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Elizabeth Lloyd

Ms. Little

H Ballet

31 May 2019

Second Semester Reflection

I am so glad that this semester is pretty much over. I am super burned out of dance right

now and can not wait to get a break this summer. I am very much looking forward to resting my

ankle, my left leg muscles, and my right shoulder blade, which have all been secretly hurting for

a while. As soon as La Bayadere is over I can vocalize my pain instead of holding it in with the

occasional rant to a few people. For some reason I really enjoy cleaning my room which I will do

during my short break during 1st and 2nd block exams. I am very proud of how far I have come

in school this year. I conquered the AP exams, and although I feel I did not improve much in

ballet, I think I worked very hard in choreography and still can not believe that we pulled off the

choreography concert considering the circumstances. Throughout 2nd semester as we practiced

and rehearsed the dancers for the concert, I would get out of breath very quickly. I was very

scared that my exercise induced asthma would prevent me from doing my best in the

choreography concert. Although this is something I struggle with a lot as a dancer especially, I

did not let that hold me back from putting all my energy into my dancing and did not hold back. I

am also very proud of myself for choreographing a piece over 5 minutes, and then stepping in at

the last second. I had a lot of doubts about my choreographing ability, but I had many people tell

me they were impressed with my work which restored my confidence. I also became in my

general world history knowledge and my AP skills. Although I had to miss dance at my studio, I
participated in ambassadors all year. I am very excited and scared for next year, but I feel like

this past year has prepared me.

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