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Daily Current Affairs for UPSC IAS Preparation

01.05.2019 • They said to inhabit the Himalayas,

Siberia, Central and East Asia.
1. Aspergillus Fungus: Destroyer of • It is also commonly referred to as
polythene Meh-Teh (man-bear) and Kang-mi
• The Researchers from Pune University (snowman).
have identified Aspergillus terreus • The scientific community has
strain fungi from mangrove generally regarded the Yeti as a
rhizosphere soil (root soil where legend, given the lack of evidence of
microorganisms colonise) which can its existence.
potentially help degrade polythene • In one genetic study, researchers
and reduce plastic pollution. matched DNA from hair samples
• Fungi are said to be grand recyclers of found in the Himalaya with a
the planet and are considered vanguard prehistoric bear from the Pleistocene
species in habitat restoration. epoch.
• The plastic degradation fungi are Topic- GS Paper 3 – Environment and
identified from mangrove rhizosphere Biodiversity
soil from 12 different locations in five Source- Indian Express
coastal states Kerala, Karnataka, 3. UNESCO Creative Cities Network
Maharashtra, Goa and Gujarat. • A workshop was held at Srinagar’s
Related Information Institute of Hotel Management for
• Polythene contributes to around 64 promoting the city’s art and craft.
percent of the total plastic waste and • The event was a step towards
takes about 1,000 years to degrade preparing a dossier for Srinagar’s
under natural environmental conditions. inclusion in the UNESCO Creative
• Despite a ban, single-use polythene Cities Network (UCCN) as a city of
bags are still being used widely and Crafts and Folk Art.
are accumulating at dumping sites. • Jammu and Kashmir does not have
• Available options for polythene any site or monument with the
disposal such as incineration are UNESCO inscription of a World
harmful to the environment. Heritage
• Biodegradation or degradation using Related Information
microbes is considered suitable and UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN)
eco-friendly. • It is a project of UNESCO launched in
Note: 2004 to promote cooperation among
• This year the theme of the World cities which recognized creativity as a
Environment Day 2018 is “Beat Plastic major factor in their urban
Pollution” development.
Topic-GS Paper 3–Environment & • The network aims to foster mutual
Biodiversity international cooperation with and
Source- Down to Earth between member cities committed to
2. Yeti footprints investing in creativity as a driver for
• The Indian Army claimed that it had sustainable urban development,
discovered “mysterious footprints” of social inclusion and cultural vibrancy.
a Yeti, a mythical creature of folklore • The Network recognizes the following
in Nepal. creative fields:
Related Information (a) Crafts and Folk Arts
Yeti (b) Media Arts
• In the folklore of Nepal, the Yeti or (c) Film
Abominable Snowman is an ape-like (d) Design
creature taller than an average (e) Literature

(f) Music Topic-

(g) Gastronomy Source- Economic Times
• The Network recognizes the concept 5. Madras HC suggestion to amend the
of creative tourism, defined as a travel POCSO Act
associated with creative experience • Child rights and anti-trafficking
and participation activists have welcomed the
• Indian Cities added to UCCN. observations made by the Madras
o Varanasi for Music High Court.
o Chennai for Music • Madras High Court made two
o Jaipur for Crafts and Folk Art significant suggestions:
Note: (a) The definition of ‘Child’ under
• To become part of the network of 180 Section 2(d) of the POCSO Act can be
cities, where development is believed redefined as 16 instead of 18.
to be intricately linked to their (b) Any consensual sex after the age
creative traditions. of 16 or bodily contact or allied acts
Topic- GS Paper 1 – Art and Culture can be excluded from the rigorous
Source- TOI provisions of the POCSO Act and such
4. India's military spending up by 3.1% sexual assault, if it is so defined can
and Pakistan's 11% in 2018 be tried under the more liberal
provision, which can be introduced in
• World's military expenditure
the Act itself.
increased by 2.6 per cent, reaching
$1822 billion in 2018 with India along How does it help?
• The amendment is suggested in order
with United States, China, Saudi
to distinguish the cases of the teenage
Arabia and France contributing 60
relationship after 16 years, from the
percent of the amount, according to
cases of sexual assault on children
the latest report from the SIPRI.
below 16 years.
• India's military spending went up by
• The effect that the age of the offender
3.1 per cent to $66.5 billion while
ought not to be more than five years
Pakistan's grew by 11 per cent to
or so than the consensual victim girl
reach $11.4 billion.
of 16 years or more.
• The spending by the US increased for
• So that the impressionable age of the
the first time since 2010 and that of
victim girl cannot be taken advantage
China went up for the 24th
of by a person who is much older and
consecutive year.
crossed the age of presumable
• The global military spending is 2.1 per infatuation or innocence.
cent of the world GDP. Related Information
• In India, the defence budget has Protection of Children from Sexual
remained less than 2 per cent of the Offences (POCSO) Act, 2012
GDP • The POCSO Act, 2012 was enacted to
Related Information Protect the Children from Offences of
SIPRI (Stockholm International Peace Sexual Assault, Sexual harassment
Research Institute) and pornography with due regard for
• SIPRI is an international institute, safeguarding the interest and well-
dedicated to research into conflict, being of children.
armaments, arms control and • The Act defines a child as any person
disarmament. below eighteen years of age and
• It was established in 1966. regards the best interests and welfare
• It is based in Stockholm, Sweden. of the child as a matter of paramount
• SIPRI provides data, analysis and importance at every stage, to ensure
recommendations, based on open the healthy physical, emotional,
sources, to policymakers, intellectual and social development of
researchers, media and the interested the child.

