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Enhancement of Microgrid Reliable Operation Using an Adaptive Protection Strategy

A graduate project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements

For the degree of Master of Science in Electrical Engineering

Keyvan Talebizadeh Sardari

December 2017
The graduate project of Keyvan Talebizadeh Sardari is approved:

_________________________________________ ______________
Dr. Ali Amini Date

_________________________________________ ______________
Dr. Xiaojun Geng Date

_________________________________________ ______________
Dr. Kourosh Sedghisigarchi, Chair Date

California State University, Northridge

Table of Contents

Signature Page .................................................................................................................... ii

Abstract ...............................................................................................................................v

Chapter 1: Protective devices...............................................................................................1

1.1 Relay definition and fundamentals ......................................................1
1.2 Relay types and their performance .....................................................1
1.3 OC relays coordination .......................................................................5

Chapter 2: Protection problems in presence of DGs and solutions ..................................12

2.1 Distribution system protection is affected by DGs ...........................12
2.2 Explanation of a theory ....................................................................12
2.3 Protection problems ..........................................................................15
2.4 Effective factors on protection system which need to be
considered whenever DG installs in DN ..........................................17
2.5 IEEE 1547 standard for interconnecting distributed resources
with electric power systems ..............................................................18
2.6 Other type of problems by DG connection to the DN ......................21
2.7 Solutions to retrieve the protection system ......................................21

Chapter 3: Microgrid control & adaptive protection technique ........................................22

3.1 Microgrid generic control system .....................................................22
3.2 Distribution network protection .......................................................27
3.3 Adaptive protection definition ..........................................................27
3.4 General requirements for adaptive protection ..................................28
3.5 Adaptive protection by using pre-calculated method .......................28
3.6 Adaptive protection by real-time calculated settings .......................31

Chapter 4: Simulation & result .........................................................................................32

4.1 Microgrid model specification and parameters ................................32
4.2 Fundamental concept for dynamic adaptive protection ....................32
4.3 No-DG scenario (Reference) .............................................................33
4.4 DG1 connected scenario ...................................................................37
4.5 DG2 connected scenario ...................................................................41
4.6 DG1 and DG2 connected scenario ...................................................44
4.7 Simulation .........................................................................................49
4.8 Results ..............................................................................................50

Chapter 5: Introduction to DigSILENT software programming language .......................52

5.1 How to build a Single Line Diagram (SLD) in DigSILENT ............52
5.2 DigSILENT Programming Language (DPL) ....................................53

Conclusion ........................................................................................................................57

References .........................................................................................................................59

Appendix A: Adaptive protection code in DigSILENT ...................................................61


Enhancement of Microgrid Reliable Operation Using an Adaptive Protection Strategy


Keyvan Talebizadeh Sardari

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering

The objective of this project is to apply adaptive protection technique as a noticeable

solution, to eradicate microgrid protection problems caused by connecting distributed
generation plants. From technical point of view, Distributed Generators (DGs) create more
stable and maneuverable power system by compensating voltage sag during the pick hours.
Although presence of DG in Distribution Network (DN), causes some problems in existing
power system. Concerns are different from a DN to another one and they depend on the
DN structure and topology. However, the main problem is always protection coordination
In this research, a Distribution Network (DN), is created in DigSILENT Powerfactory
software and an adaptive protection system is developed. Different scenarios for microgrid
operation are determined in software and protection scheme is able to distinguish these
distinctive modes of operation. Based on microgrid’s operation mode, protection system
changes the relays settings to guarantee proper coordination among protecting devices in
all modes.
This report includes a comprehensive study for different types of protective relays and their
performance along with an instruction of the Over-Current (OC) relays coordination. DN
protection problems in presence of DG are clarified later. This includes IEEE standards for
microgrid operation and protection.
Furthermore, adaptive protection fundamentals are developed. Modeling and simulation
results are performed using DigSILENT Powerfactory software including an introduction
about DigSILENT software programming language respectively. Finally, there is a
conclusion for all results and findings.

Chapter 1: Protective devices

1.1 Relay definition and fundamentals

Based on IEEE C37.90, 1989 Standard, relay is defined as “an electric device that is
designed to respond to input conditions in a prescribed manner and, after specified
conditions are met, to cause contact operation or similar abrupt change in associated
electric control circuits” (Protective Relaying, 4th Edition, Blackburn and Domin- 1).
In other word, a relay is an electrical agent sensing electrical quantities and comparing
them by predefined values. If variation exceeds for an acceptable tolerance, relay sends
operation command to interrupting device.
In power systems, a range of protective devices as well as protective relays are used:
1. Fuse (Fast & Slow)
2. Recloser (Fast & Slow)
3. Relay (different types)
Here, some basic and important definitions in protection are stated:
1- Reliability: it has two aspects, dependability and security. Dependability is the
ability of the protection scheme to act correctly when it is required while the security is the
ability to avoid unnecessary operation during normal operation of the power system [1].
In other word, the reliability is the ability of the protection system to operate when it is
necessary and to avoid operation when it is unnecessary.

2- Selectivity: each relay has an assigned protection area which is known as primary
zone, also they may provide backup protection for the area outside of their primary zone;
this backup area is also known as overreached zone. The protection for primary zone should
be as fast as possible while a delayed operation must be applied for backup zone; this delay
for backup zone provides a time interval for upstream relays to wait for downstream relays
to operate first, otherwise the backup relays operate and clear the fault which is located in
their backup zone and in primary zone of downstream relays. this is called coordination or
“Consequently, selectivity or coordination is important to assure maximum service
continuity with minimum system disconnection.” (Protective Relaying, 4th Edition,
Blackburn and Domin- 20).

1.2 Relay types and their performance

Relays are categorized base on their functionality as follows [11]:
- Overcurrent (OC) relay (50 & 51):
is a relay which reacts or picks up when its current exceeds from a predefined value [2].
Overcurrent relays can have instantaneous part with no intentional delay in operation. Also,
OC relays have inverse time current characteristic which means the higher the current, the
smaller the operating time. OC relays are simple protective devices because only one
variable, which is current, needs to be measured as relay’s input.
Different characteristics are defined by manufacturers for OC relays as indicated in figure1:

Figure 1. [1].

Distinctive characteristics for OC relay are considered by which different application and
proper coordination with other protective devices is achievable.
For example, designers use definite-time OC relay for systems in which the difference
between maximum and minimum fault currents is wide and simultaneously it is desired to
have a constant operation time for this range of fault currents.

- Differential relay (87):

is a relay which measures the same incoming and outgoing electrical quantity and operates
or picks up when there is an intolerable difference between measured quantities.
Differential relays traditionally are suitable to protect electrical components such as Buses,
Generators and transformers.

Figure 2. a) Normal operation b) Fault happens. Ie is CT excitation current [1].

- Directional (OC) relay (67):

is a relay which only operates or picks up when the measured current exceeds from its
predefined value and its predetermined direction. Current direction is defined for relay by
using a specific current or voltage as a reference. As explained in Power System Protection
text book written by Anderson: “A relay that responds to the relative phase position of a
current with respect to another current or voltage reference.” (Power System Protection,
Anderson- 57).

- Distance relay (21):

is a relay which measures ratio of current and voltage (V=ZI) in power system. In normal
operation of the system, the ratio is known as impedance of each phase. Distance relay
compares the value of calculated Z with preset value and If there is a difference, it picks
up. So, performance of this relay is a function of impedance of the power system. Often,

for these kind of relays, designers define three different operational zones. Zones 1, 2 & 3
are set to 80%, 120% and 140% of the impedance of the protected line respectively.

Figure 3. Basic zone definition for Distance relay. References illustrate different rules for zone definition.

Figure 4. Directional Distance relays at both ends of each line. There must be an intentional time interval for
different zones operation to have an acceptable coordination or selectivity among zones or relays [1].

Distance relays may have different characteristics in R-X plane based on design and
protection purposes:

Figure 5. Distance relay characteristics on the R–X diagram: (a) impedance; (b) mho; (c) offset mhos; (d)
lens; (e) simple blinders; (f) reactance [1].

1.3 OC relays coordination

As discussed in sec.1.1, the objective is to get a good selectivity or coordination between
the backup and primary relays in power system; such that, for a specific fault, primary relay
operates as fast as possible to clear the fault which is located in relay primary zone while
an intentional delay is set for backup relays in their backup zones.

1.3.1 CTI definition:

“The coordinating time interval (CTI) is the time interval between the operation of
protection devices at a near station and the protect ion devices at a remote station for remote
faults that the near-station devices overreach.” (Protective Relaying, 4th Edition,
Blackburn and Domin- 422).
So, for remote faults, operating time of backup protective devices must be greater than the
operating time of primary protective devices plus the CTI as indicated below:

backup devices’ operating time > primary devices’ operating time + CTI

Figure 6. CTI between backup and primary relays

CTI includes the following timing factors [1]:

1- Breaker Fault clearing time: 2-8 cycles (0.033-0.133 s).
2- Relay overtravel (impulse) time: the energy stored in relay will continue operation
after the initiating energy is removed (0.03-0.06 s).
3- Safety margin for errors such as CT error and so on.
So, CTI value can range from 0.2 to 0.5 s. conventionally, CTI is considered equal to 0.3

1.3.2 Relay setting:

As it was explained, each OC relay characteristic has 2 parts, one is TOC (Time –
Overcurrent Curve) and the other is IOC (Instantaneous – Overcurrent Curve). In order to
set pickup values for these two parts, following procedure is pursued: Time – overcurrent relay setting:

To set the pickup current (the minimum operating current) for TOC part of the OC relay,
designers consider transient current in nominal current passing through the power systems.
It is not acceptable if the OC relays cut off this transient current and treat it as a fault
current. Transient current can be created by distinctive factors in power systems, such as
temporary over loading, switching operations, transformer energizing, cold load and motor
“Cold load is a short-time increase in load current that occurs when a distribution feeder is
reenergized after an outage.” (Protective Relaying, 4th Edition, Blackburn and Domin-
Then, in order to get rid of inappropriate operation during the transient current, protection
engineers need to accept the 25% to 50% temporary increase in nominal load current and
set the pickup current 1.25-1.5 times of the maximum load current [1], for relay’s inverse
characteristics. Also, lower multipliers are acceptable if extremely or very inverse
characteristics are applied because there is more time for operation in these kinds of
For ground faults, unbalance loading in the system must be considered, and pickup current
must be set higher than the maximum zero sequence current. Instantaneous– overcurrent relay setting:

Instantaneous part of the OC curve operates without any intentional time delay. Operation
time for this part is fixed in relay compartment, but it is adjustable by designers. Generally,
pickup time for IOC part is set for 0.015-0.05 s. In feeders or radial lines, this equation can
be applied to adjust the pickup current for IOC:
Ipickup = k.Imaximum far-bus fault (1) where K is typically 1.1-1.3, [1].

