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There can be completely different definitions for power quality, depending on one’s frame of reference.
For example, a utility may define power quality as reliability and show statistics demonstrating that its
system is 99.98 percent reliable. Criteria established by regulatory agencies are usually in this vein. A
manufacturer of load equipment may define power quality as those characteristics of the power supply
that enable the equipment to work properly. These characteristics can be very different for different
criteria. Power quality is ultimately a consumer-

driven issue, and the end user’s point of reference takes precedence. Therefore, the following definition
of a power quality problem is used in this report Any power problem manifested in voltage, current, or
frequency deviations that result in failure or mal-operation of customer equipment.Institute of Electrical
and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) Standard IEEE1100 definesvdefines power quality as “The concept of
powering and grounding sensitive electronic equipment in a manner suitable for the equipment.”

Power Quality Problems

Both electric utilities and end users of electric power are becoming increasingly concerned about the
quality of electric power. The term power quality has become one of the most prolific buzzwords in the
power industry since the late 1980s. It is an umbrella concept for a multitude ofindividual types of
power system disturbances. The issues that fall under this umbrella are notnecessarily new. What is new
is that engineers are now attempting to deal with these issues usinga system approach rather than
handling them as individual problems.

Table 1. Power Quality Problems and Their Causes

Broad Specific Relevant Typical Causes

Categories Categories Characteristics

Impulsive peak magnitude, Lightning strike,

rise time and transformer energization,

Transient duration capacitor switching

Oscillatory Peak magnitude, Line or capacitor or

frequency components load switching

Sag Magnitude, duration Ferroresonat transformers,

Short single line to ground faults

duration Swell Magnitude, duration Ferroresonat transformers,

voltage single line to ground faults

variation Interruption Duration Temporary (self-clearing)

clearing faults

Under- Magnitude, duration Switching on loads,

Short voltage capacitor energization

duration Overvoltage Magnitude, duration Switching on loads,

voltage capacitor energization

variation Sustained Duration Faults


Voltage Symmetrical Single-phase loads,

imbalance components single phasing condition

Harmonics THD, Harmonic Adjustable speed drives

spectrum and other nonlinear loads

Waveform Notching THD, Harmonic Power electronics

distortion spectrum converter

DC offset Voltage and Current Geo magnetic,

disturbance half-wave


Voltage Frequency of Arc furnace, arc lamps

flicker occurrence, modulating



Perception about power quality problem is different when it comes to customer and utility.

Fig.3.1 depicts this trend

Fig. 2.1 Results of a survey on the cause of power quality problems


Classification of power quality problems can be made as follows:

2.3.1 Transients:

The term transient has long been used in the analysis of power system variations to denote an event that
is undesirable and momentary in nature. The notion of a damped oscillatory transient due to an RLC
network is probably what most power engineers think of when they hear the word transient. Other
definitions in common use are broad in scope and simply state that a transient is “that part of the change
in a variable that disappears during transition from one steady state operating condition to another.”
Unfortunately, this definition could be used to describe just about anything unusual that happens on the
power system. Another word in common usage that

is often considered synonymous with transient is surge. A utility engineer may think of a surge as the
transient resulting from a lightning stroke for which a surge arrester is used for protection.End users
frequently use the word indiscriminately to describe anything unusual that might be observed on the
power supply ranging from sags to swells to interruptions. Because there are many potential ambiguities
with this word in the power quality field, we will generally avoid using it unless we have specifically
defined what it refers to. Broadly speaking, transients can be classified into two categories, impulsive
and oscillatory. These terms reflect the wave shape of a current or voltage transient. We will describe
these two categories in more detail. Impulsive Transient:

An impulsive transient is a sudden non–power frequency change in the steady-state condition of voltage,
current, or both that is unidirectional in polarity (primarily either positive or negative). Impulsive
transients are normally characterized by their rise and decay times, which can also be revealed by their
spectral content. The most common cause of impulsive transients is lightning. Fig. 2.2 illustrates a
typical current impulsive transient caused by lightning. Because of the high frequencies involved, the
shape of impulsive transients can be changed quickly by circuit components and may have significantly
different characteristics when viewed from different parts of the power system. They are generally not
conducted far from the source of where they enter the power system, although they may, in some cases,
be conducted for quite some distance along utility lines. Impulsive transients can excite the natural
frequency of power system circuits and produce oscillatory transients.

