Bach Flowers Remidies

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Fear of a known cause, fear of anything; shyness, timidity
Fear of death is acute diseases, of impending fatal diseases;
fear of cancer and so on.

We will find in Aspen that the fear requiring that remedy

arises without any reason. It comes upon the individual and he
is unable to describe it; if you ask him hat are you afraid of?
he cannot particularise it. He only tells: I am afraid, but I am
unable to say what it is. As if I would die. This passes off
after some time.

But, for Mimulus fear there is always a cause and if that

cause is removed the fear would also disappear. It is about a
particular know thing that he is afraid, the fear may be

Fear of darkness (But, if this is ameliorated in company,

then CHICORY is the remedy.)

Fear of the disease getting

worse or terminating fatally all need Mimulus. Sometimes we find
this symptom in case of difficult breathing, chest pain, etc.
(For anxiety during chest congestion, Sepia is the remedy in

I had pain in my chest last night. Will it turn into heart

attack or will it be connection with the beginning of any
serious heart troubles? (In homoeopathy, the remedy for this
state is Lilium Tigrinum etc.)

Nervousness is caused by two things, viz., fear and

excitement. If the nervousness is due to fear, Mimulus is the
remedy. If it is due to excitement, WHITE CHESTNUT Is to thought
of. (Ignatia in homoeopathy.) To learn the difference between
Mimulus and WHITE CHESTNUT, it is good to keep the following in
your mind.

1 Mimulus: Fear of anything is before it happens and also

when it is happening. E.g. while thinking of appearing in
a court as a witness for the first time and also at the time of
actually appearing.
2 In the case of WHITE CHESTNUT, nervousness develops
only in the course of the action. The phrases mind
becomes blank in the examination hall, does not get the right
words while making a speech would be apt to describe WHITE

HORNBEAM case is not fear, though a beginner is Bach

Remedies many times confuses it with Mimulus. It is only before
the action. Once the action begins things go all-right. It is
only an anxious foreboding that things may not go alright - he
may not be able to carry the action through. Hornbeam case is a
feeling of anxiety due to fear of lack of strength.

Many people die of snake bites - not because of the poison

but many times it is out of fear only. Mimulus (and equally ROCK
ROSE) will save such cases. (In homoeopathy, the remedy Echinacea
in mother tincture both externally and internally, the remedy
fifteen drops in little water every half-an-hour is almost a
specific in snake bites. Persons dealing with snakes carry
invariably a bottle containing Echinacea mother tincture and they
had reported that this had never failed in their hands.)


In the gramaphone, record, when there is a scratch we find

that the same portion ( a word or two forming a rhyme) is
repeated over and over again, and naturally this is annoying.
This is repeating of one and the same rhyme should be kept in
mind while studying the various conditions that can be cured by
White Chestnut.

We happened to come across a lady in a textile shop who

acted oddily. She rotates her face first left to right to make a
full round; then she does no in the other direction viz. right to
left as far as she could. This will be repeated again and again.
This is an excellent example if the symptoms of this remedy.
Occasionally, we do come across some persons who constantly
twitch their eyes. Some shake their heads; other jerk one
forearm. A person opens the pen, close it and again opens it;
something impels him to repeat the action without any purpose. A
sort of bad habit to repeat actions. He switches on the light,
then immediately switches it off and puts it on. He steps out of
the house, then steps in, and again steps out.

A curious thing is that he does it a definite number of

times. He takes some movements of a part of his body voluntarily
and repeats them again and again.

A peculiar feature of such persons is that they stop the

acts as soon as they realise that they are being observed.

White Chestnut, Scleranthus and Hornbeam compared.

For the symptom repeating the same thing over and over again
Scleranthus too sometimes fits in and, therefore, it is well to
bear in mind the difference. One of the best examples is that he
gets into his car and before starting it, tells to himself that
he should start it only after a vehicle with a particular number,
(say 9 having as the last digit) should pass him. As soon as such
a vehicle passes he does not start the car but tells himself that
one more vehicle should pass, and so on. This is not White
Chestnut but Scleranthus. He shakes his head in a jerky manner;
then says to himself that he will do once more only; but no
sooner he repeats it he would again say once more only and on.
Though superficially it may look like a case for White Chestnut,
that remedy will not have any effect but Scleranthus only can

My mind becomes completely blank in the examination hall

declares the student. But, after coming out of the examination
hall, the answers come to his mind and he wonders how he could
have forgotten such simple answers. This is because, once he
comes out of the examination hall, he is no more in a state of
excitement. Here too, Scleranthus cannot be ignored for it runs
closely to White Chestnut. In the case of mental states where
White Chestnut is useful in the examination hall, the fact that
he has to answer the questions one by one also disappears from
his mind. But, in the case of Scleranthus, the answer do not come
before the minds eye, though it is a well known answer and
however hard he may rack his brains he fails to recollect it.

In some types of question papers, two alternative answers

are given in brackets after each question, and the student is
required to tick one of the two, as the correct answer. If he is
unable to decide which one of two answers is correct, he may
take a dose of Scleranthus. In some types of quiz or contest two
alternative answers, both appearing to be the correct ones, are
given. We cannot easily decide between the two. This is an exact
picture of Scleranthus.

Crab Apple and White Chestnut Compared:

Things to be removed or got rid of: Crab apple is in

respect of physical things, such as a wart, pimple, gray hair
etc. that make him look ugly; White Chestnut is in respect of
mind-thoughts which are to be removed because of the undesirable
nature. In cases of frequent urination where White Chestnut is
indicated, it is not the urine that he wants to get rid of,
(which means Crab Apple) but the thought of the frequent
necessity to get rid of it is causing mental irritation; it is
the mental feeling of urging to urinate that he wants to get rid
of and he is not concerned with the accumulation of urine. The
irritable state of mind or restlessness is caused by the urging
and it passes of only after passing the urine.

