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Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry 1993;56:159-166 159

Three arms: a case study of supernumerary

phantom limb after right hemisphere stroke
Peter W Halligan, John C Marshall, Derick T Wade

Abstract ted by Ehrenwald.'° A 59 year old right

A case of supernumerary phantom limb is hemisphere stroke patient is described who,
described after a haematoma within the according to his doctor, complained of having
right basal ganglia. The phantom, which a "nest of hands in his bed". This patient, with
persisted for many months, occurred in left homonomous hemianopia and complete
the context of severe left hemiplegia, sen- paralysis of the left arm and leg, requested that
sory loss, hemianopia, and neglect. The the "hands" should be amputated and put in a
subjective reality of this "third arm" bag. Six days after the stroke, when the patient
caused the patient considerable distress, was fully oriented and aware of his hemiplegia,
which was not ameliorated by his attempts he maintained that his old left hand had begun
to rationalise its existence. Although to shrink and that a new hand had emerged,
deeply confused by the phantom, the becoming fleshier and more voluminous. Sub-
patient was otherwise fully oriented, with sequent questioning confirmed that the patient
a high verbal IQ, and normal cognition. believed in the existence of several hands
Two distinct formal interpretations of the (without arms), two on the left and one on the
phenomenon are discussed. right, the former of which were thought to be
located in the region of his left knee. Ehren-
(7 Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1993;56:159-166) wald notes that the patient attempted to
rationalise what he was saying, "wondering
about the likelihood of what was happening".
For over a century it has been known that The patient's condition persisted for several
many patients with brain damage are unaware months after the stroke. Other patients, with
of the very deficits that give rise to their right hemiplegia after left hemisphere damage,
impaired performance in everyday life. This have been reported by Pineas" and Van
lack of awareness (or anosognosia) in patients Bogaert."2 In the latter case, an infarct of the
who otherwise appear to have normal cogni- optic thalamus and internal capsule was con-
tion poses serious problems for rehabilitation firmed at necropsy. In his book on the parietal
as they often fail to appreciate the relevance of lobes, Critchley4 briefly describes several case
remedial interventions and overestimate their studies. These patients did not show anosog-
functional abilities.' 2 Cutting's3 major study nosia for hemiplegia of the upper limb. Critch-
of anosognosia after acute stroke found that ley maintains that the vividness of the
87% of left hemiplegics showed "anosognosic supernumerary phantom limb can be modified
phenomena"; most patients (58%) denied left by mescaline, and that the percept disappears
side weakness, while the remainder exhibited when the paralysed arm is moved in the
symptoms which ranged from a feeling of direction of the phantom or when the affected
"nonbelonging" for the left limb to a lack of left arm is touched by the patient's right arm.
appropriate concern for the existing deficit Clinical reports of supernumerary phantom
(anosodiaphoria). The only "anosognosic fea- limbs after stroke are rare.4 101314 Unlike the
ture", Cutting's term for "other abnormal lack of awareness shown in most anosognosic
attitudes to a weak limb", not found in his phenomena, the experience of a phantom third
large study was belief in a phantom limb. When limb is a positive phenomenon"5 and raises
the real limb is present, as in the case of stroke, theoretical questions about the nature of cog-
Neuropsychology Unit, this phenomenon is referred to as super- nitive processes involved in conscious aware-
University numerary phantom limb4 or phantom third ness. In the past, most of the reports have only
Department of limb.5 6 provided scant details about the quality and
Clinical Neurology,
The Radcliffe Although phantom limbs occur in the vast extent of the patients' belief; little is known
Infirmary, Oxford, majority of patients with limb amputations and about how these patients behave when con-
and Rivermead are commonly found after avulsion or anaes- fronted with or challenged about the peculiar-
Rehabilitation Centre,
Oxford thetic block of the brachial plexus,6 the persist- ity of their belief. We now report a case of
P W Halligan ing belief in the existence of an additional limb supernumerary phantom limb in a patient who
J C Marshall
after unilateral stroke is very unusual.7 Indeed, was followed up for several months after his
D T Wade stroke.
