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Jaimini’s Chara Dasha –

My Approach
Part 3
K.N.Rao, India.

I t has been customary at the end of

an astrological debate, actually a
quarrel (these days about Jaimini
dashas) -- astrologers come away
claiming victory. Starting with a
Sanskrit shloka or sutra, a fatuous
rhetorical war path, they end up
abusing each other. I have seen it so

K. N. Rao needs no introduction, he runs

often; astrologers using very offensive
language and uttering arrant nonsense.
They spout ill informed academic
the biggest school of astrology in the world, poison. They cannot overcome their
obsessions. Involved in such quarrels,
has produced the highest number of top
you find yourself between a
quality books which has cult following, and precipitous rock and a deep sea.
is known for his outstanding predictive My argument offends them. I
ability. History acknowledges his asked them how they can claim to
contribution in popularizing Vargas usage know Jaimini astrology without using
in India & USA, Double Transit Karakas. I have said that it is original
phenomenon & Chara Dasha. He is research, not available anywhere else
considered as the one who showed for the except in my two deeply researched
first time exhibited in astrology what was books on Chara Dasha and Mandook
Dasha which I tested and rested before
termed spell bounding writing styles in
writing them. To say that you know and
Jyotish, using narratives with top class do Jaimini astrology without using
jyotish content, a style now adopted by Karakas is like saying that you do
many over the decades. It is often found that Parashari without using seven grahas
what he writes in one line is 15 page articles (leaving out Rahu and Ketu).
for others. For his articles visit Jaimini astrology is epic in scale,
www.journalofastrology.com mythic in symbolism and operates
through subtlest hints which are sub-
atomic. Imagination is needed to unravel aphorisms. Jaimini astrology is the
greatest branch of astrology ever found anywhere in the world, dazzling in its vast
range but bafflingly recondite. One lifetime is not sufficient to grasp it. Even with
what little one grasps, one begins to give a false impression of being a seer. Instead
of quarreling let us arrive at a consensus.
I have repeatedly told students of astrology to follow some steps when
dealing with doubtful horoscopes. Once convinced of their correctness, they should
not to bother for the criticism and comment of most of the astrologers. It is, for
example, preposterous to show the horoscope of Atal Behari Vajpai with Tula lagna for
different years, 1924 or 1925 and “prove” a point or a research. Read the biography of Atalji
and see what horoscope is given there!! It is Vrischika lagna and 1924 birth which I alone
have used among astrologers, as far as I know, and I will show it in a later article .!!!

Follow the steps given here.

Step One: When in doubt about the correctness of a horoscope use Chara
Dasha as I do, as I alone do. Verify some indisputable events of a horoscope like
education, marriage, children, career etc. if such details are available. Examine it
again through the most popular Vimshottari dasha and, if you arrive at the correct
degrees of the lagna, a strenuous exercise, use the relevant Vargas. Applicable
conditional dasha should be applied. It will be shown in the cases of Sachin
Tendulkar and Benazir Bhutto in this article.

Step Two: Before accepting a horoscope, collect as many events of a man’s

life as you can and verify them soundly. Choose bio-facts as I call it, always for
verification. It must be done consistently applying the same parameters to
horoscopes after horoscopes.

Step Three: Give some short term predictions to them or, about them, and get
or collect a feedback to be convinced that you are working with correct or corrected
horoscopes. If majority of your predictions have come out correct, do not get
yourself influenced by the claim of astrologers that they have a different horoscope
which alone is correct. The horoscope of Atal Behari Vajpai is a good example to
remember all your life.

Step Four: Always ignore ponga pandits who claim to know the meaning of
Sanskrit shloka or sutra and, knowing English, dash off their opinions, these days,
on different fora of the internet or even some astrological journals.

Step Five: If inspite of all these you discover that you have committed an
error in getting or working on a wrong horoscope or, if your verification was faulty,
admit it honestly. Otherwise, astrology will suffer and you will get dubbed as
dishonest. Let astrologers be not liars. To date, I have admitted in writing my
failed predictions giving reasons.

Step Six: If in doing a research on horoscopes, you come across a brilliant

predictive clue; test it on as many horoscopes as you have in your possession. The
sample size for testing must be at least twenty five. Do not stop here but give
predictions only on this basis for sometime to test the soundness of your
discovery.Then use it openly in your predictions and, if you like, in your writings.

Step Seven: When you read articles of some writers you begin to pick and
choose easily. Some writers are very honest and will not use doubtful horoscopes
and justify with vehement dishonesty. Do not waste your time reading them

Step Eight: Similarly, you will see some writers using good techniques
soundly and some, not. Follow only the techniques of honest writers. You will
realise soon that in the world of astrology there are many malicious fellows,
betraying their low upbringing at the earliest. Contributing something positive is
not their primary aim.

Step Nine: Always use, when you are doing the analysis of a horoscope, more
than one dasha though while writing, you may show and use one dasha only for
brevity and clarity.

Step Ten: Re-check what you have written. This has been always a fault with
many including me because while writing thoughts that race in the mind lead the
writer into unconscious errors which he fails to correct. This keeps happening is
my honest opinion. The racing mind moving faster than the eye has made me a
very incompetent proof reader.

Step Eleven: In doing a research on any dasha, unless some indisputable facts
are verified stage by stage, the results shown in stray incidents like becoming a Prime
Minister, have no meaning. Show the birth of siblings, the nature of education, some
events relating to parents, career patterns with its good and disastrous landmarks
and, ofcourse, marriage and children with proper timing. Most of the researches show
one or two events only which cannot validate any dasha with conviction and confidence.
That is the line I have strictly followed in my books and articles, with examples.
Every book on lesser known and used dashas, or lesser used dasha which has come
out of the pen of BVB teachers of Delhi follows this line strictly.
Step Twelve: What to hide and what to reveal is a tough task for even an
experienced writer of astrology books. There are certain subtle factors which point to
fatality and sexual crimes. Neither in predicting nor in writing should they be
revealed is a view I share with many astrologers of earlier days of honest astrology.
It now is a forgotten dream amidst so many unscrupulous astrologers.