White Chestnut is one of the frequently useful remedies for

difficult concentration. A young person of 28 said: I am unable
to say my prayers properly. When I sit and try to concentrate,
various unwanted thoughts comes to my mind. White Chestnut was
given to him, which, to his astonishment, also cured him of his
constipation, in addition to helping him to concentrate in his

Scleranthus is another remedy for difficulty in

concentration, when several thoughts of ideas intrude into one
another producing a sort of confusion and so the person is unable
to concentrate on one particular thing because of being unable
to decide which one course to follow or thing to do first.

The symptom Constantly attempts something and achieves

NOTHING comes under the homoeopathic remedy Cantharis. This
symptom is fully covered by Scleranthus. In the former remedy,
you have to examine the patient whether his other symptoms are
also covered by it, whereas in the case of the latter, you can
straightway give the remedy on this single symptom alone.

My dead child is still before my eyes. The routinist gives

Star of Bethlehem and fails.

I loved a man whom I could not marry. Now I am married to

another person and both of us love each other; I know, it is bad
to think of the former lover whom too I loved so much; but the
thought of him comes though I dont want it. White Chestnut is to
be given to this lady. (Some routinist may try Chicory or Cherry
Plum but it will fail. Chicory is to be given to her if she has a
desire to go to the first lover)


Unable to control ones emotions or desires cravings - short-

temper - shouting or throwing things in a fit of anger - weeping
due to uncontrollable sufferings or feelings, pains, etc. - feels
he will go crazy or become mad - impulsiveness - sufferings that
become unbearable or unendurable - Uncontrollable anger, cravings,
feelings, pain, etc.

where the patient prefers death to his

sufferings, that cherry plum comes to the patients rescue. We
often read in the news papers about persons committing suicide
either by swallowing poison or jumping from multi-storeyed
buildings as he had been suffering from colic or incurable
headache over a number of years. Man dies by taking poison due
to unbearable colic or headache is often reported in the dailies.
Cherry plum would not only remove the impulse to commit suicide
but it also cures the patient of his unbearable pains. (In
homoeopathy, the equivalent remedies are Aurum, Metallicum, etc.

. Cherry plum should be taken every few minutes

in case of fire accidents.

I want to avoid coffee and cigarette but cannot cherry plum

and walnut, if taken regularly will help one to cut his
cigarettes and cups of coffee.

Pain compels her to weep. (Coffee, Mezereum, Platina, and

pulsatilla in homoeopathy if the pain belongs to acute disease.)
weeps due to uncontrollable emotions. Violent anger.Scolding in
anger uttering cureses taking vows in anger (the last symptom is
covered by the remedy VINE also.)

Going out in the hot summer one is unable to bear the heat -
one has to take a lot of cold drinks. *Cherry plum is the remedy
for unquenchable thirst. (For conditions which reach the extreme
states and which are worse than cherry plum, compare SWEET

Thirst not quenched even after several glasses of water or

cool drinks. (Veratrum Alb. etc. in homoeopathy.)

When anything is carried beyond a limit we find it no more

possible to endure. Then unbearable comes up. What is otherwise
called the breaking point of mind in psychology. Cherry plum will
cure unbearable pain, unbearable thirst Unbearable suffering

The type of pain caused by injuries to

finger-tips is unbearable and, therefore, cherry plum is a
specific like the remedy Hypericum in homoeopathy.

$ ASPEN [Aspen]

Fear that cannot be exactly described or for which no reason

can be given. Anxiety without cause; fearful about which the
sufferer says I dont know what -Apprehension without any reason.

For the fears needing MImulus, there will be a cause, fear

of ones superiors in office, fear of cockroach, fear of a
surgical operation, fear of death due to disease, etc.

CHICORY [Chicory]

Desires to be in company, while along aggravates;

selfishness; wants to be attended to; desired to possess things
or persons; wants support from others sentimental attachments
disappointed love; homesickness; quarrelsome nature; craving for
sympathy; attachment to things or persons; love-pangs.

A personnel officer at Madras was transferred to the

Calcutta branch of his office. His wife was employed in a
different office at Madras and his two children were in the
middle of the academic year. He had therefore to leave his wife
and children at Madras and go alone to Calcutta and live there.

On the day of his departure in the airport, when the time

came to bid good-bye he almost wept at the thought of parting
with his family. After getting into the lounge, he came out and
embraced his children once more. The scene was pathetic indeed.
Chicory was the remedy to be given to him at that time.

The author was their family doctor and two days later the
mother sent for him The boy was in bed with fever and the lady
remarked: Your know, he is very much attached to his father. He
feels his fathers absence very much. (This symptom is in the
homoeopathic remedies phosphoric Acid etc. ) A few doses of
chicory cured the boy of the fever and continued use of the same
remedy enabled him to bear the separation without any suffering
of the mind and consequent physical ailments.

After two days a graph was

drawn which showed fluctuation of the temperature in a zig-zag
way. For this unsteadiness of temperature I prescribed a dose of
Scleranthus. After some minutes she asked someone to be by her
side and on noticing this I gave chicory which completely cured
the patient of the fever.

rab Apple and Chicory: A comparison:

Under CRAB APPLE we see that a patient needing that remedy

wants to get rid of something undesirable which makes him look
ugly or causes disturbance or is a source of infection. The CRAB
APPLE patients use the words if only.... The chicory patient too
uses the expression if only... but there is a difference between
the two patients in respect of this usage. Let us examine this.

The Chicory type of person cannot live without a companion

or a material thing.

A girl once lost a pen which she had for a very long time
It had been give as a gift by her uncle. She remarked Its cost is
Rs.200/-. But it is not the monetary value that I am bothered
about now. I Cannot lose that particular pen because it has much
sentimental value for me. It was given by my uncle who was very
dear to me.

Company ameliorates, and loneliness aggravates would be

better phrase to describe the picture of chicory. (Ars., kali-
c., Lyc., Mes., Phos., Stram., etc. in homoeopathy).