its presence after stroke is not expected given
Correspondence to:
Dr Halligan, Rivermead clinical reports5 8 I that cerebral lesions that
Rehabilitation Centre, compromise somatic sensation in patients with Patient description
Abingdon Road, Oxford A 65 year old, right handed retired legal
OXI 4XD, UK. prior amputations can result in the disap-
Received 18 March 1992 pearance of the phantom limb. executive was admitted to hospital with a
and in revised form 6 May One of the few detailed accounts of super- stroke on 8 August 1987. The symptoms
Accepted 27 May 1992. numerary phantom limb after stroke is repor- included a left hemiplegia, poor concentration,
160 Halligan, Marshall, Wade

left sensory loss, left hemianopia and the Over the next 5 months there was minimal
occasional denial that his left arm or leg were improvement in mobility and self care skills.
his own. Rationalisation for this denial Psychiatric investigations over this period con-
stemmed from the belief that his left limb(s) centrated on the patient's low mood, irritabil-
had previously been amputated. ity and organic emotionalism but no hard
Relevant past history involved hospital biological features of depression were found.
admission in September 1985 for persisting Discharged from the Rivermead Rehabilitation
diarrhoea, skin rash, arthritis and a weak right Centre on 2 April 1988 with a dense left
arm. Neurological symptoms also present at hemiplegia and sensory loss, the patient con-
this time included temporary sensory loss and tinued to be dependent in many activities of
motor weakness in the right arm accompanied daily living. His condition deteriorated and 6
by finger/nose ataxia. CT scan revealed evi- months after discharge he died of broncho-
dence of general cerebellar and cerebrum pneumonia.
atrophy but no evidence of a focal lesion. The
patient was finally diagnosed as having hyper- Neuropsychological investigations
eosinophilic syndrome with polyarteritis At Rivermead, the patient was evaluated on a
nodosa; this required treatment with steroids number of cognitive and perceptual tests. On
after which there was rapid improvement. the Behavioural Inattention Test'6 he showed
There was also a history of excessive alcohol impairment of visual attention on 3 of the 6
drinking which had ceased three years pre- tests (letter cancellation, star cancellation and
viously. figure copying). When administered the
On 19 October 1987, medical examination National Adult Reading Scale (NART)17 on 2
revealed a dense loss of sensation and proprio- November 1987 he made only two errors,
ception with complete flaccid weakness of the yielding a predicted verbal IQ (VIQ) of 127.
left side. Visual fields were full to confrontation Tested on the 5 verbal subtests from the WAIS-
and there was no visual extinction. CT scan on R on the same date he obtained a VIQ of 1 6.
20 September 1987 showed a large intra- These scores are located in the high average to
cerebral haematoma within the right basal superior range. Immediate verbal memory was
ganglia with blood in the right lateral ventricle, above average (Logical memory: immediate
third ventricle and fourth ventricle (fig 1). recall of 15-5), while delayed memory was
normal for a man of his age. Performance
subtests were attempted but were severely
affected by visual difficulties. His direct copy of
the Rey-figure was extremely poor (17/47).
Delayed recall of the Rey (as a percentage of
his original copy) was 0. The patient showed
no signs of perseverative behaviour, either in
general conversation or on formal testing.
Investigation of anosognosic phenomena
When directly questioned at the Radcliffe
Infirmary the patient had on several occasions
denied ownership of his left arm and leg. On
two separate occasions (25 September and 14
October 1987) he maintained that his left leg
and arm had been amputated in 1964. No
mention was made by clinical staff that the
patient believed in the existence of a phantom
third limb.
When admitted to Rivermead 2 months after
his stroke, the patient was assessed for autoto-
pagnosia;'8 he could name all 18 bodily parts
pointed to on the patient's own body, and on
the examiner's body. Asked to execute a simple
drawing of a man from memory, he produced
an adequate representation which included a
head, two arms, two legs and a torso (fig 2).
