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The 8085 – Serial I/O Lines: SOD & SID

The 8085 microprocessor has two pins specially designed for
software control serial I/O. One is called SOD (serial output data) and
the other is called SID (serial input data). Data transfer is controlled
through two instructions SIM &RIM.
The instruction SIM is necessary to output data serially from the
SOD line. SIM instruction uses the data available in accumulator (A).
The two MS bits, D7 and D6, of accumulator are used for serial data
transmission as shown in fig.12.9.
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0

SOD SOE R7.5 MSE M7.5 M6.5 M5.5

1 = Enable SOD Interrupt Bits

0 = Disable SOD

Serial Output Data

Fig.12.9 SIM Instruction Format

The serial data line is enabled when SOE=1. Only then either ‘0’ or ‘1’
can be outputted to SOD pin. The following set of instructions output
the carry bit (may be ‘0’ or ‘1’) to serial output port.
MVI A, 80H
In this set of instructions, the serial output line is enabled by
rotating ‘1’ into bit position D6; the instruction SIM output the carry bit
through bit position D7.
As discussed earlier, SIM instruction is a dual purpose
instruction and used both for interrupt mask control and serial
communication. When it is used only for serial communication, MSE
bit is kept ‘0’ so that the interrupts are not affected by this instruction.
Similarly, if interrupt masks are to be changed without affecting the
serial output line, SOE is kept ‘0’.
Instruction RIM is used to input serial data through the SID line.
When RIM instruction is executed it reads the data from serial input
port to the position D7 in accumulator (A) as shown in fig.12.10.
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0

SID I7.5 I6.5 I5.5 INTE M7.5 M6.5 M5.5

Interrupt Bits

Serial Input Data

Fig.12.10 RIM Instruction Format

The SID and SOD lines in the 8085 eliminate the need for an input
port and an output port in the software controlled serial I/O.
Externally SID is a 1-bit input port and SOD is 1-bit output port.

Serial Data Transmission Through SOD Lines of 8085

Let us consider, a block of data (say N) is to be transferred from
microprocessor ‘1’ serially SID line to microprocessor 2 at a baud rate
of 110. The characters are stored in sequential memory location
starting from DATA.


Set Counter for N characters

Set Pointer to 'DATA'

Get Character from Memory

Update Memory Pointer

CALL SODSR for Transmission

Decrement Counter

No Is
Counter = 0



Fig.12.11 Flow Chart for Transmission of Data

Each character to be transmitted is an 8-bit data. Let us
assume, that no parity check is required and there is one START bit
which is always ‘0’ and two stop bits which are ‘1’ for each character.
Since baud rate is 110 bits/sec, therefore
Bit Time (TB )= =9.1 msec

Therefore, to transmit a character with 110 baud rate, eleven bits

must be transmitted at an interval of 9.1msec. This transmission
requires a counter and a time delay subroutine of 9.1msec. The
counter can be setup to count all eleven bits or just eight bits of the
character with separate start & stop bits. The flow chart to transmit N
character via SOD is shown in fig.12.11 and the corresponding ALP
is given below:
MAIN: MVI D,N ; Initialize counter
LXI H, ‘DATA’ ; Initialize memory pointer
NEXT: MOV B,M ; Read character to be transmitted
INX H ; Update memory pointer
CALL SODSR ; Transmit the data from register (B)
DCR D ; Decrement counter
JNZ NEXT ; If counter is not zero go back for
HLT ; next data and then stop

Serial Output Data Subroutine (SODSR):

