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Name: Šemsudin Plojović
Date of Birth: 14.02.1981.
Place of Birth: Novi Pazar, Serbia
Nationality: Serbia
Contact Address: Osmana Dervišnurovića 33, 36300 Novi Pazar
Tel(home): + 381 (0)20 390700
Tel(Mobile): + 381 (0)60 3907000
Fax: +381 (0)20 385822

(a) Field of Specialization:
1. Economics, Macroeconomics and Econometrics
2. Management, Quality management and Management information systems
(b) Academic Qualifications
Degree, Major, Year, University, Country, Dissertation Title, GPA
1. PhD, Economics, 2009, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, FJR
Macedonia, Statistical and econometric models of export and import of
Republic of Serbia, 10,00
2. PhD, Management, 2008. Alfa Universiti (University Braća Karić),
Possibilities and limitations of applying management information systems in
small and medium enterprises in Serbia, 10.00
(c) Academic Honors and Awards
Name of the Award, Awarding Institution, Year
Alumny Award, Best student ever, Alfa University, Belgrade, Serbia 2010.

(d) Membership of Professional Bodies

Name of Professional Body, Membership Grade, Joining Date (MM/YY)
University Senat member, 08.2009.- and futher
Balkan Libraries Union, Regulatory board member, 05./2015 and further
Global Network for Socio-economic Research and Development, Board
member, 10/2015. and further

(e) Language Proficiency

English language C1 level acording to Common European Framework of
Reference for languages

(a) Academic Positions Held
Rank, Department, College, University, Country, Period
Full professor, Department of economics, University of Novi Pazar, Serbia,
23.04.2016. – and further
Associate professor, Department of economics, University of Novi Pazar,
Serbia 01.12.2011 – 23.04.2016.
Assistant professor, Department of economics, University of Novi Pazar,
Serbia 01.09.2008-01.12.2011.
(b) Professional/Industrial Positions Held
Position Title, Department, Company, Country, Period (MM/YY-MM/YY)
Manager, Business center of University of Novi Pazar, Serbia, 08/2008-08/2011,
08/2016- and further
(c) Administrative Positions Held (Dates: MM/YY-MM/YY)
Chief of library, University of Novi Pazar, 08/2011. – 08/2016.

(a) Summary of Courses Taught

1. Business Statistics, 2008-20016, Nine years, Last yaear evaluation 4,89

2. Macroecnomics challenges, 2008-2016, Nine years, Last yaear evaluation
3. Agribusiness, 2008-2016, Nine years, Last yaear evaluation 4,89
4. Management information Systems, 2008-2016, Nine years, Last yaear
evaluation 4,89
5. Quality management, 2008-2016, Nine years, Last yaear evaluation 4,89
(b) Participation in Academic Accreditation
Name of Program, Role, Institution, Name of Accreditation Body, Period
(c) Research Students Supervised/Trained
Level Number of Trainees
PhD Students – 6
Master Students - 15
Undergraduate Students – 7 for each year
(d) Participation in Thesis and Oral Examination Committees
Level Number of Examinations
PhD Students - 6
Master Students - 15
(e) Training
Training Activity (e.g. Teaching & Learning Methods, Use of IT in
Teaching & Learning, etc…), Training Institution, Country, Period
Teaching method, European movement in Serbia, Serbia, 06.2008-09.2008.
Exploration methods in macroeconomics, Pontis fondation, Slovakia, 07.2009.-
Facing macroeconomic chalanges, Fondacija centar za demokratiju, Srbija,
Halal sertification proces, Agency for Halal quality cetrification, Bosnia and
Hercegovina, 03.2013 – 04.2013.

(a) Research Interests

List of research interests in order of priority.
Macroeconomic chalanges
Agribusines chalanges
Quality management and apllication of IT
Applied statistics

(b) Publications/Citations Data

Type of Publication Number of Publications
Articles in International Refereed
Journals - 52
Conference Papers - 69
Books/Book Chapters 8
Others (specify)
Citation Source Number of Citations – 59 citations, 18.02. 2018. – 92 citations, 18.02.2018

(c) Research Grants

Type of Grant, Role (e.g. Principle Investigator), Title of Project, Awarding Body,
Duration (MM/YY-MM/YY), Grant Amount
1. Head researcher, Strategy of sustanable development of Rozaje Municipality,
Rozaje Municipality, Montenegro, Dec. 2012 - dec. 2013.,
2. Senior researcher, Identification of resources as a basis for future investment
projects in Southwestern Serbia, SABA - Sanjak business association, Serbia, Jan
2012 - Dec. 2012,
3. Senior researcher, Analysis of existing business sectors in Sanjak region and
modeling programs of support, SABA - Sanjak business association, Serbia, Jan
2012 - Dec. 2012 ,
4. Project manager and chief researcher, Cross-border programme Serbia-
Montenegro – Better cooperation for better future, Project is funded by European
Union, Dec. 2010 - dec. 2011.,
5. Researchers advisor, Research Interest for Migration Management in South
Western Serbia, The project is supported by financial support of the Pro-program
of development of municipalities of southwestern Serbia (PRO program) and the
government of Switzerland and Liechtenstain. Projest number: 1-195-204-116, Jun.
2010 - Dec. 2010.,
6. Senior researcher, Attracting and directing Foreign Direst Investments – example
of Slovakia in the EU enlargement, SlovakAID,
7. Researcher, Analysis of capacities of Local Communities in Novi Pazar, Tutin and
Prijepolje in urban and rural areas, Deleagation of The EU to Republic of Serbia,
Aug-Dec 2010,
8. Senior researcher, Support for Cluster of textile producers „ASSTEX“,Ministry
for Economy of Republic of Serbia, Jun-Dec 2009,
(d) Patents