Anosognosic phenomena were formally
assessed using Cutting's questionnaire3 on 22
October 1987. This revealed no explicit evi-
dence of anosognosia for the hemiplegic limbs,
non-belonging, or denial of the handicaps
associated with stroke. Furthermore, the
patient could not be described as showing
anosodiaphoria as subsequent questioning
revealed reasonable insight and concern about
the effects of the stroke. The only anomalous
and striking feature was his firmly held belief in
the existence of a third arm which he claimed
Figure 1 CT scan showing a large haematoma within the right basal ganglia. originated from the top left corner of his torso.
Three arms: a case study of supernumerary phantom limb after right hemisphere stroke 161

Figure 2 The patient's haemorrhage at the Radcliffe... I did not

drawing of a man. know I had it ... but that's what my wife said
to me. . . they took me to intensive care ..
and then they discharged me here.
E What can you not do at the moment?
P I can't use my left hand or my left side ... I
can't do anything with them . .. it's a terrible
stroke condition . .. it's like a sack of coal ...
I'm like an unguided missile ... I fall all over
the place.
E Can you tell me anything about your left
P I can't do anything with it!
E Where is your left arm?
P It's here (indicating with his head and eyes
towards the left side).
E Can you show it to me?
P Yes (points to the left hand with the right
E Can you just pick it up for me? (Does so) ...
Good ... Is there any history attached to your
P No.
E J7ust a normal hand?
P That's right.
E You were telling me yesterday something differ-
Unlike patients with other anosognosic phe- ent about your hands?
nomena which are usually observed in the P Yes, I have a third one.
acute stages of stroke, this patient was unusual E A third one?
in that he continued to hold a strong and P Yes.
persisting belief in the existence of a third arm E Where is that?
for several months. P It is in the middle.
At this point, the patient was asked to
Investigation of the phantom limb indicate the "third limb" on the examiner's
During the first three months at Rivermead, drawing of a man. His performance is shown in
the patient was seen on many occasions to fig 3. The interview was then continued:
investigate and document his belief in the E Can you show the middle one to me?
existence of a supernumerary phantom limb. P It's the dead one, it was taken off 20 years ago
While he reliably confirmed the belief in the by Dr(X) . . . I'm a bit vague about this, they
existence of his "third arm" on each occasion, tried to tell me I never had it off. . . a phantom
he was always unwilling to volunteer additional limb .., they tried to tell me I never had it
information unless specifically asked. On sev- off ... I did . .. I know that.
eral later occasions (in November and Decem- E Why did they take it off?
ber 1987) he specifically requested that this P They took it off because presumably it needed
line of questioning be changed since the taking off. . . I don't know, he's the surgeon.
subject matter clearly disturbed him.
On October 23, three days after admission, an
interview with the patient was recorded to
investigate the nature of his belief in the
existence of a third arm, which he had men-
tioned during a clinical assessment the day
before. At the time of the interview he was fully
cooperative and seemed pleased to talk about
himself and his previous work. The patient was
mentally alert and coherent, scoring 9/10 on
the Hodkinson's mental orientation test,"9 and
he showed a good grasp of current affairs.
Extracts from the interview follow (where E is
the examiner and P the patient):
* You had a stroke in Jtuly of this year?
P Yes... I went along to see my local doctor
because I was not feeling well. He decided to
admit me to Radcliffe. . . brought me in by
ambulance ... I was in there for two weeks.
E You told me that as a result of the stroke you
can't move certain parts of your body?
P That's right . .. the left side. It's a dense stroke Figure 3 The patient's drawing of his "third arm" on
as they call it ... and I had a massive the examiner's drawing of a man.
162 Halligan, Marshall, Wade

E What do you think was wrong with your P No, I can't.

hand? E Where has it gone now?
P I think it was just a waste of time ... it was P It's obviously wasted away.
doing nothing. E Does it come back?
E So tell me now at the moment, how many hands P Yes, it does. They tell me that it was never taken
do you have? off... I don't believe that.
P Three. E Why do you think it's difficult to explain three
E Three! ... Show me your right hand (raises arms?
right arm). Count the number of hands you P It's an unusual number... unusual... I
have for me. don't know. I'm in a muddle about it, I really
P (Looking down and pointing)... One... don't know what to call it . .. I think it has just
two ... three. been left there . .. there seems to be quite a lot of
E How many actually work? heat in it. It's quite warm . .. warmer than the
P Two. other hand.