• The Act defines different forms of Effects on the Bill

sexual abuse, including penetrative • A bill pending in the Lok Sabha lapses
and non-penetrative assault, as well (whether originating in the Lok Sabha
as sexual harassment and or transmitted to it by the Rajya
pornography. Sabha).
• The Act deems a sexual assault to be • A bill passed by the Lok Sabha but
“aggravated” under certain pending in the Rajya Sabha lapses.
circumstances, such as when the • A bill not passed by the two Houses
abused child is mentally ill or when due to disagreement and if the
the abuse is committed by a person in president has notified the holding of a
a position of trust or authority like a joint sitting before the dissolution of
family member, police officer, Lok Sabha, does not lapse.
teacher, or doctor. • A bill pending in the Rajya Sabha but
• The Act also casts the police in the not passed by the Lok Sabha does not
role of child protectors during the lapse.
investigative process. • A bill passed by both Houses but
pending assent of the president does
• The Act stipulates that a case of child
not lapse.
sexual abuse must be disposed of
• A bill passed by both Houses but
within one year from the date the
returned by the president for
offence is reported.
reconsideration of Houses does not
Note: lapse.
POCSO e-Box Note:
• It is an initiative of the National • Rajya Sabha is a permanent House
Commission for Protection of Child and is not subject to dissolution.
Rights Protection of Children from • However, one-third Members of
Sexual Offences (POCSO) which Rajya Sabha retire after every
provided an online complaint box for second year.
reporting child sexual abuse. Topic- GS Paper 2 –Polity and
• It was launched in 2016. Governance
Topic- GS Paper 2 – Important Act Source- The Hindu
7. Goldman Environmental Prize, 2019
Source- Indian Express
• Six people from around the world
6. Dissolution of Lok Sabha have been selected for the award of
• In India, the Lok Sabha has a five- Goldman Environmental Prize 2019.
year term but can be dissolved earlier. Goldman Environmental Prize
• According to Article 83(2) of the • It is a prize awarded annually to
Constitution, completion of five years grassroots environmental activists.
from the first day of its meeting • The objective of the award is to
amounts to the dissolution of the honour those grassroots
Lower House. environmentalists who risk their lives
• In this case, an election is held to elect to protect the environment and
the new Members of Parliament. empower those people who have the
• The Lower House can also be most to lose from industrial projects.
dissolved earlier by the President on • The award is given by the Goldman
Environmental Foundation headquartered
the advice of the Prime Minister.
in San Francisco, California.
• It can also be dissolved if the • It is also called the Green Nobel.
President feels that no viable • The Goldman Environmental Prize is
government can be formed after the awarded to one from each of the
resignation or fall of a regime. world’s six geographic regions which
• Similarly, Article 172 of the are Africa, Asia, Europe, Islands and
Constitution requires that the state Island Nations, North America and
legislatures continue for five years South and Central America.
unless dissolved earlier.

Topic- GS Paper 3 – Environment and Why the issue is important for India?
Biodiversity • India blamed Jaish for the attack on
Source- The Hindu the Indian Air Force base in Pathankot
8. Researchers identify climate on January 2, 2016 hence India put
change-resilient chickpea genes forward a proposal in February 2016
• The researcher form Hyderabad- to designate Azhar as a terrorist under
based International Crops Research the aegis of the UNSC 1267
Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics committee.
(ICRISAT) discovered important Related Information
factors for heat and drought tolerance About the UN Security Council 1267
in chickpea. Committee
• The identified genes can help the crop • The UNSC resolution 1267 was
tolerate temperatures up to 38 degree adopted unanimously on October 15,
Celsius. 1999.
Related Information • It is a consolidated list of people and
• Chickpea is an important Rabi crop (a entities it has determined as being
legume crop) in South Asia, which associated with Al Qaeda or the
accounts for around 90 per cent of the Taliban.
global chickpea cultivation. • For listing the people in list, laws must
• However, drought and rising be passed within each member nation
temperatures cause more than 70 per to implement the sanctions.
cent yield loss in chickpea worldwide. United Nations Security Council
ICRISAT • The United Nations Security Council is
• It is a non-profit, non-political one of the six principal organs of the
organization that conducts United Nations.
agricultural research for development • It charged with ensuring international
in the drylands of Asia and sub- peace and security, accepting new
Saharan Africa. members to the United Nations and
• It’s headquartered in Hyderabad, approving any changes to its charter.
Telangana. • Its powers include the establishment
• Currently, they conduct research on of peacekeeping operations and
six highly nutritious drought-tolerant international sanctions as well as the
crops, also known as Smart Food: authorization of military actions
Chickpea, Pigeon pea, Pearl Millet, through resolutions.
Finger Millet, Sorghum, and • It is the only body of the United
Groundnut. Nations with the authority to issue
Note: Smart Food is food that is defined as binding resolutions to member states.
good for the consumer, the planet and the • It has 15 members in which 5 are
farmer, and is one of the solutions that Permanent members and 10 are Non-
contribute to addressing all these issues in permanent members.
unison. Other Principal Organs of the UN:
Topic- GS Paper 3 – Science and
• United Nations Secretariat
• United Nations General Assembly
Source- Down to Earth
• International Court of Justice
• United Nations Security Council
02.05.2019 • United Nations Economic and Social
1. UN Security Council designates
• United Nations Trusteeship Council
Masood Azhar as a global terrorist
Topic- GS Paper 2 –International
• Jaish-e-Mohammad chief Masood
Azhar was listed as a designated
terrorist by the UN Security Council Source- The Hindu
1267 Committee.

2. Iraq remains top oil supplier to • The International Centre for

India Automotive Technology (ICAT) which
• According to data sourced from the is a world-class automotive testing
Directorate General of Commercial centre is now open in Manesar,
Intelligence and Statistics, Iraq Chennai under the aegis of NATRiP.
remains the top oil supplier to India Related Information
during 2018-19 fiscal year. About National Automotive Testing and
Related Information R&D Infrastructure Project
About Directorate General of • It is the largest and one of the most
Commercial Intelligence and Statistics significant initiatives of Government
• The Directorate General of of India in the Automotive sector.
Commercial Intelligence and Statistics • The Project aims to create a testing,
worked under the Ministry of validation and R&D infrastructure for
Commerce, Government of India. the Automotive sector in India.
• It is the pioneer official organization • It also facilitates seamless integration
for collection, compilation and of Indian Automotive industry with
dissemination of India’s Trade the world as also to position the
Statistics and Commercial country prominently on the global
Information. automotive map.
• The office is located at Kolkata, is • The automotive industry is the
headed by the Director General sunshine industry in India
Topic- GS Paper 2 –Important contributing to over 7.5% to the
Institution country's GDP.
Source- The Hindu • It is Under the Ministry of Heavy
3. Beluga whale Industries & Public Enterprises.
• Recently the Beluga whale / white Topic- GS Paper 2 –Polity and
whale found frolicking in the frigid Governance
harbour of Tufjord, a hamlet near Source-PIB
Norway's northernmost point. 5. Koonthankulam Bird Sanctuary
Related Information • Recently 68 painted stork carcasses
About Beluga whale buried including 65 juveniles at
• It is also known as the white whale, Koonthankulam birds’ sanctuary
as it is the only marine mammal of where sudden thunderstorm damaged
this colour. nests atop trees from where the birds
• They are the aquatic mammal found fell down and died.
in the Arctic and sub-Arctic region. Related Information
• It possesses a distinctive About Painted Stork
protuberance at the front of its head • The Painted Stork is a large wading
which houses an echolocation organ bird in the stork family.
called the melon, which in this species • It is found in the wetlands of the
is large and deformable. plains of tropical Asia south of the
• They are listed as Least Concern in Himalayas in South Asia and
IUCN Red List. extending into Southeast Asia.
Note: • They are listed as Near Threatened
Recently Japan withdraws from International in the IUCN Red List.
Whaling Commission which is an About Koonthankulam Bird Sanctuary
international body set up by the terms of the • It is a protected area declared as a
International Convention for the Regulation Bird sanctuary in 1994.
of Whaling. • It is located in the Tirunelveli district
Topic- GS Paper 3 –Environment and of Tamil Nadu.
Biodiversity Topic- GS Paper 3 –Environment and
Source- Indian Express Biodiversity
4. ICAT - A World Class Automotive Source- TOI
Testing Centre