Title of Patent, Patent Number, Date, Name of Inventors and their

(e) Participation in Regional & International Conferences
Name of Conference/Workshop/Forum/Symposium, Place (City &
Country), Date(include only last five years)
- International Conference of Socioeconomic Researchers (ICSR), organized
by Global Network for Socio-economic Research and Development,
ZLATIBOR, SERBIA, 27 - 29 May 2016
- Telecommunications Forum Telfor (TELFOR), 2014 22nd, Belgrade;
- Uluslararası İpek Yolu Kongresi ve 10. Adam Konferansı: Ticaret, İşbirliği
ve Barış Havzası’nı Yeniden Düşünmek, Istanbul; 10/2013
- Uluslararası Balkanlarda Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi (International Social
Science Conference, Novi Pazar, 2013, p. 1249-1258, Novi pazar, Serbia;
- Regional Scientific Conference with International Participation "Effects of
Global Risk in Transition Countries", Peć; 05/2013
- International conference Information and Communication Technologies for
Small and Medium Enterprises (ICTSME2011) Arandjelovac, Serbia,
September 22-23, 2011, Arandjelovac, Serbia; 09/2011
- EDUKONS 2012, Sremska Kamenica; 06/2012
- The Third International Symposium on Sustainable Development (ISSD
2012); 01/2012
- Scientific Conference with international participants: "AGROBIZ 2011",
Novi Pazar, Serbia; 10/2011
- The Second International Conference on e-Learning (eLearning-2011), 29-30
September 2011, Belgrade, Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia; 09/2011
- International Conference on Economic and Social Studies (ICESoS’13), 10-
11 May, 2013, Sarajevo, Sarajevo, BiH; 05/2013
- 14th International conference „Dependability and quality management“ ICDQM-
2011, Beograd, Serbia, 29-30 june 2011, Beograd; 06/2011
- International conference Information and Communication Technologies for
Small and Medium Enterprises (ICTSME2011) Arandjelovac, Serbia,
September 22-23, 2011, Arandjelovac; 09/2011
& MANAGEMENT, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina; 06/2011

(a) Membership of Institutional, National, or International Scientific
Advisory Boards
Name of Institution/Board, Type/Grade of Membership, Period (MM/YYMM/YY).
Klaster Asstex, Quality adviser, 09/2009. and further
Economic council of city of Novi Pazar, chearman, 10/2016. and further Athletic
federation of Serbia, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, 08/2016 and further
Halal agency Serbia, Quality adviser, 01/2014. and further

(b) Membership of Conference Committees

Name of the Committee, Role, Name of Conference/Workshop/Forum/ Symposium,
Place (City & Country), Date
o Scientific Committee, Member, International congress on environmental
research and technology, Sarajevo, International University of Sarajevo,
Bosnia and Hercegovina 01.09.2016.
o Organizing committee, President, Scientific conference with international
participation “Agrobiz 2011”, University of Novi Pazar, Novi Pazar, Serbia,
o Organizing committee, President, International scientific conference “Small
and Medium Enterprises - Possibilities and Perspectives 2011”Novi Pazar,

o Organizing committee, Member, Euro-Atlantic Integration - Challenges and

Perspectives, Universitz of Novi Pazar, Novi Pazar, 28-29.10.2016.
(c) Service as Reviewer
o Journal of the Department of Economics of International University of Novi
Pazar "Economic Challenges", ISSN 2217-8821, International University of
o Journal of science, culture and art, ISSN: 1451-3870, International
o University journal of Information Technology and Economics (UNITE),
ISSN: 2335-0628, University of Novi Pazar, Serbia (since: 2014)

Name of Conference/Workshop/Forum/Symposium, Place (City &
Country), Date
o Publication Review Committee, Member, International Conference on
Economic and Social Studies (ICESoS), International Burc University,
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Hercegovina, 18-19.05.2017.

(d) Membership of Journal Editorial Boards

o Journal of the Department of Economics of International University of Novi

Pazar "Economic Challenges", ISSN 2217-8821, International University of
Novi Pazar, (since 03/2012)
o Journal of science, culture and art, ISSN: 1451-3870, International
University of Novi Pazar, Serbia (since: 03/2002)
o University journal of Information Technology and Economics (UNITE),
ISSN: 2335-0628, University of Novi Pazar, Serbia (since: 2014)

(e) Invited Presentations at Scientific Meetings/Workshops

Title of Presentation, Name of Conference/Workshop/Forum/Symposium,
Place (City & Country), Date
o Scientific conference with international participation “Agrobiz 2011”,
University of Novi Pazar, Novi Pazar, Serbia, 10.10.2011.
o International scientific conference “Small and Medium Enterprises -
Possibilities and Perspectives 2011”Novi Pazar, Serbia 25 April 2011.
o Euro-Atlantic Integration - Challenges and Perspectives, Universitz of Novi
Pazar, Novi Pazar, 28-29.10.2016.
(f) University Service
Name of Institution, Country, Period (MM/YY-MM/YY)
Specify Administrative Appointments, Name of Committees/Boards/
Councils, Role
(g) Service to Profession/Industry
Name of Organization, Country, Role, Period (MM/YY-MM/YY)
o Rozaje Municipality, Strategy of sustanable development of Rozaje
Municipality, Montenegro, Dec. 2012 - dec. 2013.
o SABA - Sanjak business association, Serbia, Identification of resources as a
basis for future investment projects in Southwestern Serbia, Senior
researcher, Jan 2012 - Dec. 2012
o SABA - Sanjak business association, Analysis of existing business sectors in
Sanjak region and modeling programs of support, Serbia, Senior researcher
Jan 2012 - Dec. 2012
o Ministry for Economy of Republic of Serbia, Support for Cluster of textile
producers „ASSTEX“, Senior researcher, Jun-Dec 2009,
(h) Public Service
Appointment, Organization, Period (MM/YY-MM/YY)
Novi Pazar municipality, Serbia, Economic council of city of Novi Pazar,
chearman, 10/2016. and further