E Two of them work? Where are the good working E Do you think the surgeons could do anything
hands located? about it?
P On the right side and the left side and the P I don't think they could do anything. I think
middle I suppose. they just left if there . . . it seemed tidier to do
* So which one does not work? it.
P The one in the middle. E Could they take it off again?
E How is the middle one attached to your body? P No, they could not ... I don't know.
P It's not ... it's attached but detached in the E What did they do to your arm?
sense of it was taken off. . . I don't know. I P They took it off.
really don't know. I'm in a muddle about E So if they took it off, then you would pre-
this. sumably have only one arm left wouldn't you?
E It's quite confusing, isn't it? P That's right.
P Yes, it is... I know that the right one is E But you claim to have three arms!
alright. P Yes.
F Can you move the left one? E So it would seem as if they have given you
P Yes, I can but not very much ... I can't do another one back ... ?
very much with it. P Yes. .. it's very confusing ... I don't know
* Where is the other hand that does not work? what to do.
P In the middle ... (pointing with right hand). E I don't seem to have worked this out exactly ...
E Does it fit under your clothes? they took offyour arm . .. and now you claim
P No, it does not.. no, it is not covered with to have three arms . .. sounds confusing!
any clothes. P Yes I think so ... I'm getting a bit tired.
E Does it get cold? E Is there anything else you would like to
P Yes, it does get cold. mention?
* Can you feel it? P No, I don't think so, it's very confusing ... I
P Yes, I do! agree with you, it does not seem to help at all. I
E So sometimes this third hand gets cold? don't seem to be as clear on the subject as I
P Yes, it does. should be.
E What do you think of a person having three Subsequent discussions with the patient on
hands? 4th and 9th of November, and on the 7th
P It's an odd situation! ... I'm a bit vague about December confirmed his persisting belief in
it I must say. the existence of a "third arm" and his dis-
After a short break the interview resumed: comfort about holding such a belief. He
* OK, now I want you to raise your right hand maintained that the third hand was similar to
(P raises his right hand). Now raise your left his other hands and when asked indicated that
hand (grasps his left hand with his right, and the thumb of the "third arm" was located on
then raises it). Can you raise your middle the right side of the hand when the palm was
hand? below. The phantom would accordingly seem
P No, I can't ... it's dead ... it's not connected to be a left arm.
to me anymore. The following are excerpts from the inter-
E Whereabouts is it? view on 9 November 1987:
P It's tucked away down here! (Points to left E How is your right arm?
side) . . . It's an artificial limb. P It's fine. But I had a dense stroke down the left
E Can you touch it? side of my body.
P Yes, I can, I can find bits of it in the bed ... it's E Now, tell me about your left arm.
in 3 pieces ... I think. P There seems to be a problem about that ... I
E How many legs do you have? had one arm amputated in the Radcliffe . .. It
P Three ... no, only got two legs. was in October 1964, October the twentieth
* But you said you have three arms. under Dr (X).
P Yes, and this arm is an awful nuisance, keeps E Which arm was amputated?
getting in the way. P It was the left and there's another one, a middle
E Can you shake hands with this other arm? one.
P No, I can't. E Can you point to your left arm? (P does so.)
E Could I touch it? P That's the left one... it's very thin. There
P Yes, you could. appears to be a third one.
E Could you show me where it is? E Whereabouts is the third one?
Three arms: a case study of supernumerary phantom limb after right hemisphere stroke 163

P In the middle of the other two. You can see three how many arms would you have?
sometimes. P Two... or three. I know it's a nonsense. I
E Does that mean that sometimes you can't see don't know whether I'm coming or going.
three? At this point the patient began to show signs
P That's right. of agitation and we finished this line of
E Can you see three now? investigation.
