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Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia, 2006, 33, 143–148 doi:10.1111/j.1467-2995.2005.00244.


Clinical evaluation of intranasal benzodiazepines,

a2-agonists and their antagonists in canaries

Nasser Vesal DVM, MVetSc & Payman Zare DVM

Department Of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran

Correspondence: Nasser Vesal, Department Of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine, Shiraz University, Postal Code
71345-1731, Shiraz, Iran. E-mail:

seemed heavily sedated and assumed sternal

recumbency but could not be placed in dorsal
Objective To evaluate the effects of recumbency. Higher doses of xylazine (0.5 mg per
intranasal benzodiazepines (midazolam and diaze- nostril) or detomidine (0.25 mg per nostril) pro-
pam), a2-agonists (xylazine and detomidine) and longed sedation but did not produce dorsal recum-
their antagonists (flumazenil and yohimbine) in bency. In study 2 in all treatment groups, onset of
canaries. action was rapid. Duration of dorsal recumbency
was significantly longer (p < 0.05) with diazepam
Study design Prospective randomized study. (38.4 ± 10.5 minutes) than midazolam (17.1 ±
2.2 minutes). Intranasal flumazenil (2.5 lg per
Animals Twenty-six healthy adult domesticated nostril) significantly reduced recumbency time.
canaries of both sexes, weighing 18.3 ± 1.0 g. Duration of sedation was longer with a2-agonists
compared with benzodiazepines. Detomidine had
Methods In Study 1 an attempt was made to the longest duration of effect (257.5 ± 1.5 minutes)
determine the dose of each drug that allowed and midazolam the shortest (36.9 ± 2.4 minutes).
treated canaries to be laid in dorsal recumbency Nasally administered flumazenil significantly
for at least 5 minutes, i.e. its effective dose. This reduced the duration of sedation with diazepam
involved the evaluation of various doses, during and midazolam while yohimbine (120 lg per
which equal volumes of the tested drug were nostril) effectively antagonized the effects of xylazine
administered slowly into each nostril. In study 2 and detomidine.
the onset of action, duration and quality of sedation
induced by each drug at its effective dose were Conclusion Intranasal benzodiazepines produce
evaluated. The efficacy of flumazenil and yohimbine rapid and effective sedation in canaries. Intranasal
in antagonizing the effects of the sedative drugs was a2 agonists produce sedation but not sustained
also studied. recumbency. Specific antagonists are also effective
when used by this route.
Results In study 1 administration of 25 lL per
nostril diazepam (5 mg mL)1 solution) or midazo- Clinical relevance Intranasal sedative drug admin-
lam (5 mg mL)1 solution) to each bird caused istration is an acceptable alternative method of drug
adequate sedation within 1–2 minutes; birds did delivery in canaries.
not move when placed in dorsal recumbency. After
administration of 12 lL per nostril of either xylazine Keywords a2-agonists, benzodiazepines, canary,
(20 mg mL)1) or detomidine (10 mg mL)1), birds intranasal, sedation.

Clinical evaluation of intranasal benzodiazepines and a2-agonists N Vesal and P Zare