Love-pangs, love sickness are the terms for the symptoms of

chicory. The boy will say, nothing is greater for me in the world
than my girl-friend.

hicory people desire appreciation and praise.

MUSTARD [Mustard]

Sadness as if some unhappy events have occurred though

there is no cause for it - causeless sadness or gloom.

This remedy is not useful frequently as its symptoms occur

only very rarely and in a very small number of persons.

For no known cause a feeling as if some misfortune has

befallen him, a sort of grief afflicts the person and generally
after some hours it disappears and he once again becomes normal.

Unless one feels it oneself, it is very difficult to explain

such a kind of feeling of sadness or heavy depression.

GORSE [Gorse]

Lack of confidence in other - Disbelieving - pessimism

Hopelessness - lack of faith

How can such tiny pills, that too in a single dose, cure me?

In Anacardium and a few other homoeopathic remedies the

words Lack of confidence in himself and others appear. Gorse is
the remedy for lack of confidence in others, in medicines etc.
But, for lack of confidence in himself the flower remedy is

Very often we get the symptoms of Gorse in asthmatic

patients, who, after trying several doctors and systems of
therapy feel that medicine cannot cure their ailments.

CHESTNUT BUD [Chestnut Bud]

Unable to learn in spite of repeated lessons or experiences

and Escapist mentality are the two important key-words that
should be borne in mind while memorising the symptoms of
Chestnut bud.
A boy of eight was getting only single digit marks in his
school examinations. He was given private coaching by separate
teachers on three subjects. Still he could not come up. Chestnut
bud was given thrice daily. A few weeks after this he started
studying well and even said he did not require private tuition
as he could study the lessons by himself.

The state of Chestnutbud mentality is different from LARCH

and HORNBEAM. The LARCH type of person never makes an attempt to
learn a foreign language saying that he is too intelligent to
learn it. HORNBEAM may think that he has not the strength of mind
to grasp a subject quickly and so he may ask for brain or nerve-

AGRIMONY [Agrimony]

Do not express his sufferings - Suppressed emotions, unable to

weep, avoids quarrels and arguments, seeks peace of mind -
Sadness, but cannot weep (such as death of beloved ones) (in
homoeopathy, Gels., Nat-m. etc.) - taciturnity -Aversion to talk,
sensitive to arguments, quarrels - Wants peace of mind.

Is not expressing his feelings Suppressed emotions desire to

sacrifice things for the sake of peace of minds are the key-
notes for the use of Agrimony.

A business executive had an only

daughter. Hers was a mental case and the best treatment available
in the city failed to improve her condition, and she was declared
as incurable case. To forget his anxiety about his daughters
condition, he resorted to liquor and cigars. Agrimony helped
him to bear his anxiety and make a sensible approach to his
problems. From this we find that the agrimony type tries to
escape from his mental worries. (Chestnut bud type of people try
to escape from his responsibilities or avoid his duties and he
find some means of avoiding them, such as by giving lame
excuses.) Along with Cherry Plum, Walnut, Scleranthus etc. for
patients addicted to narcotics etc., Agrimony may also be kept in
mind when the person takes to liquor etc. to forget or escape
from his family worries etc. To forget his girl-friend who
married another boy he started consuming alcohol instead of
approaching the problem with a calm and sensible mind.
During illness they do not go to a doctor or disturb others
in the house but as far as possible bear it silently which means
hiding their suffering. This is contrary to the chicory and
heather types. The Chicory patient type of person desires company
and attention and, therefore, even for trivial ailments he tends
to exaggerate his sufferings to get the attention from others.
The Heather type takes delight in narrating to others details as
his sufferings.

$ PINE [Pine]

Guilt complex industrious conscious of duly neglected blaming

self finding fault with himself for all his sufferings feels
fate has decreed the sufferings on account of his past sins
inferiority complex (also Larch)

The pine type of people will always be doing some work or

other without wasting even a minute, not for their own benefit
but for that of others or society. This is not owing to the fact
that they are enthusiastic about or interested in uplifting
others or society; it is only because they feel that, if they
dont do their duty and contribute their mite to society, they are
sinning away their days of grace. A sort of guilt-complex.

Without cause too, if a person feels as if he has committed

a crime (delusion) then Pine is the remedy. (In homoeopathy, the
remedies for this symptom are: Ars. Alb.; Cina.; Cycl.; Ign.;
Nux-v.; Ruta; Staph.; Ver-a.; Zinc.m. etc. besides Alumina.
After selecting Alumina for a patient if we ask whether he has
many times the feeling as if he has committed a crime, the reply
will be in the affirmative. But this remedy does not find a place
in Oscars Repertory under MIND because the Alumina patient never
tells this as a symptom while consulting us.)

He is industrious. He feels it will be a sin if he should

waste his time by not doing some good work for others. When God
has given me good health and wealth it will be a sin if I dont
work hard to uplift the sick and the poor.

$ BEECH [Beech]

Always criticizing others - wants exactness, neatness,

orderliness - discipline - minded - business - like always talks
of duty, rules, justice - strict, regular, punctual - aiming at
perfection--promptness. Intolerant of disorders, confusion and

Here, in this remedy, we find the tip-top man. He is

sensitive to disorder and indiscipline. He always tends to
criticize others short-comings, mistakes and failures, which are
out of proportion.

The Agrimony patient is prepared to lose any amount for the

sake of mental peace. Crab Apple is willing to lose any amount
for the sake of cleanliness. And the Beech type is prepared to
stake anything for the sake of discipline, neatness or order.
Crab Apple is sensitive to dirt, infection etc.

CENTAURY [Centaury]

Weak-willed - unable to refuse or oppose - yielding to

others - easily influenced and utilized by others.

The Vine type of people likes to dominate others.

Chicory wants others to do them favors. Willow blames others.
Persons of Centaury type very easily fall a prey to the above
three of persons because it is impossible for the Centaury type
to refuse the demands of others.

