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Pro/Con Chart

For my argument Against my argument

Women’s rights over their bodies: Abortion is “murder”

- With Title X retracting their funding, - The federal ​Unborn Victims of Violence Act​,
hundreds of thousands of women across the which was enacted "to protect unborn children
nation will no longer be able to get these from assault and murder," states that under
federal law, anybody intentionally killing or
important health services (Khazan).
attempting to kill an unborn child should "be
punished... for intentionally killing or
attempting to kill a human being." (Pros &

Female health Women should not be able to use abortion as a form

- The whole purpose of Planned Parenthood is of contraceptive
to help women with or without insurance to - Lloyd states that “Contraceptives are the
get birth control, general health care, HIV cause of abortion.”
testing, LGBTQ services, men’s health care, - Planned Parenthood was created for families
emergency contraception, pregnancy testing with lower incomes to control the amount of
and services, STD testing, treatments, and children they produce, meaning that if they
vaccines, and women’s health care. With Title can only afford to have two children, but
X retracting their funding, hundreds of accidentally become pregnant with a third,
thousands of women across the nation will no they can abort it to stay financially stable.
longer be able to get these important health
services (Khazan).

Justice for rape victims/incest Selective abortion based on genetic abnormalities is

- “Alabama's near-total ban -- the most morally incorrect
restrictive abortion law in the country -- - Physical limitations don't make those with
disabilities less than human. The ​Americans
would punish doctors who perform the
with Disabilities Act​ of 1990 provides civil
procedure with up to 99 years in prison and rights protection to people born with
does not include exceptions for cases of rape disabilities so they can lead fulfilling lives
and incest” (Cillizza). (Pros & Cons).

The government appointing Scott Lloyd Planned Parenthood should be monitored and
- Donald Trump chose anti-abortion activist, sanctioned
Scott Lloyd, to lead the office of refugee - Without monitoring Planned Parenthood, the
government won’t be able to enforce its bill’s
resettlement. Lloyd’s first priority was to
and regulations.
block any girl under his purview from getting
an abortion. In one specific case, a 17 year old
girl seeking asylum in America was sent to a
shelter operated by Trump administration. She
had found her own money and transportation
to get to a medical office yet Lloyd and the
federal government agency would not let her
leave, holding her hostage (MSNBC).

The government wants Roe v. Wade to be overturned The US Constitution says, “...all men [people] are
because the power will move from the federal courts created equal”
to the state courts - Shepard begins by stating that there are two
- With 5/9 supreme court justices being
lives in every abortion and that both must be
conservatives, it is quite possible that when
the ruling of Roe v. Wade comes to the considered. These two lives are also, in his
supreme court to be overturned that it will eyes, equal. As the US Constitution says,
overturn, resulting in the power moving from “...all men [people] are created equal”
the federal courts to the state courts (Cillizza). meaning in order to uphold our constitution,
our government should equally protect all
people (Maguire).

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