In writing over a period (from the prediction about the death of Indira Gandhi
to Benazir Bhutto, from 1984 to 2007), I have restrained from even talking about it,
what I always regard as the clinching factor, even in my conversations with
astrologers. In the case of Rajiv Gandhi, I was so sure of his violent end but the
amended Terrorist Act his government passed, choked many astrologers from even
expressing honest fears. In making predictions about their coming end I used the
more obvious planetary combinations which I have taught but never referred to the
subtle and secret factors.
Having said that let me deal with the horoscopes of some important persons
which have been always a source of hot debate and acrimonious controversy.
I will use in this article, the horoscopes of:
1) Sachin Tendulkar
2) Benazir Bhutto.
and others.
But first the controversy relating to the Karakamsha must be dealt with.

Let me first clarify why I use Karakamsha in the birth lagna as the north
Indian astrologers do, and not in the navamsha.
I saw books on Jaimini by south Indian writers who put the Karakamsha (KL) in the
navamsha while the north Indian astrologers prepared a full chart with KL in the centre in
the place of the lagna and put other planets as they are in the birth horoscopes.
I tested it on horoscopes with me and found that if I used the south Indian
method, it caused more confusion which I have explained in my book on Mandook
Dasha (which I do differently than other writers, with very good results) tested on
many horoscopes, including mine and got results. I will explain in later.
First let me explain why putting KL in the lagna appears logical to me.

Results of Karakamsha
B. Suryanarain Rao’s translation of Jaimini Sutras is a mere translation of the
sutras without any illustration. It was one the earliest books to influence me along
with some books in Hindi from Varanasi. It does not solve our problem. Yet some
results as given in the book are reproduced here first to show the confusion that
gets created as a result of a translation without illustration. Read my comments in
brackets which I have added now.
If any of the planets is in the Karakamsha the results will be:
Sun: Will be fond of public service and will be fond of political activities.
(Amitabh Bachchan and all people born on 14 Oct 2010 should be government servants or
fond of political activities.)
Moon and Venus: If the full Moon and Venus are in Karakamsha the
person will command great wealth and all comforts.
Mars: Will prepare medical mixtures and will bear arms. Will live by
professions involving preparations in or near fire. (G.L.Nanda would, a stop gap
prime minister twice has this. All people born on 19 Oct 2010 will bear arms or in professions
involving fire. A friend of mine has this combination in his horoscope and he worked in a
bank. He does not prepare medical mixtures but buys medicines only.)
Mercury: Will become a merchant, weaver or manufacturer of clothes will be
clever in preparing curios; will be well versed in social and political matters.
(PVNarasimha Rao. should have been a trader not a prime minister.)
Jupiter: Will be well versed in Vedic or religious rituals, will have religious
wisdom, will know the rules of sacrificial functions and will have good knowledge
in Vedanta.
(Charan Singh would not have been politician. He knew astrology but did not know
Venus: Will become a great official, will become political personage, will be
fond of many women and will retain vitality and sexual passion till the age of one
hundred years. (All people born in the world on 1 September 2010 will have this
Saturn: Will be famous in his line of work.
Someone showed me an article of a writer who, I was told, a very keen
researcher in Jaimini. He wrote that Saturn in Karakamsha makes one famous in
one’s own line. That is a well know Jaimini aphorism. Jaimini says Saturn in
Karakamsa or in 2nd house from Karakamsa Lagna indicates the person will be
known for his work.
Let me give an example.
Cast the horoscope of people anywhere in the world of 8 Sept 2009 according to the
Lahiri ayanamsha and see Saturn at twenty nine degrees and 51degrees. All the people born
in the world will be known for their work as they will become famous in their line.
prasiddha karmajivi. Why were people born at the same time as Indira Gandhi not famous?
The reason is that a prediction cannot be based on an isolated factor.

The North Indian Style of Karakamsha

P ut the karakamsha in Dhanu and retain the planets of 8 Sept 2009 as in the
birth lagna and you get a different meaning which appeals to me. There
cannot be a group of people born all over the world who will become famous only
because Saturn will be Atmakaraka and therefore will be in Karakamsha of all the
people in the world born on 8 Sept 2009 at any time and in any lagna. The sheer absurdity of
taking Karakamsha lagna so mechanically and herding all the people born with Saturn as
Atmakaraka must be noticed and discussed by Jaimini scholars.

1. It should be clear that if the entire Navamsha of karakas are to be used for
Karakamsha then:
(a) Anyone who has Sun as the atmakaraka will invariably have Sun in the
Karakamsha also will become public servant and will be in political activities. If
such is the case we can look at all horoscopes in which Sun is the atmakaraka and
draw a fast conclusion that such persons will be public servants and will be
interested in political activities.
(b) Similarly those who have Venus as atmakaraka will have great sexual
virility till the age of one hundred years.
(c) All those who have the Saturn as the atmakaraka will be famous in their
own line of work.
Can we jump to such conclusions merely on the basis of the Atmakaraka and
its navamsha position in the navamsha chart? It is obvious that it is a fallacious
Some astrologers use the Karakamsha in the birth horoscope and call it
Karakamsha and use the entire navamsa of all Jaimini Karakas and call it Swamsha
which appeals to reason.