birds were housed in a temperature-controlled

environment (18–20 C) with groups of three to
Many varieties of small pet birds are delicate and four birds per cage. They were acclimatized for at
react adversely to prolonged handling which is re- least 4 weeks before the study began. The birds had
quired during procedures such as surgical sexing, free access to water and were fed a variety of seeds,
radiography, wound dressing, blood collection, vegetables and fruits ad libitum. They were not fas-
endoscopy and fracture splinting. Chemical restraint ted before the administration of medication.
is necessary to avoid stress, anxiety and struggling,
which may reduce post-operative survival (Harrison
Study 1
1986; Coles 1997). Although inhalation anaesthesia
is generally safer than injectable anaesthesia in birds, The objective was to determine the dose of diazepam
anaesthetic machines with precision vapourizers (5 mg mL)1; Phoenix Pharma Ltd, Gloucester, UK),
may not always be available. Several sedative and midazolam (5 mg mL)1; Dormicum; Hoffman-La
anaesthetic drugs and drug combinations have been Roche Ltd, Basel, Switzerland), xylazine
used for the induction of sedation and anaesthesia in (20 mg mL)1; Alfasan; Woerden, Holland) and de-
small birds (Boever & Wright 1975; Fedde 1978; tomidine (Dormosedan, 10 mg mL)1; Orion Cor-
Samour et al. 1984; Lawton 1996; Coles 1997). poration, Farmos, Finland) that produced sedation to
However, intravenous injection is difficult and so the the extent that treated birds could be laid in dorsal
intramuscular (IM) or subcutaneous routes are pre- recumbency for at least 5 minutes without strug-
ferred. The former is usually made into the pectoral gling, moving or the need for further physical re-
muscles, which have a small mass in caged birds straint. Canaries were manually restrained in a dorsal
such as finches, canaries, parakeets and lovebirds. position and equal volumes of drug administered
Attempted pectoral muscle injection incurs the risk slowly into each nares using a micropipette (Varipet
of accidental intravascular or intracoelomic drug 4810; Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany) (Fig. 1). One
administration (Harrison 1986). Injections into the minute after drug administration, each bird was
thigh muscles of small birds are not recommended placed in dorsal recumbency in separate cages for
because of the potential for nerve damage. Pain observation. Noise, movement and other stimuli were
associated with IM injection may be considerable, minimized after drug administration.
particularly with irritant agents. In order to avoid the
pain and anxiety related to IM injections in children,
Study 2
the intranasal (IN) route has been evaluated for the
induction of sedation or analgesia; several studies The objective was to evaluate the onset of action,
have demonstrated the efficacy and safety of mida- duration and the quality of sedation produced by each
zolam, sufentanil and diamorphine given IN in drug using the doses that proved effective in study 1.
young children (Wilton et al. 1988; Rey et al. 1991; The efficacy of flumazenil (Anexate 0.1 mg mL)1;
Karl et al. 1992; Kendall et al. 2001). The IN Hoffman-La Roche Ltd) and yohimbine (Reverzine
administration of anaesthetics, alone or in combi- 10 mg mL)1; Parnell Laboratories, Alexandria,
nation, has been reported in adult rabbits (Robertson
& Eberhart 1994).
The objective of this study was to determine
whether IN benzodiazepines (midazolam and diaze-
pam), a2-agonists (xylazine and detomidine) and
their antagonists (flumazenil and yohimbine) were
effective in canaries.

Materials and methods

The project was approved by the Institutional Ani-
mal Care and Use Committee. Twenty-six healthy
adult domestic canaries (Serinus canarius) of both
sexes were studied. The birds’ body masses ranged
from 16 to 20 g [18.3 ± 1.0 g, mean (±SD)]. All Figure 1 Intranasal drug administration in canary.

144  2006 Association of Veterinary Anaesthetists, 33, 143–148

Clinical evaluation of intranasal benzodiazepines and a2-agonists N Vesal and P Zare

