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Bill on magna Gatta

fot out-of-sGhool ,,
Uoutn amroueil
THE House of Reptesentatives has unani$ously
law, and thus shall be mandated to design policies to
approved on third and finat reading the proposei fuifill them.
"Magna Carta of the Outof-school Youthl', The Technical Education and Skills Development
House Bill (HB) No. q103 seek to grant OSy with Authority (TESDA ) shall offer and mana ge free iechni-
social protection and establish an interigency council cal and v'ocational courses for the OSY.
that shall ensuJe the delivery of the neceisari services Aside from proyiding all supplies needed in the
and interventions for their b6nefit. classes,.the agency shall also giv-e financial support to
HB No. 9103 was approved by all 170 Hous€ mem- the students for the duration of the training, ir]?iuding
bers presealt during the plenary voting. tlara.spo*ation expenses.
. The bill refers to a n C)SY as i memb-er of the popula- The Departrnen t of Trad e and In d ustry (DTl ) shall
tion ag€d 15 to 30 years old who is currm tly outo?school, also corrduit a training program to provide ihi, OSi, *itft
not gainfully emp loyed and has not finished college or knowledge and_skill s to encourage en hepreneurial en-
a post-secondary coutse. deavors. It shall contain small b-usiness management,
Th9 br!,principaly authgred by Reps. Wes Garch- new approaches on irurovafion or introductioriofnew
alian (1 st Dstrict, ValerL,uela Ci ry) ;nd Victor yap (2nd products and sereices to the markets.
District, Tarlac), recognizes that ihe State shall prbm u.l- Meanwhile, the Department of Labor and Em-
gate measur_es-to achieve *re following: a) irrsfire and ployment, in coordination with TESDA, shall ensure
encourage OSY to contribute to naii-on buifdin& b) that OSY who graduated from technical vocational
recognize the rights of OSY in society; c) providi an education and traininA (TVET) have decent work
altema ti ve learning sys tem a.rtd a progiam f6r technical standards, including localjob generation and em-
or vmational education for them; (a) give OSy full ploytnent, economic opportuni I ies and providin g
support for the improvement of their ioial wellbeins; strict regulations agaiirit forced and involuntarV
and e) reco€nize th€ important role of the private sectdr displacement; and p;otection ol Lhe riqhts and pro'-
and actively seek their barhership. motion of the welfare of m igrate TVET-graduatis in
. To this end, themeasure shall piomote thepiotection host counlries.
of the rights of OSY against disirimination by private
corpoJations, entities and individuals, as weli ds push . The bill stipu-tates that OSY in especially difftcult
circumstances, such as abuse, shall be ijrorrided wi Lh the
for the substaative equality in their rights in a spfieres followlng seryices: a) Lemporary andprotective custo-
of growth and developmeirt. dy; b) medical and dental servic6s: c) oivcholosical and
- It provides that the lovernment, through the Na tj on-
al Youth Commission (NyC) and conierned youth
p3ychiatric evaluation; d) counseling; i) legal"services;
f) Iivelihood and financial assistanci; e) D"roductivitu
organizations, shall be zuided bv orosressive de\ieloo- capabilig building; h) life skitts hainin"g;;d i) heatrfi
ments in the hunan rj*rts of OSV unier intemationi ecrucahon. ?WCT

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