International Refereed Journals (Published or Accepted only!) Authors,
Title of Article, Name of Journal, Publisher (Country), Pages, Year
1. Ketin S., Sacirovic S., Skrijelj R., Plojovic S., Plojovic S. , Incineration as the way
of hazardous waste destruction in vinyl chloride production, Publication date,
2017/1/1, Journal Fresenius environmental bulletin, Volume 26, Issue, 2 A, Pages,
1566-1568, Publisher, Parlar scientific publications (PSP)
2. Becirovic S., Plojovic S., Plojovic S., Ujkanovic E., Challenges at starting an
agribusiness in the hilly - mountainous region of southwest Serbia ", Ekonomika
poljoprivrede/Economics of Agriculture in number 4/2017, Decembar 2017.
3. Muraspahić M., Kastrat I., Plojović S., Imamovic M., Ketin S., Biocanin R., Effect
of Sanitary-Environmental Conditions of Diabetic Hypertension Incidence in
Displaced Persons, Publication date, 2017/3/15, Open access Macedonian journal
of medical sciences, Volume 5, Issue 1, Pages, 86, Publisher, ID Design Press
4. Becirovic S., Plojovic S., Ujkanovic E., Mobile Network Operators as Banks-
Opportunites and Threatst, Publication date, 2017/8/1, TEM Journal-Technology
Education Management Informatics, Volume 6, Issue 3, Pages, 618-628, Publisher
Assoc information communication technology education & science
5. Plojovic S., Becirovic S., Ujkanovic E., Plojovic S., Possibilities of application of
information technologies in order to youth sports in Serbia , FBIM Transactions -
The official journal of the MESTE and the Faculty of Business and Law of the
"Union - Nikola Tesla" University, January 2018,
6. Plojović S., Bećirović S., Plojović Š., Ujkanović E., Changing government policies
toward economic development of rural regions in Western Balkans, Economic
vision, International Scientific Journal in Economics, Finance, Business,
Marketing, Management and Tourism, Publisher State University of Tetovo, FJR
Macedonia, January 2018 (M51)
7. Plojovic S., Bećirović S., Plojovic S., Ujkanovic E., Challenges in controlling and
implementing Halal standard, Ekonomski izazovi : časopis Departmana za
ekonomske nauke Internacionalnog Univerziteta u Novom Pazaru ISSN: 2217-
8821.- God. 6, br. 11 (2017), doi:10.5937/EkoIzavov1712012P
8. Plojovic S., Novalić F., Saracevic M., Plojovic S., The possibility of implementation
of DSS in the process of maintenance of machinery, FBIM Transactions - The
official journal of the MESTE and the Faculty of Business and Law of the "Union
- Nikola Tesla" University, January 2017, DOI10.12709/fbim.
9. Plojović S., Bećirović S., Plojović Š., Ujkanović E., Mogućnosti unapređenja mera
fiskalne politike u cilju podizanja konkurentnosti porodičnih poljoprivrenih
gazdinstava, Univerzitetska misao, Decembar 2017.
10. Vignjević-Đorđević Nada, Plojović Šemsudin, Standards and competencies of the
EU: The market strategies of financial services in the Balkan region, Journal of
Applied Engineering Science, ISSN 1451-4117, eISSN 1821-3197, vol. 14, iss. 1, pp.
169-178, 2016, doi:10.5937/jaes14-10064, 2016
11. Senadin Plojović, Enis Ujkanović, Suad Bećirović, Šemsudin Plojović, Tax on
assets as a factor of increasing economic activities, Scientific Journal for Theory
and Practice of Socio-economic Development Socioeconomica (SJSECO), eISSN:
2217-7558, pISSN: 2334-9670, DOI: 10.12803/SJSECO, Vol. 5, N° 9, June, 2016,
pp. 23-30., 2016
12. Ujkanović, Enis, Plojović, Šemsudin, Primena troškovnog računovodstva kao
faktora u upravljanju projektima, Ekonomski izazovi : časopis Departmana za
ekonomske nauke Internacionalnog Univerziteta u Novom Pazaru ISSN: 2217-
8821 SG=p I 98.- God. 5, br. 9 (2016), str. 88-98, 2016
13. Biočanin R., Šaćirović S., Ketin S., Čanak S., Vignjevic N., Plojović Š, Nešković S.,
Chemical Procesess Decontamination it the treatment of Hazardous Substances,
Polish Journal of Envoirmental Studies, Vol. 24, No 1, 2015.
14. S. Ketin, S. Sacirovic , S.Sacirovic, R. Biocanin, Š. Plojović., Method for
Comparison of the Maximum Range of Chemical Pollutants, ISSN 1070-3632,
Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 2014, Vol. 84, No. 13, © Pleiades
Publishing, Ltd., 2014
15. Fadil Novalic, Faruk Selimovic, Dzemail Zornic, Semsudin Plojovic, Mensura
Kudumovic: An example of decision support systems and its improvement by
using a Web environment, Technics Technologies Education Management, TTEM,
journal of society for development of teaching and business processes in new net
environment in B&H, TTEM - Technics Technologies Education Management
Impact Factor: 0.414 (ISI Journal Citation Reports 2012) ISSN: 1840-1503 e-
ISSN: 1986-809X Volume 8 / 2013, Number 3, p. 170 – 178, 2013
16. Plojović, Senadin, Ujkanović, Enis, Bušatlić, Senad, Plojović, Šemsudin,
Possibilities and Limitations of Re-industrialization of Serbia, UNITE
[Elektronski izvor] : University Journal of Information Technology and
Economics : Scientific Journal of University of Novi Pazar ISSN: 2335-0628.-Vol.
2, no. 1 (2015), str. 34-38, 2015
17. Ujkanović, Enis, Plojović, Šemsudin, Plojović, Senadin, Title: Primjena
troškovnog računovodstva kao faktora u upravljanju projektima, Ekonomski
izazovi : časopis Departmana za ekonomske nauke Internacionalnog Univerziteta
u Novom Pazaru ISSN: 2217-8821 SG=p I 98.- God. 4, br. 7 (2015), str. 111-121,
18. Redžepagić, Besim, Plojović, Šemsudin, Title: Relacije razvojnih potencijala
sportskog tržišta i potreba opšte javnosti za sportskim proizvodima,
Univerzitetska misao : časopis za nauku, kulturu i umjetnost ISSN: 1451-3870
SG=p 27445.- Br. 13(2) (2014 [št. 2015]), str. 174-197, 2015
19. Redžepagić, Besim, Plojović, Šemsudin, Title: Faktori tranzicijskog potencijala
sportskog tržišta kantona Sarajevo, Univerzitetska misao : časopis za nauku, kulturu
i umjetnost ISSN: 1451-3870 SG=p 27445.- br. 13(1) (2014 [št. 2015]), str. 30-57, 2014
20. Plojović, Šemsudin, Bećirović, Suad, Ujkanović, Enis, Plojović, Senadin, Title:
Information System for Early Warning in Auditing of Halal Standard, UNITE
University Journal of Information Technology and Economics : Scientific Journal
of University of Novi Pazar ISSN: 2335-0628.- Vol. 1, no. 2 (2014), str. 1-4, 2014
21. Plojović, Šemsudin, Ujkanović, Enis, Bušatlić, Senad, Ridić, Ognjen, Title: Mogući
modeli promene visine penzija i efekat na PIO fond, Ekonomski izazovi : časopis
Departmana za ekonomske nauke Internacionalnog Univerziteta u Novom Pazaru
ISSN: 2217-8821 SG=p I 98.- God. 3, br. 6 (2014), str. 22-40, 2014
22. Plojović, Senadin, Plojović, Šemsudin, Ujkanović, Enis, Bušatlić, Senad, Title: The
Possibility of improving resource management in enterprises using information
and communication technologies, UNITE [Elektronski izvor] : University Journal
of Information Technology and Economics : Scientific Journal of University of
Novi Pazar ISSN: 2335-0628.- Vol. 1, no. 1 (2014), str. 42-50, 2014