Table 1 Treatment groups performed using one-way analysis of variance

(ANOVA) followed by Duncan’s test where appropri-
Benzodiazepines ate. All results are expressed as the mean and
Group 1: Midazolam standard deviation (±SD) and differences were
A: Midazolam considered significant at p < 0.05.
B: Midazolam–saline
C: Midazolam–flumazenil
Group 2: Diazepam Results
D: Diazepam
E: Diazepam–saline
F: Diazepam–flumazenil
Study 1
Within 1–2 minutes of administering either 25 lL
Group 3: Xylazine
A: Xylazine
diazepam or midazolam (125 lg) into each nostril,
B: Xylazine–saline birds did not move when placed in dorsal recum-
C: Xylazine–yohimbine bency. The dose range was 12.5–15.6 mg kg)1
Group 4: Detomidine (mean ¼ 13.6 mg kg)1). The onset of action of xyl-
D: Detomidine
azine [12 lL (0.24 mg) per nostril] and detomidine
E: Detomidine–saline
F: Detomidine–yohimbine
[12 lL (0.12 mg) per nostril] was also rapid; the birds
became heavily sedated and assumed sternal
recumbency, although it was not possible to place
Australia) in reversing the effects of sedatives was them in a dorsal position. The dose range for xylazine
also studied. Saline (control) or antagonist drugs used was 24–30 mg kg)1 (mean ¼ 26.2 mg kg)1)
were administered IN 10 minutes (flumazenil) or 15 and 12–15 mg kg)1 (mean ¼ 13.1 mg kg)1) for
minutes (yohimbine) after the administration of detomidine. Higher doses of xylazine (0.5 mg per
benzodiazepine or a2-agonists, respectively. Canaries nostril) or detomidine (0.25 mg per nostril) failed to
were randomly assigned to one of two treatment induce dorsal recumbency, although the duration of
groups (Table 1) at weekly intervals in a crossover sedation was more prolonged. Consequently, the
design (five birds per group). Each bird was used two lower dose was used in study 2.
or three times. Following each drug trial, a radio-
paque dye, ioxitalamate meglumine (Telebrix; Labo-
Study 2
ratoire Guerbet, France) was instilled into the nares in
the same manner as described for drugs and radio- The onset and duration of each treatment are
graphy performed 5, 10 and 15 minutes thereafter. shown in Table 2. The onset of action was rapid in
Statistical analysis of data (onset and duration of all treatment groups, and was longest with detom-
sedation and duration of dorsal recumbency) was idine (2.9 ± 1.5 minutes) although there were no

Table 2 Time to onset and duration

of sedation and dorsal recumbency Onset time Duration of dorsal Duration of
(mean ± SD) with each drug treat- Drug(s) (minutes) recumbency (minutes) sedation (minutes)
Diazepam 38.4 ± 23.5* 69.2 ± 24.4*
Diazepam–saline 1.4 ± 0.6 48.2 ± 22.9 73.6 ± 18.9
Diazepam–flumazenil 22.0 ± 9.9  25.4 ± 7.0 
Midazolam 17.1 ± 5.0 36.9 ± 5.3
Midazolam–saline 1.9 ± 1.0 21.7 ± 12.7 39.7 ± 13.4
Midazolam–flumazenil 9.3 ± 2.1  22.4 ± 3.6 
Xylazine – 115.2 ± 41.6à
Xylazine–saline 1.4 ± 0.3 – 172.3 ± 26.0
Xylazine–yohimbine – 19.9 ± 9.9 
Detomidine – 257.5 ± 16.8
Detomidine–saline 2.9 ± 1.5 – 271.8 ± 23.0
Detomidine–yohimbine – 168.6 ± 11.6 

*Significantly different from midazolam (p £ 0.05);  significantly different from control

value (p £ 0.05); àsignificantly different from detomidine (p £ 0.05).

 2006 Association of Veterinary Anaesthetists, 33, 143–148 145

Clinical evaluation of intranasal benzodiazepines and a2-agonists N Vesal and P Zare

