Project Loon Seminar

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The internet has become most transformative technology in our life. Now a days we
perform our most of task by the help of internet such as online shopping, Booking Air-
lines and railway tickets, chatting etc. But major part of thinking is 2/3 people of earth
has not even access to internet facility.

There are many terrestrial challenges to Internet connectivity such as forests,

archipelagos, mountains etc. There are also major cost challenges. Solving these
problems isn’t simply a question of time. It requires looking at the problem think upon
it from new angles.

“PROJECT LOON” is one such initiative taken up by Google to solve the above
mentioned problems. Team Loon build a ring of balloons, which floats in the
stratosphere, twice as high as airplanes and the weather that provides Internet access to
the earth below. The speeds similar to today’s 3G networks or faster. People connect
to the balloon network using a special Internet antenna attached to their building. The
signal bounces from balloon to balloon, then to the global.

ABSTRACT............................................................ i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT............................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................. ii
LIST OF FIGURES................................................... iii
1. INTRODUCTION..................................................... 1
2. TECHNOLOGY....................................................... 4
3. PROJECT LOON: DEVELOPMENT........................................ 6
4. CHALLENGES...................................................... 11
5. EXPERIMENTAL IMPLEMENTATIONS.................................... 11
6. ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES.................................... 12
7. CONCLUSIONS..................................................... 14
8. REFERENCES...................................................... 15


Fig 1.1: Introduction to Loon………………………………………………………….2

Fig 1.2: Project loon- New Zealand…………………………………………………...3
Fig 1.3: From no connection to connection…………………………………………...4
Fig: 2.1 Illustrate of working loon…………………………………………………….5
Fig 3.1: Project loon Balloon Envelope……………………………………………….8
Fig 3.2: Balloon during launch………………………………………………………..8
Fig 3.3: Balloons at stratosphere………………………………………………………8
Fig 3.4: Solar panels…………………………………………………………………...8
Fig 3.5: Insulated network equipment box………………………………………….....9
Fig 3.6: A loon antenna used in project loon…………………………………………..9



The internet has become most transformative technology in our life. Now a day’s most
of our works are carried out by the help of internet. It helps us to perform our task in
very short period of time with less physical efforts. We just need to perform some clicks
and our task is proceed and also completed in short time. It reduces the additional cost
required for completing any task. For example: Suppose you want to book railway
ticket so by the help of internet facility it can be done from anywhere, where the internet
facility is available, so need not to spent some additional money as fare for going to
railway station and moving back to home after booking ticket. The most thinking
problem is 2/3 people of the world has no internet connection. They are unable to
connect internet and take its advantages.

There are many terrestrial challenges to Internet connectivity such as forests,

archipelagos, mountains etc. There are also major cost challenges. Solving these
problems isn’t simply a question of time. It requires looking at the problem deeply,
think upon it from new angles for better solution which is feasible and beneficial for
every user.

“PROJECT LOON” is one such initiative taken up by Google to solve the above
mentioned problems. Project Loon is a network of balloons traveling on the edge of
space, designed to provide Internet coverage for people in rural and remote areas and
bring people back online after disaster. Project loon balloons floats in the stratosphere,
twice as high as airplanes and the weather that provides internet access to the earth
below .
The project uses high altitude balloons placed in the stratosphere at an altitude of about
20 km to create an aerial wireless network with up to 3G-like speeds. The balloons are
maneuvered by adjusting their altitude to float to a wind layer after identifying the wind
layer with the desired speed and direction using wind data from the National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The internet speeds similar to today’s 3G
networks or faster. People connect to the balloon network using a special Internet
antenna attached to their building. The signal travels through the balloon network from
balloon to balloon, then to a ground based station connected to an Internet service


provider (ISP), then onto the global Internet.

Fig 1.1: Introduction to Loon

The equipment’s used in the projects are:
 Envelope
 Solar panel
 Network equipment
 Loon Antenna
The inflatable part of balloon is called the envelope of the balloon. The balloons are
made of polythene. Loon’s balloons are of dimensions 15m wide X 12m height when
completely inflated. The balloons long last around 100 days. When the balloons are out
of service, gas inside it released to bring down the balloon to earth.

Solar Panel:
Each balloons are powered by an array of solar panels. It uses high efficiency crystalline
solar cells.

Network Equipment:
A small box is hanged underneath the inflated balloons. This balloons contains all
network equipment’s of the loon such as circuit boards, radio antennas, batteries etc.
Loon Antenna:


These are in circular manners. They are mounted on households where the network
connectivity is established.
Few years ago (approx. 10 years) no one has assumed that internet will become such
an integral part of our life. Google X is Google’s secret research and development lab
that is headed by Sergey Brim himself. In 2008, Google had considered contracting
with or acquiring Space Data Corp., a company that sends balloons carrying small base
stations about 20 miles (32 km) up in the air for providing connectivity to truckers and
oil companies in the southern United States, but didn't do so.