(i) Someone asks a person of the Centaury type in the

closing days of the month to lend him some money.
He has only a few rupees left which is essential
for the remaining days of the month. But he (the
Centaury type of individual) is unable to say no
to him and so he readily gives away the money,
which would only mean his taking a loan in turn
from someone else for his expenses.

CERATO [Cerato]

To discribe the truth in everything, by whomsoever spoken, is

Thirukkural (423)

Unable to decide which one among several things to choose or

course to adopt-constantly changing treatment - imitating others
ways, mannerisms etc.- staunchness or ardency
in following a system or personality.
This type will seem to be similar to the remedy wild Oat;
hence comparison is needed between the two remedies. The Wild
Oat type of person is unable to choose the most appropriate
profession or goal in his life. But Cerato is in respect of one
particular thing only, e.g. treatment, building a house, buying a
radio which are not goals in life. He has made up his mind to buy
a radio, but he is unable to decide which model to buy.

When a
patient has been under your treatment for some time,then leaves
you and goes to another doctor (though he had shown improvement
from your treatment) do not get irritated. He may be a Cerato
type. Such patients go from one doctor to another, from one
system to another. It is not changeableness of mind as in
Scleranthus; but he is only unable to decide which system of
medicine he has to adopt - homoeopathy, allopathy, nature cure

$ WALNUT [Walnut]

Habits: deep unshakable faith, tendencies etc.-faith in

religion, scriptures etc.

Habits derived even from heredity can be broken by walnut.

It is not the ;character or type of the person that can be

changed by Walnut, but his habits and customs, what we otherwise
call family traits.

The Walnut type of person will usually say You know, it

takes some time for me to adjust himself to these new
surroundings. I have to get accustomed to a new thing; then it
becomes routine.

He starts living in a new house. The bath-room and other

things may not be similar to the one he used in the former house.
For a certain initial period in the new house, he has difficulty
to adjust himself to the new surroundings.

Ninety per cent of inter-caste marriages end in failure,

because of Walnutism (negative aspect of Walnut mentality.)
(Note, we use the suffix ism to denote the negative qualities of
the remedy.) Let us take, for example, the case of a Hindu youth
marrying a Muslim girl or vice versa. They start living
together. Soon, problems arise. The one may not like the habits
of the other, for he has strong faith in the customs of his own
religion which he has acquired by tradition-inheritance. (The
extreme walnut type of person never even thinks of inter-caste
marriage.) The Hindu partner it meticulous about the contact of
saliva which the Muslim partner is not able to accept. The youth
hangs pictures of gods and goddessess on the walls, decks them
with flowers, lights lamps, burns camphor and prostrates before
them, Islam is against even pictorial representation. How will
the muslim girl feel about this? She will not be able to tolerate
all these which goes against her tradition and belief. Then what
about Deepavali, Navarathri and other festivals on the one hand,
Muharram and Ramzan on the other? And so on.

Change of climate- change of food - change of region-change

of country, town, atmosphere, surroundings.

Research tends to reveal that hereditary diseases and

tendencies can be removed by Walnut. Only habit-forming things
become hereditary and so Walnut should cure all such inheritance-
tubercular taint, cancerous diathesis, etc. Asthma running in
families. Baldness that is in heredity Migraine, haemophilia.

Can you give me some medicine? I want to stop my cigarette

habit. The question have you, tried to stop it yourself? the
answer is Oh! No! I cannot do without a cigarette. It is a
habit. I have been smoking for the last eighteen years. Walnut
is the remedy for this man.

On the other hand, if the answer is: I have attempted it and

refrained from cigarettes several times for a short period. But
whenever I see someone smoking I am unable to resist the
temptation, though I fell I should not do it, and try to resist,
sometimes it is beyond my control and I take a cigarette. This
points to the remedy CHERRY PLUM

Masturbation, nail-biting, thumb-sucking in children,

excessive consumption of coffee, tea, tobacco, alcohol Walnut
cures all these undersirable habits. Western countries are faced
with a new problem, viz., drug-addiction, alcoholism, and
sedative-addiction. All addicts can be cured with Walnut or
Cherry Plum.
Note: Blinking of eyes may be a case of either walnut of WHITE

If I dont take my customary morning coffee, I will get head

ache. This is walnut.

Walnut may be thought of in

diseases that resist the best treatment, (The relevant remedies
in homoeopathy are those listed under GENERALITIES-REACTION, lack
of in kents Repertory.)

Cannot tolerate changefrom old surroundings etc. Complaints

aggravated during change of weather may require Walnut.
(Pulsatilla etc. in homoeopathy.)


The other day a reader wrote to us: Do you mean to say that
I should not regret over the missed opportunity? (Honeysuckle-
ism.) Our reply is an under:

The feeling of Suppose I had not missed that opportunity, ,

would have done such and such a thing nicely without failure is a
negative one. This is because, if we carefully examine our past
life in minute detail it will come to light that had not that
opportunity been not lost and we had succeeded in that, things
would have become much worse. Let us explain it by an example.
We will take the case of a train accident in which a few people
in a compartment only were killed. One would ordinarily feel
sorry for the occurrence of that accident. But the fact is that
had that accident not happened at that time in that way, some
worse form of an accident or disaster might have happened

$ GENTAIN [Gentian]

To learn the correct picture of this remedy, we have to

compare it with Gorse, Mustard, Pine and Willow. Persons of all
these four types are not at all happy and they keep a sad face.

The Gorse type of person is absolutely without hope, he can

never believe that any medicine can help him get well. He feels
his disease is incurable and so does not try any medicine. He is
an out and out pessimist!

The Pine type is full of self-reproach. He feels he is

suffering on account of his own mistakes or sins committed in the
past. The Willow type of person, on the other hand, blames others
for his sufferings.

The Gentian type only feels discouraged at setbacks; such

depression may be due to very minor reasons, such as a friend not
turning at the appointed time though the visit was a casual one.
It has a cause, But the Mustard type of depression and gloom
descends on a person without any apparent cause and passes off
after a few hours or days.