K can be changed based on different designs. In some references, it is declared that IOC
pickup current can be 3 – 7 times of the maximum load currents. Time dial setting:

Time Dial Setting (TD) or Time Setting Multiplier (TSM) provides different operating
times at the same pickup current. It means, there is a family of curves for each type of OC
characteristics (inverse, very inverse, etc.) ranging from 0.5 to 11 time dials. For micro-
processor based relays, time dial is defined to be any desirable value. TD is an important
and helpful factor to reach a good coordination for a group of protective relays in a power
system and it is used to create a desired CTI between relays.

Figure 7. Typical Time Dial Values

1.3.3 CT selection:
Each OC relay which is installed in power system measures the line’s current as relay’s
input. So, CTs are used as an interface tool between the grid and protective devices. In
order to have accurate CT selection two important things must be noted:
First, CTs regenerate the primary current in their secondary with a special accuracy level;
So, CTs which are going to be used in protection purposes must not be saturated during the
fault. In other word, CT should be selected in such a way that prevents saturation during
the current reproduction in secondary, whenever fault happens at primary system. If not,
CT saturates, and it cannot provide relay with a suitable input and protection problem may
happens in fault situation.
Second, if designers choose a relay working with 5 Amp current as an input, it is desired
to select CT so that the maximum load current in primary, generates lower than 5 Amp
current in the secondary. So, there is a guarantee that relay does not operate for maximum
load current in the primary. For sure, transient currents in power system must be considered
and a suitable gap in CT selection must be predicted.
After choosing CT, it is suggested to check the saturation of the CT based on standards and
CT’s saturation curves provided by manufacturers.

1.3.4 An example for OC relay coordination:

Here, a simple coordination process for Time-OC part of the overcurrent relay is
demonstrated [3]:
First, 60 HZ system data:

Figure 8. 34.5KV system [3].

Table 1. Maximum loads and Symmetrical fault currents [3].

Table 2. Breaker, CT and relay data- note: CO-8 means Inverse TCC [3].

It is needed to select the pickup current so that the relays do not operate for maximum load
current plus 20% increase for transient current:

for relay B3:

= = 100.4 A ===> 100.4 * 1.2 (20 % increase) = 120.48 A this is the

maximum allowable current to pass

CT secondary current ′ = /
= 3.012
So, from figure 9. we select TS (Tap Setting) on relay so that, for currents below that TS
relay does not operates.
Because 20% increase is added in load current calculation so 3 should be selected which is
the highest TS under the 3.012 A. (In reference [3], author does not increase the load
current by 20% at first and he gets 2.51 A as CT secondary current; So, at the end he selects
the 3 which is the lowest TS above the CT secondary Current).

For relay B2:

= = 167.3 A ===> 167.3 * 1.2 (20 % increase) = 200.76 A this is the

maximum allowable current to pass
CT secondary current ′ = = 5.019
So, we select TS (Tap Setting) on relay so that, for currents below that TS relay does not
Because we added 20% increase in load current calculation so we select 5 which is the
highest TS under the 5.019 A. It means the relay does not operate for primary currents
which reproduce less than 5 A in CT secondary.

For relay B1:

= = 351.4 A ===> 351.4 * 1.2 (20 % increase) = 421.68 A this is the

maximum allowable current to pass

CT secondary current ′ = = 5.271
So again, we select 5 which is the highest TS under the 5.271 A

Figure 9. CO-8 Time-delay Overcurrent relay characteristics [3].

Now, we are ready to define coordination among relays. The logic is that, the B2 is backup
for B3 and B1 should backup B2 as well as backup relays should clear faults in their
primary zone.
To get the coordination between relays and as previously explained we need to define Time
Dial setting (TD) for each relay. We assume CTI is 0.3 s and we use the maximum fault
current which is the worst case for the protection system.
For relay B3 the maximum fault current is 1000 A which can happen at bus 3; so, we have:
IfB3 = 1000 A
I’fB3 = 1000/200:5 = 25 A CT secondary current for maximum fault current at bus 3.
According to figure 9, We need to divide this current by TS (Tap Setting) for relay B3.
= 8.33
Because we need that relay B3 operates as soon as possible so we choose TD =0.5 for B3.
The operation time for B3 for maximum fault current at bus 3 is the intersection of the 8.33
with its TD curve which is 0.09 s.
Operation Time for B3 = O.TB3 = 0.09 s

Now, we go to set the relay B2 to be a backup for B3:

IfB2-backup = 1000 A
I’fB2-backup = 1000/200:5 = 25 A CT secondary current for maximum fault current at bus 3.

Operation Time for B2 should be the O.TB3 + Breaker Operating Time + CTI
O.TB2-backup = 0.473 s as a backup for B3, for fault at bus 3.
TD for relay B2 is the intersection of its TS and the time 0.473 s. This leads us to choose
2 as a Time Dial for B2.
Now, we check the relay B2 O.T for the fault in its primary zone. It means fault at bus 2.
IfB2-primary = 2000 A
I’fB2-primary = 2000/200:5 = 50 A
= 10
So, the O.TB2-primary equals to 0.41 s is the intersection of its TD and 10 in figure 9.

Now, we will set B1 to be a backup for B2:

IfB1-backup = 2000 A
I’fB1-backup = 2000/400:5 = 25 A CT secondary current for maximum fault current at bus 2.
Operation Time for B1 should be the O.TB2 + Breaker Operating Time + CTI
O.TB1-backup = 0.793 s as a backup for B2, for fault at bus 2.
TD for relay B1 is the intersection of its TS and the time 0.793 s. This leads us to choose
3 as a Time Dial for B1.
Again, we check the relay B1 O.T for the fault in its primary zone which is the fault at bus
IfB1-primary = 3000 A
I’fB1-primary = 3000/400:5 = 37.5 A
= 7.5
So, the O.TB1-primary equals to 0.86 s is the intersection of its TD and 7.5 in figure 9.

At the end, we can observe that each relay operates as fast as possible for faults in its
primary zone while there is a good coordination between primary relays and their backup

Chapter 2: Protection problems in presence of DGs and solutions

2.1 Distribution system protection is affected by DGs

Traditionally, power generation is heaped in some pre-selected areas around the countries
and bulk power transmission lines and substations are responsible to transfer power from
these cast away areas to load centers. This process is costly in generation and operation
fields. Nowadays, by developing proper and worthwhile technologies, past trend is going
to be changed rapidly and traditional power generation stations are going to be replaced by
small scale, distributed, environmentally friendly and economically beneficial generators
known as DGs. Distribution Network (DN) is main host for such DGs like PVs, fuel cell,
wind turbines, micro turbo generators, CHPs, etc. As discussed in abstract, DGs cause
some serious problems for existing DN specially in protection field. In this chapter,
protection problems in presence of DGs and possible innovative solutions is explained.

2.2 Explanation of a theory

Based on the DG’s contribution to short circuit, fault current range alters in a distribution
feeder. Inverter-connected DGs and DGs based on the inductive generators do not
effectively contribute the fault current in grid disturbances. However, in some papers it is
proven that for weak DNs, DG’s contribution cannot be neglected. (Weak DN refers to
DNs in which ZS=Zg where ZS is the Source or external grid impedance and Zg is the DG
or generator impedance). For DGs working based on synchronous generators like those
installed in CHPs, DG’s contribution to the fault is intensive and must be considered in
design of the protection system [4]. In this chapter, effect of the recent type of DGs on fault
currents is discussed.

Consider figure 10, in which a model of power network is demonstrated.

Figure 10. fault currents of DG and grid for 3 phase fault at the end of feeder [4].

At the beginning, a distance parameter which is related to DG location and total length of
the feeder is defined:

"=# (2)
Where, dtot is a total length of the feeder.
An equivalent electrical circuit for figure 10 is drawn in figure 11.

Figure 11. equivalent for figure 10 [4].

Where, Zl is line impedance, ZS is the Source or external grid impedance, Zg is the DG or

generator impedance and Us and Ug are Source or external grid voltage and the DG or
generator voltage respectively.
I1 is grid contribution Ik,grid and I2 is DG contribution Ik,gen to the fault current.
By writing the KVL for this circuit the following equations for voltages will appear:

In order to find the expression for Ik,grid and Ik,gen Thevenin Theorem is used for circuit
shown in figure 11. So, the Thevenin equivalent would be as follow:

Figure 12. Thevenin equivalent for figure 11 [4].

So, the Thevenin impedance is:

By revealing the Zth and considering the figure 12, the total 3 phase fault current can be

Combining equations (4) & (5) ends with equation (6):

Then, by knowing the 3 phase fault and applying the current division rule, the grid
contribution to the fault Ik,grid can be derived:

Substitution of equation (6) into (7) gives us:

Equation (8) shows that in DNs at which a synchronous generator is installed as a DG, grid
contribution to the fault current depends on the total feeder impedance, the local short-
circuit power at the substation, the generator size and location [4].

Based on discussion developed in [4], they did a simulation and concluded that, different
installation points of the DG along the feeder, impact the grid contribution to the fault
current. They claimed: “The maximum DG impact on the grid contribution to the short-
circuit current occurs when the grid contribution is the minimum.” (Effect of DG on
distribution grid protection, Coster, Myrzik and Kling- 97).
So, by minimizing the equation (8), the location of the DG for which the impact of the DG
on the grid contribution is maximum (worst case) can be found and it should be helpful in
design stage.

Taking derivative of equation (8) with respect to the length of the feeder:


By putting equation (9) equal to zero, result indicates the DG installation point in which
the DG influence on the fault is maximum and grid contribution is minimum. This causes
protection problem for upstream protective devices (Relay in figure 10) as explained in
next sections.


2.3 Protection problems

As explained before, DG connection to the DNs can cause big protection problems for
existing protection scheme. These problems are categorized in two major problems:

1. Fault detection problems

2. Selectivity problems
Furthermore, different types of protection issues would be discussed; then, each one takes
place in two mentioned main categories.
2.3.1 Blinding protection
As explained in section 2.2, the grid contribution to the fault was lessened by integrating
the DG to DN. This is a good reason that protective devices never meet the pickup value
and fault would be undetected for a while or permanently. Location of the fault can play a
key role for these kinds of problems. As explained in Chapter 1, OC relays are sensitive to
the abnormal current passing through their protective zone; so, this reduction in grid
contribution to the fault can lead either a bulk delay in OC relays operation or in the worst
it can cause relay to fail. It affects sensitivity of the existing protection scheme in presence
of the DG.
This phenomenon is known as blinding protection and it is placed in the first category.