6. GSTN to sign MoU with CBDT for • The state of Gujarat came into
sharing data to prevent anomalies existence on 1st May 1960 after the
• The Central Board of Direct Taxes has division of Mumbai state under
decided to enter into a memorandum Bombay Reorganization Act.
of understanding with GST Network. • Ahmedabad has featured in the
Highlights of MoU Forbes list of ‘the world’s fastest-
• The MoU will allow income tax growing cities’ at rank number 3 after
department to share details including Chengdu and Chongqing from China.
sales and profits that businesses have Topic- GS Paper 2 –Polity and
reported in their income tax returns Governance
with GSTN to scale up scrutiny and Source- The Hindu
check tax evasion.
• This move will allow direct and 03.05.2019
indirect tax authorities to zero in on
discrepancies in the information that 1. How does Cyclone get their name?
business have disclosed in their • The World Meteorological
respective tax return forms and arrest Organisation (WMO) and the United
tax evaders. Nations Economic and Social
• The MoU will also include modalities of Commission for Asia and the Pacific
exchange of data, maintenance of (ESCAP) started the tropical cyclone
confidentiality and mechanism for naming system in 2000.
safe preservation of data. • The newest cyclone to emerge out of
Related Information the Bay of Bengal has been named
About Central Board of Direct Taxes Fani.
• Before that, there were cyclones
• It is a statutory authority that
Hudhud in 2014, Ockhi in 2017 and
functions under the Central Board of
Titli and Gaja in 2018.
Revenue Act, 1963.
• The Cyclones worldwide are named by
• It is a part of the Department of
9 regions — North Atlantic, Eastern
Revenue in the Ministry of Finance.
North Pacific, Central North Pacific,
• It provides inputs for policy and Western North Pacific, North Indian
planning of direct taxes in India and is Ocean, South West Indian Ocean,
also responsible for the administration Australian, Southern Pacific, and
of direct tax laws through the Income South Atlantic.
Tax Department. • Cyclones in the North Indian Ocean
About GST Network basin are named by the Indian
• The GST Network (GSTN) is a non- Meteorological Department and the
profit organization. first tropical cyclone was named in
• It has been established to manage the 2004 as Onil (given by Bangladesh).
entire IT system of the GST portal. • Eight north Indian Ocean countries —
• This portal is used by the government Bangladesh, India, the Maldives,
to track every financial transaction. Myanmar, Oman, Pakistan, Sri Lanka
• It also provides taxpayers with all and Thailand, gave eight names each
services from registration to filing which was combined into a list of 64
taxes and maintaining all tax details. names.
Topic- GS Paper 2 –Important • One name from each country is picked
Institution in an order to name the cyclones.
Source- Economics Times • The next cyclone will be named Vayu.
7. Gujarat celebrates its foundation Why name cyclones?
60th foundation Day • Tropical cyclones are named to
• Gujarat celebrates its foundation 60th provide ease of communication
foundation Day on 1st May between forecasters and the general
public regarding forecasts, watches,
Related Information
and warnings.

Note: Topic- GS Paper 3 –Science and

• After the 64 names are exhausted, Technology
the eight countries will propose fresh Source- Indian Express
lists of names. 3. What is Lottery in Election?
• For cyclones from the Bay of Bengal • The lottery is applicable in the election
and the Arabian Sea, these lists are when two candidates in a constituency
not rotated every few years. poll the same number of votes.
• The lists for storms in the Atlantic and • According to Section 102 of the
Eastern Pacific basins are, however, Representation of the People Act, if
rotated. there is equality of votes and if one
Regional Specialized Meteorological additional vote would entitle either of
Centre (RSMC) them to win, and if no decision has
• It is responsible for the distribution of been made by the Returning Officer
information, advisories, and warnings under the provisions of the Act.
regarding the specific program they • Then the High Court of that state
have a part of, agreed by consensus decides by a lottery.
at the World Meteorological • The candidate who wins the lottery
Organization as part of the World wins the election.
Weather Watch. Note:
• A Tropical Cyclone Regional • In 2017, for instance, in the election
Specialized Meteorological Centre is toward number 220 of the
responsible for detecting tropical Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation,
cyclones in its designated area of Shiv Sena's Surendra Bagalkar and
responsibility, and for providing basic the BJP's Atul Shah got the same
information about the systems number of votes.
present and their forecast position, • The result was decided by lottery, and
movement and intensity. Mr Shah won.
• The India Meteorological Department Topic- GS Paper 2 –Governance
(IMD/RSMC New Delhi) is responsible Source- The Hindu
for tracking tropical cyclones within 4. ADB steps up metro rail funding
the North Indian Ocean. • ADB has decided to finance metro rail
Topic- GS Paper 3 –Disaster projects and a rapid rail corridor
Management between Delhi and Meerut as part of
Source- Indian Express its effort to improve the urban
2. What is 99942 Apophis? transport system in India.
• Recently a near-Earth asteroid 99942 • It also talks to the respective State
Apophis will cruise by Earth, about governments for funding the Bhopal
31,000 km above the surface. Metro and Bengaluru Metro.
Related Information Related Information
99942 Apophis asteroid Asian Development Bank (ADB)
• Apophis is one of about 2,000 • It is a regional development bank
currently known as Potentially established on 19 December 1966.
Hazardous Asteroid. • ADB is headquartered in Manila,
• It is rare for an asteroid 340 m wide Philippines.
size to pass by Earth so close. • It aims to promote social and
• At one point, it will travel more than economic development in Asia.
the width of the full Moon within a • ADB has 67 members, of which 48 are
minute and it will get as bright as the from within Asia and the Pacific and
stars in the Little Dipper, according to 19 outside.
NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. • Japan and the US hold the largest
• Scientists hope their observations proportion of shares in ADB followed
might help gain important scientific by China, India and Australia.
knowledge that could one day be used • It is also an official United Nations
for planetary defence. Observer.


Topic- GS Paper 2 –International Vehicle Mark III, (GSLV -MK III)

