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QuestMeraki 1

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Motivated Person

(Please note: This is only a sample provided by the author based on personal opinion, experience & research)

Read each statement carefully and place a tick in the appropriate column. Try to be objective and
honest in your answers. Do not leave any statement unanswered.

S.No Statements Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

Disagree Agree
1 I believe in having a safe and secure home
before establishing a family
2 I believe that children need to be provided a
secure place to live than sending them to
expensive schools
3 I prefer to provide quality food for my
children than investing heavily in an
unaffordable apartment
4 I prefer to have my basic needs like food
and a home fulfilled before seeking power
and status
5 I will not spend extravagantly visiting fine-
dining restaurants when quality food is
accessible at other places
6 I believe that one needs good health and
family support than prestige and power
7 I will invest in a house before I get married

8 I will get married only after I am sure that I

can provide for my family
9 If I do not have my basic needs fulfilled, I will
not think of starting a family
10 I will give priority to love and support my
family first than having my social needs
11 I prefer to visit clubs or become a member
of social organizations only after setting
aside quality time to spend with my family
12 I believe that it is important to get love and
affection from family and friends than
seeking progress at work
13 I am a valued member in my society
because of the physiological and
psychological well-being enjoyed by our

© QuestMeraki 2018 Maslow’s Motivation - Questionnaire Sample

QuestMeraki 2

14 I prefer to concentrate on gaining power and

status at work after I have done my part as a
husband and father
15 I will seek to engage in professional learning
and development only after I start enjoying a
sense of belonging from family and friends
16 I will concentrate on getting recognition and
appreciation at work once I have the
assurance of peaceful family life
17 I will try to satisfy my self-esteem needs
after I have fulfilled the needs of my family
18 My would rather protect my family from
disasters and diseases than seeking
professional growth in my career
19 I will first seek to provide financial security
for my family before achieving success at
20 I will concentrate on ensuring financial
reserves for post-retirement before gaining
popularity and recognition at work
21 I prefer to have cordial relationships with my
colleagues first and later pursue power and
status at work
22 I value the emotional support I receive from
my colleagues and friends than being
successful at work
23 I am willing to sacrifice my needs for self-
worth and self-esteem for the sake of family
24 I will begin to seek prestige and status only
after I have my social needs fulfilled
25 I will take initiatives for achieving my fullest
potential when I am sure that I have
satisfied the needs of my family
26 I will take steps to do my job efficiently and
satisfy my line manager before I seek self-

Scoring Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

1 2 3 4 5

© QuestMeraki 2018 Maslow’s Motivation - Questionnaire Sample

QuestMeraki 3

Check your scores:

> 85 – Highly motivated by Hierarchy of Needs – You will satisfy your basic needs first
before moving on to other needs. You will not attempt to satisfy your higher order needs
unless and until you have satisfied your lower order needs.

42 – 85 – Moderately motivated by Hierarchy of Needs - You will not always strictly follow
the hierarchical pyramid to achieve your needs. If you need something very badly, you will
try to achieve it even if you do not have some of your lower order needs satisfied.

< 42 – Poorly motivated by Hierarchy of Needs – You will not hesitate to achieve your
higher order needs even though you may not have fully satisfied your lower order needs.
You like to skip the hierarchy in order to achieve your needs.

© QuestMeraki 2018 Maslow’s Motivation - Questionnaire Sample

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