23. Zornić, Džemail, Plojović, Šemsudin, Ujkanović, Enis, Plojović, Senadin, Title:
Bitcoin - valuta budućnosti, Ekonomski izazovi : časopis Departmana za
ekonomske nauke Internacionalnog Univerziteta u Novom Pazaru ISSN: 2217-
8821 SG=p I 98.- God. 3, br. 5 (2014), str. 102-110, 2014
24. Redžepagić, Besim, Plojović, Šemsudin, Ujkanović, Enis, Title: Mogućnosti
tranzicijskog potencijala BH sporta kao i njegovog uspješnijeg povezivanja sa
ukupnom bosanskohercegovačkom turističkom ponudom, Ekonomski izazovi :
časopis Departmana za ekonomske nauke Internacionalnog Univerziteta u Novom
Pazaru ISSN: 2217-8821 SG=p I 98.- God. 2, br. 4 (2013), str. 15-37, 2013
25. Bećirović Suad N., Plojović Šemsudin A., Jašarević Alija, Problems of monetary
unions: The future of the euro and European integrations, Poslovna ekonomija
ISSN 1820-6859, eISSN 1821-1798, vol. 7, iss. 1, pp. 279-299, 2013
26. Saračević, Muzafer, Elfić, Elma, Plojović, Šemsudin, Mašović, Sead, Title:
Implementacija transportnog problema primenom metode meta-heurističkog
pristupa, Ekonomski izazovi : časopis Departmana za ekonomske nauke
Internacionalnog Univerziteta u Novom Pazaru ISSN: 2217-8821 SG=p I 98.-God.
2, br. 3 (2013), str. 39-48, 2013
27. Bećirović, Suad, Plojović, Šemsudin, Ujkanović, Enis, Title: Finansiranje mjesnih
zajednica u Srbiji = Financing local communities in Serbia, Ekonomski izazovi :
časopis Departmana za ekonomske nauke Internacionalnog Univerziteta u Novom
Pazaru ISSN: 2217-8821 SG=p I 98.- God. 1, br. 2 (2012), str. 37-51, 2012
28. Muzafer Saračević, Sead Mašović, Šemsudin Plojović: UML modeling for
traveling salesman problem based on genetic algorithms. SouthEast Europe
Journal of Soft Computing, Southeast Europe Journal of Soft Computing, ISSN
29. 2233 -1859, International University of Sarajevo, 01/2012; pp 72-79, DOI:, 2012
30. Bećirović, Suad, Plojović, Šemsudin, Ujkanović, Enis, Title: Impact of investments
with a fixed income on the development of entrepreneurship = Uticaj investicija sa
fiksnim prihodom na razvoj preduzetništva, Anali Ekonomskog fakulteta u
Subotici : organ Ekonomskog fakultata u Subotici ISSN: 0350-2120 SG=p 9081.-
God. 48, br. 27, str. 187-199, 2012
31. Saračević, Muzafer, Plojović, Šemsudin, Ujković, Enis, Title: Digitalni
repozitorijumi u integraciji sa sistemima za upravljanje edukativnim sadržajima
(LCMS) = Digital Repository to Integration with Learning Content Management
System (LCMS), Ekonomski izazovi : časopis Departmana za ekonomske nauke
Internacionalnog Univerziteta u Novom Pazaru ISSN: 2217-8821 SG=p I 98.-God.
1, br. 1, str. 67-77, 2012
32. Džemail Zornić, Munir Rušović, Enis Ujkanović, Šemsudin Plojović: Information
Technology and Konwledge management as a Basis for the Economic
Development, Scientific Journal for Theory and Practice of Socio-economic
Development Socioeconomica (SJSECO), eISSN: 2217-7558, pISSN: 2334-9670,
DOI: 10.12803/SJSECO, Vol. 1, N° 2, December, pp. 389 – 396. 2012,
33. Bećirović, Suad, Plojović, Šemsudin, Zornić, Džemail, Ujkanović, Enis, Title: The
Role of Fundations in Solving the Problem of Natural Monopoly, Communications
in dependability and quality management : an international journal ISSN: 1450-
7196 SG=ps 6474.- Vol. 14, no. 3, str. 21-31, 2011
34. Bećirović, Suad, Plojović, Šemsudin, Zornić, Džemail, Ujkanović, Enis, Title:
Financial Challenges in Implementing Inventions, Communications in
dependability and quality management : an international journal ISSN: 1450-
7196 SG=ps 6474.- Vol. 14, no. 1, str. 25-38, 2011
35. Plojović Šemsudin, Bećirović Suad, Ujkanović Enis, Acceleration of economic
growth of Serbia with foreign direct investment: Analyzing the experience of
Slovakia, Tehnika, ISSN 0040-2176, eISSN 2560-3086 vol. 66, iss. 5, pp. 832-837,
36. Šemsudin Plojović, Selim Šaćirović, Suad Bećirović, Enis Ujkanović, Mogućnosti
razvoja banjskog turizma u novopazarskom kraju, Univerzitetska hronika,
Stručni časopis Univerziteta u Travniku, ISSN 1840-3999, Vol. 3, No.1, pp. 119-
128, 2010.,
37. Šemsudin Plojović, Suad Bećirović, Senad Bušatlić, Enis Ujkanović, Mogućnosti
održivog razvoja turizma u reionima Srbije, Univerzitetska hronika, Stručni
časopis Univerziteta u Travniku, ISSN 1840-3999, Vol. 3, No.1, pp. 39-48, 2010.,
38. Šemsudin Plojović, Suad Bećirović, Enis Ujkanović, Statistički osvrt na ljudske
resurse u regiji Sandžak, Novopazarski zbornik br. 32, Muzej Ras, Novi Pazar, YU
ISSN 0351-3017, 2009.
39. Šemsudin Plojović, Senad Bušatlić, Technological innovations as a factor of
gaining competitive advantage, Časopis Univerziteta u Travniku - Univerzitetska
hronika, ISSN: 1840-3999, Vol. 2., No. 2, pp 49-55, 2008.,
40. Senad Bušatlić, Šemsudin Plojović, Possibilities and directions for application of
information technology in the process of market research, Technological
innovations as a factor of gaining competitive advantage, Časopis Univerziteta u
Travniku - Univerzitetska hronika, ISSN: 1840-3999, Vol. 2., No. 2, pp 91-96,
41. Šemsudin Plojović, Menadžment u organizaciji sportskih klubova u vremenu
deregulacije u oblasti sporta, Sport Mont Journal (SMJ), ISSN 1451-7485, eISSN
2337-0351, Montenegrin Sports Academy, Vol. 15,16,17 str. 774-778, 2008.
42. Šemsudin Plojović, Uticaj motivacije na radnu aktivnost, Sport Mont Journal
(SMJ), ISSN 1451-7485, eISSN 2337-0351, Montenegrin Sports Academy, Vol
15,16,17 str. 765-770, 2008,
43. Šemsudin Plojović, Statistic aspect on plaining process, Časopis Fizička kultura,
ISSN 0350-3836, Skoplje, godina 36, No.1, p.p. 103 – 105, 2008.
44. Adem Preljević, Šemsudin Plojović, Relation of investing in human resources and
the results Časopis Fizička kultura ISSN 0350-3836, Skoplje, godina 35, No.1, p.p.
251 – 253, 2007.,
45. Šemsudin Plojović, Management and organization conflict, Časopis Fizička
kultura, ISSN 0350-3836, Skoplje, godina 35, No.2, p.p. 228 – 230, 2007.
46. Šemsudin Plojović, Internet services in everyday activities, Časopis Fizička
kultura, ISSN 0350-3836, Skoplje, godina 35, No.1, p.p. 212 – 214, 2007.
47. Šemsudin Plojović: Informatički pristup trenažnom procesu, Sport Mont Journal
(SMJ), ISSN 1451-7485, eISSN 2337-0351, Montenegrin Sports Academy, str. 622-
626. 2006,
48. Šemsudin Plojović: Primena informacionih tehnologija u cilju poboljšanja
trenažnog procesa, Sport Mont Journal (SMJ), ISSN 1451-7485, eISSN 2337-0351,
Montenegrin Sports Academy, str. 482-487, 2006,
49. Adem Preljević, Šemsudin Plojović: Reorganization in in function of adaptation to
the envoirnmental, Časopis Fizička kultura, Skoplje, godina 34, No.1, p.p. 94
50. 96, 2006.,
51. Šemsudin Plojović, Adem Preljević: About decentralized decision making Časopis
Fizička kultura, Skoplje, godina 34, No.1, ISSN 0350-3836, p.p. 88 – 91, 2006.,
52. Šemsudin Plojović: Managing the reorganization in sports clubs, „Fizička
kultura“, Skoplje, ISSN 0350-3836, godina 33, broj 2., str. 138-140, 2005