Organisation rocket.
Source- The Hindu • The GSLV-MkIII is a three-stage
5. Cyclone Fani: INCOIS warns of heavy-lift launch vehicle that has
damage along the east coast been designed to carry four-tonne
• Indian National Centre for Ocean class satellites into Geosynchronous
Information Services (INCOIS) which Transfer Orbit (GTO).
is closely monitoring the Extremely • Chandrayaan-2 is a follow-up mission
Severe Cyclonic Storm "Fani" round from the Chandrayaan-1 mission-
the clock, has warned of likely India’s first lunar mission.
damage to locations even far away Chandrayaan-1 Mission
along the east coast due to sustained • It was launched in October 2008 and
high winds, storm surges and swell operated till August 2009.
waves. • The mission included a lunar orbiter
Related Information and an impactor.
INCOIS Other Indian Space Mission
• It is an autonomous organization of • Mangalyaan: It is also known as The
the Government of India, under the Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) is a space
Ministry of Earth Sciences. probe orbiting Mars since September
• It is located in Pragathi Nagar, 24, 2014.
Hyderabad. • Aditya-L1: This mission will help the
• It is a unit of the Earth System scientist in the study and observation
Science Organization (ESSO). of the sun’s properties.
• ESSO- INCOIS is mandated to provide • Gaganyaan: It is India’s manned
the best possible ocean information space mission by 2022
and advisory services to society, Topic- GS Paper 3 –Science and
industry, government agencies and Technology
the scientific community. Source-Live Mint
Topic- GS Paper 3 – Important 7. Religious freedom in India
organisation continued 'downward trend' in
Source- TOI 2018: USCIRF
6. Chandrayaan-2 • United States Commission on
• ISRO has said that Chandrayaan-2 is International Religious Freedom
set to be launched any time between (USCIRF), in its 2019 report, has said
July 5 and July 16, 2019. that there is an overall deterioration
Related Information of religious freedom conditions in
• Chandrayaan-2 is India’s second 2018 in India.
mission to the moon which is a totally Highlights of the Report
indigenous mission. • USCIRF retained India in Tier Two
• It comprises of an Orbiter, Lander Category of countries on religious
named ‘Vikram’ and Rover named freedom.
‘Pragyan’. • Tier 2” identifies countries where
• The orbiter will circle the moon and religious freedom violations have
provide information about its surface, happened but have not risen to the
while the Lander will make a soft severity needed to be considered Tier
landing on the surface and send out 1
the rover. • Countries are placed in Tier 2 for
• The payloads will collect scientific engaging in or tolerating religious
information on lunar topography, freedom violations that meet at least
mineralogy, elemental abundance, one of the elements of the -
lunar exosphere and signatures of systematic, ongoing, egregious-
hydroxyl and water-ice. standard for designation as a- country
• Chandrayaan-2 will launch aboard a of particular concern.
Geosynchronous Satellite Launch


• USCIRF has placed India in the Tier 2 Hangul

country category Tier 2 countries are • Hangul is also known as Kashmir stag
those in which violations engaged in and it is the state animal of Jammu &
or tolerated by the government during Kashmir.
2018 are serious and characterized by • It is the only Asiatic survivor or sub-
at least one of the elements of the species of the European red deer.
Country of Particular Concern (CPC) • It under Schedule I of the Indian
standard. Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972.
• CPC status is given to countries which • It is restricted to the Dachigam
engage in or tolerate systematic, National Park some 15 km north-west
ongoing, egregious violations of of Jammu & Kashmir’s summer capital
religious freedom. Srinagar.
• It is classified as Critically Endangered
• The report has identified several
in the IUCN list.
limitations to the right to freedom of
Topic- GS Paper 3 –Environment and
religion or belief and challenges faced
by religious minorities in India.
Source- The Hindu
• On a positive note, it has highlighted 9. GSI North Eastern Region installed
that that communal attacks dropped geological display boards at Mawmluh
by 12 % in 2018 from their 2017 cave, Therriaghat
levels. • The boards are unveiled at Mawmluh
• Further, there has been a 12% cave and Therriaghat, Sobhar in East
increase in the budget of the Ministry Khasi Hill District of Meghalaya.
of Minority Affairs. • Mawmluh cave made headlines earlier
USCIRF as high resolution stable isotopic
studies of the stalagmites from the
• It is an independent, bipartisan U.S.
cave have shown that there was a
federal government commission
major climatic event about 4200
which seeks to defend the universal
years ago.
right to freedom of religion or belief
• The stalagmite in the Mawmluh cave
has been tagged a Global Stratotype
Note: Section and Point (GSSP) which is the
• The fundamental right to freedom of first formally ratified marker of a
religion is guaranteed under Articles geological time period in India.
25, 26, 27 and 28 of Part III of the • Meanwhile, Therriaghat marks the
Indian Constitution. Cretaceous (K)-Palaeogene (Pg) mass
Topic- GS Paper 2 –Important Report extinction event.
• The Um-Sohryngkew (Wahrew) river
Source- Indian Express
section at Therriaghat is known for
8. Kashmir: Why the Hangul’s future having the most complete records of
still hangs in the balance? the Cretaceous-Palaeogene (K-Pg)
• A massive decline in the population of boundary transition in India.
Kashmir’s iconic wildlife species, the Topic- GS-1- Art & Culture
Hangul continues to be a big concern Source- AIR
as conservation efforts for the deer, 10. Rare life-size figurine unearthed in
going on for years, have not yielded Phanigiri
any significant results so far. • Archaeologists in Telangana have
• From a population of 5,000 in the unearthed a rare treasure in the form
early 1900s, the Hangul’s numbers of a life-sized stucco sculpture from
have constantly declined over the a Buddhist site at Phanigiri in
decades, making it largely confined to Suryapet.
the 141 square kilometres of • It is the biggest stucco sculpture
Dachigam National Park found in the country so far.
Related Information

• The life-size figurine found in the boost surveillance capabilities of

excavations is thought to represent security forces.
one of Bhodhisattva in Jathaka • From 536 km altitude, the satellite
Chakra. monitors Indian borders 24x7 and
• The stucco is about 1.73 metres in helps security agencies keep an eye
height and 35 cm in width. on infiltrators.
Topic- GS-1- Art & Culture The synthetic aperture radar uses the
Source- Times of India motion of the radar antenna over a
target region to provide finer spatial
06.05.2019 resolution than conventional beam-
scanning radars.
1. ISRO to launch RISAT-2BR1 • Typically, the larger the aperture, the
• India is set to get another 'eye in the higher the image resolution will be,
sky' as ISRO will launch its latest regardless of whether the aperture is
radar imaging satellite (Risat-2BR1) physical (a large antenna) or
from Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh on synthetic (a moving antenna) - this
May 22. allows SAR to create high-resolution
• Risat-2BR1 is much more advanced images with comparatively small
than the previous Risat-series physical antennas.
satellite. Topic- GS-3- Science & Technology
• Risat's X-band synthetic aperture Source- Times of India
radar (SAR) possesses day-night as 2. GLOBAL REGISTRY OF VIOLENT
well as all-weather monitoring DEATHS
capability. • SIPRI has launched a new initiative
• The radar can even penetrate clouds named Global Registry of Violent
and zoom up to a resolution of 1 Deaths (GReVD) to establish the
metre (means it can distinguish annual number of violent deaths
between two objects separated by 1 worldwide.
m distance). • GReVD will count deaths caused by all
• The new imaging satellite will boost forms of violence and display these in
all-weather surveillance capabilities of an open-source database.
Indian security forces and will help • This will allow researchers,
detect any potential threat around the policymakers and the general public
Indian borders. to track trends in violence at global,
• As the satellite can also track hostile regional, national, provincial, city and
ships at sea, it can be used to keep a municipal levels.
hawk-eye on Chinese naval vessels in • The database will hold a single entry
the Indian Ocean and Pakistani for every violent death, including
warships in the Arabian Sea. time, location, perpetrator, victim and
• The images from old Risat-series type of violence.
satellites were earlier used to plan the Related Information
surgical strike in 2016 and the air Stockholm International Peace Research
strike on a Jaish camp in Pakistan's Institute (SIPRI)
Balakot this year. • It is an international institute based in
• Risat also enhanced Isro's capability Sweden.
for disaster management • It is dedicated to research into
applications. conflict, armaments, arms control and
Related Information disarmament.
• After the 26/11 terror attacks in • It was established in 1966 which
Mumbai in 2008, Risat-2 satellite provides data, analysis and
programme took priority over Risat-1 recommendations, based on open
because of the advanced radar sources, to policymakers,
system, manufactured in Israel, and researchers, media and the interested
was launched on April 20, 2009, to public.


