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Faculty of Engineering-Cairo university,

Mechanical Engineering Department;2nd year.

Liquid Filling Machines.

Dr. Maha Amin.

Name Sec. BN.

Ahmed Ayman Ahmed Ahmed Mahmoud. 1 6
Ahmed Hamed AbdElwahab ElSayed. 1 10
Abdelrhman Kamal Abdalla Mohamed. 3 16
Mohamed Essam AboElfotoh. 5 17
Mohamed Mostafa Mohamed Mostafa Shehab. 5 26
Mahmoud Ahmed ElSayed Kassab. 5 33
Youssef Gamal Hassan Mohamed. 6 35
Over the past years, manufacturing systems are seeking to improve its
production rates. Recently the global competition is deeply affected by
automation concept and strategies in the industries and plants to increase
its Productivity. Automation has impacted a wide range of industries
beyond manufacturing through the reduction of production time,
improved system performance and process control. Out of these all type
of industries, filling is a task in which any item liquid or solid are filled
into the bottle or container. Liquid filling machines are equipment used
for packaging of various liquid products, mainly food and cold drinks.
These machines are usually found in manufacturing industry to promote
quality and efficiency on the manufacturing process. As manual filling
methods being used are resulting in low production outputs and losses
through spillages. So all the industries worldwide are moving towards the

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Table of Contents
Introduction .................................................................................................4
1. Objective .................................................................................................5
2. Problem Definition .................................................................................5
2.1 Geneva Mechanism ...........................................................................5
2.2 Liquid filling technique .....................................................................6
3. Problem Solution ....................................................................................6
3.1 Flow Chart .........................................................................................7
3.2 Inputs .................................................................................................8
3.3 Assumption ........................................................................................8
3.4 Solution Steps ....................................................................................8
3.5 Outputs ...............................................................................................9
4. Code ......................................................................................................11
4.1 code for function ..............................................................................11
4.2 code for application (pushbutton code) ...........................................12
5. Appendix ...............................................................................................14
6. Recommendation ..................................................................................15
Conclusion ................................................................................................16
References .................................................................................................17

List of Figures
Fig. (1) Geneva Mechanism. ......................................................................5

Fig. (2) Filling Line. . .................................................................................6

Fig. (3) Solution Steps' Flowchart. . ...........................................................7

Fig. (4) Project Interface. ..........................................................................14

Page 3

From 1900s companies have evolved from regional firms that mainly
produced for local markets, to today's corporate giants that make products
for international markets. This shift began as companies in the
manufacturing sector adopted mass production techniques and processes.
In developing countries, the production of beverages, milk, mineral water
and cooking oil is a major support of the entire economy. Equipment for
liquid processing includes bottle filling machines. Enormous strides have
been made in the last twenty years on the size, speed, quality of
performance and complexity of bottle filling machines. One of the key
requirements of a filling machine is that the containers must be filled as
quickly as possible with an accurate quantity of the product. Filling
machines generally fill bottles at a specified rate however other machines
vary production rates so as to cater for high demand.

Page 4
1. Objective
The main objective of the project is to Design and Develop an
Automated liquid filling in bottles by using Geneva Mechanism. To
develop a filling machine which can fill different sizes of containers on
the bases of Fluid Mechanics, same principle can be used in different
industries like medicine, oil, chemical industries for filling liquid to
different sized component by one machine.

2. Problem Definition

Our problem consists of two main parts: the first part is Geneva
Mechanism, which uses to move the bottles, and the second part is
choosing liquid filling technique.

2.1 Geneva Mechanism

Geneva mechanism,[3] is otherwise called

as Geneva Stop, one of the most commonly
used devices for producing intermittent
rotary motion, characterized by alternating
periods of motion and rest with no reversal
in direction. It is also used for indexing
(i.e., rotating a shaft through a prescribed
angle). We choose the linear Geneva
Mechanism which is used to convert
continuous input rotary motion to indexing Fig. (1) Geneva Mechanism.
motion, which was useful to index the bottle at various stations. Geneva
mechanism has two main parts which are (i) Geneva driver and (ii) Geneva
drive. Use of motor for continuous rotary motion is a device which is used to
get continuous rotary motion from electric power supply. Generally motor
available in the market with output speed of 0.5 to 10 rpm.

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2.2 Liquid filling technique

To fill bottles or any container with fluid,

we need the fluid to be pressurized to flow
smoothly. So we need a pump. Pump is used
in filling stations to provide liquid from tank
to the filling nozzle with required amount of
pressure. It is also important to choose the
nozzle tip radius, because it will affect the
flow rate of the liquid.
Fig. (2) Filling Line.