Fig. 3.2 Lightning stroke current impulsive transient Oscillatory Transient:

An oscillatory transient is a sudden, non–power frequency change in the steady-state condition of

voltage, current, or both, that includes both positive and negative polarity values. An oscillatory
transient consists of a voltage or current whose instantaneous value changes polarity rapidly. It is
described by its spectral content (predominate frequency), duration, and magnitude. The frequency
ranges for these classifications are chosen to coincide with common types of power system oscillatory
transient phenomena. Oscillatory transients with a primary frequency component greater than 500 kHz
and a typical duration measured in microseconds (or several cycles of the principal frequency) are
considered high-frequency transients. These transients are often the result of a local system response to
an impulsive transient. A transient with a primary frequency component between 5 and 500 kHz with
duration measured in the tens of microseconds (or several cycles of the principal frequency) is termed a
medium-frequency transient. Back-to-back capacitor energization results in oscillatory transient currents
in the tens of kilohertz as illustrated in Fig. 2.3 Cable switching results in oscillatory voltage transients
in the same frequency range. Medium-frequency transients can also be the result of a system response to
an impulsive transient.
2.3.2 Long-Duration Voltage Variations:
Long duration voltage variations are as follows Overvoltage:

An overvoltage is an increase in the rms ac voltage greater than 110 percent at the power frequency for
duration longer than 1 min. Over voltages are usually the result of load switching (e.g., switching off a
large load or energizing a capacitor bank). The over voltages result because either the system is too
weak for the desired voltage regulation or voltage controls are inadequate. Incorrect tap settings on
transformers can also result in system overvoltage. Under Voltage:

An under voltage is a decrease in the rms ac voltage to less than 90 percent at the power frequency for a
duration longer than 1 min. Under voltages are the results of switching events that are the opposite of
the events that cause over voltages. A load switching on or a capacitor bank switching off can cause an
under voltage until voltage regulation equipment on the system can bring the voltage back to within
tolerances. Overloaded circuits can result in under voltages also.The term brownout is often used to
describe sustained periods of under voltage initiated as a specific utility dispatch strategy to reduce
power demand. Because there is no formal definition for brownout and it is not as clear as the term
under-voltage when trying to characterize a disturbance, the term brownout should be avoided. Sustained Interruptions:

When the supply voltage has been zero for a period of time in excess of 1 min, the long-duration voltage
variation is considered a sustained interruption. Voltage interruptions longer than 1 min are often
permanent and require human intervention to repair the system for restoration. The term sustained
interruption refers to specific power system phenomena and, in general, has no relation to the usage of
the term outage. Utilities use outage or interruption to describe phenomena of similar nature for
reliability reporting purposes. However, this causes confusion for end users who think of an outage as
any interruption of power that shuts down a process. This could be as little as one-half of a cycle.
Outage, as defined in IEEE Standard 1008 does not refer to a specific phenomenon, but rather to the
state of a component in a system that has failed to function as expected. Also, use of the term
interruption in the context of power quality monitoring has no relation to reliability or other continuity
of service statistics. Thus, this term has been defined to be more specific regarding the absence of
voltage for long periods.