In an article later I will give scanned copies of Karakamsha prepared by north Indian
There is no hint given in any book available in the market to show how the
Karakamsha and Swamsha are distinguishable and which one is to be used when
for predictive purposes.
Now see some hotly debated horoscopes. But before read what I have written
on my website

Eternal India 29 - Suppression Of Birth Data

4 March 2010, 11:44 AM
KN Rao
4 March 2010, 11:44 AM
The debate among astrologers about the correct birth data or the suppression
of the correct birth details of celebrities and historical figures will be unending. Let
me quote what I wrote in the preface to ‘Learn Successful Predictive Techniques
Of Hindu Astrology’.
"Birth-Time: Hearsay Evidence — We in India have three historical
instances of famous men being discussed in astrological articles, including what
they call their ‘research’. The late D.P. Misra, a well-known politician of Madhya
Pradesh, wrote in his book, "Living an Era", that India’s super Bismark, Sardar
Vallabh Patel, did not know his birth day, year and time. When asked by
astrologers, he decided, being an Iron Man, known for decisiveness, that he was
born on October 30, of some year in the nineteenth century and at a particular time.
Using that data, astrologers have discussed his horoscope too often and too
A more interesting case is that of the former Indian President,
Dr.S.Radhakrishnan, who according to a biography written by his son, S. Gopal,
was born on a different day of September (in the 4th week of the month, perhaps)
one year before the year used by astrologers and, the Government of India
celebrates the Teacher’s Day on September 5 every year. India's astrological
journals and books contain the horoscope of Dr. Radhakrishnan explaining
Saraswati Yoga. But his own son has called his father an illegitimate child with an entirely
different date and year of birth.
More amusing is the gimmick of India celebrating the birth anniversary of
the former Indian Prime Minister, Lal Bahadur Shastri, on October 2 every year when
according to his well known family horoscope it should be 9 October. "
Birth-Time: Chaitanya Mahaprabhu — The worst mistake committed by Dr.
Raman in Notable Horoscopes is in his discussion of the horoscope of Chaitanya
Mahaprabhu ignoring all traditional evidence.
(a) As a contrast see what N. C. Lahiri gives in Advanced Ephemeris (p112)
the birth detail of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu as 17-30 I.S.T. with Simha Lagna
(b) Dr. Raman takes the time as 8-56 p.m. which gives him Tula lagna.
(c) I have used the time given to me by some Bengali friends which gives me
4-42-10 p.m. giving me Simha Lagna, though there is a difference of 48 minutes
shown by N. C. Lahiri, who, as he had once told me, that he not being an astrologer,
could never correct a horoscope.

Birth Lagna and Dogma: Prabhupad

There is in this book a long portrait of Prabhupad A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
which took considerable scrutiny because while the famous and distinguished
astrologer, Gopesh Kumar Ojha, gave him Makar lagna, an American astrologer
insisted that it had to be Dhanu lagna, giving not any astrological logic but, on the
basis of a pure dogma. It is pernicious not to follow astrological basics. First of all,
there must be sound approach through the verification of life events. See for
instance the results attributed to Jupiter in the 8th house.
"Gurur-mrityago tasya VaikunthaGatham"
Which means that after death, those who have Jupiter in the 8th house, go to
the highest world.
What blindfolded the American astrologer, was a prejudice. He saw
concentration of five planets in the 8th house of Rajneesh (Osho) and concluded,
not on the basis of any astrological logic, "the person is walking on the path to hell".
This is not astrology but dogma, not a scientific approach and is not in harmony
with the Mahaprabhu’s spirit (Taror-api-sahishnu more tolerant than the tree.)
Lal Bahadur Shastri
Very early in my astrological career I came across a horoscope of Lal Bahadur
Shastri with Moon in Kanya and Dhanu lagna with the date of birth not given by
as many as three famous and established astrologers of India, Sri Suryanarain Vyas,
Sri Hardeo Trivedi and Dr.B.V.Raman.
I cast the horoscope and found that the date of birth was October 9 not 2nd
on which his birthday is celebrated. I asked Dr.Raman and also Hardeoji about it
and they said that out of their respect for Shastriji they decided not to give the date
of birth but made successful prediction about his short term as prime minister and
tragic death.
Then in course of time an aunt of my younger brother’s wife married
someone in the family of Lal Bahadur Shastri and I got the Memorial Volume in
which the family horoscope given was the same as used by the three astrologers
referred to above with Dhanu lagna and Moon in Kanya.
In early nineties of the last century a television anchor from Bombay who
specialised in sports used to meet me in Delhi and promised that he would get the
birth details of both Tendulkar and Kambli. In his next visit he told me that he
would not be able to get it as the families of both Tendulkar and Kambli were
advised not to give their birth details to anyone. This may have led to the creation
of 24 April as the birthday of Sachin Tendulkar.
Then when I got the birth details from Karveji and his daughter Pinky, I gave
it to Sri Manoj Pathak who has produced an article which is there displayed on the
I told many that the birth details of Virendra Sehwag were different in
earlier year with his month of birth shown as May or April not 20 October of 1978.
But then an article in an issue of the Journal of Astrology, later in a book, made it
difficult for the wrong date to continue since it was well known that I had got the
details from the sister in law of the elder sister of Virendra Sehwag. She is high
ranking officer in the Indian railways and knows astrology. Suppression of correct
birth details was not possible in this case. There has been no such compulsion in
the case of Tendulkar.
Astrologers have always quarrelled without realising that they are fooled by
politicians and celebrities. They keep burning their fingers and never learn any
lesson. But the age old Hindu or even Moghul emperor’s tradition of giving wrong
birth data will continue for some reasons.
(3 March 2010)
Need for periodical checking 1

Under Step One I have stated “verify some indisputable events of a horoscope
which should cover education, marriage, children, career etc if such details are available.
After that see it again through the most popular Vimshottari dasha and, if you arrive at the
correct degrees of the lagna”
Under Step three: Give some short term predictions to them or, about them, and get
or collect a feedback to be convinced that you are working with correct or corrected
horoscopes. Here I am showing from this case to illustrate it. I had nearly forgotten
this woman to whom I had given predictions nine years ago but her doctor sister
gave me the following feedback. She is writing internet English with spelling mistakes.

From: M J <dr_monica@.com>
To: knrao <knrao@.com>
Subject: Re: pranam
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 2010 21:30:11 IST
Respected sir,
For my sister N. you have made following predictions earlier--
1. About her migration to States and settling down there.This prediction changed
her life for better.
My mother showed horroscope of possible grooms for her marriage ..and u
finalised the match.
2. Her carrier in medical studies...she appeared in first step of USMLE exams in
August 2007. the time of exam was suggested by you.
3. her delay in baby conception. Aapke prediction ke1 according she conceived in
march 2007 ...and baby naisha was born in nov 2007.
4. I asked you about her migration from denver last year..but you denied.
These are the major ones that all of us always remember.