P No, just two. .. I sometimes see the third
arm. Writing with the "left" hand
E Can you feel it? An incident related to the foregoing descrip-
P Yes, occasionally. tions of the phantom limb occurred during the
E Do You feel you can move it? November follow up. On this occasion the
P I can move it a litde bit. . . but it's an effort. patient was involved in several tasks which
Normally I can't move it. required him to draw and write with his non-
E Can you feel a touch on it? affected right hand. Towards the end of one
P I don't know about that. session, he was requested to write his signature
E At the moment, how many arms do you on a blank page. Picking up the pen with his
have? right hand, he wrote his signature which,
P Two, with an occasional third. I'm not sure why although slightly unstable, was accomplished
I had it amputated. with ease. A copy of this signature using the
E How many arms did you have before one was right hand is shown in fig 4a. When he put
amputated? down the pen with his right hand, the patient
P Two. was asked if he could write his signature with
E Whereabouts was the one that was ampu- his left hand (he had previously declared that
tated? the "third arm" was not capable of being
P It was my left one, I think. controlled directly by him for such a task). To
E If your left arm was amputated, which arm is our surprise, he said that he could write his
this (E points to P's left arm)? signature with his left arm. Requested to do so,
P The right one. he picked up the pen with his right hand and
E And which arm is this (E points to P's right proceeded to write a second signature directly
arm)? below the first. This second signature (per-
P I couldn't tell you. It sounds nonsense I know. formed approximately one minute after the
E 7ust tell me again, which arm is this (E points previous attempt) contained only his surname.
to P's right arm)? A copy of this signature using what the patient
P The right one. "believed" to be his left hand is shown in fig
E And this one (E points to P's left arm)? 4b.
P The left one. Inspection of the two signatures reveals
E And which arm was amputated? considerable constructional and stylistic differ-
P The left one. There are limits to the amount that ences, differences one would not expect from a
you question me about this. It's a nonsense I patient writing his signature twice in succes-
know. sion with an unaffected hand. The first sig-
nature (fig 4a) shows strong pen pressure and
To investigate the possibility of a more basic good fluency while figure 4b displays poor
disorder of calculation, we examined the construction and lighter pen pressure.
patient's simple arithmetic the next day (10 The patient's acknowledgement that he
November 1987). This interview was struc- could use his left arm to write represents the
tured to elicit "abstract" calculation before the first and only instance of what might be
patient was required to report the number of described as "implicit" anosognosia or "denial
arms he perceived himself to have. of handicap".20 That is, although direct ques-
E How's your arithmetic? tioning produced awareness of the physical
P Fairly good ... I sometimes had to look at the deficits associated with his stroke, this partic-
E So if I asked you what one and one is, you
would say ...?
P TwO.
E And two plus one . . . ?
P Is three. C.AGA~~
E Three minus one?
P That would make two.
E And two minus one?
P One. This is not difficult.
E How many arms do people usually have?
P Two.
E And if someone lost an arm, they would
P Just the one.
E How many arms do you have?
P Three.
E How did that happen? Figure 4 a) (top) Copy of the patient's signature using
his right hand; b) (bottom) Copy of the patient's signature
P I had one amputated. with what he claimed to be his left hand but which was
E If you had two arms and one was amputated, performed using his right hand
164 Halligan, Marshall, Wlade

ular indirect request showed a lack of aware- initially refers to his "third" arm both as an
ness of one of the major consequences of his "artificial limb" and as a "phantom limb". The
left sided hemiplegia. Unfortunately, it was not examiners never referred to it as such in front
possible to pursue these investigations further of the patient. It is no esoteric medical knowl-
at this stage; probing discussions on the subject edge that phantoms are frequently felt after
of his arms clearly disturbed the patient. amputation and accordingly the patient con-
cludes that to explain the phantom he must
have undergone an amputation of a limb. As an
Discussion intelligent, well educated man, he then
The main point to stress in any discussion of attempts to explain the existence of the third
the patient's behaviour is that he appeared limb in terms of two hypotheses. (He appears
completely rational on all topics broached unable to accept the existence of the phantom
other than those concerning the "third arm". without attempting to explain it.)