Topic- GS Paper 2 –International • To allow Higher Educational

Organisation Institutions to contribute to devising
Source- The Hindu systems for smooth implementation
3. e-Governance Services India ties up of various Government Programs.
with IIT-Kanpur to upscale Unnat Bharat Topic- GS Paper 2 –Government Scheme
Abhiyan Source- The Hindu
• A Special Purpose Vehicle under the 4. Karnataka limits the weight of school
Ministry of Electronics & IT, bags
(Information Technology) CSC • The Karnataka government issued an
(Common Services Centre) e- order directing all schools in the State,
Governance Services India Limited, including government, aided and
has partnered with the IIT Kanpur to unaided institutions, to ensure that
upscale ‘Unnat Bharat Abhiyan’. the weight of a school bag is not more
• The collaboration of IIT-Kanpur with than 10% of the child’s weight.
the leading institutions with CSCs • The order comes after the Union
would strengthen the government’s Ministry for Human Resource
vision of Digital India. Development in October last year
Related Information directed all States to draw up
Unnat Bharat Abhiyan guidelines to reduce the weight of
school bags.
• It is an initiative of the Ministry of HRD
Highlights of order
launched in 2014.
• All schools in the State, including
• It aims to link the Higher Education
government, aided and unaided
Institutions with a set of at least 5
institutions should ensure that the
villages so that these institutions can
weight of a school bag is not more
contribute to the economic and social
than 10% of the child’s weight.
betterment of these village
• A bag of a student in Class 1 or 2
communities using their knowledge
should weigh no more than 2 kg.
base which helps to accelerate
• It can weigh anywhere between 2 and
sustainable growth in rural India.
3 kg for students from Class 3 to 5.
• IIT Kanpur has adopted 5 villages for
• The prescribed weight increases
its holistic development.
progressively, with students in Class 9
• The villages are situated on the and 10 allowed to carry bags in the 4-
outskirts of Kanpur and are as follows: 5 kg range.
Hridayapur, Baikanthpur, • Students in Classes 1 and 2 should not
Ishwariganj, Pratappur Hari and be given any homework.
Saxupurva. • All classwork should be kept in the
• The second edition (Unnat Bharat school itself, either in files or books.
Abhiyan 2.0) was launched in April • The third Saturday of every month
2018. should be followed as a “No School
• Under this scheme, higher education Bag Day”.
institutions will participate in • On that day, teachers have to engage
development activities, particularly in students without any books.
rural areas. Suggested activities include field
Objective visits, general knowledge clubs, art
• To engage the faculty and students of classes, indoor and outdoor games,
Higher Educational Institutions in abacus, dance classes, and debates.
understanding rural realities. Topic- GS Paper 2 –Governance
• Identify and select existing innovative Source- The Hindu
technologies, enable customization of 5. Gaur (Indian Bison)
technologies, or devise • An Indian Gaur fell into a well at
implementation methods for Mavinakatte village, near
innovative solutions, as required by Subrahmanya in Dakshina Kannada.
people. Related Information


Indian Bison • Improving the disaster preparedness

• The gaur also called the Indian bison, to ensure effective response,
is the largest extant bovine. recovery, reconstruction and
• It is the state animal of Goa. rehabilitation.
• This species is native to South and Topic- GS Paper 3 –Disaster
Southeast Asia. Management
• It has been listed as Vulnerable on the Source- Indian Express
IUCN Red List since 1986 and CITES 7. Kanyashree Prakalpa scheme
Appendix I • Kanyashree Prakalpa scheme of West
• The gaur is the tallest of wild cattle Bengal Government has witnessed a
species. 10% growth in preventing dropout
Topic- GS Paper 3 –Environment and from school.
Biodiversity Related Information
Source- The Hindu Kanyashree Prakalpa scheme
6. Sendai Framework
• It was launched by West Bengal
• UN agency for disaster reduction has
Government (Women Development
commended the Indian Meteorological
and Social Welfare department) in
Department’s “almost pinpoint October 2013.
accuracy” of early warnings of
• It was aimed at increasing educational
Cyclone Fani which help “India’s zero-
attainment of girls, prevention of child
casualty approach due to the
marriage and financial inclusion.
implementation of the
SendaiFramework. • It is a conditional cash transfer
Related Information scheme aimed at improving the status
and well-being of girl child by
Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk
incentivising schooling of teenage
Reduction (SFDRR)
girls and delaying their marriages
• The member states of the United
until the age of 18.
Nations Organisation approved the
SFDRR at the Third World Conference Objectives:
on Disaster Risk Reduction in March • Improve the lives and status of the
2015 which is held in Sendai, Japan. adolescent girls in State.
• The treaty is voluntary and not • Provide financial help to girls from
binding upon the member states. disadvantaged families to pursue
• Under the framework, the primary higher studies for every girl from the
role of the member states to reduce state.
disaster risks is identified. • Prevent child marriage.
• The framework has a time frame of 15 • Improved outcomes in terms of their
years, i.e., 2015-2030. health (especially facilitate the
• SFDRR aims at achieving a substantial prevention of infant and maternal
reduction of disaster risk and disaster mortality).
losses in lives, livelihoods and health; • Contribute towards empowerment of
in the environmental, cultural, social, girls in the state.
physical and economic, assets of • The scheme will cover all girl children
people, communities, businesses and within the age of 13 to 19 in the state.
countries over the next 15 years.
• The incentive for higher studies is a
The specific priorities of the Sendai one-time grant of ₹25,000 to
Framework are: unmarried girls above 18, who are
• Understanding the disaster risk. pursuing education.
• Strengthening the governance of Topic- GS Paper 2 – Government
disaster risks for managing disaster Scheme/
Source- The Hindu
• Investments in disaster risk reduction
for resilience.