From: knrao <knrao@l.com>

To: dr_monica@.com
Sent: Fri, October 29, 2010 4:43:23 AM
Subject: Re: pranam
You first tell me, for me to refresh my memory what predictions had I given
to your sister when and what happened after that.

1 It means ‘As per your prediction’ - SA

On Thu, 28 Oct 2010 22:46:54 +0530 wrote
sadar pranam guruji
according to ur advise on phone, hereby i, m writing this mail. i just wanted to ask
you 2 things
1. namita ( my elder sister in Denver, america) is planning to ..... ( PAGE No -
15 ,NEW 2000)
Dr. Monica



Chara dasha begins

24 July 1972
Mesha 1972-75
Vrish 1975-87
Mithun 1987-88
Karka 1988-95
Simha 1995-96
Kanya 1996-98
Tula 1998-2005
Vrisck 2005-2013

My Readings
Both sisters are medical doctors. So long as the younger sister M stayed in
Delhi she consulted me about herself and her elder sister N. Now she talks mostly
telephonically from another city and writes emails also.
M brought her elder sister one day in 2000 as the reference here indicates
(PAGE No - 15 , NEW 2000). I gave her some predictions and the feedback is given
by M.
I told her in 2000 as noted in my records.

You will marry someone, if that is your question, next year (2001) in a foreign
country but an Indian, settled in a foreign country.
She was married on 25 Dec 2001.
Chara dasha
It was Tula mahadasha which is aspected by DKN.
The antardasha was Mesha the seventh house from where the seventh house is
aspected by DKN.
It was the pratyantara dasha of Meena from where Upapada falls in the seventh

For some years after her marriage she could not become a mother. I predicted that
she would become a mother in the second half of 2007.
It is clear from the horoscope that she had to move into the dasha of Vrischika from
where the fifth house is aspected by Putrakaraka Jupiter for her to become a mother.

She became a mother, giving birth to a daughter on 25 Nov.2007.

It was Vrischika mahadasha from where Putrakaraka PK aspects her fifth house.
She conceived in the antardasha of Simha from where her fifth house has the
It was the pratyantara dasha of Dhanu where her putrakaraka is placed in the birth
M had given me this feedback and had to move out of Delhi after her own
When she asked a question about her sister, I asked her to help me refresh
my memory. She wrote the letters reproduced here after editing out her id.
Having confirmed that I was working on a correct horoscope (I do not know
or can remember, if I had rectified her birth time as there is no noting about it
here.) I can now proceed to answer her further questions through email.
I can show it also through Mandook dasha which is based on the Hindi
translation of BPHS of Sitaram Jha, with a variation, how this prediction can be
cross checked.
Need for periodical checking 2

In this case the feedback came without my asking for it. Twelve years ago, I
had given him a prediction and ten years ago he had given the feedback.I forgot all
about it till someone reminded about it and I found it in my folders. Read the mails
exchanged which have been edited heavily and then the astrological explanation
below the horoscope.
From: "J <j.com>
To: knrao" <knr@.com>
Subject: Re: Feed-back on your prediction two years ago
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2000 23:28:10 +0100
Honourable K.N.Rao
Thanks for asking, I am fine and thanking God for every second of living.
The most amazing thing has happened just one day after I mailed you my e-
mail (the one below): I was asked to take a trip to .. to install the computer system
that I designed and developed in .... as well as training local personnel there.
Not enough with that, two days later and just before leaving to .... I was
invited for a job interview and got the job ON THE SPOT! (Mind you, between
January 1993 and August 1998 I applied for nearly 500 jobs without any 'luck' (that's when I
wrote to you in April 1998 asking for advice)).
So from March 1st (with a week break for the trip) I am employed as an I. P.
Manager in a .. software company with world wide customer base. I continue to study and
develop my .... Astrology knowledge, where I actually adopted several of your methods
which work excellently in most cases.
I just ordered your latest book which I hope will arrive any day now. ....Looking at
my own chart, it is amazing to see that Saturn/Saturn period (L6 & L7 in the 12th
with yogakaraka Mars L4 & L9 - which by now is half way through) has been so
positive in many ways (now I do understand why) where many "experts" predicted
poverty, disasters etc.
No doubt that the Vedic system of astrology with the Vimshotary dasa system
(and others) do work once correctly interpreted ...
From: knrao <knr@.com>
To: <j@.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2000 3:29 PM
Subject: Re: Feed-back on your prediction two years ago
Thanks Mr... for the feed back. How are you and what are you doing?
Yours sincerely,

From: "J <j@.com>

To: <knr@.com>
Subject: Feed-back on your prediction two years ago
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2000 14:17:38 +0100
Dear Sri Rao,
I trust that this mail finds you well and in good health.
Two years ago you viewed my chart (reference P14 1998 April) and now I feel that it
is my duty to inform you of how one of your predictions turned out to be 100% (!) correct.
My main concern then was my long unemployment period of 6 years and
uncertainty of how to interpret my then upcoming Saturn mahadasa.
In your response to me on April 1998 you predicted (I quote), "The turn of a
favourable tide will come after some months, most clearly next year (1999) when
you will earn very well"
Your prediction turned to be exact in that soon after the beginning of ...
I believe that every astrologer will be pleased to have some feed back -
especially when the prediction turned out so exact as in this case.
Through a friend in India I have purchased ALL your books which I find very
enlightening and helpful.
With all respect

From: "J <j@.com>

To: <jyotish-list@world.std.com> :
Subject: Re: Jyotish: Bad Gaja-Kesari:
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2000 22:06:40 +0200
...The year 1999 event was predicted by Sri Rao in a private mail to me
already back in April 1998.
Chara Dasha
Simha 21.4.1948
Kany 21.4.1952
Tula 22.4.1958
Vrisch 21.4.1965
Dhan 21.5.1973
Mak 21.4.1985
Kumb 22.4.1991
Meen 21.4.1998
Mesh 21.4.2001

The astrological explanation

1. The Kumbha dasha (1991-98) shows GK along with three malefics aspecting
the tenth house.
2. Amk is placed in an unhelpful sixth house.
3. These two combined influence the tenth house when enmity could have
been a factor for such frustration.
4. At the end of 1998 and beginning the dasha was changing to that of Meena
with a far improved tenth house with PK Moon aspecting DK Jupiter in the tenth
In Vimshottari dasha too there was going to be a change from Jupiter to
I have not been able to trace out the record of the register where I had kept
his horoscope and noted down some points and possibly my analysis in brief notes,
which I alone understand.
But looking at this horoscope after ten or twelve years, the explanation that
strikes my mind is that the change of dashas could have been an obvious basis for
this helpful prediction.