The Willow type tends to exaggerate the slightest faults of

others while failing to appreciate their merits and positive

One characteristic symptom of Gentian is a tendency to

murmur a deprecating tchoo!

He goes out to book a seat in train. He finds a few person

in the queue. He has to wait. He feels depressed, though such a
queue is small compared to the regular rush at that counter on
other days. But he murmurs tchoo. He is never happy.

Every scientific invention has a sting on its tail.

When his turn comes and he asks for a ticket handing over a
hundred-rupee-note, if the booking clerk tells him he has no
change, he feels depressed and utters his tchoo.

His child falls ill: It may be a minor ailment, only a

common cold, which is usual in children. But he feels
disheartened and sighs!

He starts to write a letter. The pen goes dry. Instead of

simply filling in the pen, he feels depressed which is not at all
called for.

If his train arrives late by a few minutes, he feels

depressed. If someone does not turn up at the appointed hour, it
causes him great disappointment. Whereas the Beech type would
insist on punctuality Gentain type of person is depressed when
things do not go his way.

In fact, would seem he has the talent to discover reasons to

get depressed.

HEATHER [Heather]

Loquacity; gets hold of a fresh topic so

as to continue talking; talkativeness

A patient enters your clinic and you prescribe for him after
listening to his story of sufferings. He does not leave when the
consultation is over. There is nothing more to talk about. But he
looks around, finds a new topic and, starts talking again. May be
he would ask you how long you have been in the city, what rent
you pay for your office etc.

HOLLY [Holly]

Jealousy- suspicion-quarrels among relatives-

between communities of two religions-Hindu-
Muslim or South-North Indian struggles

Jealousy of an elder child towards a younger one.

A couple were keeping a pet dog. It received all the
attention a child would have received since they were childless.

A few years passed and a child was born to the couple.

Naturally their care and attention now turned towards the child.
The dog did not receive as much attention as before. This might
have created jealousy in its mind. One day, when they were
fondling the baby it bit the child. Pills of Holly were given
with biscuit and milk to that dog and it was cured of its
jealousy. Thereafter, there was no problem between the dog and
the child.

A young man hesitated to marry because he would become

suspicious of the chastity of the girl proposed for him. Holly
made him sensible.

A man with two wives can never be happy because all his time
will be spent in settling the disputes between the two women.
Such a life is miserable. But Holly (by adding it to the drinking
water of the drinking water of the two ladies) he can lead a
happy and peaceful life.

In India when ones lover or sweetheart is married to some

one else, murder is often carried out. Holly is required here.

Suspects without cause.

The author knows a professor, who, while going out of

station cannot leave his wife alone in his home. He will suspect
that she may have relations with other men. So he employs an old
main, who is in his confidence, to keep watch.

HORNBEAM [Hornbeam]

Dread of failure. How am I going to

accomplish all these? thought; feeling
of lack of strength

$ IMPATIENS [Impatiens]

Restlessness; hurrying without causes;

impatient; sensitive to noise; desires
loneliness to complete the work as
others will hinder his speed; irritable

Be quick Dont delay Hurry Go fast Quick are the words used
by the impatiens type of persons. He uses these terms even for
things which are not urgent nor require speed.

You leave me alone; I will complete the job is another

expression used by him. It is because others disturbance or
intervention may cause delay or slow down his work, or those co-
operating may not be able to keep pace with his speed in work. He
cannot work if disturbed; hence he is sensitive to noise and
intervention by others.

LARCH [Larch]

Want of self-confidence; inferiority complex

The Larch type has a feeling of lack of capacity, not dread

as in Hornbeam but a conviction that there is below par
inferiority complex.
He thinks: I wont be successful. A sort of false humility.

I know of a person whose wife remarked. My husband is not

trying to learn driving which is necessary for his profession. He
says he wont be able to learn it. He also does not go for
departmental examination. Larch gave him confidence and he
started learning driving and also participated in the
examination. (When one tries, but after repeated trials, he is
not able to learn, then Chestnutbud is the remedy. Such persons
give up and try to escape.)

CLEMATIS [Clematis]

Hopeful of future - day - dreaming - hence

loss of interest in the present -indifference -
carelessness due to day-dreaming.

The Clematis type of person always lives in the future. He

not merely thinks of what he is going to do or get in the future,
but lives in it (in his mind) as he is always hopeful of getting
them or reaching his goal. (castles in the air)

He is a day-dreamer. He lives happily in castles in the air.

An alnascher! Planning for the future is not bad, because only
then we can act effectively in the present in order to reach our
goal. But the Clematis type of person does this to the extreme;
he not only plans but goes to the extent of living in the
future, all in his mind! ? It is all a day-dream. This constant
living in the future prevents him from taking any interest in the

$ CRAB APPLE [Crab Apple]

1. Oversensitive to filth

2. Hyperesensitive of trifles - gives more

importance to trifles than to important

E.g. too much jesting, laughing over trifles - immoderation

in act.

If this type of person feel pain, particularly if he can

feel the areas of pain and it appears separate and distance of
him, he would feel he should remove that portion. For such type
of pain which make the patient feel the part should be removed,
CRAB APPLE will relieve it.

Cramps generally have this characteristic. As patient with

cramps in the calf muscles at night in bed said: I feel to cut
off the leg and keep it a side. This happens many times in the
case of pain in back or him joning; sometimes in colic too. I feel
as if I should take it out seperately and keep it away.

If the cramps occur at regular intervals and is of the same

type then WHITE CHESTNUT is the remedy. In some cases of
dyspepsia, after taking full meal the patient says: I feel the
food is lodged in the stomach pit. A dose of CRAB APPLE will
remove that unpleasant sensation caused due to flatulence. After
eating, we generally feel heaviness in the region of the stomach
abdomen which is not discomfort. But the CRAB APPLE type of
person feels the heaviness above the stomach, in the hypogastric
region, as if the food has not descended. CRAB APPLE is the

Doctor, whenever I get overheated I got this piles,

indigestion, etc. So, instead of giving medicine for piles or
indigestion if you can give me some medicine to reduce the heat
in my system then the other things will automatically disappear.