(b) Conference Papers

Authors, Title of Article, Name of Conference/Workshop/Symposium/
Forum, City & Country, Dates, Publisher (Country), Pages, Year
1. Plojovic S., Bećirović S., Plojovic S., Ujkanovic E., Models of linking recreational
tourism and agribusiness trought use of ICT, International Conference on
Economic and Social Studies (ICESoS)2017, At Sarajevo, Volume: 1, May 2017,
2. Šaćirović S., Plojović Š., Šaćirović D., Sacred and profane monuments in Novi
Pazar as potentials for the development of cultural tourism, Contemporary Trends
in Tourism and Hospitality – CTTH 2017, 1 September 2017. Novi Sad
3. Plojović Š., Remains of the Ottoman cultural heritage in Novi Pazar/Yenipazar’da
Osmanlı Kültür Mirası, 4. Milletlerarası Şehir Tarihi Yazarları Kongresi, 14-16
Ekim 2017,
4. Plojovic Semsudin, Nada Vignjević Đorđević: Standard and competencies of the
EU – The market strategies of financial services in the Balkan region. OMO2014,
1 edited by Branko Vasić, 06/2014: chapter Standard and competencies of the EU
– The market strategies of financial services in the Balkan region: pages 179-187;
Institut za istraživanja i projektovanje u privredi., ISBN: 978-86-84231-41-5, 2014
5. Plojovic S., Becirovic S., Ujkanovic E., Plojovic S., Mogućnosti primene
informacionog sistema baziranog na znanju u upravljanju halal standardom,
Sarajevo Halal forum SAHAF, 2014
6. Ridic, O., Plojovic, S., Busatlic, S., Ridic, G., Elektronski medicinski rekord
(EMR) kao jedan od prioriteta inovacijskog menadžmenta u zdravstvu, TELFOR
2014 - 22nd Telecommunications Forum. (2014)
7. Muzafer Saračević, Šemsudin Plojović, Enis Ujkanović, Senad Bušatlić:
Implementation of Transportation Problem by Using the Method of Meta-
Heuristics Approach. International Conference on Economic and Social Studies
(ICESoS’13), 10-11 May, 2013, Sarajevo, Sarajevo, BiH; 05/2013
8. Semsudin Plojovic, Suad Becirovic, Senad Busatlic, Enis Ujkanovic: Possibilities
of application of Robinson Crusoe example and the theory of closed systems in the
theory of economic development in countries in transition along the silk road, case
of Serbia. “Uluslararası İpek Yolu Kongresi ve 10. Adam Konferansı: Ticaret,
İşbirliği ve Barış Havzası’nı Yeniden Düşünmek, Istanbul; 10/2013
9. Suad Bećirović, Bećir Kalač, Šemsudin Plojović: The role of financial
intermediaries in equity markets. Regional Scientific Conference with
International Participation “Effects of Global Risk in Transition Countries”, Peć;
10. Suad Bećirović, Šemsudin Plojović, Enis Ujkanović: Analiza teorije portfelja.
EDUKONS 2012, Sremska Kamenica; 06/2012
11. Muzafer Saračević, Sead Mašović, Šemsudin Plojović: UML modeling for
traveling salesman problem based on genetic algorithms, Southeast Europe
Journal of Soft Computing, Vol 1, No 2 (2012) September 2012
12. Enis Ujkanović, Šemsudin Plojović, Suad Bećirović, Džemail Zornić, Cost
accounting in project management, ICDQM-2012, 15. Međunarodna konferencija
“Upravljanje kvalitetom i pouzdanošću” 2012
13. Saračević, M., Plojović, Š., Bećirović, S., Ujkanović, E.: Advanced techniques and
application of learning content management systems in enterprises, 3rd
International Symposium on Sustainable Development, Intl. Burch University,
14. Šemsudin Plojović, Muzafer Saračević, Enis Ujkanović, Suad Bećirović: Advanced
techniques and application of learning content management systems in
enterprises. The Third International Symposium on Sustainable Development
(ISSD 2012); 01/2012
15. Džemail Zornić, Šemsudin Plojović, Enis Ujkanović, Lejla Ribić, Impact of
information technology on organizational culture, International conference
Information and Communication Technologies for Small and Medium Enterprises
(ICTSME2011) Arandjelovac, Serbia, September 22-23, 2011
16. Šemsudin Plojović, Džemail Zornić, Enis Ujkanović, Suad Bećirović: Manage
bussines with Computer, International conference Information and
Communication Technologies for Small and Medium Enterprises (ICTSME2011)
Arandjelovac, Serbia, September 22-23, 2011
17. Zornić Dž., Plojović Š., Bećirović S., Ujkanovic E., On line learnin in practice, The
Second International Conference on e-Learning (eLearning-2011), 29-30
September 2011, Belgrade, Serbia 2011
18. Plojovic Semsudin, Džemail Zornić, Suad Bećirović, Enis Ujkanović: ON LINE
LEARNING IN PRACTICE. The Second International Conference on e-Learning
(eLearning-2011), 29-30 September 2011, Belgrade, Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia;
19. Plojovic Semsudin, Džemail Zornić, Enis Ujkanović, Suad Bećirović: Manage
bussines with Computer., International conference Information and
Communication Technologies for Small and Medium Enterprises (ICTSME2011)
Arandjelovac, Serbia, September 22-23, 2011, Arandjelovac, Serbia; 09/2011
20. Plojovic Semsudin, Džemail Zornić, Enis Ujkanovic, Lejla Ribic: Impact of
information technology on organizational culture. International conference
Information and Communication Technologies for Small and Medium Enterprises
(ICTSME2011) Arandjelovac, Serbia, September 22-23, 2011, Arandjelovac;
21. Plojovic Semsudin, Dzemail Zornic, Suad Becirovic, Munir Rusovic: Information
technology as a basis virtual organizations. 14th International conference
„Dependability and quality management“ ICDQM-2011, Beograd, Serbia, 29-30
june 2011, Beograd; 06/2011
22. Suad Becirovic, Semsudin Plojovic, The role of mobile banking in enhancing
economic development, International scientific conference “COMMUNICATIONS
AND BUSINESS SECTOR”, Berane, Montenegro, 20.june 2011
23. Šemsudin Plojović, Senad Bušatlić: Značaj strategijskog planiranja u
agrobiznisu. Scientific Conference with international participants: “AGROBIZ
2011”, Novi Pazar, Serbia; 10/2011
24. Senad Bušatlić, Šemsudin Plojović: Potencijal renda u agrobiznisu. Scientific
Conference with international participants: “AGROBIZ 2011”, Novi Pazar, Serbia;
25. Enis Ujkanović, Šemsudin Plojović, Enver Biševac, Open source ERP splutions in
