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Unit Plan Template

Name(s): A.Sena KÖSE
Elif Yağmur ÖZCAN
Zehra Nur ÇIKILI
Unit Content
Early Childhood Education – Science

Unit Title

Grade Level [ASSURE (Analyze Learners)]

48 - 60 months

Three lesson hours

Prerequisites [ASSURE (Analyze Learners)]

General information of health and being healthy.

Sequence of the Content

Doing sport for healthy life

Eating healthy foods

Clean environment/body for being healthy

Unit Plan

Activities Explanations

Week Learning Outcome Measurement & Evaluation

(If any)

Self - Care Development In this activity, the teacher uses a The teacher asks some
Kazanım 4. Yeterli ve dengeli presentation from prezzi to appropriate questions as
beslenir. (Göstergeleri: introduce healthy and unhealthy evaluation.
Yiyecek ve içecekleri yeterli foods to the children. The children
miktarda yer/içer. Öğün discuss about healthy and unhealthy
zamanlarında yemek yemeye foods while grouping them. It is a
1. Week


çaba gösterir. Sağlığı child - centered and questioning


olumsuz etkileyen yiyecekleri activity. The children learn a song

ve içecekleri yemekten/ about healthy foods and they sing it
içmekten kaçınır.) all together. The teacher sends the
link of the Google Form to parents in
order to understand their
habits/knowledge about being
healthy as a parent involvement.
Motor Gelişim In this activity, children watch the Teacher sends an e-mail Before starting the
Kazanım 1: Yer değiştirme Animoto video which is about sport. which consists of goggle activity, it should be
hareketleri yapar. (Isınma ve Children walk in accordance with the forms about health and emphasized that it
soğuma hareketlerini bir stolen rhythms. Various warm-up families may be asked to is important to
rehber eşliğinde yapar. movements are performed in the perform or monitor a show courtesy of
Yönergeler doğrultusunda circle with music. The start and sporting activity with their what is important in
yürür. Çift ayak sıçrayarak finish points are shown to the children. Also, the teacher sport culture and
belirli mesafe ilerler. Tek children in the predetermined area, completes the activity with that it is important
ayak sıçrayarak belirli in this area they are said to walk assessment questions. to show courtesy
mesafe ilerler.) with double feet and then with one- regardless of game
2. Week

Kazanım 2: Denge foot jump. Walking is done on flat, outcome. If teacher


hareketleri yapar. (Ağırlığını wavy, zigzag-shaped lines drawn on encounters with

bir noktadan diğerine the ground. ‘’Balanced Collectors” any problem, she or
aktarır. Tek ayak üzerinde game will be played. When the he can be watched
durur. Bireysel ve eşli olarak music starts, they are told not to or listened the
denge hareketleri yapar. press the caps and to walk without Animoto from
Çizgi üzerinde yönergeler hitting a friend. The teams put the his/her phone
doğrultusunda yürür. ) caps they collected in their own
baskets. When all the caps are
collected, they are counted together
with the children and the abundance
of the caps is evaluated.
Cognitive Development In this activity, cleaning materials is Teacher asks assessment
Kazanım 5. Nesne ya da given to the children. Teacher questions and also sends an
varlıkları gözlemler. introduces concept maps to the e-mail to the parents.
(Göstergeleri: Nesne/ children. One of them is about Teacher requests parents to
varlığın kullanım amaçlarını cleaning material and shows do a checklist which includes
söyler.) personal and environmental some responsibilities for
Kazanım 8. Nesne ya da cleaning materials separately. The children about personal and
varlıkların özelliklerini other map shows that what we environmental cleaning with
karşılaştırır. should do to protect ourselves from their children.
(Göstergeleri: microbes for not getting sick.
Nesne/varlıkların kullanım Teacher uses community building
3. Week

amaçlarını ayırt eder, method for group activity. It is child-

karşılaştırır.) centered activity. Also children learn

Self-care Development “Mr. Microbe” song which is again

Kazanım 3. Yaşam also involves actions to be taken.
alanlarında gerekli
düzenlemeler yapar.
(Göstergeleri: Ev ve okuldaki
eşyaları yerleştirir.)
Kazanım 6. Günlük yaşam
becerileri için gerekli araç ve
gereçleri kullanır.
(Göstergeleri: Çevre temizliği
ile ilgili araç ve
gereçleri kullanır.)

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