OLIVE [Olive]

Weariness - Exertion aggravate -

Exhaustion after over work - Becoming
tired easily - getting bored - inconstancy
due to tiredness

Whenever some had work is to be done, one may take OLIVE for
two or three day (Three or four doses a day) prior to the day of
work; also while the work is being done.

E.g., going out of station for various types of work

involving long walking, sleepless nights etc., shifting ones
establishments, long-distance travel, all these will involve a
certain amount of strain and consequent tiredness. OLIVE is very
helpful and by taking it one will not feel tired.
It may be remembered here that tiredness is felt only after
strenuously exerting oneself for a few hours or days. It takes
time. It is advisable to start taking this remedy a few days
prior to the time of anticipated exertion.

OAK [Oak]

Hopeful of getting/ accomplishing things that are

impossible; unceasing efforts in spite of failures;

This remedy bears some similarity to CLEMATIS. But the

latter is mere day-dream. The CLEMATIS type of person lives only
in the future and he never makes any effort or acts to reach his

But the OAK type of person struggles in spite of repeated

failures. He has a sort of unshakable hope of succeeding in his
efforts even in forlorn states.

Repeatedly buys lottery tickets or goes to races. (The

Clematis type does not even buy a ticket because he lives in his
imagination of getting lakhs of rupees.)

Tries to learn a thing or master a subject in spite of

repeated failures. The CHESTNUTBUD type on the contrary tries to
escape from his lessons because he finds them difficult to learn.

WATER VIOLET [Water Violet]

Does his work along, keeps aloof

because others cannot normally
appreciate of understand such type
of work which to an ordinary person
would seem ridiculous--pioneers,
researchers, inventors.

They neither disturb other by poking their nose into others

problems nor do they allow themselves to be disturbed by others.

Desired to be alone this symptoms is in Impatiens as well as

in WATER VIOLENT. In the former it is because that type of person
feels that disturbances they may be caused by others (Such as
noise, interference etc.) will impede his work. The latter keeps
aloof, not because he desires solitude, which is a symptom, but
it is inherent in the nature of the work done by them.

SCLERANTHUS [Scleranthus]

Changeable moods-laziness- procrastinating - confusion -

vertigo - unsteadiness - not being prompt - doesnt know how to
describe his complaints - is unable to say how it(the complaint)
started or due to what it could be - indecision -irresolute -
once more attitude that is renewed again and again will do
tomorrow attitude - irregularities.

It is perhaps this remedy that needs more elaboration than

the remaining thirty-seven flower remedies. to project the
picture of this drug, we need at least the total number of pages
consumed by all the other drugs! Such is the extensive and also
frequently useful symptomatology of SCLERANTHUS.

SCLERANTHUS: When several jobs are to be attended to, e.g.

sending replies to various letters, he arranges them in such
order that he attends first to those letters arranges them are
interesting. Boring ones or those that need extra strain, he
(1) Does not remember which is the correct answer while
answering a question paper in the examination hall, but it comes
clearly to mind after he has come out of the hall. (White
Chestnut also has this symptom; but in that remedy it is due to
excitement that the mind becomes blank. As soon as he comes out
and the excitement passes he remembers. But it SCLERANTHUS is due
to confusion that he is unable to say which one is the correct

(2) Erection fails while attempting coition; on other

occasions such as sleep etc. he gets involuntary erection.
Erection while travelling (the remedy PLATINA in homoeopathy has
this symptom) when it is not required; therefore, for Priapism,
satyrasis etc. SCLERANTHUS often becomes a remedy.

If SCLERANTHUS is taken an hour or two prior to the time of

leaving the house for a long distance journey it brings before
the mind all the important things that he has to take with them
their belonging on such occasions will find SCLERANTHUS an
immense aid, just like an alarm time-piece.

CONFUSTION: The words coming from the mouth of the person

direct us to the remedy. Let us now examine the words used by
those who need SCLERANTHUS.

I dont know how I got it?

I am unable to say what can be cause (of this headache


I have some indescribable feeling in my head.

(Lil-t etc. in homoeo)

I Feel uneasy, but I am unable to find the exact words to

describe it.

I dont get sleep; at the same time I am not wakeful too; I

am not clear what the matter is with me.

When a thing ought to happen at a place of our body and it

SCLERANTHUS is the remedy.

So also, SCLERANTHUS may be thought of for metastasia. E.g.

Vicarious menstruation, heart trouble after suppressed
rheumatism; when the menses ought to appear, it does not come,
but she develops cough (Senecio in homoeo.)

For changes-change of lie menopause puberty etc. We have

said that WALNUT is useful. But SCLERANTHUS also runs close to
WALNUT in these states. During dentition or puberty if there are
some troubles associated with it, we can give WALNUT; but during
change of life, if some other things happen, or things do not
take place properly,then SCLERANTHUS also come in-E.g. menses
before the proper age menses do not appear at the proper age
during puberty. That is, a disease taking a form different from
the one in which it is expected to appear. Therefore, for
complaints that are ameliorated by discharges we can think of

One of the important, and characteristic symptoms where

SCLERANTHUS is concerned is, that when he reads a novel or
magazine or story book, he does not fall asleep, he can even
overcome sleep because of the absorbing interest of the book but,
when he starts reading a text-book for learning a subject or
language, he feels sleepy after studying even a few lines. This
is SCLERANTHUS AND scleranthus only.

Overpowering sleepless during day time and sleeplessness in

the right. SCLERANTHUS is specific for drowsiness in day time.



A homoeopath in Delhi started using flower remedies. His

residence-cum-clinic was on one of the main high-ways of the city
and the area in front of his house was prone to accidents daily.
From that spot the name board of the doctor was quite visible as
he has put up the biggest board among the doctors there, and,
therefore, whenever a person got involved in an accident he would
be brought to him mostly in an unconscious state. On three such
occasions, the doctor used to give two pills of RESCUE REMEDY
and in a minute or so the astonishment of the bystanders the
unconscious person would get up as if nothing had happened and
ask Where am I? He would walk home without any aid.