2.3.2 False tripping

False tripping or sympathetic tripping, happens when DG’s contribution pushes relay in
adjacent feeder to trip sooner than the relay at the beginning of the faulty feeder. In this
situation, DG contribution to the fault stimulates OC relay in healthy feeder by increasing
current passing through the relay. This leads OC relay in healthy feeder to false tripping,
before the main fault to be cleared by proper OC relay in faulty feeder. This issue is placed
in second category (Selectivity problems).

Figure 13. False tripping of OC relay in healthy feeder [4].

In [4], authors suggest a practical approach to resolve the false tripping problem. This
method increases the fault clearing time instead of the pickup current for OC relay in
healthy feeder. Although, by increasing the pickup current, the sensitivity of the OC would
be decreased when fault occurs in DG feeder. This approach improves the selectivity while
it demolishes the reliability of the protection system. Changing the fault clearing time for
OC in healthy feeder, provides enough time for OC relay in faulty feeder to clear the fault
before the OC relay in adjacent feeder gets involved in fault.
In other word, the OC characteristic of the relay in adjacent feeder can be changed. For
example, choosing an extremely inverse characteristic rather than definite-time inverse
characteristic for the same pickup current increases the OC relay operation time and false
tripping can be prevented.
When changing of the fault clearing time is not achievable, using the directional OC relays
is a good solution.
2.3.3 Recloser Malfunction
As discussed before, DG connection affects the grid contribution to the fault current; so, it
causes several problems for reclosers which are traditionally used in overhead distribution
lines. First, DG contribution to the fault may impact the fault current detection by recloser
(First category). Second, it can end to loss of coordination between reclosers or recloser
and fuse in overhead DNs (Second category).
For more details consider figure 14.

Figure 14. DG impacts reclosers detection and coordination between recloser and fuse [4].

In left single line diagram, for fault 1 DG reduces the grid contribution to the fault. This
reduction can cause a delay in fault detection by recloser number 1 or may prevent recloser
1 from operation. In the same diagram, for fault 2 the total current that passes through
recloser number 2 increases by DG contribution to the fault. In this case, it is needed to
recheck the recloser ability to cut off this new fault current after DG connection. This
ability is known as maximum interrupting rate of recloser. The same disruption ability is
defined for circuit breakers by manufacturer. This ability indicates, the maximum fault
current, that protective devices like reclosers or interrupting devices like CBs are able to
cut off, without any damage.

As discussed in protection textbooks, reclosers have two characteristics, slow and fast
curves. For temporary faults, the fast characteristic plays a key role to clear the fault before
fuse melting time reaches. It prevents the grid to be de-energized permanently, when
temporary faults happen. For permanent faults, after several attempts to reconnect the grid
by recloser, the slow curve of recloser provides enough time for fuse characteristic to clear
the permanent fault. A good coordination between recloser and fuse is depicted in figure

Figure 15. Coordination between recloser and fuse [4].

In this figure, for fault currents between the minimum and maximum short circuit currents,
the desirable coordination is achieved. However, by adding the DG, fault current can
exceed from the maximum fault current in comparison to the previous mode (before DG
In right single line diagram, temporary fault at the end of lateral may cause fault current
passing through the fuse increases beyond the maximum fault current, while the grid
contribution passing through the recloser 1 decreases; so, for temporary faults rather than
recloser operation, fuse melts and interrupts the lateral permanently.
2.3.4 Unsychronized reclosing
Reclosers operate to clear the temporary fault but the downstream DG is still feeding the
faulty feeder. This can change the temporary fault to permanent fault by prolonging the arc
at fault location. Moreover, because of the unbalance between the load and generation,
when recloser is in its opening cycle, DG loses the synchronism with respect to the grid;
so, by reclosing action there would be a harmful damage to the generator.

2.4 Effective factors on protection system which need to be considered whenever DG

installs in DN
In [5], authors discuss about DG impacts on voltage profile, power losses and protection
coordination in distribution network. They conclude that DG improves voltage profile and
power losses in DN. Additionally, they also claim that, network topology, DG size and DG

location are important factors which affect protection devices; So, before DG installation,
all these factors must be considered in electrical analysis.
They state that, installation of the DG near the loads can improve the voltage profile and
as size of DG is increasing, modification in voltage profile is going to be greater. They also
believe that increase in size of DG must be restricted because it can lead to over voltage
problem for other buses.
It is also shown that, higher level of DG penetration can amend the power losses problem
in DN while higher penetration can lead to higher short-circuit level; so, the coordination
among protective devices must be modified.
In [6], authors prove that low penetration of small-scale DG in MV systems such as small
wind turbines, has no considerable impact on protection system, but DG still reduces the
grid contribution to the fault current minimally.
In [7], researchers discuss about negative impact of DG like harmonic generation by
photovoltaic and double feed inductive generators used in wind turbine. Then, they
mention about the protection problem caused by DG installation and they explain that
bidirectional power flow in presence of DG alters DN topology from radial to loop; so, the
protection scheme needs to be modified accordingly.
It is also explained that unintentional islanding of DGs, causes deathtrap for personnel as
well as low power quality for that part of the network which is only fed by DGs. After
investigation about DG impact on protection scheme, adaptive protection as a solution to
mitigate influences of DG on protection is discussed. Protection system response for 2
scenarios, is simulated. One scenario is when no DG is connected and the other one is when
a DG with a considerable penetration is connected between the load bus and grid bus in
DN. Finally, in conclusion part, it is presented that after adding DG, the relay settings in
involved feeder need to be modified, to have a valid coordination. It is also summarized
that for downstream faults with respect to the DG location, the fault current passing through
protective devices increases by DG contribution to the fault. At the same time, fault current
passing within the upstream protective devices decreases because of reduction in grid
contribution to the fault. This can disturb coordination amongst relays in the feeder. To
solve this problem, implementation of adaptive protection scheme in feeder is suggested,
by which relay settings change from old to adaptive settings. These changes are done based
on DG connection or disconnection respectively.

2.5 IEEE 1547 standard for interconnecting distributed resources with electric power
In this part, IEEE 1547 standard is explained briefly. Standard scope is about necessary
criteria and requirements that must be met when the DR (Distributed Resources)
connection to EPS (Electric Power System) is going to be stablished [8].

These criteria and requirements are for all DRs with capacity of 10 MVA or less at the PCC
(Point of Common Coupling) which connect to EPS at primary or secondary distribution
system [8].
All DRs in this standard are considered to be working at 60 HZ.
A schematic picture as shown below can help to have better understanding about
interconnection of DRs to EPS.

Figure 16. Interconnection of DR to EPS [8].

As explained in standard for figure 16, the PCC and point of DR connection are different
and shall not be assumed to be the same. The PCC is the point where the local EPS connects
to Area EPS and the other one is the point where DR connects to local EPS.

2.5.1 General requirements Voltage regulation

In standard, it is sentenced that adding DR to a local EPS shall not cause a deviation in
voltage level either at the other local EPS or at the PCC. The permitted range for voltage
deviation is explained in ANSI C84.1-1995, Range A [8].

19 Accidental energization of area EPS
It means, when the area EPS is de-energized for any reason, DR is not permitted to energize
the area EPS [8]. Monitoring facilities

Aggregated or not aggregated DR with capacity of 250 KVA or more, must be equipped
with sufficient equipment to monitor the DR status, active and reactive power outputs and
voltage, at the point of DR connection [8].
Signals provided by this monitoring equipment can be transferred to central control system
in substation (Area EPS) to be applied either in operation of the microgrid or in protection
purposes such as adaptive protection.

2.5.2 Reaction to area EPS abnormalities Faults on area EPS

DR has to stop energizing the area EPS for situations that fault happens on area EPS. It
means DR must be equipped with sufficient main and backup protective devices to detect
faults either on upstream portion of the network or any part of the network. These devices
send proper commands to disconnect DR in fault situation. It is different from unintentional
islanding which will be explained later. Tie to area EPS again

After faults which end to DR disconnection from the local EPS, all involved DRs need to
wait up to 5 minutes for voltage and frequency restoration to the acceptable ranges. The
permitted ranges for voltage and frequency are explained in Range B of ANSI C84.1-1995.

2.5.3 Islanding mode Unintentional islanding mode

DR must detect islanding mode of operation and stop energizing the area EPS through PCC
just in two seconds. It means DRs are not permitted to generate power whenever they are
disconnected from the area EPS and entered to islanding mode of operation. In other word,
the DR is deterred to work in islanding mode by standard. Consider an example which is
explained in standard as follow:
“The DR installation contains reverse or minimum power flow protection, sensed between
the Point of DR Connection and the PCC, which will disconnect or isolate the DR if power
flow from the Area EPS to the Local EPS reverses or falls below a set threshold.” (IEEE
1547 standard - 10). Intentional islanding mode

As stated in standard, this part is under investigation and may be stablished in future
revisions of the standard [8].

Generally, this mode is still one the biggest challenges for installing the DR in DN and
many researchers have been publishing papers about this. Control of microgrid in this mode
is difficult and complex.

2.6 Other type of problems by DG connection to the DN

From the economic and load prediction point of views, DG can cause some barriers in
power system and especially in distribution system planning. Basically, these problems can
be considered as follow [9]:

- Load prediction in distribution network and generally in power system is one of

the most important part which helps utility companies to prepare themselves to serve
customers permanently. By developing the usage of DGs in DN, each customer can install
its own DG and even provide other customers’ demands. This can lead to miss-prediction
in load growth for developing area of the DN, because it destroys the balance between the
load prediction and planned power generation in the future.
- Environmental friendly DGs’ output power is almost a function of the climate
changes; so, they cannot guarantee the continuous power generation for load centers and it
produces some uncertainties in power system. These uncertainties complicate locating of
the proper place for substation, and also disrupt distribution system developing plans and
even investment in planning stage.

2.7 Solutions to retrieve the protection system

In published documents, bunch of solutions are suggested based on network topology and
DG impacts on the network. In these papers, authors either were dealing or assumed that
they are dealing with a real network in practice. Generally, their approaches to solve
protection problems after DG connection are categorized in two major groups: First,
changing the settings or characteristic curves in protective devices. Second, applying
communication channel as it is stablished in adaptive protection and pilot protection
In [10] and [4], it is proven that first solution alone cannot guarantee a reliable and selective
protection for distribution grid, but the second one can create a protection system with
adequate accuracy to retrieve protection problems in presence of DGs; however, it is costly
in some cases. Furthermore, authors mention about changing the protection setting in DG
interconnection system at point of DG connection (most of DGs are using under-voltage
relays 27- IEEE C37.2 standard) to help the modified protection system to have a better
reaction against some sort of faults.
As a summary, before adding DGs to the distribution network with any level of penetration
a comprehensive study must be done. Results need to be analyzed to have an apparent
overview about impacts of DG installation on network operation and control fields. Based
on this analysis, suitable decisions must be taken to prevent any interruption in microgrid
reliable operation.