3.3.3 Short-Duration Voltage Variations:

Short-duration voltage variations are caused by fault conditions, the energization of large loads which
require high starting currents, or intermittent loose connections in power wiring.Depending on the fault
location and the system conditions, the fault can cause either temporary voltage drops (sags), voltage
rises (swells), or a complete loss of voltage (interruptions). Interruption:

An interruption occurs when the supply voltage or load current decreases to less than 0.1 pu for a period
of time not exceeding 1 min. Interruptions can be the result of power system faults, equipment failures,
and control malfunctions. The interruptions are measured by their duration since the voltage magnitude
is always less than 10 percent of nominal. The duration of an interruption due to a fault on the utility
system is determined by the operating time of utility protective devices. Instantaneous reclosing
generally will limit the interruption caused by a non-permanent fault to less than 30 cycles. Delayed
reclosing of the protective device may cause a momentary or temporary interruption. The duration of an
interruption due to equipment malfunctions or loose connections can be irregular. Sags (dips):

Sag is a decrease to between 0.1 and 0.9 pu in rms voltage or current at the power frequency for
durations from 0.5 cycle to 1 min.
Fig. 2.4 Three-phase rms voltages for a momentary interruption due to a fault and Sub-sequent recloser
operation Swells:

A swell is defined as an increase to between 1.1 and 1.8 pu in rms voltage or current atthe power
frequency for durations from 0.5 cycle to 1 min. As with sags, swells are usually

associated with system fault conditions, but they are not as common as voltage sags. One way

that a swell can occur is from the temporary voltage rise on the unfaulted phases during an SLG

Fig. 2.5 Instantaneous voltage swell caused by an SLG fault

2.3.4 Voltage Imbalance:

Voltage imbalance (also called voltage unbalance) is sometimes defined as the maximum deviation from
the average of the three-phase voltages or currents, divided by the average of thethree-phase voltages or
currents, expressed in percent.
Fig. 2.6 Voltage imbalance trend for a residential feeder
2.3.5 Waveform Distortion:

Waveform distortion is defined as a steady-state deviation from an ideal sine wave of power frequency
principally characterized by the spectral content of the deviation. There are five primary types of
waveform distortion:

 DC offset
 Harmonics
 Inter-harmonics
 Notching
 Noise Harmonics:

Harmonics are sinusoidal voltages or currents having frequencies that are integer multiples of the
frequency at which the supply system is designed to operate (termed the fundamental frequency; usually
50 or 60 Hz). Periodically distorted waveforms can be decomposed into a sum of the fundamental
frequency and the harmonics. Harmonic distortion originates in the nonlinear characteristics of devices
and loads on the power system. Harmonic distortion levels are described by the complete harmonic
spectrum with magnitudes and phase angles of each individual harmonic component. It is also common
to use a single quantity, the total harmonic distortion (THD), as a measure of the effective value of
harmonic distortion.IEEE Standard 519-1992 provides guidelines for harmonic current and voltage
distortion levels on distribution and transmission circuits. Inter-Harmonics:

Voltages or currents having frequency components that are not integer multiples of the frequency at
which the supply system is designed to operate (e.g., 50 or 60 Hz) are called inter-


2.3.6 Voltage Fluctuation:

Voltage fluctuations are systematic variations of the voltage envelope or a series of

random voltage changes, the magnitude of which does not normally exceed the voltage ranges of

0.9 to 1.1 pu.

2.4 Conclusions:

In this chapter I have given an insight into power quality and effects on power quality by

problems associated with it e.g. waveform distortion, voltage imbalance and fluctuation, various

kind of interruptions and voltage variation to name a few. These are problems that we deal on

regular basis for betterment of power quality. With advancement of power electronic devices we

can reduce these disturbances by a large margin with a whole lot of efficient power electronic
2. Custom Power Devices