SMEs, International scientific confernce, communications and business sector,
Berane, Montenegro, 20.06.2011, Proceedings, p.28, 2011,
26. Džemail Zornić, Šemsudin Plojović, Suad Bećirović, Munir Rušović: Information
technology as a basis virtual organizations (Informacione tehnologije kao osnov
virtuelnih organizacija), 14th International conference „Dependability and quality
management“ ICDQM-2011, Beograd, Serbia, 29-30 june 2011
27. Šemsudin Plojović, Suad Bećirović, Enis Ujkanović, Primena informacionih
sistema u upravljanju halal proizvodima, International Scientific conference –
Management 2010, Fakultet za industrijski menadžment, Kruševac, 17-18.
web/pdf/5_TehnologijeIAlatiMenadzmenta/PlojovicBecirovicUjkanovic.pdf 2010
28. Šemsudin Plojović, Possibilities and limitations of sustainable development of area
of Novi Pazar, III International conference “Science and higher education in
function of sustainable development, SED 2010, Visoka poslovno tehnička škola
strukovnih studija, Užice,7-8.10.2010. Abstract proceedings, ISBN 978-68-83573-
17-72, COBISS.SR.ID 178620172, page 51, Book of proceedings, ISBN978-86-
83573-18-9 178611980 page 4.165-4.168, 2010,
29. Šemsudin Plojović, Suad Bećirović, Enis Ujkanović,Possible directions of
economic development of Novi Pazar area, The Faculty of Economics, University
of Kragujevac, International Conference“Contemporary Issues in Economics,
Business and Management”, which is held at the Faculty of Economics in
Kragujevac, Republic of Serbia, December 14th and 15th, 2010.
30. Suad Bećirović, Šemsudin Plojović, Enis Ujkanović, Consequences of rising public
debts, International Scientific conference – Management 2010, Fakultet za
industrijski menadžment, Kruševac, 17-18. Mart.,
web/pdf/1_MenadzmentProces/BecirovicPlojovicUjkanovic.pdf, 2010
31. Suad Bećirović, Šemsudin Plojović, Enis Ujkanović, Senadin Plojović, Ekonomska
opravdanost primene zelene tehnologije u automobilskoj industriji, I naučno-
stručna konferencija sa međunarodnim učešćem – Rizici i eko bezbednost u
postmodernom ambijentu, Novi Pazar, jun 2010., Zbornik radova, str. 263-270.,
ISBN 978-86-86893-28-4, COBISS.SR – ID 175955980, 2010
32. Šemsudin Plojović, Enis Ujkanović, Ključne stavke u upravljanju kvalitetom po
Halal standardu, XII naučno stručni skup “Sistem kvaliteta-uslov za uspešno
poslovanje i konkurentnost, Vrnjačka banja 25.11.2010. Zbornik radova, ISBN
978-86-909341-1-9, str. 140-147., 2010,
33. Šemsudin Plojović, Primena B2B segmenta elektronske trgovine u SME sektoru, 15.
Međunarodna konferencija YUINFO 09 u organizaciji Informacionog društva Srbije,
Kopaonik, 8-11.03.2009, Zbornik apstrakata str. 29 2009.
34. Šemsudin Plojović, Primena B2C segmenta elektronske trgovine u SME sektoru, 15.
Međunarodna konferencija YUINFO 09 u organizaciji Informacionog društva Srbije,
Kopaonik, 8-11.03.2009. Zbornik apstrakata str. 30, 2009,
35. Šemsudin Plojović, Sistemi organizacije preduzeća – sa aspekta primene
informacionih tehnologija, Konferencija mladih lidera, Alfa university, Novi
Pazar, 10. Maj 2009.
36. Šemsudin Plojović, Bećir Kalač, Primena informacionih tehnologija u upravljanju
proizvodnjom, V Majska konferencija o strategijskom menadžmentu u
organizaciji Univerziteta u Beogradu, Zaječar, Srbija 29 – 31. 05. 2009. Zbornik
radova ISBN 978-86-80987-67-5, str. 345-353, 2009
37. Šemsudin Plojović, Bećir Kalač, Značaj informacionih sistema u upravljanju
procesom fleksibilne proizvodnje, V Majska konferencija o strategijskom
menadžmentu u organizaciji Univerziteta u Beogradu, Zaječar, Srbija 29 –
31.05.2009. Zbornik radova ISBN 978-86-80987-67-5, str. 353-359, 2009
38. Šemsudin Plojović, Primena informacionih tehnologija u funkciji ekonomskog
razvoja, Naučni skup Održivi razvoj nerazvijenih područja, Državni univerzitet u
Novom Pazaru, Novi Pazar, 12.06.2009.
39. Šemsudin Plojović, Statistički osvrt na ekonomski razvoj Novog Pazara, XIV
naučni skup: Regionalni razvoj i demografski tokovi zemalja jugoistočne Evrope,
Univerzitet u Nišu, Ekonomski fakultet, Niš, 25.jun 2009. godine. Zbornik radova
ISBN 978-86-85099-88-5, str. 221-231, 2009.
40. Semsudin Plojović, Enis Ujkanović, Statistički osvrt na poslodavce i radnu snagu
u regiji Sandžak, VII skup privrednika i naučnika, Fakultet organizacionih
nauka, Centar za operacioni menadžment i Privredna komora Srbije, Beograd,
05-06. novembar 2009
41. Semsudin Plojović, Suad Bećirović, Enis Ujkanović, Statistički osvrt na tržište
rada u regiji Sandžak, VII skup privrednika i naučnika, Fakultet organizacionih
nauka, Centar za operacioni menadžment i Privredna komora Srbije, Beograd,
05-06. novembar 2009
42. Šemsudin Plojović, Sistemi organizacije preduzeća – sa aspekta primene
informacionih tehnologija, Konferencija mladih lidera, Alfa university, Novi
Pazar, 10. Maj 2009.
43. Šemsudin Plojović, Business statistics in the function of control through the
implementation of goals, Međunarodna naučna i stručna konferencija u
organizaciji olimpijskog komiteta Makeodnije, Vinica, Makedonija, 24-25. April
44. Šemsudin Plojović, Web site as a new entity in the structure of sports
organizations, Međunarodna naučna i stručna konferencija u organizaciji
olimpijskog komiteta Makeodnije, Vinica, Makedonija, 24-25. April 2009.
45. Šemsudin Plojović, Market research and feedback in the sport management,
Međunarodna naučna i stručna konferencija u organizaciji olimpijskog komiteta
Makeodnije, Vinica, Makedonija, 24-25. April 2009
46. Šemsudin Plojović, Mogućnosti primene statističke metodologije kao podrške
odlučivanju, V međunarodna konferencija “Menadžment u sportu”, organizator:
Fakultet za menadžment u sportu, Univerziteta Braća Karić, Beograd, 22-
47. Šemsudin Plojović, Značaj istraživanja tržišta za donošenje odluka u menadžentu
u sportu, V međunarodna konferencija “Menadžment u sportu”, organizator:
Fakultet za menadžment u sportu, Univerziteta Braća Karić, Beograd, 22-
48. Semsudin Plojović, Enis Ujkanović, Developing of information technology in