Chapter 3: Microgrid control & adaptive protection technique

Before developing the adaptive protection scheme, it is helpful to explain about microgrid
control issues and strategies that nowadays are being discussed.

3.1 Microgrid generic control system

Coordinated operation of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) can be accomplished by
different type of control techniques which are categorized to centralized or decentralized
methods. This categorization is based on the ability of the central control system response
and DG’s controller and loads’ flexibility in the system.
Basically, proper control system for microgrid must be capable to meet three different level
of functionalities as depicted in figure 17:

Figure 17. Microgrid control system functionalities [12].

At the first part, it is shown that microgrid control system is responsible to make decision
and also participating in electricity market based on the electricity price. Participation rules
and logic policy can be defined by microgrid owner and other involved third parties.
In second row, there are some subjects about core of microgrid control. These
functionalities must meet electrical concerns which are mentioned in standards.
The last one, is illustrating about local control for each DG in microgrid which must follow
the standards like the previous level.
Based on these control levels, entire microgrid protection system overlaps in first and third
level at the same time. In other word, microgrid protection system must be a combination
of two parts. One part is responsible to keep coordination between microgrid and upstream

network protective devices; Simultaneously, the other part is responsible for coordination
among fault detectors inside the microgrid.
According to [12], because of the different types of microgrids (mixture of various type of
DGs) and current infrastructure in distribution networks, defining a general microgrid
control architecture is not possible.
Before discussing about microgrid control structure, review of the generic distribution
network can help for better understanding. In the following figure, a basic control and
management system for a typical distribution network with considerable DG penetration is

Figure 18. control and management system for distribution network with high DG penetration [12].

Generally, DMS and AMR are not responsible to control DGs in distribution system. DMS
duty is not limited to change the network topology by switching. It is also responsible to
control voltage by increasing or decreasing compensating capacitors or by transformer tap
changing. AMR duty is collecting data regarding power consumption for billing process.
Distribution System Operator (DSO) have access to DMS and AMR and provides Energy
Service Company (ESCO) with adequate information to calculate energy consumption
price for each customer. As explained, it is evident that existing system is not able to control

microgrid with proper reliability; so, it is necessary to define an extra layer of local control
for DGs and loads in microgrid control and management system as shown in figure 19 [12].

Figure 19. control and management system for typical microgrid [12].

Extra layer equipped with:

- Micro-source controller (MC) to control and monitor the DGs

- Microgrid central controller (MGCC) to control microgrid maximum power

generation and observe MC operation. MGCC communicates with DSO or ESCO.

- DMS is responsible to coordinate DSO, ESCO and also microgrid operator. The
following figure shows the flow of data among DSO, ESCO and microgrid operator:

Figure 20. Microgrid operator communicates with ESCO and DSO [12].

Based on the responsibility of distinctive control levels which has been already defined,
microgrid control system can work in centralized or decentralized structure. In centralized
approach, the MGCC is the main decision maker to increase the microgrid profit and
optimize the generation. In this way, the MGCC analyzes the price of electricity and gas
while considering the grid security and DSO demands. Finally, MGCC makes decision
about how much power must be imported from upstream or main grid into the microgrid.
MGCC also optimize the loads’ power consumption.
In decentralized method, all duties must be done by MCs located at each DERs. This
approach has a great advantage when different owners with distinctive priorities exist for
DERs in microgrid. In this situation, decision making by centralized method is very
difficult and complex. Figures 21 and 22 depict basic models for centralized and
decentralized methods.

Figure 21. Centralized method [12].

Figure 22. Decentralized method [12].

3.2 Distribution network protection
Basically, a distribution network including a DG or not, is protected by two protective
strategies. One part is responsible to protect the network which consist of overhead-lines
and/or cables and the other part is responsible to protect devices or apparatus including
transformers, bus-bars and loads.
Three important factors must be considered to design distribution network protection
system. These factors are known as “3S” [12]:

- Sensitivity (reliability): as discussed in chapter one.

- Selectivity: as discussed in chapter one.
- Speed: it means protective devices must clear the fault or abnormal conditions in
DN as fast as possible. Otherwise, it can have hazardous impacts on devices and network

Other factors can be considered in design stage like: cost, security, etc.

3.3 Adaptive protection definition

As discussed in chapter 1, one of the most commonly used protective devices in distribution
systems is over-current relay. Protection engineers are zealous to use OC relays, because
these devices have simple configuration and also more affordable.
In microgrids, fault current level can be altered endlessly because of DG intermittent
feature and periodical demand variation. Therefore, traditional setting of OC relays with
single group of characteristic curves and old coordination among them may not be valid.
This can affect “3S” which was explained before. Then, OC relays’ settings must be
revised. Proper modification must be implemented based on the DG location, size and
penetration and by noticing to the network topology. This modification can be done
manually or automatically. It is evident that manual modification is super time consuming
and almost not applicable for spread distribution network; so, this modification must be
done automatically and accurately.
To solve this challenging problem, OC relays installed in DN must be able to accept control
signals, in order to change their settings dynamically, according to the new condition in
DN. This adaption can be done either by changing the settings in existing group of
characteristics or by switching from one category of characteristic to other one. For
example, changing the pickup current in normal inverse time characteristic or switching
from normal inverse time characteristic to extremely inverse characteristic.
Now, adaptive protection definition can be written as follow:
“an online activity that modifies the preferred protective response to a change in system
conditions or requirements in a timely manner by means of externally generated signals or
control action.” (Microgrid Architectures and Control, Hatziargyriou- 125).

3.4 General requirements for adaptive protection
Basic requirements to implement a practical adaptive protection for a microgrid are
categorized as follow [12]: (As discussed in Chapter 2, these requirements can be advanced
based on electrical or economic studies.)

- Equip microgrid with digital (directional) OC relays which can provide a wide
range of settings for tripping characteristics. Unlike, solid state relays that are only able to
accept setting values in fixed steps, digital relays can accept any value in flexible steps.
- Digital (directional) OC relays which are applied in adaptive protection, must be
capable to switch remotely or locally from one group of characteristic curves to the other
one. SEL-751 Feeder Protection Relay and GE-F60 Feeder Protection System are good
samples of this kind of digital relays.
- In order to provide a proper channel to transfer signals between embedded digital
relays in microgrid and central control system in substation, a communication
infrastructure like power line carrier (PLC) is needed to work based on standard protocols
such as (IEC 61850) [12].
The pace of data transferring in communication channel is not a big deal in adaptive
protection scheme, because of the fact that, the communication channel gathers information
about microgrid status and transfers them to central control system before short circuit or
any abnormalities in microgrid. The acceptable range for delay is 10 s based on Modbus
and IEC 61850 [12].
Dynamic adaptive protection, is one of the adaptive protection methods using pre-
calculated and reliable bunch of settings for protective relays. Another approach can use
real time calculations for changes in microgrid configurations. As explained before,
adaptive protection can be implemented in centralized or decentralized methods.

3.5 Adaptive protection by using pre-calculated method

Consider figure 23 which shows a generic form of microgrid. This network includes proper
CBs; furthermore, there is a MGCC (Microgrid Central Controller) and communication
MGCC can use Power Line Carrier (PLC) or a central computer located in MV/LV
substation. Directional OC relays (OC relays) are installed either as independent devices
from CBs or as mounted devices inside the CBs (most of modern CBs are equipped with
many protective elements in their internal structure). These relays are able to communicate
and transfer microgrid’s data to MGCC where data would be analyzed, and best decision
would be taken. In this scheme, MGCC is master and CBs play role of slaves. Data
provided by CBs including electrical values and status of CBs, can be scanned by MGCC
(by using communication facility) and then proper and required modification can be done
to relay settings.
In fault situation, relays use adapted settings or desirable protective characteristics which
had been prepared and updated in relays’ memory. These settings are gained by offline
analysis before fault occurrence and they are saved in MGCC. Based on network
configuration and status of CBs (Close/Open), the MGCC chooses the best settings for

microgrid relays and it also changes relays’ settings through the communication channel
to have a desired response in fault moment.

Figure 23. Communication infrastructure for adaptive protection scheme in a generic microgrid [12].

Figure 24. CB reaction flowchart to protect microgrid by adaptive protection [12].

Process of checking the network configuration and electrical data delivered by CBs through
communication channel, must be done by MGCC in frequent short time intervals to change
relays’ setting if it is necessary. Furthermore, this process can be triggered by an event

which is explained bellow. This strategy leads to have a sharp and fast-response adaptive
protection system which is always ready for reaction. Figure 24 shows a circuit breaker’s
OC element which is located inside CB.
To get valid and reliable settings for relays in microgrid, an event table based on the
network topology and DERs status (On/Off) is tabulated. This table includes all possible
scenarios (cases) in microgrid operation (based on standard) and all network’s topologies
in which the status of each DG is indicated. Event table is used for offline fault analysis for
each case; then, based on the results, most reliable settings for relays are achieved. These
settings are saved in an action table in MGCC to be used in proper moment based on
network topology as discussed before. In addition, other desirable actions are added to the
action table to have a more completed protection scheme. For example, activation or
deactivation of directional element in an OC relay which is located in particular part of the
network. Figure 25 shows general steps of adaptive protection based on pre-calculated

Figure 25. Steps of adaptive protection based on pre-calculated parameters [12].

3.6 Adaptive protection by real-time calculated settings

Another different approach to design an adaptive protection scheme for microgrid
protection is based on real-time calculations. This method relies on multifunctional
intelligent digital relay (MIDR). The MIDR collects required information and observes

network topology and makes suitable decisions to adapt relays’ settings. All calculations
and analysis, must be done in real-time. Pre-calculated settings or predefined topologies
like what were explained in previous approach is not applied. In other word, protection
system’s control center is sensitive to instantaneous changes in network’s parameters
ranging from a small modification in grid operation to great alteration in network topology.
In this approach, MIDR can modify relays’ settings instantaneously.
It was just a brief introduction about real-time method. In next chapter, dynamic adaptive
protection is developed as explained in section 3.5.

Chapter 4: Simulation & results

In this chapter, a generic form of microgrid is developed in DigSILENT Powerfactory

software; then, a dynamic adaptive protection scheme based on pre-calculated values is
applied to protect microgrid in different operational modes.

4.1 Microgrid model specification and parameters

Distribution grid consists of 2 feeders coming out from substation. Feeder one includes 2
lumped loads and DG1 while feeder 2 as a host for DG2 is providing 3 lumped loads.

Figure 26. Microgrid single line diagram.