Tendulkar - Cricket Icon

Manoj Pathak
26 February 2010, 10:06 AM
This article appeared in Oct 2005 issue of the Journal of Astrology
Different horoscopes have been and are being used for Sachin. The one being
used here was passed on to Shri K.N. Rao by the supernormally gifted Pinky Karve,
daughter of Yogi Karve, well known for fixing correct birth time of many people.
The wife of Yogi Karve told Shri Rao that the father of Sachin, who had married
twice, had met Yogi Karve, when Sachin had not entered his teens yet, along with
his elder brother who was then playing cricket. When asked if the elder son, Ajit,
would do well in cricket, Yogi Karve pointed to the younger child, Sachin and
predicted that he would be great and world famous. The Karve family had the
correct birth details of Sachin. The following details were given. Moon – Vrishchik,
Tithi - Krishna Chaturthi, Nakshatra – Jyestha, Yoga Variyan and Week day - Saturday.




Chara dasha begins

Kany 21 April 1973
Tula 1979
Vrsk 1985-87
Dhan 1987-88
Makar 1988-96
Kumb 1996-2005
Meena 2005-2007
Mesha 2007-2016

Striking features
The horoscope made on this basis has some striking features. ... The notable
astrological features of the horoscope are:
i. Exalted third lord, Mars;
ii. Exalted Sun in Mesha aspected by Mars which makes one a ferocious warrior,
according to Jatakabharanam;
iii. Saturn in Vrisha aspected by Jupiter gives fame, popularity, stuff of which
icons are made; and
iii. In Sarvashtaka varga, two of the strongest houses are the third and sixth,
which is excellent for a sportsman.

Verification of Events
Death of father He passed away on 19th May, 1999 due to cardiac arrest in Venus-
Marriage – Sachin got married on 19 May, 1995 in Venus-Moon-Moon.
Children .His daughter was born in October 1997.
In Chara dasha it was mahadasha of Kumbha from where the Putrakaraka, Mercury
in Meena aspects the fifth house.

Son was born to him on 23rd September, 1999

Chara dasha was Kumbha/Karka.
....Sachin played in both the tournaments for Mumbai schoolboys, the Under
17 Giles Shield and the Under 17 Harris Shield, and scored his first century in
competitive cricket. The prodigy had arrived and was noticed when he scored
centuries with ease. Sachin had the average to beat all numbers in Harris Shield in
1987 : 1034 from innings of 27*, 125, 207*, 346* and 329*. The last innings was the
one which is the most talked about. A world record partnership of 664 runs, with
Vinod Kambli partnering him and making 349*. (asteriks here represent the
innings when he remained not out). He played for Mumbai in all the junior
categories in 1987-88. Sachin’s batting prowess was proving too much for school
level and it was evident that he was cut out for a larger role. Ranji Trophy
beckoned, and Sachin promptly hit a century on his debut against Gujarat.....
Mumbai’s cricket deities-Gavaskar, Eknath Solkar, Milind Rege, among others -
had assembled in anticipation of the event, and they went home rubbing their eyes
after Sachin’s run-feast. Mumbai lost in the semifinals of the Ranji Trophy, but
Sachin scored and his big scores signalled his inclusion in the Indian team.

Test debut on November 15, 1989.

Further verification can be done by finding out the number of brothers and
sisters of Sachin Tendulkar. According to a method of Shri K.N. Rao and which I have
found giving good results, the total number of brothers and sisters could be 4 or a maximum
of 5. After the demise of his father it was reported in the Press that his father was
survived by his wife, three sons and a daughter.

Cricketing milestones
i. Age 13 – Scores first century in school’s first XI grade. (It was in 1986)
ii. Age 14 – Invited by Indian captain Dilip Vengsarkar to a net session with the
Indian team. Scored over 1200 runs in a school season including two scores of more
than 300. Shared record stand with Vinod Kambli of 664 with Tendulkar scoring
326 not out and Kambli belching 338 not out.
iii. Age 15 – First class debut for Bombay scoring 100 not out
iv. Age 16 – One day debut for Bombay scoring 103 not out. Selected to play for
India in Pakistan. Then tours New Zealand making 88 at Napier test in 1989-90
narrowly missing the record of becoming the youngest century maker in a Test
v. Age 17 – Tours England and scores 119 and becomes second youngest century

Now through Chara Dasha K.N.Rao

A cricketing idol cannot be a hero for my pre-Indian independence generation
who saw patriots jumping into the fire of freedom struggle. An entertainer like
Sachin Tendulkar cannot replace those great heroes. Yet, he commands our
admiration for bringing so much pride of achievement to our country. Sports men,
generally, are the “war heroes” of peace time. The small statured compact
Tendulkar stands, globally, very tall among such heroes in our time in the first
decade of the twenty first century.
Taking the facts from the article of Sri Manoj Pathak see the events through
Chara Dasha.

Cricket milestones
The years referred to in the article of Sri Manoj Pathak (1985-87) fall in the
period of Vrischika (1985-87) from where the house of valour, the third house has
Mars, AK, aspected by AmK , Saturn. Achievements springing from third, sixth, tenth
and eleventh houses must be strong at a given period in the case of a sportsman as for a
soldier fighting a battle. Place both on the same pedestal.

