remain sensitive to gentamicin.‍4
appearing term infants.
concentrations also increase Extended-spectrum β-lactamase–
naturally over the first 24 to 36 hours producing organisms are rarely
after birth.79 Single values of CRP or reported among EOS cases in the PREVENTION STRATEGIES
procalcitonin obtained after birth United States. Therefore, the routine
to assess the risk of EOS are neither empirical use of broader-spectrum The only proven preventive
sensitive nor specific to guide EOS antibiotic agents is typically not strategy for EOS is the appropriate
care decisions. Consistently normal justified and may be harmful.‍81 administration of maternal IAP.
values of CRP and procalcitonin Nonetheless, approximately 7% of Recommendations from national
over the first 48 hours of age are E coli cases (1.7% of all EOS cases) professional organizations should
associated with the absence of were resistant to both ampicillin be followed for the administration
EOS, but serial abnormal values and gentamicin in recent CDC of GBS intrapartum prophylaxis as
alone should not be used to decide surveillance studies.‍4 Among term well as for the administration of
whether to administer antibiotics newborn infants who are critically intrapartum antibiotic therapy when
in the absence of culture-confirmed ill, the empirical addition of broader- there is suspected or confirmed
infection. Additionally, at this time, spectrum therapy should be intraamniotic infection. Neonatal
a serial evaluation of inflammatory considered until culture results are practices are focused on the
markers should not be used to assess available. identification and empirical antibiotic
well-appearing term newborn infants treatment of newborn infants who
When EOS is confirmed by using are at risk for EOS; these practices
for risk of EOS.
blood culture, lumbar puncture cannot prevent EOS. The empirical
should be performed if not administration of intramuscular
previously done. Serial daily blood penicillin to all newborn infants to
cultures should be performed prevent neonatal GBS-specific EOS is
The microbial causes of EOS in the until microbiological sterility is not justified and is not endorsed by
United States have been unchanged documented. In definitive antibiotic the American Academy of Pediatrics.
over the past 10 years. Researchers therapy, providers should use the Neither GBS IAP nor any neonatal
in national surveillance studies narrowest spectrum of appropriate EOS practice will prevent late-onset
continue to identify GBS as the most antibiotics. The duration of GBS infection‍3,​82,​
‍ 83
‍ or any other form
common bacteria isolated in EOS therapy should be guided by expert of late-onset bacterial infection.
cases among term and late-preterm references (eg, the American
infants, accounting for approximately Academy of Pediatrics Red Book:
40% to 45% of all cases,​‍4,​5‍ followed Report of the Committee on Infectious SUMMARY POINTS
by E coli in approximately 10% to Diseases) and informed by using CSF
We include the following summary
15% of cases. The remaining cases analysis results and the achievement
are caused primarily by other Gram- of sterile cultures. Consultation
positive organisms (predominantly with infectious disease specialists 1. The epidemiology of EOS differs
viridans group streptococci and can be considered for cases that substantially between term and/
enterococci), and approximately 5% are complicated by meningitis or or late-preterm infants and very
are caused by other Gram-negative other site-specific infections and for preterm infants.