8. Why is northeast India drying up Chandanotsavam

rapidly? • Chandanotsava (sandalwood
• A team of researchers found that festival), also known as Chandan
Northeast India, one of the wettest Yatra, is the most important festival
places on the Earth has been celebrated in the Simhachalam
experiencing rapid drying, especially temple.
in the last 30 years due to the Pacific • It is celebrated on the festival day of
decadal oscillation Akshaya Tritiya.
• Due to this oscillation, some places • On this day, the Sandalwood paste,
which used to get as high as 3,000 commonly referred to as Chandanam,
mm of rain during the monsoon covering the moolavar throughout the
season have seen a drop of about 25- year is removed.
30%. • As a result, devotees can see the
Related Information original form of the deity's idol for 12
Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) hours once in the whole year.
• It is often described as a long-lived El Varaha Lakshmi Narasimha temple
Niño-like pattern of Pacific climate • The Shri Varaha Lakshmi Narasimha
variability. temple, Simhachalam is a Hindu
• PDO pattern is marked by widespread temple situated on the Simhachalam
variations in the Pacific Basin and the hill in Andhra Pradesh.
North American climate. • It is dedicated to one of the Hindu
• In parallel with the ENSO trinity deities Vishnu, who is
phenomenon, the extreme phases of worshipped there as Varaha
the PDO have been classified as being Narasimha.
either warm or cool, as defined by • Except on Akshaya Tritiya, the idol of
ocean temperature anomalies in the Varaha Narasimha is covered with
northeast and the tropical Pacific sandalwood paste throughout the
Ocean. year, which makes it resemble a Shiva
• When Sea surface temperature is Lingam.
anomalously cool in the interior North • It was regarded as an important
Pacific and warm along the Pacific centre of Vaishnavism in the medieval
Coast, and when sea level pressures period along with Srikurmam and
are below average over the North others.
Pacific, the PDO has a positive value. • The temple has been recognised by
• When the climate anomaly patterns historians with the help of a 9th-
are reversed, with warm Sea surface century AD inscription by the
temperature (SST) anomalies in the Chalukya Chola king Kulottunga I.
interior and cool SST anomalies along Topic- GS Paper 1 –Art and Culture
the North American coast, or above Source- The Hindu
average sea level pressures over the 10. Chief economic advisor included
North Pacific, the PDO has a negative in finance commission’s advisory
value. council
Topic-GS Paper 3 –Disaster Management • The Chief Economic Advisor of India,
Source- TOI Dr. Krishnamurthy Subramanian has
9. ‘Chandanotsavam’ at Simhachalam been included as a Member of the
temple in A.P. Advisory Council of the Fifteenth
Finance Commission.
• A 2,000-strong police force would be
deployed for the annual Related Information
‘Chandanotsavam’ festival of Lord • The Chief Economic Adviser is a post
Varaha Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy in Government of India and is
temple at Simhachalam. equivalent to the rank of Secretary to
the Government of India.
Related Information


• The CEA is the ex-officio cadre Related Infomation

controlling authority of the Indian • The Navy will have six such
Economic Service. submarines by the year 2020.
• The office of Economic Adviser is • These six Scorpene-class stealth
attached to the Minister of Commerce submarines are being built under
and Industry. Project 75, in collaboration with
Advisory Council: DCNS, France and manufactured by
Mazagon Dock Limited.
The role of the council is to:
1st Scorpene Submarine – Kalvari
• Advise the Commission on any 2nd Scorpene Submarine- Khanderi
relevant issue related to the Terms of 3rd Scorpene Submarine- Karanj
Reference (ToR) of the Commission. • The six submarines will replace the
• To assist in the preparation of any Indian Navy's ageing Sindhughosh
research study which would enhance and Shishumar class of submarines.
the Commission’s understanding of Topic- GS-3- Science & Technology
the issue contained in its ToR and Source- AIR
• To help in broadening the Commission
understands to seek best national and
international practices on matters
pertaining to fiscal devolution.
1. Grizzled giant squirrel spotted in
Finance Commission
Tamil Nadu
• It constituted by the President under
• The researchers have sighted nests of
Article 280 of the Constitution mainly
the grizzled Squirrel at Pakkamalai
to give its recommendations on the
Reserve Forests near Gingee in the
distribution of tax revenues between
Eastern Ghats.
the Union and the States and amongst
Related Information
the States themselves.
Grizzled Giant Squirrel
• The Commission is appointed every
• It is usually known to nest in the
five years.
Western Ghats in Southern India.
• It consists of a Chairman and four
• In Southern India, it found in Chinnar
other members.
Wildlife sanctuary in Kerala to
• The Chairman of the 15th finance
Anamalai Tiger Reserve and Palani
commission is chaired by N. K. Singh.
hills in Tamil Nadu.
• Its recommendations will cover the
• The species is endemic to the
five year period commencing from 1st
southern States of Kerala, Karnataka
April 2020.
and Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka.
Topic- GS Paper 2 –Governance
• IUCN Status: Near threatened and
Source-Economics Times
listed under Schedule II of CITES.
11. Indian Navy launches fourth
Topic- GS Paper 3 – Environment
Scorpene class submarine "Vela"
Source- The Hindu
• The fourth of Indian Navy’s stealth
2. One million species at risk of
Scorpene class Submarines of Project
extinction: UN
75 was launched at the Kanhoji Angre
• According to the Global Assessment
Wet Basin of Mazagon Dock Limited at
report of IPBES, the global rate of
Mumbai in Maharashtra.
species extinction is already tens to
• The submarine has been named ‘Vela’
hundreds of times higher than it has
after an earlier submarine, which was
been, on average, over the last 10
the lead submarine, of the erstwhile
million years.
Vela class, the second batch of the
• The report comes six months after the
Foxtrot class submarines acquired
UN Intergovernmental Panel on
from erstwhile USSR.
Climate Change (IPCC) warned that
• The submarines are being built at
the world has less than 12 years to
Mazagon Dock Limited, with the main
avoid catastrophic levels of global
collaborator being M/s Naval group,