3. Problem Solution

Our problem is very simple, we have bottles (known volume) and we

want to fill these bottles to a specific point with fluid (known its density).
From solving the Geneva mechanism we can get the time of stop which is
the time of filling one bottle, velocity of fluid to be supplied to get this
flow rate, velocity of production line, velocity of nozzle going vertically
to fill and preliminary calculations of productivity of the line by giving
number of bottles filled in a hour and the quantity of fluid need to fill
these bottles. Now we can choose the pump and the nozzle valve

The user we are targeting here is who thinks of opening a project of a

fluid filling production line and he wants to know the preliminary
calculations of productivity of the line.

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3.1 Flow Chart Start

Read (r,h,w,)

Read Θ=120°

Read x, Ꝭ, P


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Fig. (3) Solution Steps' Flowchart
We can define the inputs as follow;

3.2 Inputs

(w): Angular velocity of used motor line and its used range in real life
application for moving a production line and getting reasonable linear
velocity is 0.5 to 10 rpm.

(r,h): Radius and Height of the filling bottle to know the volume of
filling product.

(ρ): Density of fluid that been filled because it different from fluid to

(p): The needed pressure of fluid that applied from the pump that is
supplying the fluid.

3.3 Assumption

The product that to be filled is simplified to be a cylinder.

The angle of linear Geneva is designed to be 120° in touch and 240° free.

The length of nozzle is 20 (cm) and its range at moving to fill and getting
back is 10 (cm).

The distance between the bottle and the followed equal to 4 radius of

3.4 Solution Steps

Converting the angular velocity from rpm to rad/sec.

Then calculating the time forward and time backward for Geneva.
Tf= , Tr= .

The time to move the bottle is the time of backward Geneva.

The time for the nozzle to get downward and upward is 0.1 of the time
forward Geneva.
The time to fill one bottle is 0.9 of time forward Geneva.

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And calculating the volume of the bottle from the r,h that is given,
Linear velocity of the production line (vlinear) = distance between two
bottles / time of backward Geneva.

Calculating volume of cylinder

Calculating the flow rate of fluid from volume of bottle and time to be
filled Q=

Then taking this flow rate and pressure that is supplied and calculating
the velocity of fluid v =

Taking this flow rate and fluid speed and calculating the valve tip radius

Velocity of nozzle =

Then calculating the number of filled bottles in hour by dividing 1 hour

on the time of Geneva to do one cycle =

Calculating the quantity of fluid needed to fill these bottles by multiply

the number of bottle and the volume of one bottle.

3.5 Outputs

The outputs will be in three forms

First one (numerical results)
Volume of one bottle in (liter)
Time to fill one bottle in (sec)
Velocity need to be supplied to fluid in (m/s)
Radius of valve to supply this volumetric flow in (mm)
Number of bottle filled in one hour
Quantity need to be provided to fill these bottles in (liters)
The velocity of nozzle in (mm/s)
The linear velocity of the line production in (mm/s)

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Second one (graphical representation)

A graph illustrating the relation between the angular velocity of Geneva

and the production rate with considering that it is limited to the motor that
the user will use. With increasing the angular velocity, the fluid will need
to be increased in pressure or speed significantly and this will cause
turbulent flow in the bottle causing the fluid to reach the top without fully
filling the bottle.

Third one (animation)

An animation illustrating filling process of a bottle with same height and

taking the same time to fill as gotten from the application.

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4. Code
4.1 code for function
function [Tf,v,rv,NB,Vl] = filling (w,r,h,raw,p);
%w is angular velocity of used motor line
%r,h are radius and height of the filling bottle
%raw is the density of fluid that been filled
%p is needed pressure of fluid to supply
%N is angular velocity in rad/sec
%z is nozzle length
%d is the distance moved by nozzle in filling and exiting process
%x is distance between each two bottles
%ceta is the angle of linear genva production line
%vol is volume of one bottle
%Tf is time to fill the bottle
%Tr is time to line to move
%v is the fluid speed
%vline is linear speed of production line
%rv is radius of valve
%Vv is velocity of nozzle
%b is number of bottles to be filled in one hour
%Vl is volume of fluid needed to fill bottles in hour
w=input('Please enter your angular velocity in (rpm)in range of .5 to 10 :');
while (w>10 | w<.5)
w=input('Please enter the value in the range :');
r=input('please enter your bottle radius in (mm) :');
while (r<=0)
r=input('please enter a appropriate value :');
h=input('please enter your bottle height in (mm) :');
while (h<=0)
h=input('please enter a appropriate value :');
raw=input('please enter your fluid density in (kg/m^3) :');
while (raw<=0)
raw=input('please enter a appropriate value :');
p=input('please enter your fluid pressure in (bar) :');
while (p<=0)
p=input('please enter a appropriate value :');