Each DG generates 7 MW active power and 3 MVAR reactive power and the total load in
microgrid is 20 MW and 10 MVAR; so, DG penetration to the microgrid is about 70%
when both DGs are connected to distribution grid. Type of all relays is General Electric,
IAC series, OC inverse, IAC51B801A. CTs’ ratios are as follow:

Name CT Ratio
CT 65 200A/5A
CT 34 200A/5A
CT 26 400A/5A
CT 13 400A/5A
CT 12 600A/5A

4.2 Fundamental concept for dynamic adaptive protection

To create a dynamic adaptive protection for existing microgrid, a reference is defined to be
used in relays coordination process. This reference creates a good guideline which

guarantees a desired coordination among protective relays in different scenarios. So, during
offline analysis, while no DG is connected to microgrid, an acceptable coordination among
relays is attained. This is known as reference coordination. By adding DGs in different
scenarios, the impact of DGs on protection system (specially on coordination) is analyzed
and new protection settings for relays are achieved. These settings are selected somehow
to mitigate DGs’ impacts on protection system and also to create new TOC curves in which
CTIs are as same as reference coordination CTIs. Finally, these relays’ settings are used in
a DPL (DigSILENT Programming Language) code. DPL applies new settings to OC relays
for different operation scenarios in microgrid; So, adaptive protection strategy is
implemented, and protection system is ready to react properly. DPL code plays a key role
similar to central control system in substation and it observes status of DGs’ circuit
breakers (close or open) and also status of Grid CB (GCB). Therefore, DPL code is
responsible to detect changes in network topology.

4.3 No-DG scenario (Reference)

In this case, DG 1 and 2 are disconnected and microgrid is energized by main grid. By
running load flow analysis, nominal current passing through each feeder is found; then,
proper relays’ settings and acceptable coordination among relays are achieved in
DigSILENT software. Figure 27 shows the load flow when no DG is connected to the
microgrid and figure 28 and 29 depict relays settings in both feeders respectively.

Figure 27. No-DG, Load flow complete result generated by DigSILENT.

Figure 28. No-DG- feeder 1 relays’ settings.

Figure 29. No-DG- feeder 2 relays’ settings.

Based on achieved settings for relays, TOC (Time Overcurrent Curve) plots are generated
for relays on each feeder. Figures 30 and 31 illustrate the TOC plots for feeders 1 and 2. In
each TOC, CTI for 3 phase fault at the end of feeder or remote bus is specified. For feeder
1 CTI between relays R13 & R34 is 0.216 s and for feeder 2 CTI between relays R12 &
R26 and CTI between relays R26 & R65 are 0.289 s and 0.222 s respectively. All CTIs are
in acceptable range of 0.2-0.3 second as explained in chapter 1.

Figure 30. No-DG- feeder 1 TOC plot.

Figure 31. No-DG- feeder 2 TOC plot.

Now, the reference coordination is developed and is going to be used to get proper
coordination for different scenarios as discussed before.

4.4 DG1 connected scenario

At this scenario, while the microgrid is being fed by main grid, DG1 is connected to feeder
1 at bus 3 and its CB status is changed from open to close. So, the previous analysis are
done as explained in section 4.3. figure 32 shows the load flow for this scenario. As it was
expected, because of the presence of DG1, there is a sharp decrease in line 13 current and
its loading. It may cause some changes in settings of relays in feeder 1or 2 or both. To find
out that which relay’s setting needs to be modified, a 3 phase fault at the remote bus of
each feeder is simulated. Figures 33 and 34 show feeder 1 and feeder 2 TOC plot for this

Figure 32. DG1 connected, Load flow complete result generated by DigSILENT.

Figure 33. DG1 Connected- feeder 1 TOC plot.

Figure 34. DG1 Connected- feeder 2 TOC plot.

In this case, adding DG1 to microgrid eliminates the coordination between relays in feeder
1 (CTI = 0.335 s) and it does not have a serious impact on coordination among relays in
feeder 2; so, the coordination and relay settings in feeder 1 are revised. These changes are
only valid for this case. For other cases like using larger DGs or changing DG connection
point in microgrid, the same analysis need to be done to figure out required modifications
in relays’ settings.
Figure 35 introduces new setting for relay R13 in feeder 1 which leads protection system
to have the same CTI as reference case (no DG). By new settings for relay R13, the same
CTI between R13 and R34 is created. New TOC curve for feeder 1 is illustrated in figure
36 and for feeder 2 the previous settings are still valid.

Figure 35. DG1 connected- feeder1 modified relays’ settings

Figure 36. DG1 connected- feeder 1 adopted TOC plot.

By new settings for relay R13, new CTI between R13 and R34 in DG1 connected mode is
returned to the acceptable range and it is equal to 0.216 s which is as same as the CTI in
reference scenario (no DG).

4.5 DG2 connected scenario
In this section, the microgrid is hosting for DG2 at bus 6 while the main grid is delivering
power to the system. Load flow analysis result and TOC curves for feeders 1 & 2 are shown
in figures 37, 38 and 39 respectively. TOC curves are generated for feeders by applying 3
phase fault at the end of each feeder or remote bus.

Figure 37. DG2 connected, Load flow complete result generated by DigSILENT

Figure 38. DG2 Connected- feeder 1 TOC plot.

Figure 39. DG2 Connected- feeder 2 TOC plot.

TOC curve for feeder 1 shows that DG2 does not have destructive impact on feeder 1
relays’ coordination; however, in comparison to the reference scenario (no DG), load flow
analysis clarifies that in feeder 2 DG2 causes a remarkable reduction in current passing
through line 12 and line 26. This decrease occurs because DG2 is providing loads at the
end of feeder and at bus 6. As discussed in previous chapters, these impacts are different
in each microgrid and they may affect other parts of microgrid, if DG size and DG
connection point would be distinctive. TOC curve for feeder 2 shows CTI = 0.436 s and
CTI = 0.357 s between relays R12 & R26 and relays R26 & R65 respectively. Both CTIs
are out of acceptable range; so, modification in settings of these relays is required. Figure
40 demonstrates proper relays’ settings and figure 41 shows a new TOC plot for feeder 2
relays with modified settings while a 3 phase fault is applied at the end of feeder.

Figure 40. DG2 connected- feeder2 modified relays’ settings

Figure 41. DG2 connected- feeder 2 adopted TOC plot.

Figure 41 proves that after modification in relays’ settings in feeder 2, all CTIs are in
acceptable range while they are as equal as CTI values in reference scenario (no DG).

4.6 DG1 and DG2 connected scenario

In this case, both DGs are connected to the microgrid providing the loads at each feeder
while the main grid is connected. In figure 42, load flow result for this case is depicted.
Connection of DGs to microgrid caused current reduction in those part of feeders located
before the DG’s location toward main grid (Lines 13, 12 & 26). Therefore, the pickup
currents for relays dealing with this reduction may need to be changed.

Figure 42. DG1 & DG2 connected, Load flow complete result generated by DigSILENT

To check that previous relays’ settings are still valid or not, a 3 phase fault at the end of
each feeder is simulated and the TOC plot for both feeders are generated as shown in
figures 43 & 44 respectively.

Figure 43. DG1 & DG2 Connected- feeder 1 TOC plot.

Figure 44. DG1 & DG2 Connected- feeder 2 TOC plot.

TOC curves prove that CTIs in both feeders are out of range. CTI for relays in feeder 1 is
0.33s and CTIs between relays R12, R26 and relays R26, R65 in feeder 2 are 0.43 s and
0.352 s respectively. Then, modifications in relays’ settings for both feeders are necessary.
Figures 45 & 46 show new settings for relays in feeders 1 & 2 when both DGs are
connected to the microgrid.

Figure 45. DG1 & DG2 connected- feeder1 modified relays’ settings

Figure 46. DG1 & DG2 connected- feeder2 modified relays’ settings

Now, a 3 phase fault at the remote bus of each feeder is simulated. Fault analysis results
prove that modified settings for each relay in both feeders are suitable to push CTIs to the
acceptable range or not. Figures 47 and 48 illustrate new TOC plots for feeder 1 and feeder
2 respectively. It is evident that in both feeders, CTI values are returned to the accepted
interval (0.2-0.3 s) and they are as same as reference mode’s CTIs(No DG mode).

Figure 47. DG1 & DG2 connected- feeder 1 adopted TOC plot.

Figure 48. DG1 & DG2 connected- feeder 2 adopted TOC plot.

4.7 Simulation
Now, the strategy (Adaptive protection by using pre-calculated method) that was explained
in previous chapter is going to be completed through some further steps. All relay settings
for all scenarios are exist and these settings can be uploaded in protective relays inside
microgrid for different situations. To upload adaptive settings based on central control
recognition, a communication system is used. In other word, event table and proper settings
for relays is ready as it is shown in table 3. new Settings are implemented in the body of
control program in MGCC. Indeed, based on event table, proper action is defined in a
program inside central control system and MGCC takes suitable unique decision for each

Table 3. Event table for existing microgrid and ratio of changes to the old setting in percent.

This program which is written in DigSILENT Power Factory software, includes all
scenarios and accurate relays’ settings for each situation. written program simulates the

microgrid behavior in different scenarios as were explained before. This program is written
in a cascade form. It means in first script of the program, no DG is connected to microgrid;
so, old settings are applied to relays and at the end of first script the program runs second
script in which the scenario starts with DG1 connection to microgrid. This script ends with
proper relay settings which were achieved in section 4.6 for DG1 connected scenario. At
the end of second script, third script is triggered; so, DG2 is connected (DG1 disconnected)
to microgrid and pre- calculated relay settings for this situation are uploaded to microgrid
relays and selectivity and reliability of protection system is guaranteed. Finally, fourth
script is executed and DG1 and DG2 are connected to microgrid and like the previous
scenarios adaptive relay settings are applied. In the last script, the circuit breaker of main
grid is opened; then, the DGs’ CBs are opened according to the IEEE 1547 standard as
discussed in chapter 2 (prevention of islanding mode of operation). Moreover, MGCC
returns all relays’ settings to the old settings (Reference mode) to prepare microgrid for
main grid reconnection when the main grid’s problem is solved lastly. Appendix A includes
cascaded scripts.