Key Numbers from the report: Background

• Around 10% of insect species are • The practice was started by Dogra
threatened with extinction. King Maharaja Ranbir Singh in 1872 to
• 23% of land areas have reduced escape extreme weather conditions in
agricultural productivity due to land these places.
degradation. • It was a compulsion in the past
• About 25% of greenhouse gas because of poor means of
emissions are caused by land clearing, transportation and communication.
crop production and fertilization. Topic- GS Paper 2 – Governance
• Around half of all live coral reef cover Source- The Hindu
lost since the 1870s. 4. G7 Environment Ministers met in
• Urban areas have grown more than Metz, France to discuss the climate crisis
100% since 1992. • The G7’s Environment Ministers
Related Information gathered for a 2-day meeting in Metz,
Intergovernmental Science-Policy France to discuss on steps required to
Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem handle deforestation, plastic pollution,
Services (IPBES) depletion of coral reefs and ways to
• It is an independent build pacts between the countries in
intergovernmental body established order to achieve the target.
to strengthen the science-policy Related Information
interface for biodiversity and G7 (Group of Seven)
ecosystem services for the • The Group of 7 (G7) is a group
conservation and sustainable use of consisting of Canada, France,
biodiversity, long-term human well- Germany, Italy, Japan, the United
being and sustainable development. Kingdom and the United States.
• It was established in Panama City, on • The European Union is also
21 April 2012 by 94 governments. represented within the G7.
• IPBES is placed under the auspices of • These countries are the seven major
four United Nations entities: UNEP, advanced economies as reported by
UNESCO, FAO and UNDP. the International Monetary Fund.
• It is administered by the United Topic- GS Paper 2 – Governance
Nations Environment Programme. Source- The Hindu
• The IPBES secretariat is based in 5. Israel’s Iron Dome anti-missile
Bonn, Germany. system
Topic- GS Paper 2 – Important Report • As per the Israel Defense Forces
Source- The Hindu (IDF), Gazans had launched 600
3. Darbar move projectiles in their territory. The IDF
• The Civil Secretariat and other offices also said that it’s Iron Dome aerial
of Jammu and Kashmir government defence system had intercepted
will re-open in Summer Capital dozens of the incoming rockets and
Srinagar as a part of bi-annual Darbar shot many of them.
move. Related Information
Related Information What is the Iron Dome anti-missile
• Darbar move is the name for the bi- system?
annual shift of the secretariat and all • The Iron Dome is a mobile all-weather
other government offices in J&K from air defence system developed by
Srinagar (state’s summer capital) to Israel to intercept and destroy short-
Jammu (state’s winter capital). range rockets and artillery shells fired
• The secretariat is located in Srinagar from short distances.
from May to October and in Jammu • The system detects rockets 4 to 70
from November to April. km away and will engage with
• Along with the secretariat, the J&K interceptors to destroy targets mid-
High Court also moves. air.

• According to the Missile Threat, the under the jurisdiction of Kerala High
United States provided funding to the Court.
system starting in 2011. Tribes of Lakshadweep
• Iron Dome will operate day and night, • The major communities that reside in
under adverse weather conditions, Lakshadweep are Aminidivi, Koyas,
and can respond to multiple threats Malmis and Malacheris.
simultaneously. • Aminidivis is believed to be the first
• The Dome has three central group of people to have started
components – detection and tracking inhabiting these islands.
radar, the weapon control system and • Melacheris are considered to be the
missile firing unit. main working community on the
• There are 10 Iron Dome batteries that island.
protect Israel, and each battery • Koyas are the landowners of
includes three to four stationary Lakshadweep and Malmis are the one
launchers with 20 Tamir missiles and who works for them.
a battlefield radar. • Malayalam is the most commonly
• Tamir missiles feature electro-optical used language in Lakshadweep.
sensors and steering fins with Topic- GS Paper 1 – Art and Culture
proximity fuze blast warheads, that Source- The Hindu
explode on contact with another 7. Finance Ministry imposed anti-
missile. dumping duty on the import of
Topic- GS-3- Defence saccharine from Indonesia
Source- Indian Express • The Finance Ministry has, on the
6. Scientists carry out a genetic study on recommendations of the Commerce
people of Lakshadweep Islands Ministry, imposed an anti-dumping
• The scientist from CSIR-Centre for duty on the import of saccharine from
Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) Indonesia.
carried out a genetic study on People Related Information
of Lakshadweep Island. About Anti-Dumping Duty
Highlights of the Study • These are additional import duties
• The study found that a majority of which are imposed to check Dumping.
human ancestry in Lakshadweep is Note: Dumping refers to the
largely derived from South Asia with export/sale of a commodity in a
minor influences from East and West foreign country by a company at a
Eurasia. price which is lower than their
• There was no evidence of early human domestic market price.
migration through the Lakshadweep • As per WTO Norms, Member countries
islands. can impose Anti-Dumping duty if:
• They found a strong founder effect for (i) An exporter is dumping goods
both paternal and maternal lineages (ii) It is adversely affecting domestic
— a sign that the island population industries
had limited genetic mixing Saccharine
Related Information • It is an artificial or non-nutritive,
Lakshadweep Island sweetener which is 200 to 700 times
• Lakshadweep is an archipelago of 36 sweeter than sucrose (table sugar).
islands formerly known as the • Saccharine is a compound most
Laccadive, Minicoy, and Aminidivi commonly used in sugar-substitute
Islands. sweeteners.
• It is a Union Territory and is governed • It is used to sweeten products such as
by the Union Government of India. drinks, candies, cookies, and
• The islands form the smallest Union medicines.
Territory of India. Topic- GS Paper 3 – Economics Terms
• Kavaratti serves as the capital of the Source- Economics Times
Union Territory and the region comes


8. IIT Mandi's self-cleaning glass can their teachers, on evaluating the

purify water using sunlight environmental impact of schools on
• Scientists at IIT Mandi have the environment.
developed a self-cleaning glass that • The rating process help to establish
can remove microbes and organic contact with nature and with each
pollutants -- like dyes, detergent and other using the approach of co-
drugs -- from wastewater, using only creation and understanding.
sunlight. Green Rating for Integrated Habitat
• They have developed a transparent Assessment Council
calcium borate glasses and TiO2 • It is an independent, not- for -profit
crystallised glass nanocomposites society jointly set up by The Energy
which can kill microbes and break and Resources Institute (TERI) and
down organic chemicals in the the Ministry of New and Renewable
presence of solar light. Energy (MNRE).
• These glasses have photocatalytic and • It helps to promote and administer
self-cleaning properties which help in green buildings in India.
destroying the bacteria and other • GRIHA has been acknowledged as a
microbes from wastewater in the tool to evaluate the reduction in
presence of sunlight, emission intensity through habitats,
• The existing purification techniques as part of a mitigation strategy for
can remove solid pollutants as well as combating climate change in India's
dissolved inorganic compounds; Nationally Determined Contributions
removing dissolved organic (NDCs) submitted to UNFCCC.
compounds remain a challenge. Topic- GS Paper 3 –Important institution
Major Sources of Pollution Source- Economics Times
• Wastewater from pharmaceutical and 2. Karnataka has no right to utilise
textile industries are a major source Pennaiyar water’: TN
of river pollution in India and abroad. • Tamil Nadu has told the Supreme
Topic- GS Paper 3 –Science and Court that Karnataka has no right to
Technology utilise the waters of the Pennaiyar
Source- DD news River to the detriment of the people of
Tamil Nadu.
08.05.2019 Related Information
Pennaiyar River
1. GRIHA Council launches rating • The South Pennar River (also known
system: ‘GRIHA for Existing Day as Dakshina Pinakini in Kannada and
Schools’ Thenpennai or Ponnaiyar in Tamil) is
• Green Rating for Integrated Habitat a trans-boundary river in India.
Assessment (GRIHA) Council recently • It is a peninsular river which is dry for
released a rating tool called ‘GRIHA the most part of the year.
for Existing Day Schools’ to evaluate • The river originates in the Nandi Hills
the environmental performance of in the Chikkaballapura district of
existing schools across India. Karnataka.
‘GRIHA for Existing Day Schools’ rating • It flows through Tamil Nadu before
system emptying into the Bay of Bengal.
• It works as an integrated tool to • Its catchment area located in
evaluate performance and provide Karnataka and Tamil Nadu states.
solutions for enhanced energy and • Markandeyanadhi is the major
water efficiencies, increased thermal tributary which has its catchment area
and visual comfort, and decreased both in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.
operational and maintenance costs. • Dam on the river: Sathanur Dam is
• The rating familiarises the students built near Tiruvannamalai.
with the concepts of sustainability by Topic- GS Paper 2 –Governance
involving them, under the guidance of Source- The Hindu


