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Ay Designation: 0242013 Standard Test Method for Hydrogen Sulfide in Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gases (Lead Acetate Method)" ‘msn i ale itn OD: ents cay iy igi ine 1, Seopet LLL This test method? covers the detestion of hydrogen sulin igeted petroleum (LP) gases. The seat ofthe testis about 4 mgi (0.15 1002 gran of hydrogen sale per 100) of gas. 1.2 The values sated in SI units ave to be regarded as standard. The values given in parentheses are fr information aly 1.3 This standard does not purport 10 addres al of the safety concems, if ay, ansocioted with its use It ithe responsibility of the wer ofthis tandard to estabish appro: Drie safety and health practices and determine the applic. Dy of regulatory linens prior to wie. 2 Referenced Documents 2 ASTM Standards: 11193 Specfeaton for Reagent Water 1268 Practise for Sampling Liguetied Perokeum (LP) Gases, Manual Method DDI83S Specification for Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gases 22 GPA Standard? (GPs 2140 Ligeti Petroleum Gas Specifestios and Test Methods 3. Summary of Test Method 3.1 Vaporized LP ass passed over moist ead acetate paper under controlled conditions. Hycrogen slide eats wi ead cette form ead slide which produces a coloration onthe paper varying ftom yellow to black, depending upon the moun of hydrogen slide present 4. Signiieance and Use 4.1 Liquefied petroleum gases and their procs of com: boston must not be unduly covtsive to the materials with ‘which they come incortac The poenil personel exposure azar of 1,8 alko make tbe detection and measurement of hydrogen sulfide imporuat, even in low concentrations. In adaiton, in some caves the odor of the gases hall not be ‘objectionable. (Se Specification D1838 and GPA 2I40)) S. Interferences 5.1 Methyl mercapian, if present, produces a wansiory yellow sai onthe lead acetare paper hat wil Fade completely less than $ min, 52 Othe sulfur compounds present in guetedpetoteam 5 do not interfere withthe text, 6. Apparatus and Materials 6.1 Apparatus for Detecting Hydrogen Sulfide n Liguaied Petroleum Gas, as shown in Fg. Lor commercially salable apparatus {62 Lead Acetate Test Paper—Cormercaly available es paper § satisfactory: Altermaively. the text uper may be Prepared by dipping sips of smooth fier paper i 5% qucous lead cea soaton and removing the exces lion with clean ble: The sips of paper shall be approximately 50.nm long and 10 man wide and contin 2 3 mm hole nea ne ‘nd so they will hang ficely vera a the test apparatus. 63 Gas Flow InicaionCapable of mesaring How rates in the range of 2 o 3 L of gar per minus, A wet fu tet rotameter and mass low controler have been found to be ‘rable (64 Witer—Unless otherwise indicted, reference to water shall be understood to mean reagent water that meets the requirements of Type Tl cr Il of Specification D103, cr 65 Tubing—High-pressre connecting tbing 19 connect the test appara to the saraple collection point. Iterlly lean, non teactive and nonabsompve stiles tel materia "A Summary Change sect pyar ae df hi andar ‘Gy AST lie ene Me Au 153150 EDF Eocene ‘np st Ari de Nain Creo pana Len gene Nit ns aid is recommended, but other materials that safely contain the ‘ressue, resist Being caro tom, and have hee tested tobe Inert relative tothe stream being tested may be lied 65.1 Intemal sorfaces of sample containers, lines and fit tings may be surface coated with ier terial to reduce bate meal surfaces which could react with or absor, trace hydrogen sulde* 66 High-Pressure Sample Container, eptional—Designed for containing liquefied petoloum gas. An ner surface coating fon the Inner surface of the contuiner may be used, and Is recommended 7. Sampling 74 Collet a representative sample by Practice D1265 using 4 clean, high-pressure sample container which is inet 10 hydrogen sulce "1 Asan aliemative sampling procedure, conn the est ‘sppartu