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From: Reidfleflsen

To: IsmalLAhmsd; KW
Cc: WM; 19mm
Subject: RE: Funding status: we need to schedule travel for a termination
Date: Friday, December 07, 2018 2:28:33 PM

Ok. Kate, let’s start planning Our travel. _

From: Ismail Ahmed

Sent: Friday, December 07,2018 2:21 PM
To: Katharine R. Kerr; Reid Nelson '
Cc: Tom McCulloch; John Fowler
Subject: RE: Funding status: we need to schedule travel for a termination

To follow up on John’s response, we have depleted and exceeded our CR budget and the additional
14 days extension/funding does not get us back in the black. With that said, the system does not
prevent the creating of Travel Authorization, so the hope would be that the full year s appropriation
is enacted before the travel cost is incurred. -

' ~ismail
(202) 517-0204

From: John Fowler

Sent: Friday, December 07, 2018 11:56 AM
To: Reid Nelson; IsmailAhmed
Cc: Torn McCulloch; Katharine R. Kerr
Subject: Re: Funding status: we need to schedule travel for a termination

| see no reason we can't. J

From: Reid Nelson _

Sent: Friday, December 7, 2018 11:21 AM
To: Ismail Ahmed; John Fowler
Cc: Tom McCulloch; Katharine R. Kerr
Subject: RE: Funding status: we need to schedule travel for a termination

ls'mail/Joh n,

I need to know in the next few business hours whether we can spend money on travel for me
and Kate to Washington State from December 18 —- 20, let’s say at about $1100 each give or
take. Please confirm, that will inform our communication with members and the public later
today about a public meeting we need to arrange with Navy.

From: Katharine R. Kerr

' Sent: Friday, December 07, 2018 9:58 AM
To: Ismail Ahmed
Cc: Reid Nelson; Tom McCulloch
Subject. Funding status: we need to schedule travel for a termination
Importance: High


Can you provide me with a status on our funding situation? We would like to'schedule travel
for December 18th through the 20th for our termination case in WA.

We need'to know ifthis is possible or if we are going to have to wait until after December 21“.




Katharine R. Kerr
Program Analyst
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
Office of Federal Agency Programs

401 F Street, NW
Suite 308
Washington, DC 20001-2637
Phone: (202) 517-0216
Fax: (202) 517—6384
E-mail: W391

Check out our new W website for Section 106 classroom, webinar, and e—
learning courses taught by experienced ACHP staff. Register today for the new one—day
W in DC on October :10 or San Francisco on November 14!

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