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2. Infants born at ≥35 0/7 weeks’ discontinued by 36 to 48 hours Michael T. Brady, MD, FAAP – Red Book Associate
gestation can be stratified by the of incubation unless there is Editor
Mary Anne Jackson, MD, FAAP – Red Book
level of risk for EOS. Acceptable clear evidence of site-specific Associate Editor
approaches to risk stratification infection. Sarah S. Long, MD, FAAP – Red Book Associate
include the following: Editor
LEAD AUTHORS Henry H. Bernstein, DO, MHCM, FAAP – Red Book
⚬⚬ categorical algorithms in which Online Associate Editor
threshold values for intrapartum Karen M. Puopolo, MD, PhD, FAAP
H. Cody Meissner, MD, FAAP – Visual Red Book
William E. Benitz, MD, FAAP
risk factors are used; Associate Editor
Theoklis E. Zaoutis, MD, MSCE, FAAP
⚬⚬ multivariate risk assessment LIAISONS
based on both intrapartum risk COMMITTEE ON FETUS AND NEWBORN,
2017–2018 Amanda C. Cohn, MD, FAAP – Centers for Disease
factors and infant examinations. Control and Prevention
The Neonatal Early-Onset Sepsis James Cummings, MD, Chairperson Jamie Deseda-Tous, MD – Sociedad
Risk Calculator‍47 is an example Sandra Juul, MD Latinoamericana de Infectologia Pediatrica
of this approach; and
Ivan Hand, MD Karen M. Farizo, MD – United States Food and
Eric Eichenwald, MD Drug Administration
⚬⚬ serial physical examination Brenda Poindexter, MD Marc Fischer, MD, FAAP – Centers for Disease
to detect the presence of Dan L. Stewart, MD Control and Prevention
Susan W. Aucott, MD Natasha Halasa, MD, MPH, FAAP – Pediatric
clinical signs of illness after
Karen M. Puopolo, MD Infectious Diseases Society
birth. This approach may Jay P. Goldsmith, MD Nicole Le Saux, MD – Canadian Paediatric Society
begin with a categorical or Kristi Watterberg, MD, Immediate Past Scot Moore, MD, FAAP – Committee on Practice
multivariate assessment to Chairperson Ambulatory Medicine
identify newborn infants who Angela K. Shen, ScD, MPH – National Vaccine
LIAISONS Program Office
are at risk and will be subjected
Neil S. Silverman, MD – American College of
to serial monitoring, or this Kasper S. Wang, MD – American Academy of
Obstetricians and Gynecologists
may be applied to all newborn Pediatrics Section on Surgery
James J. Stevermer, MD, MSPH, FAAFP – American
Thierry Lacaze, MD – Canadian Paediatric Society
infants. Academy of Family Physicians
Joseph Wax, MD – American College of Jeffrey R. Starke, MD, FAAP – American Thoracic
3. Birth centers should consider Obstetricians and Gynecologists Society
the development of locally Tonse N.K. Raju, MD, DCH – National Institutes of Kay M. Tomashek, MD, MPH, DTM – National
Health Institutes of Health
tailored, documented guidelines
Wanda Barfield, MD, MPH, CAPT USPHS – Centers
for EOS risk assessment and for Disease Control and Prevention STAFF
clinical management. Ongoing Erin Keels, MS, APRN, NNP-BC – National
Jennifer M. Frantz, MPH
surveillance once guidelines are Association of Neonatal Nurses
implemented is recommended.
4. The diagnosis of EOS is made Jim Couto, MA
by using blood or CSF cultures. ABBREVIATIONS
EOS cannot be diagnosed by COMMITTEE ON INFECTIOUS DISEASES, ACOG: American College of
using laboratory tests, such as 2017–2018 Obstetricians and
a complete blood cell count or Carrie L. Byington, MD, FAAP, Chairperson Gynecologists
CRP or by using surface cultures, Yvonne A. Maldonado, MD, FAAP, Vice Chairperson ANC: absolute neutrophil
gastric aspirate analysis, or urine Ritu Banerjee, MD, PhD, FAAP
culture. Elizabeth D. Barnett, MD, FAAP
James D. Campbell, MD, MS, FAAP CDC: Centers for Disease Control
5. The combination of ampicillin Jeffrey S. Gerber, MD, PhD, FAAP and Prevention
and gentamicin is the appropriate Ruth Lynfield, MD, FAAP CRP: C-reactive protein
empirical antibiotic regimen for Flor M. Munoz, MD, MSc, FAAP CSF: cerebrospinal fluid
Dawn Nolt, MD, MPH, FAAP EOS: early-onset sepsis
most infants who are at risk for
Ann-Christine Nyquist, MD, MSPH, FAAP
EOS. The empirical administration GBS: group B Streptococcus
Sean T. O’Leary, MD, MPH, FAAP
of additional broad-spectrum Mobeen H. Rathore, MD, FAAP
IAP: intrapartum antibiotic
agents may be indicated in term Mark H. Sawyer, MD, FAAP prophylaxis
infants who are critically ill until William J. Steinbach, MD, FAAP IL: interleukin
appropriate culture results are Tina Q. Tan, MD, FAAP I/T: immature/total neutrophil
Theoklis E. Zaoutis, MD, MSCE, FAAP ratio
ROM: rupture of membranes
6. When blood cultures are sterile,
WBC: white blood cell
antibiotic therapy should be David W. Kimberlin, MD, FAAP – Red Book Editor

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PEDIATRICS Volume 142, number 6, December 2018 7
Copyright © 2018 by the American Academy of Pediatrics

FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: The authors have indicated they have no financial relationships relevant to this article to disclose.

FUNDING: No external funding.

POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST: The authors have indicated they have no potential conflicts of interest to disclose.

COMPANION PAPER: A companion to this article can be found online at www.​pediatrics.​org/​cgi/​doi/​10.​1542/​peds.​2018-​2896.

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Management of Neonates Born at ≥35 0/7 Weeks' Gestation With Suspected or
Proven Early-Onset Bacterial Sepsis
Karen M. Puopolo, William E. Benitz, Theoklis E. Zaoutis, COMMITTEE ON
Pediatrics 2018;142;
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2018-2894 originally published online November 19, 2018;

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Management of Neonates Born at ≥35 0/7 Weeks' Gestation With Suspected or
Proven Early-Onset Bacterial Sepsis
Karen M. Puopolo, William E. Benitz, Theoklis E. Zaoutis, COMMITTEE ON
Pediatrics 2018;142;
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2018-2894 originally published online November 19, 2018;

The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is
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