Indeed, even with respect to this delusional 5) He conjectures that his "real" left arm has
belief, normal rationality is not far removed as been amputated, and that he accordingly
the patient was well aware of the irrationality of suffers from (and undoubtedly feels) a phan-
what he claimed to be experiencing. Thus to tom left arm. This hypothesised amputation
argue that the patient is "merely confused" has the effect of sustaining and supporting his
would fail to do justice to the complexity of his percept of a third arm. The hypothesis cannot,
otherwise apparently normal cognition. To however, be entirely satisfactory to him. On
argue that his delusion is "encapsulated" formal questioning throughout our interviews
would fail to capture his at times considerable he is consistently aware that he does have a real
insight into the oddity of his own beliefs.2" left arm (albeit one that is paralysed); that is,
Psychodynamic explanations in the traditional he does not demonstrate anosognosia for
sense of the term22 are not appropriate. The hemiplegia. Since knowledge of supernumer-
patient's "third arm" is not a defensive reac- ary phantom limb after stroke is specialised
tion to his impairment; the "third arm" pro- medical information (not part of the general
vokes annoyance and dismay rather than knowledge of most educated people), the
psychological benefit.21 patient is forced into an even more bizarre
Any interpretation of the patient's "delu- hypothesis.
sion" must accordingly account for the ration- 6) He conjectures that he really did once have
ality of his thoughts as well as the bizarre a genuine third arm ("dead arm" or "middle
conclusions to which some of them lead him. arm") which was then amputated. But this
His "psychopathology" cannot simply be hypothesis is likewise not satisfactory to the
explained at the level of an encapsulated patient who on direct questioning shows that
delusional belief system since it is apparent he knows full well that he had a normal
that he often has good access to the nature of complement of arms (namely two) before his
what is irrational in his thought processes. The stroke (and hence before the purported
analytic task is thus to give a cognitive explana- "amputation" of one of them).
tion of the patient's "reasoning" that covers Thus, however, he manipulates these two
both his reasonable and his "pathological" hypotheses, but they can only account for
beliefs. some not all of the data available to him
The most straightforward account would (where those data include the constraints of
seem to be this: arithmetic, general knowledge, logical reason-
1) The brain damage sustained by the patient ing, autobiographical knowledge and phenom-
is the proximal and sufficient cause of his left enological experience). The absurdity of these
hemiplegia and dense loss of left-sided sensa- tentative explanations is shown up when, the
tion. Furthermore, he is clearly aware of the patient upon formal questioning is forced to
consequences of his stroke: "I can't use my left re-examine their veracity. His "confusion"
hand or left side." ("It's a nonsense I know") is well justified but
2) This sensory impairment is analogous to he can do no better in interpreting to himself
the loss of afferent information after lesion of the full range of consequences of his brain
the peripheral nerves, the brachial plexus, the damage. The patient's "numerical" confusion
spinal roots, or the spinal cord.6 23 24 follows from his switching between these two
3) Just as destruction of the sensory roots inadequate hypotheses. If he consistently
often leads to the phenomenological experi- believed that his (real) left arm had been
ence of a supernumerary third limb, so in this amputated he could (at worst) claim to have
case, severe sensory and proprioceptive loss two arms; a real right arm and a phantom left
provokes the innate "neuromatrix"6 of the arm. But since he is aware of the presence of
body image into constructing a phantom. his (paralysed) left arm, the phantom must be
Levine, Calvanio and Rinn21 interpret this a third arm. In all these respects, the patient's
phenomenon in terms of "perceptual comple- manifest disquiet is a reflection of "cognitive
tion". dissonance"26 that cannot logically be resolved
4) The patient now needs to explain to himself given the two hypothetical explanations put
the phenomenological reality of this phantom forward. The belief system always comes full
arm, located on the left side of his body, in the circle, and is self-perpetuating despite its con-
light of his otherwise intact awareness of the spicuous inadequacy. This description con-
world. He attempts to explain the existence of cludes our first hypothesis.
the third arm in terms of what he understands There are, however, problems with this
about "phantom limbs". The patient himself explanation. Supernumerary phantom limb
Three arms: a case study of supernumerary phantom limb after right hemisphere stroke 165

consequent upon lesions of the CNS is an arm is not paralysed in circumstances where I
extremely rare phenomenon. Yet left hemipar- do not have a left arm.