significant differences between groups. The duration and a shorter duration of action. Midazolam is a
of dorsal recumbency was significantly longer short-acting, water-soluble benzodiazepine which is
(p < 0.05) with diazepam (38.4 ± 23.5 minutes) slightly more potent than diazepam and has min-
compared with midazolam (17.1 ± 5.0 minutes). imal cardiopulmonary effects (Ludders & Matthews
Intranasal flumazenil significantly reduced 1996). Intramuscular injection caused no signifi-
recumbency time (p < 0.05) in birds receiving cant changes in cardiopulmonary function in
benzodiazepines. Xylazine and detomidine did not Canada geese, pigeons and quail (Valverde et al.
allow birds to be placed in dorsal recumbency. 1990; Smith & Muir 1992; Day & Roge 1996).
The duration of sedation was longer with Intranasal midazolam has been successfully used for
a2-agonists (257.5 ± 16.8 minutes; detomidine) pre-anaesthetic sedation in children, as it avoids the
compared with benzodiazepines (36.9 ± 5.3 min- discomfort associated with IV or IM injection. Mild
utes; midazolam) (p < 0.05). Intranasal antagonist side effects such as transient burning sensation and
[flumazenil, 25 lL (2.5 lg) per nostril, or yohim- lacrimation have been reported, which may result
bine 12 lL (120 lg) per nostril] significantly from its low pH (approximately 3.0–3.5). Olfactory
reduced the duration of sedation produced by the activity was not affected in children (Rosario et al.
benzodiazepines and a2-agonists respectively. The 1990; Lugo et al. 1993). Intranasal midazolam
dose range used was 0.25–0.31 mg kg)1 (mean ¼ decreased the respiratory rate in rabbits but had no
0.27 mg kg)1) and 12–15 mg kg)1 (mean ¼ effect on haemoglobin saturation or on the values of
13.1 mg kg)1) for flumazenil and yohimbine venous blood gas variables. Changes in arterial
respectively. Saline administration tended to in- oxygen saturation have not been observed following
crease the duration of recumbency (with ben- IN midazolam administered in children (Wilton
zodiazepines) and the duration of sedation (with et al. 1988; Karl et al. 1992). Endotracheal diaze-
benzodiazepines and a2-agonists) although the dif- pam caused deleterious histological changes in the
ference was not significant (p > 0.05). lungs of cats (Rusli et al. 1987) in contrast to
Canaries accepted IN administration of drugs endotracheal midazolam, which produced no path-
without resistance. Increased appetite was observed ologic changes in the lungs of lambs (Jaimovich
in birds receiving benzodiazepines after sedation had et al. 1992). This difference in pulmonary irritancy
waned. Muscle tremors and movement in response has been attributed to the presence of propylene
to noise were frequently observed in canaries glycol in diazepam solutions.
receiving xylazine or detomidine. An increased The precise site of drug absorption was not
frequency of defecation was noted following a2- determined in this study, although the rapid onset
agonist administration. Radiography revealed the of sedation indicated that the drugs were probably
presence of radio-opaque material in the nasal absorbed across the nasal, oral and/or pharyngeal
cavity, but not in the crop, stomach, trachea or mucosae. In the present study, oral administration
lung. No adverse reactions or complications were of midazolam or diazepam did not produce desirable
encountered after IN drug administration in this sedation in two canaries. Radiography indicated
study. that instilled fluids remained in the nasopharyngeal
region, although the viscosity of contrast media
used in this study may not have been the same as
that of the drugs used. The nasal mucosa represents
This study showed that IN drug administration a highly permeable route of drug absorption, and a
could provide fast and reliable sedation in canaries. number of drugs are absorbed systemically at this
Antagonist agents were also effective when admin- site. Intranasal administration of epinephrine during
stered by this route. In our study, IN drug delivery cardiac arrest and cardiopulmonary resuscitation
was well tolerated and no complications were has been attempted in dogs (Bleske et al. 1992)
observed. However physiologic data were not recor- while IN sedatives and analgesics have been used in
ded. All canaries had a smooth recovery and did not human paediatric patients (Wilton et al. 1988; Rey
show signs of respiratory distress during sedation. et al. 1991; Karl et al. 1992; Kendall et al. 2001).
The results of this study indicate that IN mida- The attainment of significant plasma midazolam
zolam or diazepam can provide adequate sedation concentrations occurs as early as 10 minutes after
for diagnostic and minor therapeutic procedures. IN administration in human beings (Walbergh et al.
Midazolam has the advantage of water solubility 1991). The mean onset and duration of sedation