Page 11
fprintf('volume of one bottle in (litre) = %.2f \n',vol);
fprintf('time to fill one bottle in (sec) = %.1f \n',.9*Tf);
fprintf('velocity need to be supplied to fluid in (m/s) = %.1f \n',v);
fprintf('radius of valve to supply this volumetric flow in(mm) = %.1f \n',rv*1000);
fprintf('number of bottle filled in one hour = %.1f \n',NB);
fprintf('quantity need to be provided to fill this bottles in (litres) = %.2f \n',Vl);
fprintf('the velocity of nozzle in (mm/s) = %.2f \n',Vv);
fprintf('the linear velocity of the line production in (mm/s) = %.1f \n',vline);
xlabel('angular velocity in (rpm)')
ylabel('number of bottle filled in one hour')
title('relation between angular velocity and number of bottle filled')

*The only addition of calculation and plotting in the code using (while)
function to prevent the user to insert zero or negative values because its
irrational in this calculation.

4.2 code for application (pushbutton code)

function button_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to button (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
%w is angular velocity of used motor line
%r,h are radius and height of the filling bottle
%raw is the density of fluid that been filled
%p is needed pressure of fluid to supply
%N is angular velocity in rad/sec
%z is nozzle length
%d is the distance moved by nozzle in filling and exiting process
%x is distance between each two bottles
%ceta is the angle of linear genva production line
%vol is volume of one bottle
%Tf is time to fill the bottle
%Tr is time to line to move
%v is the fluid speed
%vline is linear speed of production line
%rv is radius of valve
%Vv is velocity of nozzle
%b is number of bottles to be filled in one hour
%Vl is volume of fluid needed to fill bottles in hour
%f is filling time
%dh is the hight changing rate
w = str2double(get(handles.av, 'string'));
if (w>10 || w<.5)
set(handles.av, 'string' , 'please enter a appropriate value for angular velocity');
r = str2double(get(, 'string'));
if (r<=0)
set(, 'string' , 'please enter a appropriate value for raduis');
h = str2double(get(, 'string'));
if (h<=0)
set(, 'string' , 'please enter a appropriate value for height');

Page 12
raw = str2double(get(handles.den, 'string'));
if (raw<=0)
set(handles.den, 'string' , 'please enter a appropriate value for denisty');
p = str2double(get(handles.fp, 'string'));
if (p<=0)
set(handles.fp, 'string' , 'please enter a appropriate value for pressure');
set(handles.text1, 'string' , vol);
set(handles.text2, 'string' , .9*Tf);
set(handles.text3, 'string' , v);
set(handles.text4, 'string' , rv*1000);
set(handles.text5, 'string' , NB);
set(handles.text6, 'string' , Vl);
set(handles.text7, 'string' , Vv);
set(handles.text8, 'string' , vline);
xlabel('angular velocity in (rpm)')
ylabel('number of bottle filled in one hour')
title('relation between angular velocity and number of bottle filled')
for i=0:f
axis([0 2 0 h]);
ylabel('Hight of bottle')

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5. Appendix
Running the application

Fig. (4) Project Interface.

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6. Recommendation

We recommend using automated filling machines because it minimizes

human intervention and consequently reduces the number of workers and
human errors which saves time and money and enhances the quality.
From our research on the filling machines, we recommend using motor
with intermediate rotational speeds nearly 5 rpm to avoid spatter and
guarantee a smooth flow. However, using very low rotational speeds
implies very low productivity, on the other hand, high rotational speeds
causes spatter and the fluid reaches the required level before being
completely filled.

Page 15
Liquid filling machines are equipment used for packaging of various
liquid products, mainly food and cold drinks. Depending on the different
products, the different containers to be filled can either be a bottle or bag.
These machines are usually found in manufacturing industry to promote
quality and efficiency on the manufacturing process. In our proposed
technology we suggest automated liquid filling machine which will work
on gear pump. Gear pump will be synchronized with encoder will give
command to rotate particular rotation and hence pump will deliver
particular volume. Pump will be connected with nozzle to transfer
material into bottles. Volume setting from one size to another size will be
done by changing command to gear pump. Once it is calibrated, volume
setting will be done in seconds. So it will give more production and will
save lot of manpower.[2]

Page 16
1. Bipin Mashilkar, Pallavi Khaire, Girish Dalvi (2015), “Automated
Bottle Filling System”, International Research Journal of Engineering and
2. Sagar T Payghan, Rani H Deshmukh (2016), “Automation of Bottle
Filling Plant with Industry 4.0”, International Journal of Advanced
Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering.
3. Pratheep Kumar, Sanjay E (2016), “Design and Fabrication of Geneva
Conveyor for Material Inspection & Noise Reduction”, International
Journal for Scientific Research & Development.

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