esis, left sensory loss, and left neglect are The patient's conscious rationalisations for
common after right hemisphere damage, the presence of the phenomenological third
including basal ganglia stroke.27 Why then do arm would then proceed as in the previous
the vast majority of these patients not experi- account we gave. The two interpretations differ
ence a supernumerary phantom? We have in one respect only. On the first hypothesis, the
mentioned previously that in patients who supernumerary phantom is a direct result of
experience a phantom after amputation, that brain damage; on the second, the phenomeno-
phantom usually disappears if a cerebral lesion logical experience of the phantom is itself
is subsequently sustained.5 In our case, the mediated by the way in which the patient
phantom is consequent upon a cerebral lesion. comes to represent the effects of his hemiplegia
Accordingly, a tentative alternative explanation to himself. Although sensory and motor loss
for the patient's "delusional belief' is that the are usually found together (as in our case) our
phantom may be a derived phenomenon; that second (derived) hypothesis suggests that the
is, it may be produced by unconscious cogni- supernumerary phantom is determined more
tive processes that are a response to his by motor than by sensory loss. Cases of
fluctuating awareness of his primary neuro- supernumerary phantom have been observed
logical deficits. after both left and right hemiparesis (see
A second hypothesis argued along the fol- introduction). By contrast, an association with
lowing lines may thus be possible. Although somatosensory receiving areas and adjacent
the patient usually showed reasonable insight parietal cortex would be more consistent with
into the fact that his left arm was paralysed, our first hypothesis.6
there are some occasions when he did not There is nothing intrinsically implausible
appear to be fully aware of his hemiparesis. If about our second hypothesis. It is known, for
therefore he represented to himself the two example, that conceptually-driven "experi-
propositions my left arm is paralysed and my left ence" can be phenomenologically indistin-
arm is not paralysed, this would lead to a classic guishable from perceptually-driven experience
contradiction in a logical system. It is a in normal subjects.29 Likewise, many visual
characteristic of any standard logistic system illusions bear witness to the fact that uncon-
that from such a contradiction any and all scious inference can create phenomenolog-
propositions can be derived. If we-assume that ically real percepts that the normal subject
for ordinary people (as opposed to logicians), "knows" to be ridiculous, without that knowl-
the propositions actually drawn from a contra- edge influencing in any way the phenomeno-
dicuon must be relevant to the initial prem- logical reality of the percept; the Ames room
ises,28 then an appropriate conclusion from the provides one such example30 (see also Shal-
three premises: 1) I have a normal right arm, lice3). When a non-rectangular room is con-
2) I have a paralysed left arm and 3) I have a structed to appear rectangular from a given
normal left arm is indeed I have three arms. vantage point, then a person walking along the
That is, I must have two arms to the left of my rear wall will appear to shrink and grow. In the
right arm. pathological literature, it is similarly possible
It may be that the patient drew such an that certain reduplicative paramnesias (Cap-
(unconscious) inference, but because the gras syndrome, for example) have a strong
remainder of his cognitive system was intact, cognitive component. The phenomenological
he was, in addition, acutely aware that any experience that impostors have been substi-
such conclusion was, in his own words, "a tuted for family members32 could be cogni-
nonsense". He cannot fully believe the con- tively derived from more basic prosopagnosic
scious product of his unconscious reasoning. and affective impairments.33
Consequently, further attempts to probe the Although serious study of these topics is only
details of this contradictory delusional belief just beginning,3435 both explanations appear
usually led to the patient becoming agitated, consistent with the general framework for the
confused and upset. The critical premise for interpretation of anosognosic phenomena put
the establishment of this line of argument is, of forward by Bisiach and Geminiani.2' We also
course, the claim that the patient sometimes note that the apparent rarity of supernumerary
entertained the proposition my left arm is not phantoms after cerebral lesions may be mis-
paralysed. There is some (albeit admittedly leading; such phenomena could be more com-
weak) evidence for this in our interviews. For mon were investigators to specifically look for
the most part, the patient is well aware of his them.
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