enterprises in the time crisis, University of Niš, Faculty of economics,
International Scientific Conference, Challenges of the world economic crisis, Niš,
49. Selim Šaćirović, Šemsudin Plojović, Turističko – finansijski aspekti organizacije
škole u prirodi, „Ekologija, sport, fizička aktivnost i zdravlje mladih“ XVI
međunarodni multidisciplinarni simpozijum u Novom Sadu 09’12.10.2008.
50. Šemsudin Plojović, Relacije statističke obrade i informacionih sistema u
organizacijama,„Ekologija, sport, fizička aktivnost i zdravlje mladih“ XVI
međunarodni multidisciplinarni simpozijum u Novom Sadu 09’12.10.2008.
51. Šemsudin Plojović, Efekat statističke analize na upravljanje u sportu, „Ekologija,
sport, fizička aktivnost i zdravlje mladih“ XVI međunarodni multidisciplinarni
simpozijum u Novom Sadu 09’12.10.2008.
52. Šemsudin Plojović, Selim Šaćirović, SWOT analiza turističkih resursa kao
komponente održivog razvoja novopazarskog kraja, „Savremene tehnologije za
održivi razvoj gradova“Institut zaštite, ekologije i informatike Banja Luka, pod
pokroviteljstvom Ministarstva nauke i tehnologije RS, 14-15. Novembar 2008.
ISBN 978-99938-846-1-3, str. 67-73, 2008
53. Selim Šaćirović, Šemsudin Plojović, Turistička valorizacija resursa kao faktor
održivog razvoja novopazarskog kraja, „Savremene tehnologije za održivi razvoj
gradova“Institut zaštite, ekologije i informatike Banja Luka, pod
pokroviteljstvom Ministarstva nauke i tehnologije RS, 14-15.novembar 2008.
ISBN 978-99938-846-1-3, str. 73-81, 2008
54. Šemsudin Plojović, Informacioni sistemi u malom biznisu – primena, mogućnosti i
ograničenja, VI skup privrednika i naučnika „SPIN 08“Fakultetorganizacionih
nauka, Cenar za operacioni menadžment i Privredna komora Srbije, Beograd, 06-
07.11.2008. Zbornik radova ISBN 978-86-7680-164-0, COBISS.SR-ID 152706527,
str. 222-227., 2008
55. Šemsudin Plojović, Ključne stavke u otpočinjanju mikro i malog biznisa, VI skup
privrednika i naučnika „SPIN 08“Fakultet organizacionih nauka, Cenar za
operacioni menadžment i Privredna komora Srbije, Beograd, 06-07.11.2008
Zbornik radova ISBN 978-86-7680-164-0, COBISS.SR-ID 152706527, str. 232-237,
56. Šemsudin Plojović: Regrutovanje kvalitetnih kadrova u školama sporta, III
međunarodna konferencija “Menadžment u sportu”, organizator: Fakultet za
menadžment u sportu, Univerziteta Braća Karić, Beograd, 14.05.2007.
57. Šemsudin Plojović: Problematika sklapanja ugovora sa sportistima mlađim od
godina, III međunarodna konferencija “Menadžment u sportu”, organizator:
Fakultet za menadžment u sportu, Univerziteta Braća Karić, Beograd, 14.05.2007.
58. Šemsudin Plojović, Adem Preljević, Finansijski aspekt organizacije škole u
prirodi, Teorijsko – metodološke osnove projekta „Škola u prirodi“, Univerzitet u
Nišu, Učiteljski fakultet u Vranju, april, 2007. Zbornik apstrakta: ISBN 978-86-
82695-39-4, SOCISS.SR-ID 139697164, UDK 37.033:336, str. 98-99, 2007
59. Šemsudin Plojović, Mere podrške razvoju malog biznisa u Srbiji, sa osvrtom na
Novovopazarski kraj, III Majska konferencija o strategijskom menadžmentu u
organizaciji Univerziteta u Beogradu, Zaječar, Srbija 29 – 31. 05. 2007., Zbornik
izvoda radova, str. 25., 2007
60. Šemsudin Plojović, Adem Preljević, Finansijski menadžment u sportskim
organizacijama, teorija VS praksa, III Majska konferencija o strategijskom
menadžmentu u organizaciji Univerziteta u Beogradu, Zaječar, Srbija 29 – 31.
2007. Zbornik izvoda radova str. 24, 2007
61. Šemsudin Plojović: Kako do finansijski nezavisne sportske organizacije, Ways to
financial independet sport organization, II Medjunarodna konferencija,
~Menadžmet u sportu~, Beograd, 19-20, 2006. God, Zbornik radova, ISBN 978-
86-86197-11-5, str. 440-447., 2006.
62. Šemsudin Plojović: Influence of motivation on work activity (Uticaj motivacije na
radnu aktivnost), Second international symposium for teaching physical
education, sport and sport activities for students, University ~St. Kiril and
metodi~ Centre for physical education, sport and sporta activities at faculty of
physical culture Skopje, Skopje, 12/14 maj 2006.
63. Šemsudin Plojović: Implication of information systems in function of control
trought goals accomplishing (Primena informacionog sistema u funkciji kontrole
kroz ispunjenje ciljeva), Second international symposium for teaching physical
education, sport and sport activities for students, University ~St. Kiril and
metodi~ Centre for physical education, sport and sporta activities at faculty of
physical culture Skopje, Skopje, 12/14 maj 2006
64. Šemsudin Plojović: Benchmarking – strategy of success (Benčmarkin – strategija
uspeha), Second international symposium for teaching physical education, sport
and sport activities for students, University ~St. Kiril and metodi~ Centre for
physical education, sport and sporta activities at faculty of physical culture
Skopje, Skopje, 12/14 maj 2006.
65. Šemsudin Plojović: Finansiranje sporta u vremenu tranzicije, XII međunnarodni
skup FIS komunikacije – 2006, Niš 22.-23. septembra 2006. Zbornik sažetaka str.
85-86, 2006
66. Šemsudin Plojović, Enver Međedović: Problem radne motivacije u vremenu
tradicije, XII međunnarodni skup FIS komunikacije – 2006, Niš 22.-23. septembra
2006. Zbornik sažetaka str. 86-87, 2006
67. Šemsudin Plojović: Uloga informacionih tehnologija i kreiranju i sprovođenju
poslovne strategije firme, The role of information technology in making and
conducting business strategy, SYMORG, Fakultet organizacionih nauka, Zlatibor
10-12 jun, 2006. Zbornik apstrakata ISBN 86-7680-086-3, COBISS.SR-ID
131353100, 2006
68. Šemsudin Plojović, Enver Medjedović: Finansiranje sporta u opštini Novi Pazar, XI
Međunarodni naučni skup FIS komunikacije, 2005, organizator: Univerzitet u Nišu,
Fakultet fizičke kulture, Niš, 2005. godina. Zbornik sažetaka, str. 45, 2005
69. Šemsudin Plojovic: Menadžment pristup u organizovanju masovnih oblika fizičke
kulure, Nove tehnologije u sportu, Fakultet za tjelesni odgoj Univerziteta u
Sarajevu, Sarajevo, 8-10. 04, 2005.