Modern power systems are complex networks where hundreds of generating stations and thousands of
load centers are interconnected through long power transmission and distribution networks. The main
concern of consumers is the quality and reliability of power supplies at various load centers where they
are located at .Even though the power generation in most well developed countries is fairly reliable.
Power distribution systems ideally, should provide their customers with an uninterrupted flow of energy
at smooth sinusoidal voltage at the constant magnitude level and frequency. However in practice power
systems especially the distribution systems have numerous non linear loads, which significantly effect
the quality of power supplies. As a result of the non linear loads, the purity of the waveform of supplies
is lost. This ends up producing many power quality problems. Apart from non linear loads some system
events both usual (e.g. capacitor switching, motor starting) and unusual (e.g. faults) could also inflict
power quality problems. The consequence of power quality problems could range from a simple
nuisance flicker in the electrical lamps to loss thousands of dollars due to production shutdown.
A power quality problem is defined as any manifested problem in voltage or current or leading to
frequency deviations that result in failure or misoperation of customer equipment . Voltage sag is
defined as the sudden reduction of supply voltage down 90% to 10% of nominal, followed by a recovery
after a short period of time. A typical duration of sag is, according to the standard 10 ms to one minute
.Voltage sag can cause loss of production in automated process since voltage sag can trip a motor or
cause its controller to malfunction. Voltage swell, on the other hand, is defined as a sudden increasing of
supply voltage up 110% t0 180% in rms voltage at the network fundamental frequency duration 10ms to
one minute. Switching off a large inductive load or energizing a large capacitor bank in a typical system
event that causes swells. To compensate the voltagesag or swell in a power distribution system,
appropriate devices need to be installed at suitable location. These devices are typically placed at the
point of common coupling(PCC) which is defined as the point where the ownership of the network
2.2. Custom Power Technology
The concept of custom power was introduced by N.G .Hingorani in1995.Like for transmission systems ,
the term custom power pertains to the use of powerelectronic controllers in a distribution system ,
especially, to deal with various power quality problems. Just as FACTS improves the power transfer
capabilities and stability margins, custom power makes sure customers get pre-specified quality and
reliability of supply. This pre-specified quality may contain a combination of specifications of the
1. Low phase unbalance
2. No power interruptions
3. Low flicker at the load voltage
4. Low harmonic distortion in load voltage
5. Magnitude and duration of over voltages or under voltages with in specified limits
6. Acceptance of fluctuations
7. Nonlinear and poor power factor loads without significant effect on terminal voltage
8. "tight" voltage regulation including short duration sags or swells
These can be done on the basis of an individual, large customer, industrial or commercial parts or a
supply for a high community on wide area basis. Custom power technology is a general term for
equipment capable of mitigating numerous power quality problems Basic functions are fast switching
and current or voltage injection for correcting anomalies in supply voltage or load current, by injecting
or absorbing reactive and active power respectively. The concept of Flexible Alternating Current
Transmission Systems (FACTS) and Custom Power is widely studied by the researcher. FACTS use
Power electronic devices and methods to control the high-voltage side of the network for improving the
power flow. Custom Power is for low-voltage distribution, and improving the poor power quality and
reliability of supply affecting factories, offices and homes. Power quality and Reliability are becoming
important issues for critical and sensitive loads after introducing the term of Custom Power by
Hingorani in early 1980s. Custom power is formally defined as the employment of power electronic or
static controllers in distribution systems rated up to 38 kV for the purpose of supplying a level of
reliability or PQ that is needed by electric power customers who are sensitive to power variations.
Custom power devices or controllers [6] include static switches, inverters, converters, injection
transformers, master-control modules and energy-storage modules that have the ability to perform
current-interruption and voltage-regulation functions with in a distribution system. The power
electronic controllers that are used in the custom power solution can be a network reconfiguring type or
a compensating type. The network reconfigurating devices are usually called switchgears which include
current limiting, current breaking and current transferring devices. The solid state or static versions of
the devices are called: solid state current limiter (SSCL), solid state breaker (SSB), and solid state
transfer switch (SSTS). The compensating devices compensate a load, i.e. its power factor, unbalance
conditions or improve the power quality of supplied voltage, etc. These devices are either connected in
shunt or in series or a combination of both. This class of devices includes the distribution static
compensator (D-STATCOM), dynamic voltage restorer (DVR), and unified power quality conditioner
(UPQC) . Among compensating devices, a Dynamic Voltage Restorer can deal with voltage sags and
swells which areconsidered to have a severe impact on manufacturing places such as semiconductors
and plastic products, food processing places and paper mills. Custom Power Devices is classified into
three categories by their structures such as Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR), Distribution STATCOM
(DSTATCOM) and Solid-State Breaker (SSB). Two of the devices DSTATCOM and the DVR share a
similar architecture. Both are based on the voltage source converter. DVR isconnected in series with the
line where as DSTATCOM is in shunt with the line across the load. Among these devices, the main
purpose of DVR that injects voltage in series with a distribution feeder is reducing the effect of short-
term voltage sags, dips, swells and momentary interruptions. The proposed system has a function of
generating and absorbing voltage by self-charging control technique. This system has three states:

1) normal operation, 2) charging operation and 3) recharging operation.