Father’ death (19 May 1999)

2 This
method that Mr Pathak is talking about is not known to the jyotish world as he has not written an article on it.
One can note that Mars is karaka of siblings and is also the 3L of siblings here, in the BAV Mars has 5 points, does it
mean 5 siblings ?, this is a common method used by enthusiasts of Jyotish but not totally dependable – SA
It was Kumbha period from where in the third house Sun representing father
is DK with Venus GK showing illness and these two karakas are aspected by Moon
the BK3 from Vrischika.
The antardasha was of Karka from where BK falls in the fifth house and is
aspected by Mars, Jupiter, Sun and Mercury. The fear of illness to father cannot be
clearer. In dwadashamsha BK and DK are in Karka.
The pratyantara dasha was of Vrisha from where afflicted BK falls in the
seventh house.
The sookshma dasha was of Kumbha which has been explained and
The prana dasha was of Mithuna from where BK Moon falls in the sixth
house of illness.

The other dasha Dwisaptati Sama Dasha: DSS

It was 19 May 1999 when it was Venus with Sun in the eighth house of
mourning and Rahu antardasha which is ninth from Sun and Sun pratyantara
dasha which is again in the eighth house aspected by Mars, the lord of the eighth.
Marriage – Sachin got married on 19 May, 1995
The mahadasha was of Makara which has Jupiter the seventh lord but more
important is that it was the antardasha of Kumbha aspected by DK Sun and the
pratyantara dasha was of Tula from where DK falls in the seventh house.

The other dasha Dwisaptati Sama Dasha: DSS

It was Jupiter mahadasha, the seventh lord and the antardasha of Mars conjoined
with Jupiter.

His daughter was born in October 1997. It was Kumbha dasha from where the fifth
house is aspected by Mercury PK.
The other dasha Dwisaptati Sama Dasha: DSS
It was Venus-Venus-Mars. Mars is in the fifth house and in the saptamsha Mars is
in the fifth house (Dhanu) and Venus in the eleventh house aspecting the fifth
Son was born to him on 23rd September, 1999 in Kumbha Karka and Dhanu
and see through the techniques shown by me repeatedly in this series why this
horoscope alone is correct.

The other dasha Dwisaptati Sama Dasha: DSSs

In Venus Rahu Mars
Therefore, my advice to astrologers running after the horoscopes of
celebrities, particularly, is to start with healthy scepticism.

3 Refer to K N Rao’s first article in this series for revelation of what is BK - SA

All highly successful men are biggest failures in many areas of life unlike
moderately successful ones. Sachin Tendulkar was a bad student, a failure almost.
Examine the affliction to the fifth house and the afflicted Putrakaraka which has
many meanings, one of them is the educational career and academic achievements. The
presence or aspect of Amatyakaraka on the fifth house from the lagna is there, chances exist
of becoming known through some distinction, academically or through extra curricular
activities during student days. It should be examined very closely.
Sachin has not achieved, academically, even five percent of what he has in his cricket
career. Like the short statured Argentinian Maradona, a football legend, his immortality is
Put the KL of Sachin in Simha and see how the Atmakaraka, Mars, exalted in
the sixth house aspecting the Amatyakaraka Saturn in the tenth house is
connecting the sixth house and the tenth house showing achievements and world
fame through fight, in this case his great cricketing abilities and records.
The textual meaning of Karakamsa in Simha is trouble from dogs and canine animals.
Does it mean, in the case, bad umpires and nasty fast bowlers? But the aspect of
two benefics Jupiter and Venus have also given him the reputation of being the
finest gentleman cricketer of the world.
Now see the Swamsha which is Simha with Saturn in it and you have the
world famous Sachin. In the Karakamsha the tenth house has Saturn,
Amatyakaraka aspected by exalted Atmakaraka, Mars.
In the Swansha they combine and now I am sure that it is the astrological
confirmation of what Karveji had seen in the boy.
Mars is in Swamsha, but Mars aspecting Karakamsha (the birth horoscope)
shows a man bearing arms (the cricket bat) which gave fright to Shane Warne in
his dreams and has left Ponting far behind in the race to the top of the statistical
table of cricket greatness.
Note: Here again that in Swamsha, the third and sixth houses are aspected by both
Mars and Saturn, AK and AmK.

Times of India carried this news item recently.

The Times of India
In Aussie poll, 84% say Sachin best ever
TNN, Oct 13, 2010, 12.53am IST
NEW DELHI: Talk about the Don of a new era. As Sachin Tendulkar notched up
his sixth Test double century on Tuesday, some 14,600 people responded to an
online poll in the Sydney Morning Herald. The question: Is Sachin Tendulkar the
best batsman ever?
For a newspaper from the land of Sir Don Bradman to even ask this question
is astonishing. But the bigger surprise was in the result: 84% of respondents said
'yes' while a mere 16% answered in the negative.
It's possible that a lot of Indians voted to skew the results in Sachin's favour.
But the staggering 84% vote, one can safely presume, would mean a good number
of Australians too think he is the very best. For Sachin, who reminded the Don of
himself, that is a supreme compliment.
The promise shown in the Karakamsha is repeated in the Swamsha.

In Dwisaptati Samadasha this result of the poll has come in the dasha of Saturn,
fifth and sixth lord in the ninth house aspecting the eleventh house along with
Jupiter and Mars and Saturn also aspected the eleventh lord, Moon.
The dasha sequence in DSS has been highly favourable:
Mercury the tenth lord’s dasha from 1978 to 1987.
Jupiter (1987 to 1998) is aspecting the eleventh house of achievements in the
birth horoscope and is in the tenth house both in the navamsha and dashamansha.
Venus the ninth lord’s dasha was from 1996 to 2005.
And refusing to grow old for cricket, he has entered the dasha of Saturn now
(2005 to 2014.)
He will continue to be in the forefront in some capacity or the other as in
Chara dasha it is the dasha of Mesha (2007 to 2016). The tenth house from here has
a big Jaimini rajayoga with Mars, AK getting aspected by Saturn the AmK, as
though a Bharata Ratna is awaiting him.
In Swamsha this combination is ocurring in the fourth house, aspected
additionally by PK, Mercury, reinforcing and confirming the future promise.