Reports have been received by us from various practitioners

that a piteously crying child calmed down after a dose of RESCUE
REMEDY or that a high fever was cured in with a few doses of
RESCUE REMEDY. But weeping and high fever may point to a remedy
other than the five remedies contained in RESCUE REMEDY; in such
cases RESCUE REMEDY may not help.

Advantage: It makes the case clear so that selection of the

of correct remedy becomes easy.

Disadvantage: Suppose a wrong remedy has been given and it

makes the symptoms clear and practitioner is, for some reason,
not able to spot the correct remedy. RESCUE REMEDY will aggravate
the patients condition.

. For burns and scalds by hot

liquids, etc. We advise CHERRY PLUM alone in preference to
RESCUE REMEDY because, though there is shock etc. the symptom
Unbearable pain for which he is prepared to do anything is
foremost and prominent in all cases of burns and scalds. So,
after observing the patient we give CHERRY PLUM alone. RESCUE
REMEDY too contains CHERRY PLUM among the five ingredients and
it (RESCUE REMEDY) will also relieve. But the use of one remedy
at a time preferable for greater effect.

Double Phenomena There are certain states where the patient

seems to exhibit the symptoms of two remedies at the same time.
But close examination will reveal that they actually point to one
remedy only. E.g. Itching changes place on scratching. Let us
examine this symptom. We find symptom in two homoeopathic
remedies mainly, viz., Mez. and Staph. In the former remedy (Mez)
the itching is more prominent (in flower remedies CHERRY PLUM or
CARB APPLE); in staphysagria changes place on scretching (the
equivalent flower remedy is WHITE CHESTNUT or SCLERANTHUS WHITE
CHESTNUT for constancy or SCLERANTHUS for changeableness) is

VINE [Vine]

Dominating Haughty Anger worse from contradiction intolerant

of contradiction -Arrogant - Superiority -Complex - Giving orders
- Commanding.

Art is long; life is short. But the VINE type talks as if he

has mastered so much thing in his short life-span. A boss or
leader has to command. This is in respect of the duties which he
has to carry out, even if he does not like to dominate others. We
are not referring to these persons when we speak about VINE.

It is the self-imposed boss who talks in a commanding voice

and takes pleasure in establishing his superiority. Even in
ordinary conversation and daily routine he wants to command. This
naturally makes him intolerant of contradiction.

$ WILD OAT [Wild Oat]

When several remedies seem to be indicated for a patient

then HOLLY (For intense and active persons) or WILD OAT (for weak
and despondent ones) may be sufficient. But in some cases a
practitioner will find that neither of these two help. From this
the reader should not rush to the hasty conclusion and premature
judgment that flower remedies cannot help in all cases or that
the remedy used by him was not genuine. The only sheet anchor
that we have, be it homoeopathy or Dr. Bach remedies, is that the
question of a remedy not acting on patient with symptoms of that
remedy does not arise. There is no exception to natural laws
which are eternal.

There is no disease for which there is not a remedy among

the thirty eight remedies.

If this is kept in mind the practitioner will try to learn

more about flower remedies by trying to find out where he erred.

By taking WILD OAT the person realizes that All earthly

things are but the interpretation of things spiritual, the
smallest, most insignificant occurrence has a divine purpose
behind it. Every one of us has a divine mission in this world and
our souls see our minds and bodies as instruments to do this
work, so that when all the three are working in unison the result
is perfect health and perfect happiness.

HORNBEAM [Horn Beam]

It is only the mentally weak person who always speaks of his

strength and capacity, the desire to possess more capacity is
indirectly revealed in their speech and we should not be carried
away by the following statements coming from the mouth of the
negative HORNBEAM type of person.

You know everyone in my office trembles before our boss. but

I do not fear him.

Yesterday I was surrounded by four hooligans. I easily

overpowered all of them and took them to the police station; the
Inspector admired me.

I dont know why, but the taxi follows never demand from me
more than what the meter shows.

I worked for the last three nights and days without a wind
of sleep.

When such a statements repetedly pour out from the mouth of

person that is when he is making a show of the measure of his
capacity, capability or strength or greatness, he needs HORNBEAM;
he may not actually ask for a tonic but would say: Yesterday I
took four glasses of undiluted grape-juice. I take (fruit or
food); it is all energy.

RED CHESTNUT [Red Chestnut]

Unnecessary and excessive anxiety of over-concern for others

(Ars. Alb., Cocc., Phos., and Sulph., in homoeopathy) Frequently
useful for doctors and nurses.

In the homoeopathic materia medica the remedy cocculus is

given for the side-effects of night-watching or nursing the sick.
Kents Repertory (P.7) lists Ars., *Bar-c., *Cocc., *Phos.,and
Sulph. for the symptom anxiety, others, for

Red Chestnut should be taken by those who have to help

others. particularly in times of emergency; doctors treating
patients their own children, friends or relatives, the wife
attending on a sick husband or child.

Anxiety for others becomes excessive when the sufferer is

dear to our heart

RED CHESTNUT does not remove the anxiety from our mind. If
this is done, then we will go to the other extreme state of
becoming indifferent to others welfare. This is similar to the
symptom of WILD ROSE. what RED CHESTNUT does is to moderate the
excessive concern for others, thus enabling us to do better
service to them in illness or distress.

The RED CHESTNUT type of individuals can be easily

identified when their children or wives fall ill, the illness
becomes exaggerated in their mind.

Even for a common cold or cough, the parent will rush to the
doctor and want to be assured that there is nothing serious with
the child.

Even a slight ailment of her children a cold, bruise or

minor injury appears to be serious in the mind of a mother of RED
CHESTNUT type. The fears that the child had pneumonia while in
fact it may be an ordinary cold, or that he may develop tetanus
after a slight injury, and so on.