2.3. Family Custom Power Devices: -

The family of emerging power electronic devices being offered to achieve these Custom Power [2-3]
objectives includes:
(a) Distribution Static Compensator (D-STATCOM) to protect the distribution system from the
effects of a polluting, e.g. fluctuating, voltage sags, swells, transients or harmonics non-linear
(harmonics producing), and load.
(b) Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) to protect a critical load from disturbances, e.g. sags, swells,
transients or harmonics, originating on the interconnected transmission or distribution system.
(c) Solid-State Breaker (SSB) to provide power quality improvement through instantaneous current
interruption thereby protecting sensitive loads from disturbances
that conventional electromechanical breaker cannot eliminate.
(d) Solid-State Transfer Switch (SSTS) to instantaneously transfer sensitive loads from a disturbance
on the normal feed to the undisturbed alternate feed.
2.3.1. Distribution Static Compensator (D-STATCOM)
The D-STATCOM is a solid-state dc to ac switching power converter that consists of a three-phase,
voltage-source forced air-cooled inverter. In its basic form, the D-STATCOM injects a voltage in phase
with the system voltage, thus providing voltage support and regulation of VAR flow. The D-
STATCOM can also be used to reduce the level of harmonics on a line. Because the D-STATCOM
continuously checks the line waveform with respect to a reference AC signal, it always provides the
correct amount of harmonic compensation. By a similar argument, the D-STATCOM is also suitable for
reducing the impact of voltage transients. The amount of load that can be supported is determined by the
MVA rating of the inverters, and the length of time that the load can be maintained by the amount of
energy storage provided. The D-STATCOM is available in ratings from 2 to 10 MVA in modular 2-
MVA increments. These are similar in performance to SVC. Using only capacitors or inductors or
batteries, these devices can draw / supply both leading and lagging currents. They have a very good
response time and are more suitable for special industrial loads like arc furnaces.

2.4 Distribution STATCOM

Distribution STATCOM (D-STATCOM) is utilized to compensate power quality problems and also it
can quickly regulate its susceptance to provide dynamic reactive compensation and regulate the bus
voltages in the power system. The D-STATCOM is a shunt-connected, solid-state switching power
converter that provides flexible voltage control at the point of connection to the utility distribution
feeder for power quality (PQ) improvements such as unbalanced load, voltage sag, voltage fluctuation
and voltage unbalance and also exchanges both active and reactive power (current) [6] with the
distribution system by varying the amplitude and phase angle of the converter.
2.4.2. Voltage source converters (VSC)
A voltage-source converter is a power electronic device, which can generate a sinusoidal voltage with
any required magnitude, frequency and phase angle. Voltage source converters are widely used in
adjustable-speed drives, but can also be used to mitigate voltage dips. The VSC is used to either
completely replace the voltage or to inject the ‘missing voltage’. The ‘missing voltage’ is the difference
between the nominal voltage and the actual. The converter is normally based on some kind of energy
storage, which will supply the converter with a DC voltage. The solid-state electronics in the converter
is then switched to get the desired output voltage. Normally the VSC is not only used for voltage dip
mitigation, but also for other power quality issues, e.g. flicker and harmonics.Voltage source converters
are of two type’s viz. series voltage controller and shunt voltage controller. However D-STATCOM
belongs to the shunt voltage controller. In this project, the D-STATCOM is compensate the harmonics.
2.4.3. Structure and Principle of Operation
(a) Structure
General structure of D-STATCOM is similar to STATCOM, which is schematically shown in fig.1,
consists of energy storage device, voltage source converter, a coupling transformer connected in shunt to
the distribution network through a coupling transformer.