4.8 Results
After getting proper relay settings for reference case during offline process, simulation
result and protection system response to fault on microgrid are satisfactory. In DG1-
connected mode, DG1 causes a reduction in grid contribution for faults located from the
DG connection point to the end of feeder. To be more evident, in the existing microgrid
with current topology, for faults between the DG1 connection point and bus 4, fault current
coming from the grid is reduced based on size of DG1 and its ability to contribute to the
fault (if there is no fault current limiter in DG1 connection point). As discussed in chapter
2, settings of those relays which are dealing with this fault current reduction must be
adopted with new condition in microgrid. Here, the adaptive protection plays a key role
and based on the MGCC recognition, relay R13 setting is changed by using table 3.
In DG2-connected mode, the same problem is created by adding DG2 to bus 6. The
difference is that, based on the DG2 location and size and its ability to contribute to the
fault current, just feeder 2 and its relays are affected. DG2 connection, forces MGCC to
change settings for relays R12 & R26 based on table 3.
In next mode, DG1 and DG2 are connected to microgrid and proper settings for this mode
are achieved in offline calculations. These settings which are shown in event table, create
a new desired coordination among microgrid relays as shown in figures 46 & 47. It should
be noted that based on what is stated in chapters 2 & 3, these settings for microgrid relays
are valid for existing network topology with these DGs’ size and locations. For any changes
in microgrid ranging from topology alteration to adding new DGs, another analysis should
be done to get suitable settings to create a good coordination and selectivity in protection
system. Sometimes, physical modification in protection system is required in addition to
the offline analysis.
In grid-disconnected mode, MGCC recognize that main grid is lost and microgrid is entered
to the islanded mode of operation. This situation is prohibited based on IEEE 1547
standard. So, MGCC send proper commands to DGs’ circuit breakers located at the DGs

connection point to disconnect DGs. Simultaneously, proper control signals transfere to all
relays in microgrid to return all relays’ settings to the reference case (No DG). These
commands prepare microgrid for main grid reconnection and whenever main grid’s
problem is solved, grid CB would be closed without any problem or malfunction in
operation of microgrid protection system. All adopted TOC plots that are shown in
previous parts and all related changes to each operation mode of microgrid are achieved
during online process. Microgrid single line diagram is built in DigSILENT and DPL code
as written in appendix A, is executed.
Finally based on topics which are explained in this chapter, adaptive protection scheme
based on pre-calculated values is implemented and satisfactory results are achieved for
existing microgrid. In next chapter, a brief explanation about DigSILENT Powerfactory
software and DPL is presented.

Chapter 5: Introduction to DigSILENT software programming language

In this chapter, an introduction to DigSILENT software and DPL (DigSILENT

Programming Language) are explained briefly. For further instruction, it is recommended
to study either software manual and tutorials imbedded in computer software or visit the
software producer website at “DIgSILENT is a computer aided
engineering tool for the analysis of transmission, distribution, and industrial electrical
power systems. It is designed as an advanced integrated and interactive software package
dedicated to electrical power system and control analysis in order to achieve the main
objectives of planning and operation optimization.” (DigSILENT Powerfactory user
manual, version 15- 9).

5.1 How to build a single line diagram (SLD) in DigSILENT

In DigSILENT software, building of a SLD starts with terminals or nodes existing in power
systems. It means to shape a SLD first thing that user needs to do, is to locate busbars in
the workspace. After that, SLD foundation is ready for other elements of power systems
such as generators, transformers, transmission lines, circuit breakers, protective devices,
etc. By connecting each transmission line or distribution line between two busbars,
software creates two cubicles at both ends of the line. These cubicles are used to add
protective devices, CTs, VTs, etc. By right clicking on these square points and select New
Devices a list of devices would be appear. For example, by clicking on relay model, a
dialogue pups up which allows user to define relays’ settings and relays’ types. In order to
define relay type, two choices are available. One of them is global type and the other one
is project type as shown in figure 49. By choosing the global type, user selects required
relay type from the software library but the relay settings are not allowed to be changed
and they are read only. On the other hand, if project type is chosen, all parameters in relay
body are changeable. To do this, user needs to click on Data Manager at left corner of
workspace and then copy library into activated (current) project as shown in figure 50.

Figure 49. Relay model window in DigSILENT software.

Figure 50. Data manager- global and project libraries in DigSILENT software.

By copying the global library and paste it in the project library, all other required elements
to form a SLD are achievable from project library and all of them are changeable.
So, power system SLD with all required elements is created by choosing the elements and
their types are specified. Then, a considerable range of studies and analysis can be done by
DigSILENT software.

5.2 DigSILENT Programming Language (DPL)

Click on Data Manager, then go to activated (current) project, in study cases by clicking
on New Object at the right side of the menu bar, an Element Selection menu pups up. In
this menu, by choosing the DPL command and more option, DPL command window will
appear. So, name of DPL, input parameters and external objects are ready to be defined by
user as it is shown in figure 51.

Figure 51. DPL Command Window- DigSILENT software.

By selecting Script at the left side, a blank window to write program text and defining
parameters and external objects pups up. Input parameters and external objects can be
defined in the body of the program too. Similar to all programable software, first lines of
the script are assigned to define variables. These variables can be double (real number),
integer, string, object and set (a set of objects). As it is indicated in script 1 in appendix A,
the first lines of the script are used to define external objects which are TOC and IOC parts
of the relays characteristic curves. Also, integers variables are defined as Grid CB, DG1
CB and DG2 CB positions. In DigSILENT software, users are provided to have access to
the different parts of SLD elements. For example, users are able to observe any circuit
breaker position in SLD and send open or close command to the CB during script execution
process. Also, it is possible to have access to slots of devices, such as TOC and IOC part
of relay characteristic in relay compartment. To do this, each variable in each element of
the grid have an address code. These codes are used in the body of the script either to adjust
a specific variable or to activate or deactivate it. For example, turn on or turn off a generator
or changing a relay setting during the script execution. In this project, critical point is
changing the relays’ settings based on network changes, as discussed in previous chapters.
So, access to different slots in relay compartment is essential. As it is shown in figure 52
the address code to access to distinctive slots in relay compartment is pdiselm.

Figure 52. Access code to realys’ different slots - DigSILENT software.

In relay slots, the TOC slot is number 2 because the first slot’s identification number is
zero; then, the IOC slot number is 3 and so on. Therefore, to have access to the TOC slot
in relay compartment the following code is written:
but, it is not enough because the relay name and another part is missed. Relay name is
entered, as it was defined by user during forming the SLD. The other part is that, in relay
body, the slots are elements of the relay; so, in order to create an accurate address a
character e is typed after relay name. The correct address is as follow:

TOC= relay name: e: pdiselm: 2;

Now, access to the TOC slot in relay compartment is possible. But the TOC itself, has
different variables such as pickup current, time dial, etc. to have access to these variables,
double click on the TOC slot in relay compartment; then, new window pups up in which
all variables in TOC slot are accessible. By moving the mouse cursor, on each variable the
address code is appeared which is used to refer the desired variable in script. Figure 53
shows an address code for time dial setting in TOC slot as Tpset.

Figure 53. Access code to time dial setting in TOC slot of relay - DigSILENT software.

Now, it is possible to write a script and send a command to relay’s TOC slot to put time
dial setting equal to 0.2, as it is done in script 1 in appendix A:


It means in TOC slot which was addressed before, the time dial setting is adjusted to 0.2.

In order to have access to CB in SLD and define open or close commands in the body of
script, the address code to the CB status is found. This can be done either by opening the
desired circuit breaker window in SLD directly or by clicking on the edit relevant object
icon in workspace and choose the desired CB. In CB window by putting mouse cursor on
the close icon the address is revealed. Address code is, on_off as shown below.

Figure 54. Access code to circuit breaker status- DigSILENT software.

To send open or close command to CB the name of CB and the address code to the status
are required. For example, in script 1 in appendix A to access to the DG2 circuit breaker,
it is written:

DG2CB: e: on_off means the status of DG2 circuit breaker is accessible now; so, by putting
DG2CB: e: on_off equal to 1 the desired CB is closed and by changing variable to 0 CB is
opened. DG2 CB position is saved in a variable named DG2CBPos which is used in the
body of the script to write program.
Based on what is described in this section, all elements in SLD are reachable through the
script, if the accurate address code is written in the body of the program. This feature
creates a great accessibility and a perfect dynamic for users to create different scenarios for
their analysis by changing the desired variables without any interruption in computational
process. It generates a challenging advantage for DigSILENT in comparison to the other
rivals in this field.
This was a brief explanation about DigSILENT Powerfactory software. Nowadays, huge
number of researchers are interested to use this powerful software to do different analysis
on power system. DigSILENT, is one of the most powerful software for power system
analysis and control. It is able to perform a vast range of analysis ranging from load flow
analysis to complicated optimal power restoration and contingency studies.

Protection system plays a critical role in power systems by which fault detection and fault
clearing process are achievable. Most important concepts in protection system design, are
selectivity and reliability by which a trustable protection scheme is created for a power
network ranging from huge high voltage grids to small low voltage networks. From the
beginning of electricity industry till now, many protective devices are applied to invigorate
sensitivity and pace of the protection system as much as possible. These protective devices
are upgraded from simple electromechanical relays to multi-functional digital or
microprocessor based relays. Nowadays, modern relays have enough flexibility to observe
several variables in power system and also, they are able to communicate with a central
controller in order to send accurate and on-time command to CBs. These advantages,
contribute protection engineers, to design more complex protection scheme for more
composite grids.
Load centers are growing rapidly; so, power demand is increasing dramatically. Utility
companies need to do required estimation to provide new demand by adequate electrical
energy. But the traditional power plants cannot be a good solution for long period of time.
Because, huge investment for generation and power transmission is needed. Also, power
plants are one of the substantial producers of air pollutant around the world. So, one of the
best alternatives is distributed generation which is going to be a universal approach to meet
required electrical energy. Generally, distributed generations produce insignificant air
pollutant in comparison with the traditional huge power plants because most of them use
renewable energy to generate electricity. Furthermore, with development of technology in
recent decades, cost of investment to erect a DG is considerably decreased. DGs are almost
located near the load centers; so, the erection cost of long transmission lines and power
losses are eradicated.
DGs penetration into the existing power distribution network improves some of the
electrical network characteristics such as voltage sag, power losses and stability. On the
other hand, it can affect electrical parameters negatively. These negative impacts include
reverse power flow and considerable reduction in nominal current level passing through
the line, etc. these kind of effects, disturb desired existing coordination in protection
system. DGs cause blinding protection, false tripping and other types of protection problem
in distribution network, based on the size and location of DG and network topology and
etc. Some sort of solutions is suggested to defeat protection problem in presence of DGs.
One of the most effective and innovative solutions is adaptive protection that can be done
either by using pre-calculated settings for relays during offline analysis or by online
controlling programs which observe the changes in network topology or in electrical
values. Adaptive protection scheme to solve microgrid protection problems is considered
for two important situations. First, when lots of DGs are connected to distribution network.
Second, whenever electrical values or network topology are changed instantly by
distributed generation. Communication channel and controlling process play key roles in
adaptive protection and they can increase the protection system reliability. In this paper, an
adaptive protection scheme based on pre-calculated settings is designed and implemented
in DIgSILENT powerfactory software. At first, four different scenarios of microgrid
operation are simulated and proper relay settings for each scenario are achieved. To
compare attained relays’ settings, No-DG mode is assumed as a reference for all other
scenarios. Then, completed settings are used in the body of the controlling program to
adopt relay settings based on different operation scenarios. These scenarios are defined in
DigSILENT script and suitable relays’ settings related to each scenario are defined. By
executing the simulation, microgrid operation starts and for each scenario, relays’ settings
are changed accordingly. Results are satisfactory and after applying adaptive protection
scheme, microgrid protection problems are solved while accurate coordination and proper
selectivity are achieved.
Generally, in order to find out DGs penetration impacts on a distribution network, detailed
and comprehensive analysis must be done by the owner of the microgrid. These impacts
vary from one microgrid to another one based on network topology, voltage level, DG size
and location and even type of conductors used in distribution network. After conducting
enough studies, either proper protection technique can be chosen, or existing protection
system can be modified accordingly.