ROCK WATER [Rock Water]

Self-martyrdom - will even be prepared to die
for his principles - sacrificing for a principle

As the rock is hard and tough so is the individual needing

this remedy. He is very tough and adamant with his principles.

This state is found only in a very few persons.

Let us now see the picture of some ROCK WATER types in daily
life. I have not taken tea or coffee for the last twelve years.
Says one this is not because he considers it injurious to his
health but only as a matter of principle. I have decided to live
on fruits alone.

Mahatma Gandhi and Morarji Desai (the latter, the former

prime Minister of India) are the best example of the ROCK WATER
attitude to life.

Living a principled life is, of course, good, but it must

not be at the expense of inconvenience to others.

A patient under our treatment for peptic ulcer once

remarked, while talking about his financial position, As a matter
of principle I do not take loans. Even if my wife is
hospitalized, and I require a thousand rupee which I dont have, I
am prepared to lose her rather than take a loan though I Can
repay it in installments. Taking loan is against his principle of
life. Principle is a means to an end and not an end in itself.
But to our ROCK WATER TYPE of individuals it is the principle
that matter more.

ROCK ROSE [Rock Rose]

Extreme terror-panic-disaster-greater danger-

calamities-cyclones-air-raid, bombings-were-
floods-bites by snakes and equally poisonous

We can sometime know the states of a suffering patient of

the ROCK ROSE type by merely looking at those around him. E.G.
under the homoeopathic remedy Crotalus horridus (Kents LECTURES
...Doctor, use anything in order to save the life, resort
to anything in order to heal this sick one.

The state of the patient is so grave that not only he but

those around him too get panicky. Snake bite in which the patient
has foam at his mouth, etc. We have other remedies for fear, e.g.
ASPEN for unknown and MIMULUS for known fears. HORNBEAM is for
fear of lack of strength, etc. (dread). CHICORY is for fear of
being alone. But the state of ROCK ROSE IS extreme.

Imagine the mental state of the person who has been trapped

Since one single remedy acts better than a combination of

two or more, we are always in favour of one remedy at a time.
But in cases where ROCK ROSE is indicated, it is difficult to say
whether it is feel alone or shock that is to be treated.
Therefore, in such states, we use RESCUE REMEDY as it contains
ROCK ROSE. But, if a practitioner assure of the symptoms of the
patient, then it is preferable that he gives the one indicated
remedy. viz. ROCK ROSE or STAR OF BETH. In the case of crushed
finger-tips caught between a door and a jamb,it is more a case of
unbearable pain than of shock. So also with burns of small area
of the skin. On such occasions though many practitioners use
RESCUE REMEDY we prefer CHERRY PLUM because in burns the fore
most symptom is unbearable pain and the patient mostly resorts to
cold application (though he knows it will only aggravate the
condition later.) But when a major portion of the body is burnt
or scalded then STAR OF BETHELEHEM is also needed.

STAR OF BETHLEHEM [Star of Bethlehem]

Shock-mental as well as physical.

A lady received an electric shock rendering her whole right

upper limb useless. She came across a Bach Practitioner three
days after the accident. He prescribed her STAR OF BETHLEHEM to
be taken three or four times a day for a week. The next day she
returned and reported that her hand become almost all right
after the fourth dose.

In another instance an old man received news of the death of

this son aged just twenty-one. On hearing this news, his whole
right side was paralyzed. The doctors who examined him declared
his case incurable. Bach remedy STAR OF BETHLEHEM was given and
in a few days he started walking.

HONEY SUCKLE [Honey Suckle]


Always feeling regret for mistakes committed in the past,

does not serve any purpose for present or future. But realizing
the mistakes or opportunities lost, and thus learning a lesson
(so that such a mistake may not be committed in future) is the
sign of a healthy mind.

Honey suckle helps one to learn from past mistakes and thus
enables him to avoid repeating it in future.

In the case of negative HONEY SUCKLE type of individual the

negative aspect of his mind viz. regretting over past prevents
him from being careful not to repeat such acts in the present.

A patient once remarked: If you can do something so that all

the unwanted things in my body (that might have accumulated due
to wrong habits of taking foods, tobacco-smoke etc. In the past)
and all incidents such as mortification and other unpleasant
occurrences that happened to me in the past are erased (or, are
made as if they not happened... A clear case of HONEY SUCKLE.

HONEYSUCKLE patient who feels as if he would like to erase all
unpleasant incidents in his past life. He never mentions this as
symptom and so the practitioner cannot do anything. One
enthusiastic and eager Bach Practitioner told us, You say we can
prescribe on the very words coming from the mouth of the patient
by merely listening to the very words coming from the mouth. But
what about the instant case of HONEY SUCKLE just quoted by you.

$ WILD ROSE [Wild Rose]

Listless Total indifference to everything

indifference to interesting and pleasurable
things as well as to diseases.
Suppose WILD ROSE type of person has some disease which is
causing much suffering to him; if you ask him, Why dont you go
to a doctor and get treatment? He replies, So what, I dont
bother. Whether I am well or not, it makes no difference to me.

While learning the states of this remedy, we must study it


The fear of ASPEN is vague (causeless); the depression of

MUSTARD is causeless; so also, the symptom indifference or
disinterest in WILD ROSE is causeless.

SWEET CHESTNUT [Sweet Chestnut]

Extreme state of despair; hopeless despair.

The words used by the SWEET CHESTNUT type to person are

Salvation I have no salvation (for my sour). They may be spoken
even with reference to his daily common difficulties sometimes in
headache after trying some measures, the patient feels that he
beyond cure (the capacity of medical treatment.) It need not
necessarily be an extreme state of suffering irrespective of the
intensity, seriousness or magnitude of sufferings his mind is
made to feel such a thing.

The patient is in a state of susceptibility (SWEET CHESTNUT

sim) and therefore only do the sufferings affect his mind to
such a degree.

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