Using a converter, the devices appear as fully synchronous sources which are capable of absorbing and
injecting reactive power on an electricity system at distribution voltages. In this model, D-STATCOM
is capable of injecting active power in addition to reactive power. Since this device is utilized in steady-
state condition for long term, because of limited capacity of energy storage system, it cannot inject
active power to the system for long term for voltage regulation purpose.Therefore, for the steady-state
application, D-STATCOM consists of a small DC capacitor and a voltage source converter and the
steady-state power exchange between D-STATCOM and the ac system is reactive power. But, there are
several factors that must be considered when designing the D-STATCOM and associated control
circuits. In relation to the power circuit the following issues are of major importance:
• DC link capacitor size
• Coupling transformer reactance and transformation ratio
• Output filters equipment
Fig 2.2: Schematic diagram of a D-STATCOM, only reactive power exchange.

The VSC connected in shunt with the ac system provides a multifunctional topology which can be used
for up to three quite distinct purposes:
1. Voltage regulation and compensation of reactive power;
2. Correction of power factor; and
3. Elimination of current harmonics.

(b)Principle of Operation
D-STATCOM is to suppress voltage variation and control reactive power in phase with system voltage.
It can compensate for inductive and capacitive currents linearly and continuously. The VSC converts
the dc voltage across the storage device into a set of three-phase ac output voltages. These voltages are
in phase and coupled with the ac system through the reactance of the coupling transformer. Suitable
adjustment of the phase and magnitude of the D-STATCOM output voltages allows effective control of
active and reactive power exchanges between the D-STATCOM and the ac system. Such configuration
allows the device to absorb or generate controllable active and reactive power. The controller of the D-
STATCOM is used to operate the inverter in such a way that the phase angle between the inverter
voltage and the line voltage is dynamically adjusted so that the D-STATCOM generates or absorbs the
desired VAR at the point of connection. By varying the amplitude of D-STATCOM output voltage can
control the reactive power exchange between the inverter and the AC system. If the amplitude of the
output voltage is increased above that of AC system voltage, the inverter generates reactive power for
the AC system. If the amplitude of the output voltage is decreased below that of the AC system, the
inverter absorbs the reactive power. If the output voltage is equal to the AC system voltage, the reactive
power exchange is zero, but actually they have a little phase difference to compensate the loss of
transformer winding and inverter switching, so absorbs some real power from system. The real power
exchanges between the inverter and the AC system can be controlled by altering the phase angles
between the inverter output and the AC systemvoltages. The inverter supplies real power to the AC
system if the inverter output voltage is made to lead the corresponding AC system voltage. Conversely,
the inverter absorbs real power from the AC system, if the inverter output voltage is made to lag the AC
system voltage.
There are two techniques for controlling the STATCOM. The first technique, referred to as phase
control, is to control the phase shift to control the STATCOM output voltage magnitude. The other
technique referred to as Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) on the other hand allow for independent
control of output voltage magnitude and phase shift (phase angle of the output voltage); in this case, the
DC voltage is controlled separately from the AC output voltage. The name is an indication that
STATCOM has a characteristic similar to the synchronous condenser, but as an electronic device it has
no inertia and is superior to the synchronous condenser in several ways, such as better dynamics, a lower
investment cost and lower operating and maintenance costs.
With the advent of D-STATCOM, better performance can be reached in areas such as:
• Dynamic voltage control in distribution systems;
• Power oscillation damping;
• Transient stability improvement;
• Ability to control not only reactive power but, if needed, also active power (with a DC energy source
Such device is employed to provide continuous voltage regulation using controlled converter. The
advantage of this type of compensator has over conventional SVC’s is the improved speed of response.
This speed of response means that such a device is ideally suited to application with a rapidly varying
5.1 Introduction
The Fig 5.1 shows the basic structure of a six-pulse DSTATCOM to a load bus ina power system where
Rp represents the 'ON' state resistance of the switches including transformer leakage resistance, Lp is
transformer leakage inductance and the switching losses are taken into account by a shunt dc-side
resistance Rdc. A VSI resides at the core of the DSTATCOM. It generates a balanced and controlled
three-phase voltage Vp. The voltage control is achieved by firing angle control of the VSI. Under steady
state, the dcside capacitor possesses fixed voltage Vdc, and there is no real power transfer, except for
losses. Thus, the ac-bus voltage remains in phase with the fundamental component of Vp.However, the
reactive power supplied by DSTATCOM is either inductive or capacitive depending upon the relative
magnitude of fundamental component of Vp with respect toVt. If |Vt| > |Vp| the VSI draws reactive
power from the ac-bus whereas if |Vt| < |Vp|, it supplies reactive power to the ac-system. This is the
basic principle of DSTATCOM.
Fig 5.1 Basic DSTATCOM connected to a load in a distribution system