146  2006 Association of Veterinary Anaesthetists, 33, 143–148

Clinical evaluation of intranasal benzodiazepines and a2-agonists N Vesal and P Zare

following IN midazolam in rabbits was 3.0 and use of these reversal agents may render the use of
24.6 minutes respectively (Robertson & Eberhart xylazine safer and more practical for birds. The
1994). The bioavailability of IN midazolam (55– increased frequency of defecation following xylazine
57%) is higher than that resulting from the use of or detomidine administration observed in the
the oral and rectal routes; this is attributed to the current study may be attributed to the diuretic
absence of first-pass metabolism (Rey et al. 1991; effect of a2-agonists.
Burstein et al. 1997).
Recovery from IN midazolam or diazepam in the
current study was completed in all birds within
45 minutes, while full recovery from IN xylazine Intranasal drug administration appears to be an
and detomidine took hours. Furthermore, the plu- acceptable noninvasive alternative method of drug
mage appeared ruffled in birds receiving a2-agon- delivery in canaries. The method requires no special
ists, which remained sluggish for prolonged periods. technical skills and only a short period of restraint is
In contrast, birds recovering from midazolam or needed for intranasal drug installation. This route of
diazepam were alert and appeared to be hungry. drug administration may supercede intramuscular
There were no complications associated with the or subcutaneous routes in avian medicine. Intra-
prolonged recovery following a2-agonist adminis- nasal midazolam or diazepam can be used effectively
tration, but these were nevertheless felt to be to provide adequate sedation and muscle relaxation
undesirable: by preventing eating, hypothermia for diagnostic procedures. Further studies are nee-
and hypoglycaemia resulting from the bird’s high ded to determine whether these and other drugs are
metabolic rate is likely to be aggravated (Harrison safe and effective for use in clinical cases.
1986; Coles 1997). With a2-agonists the degree of
sedation may be insufficient to perform a procedure.
In addition, a2-agonists cause bradycardia and
partial atrioventricular heart block, respiratory This research was financially supported by grant no.
depression and muscle tremors in most species 79-VE-1340-C111 of the Research Council of Shiraz
(Ludders & Matthews 1996). University.
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increase the duration of sedation and recumbency.
This may have resulted from a flushing effect and
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of intravenous and intranasal administration of epi-
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Flumazenil has been used successfully to reverse Burstein AH, Modica R, Hatton M et al. (1997) Pharma-
midazolam sedation in pigeons (Smith & Muir cokinetics and pharmacodynamics of midazolam after
1992) and quail (Day & Roge 1996). Administra- intranasal administration. J Clin Pharmacol 37, 711–
tion of yohimbine resulted in rapid arousal in 718.
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the detomidine group. A more specific a2-antagon- Blackwell Science, Oxford, UK, pp. 125–147.
ist, e.g. atipamezole, may have been more effective Day TK, Roge CK (1996) Evaluation of sedation in quail
induced by use of midazolam and reversed by use of
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Yohimbine is an effective reversal agent for xyla-
Degernes LA, Kreeger TJ, Mandsager R et al. (1988)
zine/ketamine anaesthesia in raptors and budgeri- Ketamine-xylazine anesthesia in red-tailed hawks with
gars (Degernes et al. 1988; Heaton & Brauth 1992). antagonism by yohimbine. J Wildl Dis 24, 322–326.
Tolazoline, another a2-antagonist, has been used to Fedde MR (1978) Drugs used for avian anesthesia: a re-
successfully reverse xylazine/ketamine anaesthesia view. Poultry Sci 57, 1376–1399.
in turkey vultures (Allen & Oosterhuis 1986). The

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Harrison GJ (1986) Anesthesiology. In: Clinical Avian Rey E, Delaunay L, Pons G et al. (1991) Pharmacokinetics
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