(c) Books/Book Chapters

Authors, Title of Book/Chapter, Publisher (Country), Pages, Year
1. Bosnia and Hercegovina, law, society and politics, edited by Yucel Ogurlu and
Ahmed Kulanic, Published by, international University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and
Hercegovina, ISBN 978-9958-896-24-8, Chapter: Agribusiness and its Potential in
Bosnia and Hercegovina, pp. 137-166, 2016.
2. Plojovic Semsudin, Suad Becirovic, Senad Busatlic, Enis Ujkanovic: Possibilities
of application of Robinson Crusoe example and the theory of closed systems in the
theory of economic development in countries in transition along the Silk Road, Case
of Serbia. RESILKROAD, 1 edited by mehmet bulut, 12/2014: chapter possibilities
of application of robinson crusoe example and the theory of closed systems in the
theory of economic development in countries in transition along the silk road, case
of serbia: pages 172-189; Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University., ISBN: 978-605-
62038-7-9, 2014
3. Plojovic Semsudin: TURKISH - BALKANS RELATIONS The Future Prospects of
Cultural, Political and Economic Transformations and Relations. 1 edited by
Muhedin Mulalic, Hasan Korkut, Elif Nuroglu, 01/2013; Tasam Publication.,
ISBN: 978-605-4881-02-4, 2013
4. Plojović Šemsudin, Bećirović Suad, Skenderović Ibro: STRATEŠKI PLAN
RAZVOJA OPŠTINE ROŽAJE za period 2014-2020. godine. Edited by Odbor,
12/2013; Opština Rožaje, 2013
5. Plojović Šemsudin, Senad Bušatlić: Quality Management - Menadžment kvaliteta.
Odlukom Senata Univerziteta u Novom Pazaru odobreno je korišćenje ove knjige
kao univerzitetskog udžbenika. edited by Mevljud Dudić, 01/2012; Univerzitet u
Novom Pazaru., ISBN: 978-86-84389-36-9, 2012.
6. Plojovic Semsudin, Ujkanovic Enis: Slovak-Serbian EU Enlargement Fund
Collection of Selected Policy Papers. Slovak-Serbian EU Enlargement Fund
Collection of Selected Policy Papers, First edited by Andrea Cox, Ed Holt,
10/2011, Pontis Foundation, Chapter: Attracting and Directing Foreign Direct
Investments: The Example of Slovakia in EU Enlargement and how Serbia can
Benefit from It: pages 25-33; 2011.
7. Plojovic Semsudin: Management Information Systems - Menadžment informacioni
sistemi. 1 edited by Mevljud Dudić, 04/2009; Univerzitet u Novom Pazaru., 2009
8. Plojović Šemsudin: Statistika – Applied statistics. 12/2008; Internacionalni -
Univerzitet u Novom Pazaru., ISBN: 978-86-84389-37-6, 2008

(d) Other Publications

Authors, Title , Publisher (Country), Pages, Year

8. References
Provide the Names and Contact Information of at Least 3 References
1. Prof. dr. Suad Bećirović, rector of International University of Novi Pazar,
adress: Dimitrija Tucovica 33, 36300 Novi Pazar, Serbia
e-mail: or
tel. no. + 381(0)64 8891648 (mobile) or +381(0)20 315726 (in office)

2. Prof.dr Enis Ujkanović PMP, United Nation Office for Project Services,
Project coordinator, Serbia
adress: Dubrovacka 413/14, 36300 Novi Pazar, Serbia
tel. no. + 381(0)66362053

3. Prof. dr Senad Bušatlić, Head of Department of Economics and Management,

International University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Hercegovina adress:
Hrasnička cesta 15, 71210 Ilidža, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina e-mail: or
tel. no. +38761490426(mobile) or +387 33 957 408 (in office)


PLAVA / BLUE – Primena IT / Application of IT
CRVENA / RED – Menadžment kvaliteta / Quality management
ZELENA / GREEN – Agrobiznis / Agribusiness
LJUBIČASTA/PURPLE – Primenjena statistika /Applied statistics
BRAON/BROWN – Makroekonomski izazovi / Macroeconomic challenges
CRNA/BLACK – Sport i turizam / Sports and tourist activities

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