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Short summary: Produce a recorded presentation of you and your partner presenting the
analysis of your Assignment 2 data. Imagine that you are pitching your business idea to an

Description: The task is to analyse the data that you have collected in Assignment 2, using the
knowledge obtained and skills developed throughout this unit. This analysis should be
presented in a clear, compelling and professional manner. This presentation should be
recorded and submitted in a video format via YouTube link (see a separate document
describing submission process). If you and your partner cannot be in the same location when
recording a video, record two videos separately and merge them into one using software
available on your PC. However, merged video should still look like it is ‘one’, joint video. If you
and your partner are in the same location when filming this video, make sure that you both
are visible in the video throughout the presentation.

The main goal is to use the data to help you and others to make informed decisions. Based on
the data you’ve collected and analyzed, is your business idea feasible? Why yes, or why no?
What data you do you have to support this? If your data suggests the idea is feasible, what
would be your suggested next steps to establish this business idea? If data suggests that your
idea is not feasible, what changes should you make to the idea / proposition to make it work?
Make sure that in your presentation you focus on the quantitative aspect (‘75% of
respondents strongly agree that…’) as much as on the qualitative (‘Some of the suggestions
from respondents were….’).

This task should be completed in same pairs as in Assignment 2. This assignment accounts for
45% of the overall assessment in this unit, however part of this mark is allocated for individual
contribution (see marking rubric), hence two people in the pair might get different marks for
this assignment.

1. Record the video presentation as described above. The duration of the presentation
should be no longer than 5 minutes, but not shorter than 4 minutes;
2. Use visual aids (either a poster, whiteboard, PowerPoint presentation, Prezi, info
graphic or other visual medium) to help to convey your message;
3. At the beginning of the presentation you should introduce yourself and show your
student ID to the camera;
4. Use language that is appropriate for a broad business audience and look professionally
(you should wear clothes suitable for business environment);
5. Your presentation should be interesting, engaging and informative.


1. Video. You will need to upload a link to your video on YouTube via LMS. Either add the link
directly to the submission field or paste your link to a MS Word document and submit it
electronically. Only one team member needs to upload the link.

2. Peer Evaluation Form. Individually please complete peer evaluation form and upload it to
LMS by the assignment deadline. Both students have to complete and upload the forms
individually. Marks can be increased or reduced based on this form.

Both items 1 & 2 have to be submitted online on LMS by 31st May, 12pm (noon).

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