The sending end source is assumed to be a strong system with high short circuit ratio andlow impedance.
Thus, the source voltage is treated as a constant source irrespective of variations in load current. The
equivalent circuit of the above system is shown is figure below:
Controlling Scheme-

The main objective of any compensation scheme is that it should have a fast response, flexible and easy
to implement. The control algorithms of a DSTATCOM are mainly implemented in the following steps:
* Measurements of system voltages and current and signal conditioning.
* Calculation of compensating signals.
* Generation of firing angles of switching devices. Generation of proper PWM firing is the most
important part of DSTATCOM control and has a great impact on the compensation objectives, transient
as well as steady state performance. Since a DSTATCOM shares many concepts to that of a STATCOM
at transmission level, a few control algorithms have been directly implemented to a DSTATCOM. This
paper presents the p-q theory with the hystreresis current controller scheme of a DSTATCOM for
reactive power compensation


In 1983, a new theory for the control of active filters in three-phase power systems was proposed
(Hirofumi Akagi et al. 2007). It is called Generalized Theory of the Instantaneous Reactive Power in
Three-Phase Circuits or p-q Theory. It is initially developed for three-phase three wire systems and
three-phase four-wire systems for compensation of harmonic pollution in the utility side. The neutral
current compensation is also done by this theory. The compensation in the utility systems is done by the
generation of reference compensation current using the three phase p-q theory (Peterson and Singh
2009). But in some cases of voltage imbalance in three phase systems due to harmonic voltages, the
sinusoidal reference current for compensation is not generated for all the phases. This limitation in the
three phase systems is overcomed by the introduction of single phase p-q theory. It uses simple
calculations for deriving the reference current in all conditions of imbalances due to the power defects.
The designing by using this theory is also efficient and flexible (Leszek and Czarnecki 2004). It can be
used for compensation of both single phase and three systems.

4.1 The P-Q Theory In Three-Phase, Three-Wire System

This concept is very popular and, basically consists of a variable transformation from a, b, c, reference
frame of the instantaneous power, voltage, and current signals to the α β reference frame . The
transformation equations from the a, b, c, reference frame to the α, β, 0 coordinates can be derived from
the phasor diagram shown in Fig.3.1

Fig.4.1. Transformation from the phase reference system (a, b, c) to (α, β, 0) systemThe instantaneous
values of voltages and currents in the α, β coordinates can be obtained from the following equations, the
Clarke transformation and inverse Clarke transformation of three phase generic voltage given by,
Similarly three phase generic instantaneous line currents ia, ib, iccan be transform on the α-β axis by
This transformation is valid if and only if Va(t)+ Vb(t)+ Vc(t) is equal to zero, and also if the voltages
are balanced and sinusoidal. The instantaneous active and reactive power in the α-β coordinates are
calculated with the following expressions. The instantaneous complex power is possible using the
instantaneous vectors of voltage and current. The instantaneous complex power is defined as the product
ofThe voltage V and the conjugate of the current vector i*, given in the form of complex numbers.

Instantaneous Power Theory


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