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Appendix A: Adaptive protection code in DigSILENT

Script 1 (NO DG):

object TOC,IOC;
int GCBPos,DG1CBPos,DG2CBPos; ! Defines Position for Grid CB & DG1 CB & DG2
GCBPos=GCB:e:on_off; ! Shows Grid CB Position
DG1CBPos=DG1CB:e:on_off; ! Shows DG1 CB Position
DG2CBPos=DG2CB:e:on_off; ! Shows DG2 CB Position

! NO DG is Connected to DN:

output('NO DG is Connected to Distribution Network and Traditional Settings are
applied for OC Relays');
! Relay 34 Settings:
TOC=R34:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.9; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.2; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R34:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=25; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 13 Settings:
TOC=R13:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.8; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.6; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R13:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=20; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 65 Settings:
TOC=R65:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.85; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.2; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R65:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=27; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 26 Settings:
TOC=R26:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.85; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.6; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R26:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=20; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 12 Settings:
TOC=R12:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.8; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=1; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R12:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=16.7; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! DG1 is Connected to DN:

output('DG1 is Connected to Distribution Network and Related Adaptive Settings is
applied to OC Relays');
! Relay 34 Settings:
TOC=R34:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.9; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.2; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R34:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=25; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 13 Settings:
TOC=R13:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=0.45; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=1.065; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R13:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=20; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 65 Settings:
TOC=R65:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.85; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.2; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R65:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=27; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 26 Settings:
TOC=R26:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.85; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.6; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R26:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=20; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 12 Settings:

TOC=R12:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.8; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=1; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R12:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=16.7; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! DG2 is Connected to DN:

output('DG2 is Connected to Distribution Network and Related Adaptive Settings is
applied to OC Relays');
! Relay 34 Settings:
TOC=R34:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.9; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.2; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R34:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=25; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 13 Settings:
TOC=R13:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.8; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.6; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R13:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=20; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 65 Settings:
TOC=R65:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.85; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.2; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R65:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=27; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 26 Settings:
TOC=R26:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=0.45; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=1.075; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R26:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=20; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 12 Settings:
TOC=R12:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=1.21; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC

TOC:Tpset=1.34; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R12:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=16.7; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! DG1 & DG2 are Connected to DN:

output('DG1 & DG2 are Connected to Distribution Network and Related Adaptive
Settings are applied for OC Relays');
! Relay 34 Settings:
TOC=R34:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.9; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.2; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R34:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=25; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 13 Settings:
TOC=R13:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=0.44; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=1.071; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R13:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=20; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 65 Settings:
TOC=R65:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.85; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.2; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R65:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=27; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 26 Settings:
TOC=R26:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=0.44; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=1.085; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R26:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=20; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 12 Settings:
TOC=R12:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=1.2; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=1.352; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R12:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment

IOC:Ipsetr=16.7; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Grid is Disconnected:
output('WARNING!!! : Main Grid is Disconnected And DG(s) are Disconnected
from DN based on Microgrid protection IEEE Standard');
output('WARNING!!! : Traditional Relay Settings (((NO DG Relay Settings))) are
Applied For OC Relays in DN and Protection system is Ready to Reconnect the Main
DG1CB:e:on_off=0; ! Opens DG 1 CB
DG2CB:e:on_off=0; ! Opens DG 2 CB

! Traditional Relay Settings (NO DG Relay Settings):

! Relay 34 Settings:
TOC=R34:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.9; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.2; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R34:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=25; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 13 Settings:
TOC=R13:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.8; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.6; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R13:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=20; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 65 Settings:
TOC=R65:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.85; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.2; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R65:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=27; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 26 Settings:
TOC=R26:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.85; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.6; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R26:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=20; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 12 Settings:

TOC=R12:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.8; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=1; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R12:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=16.7; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

DG1CB:e:on_off=1; ! It Closes DG1 CB

DG1CBPos=DG1CB:e:on_off; ! Shows DG1 CB Position
DG2CBPos=DG2CB:e:on_off; ! Shows DG2 CB Position
DG1Conn.Execute(); ! Runs related DPL to DG1 Connection mode

Script 2 (DG1 Connected):

object TOC,IOC;
int GCBPos,DG1CBPos,DG2CBPos; ! Defines Position for Grid CB & DG1 CB & DG2
GCBPos=GCB:e:on_off; ! Shows Grid CB Position
DG1CBPos=DG1CB:e:on_off; ! Shows DG1 CB Position
DG2CBPos=DG2CB:e:on_off; ! Shows DG2 CB Position

! NO DG is Connected to DN:

output('NO DG is Connected to Distribution Network and Traditional Settings are
applied for OC Relays');
! Relay 34 Settings:
TOC=R34:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.9; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.2; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R34:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=25; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 13 Settings:
TOC=R13:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.8; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.6; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R13:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=20; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 65 Settings:
TOC=R65:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.85; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC

TOC:Tpset=0.2; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R65:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=27; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 26 Settings:
TOC=R26:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.85; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.6; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R26:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=20; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 12 Settings:
TOC=R12:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.8; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=1; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R12:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=16.7; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! DG1 is Connected to DN:

output('DG1 is Connected to Distribution Network and Related Adaptive Settings is
applied to OC Relays');
! Relay 34 Settings:
TOC=R34:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.9; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.2; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R34:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=25; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 13 Settings:
TOC=R13:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=0.45; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=1.065; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R13:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=20; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 65 Settings:
TOC=R65:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.85; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.2; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R65:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment

IOC:Ipsetr=27; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 26 Settings:
TOC=R26:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.85; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.6; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R26:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=20; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 12 Settings:
TOC=R12:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.8; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=1; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R12:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=16.7; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! DG2 is Connected to DN:

output('DG2 is Connected to Distribution Network and Related Adaptive Settings is
applied to OC Relays');
! Relay 34 Settings:
TOC=R34:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.9; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.2; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R34:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=25; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 13 Settings:
TOC=R13:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.8; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.6; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R13:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=20; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 65 Settings:
TOC=R65:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.85; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.2; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R65:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=27; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 26 Settings:
TOC=R26:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=0.45; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=1.075; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R26:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=20; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 12 Settings:
TOC=R12:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=1.21; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=1.34; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R12:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=16.7; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! DG1 & DG2 are Connected to DN:

output('DG1 & DG2 are Connected to Distribution Network and Related Adaptive
Settings are applied for OC Relays');
! Relay 34 Settings:
TOC=R34:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.9; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.2; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R34:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=25; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 13 Settings:
TOC=R13:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=0.44; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=1.071; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R13:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=20; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 65 Settings:
TOC=R65:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.85; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.2; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R65:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=27; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 26 Settings:
TOC=R26:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=0.44; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=1.085; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R26:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=20; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 12 Settings:
TOC=R12:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=1.2; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=1.352; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R12:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=16.7; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Grid is Disconnected:
output('WARNING!!! : Main Grid is Disconnected And DG(s) are Disconnected from
DN based on Microgrid protection IEEE Standard');
output('WARNING!!! : Traditional Relay Settings (((NO DG Relay Settings))) are
Applied For OC Relays in DN and Protection system is Ready to Reconnect the Main
DG1CB:e:on_off=0; ! Opens DG 1 CB
DG2CB:e:on_off=0; ! Opens DG 2 CB

! Traditional Relay Settings (NO DG Relay Settings):

! Relay 34 Settings:
TOC=R34:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.9; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.2; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R34:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=25; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 13 Settings:
TOC=R13:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.8; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.6; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R13:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=20; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 65 Settings:
TOC=R65:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.85; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC

TOC:Tpset=0.2; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R65:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=27; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 26 Settings:
TOC=R26:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.85; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.6; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R26:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=20; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 12 Settings:
TOC=R12:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.8; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=1; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R12:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=16.7; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

DG1CB:e:on_off=0; ! It Opens DG1 CB

DG2CB:e:on_off=1; ! It closes DG2 CB
DG1CBPos=DG1CB:e:on_off; ! Shows DG1 CB Position
DG2CBPos=DG2CB:e:on_off; ! Shows DG2 CB Position
DG2Conn.Execute(); ! Runs related DPL to DG2 Connection mode

Script 3 (DG2 connected):

object TOC,IOC;
int GCBPos,DG1CBPos,DG2CBPos; ! Defines Position for Grid CB & DG1 CB & DG2
GCBPos=GCB:e:on_off; ! Shows Grid CB Position
DG1CBPos=DG1CB:e:on_off; ! Shows DG1 CB Position
DG2CBPos=DG2CB:e:on_off; ! Shows DG2 CB Position

! NO DG is Connected to DN:

output('NO DG is Connected to Distribution Network and Traditional Settings are
applied for OC Relays');
! Relay 34 Settings:
TOC=R34:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.9; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.2; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC

IOC=R34:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=25; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 13 Settings:
TOC=R13:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.8; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.6; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R13:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=20; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 65 Settings:
TOC=R65:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.85; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.2; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R65:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=27; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 26 Settings:
TOC=R26:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.85; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.6; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R26:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=20; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 12 Settings:
TOC=R12:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.8; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=1; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R12:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=16.7; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! DG1 is Connected to DN:

output('DG1 is Connected to Distribution Network and Related Adaptive Settings is
applied to OC Relays');
! Relay 34 Settings:
TOC=R34:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.9; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.2; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R34:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=25; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 13 Settings:
TOC=R13:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=0.45; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=1.065; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R13:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=20; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 65 Settings:
TOC=R65:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.85; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.2; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R65:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=27; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 26 Settings:
TOC=R26:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.85; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.6; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R26:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=20; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 12 Settings:
TOC=R12:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.8; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=1; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R12:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=16.7; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! DG2 is Connected to DN:

output('DG2 is Connected to Distribution Network and Related Adaptive Settings is
applied to OC Relays');
! Relay 34 Settings:
TOC=R34:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.9; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.2; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R34:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=25; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 13 Settings:
TOC=R13:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.8; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.6; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R13:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=20; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 65 Settings:
TOC=R65:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.85; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.2; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R65:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=27; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 26 Settings:
TOC=R26:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=0.45; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=1.075; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R26:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=20; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 12 Settings:
TOC=R12:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=1.21; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=1.34; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R12:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=16.7; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! DG1 & DG2 are Connected to DN:

output('DG1 & DG2 are Connected to Distribution Network and Related Adaptive
Settings are applied for OC Relays');
! Relay 34 Settings:
TOC=R34:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.9; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.2; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R34:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=25; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 13 Settings:

TOC=R13:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=0.44; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=1.071; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R13:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=20; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 65 Settings:
TOC=R65:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.85; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.2; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R65:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=27; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 26 Settings:
TOC=R26:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=0.44; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=1.085; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R26:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=20; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 12 Settings:
TOC=R12:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=1.2; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=1.352; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R12:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=16.7; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Grid is Disconnected:
output('WARNING!!! : Main Grid is Disconnected And DG(s) are Disconnected from
DN based on Microgrid protection IEEE Standard');
output('WARNING!!! : Traditional Relay Settings (((NO DG Relay Settings))) are
Applied For OC Relays in DN and Protection system is Ready to Reconnect the Main
DG1CB:e:on_off=0; ! Opens DG 1 CB
DG2CB:e:on_off=0; ! Opens DG 2 CB

! Traditional Relay Settings (NO DG Relay Settings):

! Relay 34 Settings:
TOC=R34:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.9; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.2; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC

IOC=R34:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=25; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 13 Settings:
TOC=R13:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.8; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.6; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R13:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=20; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 65 Settings:
TOC=R65:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.85; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.2; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R65:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=27; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 26 Settings:
TOC=R26:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.85; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.6; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R26:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=20; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 12 Settings:
TOC=R12:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.8; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=1; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R12:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=16.7; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

DG1CB:e:on_off=1; ! It closes DG1 CB

DG2CB:e:on_off=1; ! It closes DG2 CB
DG1CBPos=DG1CB:e:on_off; ! Shows DG1 CB Position
DG2CBPos=DG2CB:e:on_off; ! Shows DG2 CB Position
DG12Conn.Execute(); ! Runs related DPL to DG1&2 Connection mode

Script 4 (DG1 & DG2 connected):

object TOC,IOC;
int GCBPos,DG1CBPos,DG2CBPos; ! Defines Position for Grid CB & DG1 CB & DG2
GCBPos=GCB:e:on_off; ! Shows Grid CB Position

DG1CBPos=DG1CB:e:on_off; ! Shows DG1 CB Position
DG2CBPos=DG2CB:e:on_off; ! Shows DG2 CB Position

! NO DG is Connected to DN:

output('NO DG is Connected to Distribution Network and Traditional Settings are
applied for OC Relays');
! Relay 34 Settings:
TOC=R34:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.9; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.2; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R34:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=25; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 13 Settings:
TOC=R13:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.8; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.6; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R13:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=20; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 65 Settings:
TOC=R65:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.85; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.2; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R65:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=27; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 26 Settings:
TOC=R26:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.85; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.6; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R26:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=20; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 12 Settings:
TOC=R12:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.8; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=1; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R12:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=16.7; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC


! DG1 is Connected to DN:

output('DG1 is Connected to Distribution Network and Related Adaptive Settings is
applied to OC Relays');
! Relay 34 Settings:
TOC=R34:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.9; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.2; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R34:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=25; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 13 Settings:
TOC=R13:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=0.45; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=1.065; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R13:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=20; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 65 Settings:
TOC=R65:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.85; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.2; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R65:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=27; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 26 Settings:
TOC=R26:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.85; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.6; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R26:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=20; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 12 Settings:
TOC=R12:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.8; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=1; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R12:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=16.7; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! DG2 is Connected to DN:

output('DG2 is Connected to Distribution Network and Related Adaptive Settings is
applied to OC Relays');
! Relay 34 Settings:
TOC=R34:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.9; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.2; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R34:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=25; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 13 Settings:
TOC=R13:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.8; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.6; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R13:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=20; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 65 Settings:
TOC=R65:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.85; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.2; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R65:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=27; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 26 Settings:
TOC=R26:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=0.45; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=1.075; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R26:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=20; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 12 Settings:
TOC=R12:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=1.21; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=1.34; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R12:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=16.7; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! DG1 & DG2 are Connected to DN:

output('DG1 & DG2 are Connected to Distribution Network and Related Adaptive
Settings are applied for OC Relays');
! Relay 34 Settings:
TOC=R34:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.9; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.2; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R34:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=25; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 13 Settings:
TOC=R13:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=0.44; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=1.071; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R13:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=20; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 65 Settings:
TOC=R65:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.85; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.2; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R65:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=27; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 26 Settings:
TOC=R26:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=0.44; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=1.085; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R26:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=20; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 12 Settings:
TOC=R12:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=1.2; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=1.352; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R12:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=16.7; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Grid is Disconnected:

output('WARNING!!! : Main Grid is Disconnected And DG(s) are Disconnected from
DN based on Microgrid protection IEEE Standard');
output('WARNING!!! : Traditional Relay Settings (((NO DG Relay Settings))) are
Applied For OC Relays in DN and Protection system is Ready to Reconnect the Main
DG1CB:e:on_off=0; ! Opens DG 1 CB
DG2CB:e:on_off=0; ! Opens DG 2 CB

! Traditional Relay Settings (NO DG Relay Settings):

! Relay 34 Settings:
TOC=R34:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.9; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.2; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R34:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=25; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 13 Settings:
TOC=R13:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.8; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.6; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R13:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=20; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 65 Settings:
TOC=R65:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.85; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.2; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R65:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=27; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 26 Settings:
TOC=R26:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.85; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.6; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R26:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=20; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 12 Settings:
TOC=R12:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.8; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=1; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R12:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment

IOC:Ipsetr=16.7; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

GCB:e:on_off=0; ! It Opens Grid CB

GCBPos=GCB:e:on_off; ! Shows Grid CB Position
GridDis.Execute(); ! Runs related DPL to Grid Disconnection mode

Script 5 (main grid disconnected):

object TOC,IOC;
int GCBPos,DG1CBPos,DG2CBPos; ! Defines Position for Grid CB & DG1 CB & DG2
GCBPos=GCB:e:on_off; ! Shows Grid CB Position
DG1CBPos=DG1CB:e:on_off; ! Shows DG1 CB Position
DG2CBPos=DG2CB:e:on_off; ! Shows DG2 CB Position

! NO DG is Connected to DN:

output('NO DG is Connected to Distribution Network and Traditional Settings are
applied for OC Relays');
! Relay 34 Settings:
TOC=R34:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.9; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.2; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R34:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=25; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 13 Settings:
TOC=R13:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.8; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.6; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R13:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=20; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 65 Settings:
TOC=R65:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.85; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.2; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R65:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=27; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 26 Settings:

TOC=R26:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.85; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.6; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R26:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=20; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 12 Settings:
TOC=R12:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.8; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=1; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R12:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=16.7; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! DG1 is Connected to DN:

output('DG1 is Connected to Distribution Network and Related Adaptive Settings is
applied to OC Relays');
! Relay 34 Settings:
TOC=R34:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.9; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.2; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R34:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=25; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 13 Settings:
TOC=R13:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=0.45; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=1.065; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R13:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=20; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 65 Settings:
TOC=R65:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.85; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.2; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R65:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=27; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 26 Settings:
TOC=R26:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.85; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC

TOC:Tpset=0.6; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R26:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=20; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 12 Settings:
TOC=R12:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.8; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=1; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R12:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=16.7; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! DG2 is Connected to DN:

output('DG2 is Connected to Distribution Network and Related Adaptive Settings is
applied to OC Relays');
! Relay 34 Settings:
TOC=R34:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.9; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.2; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R34:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=25; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 13 Settings:
TOC=R13:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.8; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.6; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R13:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=20; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 65 Settings:
TOC=R65:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.85; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.2; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R65:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=27; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 26 Settings:
TOC=R26:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=0.45; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=1.075; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC

IOC=R26:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=20; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 12 Settings:
TOC=R12:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=1.21; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=1.34; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R12:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=16.7; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! DG1 & DG2 are Connected to DN:

output('DG1 & DG2 are Connected to Distribution Network and Related Adaptive
Settings are applied for OC Relays');
! Relay 34 Settings:
TOC=R34:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.9; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.2; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R34:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=25; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 13 Settings:
TOC=R13:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=0.44; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=1.071; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R13:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=20; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 65 Settings:
TOC=R65:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.85; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.2; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R65:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=27; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 26 Settings:
TOC=R26:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=0.44; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=1.085; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R26:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment

IOC:Ipsetr=20; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 12 Settings:
TOC=R12:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=1.2; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=1.352; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R12:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=16.7; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Grid is Disconnected:
output('WARNING!!! : Main Grid is Disconnected And DG(s) are Disconnected from
DN based on Microgrid protection IEEE Standard');
output('WARNING!!! : Traditional Relay Settings (((NO DG Relay Settings))) are
Applied For OC Relays in DN and Protection system is Ready to Reconnect the Main
DG1CB:e:on_off=0; ! Opens DG 1 CB
DG2CB:e:on_off=0; ! Opens DG 2 CB

! Traditional Relay Settings (NO DG Relay Settings):

! Relay 34 Settings:
TOC=R34:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.9; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.2; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R34:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=25; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 13 Settings:
TOC=R13:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.8; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.6; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R13:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=20; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 65 Settings:
TOC=R65:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.85; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.2; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R65:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=27; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 26 Settings:

TOC=R26:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.85; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=0.6; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R26:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=20; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

! Relay 12 Settings:
TOC=R12:e:pdiselm:2; ! Access to TOC slot in Relay Compartment
TOC:Ipsetr=2.8; ! Access to Current Setting for TOC
TOC:Tpset=1; ! Access to Time Dial for TOC
IOC=R12:e:pdiselm:3; ! Access to IOC slot in Relay Compartment
IOC:Ipsetr=16.7; ! Access to Pickup Current for IOC

GCB:e:on_off=1; ! at the end It Recloses Grid CB

DG1CB:e:on_off=0; ! at the end It Reopens DG1 CB
DG2CB:e:on_off=0; ! at the end It Reopens DG2 CB
DG1CBPos=DG1CB:e:on_off; ! Shows DG1 CB Position
DG2CBPos=DG2CB:e:on_off; ! Shows DG2 CB Position


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