Saurav Ganguly the patriot

patriotically proud Indian appeals to many Indians. It is not my weakness,
but a legacy from my late father who was in British jail during India’s
struggle for freedom. It is why Saurav Ganguly appeals to me--the proud
Indian cricket captain who moulded India’s cricket team, hit by match fixing
scandals. Earlier the gentlemanly shrewd thinking Tendulkar had resigned from
the captaincy of Indian cricket. Inheriting such a bad legacy Saurav moulded the
Indian cricket team into a fighting outfit. Dhoni has taken advantage of that
Ganguly legacy now.
I had collected his horoscope from a reliable source and when some years
later a television channel collected it for me; I found it was the same one which I
had in my possession.
Atmakaraka, Venus with Putrakaraka Moon forming a Jaimini rajayoga joined by
Saturn the Bhatrikaraka in the tenth house shows the fiery personality he is known as on the
cricket field. To this the aspect of Mars, the Gnatikaraka, together with Ketu adds fuel to
the fire, the insolent behaviour he is someimes known for and criticised.
On this basis I had made a risky prediction about India winning in the
Pakistan tour in 2004, under his captaincy. See what I had written on the jyotish-






Chara Dasha
Born on 8 July 1972
Simha 1972-74
Kanya 1974-76
Tula 1976-83
Vrisch 1983-91
Dhanu 1991-2003
Makara 2003-2011
Kumbha 2011-2020

Antardashas of Makara
Starting from July 2003
Makara Dhanu July2003
Makara Vrischika March 2004 up to Nov 2004

From: Praveen Kumar <c1@vsnl.net>

To: jyotish-list@puja.net
Subject:Re: [jyotish-list] Indo-Pak cricket series
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2004 08:37:33 IST
Respected Sir,
Congratulations! India has won the series, both one day's and the test and
Saurav has created history. Such predictions are very meaningful when given
against all odds. If we recall the situation in Satta Bazar before start of the series,
astrology has proved its worth.
Praveen Kumar (Mumbai)
----- Original Message -----
From: knrao
To: jyotish-list@puja.net
Sent: Monday, March 15, 2004 3:09 PM
Subject: [jyotish-list] Indo-Pak cricket series
15 March 2004
The game of cricket is a national obsession, passion, lunacy and whatever you
may call it for Indians. Fifteen years after, now when Indo-Pak cricket series is
being revived, the entire nation seems to be glued to the television watching the
matches. India won the first one day on 13 March. What next? On the basis of
some thin data I have, I can venture to take a risk and predict that this series both,
the one days and the test, will be won by India. Saurav Ganguly the Indian cricket
captain is on the verge of creating cricket history by becoming the first Indian
captain to win a series on the soil of Pakistan.

Verification of the horoscope

“Ganguly made his Test debut against England in the Second Test of a three-match
series at Lord's Cricket Ground alongside Rahul Dravid..... however, Ganguly scored a
century, becoming only the third cricketer to achieve such a feat on debut at Lord's, after
Harry Graham and John Hampshire. Andrew Strauss and Matt Prior have since
accomplished this feat, but Ganguly's 131 still remains the highest by any batsman on his
debut at the ground. (from the internet.)

Debut in Test Cricket ( 20 June 1996)

This dream debut was made in 1996 in Dhanu mahadasha from where the
sixth house is strong and Karka antardasha where both the sixth and the eleventh
house of achievements is excellent.
1.3 1997 Marriage
In Dhanu-Mithuna which axis covers his Darakaraka Jupiter in Dhanu, like a
hero of middle ages he (Saurav Gangopadhyaya, a Brahmin eloped like a Kshatriya
with his childhood sweet heart and married her. Saturn the seventh lord with
Moon and Venus gave him an artiste as a wife, a dancer. Saturn Moon (twelfth lord)
can be interpreted as elopement here.

Daughter (Dec 2001) In Dhanu Makar from where Moon the putrakaraka is
in the fifth house he became a father.
The basis of my risky prediction
I made this risky prediction seeing his dasha at the time of the Pakistan tour
on the flimsiest and thinnest data--only his horoscope.
He had entered the pratyantara dasha of Simha and next one was Karka in
April 2004 in the antardasha of Vrischika and the mahadasha of Makara.
From Makara the tenth house receives the aspect of so many planets and
Karakas and from Vrischika they were falling in the seventh house. The
pratyantara was the most important as the tour was for some weeks only. From
Simha the tenth house has all that concentration of important and the eleventh
house Amatyakaraka aspected by Jupiter.
In Vimshottari dasha, he was entering the mahadasha of Jupiter occupying
his own house and aspected by Sun from the eleventh house. It was a period of
great achievement. And it was when under his captaincy India made history in
Women becoming prominent in democracies?
My hint about the tragic end of Benazir

12 October 2007, 6:38 PM

All over the world the year 2007 has been becoming important for women in
democracies or in their fight against dictatorships. If in the process some of them killed or
become martyrs, it may not surprise anyone as Venus in the Hindi New Year horoscope of
2007 has double affliction of Mars and Saturn. (see the chart)