direcly to the sample soutce and perform he test the fli This method of direct eld measurement eliminates ‘any inaceuraey introduced by the sampling procedure or ‘Sample container, 7.2 (Warning—Experience has demonstrated that the ‘chemical activity and pyscalabsopive proper of hyo ton sulfide can cause the concensation of H,S in hguetcd Pettoleum gas sample 1o be depleted before analysis even when the sample i contained i scrupulously clean, stainless Steel sample cylinders. Conversely, an increase in slide concenistion bis been found 10 occur when samples of Tigoehed peoteum 338 consining no hydrogen sul are ttasfered in sample cylinders that have not been properly ‘leaned and which have been in use with samples coming hydrogen sulfide. This demonstrate that data obtained on samples tested for hydrogen sulfide in the laboratory igh rut reliably repeesent the hydrogen sulfide concentration at the sample source) 8, Procedare 8.1 Connect the tes apparatus to the sample source by use ‘fa minimum length of high-pressure tubing (see 6-5), 82 Flash the tne and apparatus for about 1 min, 8.3 Fill the wator bath with warm water (50°C to 70°C), ‘Tap water is satisfactory 84 By use ofthe needle valve, adjust the rat of gas low to 232 02 Linn, 85 Immediately, place 4 single strip of water moistened Teal acetate paper on the hook it the test cylinder xo thatthe Papers eld midway berween the watchglass and he bottom ofthe upper sopper. 8.6 Expote the most paper for exacly2 min to the gas ow ‘of 23 202 Limin. Remove the tet paper ad proces as ‘eseibed in Section 10. 9. Imerpretation of Results 8.1 Compare the exposed text paper with a moist et paper ‘har has not een exposed Gp 0220-13 9.11 In the absence of dine coloration, interpret the resul as “aogatve” pass”). 9.12 If there is a distinct coloration, wat $ min before interpreting the test esl ‘ I after $ min, the paper has no distinct coloration, ierpret the result a8 “negative” pas), Nore |The presence mit mera i eid pene gs ives sinc Jllow sn to te ex pr wh Lowen des ‘cmplely nah mi 911.22 If, after $ min, the poper docs have a disinet olration, interpee the result a8 "postive (ai), Nore 2— Cosentino 1 in LG of mn? and ihe wit ore poiive oc 10. Report 10.1 Repor the resat, with reference to this test method, citer “negative” pass) or “psitve™ Cuil 1, Precision and Bias 1A I the case of passa data or cess. from other ‘qualatve tests no geveraly accepted meted for determining Precision or bis is curently available 1.2 asthe procedure in Test Method D220 for mea suring hydrogen sulide has no bias because the value of hydrogen sulide is defined ely in terms ofthis test method 12, Keywords 12.1 hydrogen sue; Jead scot; liquefied petroleum (LP) eases SUMMARY OF CHANGES Subcommittee DO2.H0 has ienfed the location of selected changes to thie standard since the last ise (©2420~ 124) that may impaes the use of this standard, (Approved June 15, 2013) (1)Revises 6.4 t allow ase of cisilled water, (2) Revised 83 and 8.5 1 clarify water rauirement Subcommittee DO2.HO has ienified the location of selected changes to this standard since the las issue (0242012) that may impact the wse ofthis standued, (Approved Now. 1.2012) (1) Revised 63. 64, Section 7 1, Seton 9, and Fig. | (2) Aded Speciation D193 and Practice DI26S to Refer fenced Document, Section 10, 6.1, and 66. (2) Reorganized 9.1.2 to crete and 9.1.22 ranean as ro pon recciy e ay a lrt ahe eani r caecon h earoree ‘nie a set Sas esp mse at Sasol) say cep ee item gs oy Maron pers) on ct tetera ye err re a nd Seeemstarconavte ati win hagas cena eee en Sect oper are eae serene mere en as uh Sera orp te of seed nays are cng Se ‘es Gre SOD (mae), CORRE fa sone Buainoy ta) feet Oe ash ee, {mush Pama te py me sn ayes fe saat as he HST Sates Meee obi att ASTM ps se: Mow ag 132156208 Downie " "er ocala ein de Nace pra nese Agent Ns father eb ae

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