This subroutine converts parallel eight bits in to stream of serial
bits and then transmits START bit, data bits and two STOP bits, total
eleven bits with 110 baud rate. Instead of sending stop bits
separately after data bits, STC instruction is used while transmitting
data bits so that after data bits automatically STOP bits are
transmitted one by one. Therefore, the counter used to count data
bits is also used to count STOP bits. The character to be transmitted
is transferred to subroutine through register (B).
SODSR: MVI C, 0B ; Setup counter to count eleven bits
XRA A ; Reset carry to 0
NEXT: MVI A, 80H ; Set D7 to 1 in the (A)
RAR ; Bring carry in D7 and set D6 =1
; First time D7 bit is 0 for START bit
SIM ; Output MSB of (A) on SOD line
CALL BIT_TIME ; Wait for 9.1 msec i.e. bit time
STC ; Set carry to ‘1’ for STOP bits
MOV A,B ; Place ASCII character in (A)
RAR ; Place D0 in the carry, shift ‘1’ in D7
; and continue shifting in each loop
MOV B,A ; Save rotated data in (B) register
DCR C ; After transmitting one bit decrement
; counter
JNZ NEXT ; If all bits are not transmitted then
; go back for next bit transmission
RET ; Return to main after transmitting
; one character

The program can be explained as below:

1) In this program, let us consider two instructions
MVI A, 80H
When D7 is rotated into D6, the SOD line is enabled for each loop
and the contents of the carry flag are placed in D7.
2) Let us consider, the following instructions:
Instruction STC places ‘1’ into the carry and the instruction
MOV A, B places ASCII character in the accumulator.
Instruction RAR brings ‘1’ from the carry in D7 and places ASCII
bit into carry.
3) In the 2nd iteration, the first RAR places ASCCII bit from the
carry in to D7 and ‘1’ from 80H into D6. Instruction SIM outputs
ASCII bit from bit D7 to SOD line.
4) The logic 1’s set by instruction STC and saved in register (B),
are shifted right by one position every iteration. In the nth
iteration when ASCII D7 is set out, register (B) will have all 1’s
from D0 to D7. In the last two iterations, logic 1’s are sent out as
STOP bits.

Serial Data Reception Through SID Line of 8085:

Let us consider the microprocessor ‘2’ has to receive the data
available at SID line sent by the microprocessor ‘1’ on SOD line. The
SOD of microprocessor ‘1’ is connected to SID of microprocessor ‘2.
It is same as TxD of one system is connected to RxD of another
system. The data must be received at the same band rate 110. The
data is having one start bits, no parity bit and two stop bits. The data
received will be stored in sequential memory location starting from
DATA. The data is received by checking the start bit first. The flow
chart is given in fig.12.12.

Set Counter for N characters

Set Pointer to 'DATA'

CALL SIDSR for Transmission

Store Data in Memory

Update Memory Pointer

Decrement Counter

No Is
Counter = 0



Fig.12.12 Flow Chart for Receiving Data

The assembly language program is written bellow:
MAIN: MVI D,N ; Initialize counter
LXI H, ‘DATA’ ; Initialize memory pointer
NEXT: CALL SIDSR ; Received data in register (B)
MOV M, A ; Store read data in memory
INX H ; Update memory pointer
DCR D ; Decrement counter
JNZ NEXT ; If counter is not zero go back for
HLT ; next data and then stop
The flow chart for SIDSR is shown in fig.12.13.

Setup Bit Counter

Read SID
Wait for One Bit Time

Yes Is
Read SID

No Save the Bit Read

Wait for Half Bit Time

Decrement bit Counter

Read SID
All Bits
Is Received
SID line LOW Return ?
? No

Yes Add Bit to Previous Bits

Fig.12.13 Flow Chart to Receive a Character

The assembly language program is given below:

SIDSR: RIM ; Read SID line

RAL ; Rotate D7 into carry
JC SIDSR ; If D7 =1 this is not a start bit
; Go back and read SID line again
CALL HALF_BIT ; If D7 = 0 wait for half bit time
RIM ; Read SID line
RAL ; Check received bit again
JC SIDSR ; If SID = 1 this is not a valid start
; bit. Go back to read SID line again
MVI C, 09H ; Set bit counter
NXTBIT: CALL BIT_TIME ; Wait for one bit time interval
RIM ; Read SID line to sample data bit
RAL ; Save the bit received in carry
DCR C ; Decrement counter to check
; whether all data bits read
RZ ; If yes, return to main program
MOV A,B ; Place the bits saved so far in (A)
RAR ; Place the bit save in the carry into
; position D7 and shift all bits right
MOV B,A ; Save all bits received in register (B)
JMP NXTBIT ; Get the next bit

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