In the month of October, this phenomenon is becoming more prominent as

Saturn Ketu are in the same navamsha .....
Some of the names of these women in news, that strike me are
1. Aung San Suu Kyi, Myanmar
2. Hillary Clinton, USA
3. Benazir Bhutto, Pakistan
4. Mayawati, India
5. Jayalilitha, India
6. Uma Bharati, India
Whatever misogynists may say, when women begin to shake the democratic
governments or thrones or dictatorships, the seismic shocks are felt a little late and
it is after a political-seismic change becomes noticeable, that all analysts jump into
the fray to explain it.
Benazir Bhutto is “benazir” in the truest sense of holding the world record of being
the only prime minister dismissed twice and is wanting to make a big comeback in the
uncertain, terrorist-ridden politics of Pakistan to become what ?---a martyr ? Her horoscope
discussed so brilliantly by Manoj Pathak first and then Sonia Mehdiratta, does show
Benazir entering the den of wolves, lions and terrorists.
( 8 October 2007)
KN RAO 22 October 2007, 8:49 AM & 10/19/2007 2:17:47 AM
13 October discussion
On 13 October we had discussed her horoscope in our astrology class and students
had said along with me that aspects on Venus by Saturn and Mars did show danger
to women particularly to Benazir because it was the pratyantara dasha of Jupiter in
the eighth house. The clearest danger is between now and 23 March 2008 in the Chara
dasha of Karka and the antardasha of Kumbha. From Kumbha Atmakaraka, Saturn falls in
the eighth house and receives the aspect of Mars the Putrakaraka and Sun Gnathikaraka
(Jaimini aspect).4


4 Kala & Jhora using the same data of 23 June 1953, 16:30, Karachi gives 0 Sc 57, there is a discrepancy on the time
zones, we would elaborate it at a later stage - SA
Tula 23-06-1953
Vrsk 1959
Dhan 1966
Mak 1971
Kumb 1975
Meen 1980
Mesh 1990
Vrish 1992
Mith 2003
Kark 2004
Simha 2013

We all had our prediction on the basis of the horoscope passed on by Benazir
herself through Sri Natwar Singh to me in early eighties of the last century. On
this basis I had made many correct private predictions. This prediction about
danger to her was made thrice by me on the website also as can be seen here. Forget
stupid controversy about Chara dasha calculation. Once again you can see how
precisely it had worked here.
(27 December 2007 8/54 pm)
She was killed in Karka mahadasha which has DK .
The antardasha was Kumbha from where DKN6 falls in the seventh house.
The pratyantara dasha was Vrischika apected by DK
The pran dasha was Kanya.
Repeatedly the role of AK, KL and DK and DK keeps repeating.

Dwisaptati Sama dasha

It was Saturn mahadasha aspected by Mars the second and seventh lord the
maraka. The antardasha was of Sun conjoined with Mars. The pratyantara dasha
was of Moon in the lagna both of the birth and the thrimshamsha and aspecting the
seventh house in the birth chart and in the lagna of Thrimshamsha. It is showing
violent death which three of us had predicted in the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan class
and also written on my website.

Her Father’s Death

4 April, 1979 Zulfiquar Ali Bhutto was hanged
It was Kumbha mahadasha which is aspected both by BK Venus and DK
Mercury.The antardasha was of Dhanu aspected by Saturn, Mars and Sun and
The pratyantara dasha was of Vrischika aspected by both BK and DK.

5 Readers can refer to Part 1 of this series for interpretation of DK and death - SA
6 Note & contemplate on why the author is mentioning this - SA
In DSS it was Mercury the ninth lord, Mercury again the ninth lord and Sun
in the ninth house and with Mars and aspected by Saturn.
That is interlinked again.

Brothers’ Fate
“Unhappy family
Benazir Bhutto is also the last remaining bearer of her late father's political legacy.
Her brother Murtaza, once expected to play an increasingly important role as a party
leader, fled to the then-Communist Afghanistan after his father's fall.
From there, and various Middle Eastern capitals, he mounted a campaign against
Pakistan's military government with a militant band called al-Zulfikar.
He won elections from exile in 1993 and became a provincial legislator, returning home
soon afterwards, only to be shot dead under mysterious circumstances in 1996.
Benazir's other brother, Shahnawaz, also politically active but in less violent ways
than Murtaza, was found dead in his Paris apartment in 1985.” (From the internet)
In 1985 it was the dasha of Meena Kanya in chara dasha. Three malefics
aspect the third house here7.
In 1996 when the other brother died mysteriously (or eliminated) it was
Vrisha and Dhanu receiving three malefic aspects and Dhanu rashi shows violence
is what I have repeatedly said. Dhanu has her Bhatrikaraka, Venus in the
dreshkona, here.
All the violence emanating from Mithuna and Kanya shows the tragic deaths
in the family.
That is interlinked again.
Let me repeat what has been stated at the outset. “I have repeatedly told students
of astrology to follow some steps when dealing with horoscopes which are doubtful and once
convinced of their correctness, not to bother for the criticism and comment of most of the
Her high educational qualification and president of Oxford students Union
Examine the affliction to the fifth house and the afflicted Putrakaraka which has
many meanings, one of them is the educational career and academic achievements.
The presence or aspect of Amatyakaraka on the fifth house from the lagna is there,
chances exist of becoming known through some distinction, academically or through extra
curricular activities during student days.

From the website

“In April 1969, she got admission in the U. S. at Harvard University's Radcliffe
College. In June 1973, Benazir graduated from Harvard University with a degree in
Political Science. After graduating from Harvard, Benazir joined Oxford University in the
fall of 1973. Just before graduation, Benazir was elected to the Standing Committee of the
most prestigious Oxford Union Debating Society.

7 Note that it is 3rd house of siblings from Kanya AD and Virgo is the 8H - SA
In 1976, she graduated in P. P. E. (Politics, Philosophy and Economics). In the
autumn of 1976, Benazir returned once again to Oxford to do a one-year postgraduate course.
In January 1977, she was elected the President of the Oxford Union. Benazir Bhutto
returned to Pakistan in June 1977. “
Mother killed: pn 27 Dec 2007 Bilawal Bhutto’s horoscope shows it

Tula 21-09-1988
Vrsk 1997
Dhan 2006
Mak 2011

In Dec 2007 Bilawal was running the mahadadasha of Dhanu known for violent
events which has Saturn aspected by Matrikaraka Sun and violent Mars.
It was the antardasha of Simha which receives aspects of DK Mercury from
Tula and of GK and GKN Moon from Makara.
The pratyantardasha was of Kanya which has matrikaraka (Benazir Bhutto)
and from 22 December.

That is interlinked again.

To Be Continued………..

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