3. KVIC distributes bee-boxes under • The person can authorise another

'Honey Mission' residing in the same polling booth
• Khadi and Village Industries area to cast a vote on his/her behalf.
Commission (KVIC) has distributed • This option is currently available for
more than one lakh bee-boxes among wives of the above-mentioned
farmers and unemployed youths personnel, but not for the husbands.
across the country in less than two • The provision for voting through a
years under its 'Honey Mission' proxy is valid until the person making
initiative. the appointment is a service voter.
Related Information • Once appointed, the proxy will
Honey Mission continue until his or her appointment
• The mission was launched in August is revoked by the service voter.
2017 in line with the ‘Sweet Note:
The Representation of the People
• The ‘Sweet Revolution’ was launched
(Amendment) Bill 2017 that extends the
in 2016 to promote beekeeping and proxy voting to NRIs was passed in the Lok
associated activities. Sabha during the monsoon session year 2018
• According to the KVIC, the Mission has but lapsed in Lok Sabha.
created more than 10,000 new jobs,
Provisions of the Bill
besides creating around 25,000
additional man-days through the • As of now, an army man's wife is
fabrication of bee boxes and honey entitled to be enrolled as a service
extractors. voter, but a woman army officer's
husband is not, according to the
provisions in the electoral law.
• It is a statutory body established
under the Khadi and Village Industries • The bill proposes to replace the term
Commission Act, 1956. 'wife' with 'spouse', thus making the
provision of gender neutral.
• The KVIC is charged with the
planning, promotion, organisation and • Members of the armed forces, central
implementation of programmes for armed police forces, personnel of
the development of Khadi and other state police forces posted outside
village industries in the rural areas in their state and employees of the
coordination with other agencies centre posted outside India are
engaged in rural development eligible to be enrolled as service
wherever necessary. voters.
• It functions under the Ministry of Topic- GS Paper 2 –Governance
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. Source- The Hindu
• It is a nodal implementation agency of 5. India's Jagjit Pavadia re-elected to
Prime Minister Employment International Narcotics Control Board
Generation Programme (PMEGP) at • India's Jagjit Pavadia was re-elected
the national level. to the International Narcotics Control
• PMEGP is a major credit-linked Board (INCB) for another term.
subsidy programme being INCB
implemented by MSME Ministry since
• Established in 1968, the INCB is an
2008-09 and will Continue till 2019-
independent and quasi-judicial
monitoring body for the
Topic- GS Paper 2 –Government Scheme implementation of the UN's
Source- Indian Express international drug control
4. Proxy Voting conventions.
• The option of proxy voting is available • INCB consists of 13 members who are
only for armed forces, police, and elected by the ECOSOC and who serve
government officials posted outside in their personal capacity.

Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) • Herpetology is the branch of zoology

• ECOSOC, one of the six main organs concerned with the study of
of the United Nations established by amphibians and reptiles and those
the UN Charter in 1946, is the who studied it are called
principal body for coordination, policy Herpetologist.
review, policy dialogue and Related Information
recommendations on economic, social Purple Frog
and environmental issues, as well as • It is listed as endangered on the red
for implementation of the list IUCN.
internationally agreed development • It’s a unique species and endemic to
goals. Southern Western Ghats.
• ECOSOC serves as the central • The Purple frog feeds mostly on soil-
mechanism for the activities of the mites, ants and termites using its
United Nations system and its fluted tongue
specialized agencies and supervises • Some scientist believes that the
the subsidiary and expert bodies in species should be rightly called a
the economic, social and 'living fossil' as it’s evolutionary roots
environmental fields. suggest it could have shared space
Topic- GS-2- International Organization with dinosaurs going back almost 70
Source- AIR million years ago.
6. NASA spacecraft "DART" to collide a Topic- GS Paper 3 –Environment and
small moonlet in 2022 Biodiversity
• The US space agency NASA revealed Source- TOI
details about its plan to hit a small 8. Odisha’s wildlife sanctuaries ravaged
moonlet target in a double asteroid by Fani
system with a spacecraft in 2022, its Balukhand Wildlife Sanctuary
first mission to demonstrate a • It is located along the Bay of Bengal
planetary defence technique. coast, between the towns of Puri and
• The asteroid, called Didymoon or Konark.
Didymos B, is a moon asteroid around • The sanctuary is home to a herd of
150 meters tall orbiting a larger body Blackbuck (Antilope cervicapra) and
Didymos A, the most accessible Olive Ridley Sea Turtles (Lepidochelys
asteroid of its size from the Earth. olivacea) nest on the beaches.
• The spacecraft called Double Asteroid Nandankanan Zoological Park
Redirection Test (DART) will carry an • Nandankanan Zoological Park
optical navigation system to capture established in 1960 and one of the
images that help the spacecraft reach first zoo in India to join the World
its target. Association of Zoos and Aquariums
• The DART spacecraft will crash itself (WAZA) in 2009.
into the asteroid at a speed of Chandaka Elephant Wildlife Sanctuary
approximately six kilometres per • Chandka Elephant Sanctuary is a
second and the collision will change wildlife reserve located in the south
the speed of the moonlet in its orbit fringe of Cuttack in the Indian state of
around the main body by a fraction of Odisha.
one per cent, enough to be measured • It was designated as an elephant
using telescopes on the Earth. reserve in December 1982.
Topic- GS-3- Science & Technology Topic- GS Paper 3 –Environment and
Source- Business Standard Biodiversity
7. Purple Frog Source- The Hindu
• The researcher at the Kerala Forest 9. Traces of banned bisphenol-A found
Research Institute (KFRI) and in baby bottles
herpetologists found the species of • In a recent study conducted by Toxics
Purple frog which is endemic to the Link, it has been found that bisphenol-
Western Ghats, as the ‘Maveli’ frog. A (BPA) a toxic chemical which is


being prohibited in feeding bottles for progression of cancer and interferes

babies. with the development of the
• As per the current Bureau of Indian reproductive system
Standard (BIS) regulations, the use of • Epidemiological studies of children
BPA is prohibited, but the current indicate correlations between BPA
study observed the migration of BPA exposure and heart diseases, liver
in baby feeding bottle samples. toxicity, and metabolic syndrome
Related Information (diabetes obesity).
Bisphenol-A (BPA) Topic- GS Paper 3 –Science and
• BPA is an endocrine-disrupting Technology
chemical that has been accepted as Source- Down to Earth
the “chemical of concern” globally.
• The toxic chemical is known to mimic
a hormone that activates the



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