Dear Colleagues, Friends and Allies of Independent Living and Disability Rights

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Dear Colleagues, Friends and Allies of Independent Living and Disability Rights:

I write this to you with regret and a deep sense of responsibility to inform you that I retired from the
federal government and my position as the Director of the Independent Living Administration on
May 30th and to make plain my reasons for doing so.

Like any retirement decision, Helen and I have carefully evaluated and have come to it over an extended
period based on a range personal, family, financial I and career factors. We wholeheartedly believe that
the choice we have made is the right one. I also believe it is important to recognize the obvious. Over
the last year, ACL leadership has steadily marginalized my role and influence in guiding and directing the
IL program. Consequently, I am retiring from the federal government and looking forward to seeking
new opportunities to work with other people with significant disabilities on expanding equal
opportunity, greater justice and access to all as I have done for the last half century.
I regret leaving especially at this troubled time. I believe the ACL/AOD reorganization plan set to take
effect in August would substantially undercut the purposes and goals around which ACL was created,
the WIOA reforms and the developmental disabilities and independent living programs. The
predominant intent behind the establishment of ACL and the WIOA reforms was to elevate AIDD and ILA
as well as to create parity between them and the Administration on Aging. This plan in my judgment
would not achieve these vital policy aims. This said, I believe a better way forward can be found.

In my letter of resignation, I strongly stressed to ACL leadership that the only true way to create and
sustained progress is engage in difficult conversations and shape shared solutions. I recommended that
they do the vital hard work of building trust, partnership and progress with you and I implore you to do
the same.

I bid you well:

Proud of what we have accomplished together as a nationwide IL network;

Privileged to have worked with and grown to respect and love my staff and colleagues at ACL,
throughout the federal government and elsewhere; and,

Ever confident we will find new ways to lead on and do the work of justice together.


Bob Williams

I believe that I can best apply my skills, efforts and commitment elsewhere.
The last Administration’s decision to create the Administration on Disabilities and place AIDD and ILA
within was in my view flaw because it submerged rather than elevated both entities. A better way could
have and could still be devised to address the need for collaboration and address the common
administrative functions. The pending and the reorg plan would not do this but instead make a bad
situation much worse.

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