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Join Indian Army, Government of India

Home \ JCO / OR Applica on Form \ JCO / OR Applica on Detail

JCO / OR Applica on Details

Summary of Your Informa on

Personal Details

Roll No

Candidate's Name AMBIKA KUMARI

Father/Guardian Name MITHLESH KUMAR


Date of Birth 06-08-2001

Na onality INDIAN

Religion Hindu


Gender Female

Height 152

Marital Status Unmarried

Mobile No 6287779792

Email Address ambika682001@gmail.com

Permanent Address

House No.

Address Vill - Haiderpur

Village Haiderpur

City / Town hilsa


District NALANDA

Tehsil Hilsa

PIN 801302

Police Sta on Hilsa

Post Office Bhokilapar

Telegram Office Bhokilapar

Correspondence Address

House No.

Address Vill - Haiderpur

Village Haiderpur

City / Town hilsa


District NALANDA

Tehsil Hilsa

PIN 801302

Police Sta on Hilsa

Post Office Bhokilapar

Telegram Office Bhokilapar


Category Non Dispensa on Category

Sport No


Special Category No

Educa onal Details

Class University Name Year Roll No Cert No

10th STATE BOARD 2016 1600001 0963677


Instruc ons on the submission page of the applica on:

Roll No will be generated a er the closing of online applica on.
Applica on form can be downloaded a er closing of online applica on.
Candidates can edit/cancel the applica on ll the closing of online applica on.
No edi ng can be done a er the closing of the online applica on.
The changes in edit mode will take effect only a er clicking on Submit Bu on.

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Page last updated on: 15/5/2015 |

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