Unofficial development on the project began in 2011 under incubation in Google X

with a series of trial runs in California's Central Valley. The project was officially
announced as a Google project on 14 June 2013.

Fig 1.2: Project loon- New Zealand

On 16 June 2013, Google began a pilot experiment in New Zealand where about 30
balloons were launched in coordination with the Civil Aviation Authority from the
Tekapo area in the South Island. About 50 local users in and around Christchurch and


the Canterbury Region tested connections to the aerial network using special antennas.
After this initial trial, Google plans on sending up 300 balloons around the world at the
40th parallel south that would provide coverage to New Zealand, Australia, Chile, and
One of the often question is why Google has developed “Project Loon”? What is the
purpose of developing project loon even if we are having wired internet connection in
some places. Following are the some reasons behind project loon:
 The first purpose for project loon is to provide high speed internet connection
to everyone from no internet connection.

Fig 1.3: From no connection to connection

 Many peoples of villages and towns are unable to enjoy the advantages of
internet due to some regions. For this purpose Google launched project loon.
 Sometimes we have the internet connection but speed is very low which leads
towards project loon.
 To connect people after disasters.

The technology designed in the project loon could allow countries to avoid using
expensive fibre cable that would have to be installed underground to allow users to


connect to the Internet. Project Loon balloons float in the stratosphere, twice as high as
airplanes and the weather. In the stratosphere, there are many layers of wind, and each
layer of wind varies in direction and speed. Loon balloons go where they’re needed by
rising or descending into a layer of wind blowing in the desired direction of travel. Solar
panels about the size of a card table that are just below the free-flying balloons to
generate enough electricity in four hours to power the transmitter for a day and beam
down the Internet signal to ground stations. The Project requires to attach a basketball-
sized receiver resembling a giant bright-red party balloon to an outside wall of their
property in order to connect to the network. Currently, the balloons communicate using
unlicensed 2.4 and 5.8 GHz ISM bands, and Google claims that the setup allows it to
deliver "speeds comparable to 3G" to users. By partnering with Telecommunications
companies to share cellular spectrum they have enabled people to connect to the balloon
network directly from their phones and other LTE-enabled devices.

Project Loon: Working

Fig: 2.1 Illustrate of working loon.

A user with the specialized antenna sends signals via a radio frequency over ISM bands
to a balloon close to him/her. The balloon sends the signals to neighboring balloons.
Eventually, the signals reach the balloon which is connected to the local Internet. Any
balloon is able to connect the internet to a base station which has internet connectivity
and then receives internet data and forwards them via balloons in the sky to the


destination. Finally, the balloon close to the request user broadcasts the data to the
grounds via a radio frequency over ISM bands. The special antenna installed the outside
of home receives data and decrypt the data.

Movement of balloons:
The direction of winds in stratosphere is different in different altitude. The balloons
moves accordingly to provide internet connection. The position of balloons are
controlled by the control system team and by lowering or rising the altitude of balloons
according to the movement of wind.

For communications there are two main radio transceivers; one for balloon-to-balloon
communications and another for balloon-to-ground communications. There is also a
third backup radio that we use to communicate with the balloons if the others fail or go
out of range.


The development of components are discussed below:

The inflatable part of the balloon is called balloon envelope. Project Loon’s balloon


envelopes are made from sheets of polyethylene plastic and stand fifteen meters wide
by twelve meters tall when fully inflated. The balloons envelope are prepared in room
temperature but the actual temperature that balloon endure in stratosphere is very low
i.e. -60 degree Celsius.

Fig 3.1: Project loon Balloon Envelope

The balloon is built in a manner so that it can resist higher pressure. During day time
the high heat warms up the gases inside the balloon which increases the pressure inside
the balloons. During night it start to cool down and pressure inside it decreases. The
balloons last for at least 100 days, initially which was very low. At beginning the
development of a balloon required 3-4 days but due to the availability of developed
equipment now a balloon can be developed in few hours by two people. Initially a
balloon is launched per day but using crane system the number of launching balloons
per day increased to dozens.

Fig 3.2: Balloon during launch Fig 3.3: Balloons at stratosphere


When balloon stops working the gas inside is taken out gently to bring down the balloon
safely. A parachute is deployed in the top of balloon to bring down it safely in case of
burst. But the case occurs rarely.

Solar panel:

Fig 3.4: Solar panels

Each unit’s electronics are powered by an array of solar panels that is placed between
the envelope and the hardware (equipment box). Each solar panel uses high efficiency
monocrystalline solar cells. In full sun these solar panels produces 100 W power which
is enough to run all electrical equipment. It is also used to charge the battery which can
be used during night for providing power to electrical equipment. By moving with the
wind and charging in the sun, Project Loon is able to power itself using only renewable energy


Network Equipment:

Fig 3.5: Insulated network equipment box

A small insulated network box containing circuit boards that control the system, radio
antennas to communicate with other balloons and with Internet antennas on the ground,
and batteries to store solar power so the balloons can operate during the night is
mounted underneath of the balloon. The box is insulated to keep the battery warm
during night time.
Loon Antenna:

Fig 3.6: A loon antenna used in project loon

Loon Antenna can provide wireless Internet connectivity to ground areas at up to

10Mbps (3G speed). There are three kinds of communications: balloon-to-balloon
network and balloon-to-ground station or subscribers’ network, balloon to antenna


network. It has specialized radio antennas to support two networks. It currently uses
ISM bands specifically 2.4 and 5.8 GHz bands because they are typically unlicensed
radio frequencies around the world. This also avoids interferences and reaches much
further distances. Because it does not support Wi-Fi, Smartphone’s such as I-Phone are
not able to establish connections directly to balloons. It requires users to install a
specialized antenna the outside of their home to receive the signal from a balloon near
their home and to decrypt the signal.



There are several challenges faced by the development team. Some challenges are
discussed as follows:

Stratospheric Environment:
The temperature at stratosphere is very low i.e. about -60 degree Celsius. It became
very difficult for batteries to function properly during night time because battery
discharges in high speed in cold.

Safety of Balloon:
The safety of Balloon is one of the most challenging task. As the dimension of balloon
is very large and its thickness is very low, so a small hole can create a major problem.
It will be the path for leakage of gas. Finding such holes are also a big task like
achieving something after long period of time.

Safety of Electrical Equipment:

Very small equipments are used in this project. Any damages in any small kit will lead
to major problem. Replacing of such equipment will require to bring down the balloon
and after repairing send it back which will be like launching a new balloon.


In 2008, Google had considered contracting with or acquiring Space Data Corp., a
company that sends balloons carrying small base stations about 20 miles (32 km) up in


the air for providing connectivity to truckers and oil companies in the southern United
States, but didn't do so.

Unofficial development on the project began in 2011 under incubation in Google X

with a series of trial runs in California's Central Valley.

The project was officially announced as a Google project on 14 June 2013.On 16 June
2013, Google began a pilot experiment in New Zealand where about 30 balloons were
launched in coordination with the Civil Aviation Authority from the Tekapo area in the
South Island. About 50 local users in and around Christchurch and the Canterbury
Region tested connections to the aerial network using special antennas.

After this initial trial, Google plans on sending up 300 balloons around the world at the
40th parallel south that would provide coverage to New Zealand, Australia, Chile, and
Argentina. Google hopes to eventually have thousands of balloons flying in the
stratosphere .


The internet speed is comparable to 3G speed. People can now have a good network
connection from no network connection.

Connecting people:

The project loon is connecting people to the world of internet who were unable to access
it due to lack network connection availability. With the help of this every one can be
able to communicate and be able to take advantage of internet.

This can be used as major factor for providing better education in institute. Faculties as
well as students can get clarify their doubt using internet which will enhance the
eduaction quality of students.

Disaster Management:
Project loon can play an important role in disaster management. Whenever any disaster
took place in anywhere on the earth the particular place get affected and connectivity
between people is lost. But this can be overcome using project loon. After disaster it
will remain same. No need to wait for correcting affected one to get connectivity.

Technical Skills:
Launching of balloons doesn’t require high technical skills. So people having less
technical skills can also perform the task. Launching can be easily done by them.

There are few disadvantages of this project which are mentioned as follows:
High Cost:
The launching of balloons requires very high cost which can become problem for

Duration of balloons:
The duration of balloon is very less. The balloons works for only 100 days which is a
major problem of this project.
Internet Privacy:
The data privacy is less. As we use wireless connection so our data can be modified
during transmissions, resulting in modification of original data.

Hardware failure:


The possibility of hardware failure is very high. Any equipment may fail in stratosphere
due to critical situation.


The internet has become basic important day to day life. While one part of the world is
getting improved in a tremendous speed with the help of internet connection, about 2/3
of population is not even able to access it. Google tried to fill this void by the 'Project
Loon' and fix the broad band problem. Project loon is one of the biggest idea of
Google. There is near about 75% comment is in the favour of project loons. So far as I
think it would be great Success of this. Project in Future and we hope balloons could
become an option for connecting rural, remote, and underserved areas, and for helping
with communications after natural disasters. The technique to bring mobile internet
connectivity to billions of people using balloons may sounds crazy but it might work.
Google states that "It is highly experimental technology we have long way to go". This
innovative attempt made by the Google to provide connection to rural areas and remote
regions that deserve internet connection is an inspiring effort. The launch of 'Project


Loon' made balloons too an option to provide internet access everywhere that too in a
cost effective manner.


[1] referred on Feb 15, 2017.

[2] Prof.Mrs.A.G.Andurkar1, Miss PrachiZodpe, “A Review Paper on Project
LOONS” Vol. 5, Issued 3 March 2016 at International Journal of Advanced
Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
[3] S Subhashini, Dr. C Balarenga Durai, Prasad B, “Google Project Loon”
Vol 3, Issue 3, March 2016, issued at International Journal of Engineering
Research in Computer Science and Engineering (IJERCSE)


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